Sikalastic 851 R
Sikalastic 851 R
Sikalastic 851 R
Sikalastic®-851 R
Two-component spray applied roof waterproofing membrane
Composition Modified Polyurethane/ Polyurea-Hybrid
Packaging Component A 211 kg drum
Component B 202 kg drum
Storage conditions The product must be stored properly in original, unopened and undam-
aged sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C
and +30 °C.
Higher storage temperatures may reduce shelf life of product.
Reference shall also be made to the storage recommendations within the
safety data sheet.
Density Component A ~1,08 kg/l (DIN EN ISO 2811-1)
Component B ~1,04 kg/l
Mixed resin ~1,00 kg/l (cured film)
All density values at +23 °C
Shore A hardness Temperature After 1 hour After 24 hours After 28 days
+8 °C ~81 ~88 ~88
+23 °C ~83 ~88 ~88
Tensile strength ~11,0 N/mm2 (28 days / +23 °C) (DIN 53504)
Tensile strain at break ~350 % (28 days / +23 °C) (DIN 53504)
System structure Exposed Roof Waterproofing
Sikalastic®-851 R is applied in one coat and sealed with one coat Sikalast-
ic®-621 or Sikalastic®-445
Layer Product Consumption
1. Primer please refer to sub- please refer to PDS of
strate pre-treatment the primer
2. Waterproofing Sikalastic®-851 R ≥ 1,6 kg/m2
3. UV Protection Sikalastic®-621 or ≥ 1,0 kg/m2
Non-Exposed Roof Waterproofing
Sikalastic®-851 R is applied in one or two coats
Layer Product Consumption
1. Primer please refer to sub- please refer to PDS of
strate pre-treatment the primer
2. Waterproofing Sikalastic®-851 R ≥ 2,1 kg/m2
Note: These figures are theoretical and do not include for any additional
material required due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in
level and wastage.
Dry film thickness Exposed Roof Waterproofing
Waterproofing ~1,6 mm
UV Protection ~0,5 mm
Total ~2,0 mm
Non-Exposed Roof Waterproofing
Waterproofing ~2,1 mm
Mixing ratio Component A : Component B = 1 : 1 (by volume)
Component A : Component B = 1,04 : 1 (by weight)
Product temperature Component A +70–80 °C
Component B +65–70 °C
Hose +65–70 °C
Substrate pre-treatment Substrate Primer
Cementitious substrates Sika® Concrete Primer or Sikafloor®-
161 lightly broadcast with quartz
sand, 0,3–0,8 mm
Ceramic tiles (unglazed), and con- Sika® Concrete Primer
crete slabs
Bituminous felt Sikalastic® Metal Primer
Bituminous coatings Sikalastic® Metal Primer
Metals Sikalastic® Metal Primer
Ferrous or galvanised metals, lead,
copper,aluminium, brass or stainless
For the consumption rates and waiting time / overcoating please refer to the PDS of the appropriate
primer. Other substrates must be tested for their compatibility. If in doubt, apply a test area first.
BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA ▪ For spray application the use of protective health
and safety equipment is mandatory.
All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are ▪ Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions be-
based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may fore use the tools and mixing equipment.
▪ Products shall only be applied in accordance with
vary due to circumstances beyond our control.
their intended use.
▪ Do not apply Sikalastic®-851 R on substrates with
▪ On substrates likely to exhibit outgassing, apply dur-
▪ Application is by 2-part hot spray equipment only. ing falling ambient and substrate temperatures. If
applied during rising temperatures “pin holing” may APPLICATION
occur from rising air.
▪ Product shall be used in conjunction with a safe sys- Prior the application of Sikalastic®-851 R the priming
tem of work. Ensure an adequate assessment of all coat if used must have cured tack-free. For the Wait-
site risks has been conducted prior to work commen- ing Time / Overcoating please refer to the PDS of the
cing. Refer to the product safety datasheet for fur- appropriate primer. Damageable areas (handrails etc.)
ther guidance. have to be protected with tape or plastic wrapping.
▪ Do not use Sikalastic®-851 R for indoor applications. Waterproofing:
▪ Sikalastic®-851 R is not UV light resistant and Spray apply Sikalastic®-851 R with suitable two-com-
changes colour under UV exposure. However, the ponent hot spray equipment. Possible suppliers of
performance and technical properties are not af- spray equipment are Gama, Graco, Isotherm, WiWa,
fected providing the exposure is max. 4 weeks. It is Reaku etc.
therefore advisable to overcoat Sikalastic®-851 R
with UV-protective top coat as early as possible. UV Protection:
▪ In wet areas or climatic zones with a permanent air One layer of Sikalastic®-621 or Sikalastic®-445 applied
humidity of more than 80 %, in combination with a either by roller or airless spray.
permanent air temperature of more than +30 °C,
Sika® Concrete Primer must be used as adhesion pro- For more detailed application engineering information
moter. pls. refer to the appropriate method statement.
▪ Please note: Always apply a test area first.
ECOLOGY, HEALTH AND SAFETY Clean all tools and application equipment with Thinner
For information and advice on the safe handling, stor- C immediately after use. Hardened and/or cured ma-
age and disposal of chemical products, users shall terial can only be removed mechanically.
refer to the most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) con-
taining physical, ecological, toxicological and other LOCAL RESTRICTIONS
safety-related data.
Please note that as a result of specific local regulations
DIRECTIVE 2004/42/CE LIMITATION OF EMISSIONS OF the declared data for this product may vary from
VOC country to country. Please consult the local Product
Data Sheet for the exact product data.
According to the EU-Directive 2004/42, the maximum
allowed content of VOC (Product category IIA / j type
sb) is 550 / 500 g/l (Limits 2007 / 2010) for the ready
to use product.
The maximum content of Sikalastic®-851 R is < 500 g/l
VOC for the ready to use product.
The surface must be sound, of sufficient strength,
clean, dry and free of dirt, oil, grease and other con-
tamination. Depending on the material the substrate
must be primed or mechanically cleaned. Grinding
may be necessary to level the surface. Suitable sub-
strates are such as: Concrete, bituminous felts and
coatings, metal, brickwork, asbestos cement, ceramic
For detailed information regarding substrate prepara-
tion and primer chart please refer to Method State-
ment No. 850 915 11.
Dose and mix with suitable two-component spray
equipment. Maintain recommended product and hose
Recomended pressure:
Component A + B 160–180 bar.
Ensure equal pressure of component A + B. The accur-
acy of pressure, mixing and dosage must be controlled
regularly with the equipment.
The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
rent knowledge and experience of the products when
properly stored, handled and applied under normal
conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
from this information, or from any written recom-
mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
user of the product must test the product’s suitability
for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
serves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
will be supplied on request.