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Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB)

Department of Ecology and Marine Resources

Fish Ecology Group

Selection drivers of life-history traits

in marine coastal fishes
PhD Thesis

A Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Biology
University of the Balearic Islands

Josep Alós Crespí

Dr. Miquel Palmer Vidal & Dra. Beatriz Morales Nin

University Advisor:
Dr. Gabriel Moyà Niell

University of the Balearic Islands, April 2013

[Blank page]
[… There has been surprisingly little consideration of
human-induced selection in the wild until recently. Even
more surprising perhaps is the absence of any detailed
consideration of this effect by Darwin because he had
such a passion for hunting as a young man …]

Fred W. Allendorf, 2009

Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes is a PhD thesis
submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Josep Alós Crespí

Josep Alós Crespí

(PhD Candidate)

I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully
adequate in scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Dr. Miquel Palmer Vidal

(Principal Advisor)

I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully
adequate in scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Dra. Beatriz Morales Nin


I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully
adequate in scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Dr. Gabriel Moyà Niell

(University Advisor)

Approved for the University Committee on graduate studies


Humans have non-randomly harvested animals since the origin of our species, resulting

in both ecological and evolutionary changes of wild populations. Considering this fact,

this Thesis tested the hypothesis that recreational fishing is a non-random selection

process for some life-history traits of costal sedentary fishes. This Thesis provides both

empirical and theoretical evidence demonstrating how the variability existing in wild

populations could be the outcome of fishing-induced selection in marine coastal


Selection operates at the individual level. Therefore, the existence of inter-individual

variability is a necessary condition. As a first step, two life-history traits were selected

that may be a priori good candidates for being fishery-selected: growth and

reproduction. The wild variability in these traits of Serranus scriba were estimated using

novel methodological and theoretical approaches based on the use of calcareous

structures of fishes (otoliths), robust statistical tools and histological microscopy


This Thesis demonstrates how recreational fishing can cause local depletion and is

size-selective per se. Fishing mortality is not necessarily linked to harvesting because

some individuals may be released after being fished for voluntary (catch-and-release) or
mandatory (minimum legal size) reasons. The potential survival rate of individuals

released by anglers was estimated for the first time in a Mediterranean marine coastal

fish, with special emphasis on Serranus scriba. Post-release mortality rates are generally

low but can be critical depending on the species’ environmental context and fishing

gear. This Thesis also provides management options for sustainable exploitation by

offering tools to decrease the post-mortality levels.

The major achievement of this Thesis is the empirical demonstration of a fishing-

induced selection process against individuals with larger growth ability after maturation

and lower reproductive investment, in accordance with life-history theory. The

theoretical and empirical expectations of this selection have been studied in wild

populations subjected to different exploitation pressures and different levels of

population connectivity and gene flow. Individuals from highly exploited populations

are smaller, have lower growth rates after maturation and invest more energy in

reproduction than fish from no-take marine protected areas, where natural selection

drives these life-history traits in the opposite direction. Elsewhere, it has been

demonstrated that most of those life-history traits are heritable and that consistent

fishing-induced selection over time can induce evolution. The plausibility of this fact is

discussed under the perspective of yield sustainability for the first time in the


This Thesis concludes by hypothesising on the outcomes of fishing-induced selection

from a behavioural perspective. A simulation analysis based on a spatially explicit

individual-based model in which fish and fishers move within an empirically supported

scenario was performed. The results show a consistent selection toward individuals that
show less exploratory behaviour. It is suggested that fishing-induced selection is most

likely related to a wide range of potentially correlated traits, including life history,

behavioural and physiological traits, thus exposing a wide range of fascinating

hypotheses to be tested in further research.

Overall, this Thesis establishes the basis of the fisheries-induced selection in marine

coastal fishes in the Mediterranean and discusses its implications for a proper resources

management, aimed to enhance sustainable fisheries and therefore mitigate the plausible

negative ecological and evolutionary effects of fishing.


Los humanos hemos recolectado animales de manera no estocástica (azar) desde el

origen de nuestra especie causando diferentes efectos ecológicos y evolutivos en las

poblaciones salvajes. Teniendo en cuenta este hecho, esta Tesis testa la hipótesis de que

la pesca recreativa no es un proceso de azar para algunos rasgos de la historia vital de los

peces. Esta Tesis proporciona evidencias, tanto empíricas como teóricas, que

demuestran que la variabilidad existente en estos rasgos de las poblaciones salvajes puede

ser fuente de selección por pesca en pesquerías marinas costeras.

Los procesos de selección operan a nivel individual. Por lo tanto, es una condición

necesaria la existencia de variabilidad individual dentro de las poblaciones. Como primer

paso, se seleccionaron un número de rasgos de historia vital candidatos para ser fuente

de selección: crecimiento y reproducción. La variabilidad salvaje de estos rasgos se

determinó utilizando novedosas aproximaciones basadas en el uso de estructuras

calcáreas (otolitos), herramientas estadísticas robustas y técnicas de histología

microscópica en Serranus scriba.

Esta Tesis demuestra como la pesca recreativa puede generar una disminución en la

biomasa además de ser talla-selectiva. La mortalidad por pesca no tiene porque estar

necesariamente ligada a recolección debido a que los peces pueden ser voluntariamente
(captura y suelta deportiva) o obligatoriamente (tallas mínimas legales) devueltos al agua

una vez pescados. La tasa potencial de supervivencia de individuos retornados al medio

se ha estimado por primera vez en peces marinos costeros que habitan el Mediterráneo,

con un especial énfasis en S. scriba. Las tasas de mortalidad son en general bajas, pero

pueden llegar a ser críticas dependiendo del contexto ambiental y el arte de pesca. Esta

Tesis también proporciona recomendaciones para la explotación sostenible a través de

herramientas para maximizar las tasas de supervivencia.

El mayor logro de esta Tesis es la demostración empírica de un proceso de selección

por la pesca que actúa en contra de fenotipos con mayor capacidad de crecer después de l

maduración sexual y una menor inversión en reproducción que sigue las reglas generales

de la teoría clásica de historia vital. La teórica y empírica respuesta de esta selección ha

sido estudiada en diferentes poblaciones salvajes expuestas a diferentes niveles de

explotación y conectividad genética entre poblaciones. Los individuos que habitan

poblaciones altamente explotadas son de menor talla, tienen una limitada capacidad de

crecer y tiene una mayor inversión en reproducción que los individuos que habitan

reservas marinas totales, donde la selección natural juega el papel opuesto. Existen

evidencies claras que los rasgos de historia vital estudiados tienen un alto componente

heredable que expuesto a un selección constante puede desencadenar un proceso

evolutivo. La posibilidad de este hecho se discute en el marco de la explotación

sostenible de los recursos pesqueros.

La presente Tesis termina considerando una perspectiva de la selección inducida por

pesca en peces marinos costeros mas relacionada con el comportamiento. Se ha realizado

un ejercicio de simulación usando un modelo basado en el individuo espacialmente

explicito donde peces y pescadores se movían siguiendo diferentes pautas de

comportamiento con base empírica. Los resultados mostraron una consistente selección

a favor de fenotipos con un grado de exploración y de actividad menor. Esto sugiere que

el proceso de selección por pesca esta probablemente causada por un rango de rasgos

potencialmente correlacionados que incluyen rasgos de historia vital, comportamiento y

fisiología generando multitud de hipótesis para ser testadas en investigaciones futuras.

En resumen, esta Tesis establece las bases de los procesos de selección por pesca en

peces marinos costeros del Mediterráneo, y discute sus implicaciones para una correcta

gestión para potenciar la pesca sostenible y mitigar así los posibles efectos negativos de

base ecológica y evolutiva causados por la pesca.

Acknowledgements – Agradecimientos - Agraïments

Although my name is printed on the cover of this Thesis, the singular form
of the first person does not appear within its chapters. I do this to be
grateful to my advisors and collaborators, and to the support of my family,
colleagues and friends.

Miquel i Beatriu (IMEDEA), Gràcies per donar-me la oportunitat de realitzar

aquesta Tesis Doctoral amb vosaltres. Puc afirmar que he estat molt afortunat de

treballar i aprendre al vostre costat. La vostre supervisió, tant personal com humana, la

vostre confiança, i els vostres consells, han donat a la meva jove carrera investigadora

una excel·lent oportunitat per millorar la meva iniciativa, el meu pensament

independent, les meves qualitats de recerca i humanes y el treball en un grup. He gaudit

molt amb vosaltres i sempre estaré agraït per el suport incondicional que he rebut per la

vostre part. Esper que el futur ens depari multitud de bons moments, tant científics com

personals, com els que hem viscut durant aquest quatre anys.

Aquesta Tesis ha estat recolzada econòmicament per una Beca de Formació del

Personal Investigador (FPI) (ref: BES-2009-013407) emmarcada en els projecte

d’investigació CONFLICT (ref: CGL2008-00958). Diferents parts de la Tesis han

estat recalçades també per els projectes d’investigació ROQUER (ref: CTM2005-
00283), i REC2 (ref: CTM-2011-23835). Tots ells finançats per el Ministeri

d’Economia i Competitivitat del Govern Espanyol.

Ignasi, Miquel, David, Carlos, Itzi, Sílvia, i tot el personal del IMEDEA. Sense la

vostre ajuda, ànims i suport, aquesta Tesis no hagues estat possible. Moltes gràcies per

les sortides de camp, les brain-storming sessions, les ajudes amb els mostreigs, així com

el vostre temps explicant-me tècniques pròpies de la vostre línia d’investigació. Ignasi,

per tu gràcies especials per la multitud de coffee-breaks fets, quantes idees bones han

sortit d’aquests moment. Gràcies també per introduir-me en el mon dels primers estadis

de desenvolupament vital del peixos, és un món apassionant. A tots, gràcies i desitjo

poder desfruitar de moltes més ensaïmades amb tots vosaltres els divendres a mig dia.

Gotzon i Toni (IMEDEA) gràcies per la vostre ajuda en la pare de conectivitat i donar

un caire de multi-disciplinitat a la meva Tesis.

Biel (UIB), Salud (IEO) i Toni (UIB), moltes gràcies per introduir-me en el món de

la recerca quan només era un estudiant de Biologia a la UIB. Biel, gràcies especials per

ser el Ponent de la Univeristat d’aquesta Tesis. Part del meu instint de recerca és gràcies

a vosaltres i a tots els que varem compartir aquella època al laboratori de Biologia

Marina. A tota la gent que m’ha ajudat i ha recolzat aquesta Tesis de la Direcció

General de Pesca (Govern Balear), moltes gràcies. Toni, Xisco, Amàlia, Elena, M. del

Mar, Juanita, Imma, gràcies per la vostre ajuda i el vostre suport en algun moment

durant el transcurs d’aquesta Tesis. Pedro i Irine de la Reserva Marina de Palma, moltes

gràcies per la vostre col·laboració, podeu estar orgullosos de la feina que esteu fent a la

No puc oblidar la multitud de pescadors recreatius anònims, coneguts, amics i

familiars que han col·laborat en el marc d’aquest estudi. Moltes gràcies a tots i cada un

de vosaltres. Una bona part del treball es per vosaltres, perquè pugem seguir gaudint la

nostre activitat d’oci durant molts d’anys.

A mis amigos y colegas del IIM, Fran, Alex, Gonzalo y David, sois un equipo

increíble, tanto como investigadores como personas. Gracias por los ánimos y por la

multitud de comentarios positivos hechos en este trabajo. Una parte de este trabajo es

vuestra también, y recordad, nosotros somos jóvenes, hay que luchar por el futuro.

To my international collaborators, thanks a lot. Robert (IGB), viel von dieser Arbeit

ist auch deins, Danke. Thomas (IGB), vielen Dank für deine Kommentare und deine

Hilfe während meines Aufenthaltes in Berlin, Danke für all die erstaunlichen Tage

Fischen. Sue, Luiz, Gabe and Elena (FWC), thanks for your hospitality and your help.

Joel and Sara (FWC), thanks, it was awesome enjoy with you a redfish sampling season.

Especial thanks for the fishing trips Joel, the fishing weekend down to the Florida Keys

was awesome and I will never forget it.

Finalment, Àngela, tu has esta la meva inspiració. Quan he estat disgustat, cansat o

desmoralitzat, tu sempre m’has donat ànims per seguir. Necessitaria més d’una Tesis per

enumerar totes les vegades que m’has ajudat amb paraules positives i d’ànims. Gràcies

per tot, realment soc molt afortunat de tenir-te devora. Jimmy, gràcies per aquesta

portada, i gràcies per tots els sopars i bon moment s amb la teva dona, la teva filla i na

petita, podem dir que una part d’aquesta Tesis és també per sa paina. Marta i Tomàs,

aquest treball també està dedicat a vosaltres.

Mamà, tu ets la més important, tot aquest treball és per i gràcies a tu. Tu vares ser la

persona que ens vares encoratjar i espitjar a estudiar a jo i al meus germans quan érem

uns nins, inclús en situacions molt complicades. No hi va haver excuses per donar-nos

tot el teu esforç i temps, sacrificant-te tu mateixa com a conseqüència. Aquí estan els

resultats del teu esforç. Mamà, ara seré Doctor en Ecologia Marina fent i desfruitant del

que mes m’agrada, na Marta és una eminent Advocada i en Tomàs és un reconegut

cuiner. Tot el teu esforç ha estat recompensat, i sempre estarem agraïts. No te podem

tornar el teu temps, però si que podem fer-te protagonista dels nostre èxits, per que

realment són teus també. Mamà, aquest treball està dedicat a Tu.
List of manuscripts published

Alós, J., Palmer, M., Balle, S., Grau, A. M., and Morales-Nin, B. 2010. Individual
growth pattern and variability in Serranus scriba: a Bayesian analysis. ICES
Journal of Marine Science, 67: 502-512. (Chapter 2)
Alonso-Fernández, A., Alós, J., Grau, A., Dominguez-Petit, R., and Saborido-Rey, F.
2011. The Use of Histological Techniques to Study the Reproductive Biology of
the Hermaphroditic Mediterranean Fishes Coris julis, Serranus scriba, and
Diplodus annularis. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 3: 145-159. (Chapter 3)
Alós, J., Alonso-Fernández, A., Catalàn, I., Palmer, M., and Lowerre-Barbieri, S. (in
press). Individual variability in the factors that affect reproductive potential in
Serranus scriba. Scientia Marina. (Chapter 3)
Alós, J., and Arlinghaus, R. 2013. Impacts of partial marine protected areas on coastal
fish communities exploited by recreational angling. Fisheries Research, 137: 88-
96. (Chapter 4)
Alós, J. 2008. Influence of anatomical hooking depth, capture depth, and venting on
mortality of painted comber (Serranus scriba) released by recreational anglers.
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 65: 1620-1625. (Chapter 5)
Alós, J., Palmer, M., Grau, A. M., and Deudero, S. 2008. Effects of hook size and
barbless hooks on hooking injury, catch per unit effort, and fish size in a mixed-
species recreational fishery in the western Mediterranean Sea. ICES Journal of
Marine Science, 65: 899-905. (Chapter 6)
Alós, J., Arlinghaus, R., Palmer, M., March, D., and Alvarez, I. 2009. The influence of
type of natural bait on fish catches and hooking location in a mixed-species
marine recreational fishery, with implications for management. Fisheries
Research, 97: 270-277. (Chapter 7)
Alós, J., Arlinghaus, R., Palmer, M., Catalan, I., Basterretxea, G., Jordi, A., Alonso-
Fernández, A., et al. (submitted). Recreational harvesting can induce
evolutionary change of life-histories of an exploited marine fish at surprisingly
restricted geographical scales. Evolutionary Applications. (Chapter 8)
Alós, J., Palmer, M., and Arlinghaus, R. 2012. Consistent Selection towards Low
Activity Phenotypes When Catchability Depends on Encounters among
Human Predators and Fish. Plos One, 7: e48030. (Chapter 9)
List of tables

Table 8-1 Bayesian posterior distribution (MCMC) of means the life-history traits
(reproduction investment in year -1, infinite size inn mm of otolith, age of maturation in
years and immature growth rate referred to otolith scale in mm year -1) for the beam
trawl and the hook-and-line samples............................................................................ 74
Table 8-2 Results of the two Generalized Lineal Mixed effect models (GLMMs) fitted
to test the relationship between the direct measure of reproduction investment (batch
fecundity) and (A) the sampling method (beam trawl and hook-and-line), and (B) the
populations (inner of Palma Bay, average population and National Park of Cabrera). In
both models Fish size was also included as fixed factor and Fishing ID as random
factor. The GLMM developed for populations also included the temporal variable
month. The table shows the parameters include in the final model (the MCMC mean
of the parameters, the lower and upper highest 95% credibility intervals (HDP) and the
significance of the parameter. Interactions were not significant and were not included.
...................................................................................................................................... 76
Table 8-3 Posterior distribution (MCMC populations means, s.d. and Bayesian
credibility intervals) of the life-history traits (reproduction investment in year -1, infinite
size (mm of otlith), age of maturation in years and immature growth rate referred to
otolith scale in mm year -1) estimated for the three analysed populations (inner of Palma
Bay, average population and National Park of Cabrera). .............................................. 78
Table 8-4 Results of the three Generalized Lineal Mixed effect models (GLMMs)
fitted to test the relationship between the relative abundance (fish*30min*angler), fish
size (mm) and ages (years) of vulnerable Serranus scriba sampled in the inner of Palma
Bay, the average population and the National Park of Cabrera. The full model (without
reduction) includes the fixed factors population, depth (m), angler, bait and month. The
abundance GLMM have repeated measures within day and the size and age were
repeated measures of fishing sessions within day which were included as random effects.
The table shows the parameters include in the final model (the MCMC mean of the
parameters, the lower and upper highest 95% credibility intervals (HDP) and the
significance of the parameter. ....................................................................................... 81
List of figures

Figure 8.1 Picture of Serranus scriba (Family: Serranidae) (top left panel). Map locating
the Mallorca Island in the Balearic Sea (NW Mediterranean) (bottom left panel).The
spatial location of the 25 sites of eggs releasing is showed in the right panel highlighting
the high exploited (recreational fishing) area located in Palma Bay and the waters of
National Park of Cabrera where recreational fishing is not allowed (No-take MPA).
Black-white gradient represents to be the spatial distribution of the recreational fishing
effort in the Mallorca Island proyected in a raster of 250 m x 250 m of (n = 1,430).
Recreational anglers were censed by the coastal guards (data obtained in a work-package
of the Project CONFLICT)......................................................................................... 60
Figure 8.2 Self-recruitment (10 years mean and s.d.) of the 25 sites of eggs release
considered in this study (upper panel). The highest values observed in the inner part of
Palma Bay (sites 6 and 7) and the National Park of Cabrera (sites 14, 15 and 16) were
showed in dark grey and black respectively. An average, in terms of SC, population
(sites 9 and 10) is showed in light grey. The bottom panels shows the spatial-plots of a
fixed kernel probability distributions (estimated in raster of 250 m x 250 m) of the
positions at the end of the PLD duration of the virtual eggs released in each of these
three main areas. ........................................................................................................... 70
Figure 8.3 Directional flow diagram showing the paired direct and indirect connectivity
(black arrows) calculated among the inner part of Palma Bay (PB), the open population
(OP) and the National Park of Cabrera (NPC) (each number can be interpreted as a %
of eggs released in an specific sub-populations). Indirect connectivity values are the
maximum values of connectivity over 50 years. The grey arrows show the connectivity
attributed by other sub-populations. 360º black arrows are the self-recruitment values
for each specific sub-population.................................................................................... 72
Figure 8.4 Box-plot of the Bayesian individual means of the life-history parameters
(reproduction investment, infinite size, age of maturation and immature growth)
estimated for the beam trawl (BT in light grey) and hook-and-line (HL in dark grey)
individuals..................................................................................................................... 73
Figura 8.5 Bayesian Credibility Intervals (2.5%, 50%, and 97.5%) of the posterior
distribution of the population’s means estimated for each LH trait to assess with the
differences between-populations................................................................................... 79
Figura 8.6 Chronograms of ten years of the daily surface temperature (ºC) and
concentration of chlorophyll-a (mg m-3) in the inner part of Palma Bay (PB), in the
open population (OP) and in the National Park of Cabrera (NPC). ............................ 84

i. Abstract
ii. Resumen
iii. Acknowledgements – Agradecimientos – Agraïments
iv. List of tables
v. List of figures
vi. List of manuscripts published

Chapter 1 Human harvesting and fisheries-induced selection of

wild fish populations...................................................................37
1.1 Introduction..........................................................................37
1.2 Objectives of the Thesis........................................................41
1.3 Structure of the Thesis (chapter-by-chapter)........................42
Chapter 2 Describing between-individual variability I: Individual
growth pattern and variability in Serranus scriba .........................45
Chapter 3 Describing between-individual variability II:
Reproductive biology of Serranus scriba and variability of
reproductive potential .................................................................47
Chapter 4 Evidence of fishing mortality in small-bodied coastal
fish: basis for further analysis of the benefits of partial Marine
Protected Areas...........................................................................48
Chapter 5 Post-mortality levels of voluntary and/or mandatory
Serranus scriba released by recreational anglers: influence of
hooking injury, capture depth and venting .................................49
Chapter 6 Effects of hook size and barbless hooks on hooking
injury, catch per unit effort, and fish size in a mixed-species
recreational fishery in the western Mediterranean Sea................50
Chapter 7 The influence of type of natural bait on fish catches
and hooking location in a mixed-species marine recreational
fishery, with implications for management .................................51
Chapter 8 Recreational harvesting can induce evolutionary change
of life-histories of an exploited marine fish at surprisingly
restricted geographical scales ......................................................52
8.1 Introduction..........................................................................53
8.2 Material Methods .................................................................58
8.2.1 Species case-study ........................................................58
8.2.2 Harvesting selection experiment ..................................59
8.2.3 Sub-populations, connectivity and local harvesting
pressure .................................................................................60
8.2.4 Recreational-fishing induced life-history adaptation ...64
8.2.5 Controlling for non-fishing related environmental
impacts on life-histories........................................................70
8.3 Results ..................................................................................71
8.3.1 Selection pressures on life-history caused by recreational
angling ..................................................................................71
8.3.2 Population’s life-history strategies ...............................72
8.4 Discussion.............................................................................75
Chapter 9 A behavioural perspective of fisheries-induced selection
in marine coastal fisheries ...........................................................87
Chapter 10 General conclusions .................................................89
Reference list ..............................................................................91
List of Appendix.......................................................................105
Appendix I................................................................................105
Appendix II ..............................................................................107
Appendix III.............................................................................109
Appendix IV .............................................................................115
Appendix V ..............................................................................117
Chapter 1 37

Chapter 1 Human harvesting and fisheries-induced selection of

wild fish populations

1.1 Introduction

Humans have harvested fish from the wild since the origin of our species (Allendorf and

Hard, 2009; Stenseth and Dunlop, 2009). Today, marine ecosystems are experiencing

an accelerated loss of populations, and the current and future trends for global fisheries

remain controversial (Worm et al., 2006). Up to 63% of the assessed fish stocks

worldwide are overexploited and require rebuilding through reducing exploitation rates

(Worm et al., 2009). However, the solution for restoring fisheries is neither easy nor

non-controversial (Pauly et al., 2003). In all cases, preventing overexploitation usually

demands sophisticated management systems (Worm et al., 2009) and eco-evolutionary

approaches (Palkovacs, 2011).

Overexploitation may imply not only fishing-mortality rates exceeding the maximum

sustainable yield (Worm et al., 2006) but also unbalanced harvesting (Jørgensen et al.,

2007). The latter process can constrain the potential recovery rates of exploited

populations (Garcia et al., 2012). Unbalanced harvesting means that fishing is almost

never random (Heino and Godo, 2002). Individuals of, for example, a certain size, sex
38 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

or behaviour are more likely to be removed from the population (Jørgensen et al., 2007).

This biased removal may result in genetic change if the expression of the selected

phenotype has some genetic basis (Allendorf et al., 2008). Therefore, detecting and

managing fishing-induced selection is a key issue for preventing potential negative

effects and ensuring sustainability (Kuparinen and Merilä, 2007).

The basis of natural or fishing-induced selection is the same: there must be some

inter-individual variability in specific phenotypic traits (Grimm and Railsback, 2005),

and such a phenotypic variability must be, at least in part, heritable (Allendorf et al.,

2008). Under these circumstances, trait-selective fishing mortality will produce a

selection differential (i.e., fish displaying some specific life-history traits will be more

prone to be fished), which in turn may result in fisheries-induced evolution of a wide

range of heritable traits (Law, 2000).

However, despite the relevance of this topic due to the potential risk for fishing

sustainability, only a few studies have directly analysed the existence and consequences

of the selection differentials exerted by fishing on different life-history traits (Enberg et

al., 2009). The results of those studies support the hypothesis that fishing-induced

selection favours individuals with smaller body size (Jørgensen et al., 2009). It is even

plausible that fishing-induced evolution could cause a more complex pattern favouring

smaller fish with reduced growth rates and increased reproductive investment that

mature sexually at a younger age and smaller size (Hutchings, 1993; Matsumura et al.,

2011; Rijnsdorp, 1993). While such traits may provide a benefit to individuals and

reduce their exposure to fishing gear, they may penalise fitness at the (wild) population

level in a process called maladaptive evolution (Olsen and Moland, 2011). Fishing-
Chapter 1 39

induced and natural selection interplay in this scenario, and such interplay will

ultimately determine the evolutionary trajectory of a population in response to fishing

pressure (Edeline et al., 2007; Matsumura et al., 2011).

Any fishing gear is size-selective per se (Heino and Godo, 2002). In consequence, it

is commonly accepted that fishing should favour the survival of individuals exhibiting

lower growth rates and smaller adult size (Conover and Munch, 2002). Indeed, some

studies conducted in a commercial marine fishing context have revealed negative

selection differentials on size-at-age in diverse species such as Atlantic cod, Gadus

morhua (Pérez-Rodríguez et al., 2009; Sinclair et al., 2002; Swain et al., 2007), and

plaice, Pleuronectes platessa (Rijnsdorp, 1993). Similarly, a classic laboratory experiment

in Menidia menida revealed that size-selective mortality may favour slow-growing fish

(Conover and Munch, 2002). However, most of the studies of fishing-related selection

differentials have been conducted in a commercial fishing context where size-selectivity

is well documented (Law, 2000).

In contrast, (Uusi-Heikkilä et al., 2008) argued that vulnerability to fishing may be

more complex: fishing-related selection might operate on a wide range of traits, either

positively or negatively and co-varying with vulnerability to fishing. This relation could

be the case of recreational fisheries, where in addition to the existence of a bias for

harvesting the larger individuals (Lewin et al., 2006), fish must actively interact with the

fishing gears (Uusi-Heikkilä et al., 2008). Given this fact, it should be expected that the

fish vulnerable to fishing would be those with not only faster growth but also bolder

behaviour (Uusi-Heikkilä et al., 2008). However, the links among life history,
40 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

physiological and behavioural traits can generate unexpected selection patterns, and the

direction of the selection differentials is an open (and hot) topic (Cooke et al., 2007).

Literature about this topic is still scarce and does not show a clear pattern of the

direction of fishing-induced selection on life-history traits. On the one hand, authors

such as (Saura et al., 2010) reported a decline in body length and weight per generation

(a decrease in the growth rate) because of recreational fishing pressure in the Atlantic

salmon, Salmo salar. On the other hand, a line of fish more vulnerable to fishing

exhibited a lower growth rate after only three generations of artificial selection for either

high or low vulnerability in largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Redpath et al.,

2009). The theoretical framework justifying such a pattern is that vulnerable fish seem

to display a more accelerated metabolic rate, the energetic cost of which is compensated

by greater energy intake through an increased feeding rate (Redpath et al., 2009;

Redpath et al., 2010). Thus, the results reported for recreational fishing are

contradictory and cast doubt on the a priori expectation that more-vulnerable fish

should necessarily encompass the faster-growing individuals within a population.

Indeed, (Matsumura et al., 2011) showed that selection differentials on the growth

rate of a recreationally exploited population of pike (Esox lucius) might either be positive

or negative depending on the management strategy adopted. The adult body size was

predicted to either decline or increase in response to recreational fishing mortality

depending on which size classes of fish experienced the highest mortality. In the

absence of management regulations, the model proposed by (Matsumura et al., 2011)

predicts selection against individuals with faster growth rates. At the same time, fish

with a larger size of maturation and smaller reproductive investment were selected by
Chapter 1 41

fishing. The fishing outcomes may be the result of a multi-trait correlation (Mollet et

al., 2010), including a trade-off between growth and reproduction (Roff, 1992), that

determines a specific life-history strategy that maximises individual fitness.

Therefore, there is a need for more detailed studies to better understand whether

recreational fishing constitutes a non-random selection process with respect to key life-

history traits (Audzijonyte et al., 2013). In the case of non-random fisheries, the

putative fishing-induced selective drivers should be qualified and quantified, and their

potential ecological and evolutionary effects should be evaluated (Kuparinen and Merilä,

2007). Then, balanced fishing that distributes mortality across the widest possible range

of the selected traits should be incorporated into conventional management plans to

mitigate the undesirable consequences of fisheries-induced evolution (Garcia et al.,

2012). This lack of information especially in marine costal species is the strategic

objective of this Thesis.

1.2 Objectives of the Thesis

The main objective of this PhD Thesis was to analyse the plausibility and consequences

of fishing-induced selection on hereditable life histry traits related to recreational fishing

in the Mediterranean. A marine coastal species, Serranus scriba (Linnaeus, 1758), was

selected as a case study because this species is highly exploited by the recreational fishery

in the Mediterranean. As in many cases, the variability of the life-history traits of the

wild populations of this species with low interest for commercial fisheries is poorly

known. Thus, the first sub-objective was to accurately describe the variability in the

species’ growth and reproductive potential. The second sub-objective was to explore the
42 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

different sources of recreational fishing mortality of S. scriba. The study of fishing effects

was extended to estimate sources of fishing mortality, such as post-release mortality, and

to provide management tools to mitigate the negative effects of fishing. The third sub-

objective was to test the hypothesis that fishing can be selective for some specific life-

history traits independently of fish size and to identify how different wild populations

respond to these selective forces when gene low is limited. The fourth sub-objective was

to test the hypothesis that behaviour could be a fishing-induced selection driver as well.

Finally, the implications of the results for better management (i.e., aimed at enhancing

sustainable fisheries and avoiding plausible maladaptive effects of fishing) are discussed.

1.3 Structure of the Thesis (chapter-by-chapter)

This PhD thesis is structured in 10 chapters. The contents and structure of the chapters

one-by-one are detailed below for clarity.

Chapter 1 introduces the state of the art, including an outline of the topic, a general

description of the problem and its magnitude, and a review of the most important

references. This chapter also lists the main objectives and the hypothesis of this PhD


Chapter 2 provides an accurate description of the individual growth of S. scriba in a

wild population using a novel theoretical approach.

First Chapter 3 provides a description of the reproduction biology of S. scriba using

microscopy histological techniques. Second, it shows the variability and the main factors

affecting the individual reproductive potential in wild populations of S. scriba.

Chapter 1 43

Chapter 4 review the literature and provide evindences that recreational fishing is a

source of mortality on the Posidonia oceanica fish community with, especial emphasize

on S. scriba. This chapter also shows possible benefits of management trough partial

Marine Protected Areas.

Chapter 5 explores alternative sources of fishing mortality induced by the mandatory

(minimum legal size) or voluntary release of S. scriba made by recreational anglers. This

chapter identifies the most important post-release mortality factors that affect survival

of S. scriba.

Following the results obtained in Chapter 5, the Chapters 6 and 7 suggest science-

based management tools to reduce the fishing mortality induced by mandatory or

voluntary release.

Chapter 8 demonstrates how recreational fishing selects for certain phenotypes in

terms of life history traits independently of fish size. Also, this chapter demonstrated

how the matching population’s genetic connectivity and the selective forces, the optimal

life history strategy of harvested populations of S. scriba can be explained.

Chapter 9 shows the results of a simulation analysis sugesting how behaviour may be

modulated by fisheries-induced selection. Most coastal fish seems to move according to

home range behaviour and empirical data on between-fish variability of such behaviour

was used to test if fishing can be selective for some movement charcateristic. Results

were clear and the life history/behavioural relationship emerge as an excellent

opportunity for further research.

Finally, Chapter 10 provides the general conclusions of this PhD Thesis.

44 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

The references cited throughout this PhD Thesis are included at the end followed by

the appendixes including additional information.

45 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Chapter 2 Describing between-individual variability I: Individual

growth pattern and variability in Serranus scriba

Alós, J., Palmer, M., Balle, S., Grau, A. M., and Morales-Nin, B.
2010. Individual growth pattern and variability in Serranus scriba:
a Bayesian analysis. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67: 502-
46 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Chapter 3 Describing between-individual variability II:

Reproductive biology of Serranus scriba and variability of

reproductive potential

Alonso-Fernández, A., Alós, J., Grau, A., Dominguez-Petit, R.,

and Saborido-Rey, F. 2011. The Use of Histological
Techniques to Study the Reproductive Biology of the
Hermaphroditic Mediterranean Fishes Coris julis, Serranus
scriba, and Diplodus annularis. Marine and Coastal Fisheries,
3: 145-159.
Alós, J., Alonso-Fernández, A., Catalàn, I., Palmer, M., and
Lowerre-Barbieri, S. (in press). Individual variability in the
factors that affect reproductive potential in Serranus scriba.
Scientia Marina.
48 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Chapter 4 Evidence of fishing mortality in small-bodied coastal

fish: basis for further analysis of the benefits of partial Marine

Protected Areas

Alós, J., and Arlinghaus, R. 2013. Impacts of partial marine

protected areas on coastal fish communities exploited by

recreational angling. Fisheries Research, 137: 88-96.

49 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Chapter 5 Post-mortality levels of voluntary and/or mandatory

Serranus scriba released by recreational anglers: influence of

hooking injury, capture depth and venting

Alós, J. 2008. Influence of anatomical hooking depth, capture

depth, and venting on mortality of painted comber (Serranus

scriba) released by recreational anglers. ICES Journal of Marine

Science, 65: 1620-1625.

50 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Chapter 6 Effects of hook size and barbless hooks on hooking

injury, catch per unit effort, and fish size in a mixed-species

recreational fishery in the western Mediterranean Sea

Alós, J., Palmer, M., Grau, A. M., and Deudero, S. 2008. Effects of

hook size and barbless hooks on hooking injury, catch per unit

effort, and fish size in a mixed-species recreational fishery in the

western Mediterranean Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 65:

51 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Chapter 7 The influence of type of natural bait on fish catches

and hooking location in a mixed-species marine recreational

fishery, with implications for management

Alós, J., Arlinghaus, R., Palmer, M., March, D., and Alvarez, I.

2009. The influence of type of natural bait on fish catches and

hooking location in a mixed-species marine recreational fishery,

with implications for management. Fisheries Research, 97: 270-

52 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Chapter 8 Recreational harvesting can induce evolutionary

change of life-histories of an exploited marine fish at surprisingly

restricted geographical scales

Recreational harvesting was sometimes considered neither persistent nor efficient

enough to be of concern for management. In particular in marine environments the

impacts of recreational anglers were usually considered negligible. However, consistent

selection acting on certain phenotypes should lead to adaptation of life-history strategies

whenever gene flow is low. Following this argument one would expect characteristic

adaptations of exploited life-histories to recreational fishing pressure in coastal fish as

long as population connectivity is low and evolutionary change conceivable to

materialize. Here we provide compelling evidence of recreational fishing can induce

evolution of fast-life-histories in a small coastal fish as surprisingly small geographical

scales. We first show that recreational fishing indeed preferentially captures fish with

low reproductive investment and large adult size. Secondly, using oceanographic particle

motion models we identify subpopulations of Serranus scriba that were reproductively

isolated. We finally found fish life histories in exploited sites to be substantially different

from unexploited sites. Individuals characterized by high reproductive investment and

53 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

small adult size were much more prevalent in exploited compared to unexploited sites

suggesting evolutionary adaptations to recreational harvesting that was unlikely be

caused by site-specific environmental factors. We propose that recreational harvesting

changes life histories also in open marine systems at small geographic scales. A possible

meta-population structure is therefore important to consider when managing coastal

fisheries, even for small bodied, geographically restricted fish that are a targeted by

anglers mainly.

Keywords: Bayesian approach, bi-phasic growth model, life-history traits, fisheries-

induced evolution, meta-population structure, recreational fishing, sustainable yield

8.1 Introduction

When fishing exploits a naturally reproducing fish stock, exploitation is almost never

random. Indeed humans selectively target certain species (e.g., top predators) and

specific phenotypic traits and underlying genotypes within species (e.g., larger sized

fish) (Law, 2000; Jørgensen et al., 2007; Allendorf and Hard, 2009; Laugen et al.,

2012). Elevated and/or non-random harvesting can generate selection on certain traits

and result in fisheries-induced adaptive changes of maturation or growth, which may be

of relevance to management (Jørgensen et al., 2007). Whether adaptive changes in life-

histories are evolutionary (i.e., adaptive genetic) or merely phenotypically plastic is

controversially debated for many stocks (Browman et al., 2008; Jørgensen et al., 2008).

Available literature nevertheless supports the hypothesis that fisheries-induced evolution

54 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

(FIE) should select for “fast life-histories” characterized by small size and age at

maturation and high reproductive investment, which should collectively reduce adult

body size (Jørgensen et al., 2007; Law, 2000) and elevate adult natural mortality

(Jørgensen and Fiksen, 2009; Jørgensen and Holt, 2013).

The potential for FIE happens has been mainly discussed in the context of

commercial fisheries where positive size-selection is well documented (Law, 2000;

Sharpe and Hendry, 2009). More complex exploitation patterns with respect to traits

selective by fishing are conceivable for passive fishing gears such as trapping or

recreational angling (Uusi-Heikkilä et al., 2008). In fact, in many recreational harvesting

situations, selection on behavioural or physiological traits should be prevalent in

addition to directly or indirectly correlated life-history traits (Alós et al., 2012; Cooke et

al., 2009; Cooke et al., 2007; Redpath et al., 2009; Redpath et al., 2010; Wilson et al.,

2011; Sutter et al., in press). The resulting complexity of selection pressures on a range

of traits suggests that selection differentials are not necessarily to be expected to have

the expected sign. For example, it has often been found intuitive to think of selection on

body size in fishing context (Conover and Munch, 2002). Indeed, in recreationally

exploited Atlantic salmon and Chinook salmon, negative selection differentials on body

size were reported (Saura et al., 2010; Kendall and Quinn, 2011). By contrast, (Redpath

et al., 2009) found that largemouth bass selectively captured by anglers were smaller

than those surviving exploitation, likely because food limitation met with a correlation

between metabolism and vulnerability to fishing. Therefore, the evolutionary impact of

recreational harvesting on life-history cannot be easily foreseen and more stock-specific

analyses that represent local fishing conditions and patterns are needed. To our
55 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

knowledge, no study on recreationally exploited fish stocks exists that has attempted to

sort this question out in marine environments.

To support the hypothesis of FIE two not mutually exclusive conditions have to be

met. First, any phenotypic changes has to be due to fisheries, and second, at least part of

the phenotypic change has to have a genetic basis (Kuparinen and Merilä, 2007). A

range of approaches have been put forward to study FIE in these two dimensions. First,

theoretical modelling of FIE (e.g., (Dunlop et al., 2009; Matsumura et al., 2011) has

shown that fishing exploitation can be strong enough to cause selection differentials and

fisheries-induced adaptive change to be plausible. Naturally, inference of models to the

wild are limited, and models will also never conclusively answer whether evolution has

truly happened in nature (Audzijonyte et al., 2013). Second, many observational studies

using time series of phenotypic data from the wild have been conducted to study

evidence for FIE (e.g., (Rijnsdorp, 1993; Swain et al., 2007). The main issue of this

approach is to disentangle genetic from plastic change in life-histories and sophisticated

statistical approaches to control for some of the most important environmentally-

induced plastic responses on phenotypes have been developed (e.g., the popular

probabilistic maturation reaction norm approach, (Heino and Dieckmann, 2008).

Clearly, observational studies cannot discount conclusively the potential for non-fishing

factors to affect phenotypic change (Audzijonyte et al., 2013), and usually such studies

also lack the molecular tools needed to study genetic changes caused by fishing. There

are, however, some few observational studies that have used molecular techniques to

study historical samples from exploited stocks, which suggest genetic change has taken
56 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

place (Ãrnason et al., 2009; Jakobsdóttir et al., 2011; Pukk et al., 2013). The third and

final popular approach to the study of FIE has been experimental in the laboratory or in

experimental facilities such as ponds (e.g.,(Conover and Munch, 2002; Philipp et al.,

2009). The strength of these studies is that they can provide cause-and-effect evidence

and that phenotypic change has a genetic basis (e.g., through common-garden

experiments) (Conover and Baumann, 2009), but the inference to wild conditions is

highly difficult.

A final approach that joins many of the benefits outlined in the three approaches

above is a comparative field approach that studies phenotypes of fish striving in similar

environmental conditions but differ by historical exposure to harvesting pressure (e.g.,

(Bevacqua et al., 2012; Drake et al., 1997). Whenever there is no contemporary natural

gene flow among sub-populations, differential fishing slection should generate sub-

populations that adapt their life-histories to the local selective pressures (Hutchings,

1993; Reznick et al., 1990). Some comparative field approaches has some history in

freshwater systems, where spatial segregation and limited natural gene flow (Haugen

and Vøllestad, 2001; Drake et al., 1997). However, meta-populations with historically

connected fish species are increasingly identified in the open ocean and marine systems

(Mora and Sale, 2002), which constitutes a good opportunity to study evolutionary

consequences of fisheries in wild fish stocks. In fact, although marine coastal

environment has been traditionally assumed that are open and operate as genetically

open systems (Roberts, 1997), recent development matching genetics and oceanography

suggests that marine fish populations are not as open as expected (Palumbi and Warner,

2003) even at spatial-scales of a few km (e.g., (Carreras-Carbonell et al., 2007; Jones et

57 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

al., 2005; Taylor and Hellberg, 2003). Small-scale meta-populations in the marine

environment would render a field approach useful to provide evidence of FIE change in

the wild (Pukk et al., 2013). The Mediterranean Sea offers a suitable model system for

population’s connectivity because oceanic fronts and local hydrodynamic conditions can

generate patterns of isolation within sub-populations in many coastal species (Schunter

et al., 2011). Physical processes can induce an increase of local self-recruitment and

increase the vulnerability of local populations to human impacts such as fishing (Galarza

et al., 2009). Therefore, the local depletion of adult individuals due to fishing activity

could therefore change the genetic architecture of the sub-population due to

contemporarily restricted gene flow from nearby areas (Roberts, 1997).

Capitalizing on this idea, in this Chapter we adopted a multidisciplinary approach

linking an individual, function-based estimation approach to infer life-history traits

(annual reproduction investment, theoretical maximum size, age of maturation and

immature growth rate) and high resolution hydrodynamic modelling to test if between-

population differences in life-history traits can be adequately explained by variation in

fishing and population connectivity. Our study is based on a comprehensive analysis of

life-history traits in nearby areas at small geographical scales subjected to varying

historic fishing pressure (from intense harvesting to no-take) combined with the results

from a high resolution numerical model that allowed estimating the connectivity of the

studied fish populations. Our hypotheses was that historic recreational fishing pressure

has led to life-history adaptations towards “fast life histories” in a small marine fish with

limited gene flow among spatially close coastal areas.

58 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

8.2 Material Methods

To generate compelling evidence for fisheries to be the most parsimonies explanation

for phenotypic change in an open marine environment, at least three lines of evidence

have to be accumulated: i) one needs to show that the particular gear under

investigation induces selection differentials on heritable traits (e.g., body size or

maturation), ii) one has to provide evidence of restricted gene flow among local

populations and iii) one has to test the predicted changes in phenotypes among stocks

experiencing differential fishing pressures and exclude non-fishing related factors as

drivers of change as far as possible. We have compiled all three lines of evidence using a

small-bodied coastal fish exploited by recreational fisheries as a model species.

8.2.1 Species case-study

Serranus scriba (Figure 8.1), is a small-sized Serranid that inhabits shallow seagrass

meadows (Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa). Its reproductive behaviour is

characterized by simultaneous hermaphroditism with relative short-life-span whcih

achieves sexual maturity during its first or second year (Alonso-Fernández et al., 2011).

It is characterized by daily-batch egg releases (with peak spawning season in May and

June in the Mediterranean), indeterminate fecundity and asynchronous oocyte

maturation development (Chapter 3 of this PhD Thesis). S. scriba is of no importance

to commercial fisheries, but the species is highly appreciated by recreational anglers. In

fact, the species is among the most intensively harvested (both in terms of numerical

abundance and biomass yield) by the small-scale recreational boat anglers in the NW

Mediterranean (Morales-Nin et al., 2005).

59 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

8.2.2 Harvesting selection experiment

The first question to be answered was whether recreational angling is selective for life-

history traits such as annual reproduction investment, theoretical maximum size, age of

maturation and immature growth rate. Our empirical approach was based in exploring

the potential direction of selection by comparing the life-history of individuals sampled

using an experimental active method (random sample of the population using

experimental beam trawl) and the dominant fishing gear used in the area (passively

fished hook-and-line fishing) similar to those performed by (Wilson et al., 2011) to

explore selection of fish personality. We selected an experimental area of 1.1 km2

(average of the movement area used by S. scriba, (March et al., 2010)) located at the

south of Mallorca Island (Figure 8.1). During May (peak of the spawning season),

individuals of S. scriba from this population were sampled using either the experimental

beam trawl (active method) or hook-and-line (passive method) at the identical within-

day (mid-day) and spatial-scale.

We conducted three different fishing hauls using the experimental beam trawl (see

details of the method in (Deudero et al., 2008) to obtain a large enough sample (n = 50).

We also conducted a number of experimental angling sessions done at the experimental

area to obtain a hook-and-line sample (n = 165). The experimental angling sessions

were done following protocols described in Chapter 7 of this PhD Thesis. All

individuals were processed fresh, measured (total length, mm), weighted (total weight,

g), and their sagitta otoliths were dissected for estimation of the individual life-history

traits using a function-based assessment approach that infers the traits from an
60 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

individual growth curve (see for details below). Additionally, the gonads of a sub-sample

for each sampling method (n = 54) were used for direct measurement of reproduction

investment (batch-fecundity) following the method based on the automated image

analysis described by (Alonso-Fernández et al., 2009).

Figure 8.1 Picture of Serranus scriba (Family: Serranidae) (top left panel). Map locating the Mallorca
Island in the Balearic Sea (NW Mediterranean) (bottom left panel).The spatial location of the 25 sites of
eggs releasing is showed in the right panel highlighting the high exploited (recreational fishing) area
located in Palma Bay and the waters of National Park of Cabrera where recreational fishing is not allowed
(No-take MPA). Black-white gradient represents to be the spatial distribution of the recreational fishing
effort in the Mallorca Island proyected in a raster of 250 m x 250 m of (n = 1,430). Recreational anglers
were censed by the coastal guards (data obtained in a work-package of the Project CONFLICT).

8.2.3 Sub-populations, connectivity and local harvesting pressure

After identifying the direction of possible selection operating on life-history traits, sub-

populations of S. scriba were identified that should show adaptations in such traits due

to historic harvesting pressure. The ideal populations to study should experience

different historic fishing intensity and have limited gene flow among each other. It is

under these conditions that distinct life history adaptations should be expected. We thus
61 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

selected the sub-populations of S. scriba in the present study following two criteria: i)

limited gene flow and ii) contrasting historical and contemporary harvesting pressures.

We first explored the gene flow approximated by the population’s connectivity and

subsequently we selected reproductively isolated sub-populations exposed to contrasting

harvesting pressure (old no-takes marine protected areas, MPA, and a highly exploited

area, see below) to test whether life-history changes in life-histories have taken place.

Based on life-history theory and the results of the potential selection pressures caused by

angling from section 8.2.2, we predicted fish subjected to high harvesting pressure to

have evolved smaller maturation age and size, higher reproductive investment and

smaller adult size, i.e., a faster life-history (Matsumura et al., 2011).

Similar to many other coastal fish inhabiting seagrass meadows, early life-stages of S.

scriba are pelagic with dispersal characteristics and gene flow linked to the dominant

coastal flow patterns during the spawning season. To estimate the degree of the sub-

population’s connectivity, we selected 25 areas (see spatial distribution in Figure 8.1)

potentially inhabited by adults of S. scriba (any seagrass or rocky bottoms with < 30 m

depth) along the inner-shelf region of the SE coast of Mallorca (Figure 8.1). The self-

recruitment and the direct and indirect connectivity of each sub-population of S. scriba

were calculated following the procedures of (Basterretxea et al., 2012). Briefly, the

Lagrangian trajectories (Watson et al., 2011) of weekly releases of passive tracers (virtual

eggs) during the peak reproductive season were numerically simulated using a high

resolution (200 m) three-dimensional density-resolving model of the hydrodynamics of

the southern Mallorca through a previously-validated Princeton Ocean Model (POM).

62 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

The flow fields produced by surface wind forcing were obtained from the 12-hourly

wind maps from an historical data-base of ten years (2000-2009, data from the coastal

meteorological station of the Palma de Mallorca airport, accessed February 2012:

The pelagic larval duration (PLD) was assumed to be 28 days (Macpherson and

Raventos, 2006) and the floatability of the eggs was assumed to be positive following

the results obtained in the experiment provided in Appendix III. The virtual eggs were

homogeneously distributed in each area, and a reflective boundary condition was used to

prevent particles from moving onto land. We assumed individual larvae to have been

recruited to a particular area if they were found in the inner-shore habitat (defined by

each area) at the end of the PLD simulation. Degree of self-recruitment (mean and s.d.)

was defined as the number of particles remaining in area j at the end of the prescribed

PLD period divided by the numbers of particles initially released in area j per each

releasing period (Basterretxea et al., 2012).

The probability that a particle is transported from one area to another one by the end

of the PLD (28 days) was considered the direct connectivity. Direct connectivity

estimates provide a good indication of the relationship between self-recruitment and

dispersal from and to other areas during one hatching cycle. In this sense, it is indicative

of organism dispersal (Basterretxea et al., 2012). Hereditable components of phenotypic

variation can also be exchanged through indirect transport involving several generations.

The indirect connectivity reflects the probability of this transport across generations

(Casabianca et al., 2011) and is dependent on the existence of suitable habitat corridors
63 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

that allow the survival of intermediate populations between the source and the receiving

population. Indirect connectivity (IC) between paired populations was calculated as:

IC   DC n
n 1 (1),

where N is the number of hatching cycles, DC identifies the direct routes and DCn

includes all the routes requiring n-1 steps (or n direct routes). It is important to note

that indirect connectivity conveys a temporal term that provides information on the

velocity of the exchange. In the case of phenotypic variations this may be relevant

because longer routes of exchange, involving a higher number of generations, may imply

loss of the hereditable signal.

Patterns of population’s connectivity showed how the local self-recruitment processes

of the early life-stages of S. scriba were dictated by the coastal morphology at the spatial-

scale studied. Two main areas, the inner part of Palma Bay (IPB) and the National Park

of Cabrera (NPC) were markedly different from the others showing the highest

percentages of self-recruitment (Figure 8.2 and 8.3). In comparison to an open

population (OP, Figure 8.2), the final position of the virtual eggs released suggested a

notorious high degree of retention of eggs in these two main areas (Figure 8.2). Direct

connectivity between these two populations (IPB and NPC) areas was low (Figure 8.3),

indicating low potential gene flow. These two areas also showed low degree of direct

connectivity with the OP (Figure 8.3). When longer term dispersal was analyzed

(indirect connectivity based in 50 years) the effect of along shelf connections between

the IPB and NPC remained low (Figure 8.3). Therefore, while the populations in OP
64 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

were considered to have certain degree of heritable exchange, IPC and NPC were

considered to relatively mutually isolated, which constitutes a good opportunity to study

the potential for life-history change due to fishing in IPC with NPC serving as a


Apart of the limited gene flow of both NPC and IPB, these sub-populations were

unique because they were the only ones exposed to the minimum and maximum

harvesting selection pressure, rendering them an ideal and pretty unique case-study

candidates to test our hypothesis. The NPC was declared a sanctuary (no-take MPA) in

1991. It is formed by 19 small Islands and is one of the largest marine protected areas of

the Mediterranean Sea (Francour et al., 2001). Since recreational fisheries was

abandoned in NPC, top-predator species and potential predators of small individuals of

S. scriba notably increased its abundance (e.g., Epinephelus marginatus, (Reñones et al.,

1999). By contrast, the second area IPB (South of Mallorca Island) is the most

important recreational fishery in Mallorca Island receiving substantial recreational

fishing effort (Figure 8.1).

8.2.4 Recreational-fishing induced life-history adaptation

Studies on FIE depend on assessment of individual traits. Many life-history traits such

as maturation decisions or amount of resources invested into reproduction cannot be

directly observed or measured on captured fish. Therefore, many studies on FIE have

relied on inferring life-history traits from hard structures (e.g., (Swain et al., 2007). The

back-calculation of length-at-age using growth marks contained in the otoliths can offer

a reliable method to obtain repeated measures over the life-span of the same individual
65 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

when there is a strong relationship between fish and otolith size as is often the case

(Mollet et al., 2010; Pilling et al., 2002; Brunel et al., 2012). We chose a function-valued

approach (Stinchcombe and Kirkpatrick, 2012) to infer key life-history traits from

individual growth curves. In this approach, parameters (traits) estimated from individual

growth curves were used as data characterizing individual fish. As far as we are aware,

this is the first time this method is used in studies on FIE.

We estimated individual life-history strategies in the NPC, IPB and the OP sub-

populations to test our prediction that fish in the NPC should be characterized by

“slow” life-histories compared to fish in IPB (the exploited area). Samples of adult

individuals of S. scriba were obtained from each study area: IPB (n = 201), OP (n = 215)

and NPC (n = 353). Fish sampling was carried out with the same gears (conventional

hook-and-line) at similar habitat characteristics (seagrass meadows of P. ocenaica) and

depths. All the individuals were processed as described in section 8.2.2 and the gonads

from sub-sampled individuals from May and June (n = 53 from the IPB, n = 41 from

the OP and n = 79 from the NPC) were used for direct measurement of the

reproductive investment (batch-fecundity). Moreover, direct measures of relative

abundance (catch per unit effort as index) and the size and age of vulnerable fish were

taken using highly standardized fishing sessions with conventional hook-and-line gear.

Fishing sessions (IPB n = 54, AP n = 24 and NPC n = 64) were realized using the

standardized recreational angling gear described in (Alós et al., 2009) visiting each sub-

population on randomly selected days during a year period. Briefly, two anglers

(accompanied by a researcher) fished the same time with the same gear (hook size)
66 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

using the same effort (30 min) using two different baits (worm and shrimp). At the end

of each fishing session the fish were identified and measured (fish sizes: IPB n = 61, OP

n =40 and NPC n = 202). The otoliths of a random-sample of the individuals were

processed as described below for aging purposes (IPB n = 61, OP n = 27 and NPC n =


We fitted each individual back-calculated length-at-age data from otoliths to the bi-

phasic growth model proposed by (Lester et al., 2004) to provide indirect measures of

the annual reproduction investment (g), individual maximum theoretical size (L∞), age

of initiation of maturation (T) and immature growth rate (h) (Arlinghaus et al., 2009;

Matsumura et al., 2011). The model assumes linear growth in the juvenile phase and a

trade-off between the energy allocation to somatic growth and reproduction in adult

ages (Lester et al., 2004). The model by (Lester et al., 2004) is a special case of a more

general version published by (Quince et al., 2008a; Quince et al., 2008b) and is valid for

a length-weight relationship with an exponent b = 3, which is the case in S. scriba (see

Chapter 3 of this Thesis) and bi-phasic growth pattern (as detected in S. scriba in

Chapter 2). Somatic growth rate before the age of the onset of maturation (T, years) in

the model by (Lester et al., 2004) is given by

L t  h (t  t 1 )   when t ≤ T (2),

where Lt is the length at age t (mm), h is the immature growth (mm year-1), t1 is the

theoretical age at size 0 mm and ε is the Gaussian error.

67 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

When the individual takes the “decision” to start investing into reproduction at age

T, the somatic growth of the individual is represented by the more classical von

Bertalanffy (VB) growth equation with parameters that provide explicit information on

the energy allocated to reproduction (g, annual reproduction investment, year-1) as

 
Lt  L  1  e  k  t  t 0    when t ≥ T (3),

where L∞ = 3h/g, k = ln(1 + g/3) and to = T + (ln(1 - g(T - t1)/3)/ln(1+g/3), and ε is the

Gaussian error (Lester et al., 2004).

These two equations provide a biologically meaningful interpretation of the VB

growth parameters traditionally used in fisheries science but representing simple

mathematical descriptors (Lester et al., 2004). Accordingly, the growth factor k is

proportional to reproduction investment (k ≈ g/3) and reflects the relative investment

averaged over the entire reproductive cycle (g) (see also (Charnov, 2008), L∞ (maximum

theoretical body size) is the ratio of net production to reproductive investment (L∞ =

3h/g) and t0 in the VB growth model is another simple function of T and g (Lester et al.,


The growth model was fitted using a Bayesian approach for each individual. This

approach has several advantages for inferring parameters of complex models (Ellison,

2004) and has become popular to estimate individual growth parameters (Helser and

Lai, 2004). Two different models were fitted. The first model was applied to the data of

either beam or hook-captured fish to estimate the type of selection on life-history traits
68 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

exerted by hook-and-line captured fish relative to trawled individuals. The second

model was fit to the individual data of the three study populations to infer life-history

traits of fish in the three sites (IPB vs. OP vs. NPC). The model was implemented and

run using the runjags library of the R package (, which opens

JAGS ( The model was fitted for individuals of

age 5 or older at capture, which improves the accuracy of the method substantially (Alós

et al., 2010). Moreover, due the over-dispersed representation of older ages in the

unexploited NPC site in the second model, 50 individuals were randomly selected. By

this approach, the ages and the number of observations per individual included in the

analysis were not different among sites in fitting of the first (Chi-squared independence

test, p = 0.46) and second model (Chi-squared independence test, p = 0.1). Therefore,

any significant variation in life-history traits among gears or sites was independent of

the fish size and the number of samples (ages) per fish including in the fitting. A

hierarchical (individuals within a population) structure of minimal prior and hyper-prior

knowledge was used and is fully provided in Appendix IV. Three Monte Carlo Markov

Chains (MCMC) were run using randomly chosen initial values for the life-history

traits and After accepting convergence of the three chains, assessed using Gelman-

Rubin diagnostic (Plummer et al., 2006), the number of valid iterations after burning

and thinning was 1,000. The feasibility of the Bayesian framework adopted here was

assessed through a simulation analysis (Appendix V).

We estimated the potential direction of selection of recreational fishing by

comparing the distribution of the individual Bayesian means of each life-history trait for

the two sampling methods beam trawl and hook-and-line to test whether angling would
69 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

be expected to exert selection on S. scriba life-history traits. Subsequently, between-

population comparisons in average life-history traits were carried out by comparing the

Bayesian population’s means of each life-history traits using the Bayesian Credibility

Intervals (BCI) (2.5%, 50%, and 97.5% overlapping). Unlike the frequentist’s p value,

the Bayesian posterior distributions are interpreted correctly as one’s belief that there is

a p% probability that the parameter of interest lies within the interval (Ellison, 2004).

To make robust conclusions, we considered differences in the life-history traits when

the BCI did not overlap at all. L∞ and h were expressed in mm as the distance from the

otolith centre to the border following the growth path. However, in order to facilitate

interpretation, in some cases the scale was translated to fish size (total length) using the

regression model provided in Chapter 2.

Between-sampling methods and between-population differences in direct measures

of reproduction investment (batch-fecundity), and populations differences in the relative

abundance, age and size of vulnerable fish sampled by experimental angling were

analysed using frequentist statistics using Generalized Lineal Mixed Effects Models

(GLMM, (Zuur et al., 2009). Minimum adequate GLMMs were fitted following a

forward step-by-step (by comparing the model with and without the factor through

ANOVA) until maximum explanatory power was reached (the AIC criterion) (Zuur et

al., 2009). The p values for each parameter were estimated through MCMC simulations

using the function pvals.fnc from the library languageR of the R package.
70 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Figure 8.2 Self-recruitment (10 years mean and s.d.) of the 25 sites of eggs release considered in this
study (upper panel). The highest values observed in the inner part of Palma Bay (sites 6 and 7) and the
National Park of Cabrera (sites 14, 15 and 16) were showed in dark grey and black respectively. An
average, in terms of SC, population (sites 9 and 10) is showed in light grey. The bottom panels shows the
spatial-plots of a fixed kernel probability distributions (estimated in raster of 250 m x 250 m) of the
positions at the end of the PLD duration of the virtual eggs released in each of these three main areas.

8.2.5 Controlling for non-fishing related environmental impacts on life-histories

To help sorting out whether FIE would be the most parsimonious explanation of the

observed life-history differences among the three sites investigated in the present study,

we also included some environmental data in our study. A 10 year record of satellite

(MODIS-Aqua) derived monthly averages of sea surface temperature (SST) and

chlorophyll (Chl-a) as measure of productivity was obtained for each of the three sites

included in the analyses and compared among them. In all cases (temperature and

productivity) chronograms were used to visual inspection for differences.

71 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

8.3 Results

8.3.1 Selection pressures on life-history caused by recreational angling

The individual values of maximum theoretical size (L∞), annual reproduction

investment (g), immature growth (h) and age of maturation (T) were successfully

estimated for the experimental beam trawl (active gear) and hook-and-line samples

(passive gear) (Table 8-1). Mean L∞ was significantly different between the fish sampled

with the two gears (Table 8-1). Similarly, the average g of fish vulnerable to hook-and-

line were smaller than those captured in the trawl suggesting that removal of vulnerable

fish to angling would exert selection for high reproductive investment (Table 8-1).

Results in immature growth rate h and onset of maturation T suggested on average

older age of maturation and smaller immature growth in the hook-and-line individuals

compared to fish vulnerable to trawls, but in both cases the Bayesian credibility intervals

overlapped notably suggesting smaller selection pressures on these traits (Table 8-1).

Figure 8.4 shows a box-plot of the individual values of life-history traits estimated for

the two fishing treatments. Overall, the results suggested a specific direction of

recreational-fishing induced selection, which should favour fish with higher

reproductive investment and smaller adult growth capacity under conditions of intensive

recreational harvesting.

The results of the direct measures of reproduction investment (batch-fecundity) were

in the line of those obtained for the indirect measures of g just described. Accordingly,

there were significant differences between the beam trawl and hook-and-line (GLMM;

p <0.05, Table 8-2). Individual’s sampled using hook-and-line invested less into
72 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

reproduction compared to trawl-captured fish (Table 8-2). The relationship between

batch fecundity and g estimated from the growth curve was highly significant (GLM, p

< 0.01).

Figure 8.3 Directional flow diagram showing the paired direct and indirect connectivity (black arrows)
calculated among the inner part of Palma Bay (PB), the open population (OP) and the National Park of
Cabrera (NPC) (each number can be interpreted as a % of eggs released in an specific sub-populations).
Indirect connectivity values are the maximum values of connectivity over 50 years. The grey arrows show
the connectivity attributed by other sub-populations. 360º black arrows are the self-recruitment values for
each specific sub-population.

8.3.2 Population’s life-history strategies

The individual values of g, L∞, T and h were also successfully estimated for the

individuals sampled in the three sub-populations studied (IPB, NPC and OP). There

were non-overlapping posterior distributions of g between the IPB (Bayesian mean =

73 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

0.75 years-1) and the NPC (Bayesian mean = 0.61 years-1). Thus, we accepted the

hypothesis of higher reproductive investment in the exploited site IPB relative to the

unexploited site NPC (Table 8-3 and Figure 8.5). In contrast, the posterior distribution

of the open population OP had intermediate values (Bayesian mean = 0.70 years-1)

notably overlapping with the distributions of the other two populations. Results were

similar for L∞, and differences between the Bayesian means of IPB (Bayesian mean =

228 mm of fish total length) and NPC (Bayesian mean = 244.7 mm of fish total length)

were significant, indicating lower final size in fish living in the exploited site IPB (Table

8-3 and Figure 8.5). In the case of T and h, the posterior distributions of the three

populations were highly overlapped discarding the plausibility of any significant

differences (Table 8-3 and Figure 8.5).

4.5 0.9
g (years‐1)

4.0 0.8
L∞ (mm)

3.5 0.7
3.0 0.6

1.7 1.2
T (years)

h (mm)

1.4 1.0
1.3 0.9
Figure 8.4 Box-plot of the Bayesian individual means of the life-history parameters (reproduction
investment, infinite size, age of maturation and immature growth) estimated for the beam trawl (BT in
light grey) and hook-and-line (HL in dark grey) individuals.
74 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Individuals sampled in the IPB (high exploited population) also had a significant

higher batch-fecundity than those the individuals sampled in the NPC (GLMM; p

<0.05, Table 8-2). A summary of the GLMMs performed to explore differences in the

population means of relative abundance, fish sizes and ages of vulnerable fish is shown

in Table 8-4, which revealed significant effects in all the response variables. The

population of IPB was characterized by a significantly lower catch rate as indicator of

abundance, and the fish were on average smaller and younger as is typical in exploited

sites. By contrast, vulnerable individuals sampled in the NPC were more abundant,

larger and older, and the fish in the OP site showed average values (Table 8-4). Daily

temperature oscillated in the same way both at a daily and seasonal basis in the IPB and

NPC sites suggesting no differences in temperature regimes as to be expected due the

close proximity between the two areas (Figure 8.6). By contrast, chlorophyll-a

concentrations estimated from the sea-colour images available for the IPB and NPC

showed in both cases a clear seasonal periodicity, and the IPB had higher values

suggesting being a more productive site than the NPC (Figure 8.6). Therefore, one

would have expected larger growth rates in IPB fish, but the opposite was found

Table 8-1 Bayesian posterior distribution (MCMC) of means the life-history traits (reproduction
investment in year -1, infinite size inn mm of otolith, age of maturation in years and immature growth rate
referred to otolith scale in mm year -1) for the beam trawl and the hook-and-line samples.
Beam trawl Hook-and-line
Parameter Mean s.d. 2.5% Median 97.5% Mean s.d. 2.5% Median 97.5%
Reproduction investment 0.88 0.12 0.75 0.86 1.11 0.74 0.06 0.68 0.73 0.81
Infinite size 3.50 0.11 3.28 3.50 3.70 3.84 0.07 3.72 3.84 3.95
Age of maturation 1.33 0.08 1.17 1.33 1.45 1.43 0.05 1.35 1.43 1.49
Immature growth 1.03 0.11 0.90 1.01 1.24 0.94 0.05 0.89 0.93 1.01
75 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

8.4 Discussion

Recreational fisheries-induced evolution of “fast life-histories” characterized by high

reproductive investment and small adult size in the small coastal fish S. scriba

constituted the most parsimonious explanation of the observed phenotypic data. Four

lines of evidence support this conclusion. We have first shown that recreational angling

selects for certain life-histories, i.e., those with high reproductive investment and small

terminal size. We have secondly shown that oceanographic currents and local

hydrodynamics prevented gene flow among spatially closed sites. Therefore, two

ingredients of FIE of life histories in the marine environment were met. Accordingly,

we found average life-histories in exploited and unexploited sites to mirror the

directional changes expected from the theoretical selection pressures exerted by anglers.

Finally, the smaller adult growth and larger reproductive investment of fish surviving

the exploitation in high intensity sites could not be explained by envrioenmatlel relates

factors. Our comparative findings therefore joins previous work in freshwater

ecosystems (Drake et al., 1997; Haugen and Vøllestad, 2001; Magnan et al., 2005) that

harvesting can result in FIE of fast life-histories characterized by early maturation, high

investment into reproduction and small adult growth when gene flow is limited at small

spatial scales in marine environments.

76 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Table 8-2 Results of the two Generalized Lineal Mixed effect models (GLMMs) fitted to test the
relationship between the direct measure of reproduction investment (batch fecundity) and (A) the
sampling method (beam trawl and hook-and-line), and (B) the populations (inner of Palma Bay, average
population and National Park of Cabrera). In both models Fish size was also included as fixed factor and
Fishing ID as random factor. The GLMM developed for populations also included the temporal variable
month. The table shows the parameters include in the final model (the MCMC mean of the parameters,
the lower and upper highest 95% credibility intervals (HDP) and the significance of the parameter.
Interactions were not significant and were not included.
Log (batch fecundity) MCMC HPD 95%
Parameter mean lower upper P- value
Selection experiment
Intercept 5.83 5.00 6.63 <0.001
Fish size 0.02 0.01 0.02 <0.001
Method (hook-and-line) -1.31 -1.93 -0.68 <0.05
Populations comparisons
Intercept 5.21 4.67 5.75 <0.001
Fish size 0.02 0.02 0.02 <0.001
Population (inner of Palma Bay) 0.74 0.42 1.08 <0.05
Population (average population) -0.08 -0.38 0.22 0.87
Month (may) -1.04 -1.30 -0.77 <0.001

Our findings agreed with theoretical models on recreational-fishing induced

selection that proposed selection for high reproductive investment and declines in adult

body size of Northen pike (Arlinghaus et al., 2009), and with the empirical findings on

recreationally exploited Atlantic salmon (Saura et al., 2010) and Chinook salmon,

(Kendall and Quinn, 2011). Because it is likely that the life-history of a fish is correlated

to underlying behavioural and physiological traits (Uusi-Heikkilä et al., 2008), it is very

likely that the fish surviving exploitation are also characterized by higher shyness and

less aggressive foraging (Biro and Post, 2008; Sutter et al., 2012). Because the selection

found in our work is expected to drive populations of S. scriba to evolve slower capacity

to growth after maturation due to higher reproductive investment and because the
77 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

adapted individuals are expected to also become harder to catch (Philipp et al., 2009) the

resulting outcome is likely to affect fishing communities negatively by affecting

reproductive fitness and catchability negatively (Sutter et al., 2012; Johnson et al.,

2011). In direct contrast to such recreational harvest-based selection, natural selection in

natural environments such as the National Park of Cabrera will drive population in the

opposite direction favouring individuals with large expected life-span to avoid gape-

limited predation and with low reproductive investment due to the trade off with post

maturation growth and to postpone the survival cost of reproduction (Hutchings, 1993;

Reznick, 1982; Aikio et al., 2013). In particular, in environments where the abundance

of predators of S. scriba is high (for example, presence of Ephinephelus marginatus),

directional selection on fast (juvenile and adult) growth is to be expected (Edeline et al.,

2007). Therefore, the optimal life-history strategy should favour a version of “bigger-is-

better” which is characterized by fast early growth, late maturation and moderate to

small annual reproductive investment (Edeline et al., 2007; Hutchings, 1993; Olsen and

Moland, 2011; Reznick, 1982). This is because the (surviving) individual theoretically

would maximize the fitness over a larger the life-span under natural conditions

(Charnov, 2005; Roff, 1984).

78 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Table 8-3 Posterior distribution (MCMC populations means, s.d. and Bayesian credibility intervals) of
the life-history traits (reproduction investment in year -1, infinite size (mm of otlith), age of maturation in
years and immature growth rate referred to otolith scale in mm year -1) estimated for the three analysed
populations (inner of Palma Bay, average population and National Park of Cabrera).

Population Bayesian credibility intervals

LH Parameter Mean s.d. 2.5% Median 97.5%
Inner of Palma Bay
Reproduction investment 0.75 0.04 0.67 0.75 0.83
Infinite size 3.59 0.07 3.45 3.60 3.74
Age of maturation 1.50 0.05 1.40 1.51 1.61
Immature growth 0.89 0.04 0.81 0.89 0.98
Average population
Reproduction investment 0.70 0.04 0.63 0.70 0.78
Infinite size 3.85 0.07 3.70 3.85 3.99
Age of maturation 1.48 0.05 1.38 1.47 1.57
Immature growth 0.89 0.04 0.82 0.89 0.98
National Park of Cabrera
Reproduction investment 0.61 0.03 0.55 0.61 0.67
Infinite size 3.88 0.06 3.75 3.87 4.00
Age of maturation 1.55 0.05 1.46 1.55 1.65
Immature growth 0.79 0.03 0.72 0.79 0.85

By contrast and in line with our work, heavy exploitation by anglers would expect to

lead to evolution of fast life-histories characterized by early reproduction and large

reproductive investment, which results in penalties on adult growth. While these patters

were supported in our work in relation to reproductive investment and adult growth, no

change in maturation timing was found. However, given that maturation happens in S.

criba usually at age 1 (Alonso-Fernández et al., 2011) there was no room for maturation

evolution in this species. This constraint also likely explains the tendency for exploited

fish to growth fast early in life because it pays off to be as large as possible when first

reproduction starts and investment into the future (by growing to larger sizes) does not
79 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

pay off. The same was found in a theoretical model by (Matsumura et al., 2011) in

recreationally exploited northern pike, Exos lucius. When size selectivity favoured heavy

cropping of very young fish already, selection pressures on fast early immature growth

was predicted. The direction of selection changed to negative selection on immature

growth when size-selectivity only targeted large mature fishes, e.g., due to a large

minimum-size limit (Matsumura et al., 2011).

4.4 0.9
4.2 0.8
g (years‐

L∞ (mm)

3.6 0.6
3.4 0.5
3.2 0.4
1.8 1.1
1.7 1
T (years)

h (mm)

1.6 0.9
1.4 0.8
1.3 0.7
1.2 0.6

Figura 8.5 Bayesian Credibility Intervals (2.5%, 50%, and 97.5%) of the posterior distribution of the
population’s means estimated for each LH trait to assess with the differences between-populations

One caveat of any comparative study such as the one performed here is to discount

any non-fishing related environmental drivers that might also explain the among-site

differentiation in life-history (Kendall and Quinn, 2011). In fact, all differences

observed in the life-history in our sub-populations could be related to unaccounted

environmental characteristics directly or indirectly related to harvest pressure (Dunlop et

al., 2005; McDermid et al., 2010). While we cannot discount that the phenotypic

change may be entirely plastic, the bulk of evidences presented here makes this
80 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

explanation unlikely. First of all, all life-history traits have some modest heritability and

the selection caused by recreational fishing was found pronounced, which should

generate selection differentials on heritable traits (Law, 2000). Secondly, the variation in

fishing pressure among sites was undisputed and the gene flow among the protected

area site and the exploited site was found very small. Thirdly, our control sites (OP)

showed intermediate phenotypes to the high exploitation and non-exploitation site.

Finally and although cold waters may slower pre-maturation growth and result in older

age of maturation and larger longevity in some species (McDermid et al., 2010; Wright

et al., 2011), we could discount temperature to vary substantially among our sites. The

only environmental driver that did vary among the high and no exploitation sites was

the productivity of the system, which was approximated by a 10-years time-series of

chlorophyll-a concentration. Although differences were small, there was a consistently

higher productivity during the peak of annual productivity in spring in the exploited

IPB. Greater resource availabilities should on the one hand increase relative fecundity

due to greater resource intake (e.g., (Craig and Kipling, 1983), which might explain the

greater annual reproduction investment found in the IPB sites. At the same time,

however, growth rate of both immature and mature should profit from higher

productivity in the high exploitation, and maximum size should then increase

(McDermid et al., 2010). Similarly, the reduced density of fish should additionally

elevate growth due to relaxed competition (Lorenzen and Enberg, 2002). By contrast,

our life-history traits in relation to growth directly showed the exact opposite response.

First, the immature growth rates (h) did not differ statistically among sites. Secondly,

the theoretical maximum size was significantly smaller in the high exploitation sites
81 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

although the environmental plasticity hypothesis should have predicted larger maximum

sizes inter alia because relaxed intra-specific competition for prey should have increased

the food availability generating fast growth and small reproductive investment (Dunlop

et al., 2005). Therefore, we have no environmental factor that may explain the life-

history difference and thus have limited supports for a plasticity hypothesis, rendering

FIE the more parsimonious mechanism of life-history differentiation in our study. In

particular, the high heritability of the life-history traits studied here (Law, 2000), and

the limited genetic exchange among populations of very likely common ancestors makes

genetic divergence through fisheries-induced adaptive change the most likely


Table 8-4 Results of the three Generalized Lineal Mixed effect models (GLMMs) fitted to test the
relationship between the relative abundance (fish*30min*angler), fish size (mm) and ages (years) of
vulnerable Serranus scriba sampled in the inner of Palma Bay, the average population and the National
Park of Cabrera. The full model (without reduction) includes the fixed factors population, depth (m),
angler, bait and month. The abundance GLMM have repeated measures within day and the size and age
were repeated measures of fishing sessions within day which were included as random effects. The table
82 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

shows the parameters include in the final model (the MCMC mean of the parameters, the lower and
upper highest 95% credibility intervals (HDP) and the significance of the parameter.
Parameter mean lower upper P- value
Log (Abundance + 1)
(Intercept) 1.35 0.86 1.87 <0.001
Population (inner of Palma Bay) -0.64 -1.00 -0.27 <0.01
Population (average population) -0.30 -0.77 0.16 0.200
Depth (m) -0.04 -0.06 -0.01 <0.05
Month (Jan) 0.43 0.03 0.81 0.082
Month (Feb) 0.12 -0.26 0.53 0.588
Month (Mar) 0.16 -0.30 0.61 0.570
Month (May) 0.31 -0.12 0.75 0.170
Month (Jun) 0.52 -0.02 1.03 0.076
Month (Jul) 1.16 0.49 1.84 <0.01
Month (Aug) 0.99 0.53 1.43 <0.001
Month (Oct) 0.75 0.00 1.57 0.073
Month (Nov) 0.91 0.15 1.69 <0.05
Log (Fish size)
(Intercept) 4.83 4.73 4.93 <0.001
Population (inner of Palma Bay) -0.17 -0.24 -0.10 <0.001
Population (average population) -0.10 -0.17 -0.03 <0.01
Bait (Shrimp) 0.08 0.04 0.13 <0.01
Depth (m) 0.01 0.00 0.02 <0.05
Log (Fish age + 1)
(Intercept) 1.33 1.10 1.54 <0.001
Population (inner of Palma Bay) -0.49 -0.62 -0.36 <0.001
Population (average population) -0.46 -0.62 -0.29 <0.001
Bait (Shrimp) 0.14 0.04 0.24 <0.05
Depth (m) 0.03 0.01 0.04 <0.01

Cause-and-effect evidence for evolutionary changes (i.e., genetic) in the wild can

only unequivocally determined by commen garden experiments (Conover and

Baumann, 2009; Enberg et al., 2012). Molecular ecological tools are rapidly emerging

but the link of genotypes to complex phenotypes is not straightforward (Ãrnason et al.,

2009; Jakobsdóttir et al., 2011; Pukk et al., 2013). In this context, comparative field
83 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

studies such as ours may provide a useful compromise to study whether fishing

differentially targets certain phenotypes and whether populations with common ancestry

and low current gene flow differentiate in their average phenotype in directions expected

from theory and in line with selection differentials estimated in the wild. Often, the

large effective population size of marine fish has been proposed to constitute barriers to

FIE (Cuveliers et al., 2011; Pukk et al., 2013). We have shown, however, that meta-

populatoins of the small coastal species S. scriba inhabiting Mallorca Island develop

reproductively isolated sub-populations on small spatial scales, which are characterized

by high levels of local self-recruitment and low direct and indirect connectivity among

each other. Those findings are in line with recent literature indicating that contrary to

traditional wisdom that considered marine populations to constitute panmictic systems

(Roberts, 1997), hydrodynamics and life-history may actually also result in fine meta-

population structures with limited gene flow in many marine areas (Cowen et al., 2006;

Mora and Sale, 2002; Schunter et al., 2011). This provides conditions for fisheries-

induced evolution to happen also in coastal species targeted by recreational fisheries on

very small geographical scales.

84 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Figura 8.6 Chronograms of ten years of the daily surface temperature (ºC) and concentration of
chlorophyll-a (mg m-3) in the inner part of Palma Bay (PB), in the open population (OP) and in the
National Park of Cabrera (NPC).

Although we consider our evidence for angling-induced evolutionary change in S.

scriba to be indirect, we cannot disentangle unequivocally whether the phenotypic

change has a genotypic basis. Empirical evidence of FIE in our study species could be

generated using common-garden experiments of fish collected of different sites and

raised and tested in the laboratory. For example, the offspring from the different

populations reared under identical environmental conditions could explain the origin of

the differences of S. scriba in the wild (Conover and Baumann, 2009). Until this

research becomes available, this Thesis proposes a new paradigm of the potential for

widespread FIE of small bodied at small scales in marine coastal fishes. Due the

potential negative effects of fisheries-induced evolution, which may affect recovery,

productivity and catch per unit effort negatively (Sutter et al., 2012; Enberg et al., 2009),

fisheries scientist and mangers may adjust their management polices to prevent or

decrease the evolutionary impacts of harvesting for successful fish stock management.
85 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

To do so requires understanding the meta-population structure and avoid sub-

population specific harvesting as much as possible if avoiding FIE is a management

87 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Chapter 9 A behavioural perspective of fisheries-induced selection

in marine coastal fisheries

Alós, J., Palmer, M., and Arlinghaus, R. 2012. Consistent

Selection towards Low Activity Phenotypes When Catchability

Depends on Encounters among Human Predators and Fish. Plos

One, 7: e48030.
Chapter 10 89

Chapter 10 General conclusions

1. The individual is the optimal level of study understanding life-history traits such as

growth and/or reproduction, since differential mortality (either natural or fishing-

related) happens at such level.

2. The study of the individual growth and reproduction revealed both population-level

patterns such as the mating behaviour, and individual-level patterns such as the broad

between-fish variability on most of the life-history traits or the bi-phasic growth


3. Recreational fishing constitutes a significant source of mortality (additional to the

natural mortality). Specifically, it may cause local depletion in highly sedentary

species, such those that inhabit Posidonia oceanica meadows.

4. Fishing mortality results not only from the direct extraction of biomass but also from

indirect morality related with fish captured and released but that fails to survive.

Management measures such as gear modifications or the stipulation of partial Marine

Protected Areas should be useful to reduce recreational fishing mortality.

5. The fishing mortality induced by recreational fishing is not a random but a biased

process in relation to some hereditable life-history traits. Biased harvesting generates

selection differentials against phenotypes with higher growth capability and lower
J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes 90

reproduction investment in line with the theoretical expectations of optimal life


6. The pelagic nature of the early life stages and its hydrodynamic-dependent dispersal

characteristics can generate sub-populations, even at a small spatial scale (few

kilometres). This process can generate reproductively isolated populations with limited

gen flow.

7. Harvesting should able to induce fast evolution of life-history traits. Selected

phenotypes in isolated sub-populations of coastal fish exposed to the recreational

fishing seems to be characterized by high reproductive investment and small adult size

8. Selection of behavioural traits constitutes an overlooked component of the emerging

concept of human-induced evolution, and it can play a key role in sedentary marine

species determining the odds of encounters between fish and fishers.

9. Empirical evidence of fisheries-induced evolution can be only unequivocally detected

by common-garden experiments. This constitutes an exciting opportunity for further

research. Until this research becomes available, this PhD Thesis proposes a new

paradigm: the evidence, even at small spatial-temporal scales, that fisheries-induced

evolution on coastal sedentary species exploited by recreational fisheries is plausible.

10. Due the potential negative effects of fisheries-induced evolution, which may affect

stock recovery and productivity, fisheries scientist and mangers should adjust

management polices to prevent or buffer the evolutionary impacts of harvesting. This

goal requires better understanding the meta-population structure and identifying

fishing syndromes or potentially correlated selective traits.

Reference list 91

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Watson, J. R., Hays, C. G., Raimondi, morhua. ICES Journal of Marine
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102 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Science: Journal du Conseil, 68: M. 2009. Mixed Effects Models

1918-1927. and Extensions in Ecology with
Zuur, A. F., Leno, E. N., Walker, N. J., R, New York, USA.
Saveliev, A. A., and Smith, G.
List of Appendix 103
List of Appendix 105

List of Appendix

Appendix I

The conventional, deterministic form of the von Bertalanffy model for the size y of a

fish at age t reads:

yt= L∞* (1- exp(-k* (t- t0)),

where L∞ is the asymptotic size at infinite age, k is the growth parameter, and t0 is a

correction term allowing that the fish has some specific size y0 = L∞* (1-exp(k * t0)) at

time t = 0. Alternatively, t = t0 might be seen as the time when the fish has zero size.

This model corresponds to the solution of the differential equation

dty= k * (L∞- y), subject to y(t0)= 0.

The model can be easily extended to the case of non-constant growth parameter

k(t), allowing for growth changes. In the general case, the size of the fish at age t is

given by

yt= L∞* (1- exp(-Q(t))),

where Q(t )   k ( s ) ds . If we consider a single spurt occurring at time t1 > t0, such that

the growth parameter changes from k = k0 for t < t1 to k = k1 for t > t1, then

Q(t)= k0* (t- t0), if t < t1

Q(t)= k0* (t1- t0)+ k1* (t- t1), if t > t1

Hence, the fish size at age t is given by

yt= L∞* (1- exp(-k0* (t- t0))), if t < t1

yt= L∞* (1- exp(-k0* (t1- t0)- k1* (t- t1))), . if t > t1
106 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

In addition we have fitted a generalization of this model that allows for a change in the

growth at a specific moment, t1, of the life span:

yij= L∞i* (1- exp(-k0i* (tj- t0i)))+ εij, for tj < t1

yij= L∞i* (1- exp(-k0i *(t1i- t0i)- k1i* (tj- t1i)))+ εij, for tj > t1

where k0i and k1i are the growth parameters before and after the moment of the

change (t1i).
List of Appendix 107

Appendix II

Bayesian implementation of conventional Von Bertalanffy growth model proposed by

Pilling et al. (2002), Helser and Lai (2004), and Helser et al. 2007 imposes structure of

the variance covariance matrix of the model parameters. This means that covariance

between any pair of parameters is explicitly estimated. It is claimed that this procedure

ameliorates parameter estimations.

Here we use a simpler model and covariance is left free (i.e., not explicitly

estimated by the model). Obviously, in the case that the individual values (i.e. for any

single fish) of a given pair of parameters (e.g., L∞i and t1i) are well estimated, covariance

between them will be well estimated also a posteriori. Demonstration of this was carried

out through a simulation experiment. We defined a variance-covariance matrix using

the between-parameter correlation (i.e., parameters obtained using the observed data).

Then, we generated n sets of growth parameters using the mvrnorm() function of the

MASS library of the R-package. This n*5 (i.e., in the case of 5 parameter model)

reflects the known variance-covariance matrix. Then, we generate n growth curves with

theses parameters (adding a proper error term, i.e., the observed one) and with the

observed length-at-age (i.e., the currently observed age). After that, these n curves, for

which we know the individual values of the growth parameters, were submitted to the

Bayesian approach described in the text (see Materials and methods). Finally, the

estimated growth parameters were compared with the known (simulated) values and

they were found to be very similar (r2 ≈ 0.9) and unbiased (slope ≈ 1 and intercept ≈ 0).

This is shown in the next figure:

108 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes
List of Appendix 109

Appendix III

Field experiment to estimate the buoyancy, or specific gravity, of the eggs of Serranus

scriba during development for dispersal potential

Six adult S. scriba individuals of similar sizes (mean and s.d. 145 ± 15 mm) were

captured on June 2010 in Palma Bay (Fig. 1 of the manuscript) using conventional

hook-and-line recreational fishing gear at depths <20 m and surface water temperatures

of approximately 22°C. Individuals were caught early in the morning and transported

live in tanks for approximately 30 min to aquaculture facilities (LIMIA, Government of

the Balearic Islands). The fish were measured, weighed and placed in a grey cylinder-

conical 400 l polyvinyl chloride tank mounted with flow-through UV-sterilised

seawater. The temperature and salinity of the system was monitored continuously.

In a previous experiment, the fish did not spawn under similar conditions, likely due

the combination of captivity-induced stress and the lack of an appropriate natural

spawning environment (J Alós, unpublished data). Therefore, spawning was induced

through administration of synthetic agonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone

(GnRHa), which has been successfully used in other species of the Serranidae family,

such as Ephinephelus marginatus (Marino et al., 2003). GnRHa stimulates the pituitary

synthesis and release of LH and induces ovarian steroidogenesis and oocyte maturation

(Mylonas and Zohar, 2000; Zohar and Mylonas, 2001).

Individuals were slightly anesthetised with MS222, and a dose of GnRHa (mean and

s.d. of 0.0018 ± 0.0009 ml per g of fish) was inserted in the peritoneal cavity using a

hypodermic needle. The fish were allowed to spawn undisturbed in the tank, which was
110 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

examined for the presence of eggs every hour. After spawning, the tanks were checked

for the presence of fertilised eggs (eggs floating in an intermediate position). Adult

individuals were removed from the holding tank, and the water flow and aeration was

reduced to prevent damage to the eggs. The temperature and salinity remained constant

throughout the experiment (T = 22 ± 0.2°C, salinity = 37.25 ± 0.150).

A sample of approximately 10 eggs was collected every three hours until hatching to

estimate changes in buoyancy through development. Egg buoyancy (specific gravity)

was measured using the density-gradient column method (Coombs, 1981). Briefly, the

method consisted of a 1 m column of water with a stable, constant gradient of seawater

salt. The eggs were introduced at the top of the column and settled to a known density

level (i.e., the location where the egg is in hydrostatic equilibrium with the surrounding

fluid). Glass spheres of a known density were used to calibrate the system (Coombs,

1981; Coombs et al., 1985; Coombs et al., 1990). A temperature-controlled water jacket

maintained the apparatus at a stable temperature, similar to the conditions at the time

of capture.

Each sub-sample of eggs was introduced into the gradient column. To select a stable

density measurement, we recorded the changes in egg density at increasing

observational time points (10, 30, and 60 min). The position of the glass spheres in the

density column (cm) was recorded at each observational time point and converted to a

temperature-corrected specific gravity (g cm-3) (Coombs, 1981). Only fertilized eggs

were selected for the experiment. Dead or moribund eggs, which were characterized by
List of Appendix 111

an opaque appearance or rapid sinking to the bottom, were discarded. The sinking or

ascending velocity (w) at each measured time point was calculated based on Stokes’ law:

gd 2 

where g is the gravitational force, d is the diameter of the egg, Δρ is the difference

between the density of the environment and the density of the egg and ν is the

molecular viscosity (Sundby, 1997). We were confident that the properties of the egg

remained in agreement with Stokes’ law because the diameter of the egg and differences

in density yielded Reynolds numbers < 0.5 (see Sundby, 1997).

Induced spawning occurred between 21:00 and 21:30 on the first night after the

morning hormone treatment (sunset was at 21:21). We successfully measured the

buoyancy of the eggs over five different time periods prior to hatching. The last

measurement was performed after 29.5 h, and 100% of the eggs in the rearing tank had

hatched 32.5 h after fertilisation, which was the morning of the second day after

fertilisation (Fig. 1 of this appendix). The observed mean and s.d. of the egg diameter

was 799 μm ± 32.7 (n=90). The eggs had a single oil globule and a relatively small

perivitelline space (Figure 1 of this appendix).

The mean specific gravity was at neutral buoyancy at the time of the first

measurement, although the eggs remained lighter than the surrounding water for the

remaining duration of the experiment (Figure 1 of this appendix). At 200 min after

fertilisation, the average egg density was close to a neutral buoyancy (5.47x10-4 g cm-

3), and some of the eggs were becoming heavier at an ambient temperature, which
112 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

corresponded mainly to the gastrula stages (Figure 1 of this appendix). The average

excess positive buoyancy at the end of the experiment was 2.07 x 10-3 g cm-3, which

corresponds to an average ascent velocity of 4.19 m h-1 under homogeneous

experimental conditions.

Figure 1 Specific gravity (g cm-3) of Serranus scriba eggs through development at 22°C

water temperature. A local smoother (95% CI, in grey) has been added to aid in the

visualization (function “loess”=local polynomial regression in the library ggplot2 from

the R package). Dashed line depicts the specific gravity of the local seawater at the

culture temperature. Figure also shows three images of the eggs development at the

stages of morula (A, 100 min after fertilization), early (B, 897 min) and late embryo (C,

1,845 min).
List of Appendix 113



1.026 Ambient salinity=37.25 37.5
T‐corrected specific gravity

1.025 36.5




Min 500 1000 1500

h:m 0:50 10:00 14:11 20:11 02:45
Time after fertilization

Appendix references

Coombs, S. H. 1981. A density-gradient column for determining the specific gravity of

fish eggs, with particular reference to eggs of the mackerel (Scomber scombrus). Marine

Biology, 63: 101-106.

Coombs, S. H., Fosh, C. A., and Keen, M. A. 1985. The Buoyancy and Vertical

Distribution of Eggs of Sprat (Sprattus Sprattus) and Pilchard (Sardina Pilchardus).

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 65: 461-474.

Coombs, S. H., Nichols, J. H., and Fosh, C. A. 1990. Plaice eggs (Pleuronectes platessa

L.) in the southern North Sea: abundance, spawning area, vertical distribution, and

buoyancy. Journal du Conseil: ICES Journal of Marine Science, 47: 133-139.

114 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Marino, G., Panini, E., Longobardi, A., Mandich, A., Finoia, M. G., Zohar, Y., and

Mylonas, C. C. 2003. Induction of ovulation in captive-reared dusky grouper,

Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834), with a sustained-release GnRHa implant.

Aquaculture, 219: 841-858.

Mylonas, C. C., and Zohar, Y. 2000. Use of GnRHa-delivery systems for the control of

reproduction in fish. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 10: 463-491.

Sundby, S. 1997. Turbulence and ichthyoplankton: influence on vertical distributions

and encounter rates. Scientia Marina, 61: 159-176.

Zohar, Y., and Mylonas, C. C. 2001. Endocrine manipulations of spawning in cultured

fish: from hormones to genes. Aquaculture, 197: 99-136.

List of Appendix 115

Appendix IV

Prior distributions used for individuals (i) and populations (j) used for Bayesian

estimations of the individuals life-history estimations. Normal distributions are denoted

as dnorm (mean and variance), uniform distribution as dunif (minimum and maximum

value) and gamma distribution as dgamma (shape and scale). Lmax is referred to otolith

scale in mm, h is in mm year-1, g and k in year -1 and, T, t0 and t1 are in years.

Priors for individuals

for ( i in 1 : n fish)
T[i] dnorm(mT[group[j]],1/sqrt(taut))
k[i] dnorm(mk[group[j]],1/sqrt(tauk))
Lmax[i] dnorm(mL∞[group[j]],1/sqrt(tauL∞))
t0[i] dnorm(mt0[group[j]],1/sqrt(taut0))
g[i] 3*(exp(k[i]) - 1)
h[i] L∞[i]*(exp(k[i]) - 1)
t1[i] T[i] - (1 - exp(-k[i]*(T[i] - t0[i])))/(exp(k[i]) - 1)
Prior for groups (sampling method)
for( j in 1 : n groups)
mT[j] dnorm(2,1/sqrt(0.5))
mk[j] dunif(0,1)
mLmax[j] dnorm(5, 1/sqrt(0.001))
mt0[j] dunif(-2,1)
mg[j] 3*(exp(mk[j]) - 1)
mh[j] mL∞[j]*(exp(mk[j]) - 1)
mt1[j] mT[j] - (1 - exp(-mk[j]*(mT[j] - mt0[j])))/(exp(mk[j]) - 1)
Prior for variances
tau dgamma (0.001, 0.001)
tauT dgamma (0.001, 0.001)
tauk dgamma (0.001, 0.001)
tauLmax dgamma (0.001, 0.001)
taut0 dgamma (0.001, 0.001)
116 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes
List of Appendix 117

Appendix V

The feasibility of the Bayesian approach estimating individual values of life-history

traits (LH) was tested via simulation. We generated simulated data (length-at-age data)

for one individual with known LHs (Lmax , g, T and h). A Gaussian error (reasonable

otolith reading error) was included to the simulated data using a distribution of mean 0

and standard deviation 0.1 (see Figure 1 of this Appendix). Then the individual values

of LH traits were estimated using the model parameterization described in the text (see

M&M). The distributions of the Bayesian means estimated were compared with the

true values. 5

Figure 2 Individual trajectory of one individual growing

Fish size in otolith scale (mm)

following the somatic growth derived by Lester el al.


(2004) (solid line). Grey dashed line shows the timing of

maturation (in that case T = 1.8). Dashed black lines

after maturation (T) is the projection considering

immature lineal growth, while before T is the projection

of the VB growth curve exclusively fitted with the

mature length‐at‐age data. Solid circle are the back‐

calculated length‐at‐age data at otolith scale (mm).


0 5 10 15
Age (years)

Simulation exercise demonstrated high feasibility of the Bayesian framework

estimating individual life-history traits Lmax , g, h and T (Table 1 of this appendix).

Values estimated trough MCMC from the simulated individual (with known

parameters) were very close to the true values (Table 1 of this Appendix). Credibility

intervals are relatively small and unbiased for all the parameters (Table 1 of this

118 J Alós (PhD Thesis) Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Table 1 True and estimated (MCMC) values obtained in the simulation exercise done to check
the performance of the Bayesian framework used in this study (Fig 2). Estimated values are
the Bayesian mean and standard deviation as well as Bayesian credibility intervals. Estimated
values are very close to the true values showing the robustness of the approach.
True values Estimated values (MCMC)
Parameter Bayesian credibility intervals
value Mean SD 2.5% Median 97.5%
Lmax 5 5.01 0.09 4.82 5.01 5.19
T 1.8 1.79 0.20 1.35 1.81 2.14
g 0.6 0.62 0.06 0.53 0.61 0.77
h 1 1.04 0.09 0.92 1.02 1.26
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