Protectors: Wylah The Koorie Warrior 3 by Jordan Gould and Richard Pritchard Sample Chapters
Protectors: Wylah The Koorie Warrior 3 by Jordan Gould and Richard Pritchard Sample Chapters
Protectors: Wylah The Koorie Warrior 3 by Jordan Gould and Richard Pritchard Sample Chapters
Allen & Unwin acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Country on which we
live and work.We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders,
past and present.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
To care for fire, you must be still. Sit with your fire, Without you this book would not be possible. To Angel
in stillness, and let it be a warm light that and all the wonderful pets and animals that make life
guides you, and others. so special. To Barry, Jane, Rita, Roberta, Julius, Anne,
Charmaine Ledden-Lewis, Bundjalung woman living Marko, Esther, Miriam, Eli and Nathan.
on Dharug & Gundungurra Ngura To the Aboriginal people of Australia,
hold on to your fire, may it burn brightly,
For Beau & Flynn; may your friendship and unique the hope for generations to come.
Ngatanwarr, Welcome,
ngeeye teen mirring-ngan. this here is our Country.
To ngootenwal. Thank you.
2 3
Pippy swerves to avoid another flash of Pippy flies closer to them. ‘Wylah, now that you
lightning. ‘The battle will be tough, but remember are the Koorie Warrior, I can train you to use all
your Grandmother’s lessons.’ the powers of Kae Kae.’
I think back to my Grandmother. She taught ‘Yes! That would be amazing!’ My heart leaps
me to be patient, to focus on the task in front of with joy.
me, and to ask for help when I needed it. And most ‘Focus on protecting us from the storm, throw
importantly, she had taught me my final lesson to Kae Kae in front of you and shout the word
becoming the Koorie Warrior: strength is kindness, Malka6. It will create a barrier around us and
and that is what makes a true warrior. hopefully block out the storm’s interference.’
‘Wylah!’ ‘Okay.’ I take a deep breath to calm my mind,
Looking over, I see Jayden and his dragon, then I throw Kae Kae as hard as I can. ‘Malka!’ I
Aperior, flying in front of me. He coughs and shout.
splutters, blocking the hail from his face with his Kae Kae zooms about, and the blue streaks of
bulky arm. His Yara-ma-yha-who appearance still power build to form a sphere around us. Suddenly,
shocks me, but I must remember his promise to do the the storm grows quiet, and the rain stops.
the right thing this time. ‘I did it,’ I say, giving Pippy a hug.
He holds up his red amulet, and I can barely see ‘It worked!’ Jayden shouts with joy, holding up
its light through the rain. ‘The storm is affecting the now-glowing crystal. The red light flashes and
my tracking crystal,’ he yells. ‘I don’t think this is he points it to the left. ‘That way, let’s go.’
the right way!’
6Malka means shield.
4 5
We turn and head deeper into the eye of the
Hold on, my friends, I think. We are coming.
Thunder shakes the ground, the noise echoing
around the mountain looming above. In the camp,
a tall, dark figure works feverishly at a massive
stone table, undeterred by the lightning striking
the ground around him. Tiller wipes the rain out of
CHAPTER 2 his eyes, smearing his tribal paint markings, then
continues to furiously mix liquids, throw crushed
powders, shake burning leaves and chant unknown
The mixing liquids bubble and travel across the
stone surface, and soon the machine hums to life
In the centre of the machine Livingstone’s
staff pulsates. At the same time, the storm grows
stronger, the wind forcefully whipping up dirt and
toppling trees.
Livingstone coughs and splutters as he marches
up to Tiller. ‘Is it going to work? Do you have the
right balance of chemicals?’ he demands.
Tiller ignores him and keeps working quickly.
Livingstone grabs Tiller’s shoulder and pulls him
away from the machine. ‘We won’t give you control Tiller scrambles to his feet and throws a large
of the tribes if it fails!’ bowl of smouldering leaves into a massive cauldron.
‘Stand back!’ Tiller screams, knocking He begins chanting and the leaves burst into flames.
Livingstone to the ground just as a flash of lightning ‘I told you before – without Kae Kae, the alchemy
splits the sky and strikes the table, causing the potion is unstable!’ A string of loud booms echoes,
stone to melt like molten lava where it’s been hit. moving along the pipes connected to the Red and
Black Dragons.
In a cage on the other side of the machine, Po,
Merri and Kapa huddle together as green fire and
smoke billow over their heads.
The koala lets out a fearful squeal and clings to
Merri. ‘Don’t worry, Kapa,’ Merri whispers, ‘Wylah
will come. I’m sure of it.’
‘And if she doesn’t?’ Alinta asks from another
cage. She pulls hard on the cage bars again.
Yapptarra, her fire hawk, screeches loudly from
behind her when nothing happens.
‘She will!’ Po answers, his voice full of confidence
as he gives Merri and Kapa a comforting hug.
Suddenly, dragon roars fill the camp and the
ground begins to tremble.
‘Be strong, little ones,’ Bunyip whispers from the It’s now double its original size, with skin like an
cage next to theirs. erupting volcano. It tips its head back and roars
o ooa a aarrrrr!
R oo !! thunderously, causing Tiller, Frye and Livingstone to
stumble backwards in awe.
The machine lets off three fiery explosions, and ‘The duality machine! It worked!’ Livingstone
Tiller, Livingstone and Frye watch wide-eyed as shouts.
the Red Dragon slowly emerges from the smoke.
‘It’s incredible!’ adds Frye, his voice filled with
Tiller gives Frye an amulet with a big red crystal.
‘Use this to control the Red Dragon.’
Frye raises the amulet. The crystal sparks with
energy, and the matching crystal on the dragon
does the same. Lightning arcs out from the Red
Dragon’s crystal and connects with the amulet.
‘Red Dragon, obey my orders. Bow to me!’
Frye commands. The Red Dragon roars again and
crouches low in a bow.
C CR K!!
C !
A crack of thunder rattles the ground as Tiller
pulls the staff out from the machine, followed by
a flash of green lightning that cuts through the
enormous dark clouds that have gathered.
The Black Dragon emerges now, twice as large
as before and with green energy pulsating between
its scales.
‘Livingstone, take your staff,’ Tiller calls. ‘It is now From her cage, Merri watches on with wide eyes.
your Totem Weapon and the Black Dragon is your ‘This is not good . . .’ she whispers. As the storm
guardian, just like ours.’ fades and the smoke slowly clears, Merri gasps. ‘Po,
Livingstone takes hold of the staff and look!’
approaches the beast. ‘Black Dragon, return!’ The Po looks to where Merri is pointing and sees
Black Dragon vanishes and the staff’s orb bursts the Guardians lying next to the machine. They are
with energy. Bringing the staff close, he peers into not moving, almost drained of life. ‘How could this
the orb then smiles when he sees the Black Dragon happen?’ he asks quietly.
coiled inside. One of the Elders in another cage cries out in
‘You did it, Tiller. Total power transmutation!’ sorrow and soon, Merri, Po and people from all the
Livingstone exclaims. his voice shaking with joy. tribes join in.
Tiller’s eyes narrow and he nods. ‘Now ‘We need to do something . . . anything!’ Alinta
remember our deal! You promised me the staff hisses, interrupting the cries. She glares at Wylah’s
when you are done with all this, so that I can control mother and father, her eyes blazing with rage.
the Tribal nations,’ he says, his expression stern and Wylah’s mother grips the bars of her own cage
unyielding. and acknowledges her with a nod back.
Livingstone glances at Captain Frye, then scoffs Back by the machine, Frye approaches the Red
and waves his hand at Tiller. ‘You will get to use Dragon. ‘Now, let’s see if this dragon has the power
it once we have all the gold and the animals we to turn anything into gold as you said, Tiller,’ he
require.’ says. He lifts his amulet towards the dragon and the
Tiller scowls and stomps back to the machine. beast’s chest crystal and eyes begin to glow red.
16 17
‘Dragon! Turn this rock into gold!’ Frye commands face. ‘How will you explain this to the Dragon
as he point to a large boulder. Protectorate?’
The Red Dragon steps forward, rears its neck Livingstone knocks Frye’s hand away and looks
back, then opens its mouth. Hot flames rush out and calmly at his staff. ‘Only your part has failed. We
surround the boulder. The flames slowly die down, still have the animals, and many of them have
revealing a boulder-sized lump of gold. already been transported to the Protectorate’s
‘Excellent!’ Frye thrusts one arm victoriously into Island. I also have my duality machine.’
the air. Frye peels more gold off the rock and narrows
Small cracks begin to appear in the gold and his eyes. ‘Careful, Livingstone. Don’t forget, you
quickly spread over the whole surface. Regular are the Head of Imperial Alchemy. It’s your job to
stone peeks out from between the cracks. find the gold.’
‘No! No! No!’ Frye rages, his face turning Suddenly, a loud hissing fills the air and
crimson. ‘This was meant to be pure gold.’ the space in the middle of the camp begins to
Tiller sighs. ‘I told you. Without the fifth shimmer, then splits open, revealing a shadowy
Guardian’s power, the Red Dragon’s power isn’t doorway. A giant owl wearing a gold helmet with
complete and its fire can’t penetrate deep enough a red crystal horn in the centre pushes its head
to turn the entire rock into solid gold,’ he says, his through the doorway and gives an ear-piercing
voice tinged with frustration. screech. ‘The Protectorate is getting impatient
Frye strides forward and pulls a piece of the gold with your progress. She wants the gold and the
layer off the boulder. ‘Livingstone, your experiment animals now!’ The huge bird retreats back the way
has failed!’ He shoves the piece in the other man’s it came.
18 19
Livingstone shakes his head with impatience.
‘Tiller, fix that machine. And you,’ he points to
a nearby soldier, ‘get Wylah back out here, and
somebody find Jayden!’
The soldier runs towards the mine where they
put Wylah.
‘Wait, where is the boomerang?’ Tiller yells as
he frantically searches the stone table. ‘It was right
Just then, the soldier rushes out of the mines.
‘Wylah’s gone, and Jayden is missing too!’
Tiller slams his fists on the machine. ‘Impossible!’
Frye leaps onto the Red Dragon. ‘Fix this, Tiller,
or you will never have the power you desire so
much. In the meantime, prepare your people to
Livingstone and Frye watch in shock as the gather every bit of gold in this land. No one rests
doorway closes with another hiss. until it’s done!’ The Red Dragon roars and launches
Frye spins and glares at Tiller. ‘Did you hear that? into the air, its massive wings swirling dust all over
If we fail, the Protectorate will inform the Dragon the camp.
Queen, and we’ll spend the rest of our lives in a Tiller watches the Red Dragon fly towards the
dungeon! mines, then walks over to Livingstone. ‘I need the
20 21
boomerang and the fifth Guardian, or I cannot
stabilise the transmutation. We can’t let that silly
girl become the Koorie Warrior. One of her friends
must know what she is up to!’
Livingstone glances towards the cages holding
the tribespeople and narrows his eyes. He holds
out his staff, and the orb begins to spark with small
bolts of lightning. ‘I think it’s time to get some
answers, once and for all.’