??? ??? ???? ??????
??? ??? ???? ??????
??? ??? ???? ??????
Q.1Let the Fourier transform of a message signal m(t) be M(t) as plotted below. Evaluate the
following Mf
) m) =m(0ØV())
Hlh. (1) m() = m(t) +j ñ()
(iii) m() =m() exp [-j2rf. t)]
(iv) m(t) in terms of its in-phase and the quadrature components
(V) Outputs of the two low-pass filters of the block diagram shown below
q0° phese
Q.2Apply thismessage wave M(t)to a aring modulator and find its output
Q.3 Suppose non-linear devices are available for which the output voltage V; (t) and the input voltage
Vi () are related by
V2(t) =aj Vi() +a vi()
where aË and a 2 are constants. Explain how these devices may be used to provide
(i)a product modulator
(ii)an amplitude modulator
Q.4A signal m(t) = Ami COS (2Tfmi t) + Am2 COs (2 T fm2 t) is to transmitted using frequency modulation. Find
the frequency spectrum of the modulator, when
(i) NarrowBand Frequecy Modulation is employed.
(ii) Wide Band Frequency Modulation technique is used
National Institute of Technology, Jaipur
Malaviya (2022-23)
Mid Term Examination
2nd Year BTech 4h Semester Sub: Applied Electronics
Branch: ECE Time: 2 Hours
Maximum Marks:40
are Compulsory arid marks for Correspondence questions are written in front of 741
Note: All Questions designing of linear and non-linear circuit using
operational amplifier
CO1:Studeats will be introduced to the analvsis and
C02: Analysis and design of OPAMP based filters
C03: Design and analysisof Amplifiers,Oscillators PlLL and other applications
CO4: Design and analvsis of Generators, Schmitt triggers,
***ALL THE BEST#****
with brief explanation of each block. (2) (CO1)
Q1. Define OPAMP and draw block diagram of OP-AMP
(4) (CO1)
Q2. Define the following terms related to OP-AMP
(a) CMRR
(b)Slew Rate
(c) Input offset voltage
(d) Offset voltage adjustment range and why it exists in all OP-AMP
(2) (CO1)
Q3. Explain why open loop configuration is not used in linear application.
Q4. Draw high frequency model of OP-AMP? Calculate Qpen loop gain as function
of frequency. What are the
(4) (CO1)
for capacitiveeffect?
sources responsible
kHz and pass band gain of 1.Assume C 0.0!
0s. Design a first order low pass filter withcut off frequency of 2 frequency of 3 kHz. (4) (CO2)
uf. Using frequency scaling technique convert 2 kHz to cut off
below: (2) (CO1, CO3)
06. Calculate CMRR for the differential amplifier shown in figure
|k lo0K
intems Vs
07. The OP-Amp of the circuit in Fig, is ideal. Find an expression for Va and determine the function of the
circuit. R (4) (CO1)
Q8. For the OP-Amp shown in Fig.show that current (4)(CO)
(a) i, is independent of the value of R,
(b) Determine the OP-Ampoutput voltage V, for the circuit
Q9. An amplifier hasagain of-5and the output waveforn is shown in Fig. below. Sketch the input wavcform.
(4) (CO3)
2 4 5
Q10. Given the foílowing circuit find out Vo as functión of VË and V2 (4) (CO1)
RI R2 R3
Q11. For the given integrator, calculate the output and plot it w.r.t the input.
t, onsidering OP-AMP to be ideal.
(4) (CO)
1SK 4ooK
4mb Sm&
O12. An OP-AMP has 18 Vsupplies and a gain of -80. Over what input range is the amplifier inear?
*** *END (2) (COL, CO3)
k* * ***** **k * ** * *** k *** ***** * * k *
Departmentof ECE MNIT Jaipur
03. Derive the cxpression for an clectric d1pole. Find first, Electric Scalar Potential and then Electric
Ficld Strength.
04.Two long parallel conductors of a dc transmission line separated by 2 m have charges of pL= 5
uCmof opposite sign. Both lines are 8mabove ground. What is the magnitude of the electriefield
mdiretly below the one of the negatively charged wire? Assume ¬=1.
05.Daermine the E fieldboth inside andoutside aspherical cloud of electrons with aunifom charge
density p =-po ( whercp, is a positive quantity) for 0<R<b and p-0 for R>b by solving Poisson's and
Laplacc's cquations for V.
ECT 215: Operating Systems
Mid Term Examination-2023
Time Limit: 1hour and 30 minutes
The total number of marks is 30. All questions are to be attempted. The usage of all electronic items/gadgets are
nrohibited exCeDt the scientific calculators. Please precisely answer whatever asked in the question, otherwise there
will be deduction of marks.
The course outcomes (COs)
CO1: To understand the objectives, structures and functions of modern operating systems
CO2: To understand the working of processes and threads and their scheduling algorithms
CO3: Tounderstand the problems of synchronization and deadlock in OS and its various solutions
CO4: To understand the memory and storage handling/allocation methods
COS:To understand files, its structures, implementation and protection issues
CO6: To analyze the problems related to OS and suggest viable solutions (analytically and design issues)
1. List five services provided by an operating system, and explain how each creates convenience for users.
(Restricted to 150 Words) (CO1) (6)
2. Write apseudocode for a webserver application for handling large volume of client request using multi
thread environment. (CO2) (4)
3. Given the below code: (3+4) (CO2)
#include <stdio h>
#inchude <unistd.h>
int main).
if(fork0-(fork()--0) PChild \n"):
a. How many child processes will be created? Draw the flow chart depicting the creation of child
b. What is the output of following C program? Discuss if the output will be same in every execution.
4. Write a C program or pseudo code to calculate the square of elements of an array. The parent process
takes help of child process where the complete task is divided half between the parent process and the
child process. (CO2) (5)
5. Define following terms (Restricted to 100 Words Each) (CO2.CO3) (1+1+1.5+1.5)
a. Context Switch
b. Application programming interface (AP) with example
C. Concurrency v/s Parallelism
d. Zombie v/s Orphan Process
6. State true and false (CO1, CO2) (4)
a. In theaddress space of a process Data section contains function parameters, return addresses etc.
b. A process migrate from running state to waiting state due to interrupt. (ilo
C. mmap) creates a file descriptor to the shared memory object. T
d. Disable all interrupts can be allowed in user mode. r
He «h
Measurements &Instrumentation (ECT216)
Mid-Term Examination, 04th March 2023
Maximum Time Allowed- 1:30 hrs
This question paper consists of 6 questions and 1 page.
a) What are the demeritsin electrodynamometer type wattmeters? How can these
be resolved? (2)
b) What are shortfalls in half wave rectifier voltmeters? How are these
c) Why are PMMC instruments also known as polarized instruments? (1)
6 For a 50 V
electrodyanometer type voltmeter,
of 80°. The spring
DC FSD current is 0.025 A at
constant the
initial mutual inductance M IS 0.30 H. Find the instrument is 0.2x104 N-m/rad and
true potential difference across the
instrument when it reads AC 50 V of 50 Hz. (5)
Meanuententa &lnntrnmentatkn (Eee)
Fnt lem txanimaton, 29h Ail 2021
Maxkmum tine Allowed 230 hrs MM AO
queatlonn andt paue.
1hi quention hapereonsinta ot B
Why ane the thenmistorN etenat oveY ther tenmeate measoement deviceN) Ntate all ve eMNNN
which detine R Tehaawteristics ofthemistors (2)
(a) What ar the diflernt methxds tor measuNment ot high resiNtancos? plain cah
methdwith suitable diagrans and expressios. (5)
(b) Iove that intwo-wattneter method, for delta comected load sum of the eadings
of watmeters is equal to the sum of instantancous powver in the le04d. (3)
(c) A-p load has apower tactor ot 0.45. Ifthe input power indicated by two wattnetcr
method is G0W, then determinc the readings of cach of the wattnneter. (3)
3, igure 1
(a) Explain the construction and working principle ot' attraction and repulsion tyye
MI instruments with necessary diagran1s? Derive the coresponding tonque
cquation. (4+4) "
(b) Explain concept of accuracy, precision, and resolution withsuitable exanples. (2)
4. (1
(a) A Whcatstone bridge has cqual resistance of l0 kQ incach of its am and power
supply is IS V. Two galvanonneters G1 (internal resistance l ks2 and resolution ot
0.l uA) or G2 (internal resistance 100s2 and resolution of TA) are available to Figure 2
be used. Determine the minimum imbalance detectalble by the bridge when cach
of the galvanometer is used as a nulldetector in the Bridge. Which galvanometer will make the bricdge moe
sensitive? (S)
(b) AC Bridge shown in fig. Ioperates atsupply fhequcncy of 100 l1z. Standard capacitance Ci is 0.5 jut. Balace
is achieved when R 530 ks2, Ri9 ks2 und RA IS k), 1Detemine the resistiveand Capacitivc compoents
of the measured capacitor and its dissipation factor. If standardcapacitaNce C varies betwecn 0.4 uF to 06
uF, determine the range of mcasured components, (4)
(c) AC Bridge shown in fig 2 operates at suplyfrequency of 100 z. This bridge is balanced when C,- 03t,
R=2.1 kQ. Ry 60 S2 and R4 750 S2. Calculate the resistive and inductive components of the mcasured
induucter and its quality factor. Also calculate the corresponding series cquivalent
circuit loLncasurcd
components. (5)
5. PMMC R,..
(a) APMMC instrument has ISD 01 T00 A and coil resistunce of 2k) A
resistance Avrton shunt is Connected across it as shown in fio with R, .
0 05 0 R, 0.45 S2, and K 4.S S2. Calculate the three ranpes of the R,
R, L R,
ammeter. (3)
(b) In certain MI instrumenl, current and he Figure 3
dellection are relatcd as S/0 nA
where js the deflection in radian. Spring constant is 0.S
A R,
inductance at 50 mA currentl is 3 jl1. Delermine uN-m/rad and self.
0. Also calculate dellection and meter current ut aninductance as a function ot
(c) ln ip., 4, the PMMC
instrument has lSD of
inductance of 5 ull. (3)
kO initial R) 25 S2 and initial E, 100 1A with Rm-25 6), R, - 0
2 V. Delcrmine the
0SI:S). IfE falls to 1.8
V, calculate lhe new value of R initial R, valuc a
And ew R, value at Figure 4
).SES) (4)
O6. 04. Q3. Q2. Q1. C04:
Design Marks:
CO3:and C02: CO1:Note: Maximum 60ECE
(b)advantages (b) voltage \(a) Students
Short DesignAnalysis
(b) (a) (b) (a) All
Explain cauivalent
end Explain Explain 5. 4.
Givethe 3. 2. 1.
An Derive Design Calculate
Find What
of 8-bit. What What What answerList and Questions
to and will
the three analysis analysisdesign be
the third and the produce a t
is do are
unipolarPLL. *- output the type introduced
workingoutpuThe efficiency Schmitt t10 500 10
+10 V the
the you
clock disadvantages V5 working
need classification thetypes of of of are
What v5 output difference questions.
pulse. UTP of mean three Generators,
ka ka of
successive is trigger the of to
and 5 voltage peak of operating the
mit squareofreference its = Fig. I ke circuit by Linear
Free 0.5 V ka5 sample based
of using detector Butterworthbetween of Schmitt analysi5
waveapproximation RunningCLASS-B and shown for types 1C flters and
voltage of 10 this and temperaturePackages? and
generator merit LTP 741 triggers,
circuit? hold Sawtooth of designing 2nd End
is with circuit
in response? ICs
Pushpull = Fig ***ALL
THE Year
+5V, -1.5V Vc= cirouit according PLL for
and register Explain
2 in and ranges Corespondence
After Fig. and of
convert in other Ingar B.Tech
power of sucht12V
Capture CLASS-B Triangular
detail Examination
conversion I its to1C? of
type that Fig 2 whenworking apphcations and
it amplifier along the 4
to and n01-inea
ADC mode mar V, fabrication? Semester
a Pushpull device Wzve? questions
triangular calculate R = in with
1sand at 2.5 of
used output detail. circutt (2022-23)
Locked V its Technology,
power saturates and
apphcations. Hnus
wave the to
is SIIE are
convertMode. amplifier. 80LA
V, wrIeI
enerator. IV = UDTatwra Appiei
-X 225 (1
the Take below x5) n
ADC What ton
{4)(004) (C03)(6) (C04)C-0.01 the apite
(C04) 5) (4) 001
(004) digital are supplv (C01)((001)
5) (4) Jaipur
at (4)
the the uF n
O04) ESIDS ET-211
(b) For an input Va= 4v, find the output voltage Vo and current lo, alsodetermine the range of Va for
linear operation if thesaturation voltage of op-ampis +12v (3) (CO3)
12 k2
4 k2
6 kQ
10 V
Q7. Derive the steady state expression for V,(t) in Fig. 3 (5)(CO2)
250 pF 40 ks!
Fig. 3
O8. (a) Identify the amplifier shown in Fig. 4 and derive the expression of V,
(5) (CO3)
Fig. 4
(b) For 741 OPAMP in non inverting mode the
0.5 V/us, draw the output to the scale. If the pulseinput fed is a pulse shown in Fig. a). If slew rate is
draw the slewed output for the same slew rate? width is decreased to 3us as shown in Fig.
b) then
2V 2V/
3A 648
ECT 215:
End Term Operating Systems
Time Limit: 2 hour and 30 minutes
Q.2. Consider the following set of processes, with the length of the CPU burst given in ms: (CO2,3,6)
Process Burst Time Arival Time Priority ’
PI 0 3
P3 3 2
P4 2 3
P5 6 4
a. Draw four Gantt charts that illustrate the execution of these processes using the following scheduling
algorithms: FCFS,(SJF) preemptive priority (a larger priority number implies a higher priority), and RR
(quantum =2).
b. What is the turnaround time of each process for each of the scheduling algorithms in part a?
c. What is the waiting time of each process for cach of these scheduling algorithms?
d. Which ofthe algorithms results in the minimum processes)?(4+4+t4+2)
Waiting time (over all
average (IE’ramilwe
Q3. The two processes, PO and Pl,share the following variables: (COS, CO6) (6)
boolean flag|2]; /* initially false "/ int turn;
The structure of process Pi(i0or l) is shown helow, The other process is Pj m|or 0).
do {
flagli] = TRUE,
while (flagiW
if (tum
flagli] FALSE;
while (turn ));/do nothing
flagli| =TRUE;}
turn =j: flagli] = FALSE;
}while (TRUE):
Prove that the algorithmsatisties att three requirements for the critical-section problem.)
Q4. An application has 20% of code that is inherently serial. Theoretically, what will be its maximum
speedup be if it is running on a multicore system with four processors? (CO2) (4)
Department of Electronícs & Communication Engineering
2d May 2023
End-term exam
0800-1030 hrs.
B.Tech. IV semester (ECE )
Max. marks: 50
ECT- 212: Analog Communication
Course Outcomes:
CO1 An understanding of various signals and different filters.
CO2 Amplitude Modulation and its variants (AM, DSBSC, SSB, VSB) and their
modulators and demodulators, FDM
CO3 Frequency Modulation and its variants (NBEM, WBFM) and their modulators
and demodulators
Sampling of analog signals, Pulse modulation techniques (PAM/PWMPPM):
their modulators and demodulators
CO5 Digital Modulation/ Pulse Code Modulation, noise, channel capacity, TDM,
Time- and Frequency Characterization of Signals and Systems
All questions are of 10 marks each
Q.1(a) A message signal m(t) with the Fourier Transform M() shown below is to be
with a50% of the power of the carrier wave. Suggest a transmitted
modulation scheme? Find ine
transíer function H() of the fiiter for the suggested modulation scheme and plot it.
(b) Evaluate the Fourier transforms of the waveforms shown below CO1, C02
A A t4 (
Crystal Crystal
Controlled Controlled
Oscillator LOscillator
(b) Drdw the circuit of a balanced
denodulator? frequency discriminator(BFD) that is used as a FM
() Does it have envelope
detectors in the output stage?
(ii) How do the slope circuits of the first stage of BFD convert the FM
signal? signal to an AM
a) ENplain the Nyquist criteria for
sanypling on the output wavefom? sampling of message signal. What is the effect of under
Explain it with one practical form of sampling scheme.
(b) How dowe convert ananalog/
Drawthe block diagram of suchcontinuous time message
a scheme and explain thesignal into a digital binary signal.
role of each block.
0.50) ExNDlain thedifference between a Pulse
Code Modulation (DPCM) systeims? Code Modulation (PCM) and the Differential Pulse
Imakes this difference. Mention a tew Explain briefly about the fundamental component that
advantages/ disadvantages of DPCM over PCM
(b) Thecharacteristics of the ideal
undesirable, trequency-selective
it is preferable to allow filter may be unachievable or COS
passband and in the stopband, as wellsomeas toflexibility in the behavior of the
filter in the
bands. Plot the transfer function H(w) of a permit a more gradual
transition between these
the details. continuous-timelow-pass filter marked with all
TIME: 2.30 Hours MAX.MARKS: 50
Note: Attempt ANY TENQuestions.
X Differentiate between Memory Mapped l/O and Direc/ Peripheral I/0. Give ascheme to interface group of
8-LEDs at Ox1000 (using Memory Mapped) and port 0xFF (using Direct) I/Ó schemes.
Write aprogram to multiply a 16 bit no. at location Ox0100-0x0101 with a 8-bit no. at location Ox0102. The
result (24 bits maximum) shouldbe stored at location Ox0 103-0x0105.
3.Write a program to convert agiven one byte hexadecimal number available at 0x0100 in its equivalent
BCD and store the result at location QxQ101-0x0102. The maximum result can be Ox0255.
(For example: if the input is Ox67, the result should be Ox0103).
4A group of 100 bytes are stored in location Ox0200 onwards. Find the largest of them and store it in
BCD to hex. conversion for maximum value of 99. A BCD number is
Convert it to Hex. And store it in Ox0101. (For example: for value 99,available in location 0x0100.
the result should be Ox63).
6. Explain the interrupt structure of 8085
microprocessor. Explain the meaning of vectored interrupts.
Exolain RIM & SIM instructions and explain 312
how they are used to control interrupts.
KGive a block diagram of an Interrupt driven clock to display
OX02 and Ox03 respectively. Assume that numbers are Hours, Minutes and Seconds at port nos. Oxe1.
directly displayed on these ports.
8Write a subroutine to multiply two 8-bit numbers by
factoria! of a number. The rèsult will be maximum repeaied addition and use this subroutine to find
16-bits, Clearly state the assumptions made.
V9Bxplain the working of R/2R ladder D/A converter. What are its
converter. advantages over weighted registers D/A
10. Explain theworking of
successive approximation type A/D converter. Also write a
operaien by software controlling. What are its advantages program for its
uGve he interfacing block diagram for 8K ROM at
Vox4000 onwards. location Ox2000
the interfacing. Clearly state the chip-select and in-chip select linesonwards and 4K RAM at location
and logic diagram to achieve
Draw the block diagram of 8255 chip
and explain its operating
3. Draw the block diagram of 8155 and
explain its features.
Explain Handshaking signals and how
B) Features of 8279 they are used for input and
output devices.
S8. A)Working of Dual slope A/D
B) Program for Converter
Saw-tooth generator using 8-bit DAC
o, Find the nagnetie ficld strength and its curl at radius within 2 uppe tar
radius torcarrying current I unifomly distributed over the cross 1i (te
7. The conducting triangular loop in below Figure carfes a current of 104. Find Hz
(0, 0, 5)())due to side I of thc loop and (6i) due to all sides of the loop.
8. Define Faraday's Law. Deri ve equation for (i) transformer and notional EMF (i) moving
loop in static Bfield (Motional EMF) (ii) moving loop in time- arying field.
9. Explain the continuity equation and relaxation time.
10. Explain the uniform plane wave and
drive the
plane wave travelling in z direction in free space,equatton 1or wave equations for uniform
20210EC II64
3. (i) Find the divergence of the vector function F=§,
(i)Evaluate the integral of V.F throughout the x+a, xy+a, 24 x² z
value of a unit cube centered at the
(iii) Also, evaluate the total outward flux ofF over the
(iv) And thus verify Gauss's Law. surface of the cube.
N 32
6, Find the magnctic field strength and its curl at radius r within a copper conductor of
radius to> t Carryingcurrent I uniformly distributed over the cross section. (to= radius of
4. 1efne 'araday's Law. Derive equation for (i) transforner and motional EMF (ii) moving
2in tatic B ficld (Motional LMF) (iii)moving loop in time-varying fielt
' i,ui, 1he tinuity eyuation and relaxation
1'. :in 1he uniiturm plane wave and drive the equation for
0:" W: v 1y91e1)iny in z direction in free Space,
equations for uniform