Electroreduction of Nitrobenzene To P-Aminophenol
Electroreduction of Nitrobenzene To P-Aminophenol
Electroreduction of Nitrobenzene To P-Aminophenol
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3 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Kamran Polat on 31 May 2014.
Key words: cathode materials, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical reduction, p-aminophenol, preparative elec-
trolysis, rotating disc electrode
This paper describes an investigation of the reduction of nitrobenzene to p-aminophenol by the use of CV, RDE and
preparative electrolysis with Cu and Cu(Hg) electrodes. The preparative electrolyses of nitrobenzene were carried out
at controlled current and controlled potential conditions using copper and amalgamated copper using a new semipilot
(laboratory) scale system in the absence of an organic cosolvent. The effects of redox reagents and the concentration of
nitrobenzene in catholyte added to the medium were also examined. The best results were obtained with 2.3% BiCl3 at
nitrobenzene concentration of 0.144 g cm)3 catholyte. The most suitable electrode material was found to be
amalgamated copper and the reduction of nitrobenzene to p-aminophenol was found to follow an ECE mechanism.
1. Introduction
Table 2. Effect of redox compounds on the reduction of nitrobenzene (2 mM) in 2 M H2SO4 containing 50% water – 50% 2-propanol (v/v) on
copper and graphite at a scan rate of 40 mV s)1
/mol /% /mol /%
Cu 375 0.160 68.4 0.062 26.4 94.8 72.2 27.8 0.0122 1.05
Cu(Hg) 225 0.180 76.9 0.044 18.8 95.7 80.4 19.6 0.0098 0.92
Catholyte: 20% H2SO4 (200 cm3) + 0.144 g NB/cm3 catholyte; anolyte: 20% H2SO4, anode: graphite; temperature: 75 C; Q: 85 603 C
(4 F mol)1).
Table 4. Effect of nitrobenzene concentration in catholyte for electrolyses carried out on Cu at 375 mV (the electrolyses was carried out at the
same conditions set in Table 3)
/mol /% /mol /%
0.144 85603 0.160 68.40 0.062 26.40 94.80 72.20 27.80 0.0122 1.04
0.300 175992 0.296 60.66 0.160 32.79 93.45 64.91 35.09 0.0320 2.70
0.400 235814 0.375 57.69 0.236 36.31 94.00 61.37 38.63 0.0390 3.20
Table 5. Results of constant current electrolyses of nitrobenzene on Cu and Cu(Hg), cf. Table 3, i = 5.85 mA cm)2, Q = 90 312 C (4 F mol)1)
/mol /% /mol /%
Table 6. Effect of redox compounds added to reaction medium in the reduction of nitrobenzene on Cu (E = )325 mV) and all other conditions
are as same as those listed in Table 3)
/mol /% /mol /%
SnCl2 1.7 0.100 42.70 0.128 54.70 97.40 43.80 56.20 6.00
BiCl3 1.7 0.130 55.60 0.099 42.30 97.90 56.80 43.20 5.00
SnCl2 2.3 0.168 71.80 0.062 66.50 98.30 73.00 27.00 4.00
BiCl3 2.3 0.175 74.80 0.055 232.90 98.72 75.80 24.20 3.00
SnCl2 5.2 0.112 47.90 0.120 51.30 99.10 55.20 44.80 2.00
BiCl3 5.2 0.115 49.10 0.117 50.00 99.10 49.50 50.50 2.00
chance of nitrobenzene intermediate phenylhydroxyl- and product yield of p-Ap were obtained when the
amine giving reaction at the cathode surface. This amount of both redox agents was 2.3% and BiCl3 gave
reaction is promoted as the amount of undissolved better results compared with SnCl2.
nitrobenzene increases.
The I–Q graph of potential controlled electrolysis 3.3.1. Separation of the electrolyses product
data gave the number of electron as 4. The unreacted NB was separated from the reaction
The effect of the nitrobenzene concentration was also medium by steam distillation, purified with ether ex-
investigated at constant potential (all the other para- traction and dried over CaCl2 after evaporation of ether.
meters being the same as Table 3) and the results are The remaining solution was neutralized with NH4HCO3
given in Table 4. Table 5 lists the results obtained from to pH 6–7 and resubjected to steam distillation to
the constant current electrolyses of nitrobenzene Cu separate aniline. Aniline was extracted with ether from
and Cu(Hg). The effects of the reducing agent added the aqueous solution. The solution was then boiled with
to the catholyte are given in Table 6. It is observed active carbon, filtered and cooled to 0 C. The p-
that the p-Ap yield is dependent on the potential aminophenol crystals were filtered off, washed with
employed according to the data presented in Table 3 benzene and 1% sodium bisulfite, recystallized from hot
and Table 4. water and dried in a vacuum dessicator (mp 188–189 C
Table 6 indicates that the addition of redox com- lit., [28] mp 189.5–190 C). The flow chart of the system
pounds to the reaction medium increases the p-Ap yield is depicted in Figure 7.
and percentage conversion, which proves that these In conclusion, the highest p-Ap yield is obtained by
redox species reduce the nitro compounds in the using Cu(Hg), BiCl3 and 0.144 g cm)3 catholyte con-
solution. It was observed that the highest selectivity centration, respectively.
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