DC Traction Power System Grounding

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Dev Paul
Senior Member, IEEE
Earth Tech, 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1000, Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 419 6448; Fax: (510) 419 5355; [email protected]

Abstract The paper provides a review of the present Typical dc electrification one line diagram of a rapid
practice of DC Traction Power System grounding methods transit system with grounding protective relay schemes
employed in North America. An analysis of equipment covering the equipment and dc power system grounding
grounding, system grounding and their relationships to methods is included Fig.1. To accommodate two different
achieve optimized equipment and personal safety is derived. contradictory requirements of minimizing dc stray current
Generic protective relay schemes commonly used in the dc and maximizing personnel safety through the design of dc
equipment enclosure grounding are shown. Rail leakage stray power system grounding protection schemes is discussed.
current and personnel safety affected by the dc system
grounding method are discussed. To enhance II. DC TRACTION POWER SYSTEM
personnel/equipment safety, specific recommendations for
the design of the dc traction power system grounding are In a dc traction power system, current from the traction
included. power substations is delivered to the moving trains by either
the third rail or the overhead contact system (OCS) and is
Index Terms - Equipment grounding; rail to ground potential; returned to the substations by the track running rails. The
rapid transit system, stray current, system grounding, touch installation configuration of the traction power substation
potential. stations (TPSSs), positive and negative feeder cable runs, and
the track running rails is such that the third rail or the OCS
I. INTRODUCTION acts as a long positive conductor and the cross-bonded
running rails as the negative conductor, while each TPSS is in
Rapid transit systems are expanding at great speed parallel between these two positive and negative conductors.
throughout the world including North America. However, Sectionalizing of the positive conductor is provided by the dc
there is very little effort towards development of standards feeder breakers at each traction power substation. Sometimes
for dc power system design and protection as compared to ac gap stations are employed in the middle of the two traction
power systems used for general industry. Each new transit power substations to increase the sectionalization, especially
project begins with its own set of design directive documents for a 1500V dc system when the distance between the traction
and applies equipment and system grounding methods that power substations is relatively large. Under normal system
may not be fully evaluated due to lack of clear understanding operation, to minimize dc stray current and its associated
of their relationship to stray current and personnel safety. It is corrosion effects on underground utilities, the running rails
the authors view that there are times when the low resistance and the dc traction power system negative are kept
and high resistance equipment grounding methods used for dc ungrounded.
power systems may be misunderstood to be the power system
grounding in accordance with the definition of ac power Present practice when designing the dc traction power
systems grounding. At present there are no recommended system is to keep rated voltage in the range of 600 - 1500V
guidelines or industry standards that cover dc traction power dc with 750V dc the normal choice of many projects [3]. The
system grounding; unlike the color book series [5] that covers dc switchgear [4] consists of single polarity (positive) dc
ac power system grounding. circuit breakers of either the high speed or the semi-high
speed type [11] to supply dc power to train propulsion system
via third rail or OCS system. The negative polarity bus box is
This paper attempts to provide the ABCs of dc equipment physically kept separated from the dc switchgear.
enclosure and dc traction power system grounding methods
and their relationship. Only the protective relay schemes Fig. 1 represents various components of the dc
associated with dc equipment enclosure grounding and electrification system including the vehicle. It should be
system grounding are described. The overall dc rapid transit noted that the vehicle touch potential is practically the same
system protective relay scheme is beyond the scope of this as the rail-to-ground potential, especially if there is no other
paper. Interested readers are encouraged to read dc breakers provision for grounding the vehicle [7].
protection duty requirements indicated in [9].

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These inherent characteristics of the dc traction power
system being grounded through its rail leakage resistance will
establish the return path for the positive-to-ground fault


Design of the dc equipment enclosure grounding shall

assure maximum safety of personnel and equipment under
fault conditions.

Early published literature [1][2] indicates that danger to

personnel results from high dc short circuit currents due to
associated fire, molten metal and brilliant flash rather than
electric shock risk due to dc voltage present at the equipment
enclosure under fault conditions. At that time, grounding of
one polarity of the dc system was standard practice for the
railway and mining industries. As a result of these
experiences, the development of high-resistance equipment
1: Rectifier Unit 2: DC Switchgear 3: Negative Bus Box
4: Equipment Grounding Protection 5: System Grounding Protection
grounding protective relay schemes became the norm of the
transit industry in the USA. These practices lead to the
Fig. 1. DC Electrification One Line Diagram inclusion of the following in ANSI C37.20.1 [4]:
To properly address the subject of grounding, there should Exception: LV switchgear having single polarity dc
be a clear understanding of the differences between circuits, rated above 250V, shall be ungrounded. It is
"equipment" grounding and "system" grounding. Equipment recommended that they be connected to ground only by
grounding refers to grounding of the enclosures of the protecting or indicating devices of relatively high resistance.
rectifier unit and dc switchgear. System grounding refers to
grounding of the current carrying conductor of the dc NEC [6] article 250110 (1) states that the exposed non-
negative system. This negative system is the negative of the current carrying metal parts of fixed equipment likely to
rectifier unit at each TPSS and the track running rails become energized shall be grounded if within 8 feet vertically
carrying negative return current. The three basic or 5 feet horizontally from grounded surface and subject to
configurations: a) ungrounded, b) impedance grounded and c) contact by persons.
effectively grounded that apply to ac power systems [5] could
very well apply to dc traction power systems. Under normal It has been recognized by the transit industry that dc
system operation, there is no direct intentional electrical equipment enclosure rectifiers and metal enclosed dc
connection between the dc negative and the ground. switchgear should be grounded by using an appropriate
However, this ungrounded system establishes reference to protective relay scheme for safety of personnel and
ground through leakage resistance of the running rails. This equipment. This protection relay scheme, which employs
leakage resistance depends upon the track insulation material either high resistance or low resistance equipment grounding
and is generally in the order of 200 /1000'/rail under normal methods, has been a subject of many debates and discussions
dry weather conditions [5]. This value is subject to change among equipment suppliers, design engineers and transit
depending upon type of track construction, weather authority representatives. Each transit property employs one
conditions and age of the tracks due to accumulation of or the other grounding method depending upon their own
metallic dust. Thus, the ungrounded dc traction power system understanding of the safety and design issues [3]. It should be
in reality is grounded through an equivalent rail-to-ground mentioned that the tolerable touch potential for a dc system is
leakage resistance (Rng) value derived by expression (1), relatively higher, in the order of 3.5 times, than an ac system
assuming all four running rails of double track system are [14].
A. High Resistance Grounding Method (HRGM)
Rng = 50/(5.28D) (1)
The equipment is completely insulated/isolated from all
Where: surrounding grounded structures by using insulated floor,
insulated conduit bushings, and insulated substation walls
D: Represents the sum of half the distances in miles between facing the equipment. A constant voltage in the order of 25V
adjacent traction power substations dc is applied between the enclosure and ground, Fig.2. This

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voltage produces current high enough to energize relay 64M
but not relay 64T. Upon loss of this voltage or in case of
enclosure-to-ground fault, relay 64M will de-energize to
provide enclosure ground fault alarm indication. In case of dc
bus short to enclosure, the current will be high enough to
energize relay 64T to trip the substation ac and dc breakers to
clear the enclosure live fault condition. Shorting switch
device 57 and overvoltage relay device 59 are components of
one of the system grounding schemes that follow. It is worth
mentioning that the resistance value of HRGM scheme will
assure that during equipment fault (arcing or bolted), the
reasonable setting of device 59 will allow its activation to
clear the enclosure live fault.

B. Low Resistance Grounding Method (LRGM)

The equipment enclosure is kept insulated/isolated from all

surrounding grounded structures. The enclosure is grounded
at a single point by a low resistance protection relay scheme 74: Alarm relay, 64: Enclosure live fault detection trip relay
Fig. 3. A low voltage in the order of 1V dc is applied between
the enclosure and ground to monitor integrity of the low Fig. 3. Low Resistance Grounding Method
resistance grounding protection. Alarm relay device 74 will IV. DC POWER SYSTEM GROUNDING
provide alarm when this voltage is interrupted or there is
enclosure ground condition. During enclosure live fault Design of the dc power system grounding needs to
condition, relay device 64 will energize to trip the substation compromise two contradictory requirements: a) minimum dc
ac and dc breakers due to relatively higher magnitude of fault stray current, and b) maximum personnel/equipment safety.
current when switch 57 closes upon energization of relay To achieve this objective, system grounding should be
device 59. Transfer tripping of the dc feeder breakers at designed to satisfy the following basic requirements:
adjacent substations is a must to clear the fault on the load
side of local dc feeder breakers. Without this transfer 1. Under normal system operation, the grounding system
tripping, major equipment damage has resulted with a low should minimize dc stray current. This can be achieved
resistance equipment grounding scheme. by keeping the system ungrounded, i.e. floating. No
intentional connection is made between system negative
and ground.
2. Under abnormal system operation with unsafe rail-to-
ground potential, the system should be grounded by
shorting the negative polarity to ground to suppress the
unsafe voltage. The method of shorting the rail or the
substation negative bus box to ground shall be achieved
automatically through protection relays and shorting
devices in the shortest possible time. Upon clearing this
abnormal situation, the system will automatically return
to original stage of ungrounded power system.

Various methods employed to achieve the system

grounding schemes and their limitations are discussed.

A. Solidly Grounded System

The negative of each substation is grounded to the local

ground grid without any intentional impedance in the
64M: Ground fault monitoring relay, 64T: Enclosure live fault trip relay grounding circuit Fig.4. It should be recognized that the
Fig. 2. High Resistance Grounding Method
running rails negative return circuit effectively becomes in
parallel with the ground and thus a considerable part of the
negative return current may seek the path of ground,

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increasing the threat of corrosion to underground utilities in device 59 activates and closes the shorting switch to
vicinity of the tracks. Drainage bonds between underground automatically ground the negative system. Upon sensing
utilities near the traction power substation and electrical short circuit current, device 50 activates to de-energize the
bonding of underground utilities in vicinity of the tracks is traction power substation. In addition device 50 provides
mandatory to mitigate the corrosion effect of dc currents. local indication and remote alarm to manually reset the
This method may exist only in older transit systems. The shorting switch. It should be mentioned that a shorting switch
modern systems do not employ such a grounding system. is a mechanical device and takes definite time to activate;
dangerous voltage could occur during this time.
B. Diode Grounded System
D. Ungrounded (floating) System
Paralleled array of diodes with a shorting dc contactor and
protection relays are employed at each traction power The system is kept ungrounded under normal and
substation Fig. 5. Upon detecting a set voltage level, relay abnormal conditions Fig. 7. This system provides least stray
device 59 energizes a dc contactor to automatically ground current; however, it may prove to be dangerous to the general
the negative system. Directional overcurrent relay device 32 public and maintenance persons as the vehicle or running
opens the shorting contactor for low level "forward" currents rails may be at an elevated dc voltage with respect to ground,
and trips the traction power system if high level ground fault especially during positive-to-ground fault. This method is not
current continues to flow. It should be noted that under used in present transit systems for safety reasons, especially
normal system operation, for small magnitudes of voltage under abnormal fault conditions.
difference between rail and ground, the diodes are always
conductive, thus setting a stage for relatively higher stray E. Thyristor Grounding Method
The various protective relay devices of the thyristor-
C. Automatic Grounding Switch grounding scheme are shown in Fig. 8. Overvoltage relay
device 59 continuously checks the negative-to-ground
Shorting switch device 57, overvoltage relay device 59, voltage. When this voltage exceeds a preset value, the relay
and overcurrent relay device 50 are employed at each traction triggers the thyristor gate (GTO) by auxiliary relay device
power substation Fig.6. Upon detecting set voltage level, 59X to ground the negative system. This limits the potentially

Fig. 4. Solidly Grounded System Fig. 6. Automatic Grounding Switch

Fig. 5. Diode Grounded System Fig. 7. Ungrounded System

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dangerous rail-to-ground voltage by allowing current to V. DC EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE FAULT
return to the source. The contacts of instantaneous current
relay device 50 energize time delay auxiliary relays 50X1 and Bridging of the dc bus to enclosure may lead to bolted fault
50X2. After a short delay upon sensing decrease in the or arcing fault inside the dc enclosure. Depending upon the
current, device 50X1 provides an alarm as well as provides condition of the power system being ungrounded or
gate turn off signal to the thyristor to resume its normal grounded, fault current will be controlled by the various
position of an ungrounded system. However, if the current resistance parameters defined below.
continues to flow in case of positive-to-ground fault, then
after a preset time delay device 50X2 will trip all dc feeder Rng : Running rails leakage resistance. This can be computed
breakers. The setting of relay device 59 may be set in the by using expression (1).
order of 60 volts, which is considered safe touch potential. Rsg : Substation ground grid resistance. This value can be in
This will allow system to operate ungrounded for normal the order of 5 or less by proper design of TPSS ground grid.
conditions until ground-to-negative rail potential rises to the Rrc : Equipment grounding protection scheme resistance.
set limit of 60 volts under abnormal positive feeder-to-
ground fault condition. A.Ungrounded Power System

The dc feeder breakers will automatically close through the Steady state dc bolted fault current (Ibfc) and arcing fault
load measuring protective relay scheme except for the faulted current (Iarc) inside the dc equipment enclosure may be
feeder circuit breaker, and thus provides a positive indication computed by using the following expressions when the power
of the faulted circuit. system is ungrounded:

It should be mentioned that a bi-directional GTO unit may Ibfc = V/ (Rng + Rrc + Rsg) (2)
be required, depending upon the system configuration and Iarc = (V - 200) /(Rng + Rrc + Rsg) (3)
excessive train starting currents resulting in dangerous rail
voltage rise above ground. Such a design if implemented B. Grounded Power System
should have GTO activation counters, and voltage and
current monitoring device scheme to optimize the settings of When any of the system grounding protection schemes
device 59 to assure maximum safety and minimum stray grounds the negative rail, then the value of rail-to-ground
current injection. resistance as well as the local ground grid resistance in
expressions (2) and (3) will become zeros thus increasing the
The advantage of the bi-directional thyristor scheme over fault current values. The fault current expressions for the
the grounding diode scheme is that the thyristor unit will grounded system (grounding points of equipment ground
ground the system only when the set dangerous voltage circuit and the grounding point of the negative rail or bus
occurs due to either train bunching load currents or due to connected to same ground grid) will be as follows:
positive-to-ground faults that develop. Under normal system
operation below the set negative-to-ground overvoltage, the Ibfc = V/ (Rrc) (4)
system is kept ungrounded. Iarc = (V - 200) /(Rrc) (5)

Expressions (2) through (4) are for comparing grounding

configurations only and not for computing accurate dc short
circuit current. It should be noted that the enclosure touch
voltage in case of arcing or bolted fault between the positive
dc bus and the enclosure is practically the voltage drop across
the equipment grounding protection scheme resistance value.
Thus the touch potential in case of low resistance equipment
grounding method will be lower than the touch potential in
case of high resistance grounding method. However, the
corresponding short circuit current in case of low resistance
method will be considerably higher than the corresponding
value in case of high resistance method.
It is important that the settings of relay device 59 associated
with the system grounding protection relays be such that
Fig. 8. Thyristor Grounding System device 59 activates to make the ungrounded system as a
grounded system to clear enclosure live fault condition as

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TABLE 1 elevated with respect to the rail with the possibility of
High Resistance and Low Resistance Equipment Grounding Methods
activating relay device 59 as shown in system grounding
Description of High Resistance Low Resistance
Technical Method Method methods. This in turn will trip the substation feeder breakers
Features to clear the fault condition. Unless the negative is shorted to
Constant 25 V dc I V dc ground by appropriate protection relay scheme, fault current
monitoring voltage is controlled by the rail-to-ground leakage resistance and the
Relaying circuit 200 - 700 ohms Less than 1 ohm
fault impedance. In many situations this fault current will be
resistance (Rrc) Use 500 ohms Use 0.5 ohms
Hot switchgear 1.48A* 1.50A 101.35A* 1500A
so low that the dc feeder breaker protective relays may not be
enclosure to 1.48A** *** 116.28A *** able to detect and clear the fault condition in appropriate
ground bolted 1.50A ** 1500A time.
fault current (Ibfc) *** ***
Hot switchgear to 1.08A* 1.1A*** 74.32A* 1100A VII. DC STRAY CURRENT
ground arcing 1.08A** 1.1A*** 85.27A** ***
fault current (Iarc ) 1100A
*** The fraction of the dc load current returning to the traction
Safety clearance 5 feet horizontal Insulated floor for power substation via negative rails leaks to ground due to
between dc 8 feet vertical added safety leakage resistance of the insulation pads between running
switchgear insulated floor rails and ground. To minimize dc stray current, voltage drop
enclosure and
adjacent grounded across the negative return rails is kept as low as practical and
surface the traction power system negative is kept ungrounded under
*Indicates values associated with double track lengths of 5 miles with normal system operation. The relative magnitude of the stray
leakage resistance of 200 ohms/1000/rail, ungrounded system current and the vehicle touch potential for various system
**Indicates corresponding values for track length of 10 miles, ungrounded
grounding configurations is shown in Table 2. Both the stray
***Values for the grounded system via any of the system grounding current and the human safety seem to be balanced by the
methods making negative rail connected to ground by voltage sensing relay thyristor grounding method as compared to other system
device 59. grounding methods.
The calculated values of bolted and arcing fault currents The protective relays shown in Fig.8 provide complete
shown in Table 1 are based upon system voltage of 750V and tripping and isolation of the traction power system in case of
ground grid resistance of 5 ohms both for the grounded heavy short circuit current due to positive-to-ground fault,
system and ungrounded system. Voltage drop across the arc and automatically return to normal configuration once the
is assumed to be 200V as shown in expressions (3) and (5). fault is cleared. Reverse GTO may be used at the stations to
suppress dangerous vehicle touch potential; however, it may
Table 1 indicates that short circuit current values in the case unnecessarily increase stray current magnitude.
of high resistance grounding method as compared to the
corresponding short circuit values in the case of low TABLE 2
resistance method have very little effect by the change from System Grounding vs Touch Potential and Stray Current
System Grounding Rail to Ground Stray current level
an ungrounded to a grounded system. Table 1 also indicates Method Potential
that the potential rise of local substation ground in the case of (Vehicle Touch
high resistance grounding method is small compared to the Potential)
low resistance method and may not be detected by system Solidly Grounded Low High
grounding relay device 59. Diode Grounded Moderate/Low Moderate/High
Thyristor Grounded Moderate/High Moderate/Low
Ungrounded System High Low
There is a possibility of two types of faults outside the dc
enclosure on the electrified tracks. These faults are arcing The arc associated with dc current has proven to be very
fault (positive-to-ground) and bolted short circuit fault dangerous to personnel and equipment. Thus the equipment
(positive-to-negative). The arcing fault will generally involve grounding and system grounding protection schemes should
high impedance at the fault location, whereas the bolted fault be optimized to minimize dc fault current if possible. The
will have no intentional fault impedance at the fault location. design should also assure that a person in contact with the
Both types of fault currents will be controlled by the system faulted dc equipment enclosure or the transit vehicle is not
grounding resistance parameters and/or rail-to-ground exposed to the danger of electric shock. DC voltage in the
leakage resistance, irrespective of the type of equipment range of 60V to 90V is considered safe [7][14] according to
grounding method. the present transit industry practice. Based upon the present
If positive touches ground away from the traction power trends of more litigation from such causes as electric shocks
substation, it will lead to a high impedance fault with low and from the nature of some humans with pace makers or
current magnitude. However, the ground potential will be metallic components embedded in human bones by advances

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in the medical field, it appears that the safe dc voltage may and factory tests of microprocessor solid-state products
very well be lower than 60V. to assure that their performance is guaranteed.
To reduce the effect of electric shock to passengers, the
station platform edges should employ high-resistance rubber X. RECOMMENDATION
mats. Similarly, inside the traction power substation,
insulated floors with very high volume resistivity compound 1. For safe design practices of a dc traction power system,
tend to increase the operator safety from electric shock. there is a need for the industry standard for clarification
From the safety point of view running rails should be of high and low resistance grounding protection methods
grounded, however, from the stray current point of view they with recommended resistance values. The standard
should be kept isolated from ground. To compromise this should review and establish the safe touch dc potential
requirement, the system grounding protective relay scheme for the general public and the substation maintenance
should ground the rail upon sensing the dangerous voltage person, especially now when pace makers and metallic
difference between the rail and ground, and automatically bones has become an integral part of the human body.
return to the normal state of an ungrounded rail when 2. It is recommended that the low voltage switchgear
dangerous voltage is suppressed. committee responsible for upgrading ANSI C37.20.1 [4]
should review the outdated exception, LV switchgear
IX. CONCLUSIONS having single polarity dc circuits, rated above 250V,
should be ungrounded. It is recommended that they be
1. Generic protection schemes of high-resistance and low- connected to the ground only by protecting or indicating
resistance equipment grounding methods are presented. devices of relatively high resistance. This seems to be
With the application of modern microprocessor and invalid as the majority of the modern transit systems are
digital relays, individual vendors offer their own brand operated ungrounded under normal system operation
names for these grounding protection schemes. There is compared to the grounded systems of the past.
no industry standard for the resistance values used in the
low or high resistance protective relay schemes. Some ACKNOWLEDGMENT
suppliers may promote their low resistance protective
relay scheme without establishing its short circuit current Author would like to thank Mr. Rey Belardo of Earth Tech
withstand capability. This could prove to be destructive for his technical reviews during the preparation of this paper.
and dangerous in case of heavy short circuit current
established by system grounding protection scheme. REFERENCES
Both the protective relay scheme as well as the shorting
device should be capable of withstanding the worst case [1] IEEE Recommended Practices for Grounding Single Polarity DC
maximum expected dc short circuit currents. Structures AIEE Committee Report. Oct. 1957, pages 784 790
[2] D. C Hoffman, Grounding of DC Structures and Enclosures AIEE
2. Both the high resistance and the low resistance Winter General Meeting, New York, 1961
equipment grounding protective relay schemes in [3] Paul Forquer, Equipment Grounding in Traction Power Substations,
combination with the preferred GTO system grounding APTA June 1993
[4] IEEE Standard for Metal-Enclosed Low oltage Power Circuit Breaker
protection scheme should be evaluated. The evaluation
Switchgear, ANSI/IEEE Std. C37.20.1
should be based upon the short circuit and rail-to-ground [5] IEEE Recommended Practices for Grounding of Industrial and
potential rise calculations. The results should be Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Std. 142-1991
reviewed with the equipment supplier. [6] National Electrical Code, NFPA 70 1999, National Fire Protection
3. The substation spacing should be established by [7] Dev Paul, Operational Safety and Maintenance Considerations for
performing rail to ground potential rise and stray current People Movers DC Grounding Systems, APTA 1988
analysis under normal and abnormal system operation. [8] Kenneth J. Moody, "Stray Current Characteristics of Grounded,
For system grounding purposes a bi-directional GTO unit Ungrounded, and Diode Grounded DC Transit Systems,
may be needed, depending upon the system parameters CORROSION/94, March 1994, Baltimore, Maryland
[9] John S. Morton, "Circuit Breaker and Protection Requirements for DC
and configuration. Switchgear Used in Rapid Transit Systems", IEEE Trans. Ind. App.
4. When the passenger stations are physically separated Vol. IA-21, pp. 1268- 1273, Sept./Oct. 1985
from the traction power substations, system grounding [10] J.C. Das and Richard H. Osman, " Grounding of AC and DC Low-
Voltage and Medium-Voltage Drive Systems, IEEE Trans. Ind. App.
protection scheme with reverse GTO similar to one used
Vol. 34, pp. 205 - 216, Jan./Feb. 1998
at the traction power substation may be employed at the [11] ANSI/IEEE Standard C37.14 - 1999, IEEE Standard for Low - Voltage
passenger station. This may increase the personnel safety DC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures
from the high vehicle touch potential under rare cases of [12] US Department of Transportation, A Corrosion Control Manual for Rail
simultaneous train starting or train bunching conditions. Rapid Transit. UMTA-DC-06-0152-83-1.
[13] C.F. Dalziel and W.R.Lee, "Reevaluation of Lethal Electric
5. Application engineer should carefully evaluate supplier's Current,"IEEE Trans. On Ind. Applicat. vol. IGA-4, P.467 Sept./Oct.
equipment and system grounding protective relay 1968
schemes. Evaluation should include the overall reliability [14] IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding ANSI/IEEE Std.80

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