DC Traction Power System Grounding
DC Traction Power System Grounding
DC Traction Power System Grounding
Dev Paul
Senior Member, IEEE
Earth Tech, 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1000, Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 419 6448; Fax: (510) 419 5355; [email protected]
Abstract The paper provides a review of the present Typical dc electrification one line diagram of a rapid
practice of DC Traction Power System grounding methods transit system with grounding protective relay schemes
employed in North America. An analysis of equipment covering the equipment and dc power system grounding
grounding, system grounding and their relationships to methods is included Fig.1. To accommodate two different
achieve optimized equipment and personal safety is derived. contradictory requirements of minimizing dc stray current
Generic protective relay schemes commonly used in the dc and maximizing personnel safety through the design of dc
equipment enclosure grounding are shown. Rail leakage stray power system grounding protection schemes is discussed.
current and personnel safety affected by the dc system
grounding method are discussed. To enhance II. DC TRACTION POWER SYSTEM
personnel/equipment safety, specific recommendations for
the design of the dc traction power system grounding are In a dc traction power system, current from the traction
included. power substations is delivered to the moving trains by either
the third rail or the overhead contact system (OCS) and is
Index Terms - Equipment grounding; rail to ground potential; returned to the substations by the track running rails. The
rapid transit system, stray current, system grounding, touch installation configuration of the traction power substation
potential. stations (TPSSs), positive and negative feeder cable runs, and
the track running rails is such that the third rail or the OCS
I. INTRODUCTION acts as a long positive conductor and the cross-bonded
running rails as the negative conductor, while each TPSS is in
Rapid transit systems are expanding at great speed parallel between these two positive and negative conductors.
throughout the world including North America. However, Sectionalizing of the positive conductor is provided by the dc
there is very little effort towards development of standards feeder breakers at each traction power substation. Sometimes
for dc power system design and protection as compared to ac gap stations are employed in the middle of the two traction
power systems used for general industry. Each new transit power substations to increase the sectionalization, especially
project begins with its own set of design directive documents for a 1500V dc system when the distance between the traction
and applies equipment and system grounding methods that power substations is relatively large. Under normal system
may not be fully evaluated due to lack of clear understanding operation, to minimize dc stray current and its associated
of their relationship to stray current and personnel safety. It is corrosion effects on underground utilities, the running rails
the authors view that there are times when the low resistance and the dc traction power system negative are kept
and high resistance equipment grounding methods used for dc ungrounded.
power systems may be misunderstood to be the power system
grounding in accordance with the definition of ac power Present practice when designing the dc traction power
systems grounding. At present there are no recommended system is to keep rated voltage in the range of 600 - 1500V
guidelines or industry standards that cover dc traction power dc with 750V dc the normal choice of many projects [3]. The
system grounding; unlike the color book series [5] that covers dc switchgear [4] consists of single polarity (positive) dc
ac power system grounding. circuit breakers of either the high speed or the semi-high
speed type [11] to supply dc power to train propulsion system
via third rail or OCS system. The negative polarity bus box is
This paper attempts to provide the ABCs of dc equipment physically kept separated from the dc switchgear.
enclosure and dc traction power system grounding methods
and their relationship. Only the protective relay schemes Fig. 1 represents various components of the dc
associated with dc equipment enclosure grounding and electrification system including the vehicle. It should be
system grounding are described. The overall dc rapid transit noted that the vehicle touch potential is practically the same
system protective relay scheme is beyond the scope of this as the rail-to-ground potential, especially if there is no other
paper. Interested readers are encouraged to read dc breakers provision for grounding the vehicle [7].
protection duty requirements indicated in [9].
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The dc feeder breakers will automatically close through the Steady state dc bolted fault current (Ibfc) and arcing fault
load measuring protective relay scheme except for the faulted current (Iarc) inside the dc equipment enclosure may be
feeder circuit breaker, and thus provides a positive indication computed by using the following expressions when the power
of the faulted circuit. system is ungrounded:
It should be mentioned that a bi-directional GTO unit may Ibfc = V/ (Rng + Rrc + Rsg) (2)
be required, depending upon the system configuration and Iarc = (V - 200) /(Rng + Rrc + Rsg) (3)
excessive train starting currents resulting in dangerous rail
voltage rise above ground. Such a design if implemented B. Grounded Power System
should have GTO activation counters, and voltage and
current monitoring device scheme to optimize the settings of When any of the system grounding protection schemes
device 59 to assure maximum safety and minimum stray grounds the negative rail, then the value of rail-to-ground
current injection. resistance as well as the local ground grid resistance in
expressions (2) and (3) will become zeros thus increasing the
The advantage of the bi-directional thyristor scheme over fault current values. The fault current expressions for the
the grounding diode scheme is that the thyristor unit will grounded system (grounding points of equipment ground
ground the system only when the set dangerous voltage circuit and the grounding point of the negative rail or bus
occurs due to either train bunching load currents or due to connected to same ground grid) will be as follows:
positive-to-ground faults that develop. Under normal system
operation below the set negative-to-ground overvoltage, the Ibfc = V/ (Rrc) (4)
system is kept ungrounded. Iarc = (V - 200) /(Rrc) (5)
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