Analyn Was Asked To Repair His Brother

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1. Analyn was asked to repair his brother’s computer. A. seiketsu C.

He decided to check first if there were any electrical B. seiri D. seiton
problems with it. What tool should be used to identify
the electronic or electrical problems of computers? 9. A computer's ability to function and carry out
specified activities depends on software, which is a
A. cleaning tools C. ESD tools collection of instructions, data, or programs. Which of
B. diagnostic tools D. hand tools the following software is used by programmers to
create other software like Windows OS and Word
2. Kevina was assigned to check the physical ports of Processing?
the computer to determine the network issue. As a A. Application Software
group tool keeper, which of the following tools would B. Malicious Software
you provide to help Andrew identify the problem? C. Programming Software
A. anti-static mat C. multimeter D. System Software
B. loopback adapter D. wire cutter
10. Unsafe surfing might expose computer users to
3. As a computer technician, you must ensure that you dangers, such as connecting with people they'd rather
know the proper usage and appropriate tool for not communicate with or humiliating personal
different tasks. Which of the following statements is comments or photographs that are nearly impossible
NOT TRUE about handling tools? to remove once online. Identify which of the
A. When you need to hold small parts, use needle- following statement is/are the proper way of using the
nose pliers. Internet. Select one
B. When working with slotted screws, use a flat- A. Practice careless browsing.
head screwdriver. B. Keep personal information limited.
B. When you need to light areas that are not clearly C. Both A and B are correct.
visible, use a crimper. D. Neither A nor B is correct.
C. When using compressed air, keep your distance
from the nozzle and equipment. 11. Which finger is typically used to press the letter "A"
on a standard keyboard?
4. Identify which of the two statements is/are true. A. Index finger
I. Anti-static wrist strap is a tool that can be used B. Middle finger
to prevent the accumulation of static electricity. C. Ring finger
II. Julius can use the lint-free cloth to clean the D. Thumb
monitor to avoid scratches. 12. What is the standard layout of letters on a QWERTY
A. Both statements are correct. keyboard called?
B. Only statement I is correct. A. ABC layout
C. Only statement II is correct. B. QWERTY layout
D. There is no correct statement. C. DVORAK layout
D. AZERTY layout
5. Which of the following refers to the main circuit 13. Which finger is typically used to press the spacebar
board of the computer where all external components on a standard keyboard?
and peripherals are connected to make the system A. Index finger
work? B. Middle finger
A. CPU C. memory C. Thumb
B. hard disk D. motherboard D. Pinky finger
6. Wheng has finished setting up her new computer. 14. Which typing technique involves using all ten
What else does she need for her computer to perform fingers?
tasks such as opening and editing documents, playing A. Touch typing
games, and accessing the Internet? B. Hunt and peck typing
A. add a device C. Single-finger typing
B. install software D. Two-finger typing
C. uninstall anti-virus 15. What is the purpose of the home row keys in touch
D. unplug the power cord typing?
A. To rest your fingers between typing sessions
7. Joseph is working on a research project. He needs a B. To type common letters and reach other keys
browser to gather information from the internet. from
Which of the following is NOT an example of a C. To indicate the end of a line
browser? D. None of the above
A. Adobe Photoshop C. Mozilla Firefox 16. Which finger is typically used to press the letter "J"
B. Microsoft Edge D. Opera on a standard keyboard?
A. Index finger
8. Mina deleted the unwanted files, and the important B. Middle finger
one was placed in a single folder to avoid the clutter C. Ring finger
of files on the screen. What 5S did she practice? D. Pinky finger
17. What is the correct posture for typing? C. Flashlight
A. Slouched back with feet off the ground D. Multi-meter
B. Sitting up straight with feet flat on the floor 28. Which tool is essential for detecting electrical voltage
C. Leaning forward with crossed legs or current?
D. None of the above A. Multi-meter
18. Which typing technique involves looking at the B. Anti-static wrist strap
keyboard while typing? C. Anti-static mat
A. Touch typing D. Torx screwdriver
B. Hunt and peck typing 29. What tool is useful for inspecting dark or dimly lit
C. Single-finger typing areas while working?
D. Two-finger typing A. Flashlight
19. What does the Caps Lock key do when activated? B. Flathead screwdriver
A. Locks the cursor in place C. Needle nose plier
B. Turns off the keyboard backlight D. Parts organizer
C. Capitalizes all letters until turned off 30. Which tool is commonly used for gripping and
D. None of the above manipulating small electronic components?
20. Which finger is typically used to press the A. Tweezer
Enter/Return key on a standard keyboard? B. Philips head screwdriver
A. Index finger C. Anti-static wrist strap
B. Middle finger D. Multi-meter
C. Ring finger
D. Pinky finger
21. Which tool is commonly used for handling small
electronic components with precision?
A. Tweezer
B. Anti-static mat
C. Philips head screwdriver
D. Anti-static wrist strap
22. What tool is essential for protecting sensitive
electronic devices from electrostatic discharge (ESD)?
A. Anti-static mat
B. Flathead screwdriver
C. Needle nose plier
D. Parts organizer

23. Which screwdriver is typically used for securing

screws with a "+" shaped head?
A. Philips head screwdriver
B. Torx screwdriver
C. Flathead screwdriver
D. Needle nose plier
24. What tool is crucial for grounding yourself when
working on electronic equipment?
A. Anti-static wrist strap
B. Flashlight
C. Multi-meter
D. Parts organizer
25. Which tool is commonly used for turning screws with
a star-shaped head?
A. Torx screwdriver
B. Anti-static wrist strap
C. Tweezer
D. Flathead screwdriver
26. What tool is ideal for grasping and bending wires or
holding small objects?
A. Needle nose plier
B. Anti-static mat
C. Philips head screwdriver
D. Parts organizer
27. What tool is helpful for organizing and storing small
electronic components?
A. Parts organizer
B. Tweezer

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