Computing Mock 2 - 2024

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Answer all questions.

Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find the correct option for each question and shade in pencil on
your answer sheet the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen. Give only one answer to
each question.
Think carefully before you shade the answer spaces; erase completely any answers you wish to change. Do all rough work
on this question paper.

1. Which of these languages was used in the

second generation computers? 6. How many keys can typically be found on a
A. C# standard keyboard?
B. C++ A. 84
B. 100
C. Fortran
C. 104
D. Visual Basic D. 120

2. Which component on the motherboard allows 7. Which device scans texts on a hardcopy
communication between the CPU and the material and converts them into an editable
system memory? format on the computer?
A. DIMM slots A. Optical Mark Reader
B. Optical Character Reader
B. IDE connector
C. Touchpad
C. Northbridge D. Quick Response (QR) Code Reader
D. Southbridge

8. When printer strikes the surface of a paper

3. What is the full meaning of CMOS used in the
when printing, it is said to a/an
motherboard? A. Impact printer
A. Complimentary Metal-Oxide B. Non-Impact printer
Semiconductor C. Striking printer
B. Complimentary Metal-Oxide Sensor D. Non-striking printer
C. Complimentary Metal-Oxygen
9. A type of storage that holds information for
D. Complimentary Metal-Oxygen Sensor the computer to process is known as
A. Primary storage
4. Which device among the following is not an
B. Secondary storage
example of Micro Computers? C. Tertiary storage
A. Desktop D. Hard disk
B. Mini computers
C. Chromebook 10. What can distinguish a RAM from a ROM?
D. Notebook A. RAM is non-volatile; ROM is volatile
B. RAM is volatile; ROM is non-volatile
C. RAM stores data permanently; ROM
5. Select the one that doesn’t belong to the group.
stores data temporary.
A. Keyboard D. RAM cannot be removed from the
B. Mouse computer; ROM can be removed from
C. Barcode reader the computer
D. Touchpad
11. What is the purpose of 'Formatting' a hard 18. What is one way to prevent eye strain when
disk? using the computer?
A. It creates sectors on a disk for data to be A. Holding a mouse correctly
stored B. Use anti-glare screen
B. It creates separate regions to let the C. Do not work in a cramped workspace
OS manage information in each region D. Use blue light
C. It manages user data including: storing; 19. What are some of the safety hazards when
retrieving; and updating data. using ICT devices?
D. It creates a partition on the hard disk A. Electrocution
B. Tripping over cables
12. When you defrag a disk, what happens to it?
C. Fire
A. The files on it scatter
D. Back and neck ache
B. The files on it get arranged
C. The disk is partitioned
20. Which of these involves reducing the
D. The disk gets damaged
electricity consumed and environmental waste
generated when using a computer?
13. One billion bytes can also be called…
A. Green computing
A. 1 character
B. Green software
B. 1 Kilobytes
C. Computer engineering
C. 1 Gigabytes
D. Computer generated
D. 1 Terabytes

14. Designing workspaces and devices to 21. What is the best position for a laptop screen
minimize stress and potential injuries is termed for your neck?
as A. Slightly higher than eye level
A. Health B. Slightly higher than eye level
B. Safety C. On a desk, level with your hips
C. Ergonomics D. At the same height as your eye
D. Economics
22. Google Docs or Microsoft Word allows you
15. Technologies designed to help people with to:
disabilities interact with the world are called A. create, edit, share and store forms for
A. Adaptive technologies user input.
B. Disability technologies B. create, edit, share and store spreadsheet
C. Traumatic technologies documents.
D. Autistic technologies C. create, edit, share and store webpages
and sites.
16. A way of grouping several files so they act D. create, edit, share and store word-
like one file can be achieved by… processing documents.
A. Defragmenting them
B. Fragmenting them 23. What functionality does the ruler in a word
C. Partitioning them processor provide?
D. Zipping them A. Defines the size of the page.
B. Shows the position of your cursor in the
17. What is the full meaning of blog as used in C. Measures the width of a table.
online services? D. Creates boundaries or margins inside
A. Blogger which you add the contents of your
B. B logging document.
C. Web logging
D. Web blogger
24. Which command allows you to change the 31. Which of these provides a gallery of text
document file type? styles?
A. New A. Font
B. Copy B. Clipart
C. Save C. Text tool
D. Save As D. WordArt

25. Changing the existing document is known as 32. Which slide layout typically begins a
what? presentation?
A. Editing A. Title slide
B. Entering B. Title and content
C. Re-typing C. Comparison
D. Selecting D. Two content

26. If you were creating a flyer to advertise for a 33. When one slide moves to the next with
dance, which of these will you use? "movement" - that is called _____
A. Access A. Animation
B. Excel B. Clipart
C. PowerPoint C. Slide movement
D. Publisher D. Transition

27. Which menu or tab contains the command for 34. A device used to connect several computers to
Page Numbers in Microsoft office? form a LAN is called?
A. Home A. Switch
B. Design B. Gateway
C. Insert C. Bridge
D. Mailings D. Router

28. A small square on the bottom right corner of a 35. Which of the following is not a role of a
selected cell is called ____ router?
A. Function A. A router sends data to a specific
B. Formula destination on a network.
C. Fill Handle B. A router can assign MAC addresses.
D. Cell C. A router can assign IP addresses.
D. A router can connect a local network to
29. To select multiple non-adjacent cells in a the internet
worksheet, click in the cell while holding the
A. Alt key 36. Select the incorrect statements about IP
B. Ctrl key address:
C. Shift key A. IP addresses can be static or dynamic.
D. Shift + Alt key B. IP address can be written in ipv4 and
30. When a formatted number does not fit within C. IP address is allocated by device
a cell, it displays manufacturer
A. ###### D. IPv4 address is separated with colons
B. #DIV/0!
C. #DIV/1. 37. Each individual page of a website is called __
D. #VALUE A. page
B. web data
C. webpage
D. web slide
38. What is the role of encryption in information 40. The spelling and grammar of a programming
security? language
A. It protects data from unauthorized access A. Diction
or theft. B. Vocabulary
B. It makes data more easily accessible to C. Syntax
unauthorized users. D. Word wall
C. It has no impact on the security of
D. It slows down the processing speed of
the system.

39. Order of events, commands carried by a

computer exactly as they are written to run
A. Selection
B. Sequence
C. Iteration
D. Debugging

[24 MARKS]
Answer Question 1

1. (a) Study the diagrams below carefully and used it to answer questions (a)(i-iv)


5 25

(i) What is the name of the figures in each of the diagrams illustrated above.
[2 marks]
(ii) Mention the class to which each of the diagrams labeled A, B, and C above belong.
A: …………………………………………………………………………...……………
B: …………………………………………………………………………...……………
C: …………………………………………………………………………...……………
[3 marks]

(b) (i) Which of the versions do the classes mentioned in 1aii belong, IPv4 or IPv6?
Give a reason for your answer

[2 marks]
(ii) Write down the host portions found in each of the diagrams labeled A, B, and C above.
A: …………………………………………………………………………...……………
B: …………………………………………………………………………...……………
C: …………………………………………………………………………...……………
[3 marks]

(c) Explain the difference the internet and the world wide web (www).


[4 marks]
(d) (i) State two computer threats than can cause data corruption.

2 marks]
(ii) Explain one way to prevent the threats stated in 1c above.
[2 marks]

(e) (i) What are the four major classes of threats to a computer system?
[4 marks]

(f) State two reasons why it is good to send a ciphertext instead of a plaintext over the internet.

[2 marks]
[36 marks]
Answer three questions only from this section.

2. (a) Use the image below to answer questions 2a(i-ii)


i. What is the name of the device shown above?

[1 mark]

ii. State the names of the parts labeled A, B, C, and D.

A: ……………………………………………………………………………
B: ……………………………………………………………………………
C: ……………………………………………………………………………
D: ……………………………………………………………………………
[4 marks]
(b) Outline four actions that can prevent or minimize repetitive strain injuries
[4 marks]

(c) What are the three indent markers found on the ruler of a word Processors?
[3 marks]
3. (a) Explain the following terms as used in information security:

i. Authorization:……………………………….………………………………………………….....
ii. Authentication …………………………………..…………………………………………………
[4 marks]
(b) A student wants to look for information on the internet to have solution to a Computing assignment
from school. He opens a web browser but do not know what to do.

(i) What specialized software do you recommend for him/her to use?

[1 mark]
(ii) State three examples of the software mentioned in 3bi above.
[3 marks]
(iii) State two examples of a web browser.
[2 marks]

(d) State one reason why you will use a document holder when you type, instead of placing the
document on a desk.
[2 marks]
4. State the steps involved in performing the following operations:

(a) creating a bulleted list in Word processors.

[3 marks]
(b) adding or inserting a picture into a presentation from your computer.
[3 marks]
(c) modifying the margins of a page in publisher.
[3 marks]
(d) merge two or more cells into one cell.

[3 marks]
5. (a) Explain what will happen to the following cell references when copied to other cells.
i. $D$2.……………………..……..……………………………………………………….............
ii. D$2…….……………………..……….…………………………………………………………
iii. $D2………………………………………………………………………………………………
[3 marks]
(b) The Excel function below adds the values in cells B2 and C2. However, there is an error in the
function. Study it carefully and write down any error you see: =(SUM B2,C2)
[2 marks]

(c) What do the symbols below represent when used in a flowchart?




[3 marks]

(d) State the function of the following features of a web browser:

Home button: ………………………….………………………………………………………………


Address bar: ……………………..……………………………………………………………………

[4 marks]

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