Which of This Computer Peripherals Are Considered Input
Which of This Computer Peripherals Are Considered Input
Which of This Computer Peripherals Are Considered Input
4. Memory that forgets everything when it is turned off. A.C++ B. BASIC C. Javascript D. HTML E. All of the Above
5. Another name for the CPU. A. Controls how the CPU communicates with the other
hardware and software components
A. Central Production Unit
B. Is responsible for waking up the computer
B. Brain of the Computer
C. Makes computers user friendly
C. Central Previledge Unit
D. Both A & C
D. None of the Above
E. Genuises
7. ROM is a temporary memory.
A. True B. False
15. Which of these three computer components are
considered input devices?
8. When you save information directly to your computer, you a. Monitor b. Scanner c. Mouse d. Keyboard
are saving to your?
e. Speakers f. Printer
A. CD Drive B. Hard Drive C. DVD Drive D. CPU
A. A, b, c
B. D, e, f
9. The component that allows you to display graphics on the
C. A, c, d
D. B, c, d
E. A, c, f B. Flash Drive
A. Hardware
C. Interpreter
23. An english type of a presentation on a logical steps to solve
D. Debugger a problem.
A. Pseudocode
C. Internal Drive
24. ROM is a volatile meaning it holds data only when the
D. RAM power is on. When the power is off ROM contents are lost.
True or False? False
A. Yes
B. No
A. Permanent Memory
B. Temporary Memory
C. Volatile Memory
33. Modem