Softwares Pop Gen
Softwares Pop Gen
Softwares Pop Gen
De Meeûs
empirical population genetics for beginners
List of softwares that will be needed for the population genetics training course, with
links for downloading and references when available. Make sure that these are
installed and work properly before the training course begins.
For an optimal use of these softwares please download each of those in a particular folder
(e.g. BAPS) in your hard drive (e.g. C or D). For instance, I downloaded BAPS in D:\BAPS. Then,
when required, unzip the files needed in the same folder. Sometimes, zipped files contain other zipped
files (e.g. Genepop). In that case, choose the files you need and unzip those (in the same folder, e.g. for Genepop and then if your processor is 64 bits). Some executables or softwares
require the processor being identified (32 or 64 bits). If you do not know it, open your Windows
explorer, just right click on "This PC" or "My Computer" or any other name of that sort and click on
"Properties". A frame will appear giving you the information.
To handle data, we will make much use of a table spreadsheet software such as Microsoft
Excel or its free version "OpenOffice Calc" ( We may also need a graphic
editor as Open Office Draw (or PowerPoint).
It is important that you do not copy these softwares on the desktop of your computer and
launch those from there. Each software needs being copied in a hard folder.
It will be very useful that you see file extensions. In Windows, this may be easily achieved with
the Windows' file explorer. On the top of the frame of Windows file explorer click on the tab "view" or
"Screen display" and tick the box "File extensions" or "File extension names" or "Extension of file
It is important that you know how to type "\" and "#".
All other softwares that we will or may need are listed in Table 1 (see below).
If your version of Windows seems incompatible with a software, it may sometimes be simply
fixed by just right clicking on the executable, go to "properties" and specify the software must be
launched as XP compatible. You may also need to set yourself as the superuser or manager of your
NeEstimator (c) Do et al (2014) (14)
R Development Core
R (e) NA
Team (2013)
Structure Pritchard et al 2010 (19)
(a) BAPS. The official website does not work anymore. If you want the last version ask directly to
Jukka Corander <[email protected]>.
March 2024 Needed softwares for the training course of T. De Meeûs
empirical population genetics for beginners
(b) In French, but very easy to use, with useful utilities. The help menu does not work anymore on
newest versions of Windows, but it can be accessed on line at
(c) For NeEstimator, the best interface is for Java. You thus need to have Java installed on your
machine (search for Java in the net and install it, it is free). Then the program is launched by
double clicking on NeEstimator2x1.jar.
(d) The computation of the tree and bootstraps will not work in most European Windows interface. To
make it work, you will need to configure your computer setting with "." as the decimal sign. To
do that, you need to click on the magnifying glass (bottom right of the screen) and type
"Configuration panel" and "Enter". Click on "Region" (planet earth with a clock). Then click on
"Supplementary parameters". In "Decimal symbol" choose "." and click on "OK". Then,
PopTree should work fine.
(e) with packages Rcmdr (R-Commander) (22,23), ADEGenet (24), geosphere (25) and HierFstat
(26,27). If these packages are not already installed in your machine, you will need to uninstall
R and install the latest version of it. Once you have installed R, then launch R. For HierFstat,
please see below. In the menu "Packages" choose "Install packages" and then choose the
nearest CRAN mirror (e.g. Lyon 1). In that mirror, you will look for the requested package and
select it. Then this should be OK. To test if the package is correctly installed go to the
"Packages" menu and select ""charge" or "launch" "package" and select the package you
want to test (e.g. Rcmdr). If it is ok then you will see a frame "R Commander" appear, after a
few seconds (please be patient). Otherwise, it will tell that some other packages are missing.
Say "yes" if the menu propose to install those, or note the names of these missing utilities and
go back to the "install package" menu to look for those and install them.
At first launch, Rcmdr may take some time to appear as a new frame. Just be patient.
I have written a tutorial in French available at
Important notice for HierFstat. The site for updating hierfstat can be found at in R, choose the mirror of CRAN where you want to be
(menu "Packages-choose a CRAN mirror"). Install packages devtools, ADE4 and ADE-Genet
with the menu "Packages-Install package". You also need to install RTools, from the self-
installing executable to be downloaded at in "R Binaries". Then, in
the R console type:
This should do. If not, then you may need to totally uninstall all R versions from your computer. Delete
all residual files, in particular those in Program folder and in Documents folder that concern R.
Then reinstall R and repeat the process to install HierFstat as described above.
(f) This is just a link to an online facility. There is no need to download anything here, just to check you
can access to it.
(g) Or any other text editor that can handle blocks and find-replace special characters such as tabs
and carriage returns, if you feel more comfortable with it. Please, for the sake of homogeneity
among every attendants, download the English version of the software.
It is important that you test that these softwares and packages work on your machine,
otherwise it will take some time during the training course to solve eventual problems so that
everybody can follow.
In case of problems, please send me an e-mail. Do not wait until the training course has
March 2024 Needed softwares for the training course of T. De Meeûs
empirical population genetics for beginners
Literature cited
1. Corander J, Waldmann P, Sillanpaa MJ. Bayesian analysis of genetic differentiation between
populations. Genetics. janv 2003;163(1):367‑74.
2. Corander J, Waldmann P, Marttinen P, Sillanpaa MJ. BAPS 2: enhanced possibilities for the
analysis of genetic population structure. Bioinformatics. oct 2004;20(15):2363‑9.
3. Cornuet JM, Luikart G. Description and power analysis of two tests for detecting recent population
bottlenecks from allele frequency data. Genetics. déc 1996;144(4):2001‑14.
4. Piry S, Luikart G, Cornuet JM. BOTTLENECK: A computer program for detecting recent
reductions in the effective population size using allele frequency data. J Hered. août
5. Wang JL. A new method for estimating effective population sizes from a single sample of
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6. Jones OR, Wang JL. COLONY: a program for parentage and sibship inference from multilocus
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7. Glaubitz JC. CONVERT: A user-friendly program to reformat diploid genotypic data for commonly
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8. Coombs JA, Letcher BH, Nislow KH. CREATE: a software to create input files from diploid
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9. Vitalis R, Couvet D. ESTIM 1.0: a computer program to infer population parameters from one- and
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10. Vitalis R, Couvet D. Estimation of effective population size and migration rate from one- and two-
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11. Chapuis MP, Estoup A. Microsatellite null alleles and estimation of population differentiation. Mol
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12. Goudet J. FSTAT (Version 1.2): A computer program to calculate F-statistics. J Hered. déc
13. Rousset F. GENEPOP ’ 007: a complete re-implementation of the GENEPOP software for
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14. Do C, Waples RS, Peel D, Macbeth GM, Tillett BJ, Ovenden JR. NeEstimator v2: re-
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15. Kumar S, Stecher G, Li M, Knyaz C, Tamura K. MEGA X: Molecular evolutionary genetics
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16. De Meeûs T, Guégan JF, Teriokhin AT. MultiTest V.1.2, a program to binomially combine
independent tests and performance comparison with other related methods on proportional data.
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17. Takezaki N, Nei M, Tamura K. POPTREE2: Software for constructing population trees from allele
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18. Meirmans PG. Using the amova framework to estimate a standardized genetic differentiation
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19. Pritchard JK, Stephens M, Donnelly P. Inference of population structure using multilocus genotype
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20. Evanno G, Regnaut S, Goudet J. Detecting the number of clusters of individuals using the
software STRUCTURE: a simulation study. Mol Ecol. 2005;14(8):2611‑20.
21. Li Y, Liu J. StructureSelector: A web‑based software to select and visualize the optimal number of
clusters using multiple methods. Molecular Ecology Resources. janv 2018;18(1):176‑7.
22. Fox J. Extending the R commander by « plug in » packages. R News. 2007;7(3):46‑52.
23. Fox J. The R commander: a basic statistics graphical user interface to R. J Stat Software.
24. Jombart T. adegenet: a R package for the multivariate analysis of genetic markers. Bioinformatics.
1 juin 2008;24(11):1403‑5.
25. Hijmans RJ, Williams E, Vennes C. Package « geosphere »: Spherical Trigonometry. CRAN;
26. Goudet J. HIERFSTAT, a package for R to compute and test hierarchical F-statistics. Mol Ecol
Notes. mars 2005;5(1):184‑6.
27. De Meeûs T, Goudet J. A step-by-step tutorial to use HierFstat to analyse populations
hierarchically structured at multiple levels. Infect Genet Evol. déc 2007;7(6):731‑5.