Tree-Ring Laboratory
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
of Columbia University
Palisades, NY
The authors assume no responsibility for the use and support of this
program. Of course we would want to know about any situation that
produces an incorrect computation or an impossible result. However,
what you do with the program and how you do it, is your business.
Macintosh OSX
1. It is advisable, but not necessary, for all Mac users to install the
“Apple Developer Tools” toolbox for OSX 10.1-10.2, or iTools for OSX
10.3 and greater. These may be downloaded for free from Apples
“developer” website.
2. Put the folder “Absoft” in your computers Applications folder.
3. Copy or move the application (executable) to any location on you
computer for use.
4. All input files must reside in the same folder as the application.
Windows XP Home/Professional
set PLPLOT_LIB=C:\Absoft80\examples\PLPLOT\examples
Macintosh Users: The file type of all ARSTAN input and output files is
Windows Users: The file type is “dos”.
ARSTAN can also open a text file containing a list of ring-width file
names (one name/line) then perform all the selected detrending and
chronology building options on the contents of each file in the list. This
is called “batch” mode and useful for building chronology networks.
We will now demonstrate the program in interactive mode to learn the
software by using a test data file <tst2.raw> and a few screen shots to
get you going.
1. Loading file: tst2.raw. (an increment file in decade format).
2. Setup option set for the current run in interactive mode.
Here, in the final set-up screen shot, we see all the changes we have
made to the default settings. Hitting return at this point launches the
program and saves this command set to the log file “tst2.raw_log”.
Here is the first series plotted with its Hugershoff curve fit.
5. The program will now prompt us to either SAVE the plot just
created, CONTINUE with the next plot, STOP viewing more detrending
plots, or allow us to customize the plot we just made.
We have chosen to change the (z) axis maximum value from 3.5 to 4.0
by selecting option 18 from the Plot Options Menu. To see the change
we now select option zer[0] (or replot) from the same menu.
Looping within the Plot Options Menu we can change a number of
attributes of any plot the program makes saving our plots in either eps
format, using the programs Plot Options Menu “save” selection. Mac
users can save plots in jpeg format using the ARSTAN program
command Bar-PlPlot-Save. There is also an choice here to copy the
plot to the computers clipboard then paste directly into a document,
as was done when writing this MSword document.
6. After all the individual series detrending is done the program, as
we have configured this run, displays various summery plots before
7. Finally, after choosing not to display more summery plots the
program terminates normally with a salutation from a great Venetian
poet, (Venice, CA that is).
Good luck!
P.J. Krusic
Palisades, NY
February 3, 2005