Detailed-Lesson-Plan-In - Mother Tongue
Detailed-Lesson-Plan-In - Mother Tongue
Detailed-Lesson-Plan-In - Mother Tongue
A. Content Standard
B. Performance Standard
The learner uses beginning oral language skills to communicate personal
experiences, ideas, and feelings in different contexts.
C. Learning Competencies
At the end of the lesson, at least 80% of the learners will be able to:
Orally communicate basic needs. MT10L-Id-e-2.1
Talk about pictures using appropriate local terminologies with ease and
confidence. MT1OL-Ic-i-1.2
Appreciate and understand the use of correct phrases when buying and
asking for discounts
“Panaliw tan Panawar”
A. Reference
Curriculum Guide: Mother Tongue Curriculum Guide pp. 11,12 and 13
Teacher’s Guide:
Textbook Pages:
Additional materials from learning resources (LR) Portal
C. Values Integrated
2. Prayer
Children before we start to our Yes Po Teacher. (All the children
class let's all stand and pray. stand up and bow their heads.)
3. Checking of Attendance
Ci-N, Out of 27 students, who is Teacher, Kiefer is the one who is
absent today? absent today.
4. Checking of Assignment
Before we start please pass all of Yes Po Teacher. (All the students
your assignments that I gave pass their assignments).
5. Recall Classroom rules
Children, what is our classroom
rules? Don’t talk with your seatmates,
Okay very good, what else?
Raise your right hand when you want
to recite, teacher.
Be friendly teacher.
Good Job!
B. Developing Activities
Children let’s have a drill
1+1 is equals to 2 teacher
2+3 is equals to 5 teacher
5+5 is equals to 10 teacher
6+1 is equals to 7 teacher
3+1 is equals to 4 teacher
2. Unlocking Difficulties
The teacher will let the students
complete the jumbled letters to create a
Very good students.
PANAWAR is a term to ask for discounts.
PANALIW is a term to ask to buy a thing.
Very Good!
C. Presenting Examples/
Instances of the New Lesson
The teacher will let the student
try to follow what she will say.
Very good!
What will you say if you want to buy “Manaliw ako pan sayay salop biyas
rice? muyo”, teacher.
Very good children.
Children, what will you say /ask if you “Umno’y piraso sayay kilos?”,teacher.
want to know how much is the mango?
Definitely correct!
Give yourselves a Good job clap!
I. Evaluation
In your paper, make 10 phrases The students do their quiz
about panawar and panaliw when
you go to a grocery store. Do it for
15 minutes.
J. Assignment