Detailed-Lesson-Plan-In - Mother Tongue

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A. Content Standard

The learner manifests beginning oral language skills to communicate in

different contexts.

B. Performance Standard
The learner uses beginning oral language skills to communicate personal
experiences, ideas, and feelings in different contexts.
C. Learning Competencies
At the end of the lesson, at least 80% of the learners will be able to:
 Orally communicate basic needs. MT10L-Id-e-2.1
 Talk about pictures using appropriate local terminologies with ease and
confidence. MT1OL-Ic-i-1.2
 Appreciate and understand the use of correct phrases when buying and
asking for discounts

“Panaliw tan Panawar”
A. Reference
Curriculum Guide: Mother Tongue Curriculum Guide pp. 11,12 and 13
Teacher’s Guide:
Textbook Pages:
Additional materials from learning resources (LR) Portal

B. Other Learning Resources

Powerpoint presentation, activity sheets, tarpapel, puzzle, pen,paper

C. Values Integrated



Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

A.Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
Good morning children! Good morning too teacher!

2. Prayer
Children before we start to our Yes Po Teacher. (All the children
class let's all stand and pray. stand up and bow their heads.)

3. Checking of Attendance
Ci-N, Out of 27 students, who is Teacher, Kiefer is the one who is
absent today? absent today.

4. Checking of Assignment
Before we start please pass all of Yes Po Teacher. (All the students
your assignments that I gave pass their assignments).
5. Recall Classroom rules
Children, what is our classroom
rules? Don’t talk with your seatmates,
Okay very good, what else?
Raise your right hand when you want
to recite, teacher.
Be friendly teacher.
Good Job!

B. Developing Activities
Children let’s have a drill
1+1 is equals to 2 teacher
2+3 is equals to 5 teacher
5+5 is equals to 10 teacher
6+1 is equals to 7 teacher
3+1 is equals to 4 teacher
2. Unlocking Difficulties
The teacher will let the students
complete the jumbled letters to create a
Very good students.
PANAWAR is a term to ask for discounts.
PANALIW is a term to ask to buy a thing.

Is it clear children? Yes teacher.

A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or
Presenting New Lesson
Before we move on to our next
lesson, what did we discuss Parts of the body teacher

Very Good!

Who can give me the parts of the

body? Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Very Good!

B. Establishing a Purpose for the

Children, I want to tell you a story
Story time
Mrs. Ana has a sari-sari store. She sells
foods, baskets, rice and many more. One
day, Aziel came to buy 1 basket and 1
kilo of rice. The cost of 1 basket is 50
pesos and 1 kilo of rice is 39 pesos.
Aziel’s money is only 80 pesos and is not
enough to buy basket and rice. He thinks
of way to buy both of it so he ask Mrs,
Ana if he can get a discount. Mrs, Ana
said yes and Aziel is happy because he
buy what her mother said to buy. Aziel
came home with a big smile and he
happily share to her mother his story in
the store.

Children, who is Mrs, Ana? Mrs, Ana is a vendor teacher.

What did Mrs. Ana sells? Foods, baskets, rice and many more

C. Presenting Examples/
Instances of the New Lesson
The teacher will let the student
try to follow what she will say.

Magwa manaliw sayay kilon Magwa manaliw sayay kilon biyas?

Magwa no kinse ya tana? Magwa no kinse ya tana?

Just like what you did, do you

have any clue what I am going to
teach you today? Yes ma'am, I think it's about phrases
to say when buying and asking for
You're right! Our lesson for today
is Panawar tan Panaliw

D. Discussing new Concept and

practice New Skills # 1
Okay children from now on you
will have to listen it carefully and
I will discuss our topic for today.
Okay children do you
understand? Yes Po Teacher.

Who among you can give me the Me Teacher.

definition of panawar tan
Panawar is asking for discounts. And
Yes Karen. panalis is when you will buy.

That’s right Karen!

Just like what Aziel did in the

story, I will teach you on how to
ask for discounts and how to buy
properly using bolinao languange.

Here are the phrases that we can

use when we buy things or foods.

“Sino’y nangwa kunan sitin

“Manaliw ako pan ruwara’n
“Magwa no kinse ya tanay saya?”

Okay children, when you want to

buy a thing or basket you can say
these phrases.

Children, what will you ask if you

want a discount? Magwa no kinse ya tana’y saya?,
That’s correct! Very good Sevi!

When you want to buy rice this

phrases will help you.

“Anin klase’n biyas yay ti?”

“Manaliw ako pan sayay salop biyas”
“Main nin daliket muyo?”
“Magwa no 35 ya tanay sayan kilon

Children, what will you ask if you want

“Main nin daliket muyo?”, teacher
to buy a glutinous rice?

Very good!

What will you say if you want to buy “Manaliw ako pan sayay salop biyas
rice? muyo”, teacher.
Very good children.

If you want to buy fruits, this phrases

will you can use.
“Masam’et yay ti si manga muyo?”
“Umno’y piraso sayay kilo?”
“ Manaliw ako nin tuloran kilon manga”

Children, what will you say /ask if you “Umno’y piraso sayay kilos?”,teacher.
want to know how much is the mango?

Very good children.

E. Discussing New Concept and
Practice New Skills #2
Kids, To fully understand our
lesson you will be divided into two
groups. You will complete the
specified exercise.
Yes Po Teacher.
Did you get it, kids?
Group 1
Group 1
Direction: Complete the puzzle. Read
and identify if the sentence written to
ask for discount or to buy.
(Group 1 will choose their
representative to read the sentence
in the picture.)
It is use to buy po Teacher.
Very good! It is use to buy.
Group 2
Direction: Complete the puzzle. Read
and identify if the sentence written to Group 2
ask for discounts or to buy.

(Group 2 will choose their

representative to read the sentence
in the picture.)
It is use to ask discounts po Teacher.
Very good! It is use to ask for discounts.

Great job children! Give yourselves a

round of applause.
F. Developing Mastery Direction: Write PANAWAR if the
Direction: Write PANAWAR if the phrase is asking for discounts and
phrase is asking for discounts and PANALIW if the phrase is to buy.
PANALIW if the phrase is to buy.

1.Manaliw ako pan bag-ong. 1.Panaliw

2.Magwa bente ya tana? 2.Panawar
3. Umnoy presyon ice candy muyo?
4. Magwa no singkwenta tanay sayan kilon manga?
5. Manaliw ako pan candy. 4.Panawar

Good job kids!

G. Finding the Practical
Application of the Concept in
Daily Living
Now, I have a question. Do you Yes Po Teacher.
think panawar tan panaliw are
It’s is important in our live because
Why do you think it is important everyday we experience to buy
in your life? something. And we should know the
proper way to ask or say something.
Also, to say what we want or to get
our basic needs.

Definitely correct!
Give yourselves a Good job clap!

H. Making Generalization and

Abstraction about the lesson
Let us see if you really
understand the lesson.

What is Panawar? Panawar is a term to ask for

discounts, teacher.
Very Good!

What is Panaliw? Panaliw is to say something you want

to buy, teacher.
Very Good!

That’s right! Give me an example Magwa mapulo ya tana?

of panawar phrase

Very good children.

Now can you give me an example

of Panaliw phrase Manaliw ako pan suka.

Excellent pupils! Let us give

ourselves 5 claps.

I. Evaluation
In your paper, make 10 phrases The students do their quiz
about panawar and panaliw when
you go to a grocery store. Do it for
15 minutes.

J. Assignment

For your assignment, list 5 tools

use in fishing. Write it in your
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
of the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities or
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learner’s remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategy
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
helped me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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