Recognize and identify punctuation marks
Read Grade 2 level text in three to four word phrases using intonation.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide: English Teacher’s Guide 2 pp. 191
2. Learner’s Materials:
3. Textbook: Enhancing Reading Skills 2 pp. 107-108
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource Portal:
A. Review
Let us have a review, what is a sentence?
A sentence has a complete thought.
Very good! It seems that you really
understood our previous lesson.
Children, I have here a picture?
Teacher it is a period
(The teacher will ask what are these symbols) Teacher it is an exclamation point.
Teacher it is a question mark.
Good job!
Very good! Which among the following is an Sentence number two teacher! (Why are you
interrogative sentence? (pertaining to the crying?)
example sentences above)
Sentence number 4!
Which among the following is an
exclamatory sentence?
Can you give me an example of exclamatory
sentence? Yes teacher!
G. Generalization
Again, children what is a declarative Interrogative sentence asks questions. It ends
sentence? with a period.
H. Finding practical/applications of
concepts and skills in daily living