2011 Wang - Technology Ready Use of Single Layer Graphene As A Transparent Electrode
2011 Wang - Technology Ready Use of Single Layer Graphene As A Transparent Electrode
2011 Wang - Technology Ready Use of Single Layer Graphene As A Transparent Electrode
Physica E
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/physe
a r t i c l e i n f o abstract
Article history: Graphene has been used recently as a replacement for indium tin oxide (ITO) for the transparent
Received 21 July 2011 electrode of an organic photovoltaic device. Due to its limited supply, ITO is considered as a limiting
Received in revised form factor for the commercialization of organic solar cells. We explored the use of large-area graphene
2 October 2011
grown on copper by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and then transferred to a glass substrate as an
Accepted 3 October 2011
Available online 11 October 2011
alternative transparent electrode. The transferred film was shown by scanning Raman spectroscopy
measurements to consist of 490% single layer graphene. Optical spectroscopy measurements showed
that the layer-transferred graphene has an optical absorbance of 1.23% at a wavelength of 532 nm. We
fabricated organic hybrid solar cells utilizing this material as an electrode and compared their
performance with those of ITO devices fabricated using the same procedure. We demonstrated power
conversion efficiency up to 3.98%, higher than that of the ITO device (3.86%), showing that layer-
transferred graphene promises to be a high quality, low-cost, flexible material for transparent
electrodes in solar cell technology.
& 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.
2. Materials and methods trapped below the graphene. Finally we used acetone and iso-
propyl alcohol to clean the top surface of the transferred graphene.
2.1. Device design
2.3. Graphene characterization
We fabricate our hybrid photovolatic devices (shown schemati-
cally in Fig. 1a) using either graphene or ITO as the transparent In Fig. 2a and b, we show optical images of graphene films
electrode in a design essentially identical to that used previously [10]. transferred onto SiO2/Si and glass substrates. Although the sur-
Energy levels for materials included in our hybrid devices are face of the transferred graphene is relatively uniform, the differ-
depicted in Fig. 1b. The work function of occupied molecular ence in thermal expansion coefficient for graphene and Cu leads
orbitals of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT), which provides a hole- to the formation of wrinkles during the cool-down of the CVD
injection barrier between graphene or ITO, is 4.9 eV. Phenyl-
C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) functions as an electron
acceptor in the bulk heterojunction solar cells. Poly(3,4-
ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) is
included as a buffer layer only to facilitate the hole injection/
extraction. It was demonstrated previously that the neutral
PEDOT:PSS middle anode works as an Ohmic hole contact for
P3HT. In such a hybrid photovolatic device, electrons in P3HT
are collected at the top Al layer while holes are collected at the
bottom graphene or ITO electrode. Photon-induced excitons are
separated in the active region, with holes drained from PEDOT to
the transparent electrode (graphene or ITO). Given that the work
function of graphene, 4.7 eV, is slightly higher than that of ITO
(4.6 eV), we expect that the PCE for graphene devices will be
higher than those of ITO devices because of the slightly improved
work function matching.
growth. Visible in the images are spots of greater contrast. Raman 2.4. Solar cell fabrication and characterization
spectroscopy measurements with a 488 nm activation wave-
length carried out on these spots (see below) revealed the For use in our hybrid photovoltaic devices, either graphene or ITO
same G- and 2D-band peaks for single-layer graphene prepared was deposited on glass and annealed at 140 1C for 10 min, followed
by mechanical exfoliation but with intensities higher than that by 15 min exposure to UV light. PEDOT:PSS was spin coated and
from the surrounding graphene area, suggesting possible addi- annealed at 200 1C for 30 min. The solution mixture of a P3HT:PCBM
tional scattering from contamination below the graphene. (1:1) polymer was then spin coated to form the active region of the
We also performed atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies on photovoltaic device. The samples were subsequently baked in flowing
the layer-transferred graphene on SiO2/Si and quartz substrates, Ar at 140 1C for 30 min in order to remove the solvent and crystallize
as shown in Fig. 2c and d, resolving the same wrinkles and the P3HT in the composite film. Finally, Al was deposited on top of
mounds. the P3HT layer and used as a contact. Shadow masking was used to
In Fig. 2e, we show Raman spectra of a graphene film grown on Cu confine the device to a size of roughly 0.4 0.5 cm2.
and of the same film transferred to a quartz substrate. The observed Using a 532 nm continuous wave semiconductor laser as a light
G- and 2D-band peaks prove that the graphene being probed is a source, we measured the absorption dependence as a function of
monolayer and a small D-band peak indicates low disorder. Two- wavelength. As shown in Fig. 2g, the absorption of the graphene
dimensional Raman topographical scans revealed that the film was was roughly 1.5% in the visible range and decreased with increas-
490% monolayer. After transfer onto a quartz substrate, the intensity ing wavelength, similar to what was found previously [6]. After
of the D-band peak in the spectrum was not significantly changed, deposition, the P3HT:PCBM film featured an absorption of 42% at
suggesting successful transfer to a more ideal substrate without 540 nm (inset, Fig. 2g), similar to what was found previously [13].
significantly degrading graphene quality [12]. Topographical characterization was also performed by AFM,
A four-point electronic measurement technique was used to shown in Fig. 2h with roughness of about 1.3 nm.
measure the sheet resistance of the graphene film transferred onto
a silicon substrate covered with thermally grown, 1.1 mm-thick
SiO2. The conductance of a large-area graphene device (1.1 3. Results and discussion
1.6 cm2) is plotted against gate voltage in Fig. 2f. The sheet
resistance of layer-transferred graphene was found to be typically The current–voltage characterization of the hybrid devices
400 O (compared to 15 O of our ITO films) at the room tempera- fabricated from the photovoltaic composite was performed with
ture. For single carrier transport, the carrier mobility is given by a Keithley 4200 semiconductor parameter analyzer and a 532 nm
m ¼ s/ne, where s is the conductivity, n is the carrier density, and continuous wave semiconductor laser as the light source with a
e is the elementary charge. Using the SiO2/Si as a capacitive back power intensity of 100 mW/cm2. All the measurements were
gate, we vary the carrier density with an applied gate voltage VG carried out in air at room temperature. The I–V characteristics
and calculate the field effect mobility in our devices as mFE ¼ of the hybrid photovoltaic in dark and illuminated conditions are
(d/e0e)(@s/@VG), where d is the thickness of the SiO2, e0 the shown in Fig. 3a. Both graphene- and ITO-based devices showed
permittivity of free space, and e is the dielectric constant similar values of open-circuit voltage (Voc), 0.62 V. The short-
(3.9 for thermally grown SiO2). For the device in Fig. 2f, we circuit density (Jsc) of graphene-based devices was found to be as
measured mFE ¼ 1140 cm2 V 1 s 1. The Slight non-linearity in high as 10.19 mA/cm2, slightly better than the 9.74 mA/cm2
Fig. 2f is likely due to a small but finite contact resistance in measured in the ITO-based devices.
series with the graphene. We also found that both the resistivity Similar behavior was found across multiple devices as shown
and absorption of the layer transferred graphene decreased after in Table 1. All devices have the same open-circuit voltage (0.62 V),
vacuum annealing, likely due to the removal of adsorbed con- and a filling factor of around 25%. The effectiveness of a photo-
taminants at elevated temperatures. We found similar effects voltaic cell to convert incident photons of a fixed wavelength into
when layer transferred graphene was illuminated with UV light, photocurrent is measured by the incident monochromatic photon
suggesting that the removal of the adsorbed contaminants was the to current conversion efficiency (IPCE) given by [14,15]
most likely cause for the observed improvement in graphene Jsc
ICPE ¼ 1240
quality. lP i
Fig. 3. (a) Current–voltage character of the hybrid photovoltaic in dark and illuminated conditions using a 532 nm laser as a light source and (b) Power conversion
efficiency as a function of the power density (inset: similar dependence of short-circuit density (Jsc)).
524 Z. Wang et al. / Physica E 44 (2011) 521–524