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Basic User Manual


Revision 1

Copyright 2015 by VINNO Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.

Intellectual Property Statement

Intellectual Property Rights

All copyright, trademark, domain name, patent, trade secret and other intellectual
property rights existing in our product and this Manual will remain the sole property
of VINNO Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “VINNO”).
is the trademark of VINNO, and it is duly registered in the People’s
Republic of China and other countries. All rights reserved.
Without prior written consent by VINNO, any reproduction, modification, storage in
a retrieval system or retransmission or otherwise in any form or by any means,
regarding any part of intellectual property rights herein, are illegal and strictly
Any infringement of the intellectual property rights will be pursued vigorously and
VINNO may seek injunction, relief and indemnifications available under all applicable
laws and regulations.

Confidential Information
All or part of the materials and information contained in this Manual, which are
created or developed on the basis of VINNO’s intellectual property rights, are strictly
confidential and privileged. You should keep the Manual confidential until all such
confidential information becomes available to the public.
Disclosure of the information in this Manual in any manner or by any means without
prior written permission of VINNO is strictly forbidden. Without prior written
consent by VINNO, any reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or
retransmission of the information or otherwise making it available to the public in
any form or by any means is illegal and strictly prohibited.

VINNO assumes no liability for use of this document if any unauthorized changes to
the content or format have been made.
Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information in this
document. However, VINNO assumes no responsibility or liability for errors,
inaccuracies, or omissions that may appear in this document. VINNO reserves the
right to modify the product without further notice to improve reliability, function or
design. This manual is provided without warranty of any kind, implied or expressed,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for
a particular purpose.

In the United States, Federal law restricts this device to sale,

distribution, and use by or on order of a licensed physician.


1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Contact Information ........................................................................................................... 1

1.3 About this document ......................................................................................................... 1

1.4 Product description ............................................................................................................ 2

1.5 Mechanical system ............................................................................................................. 3

1.5.1 System layout ........................................................................................................ 3
1.5.2 Mechanical adjustment ........................................................................................ 3
1.5.3 Keyboard ............................................................................................................... 4

1.6 Optional peripheral devices ............................................................................................... 6

1.7 Display annotation ............................................................................................................. 6

1.7.1 Parameter term explanation ................................................................................. 7

1.8 On line manual ................................................................................................................... 7

2 SAFETY .................................................................................................................... 8

2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 8

2.2 Owner responsibility .......................................................................................................... 9

2.3 Regulatory Notice .............................................................................................................. 9

2.4 Label Icon description ........................................................................................................ 9

2.5 Safety and Warning notices .............................................................................................. 12

2.5.1 Acoustic output ................................................................................................... 12
2.5.2 Patient Safety ...................................................................................................... 14
2.5.3 Probe Safety ........................................................................................................ 14
2.5.4 Personnel and equipment safety ........................................................................ 15
2.5.5 Electrical Safety ................................................................................................... 17

3 START THE SYSTEM .......................................................................................... 23

3.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 23

3.2 Safety warnings ................................................................................................................ 23

3.3 Power on / Boot up .......................................................................................................... 23

3.4 Power off / Shutdown ...................................................................................................... 24

3.5 Probe and application selection ....................................................................................... 24

3.5.1 Plug probe connector into this device ................................................................ 24
3.5.2 Probe and application selection.......................................................................... 24

3.6 Image Storage .................................................................................................................. 26

3.7 Freeze image .................................................................................................................... 27

3.8 Patient data ..................................................................................................................... 27

3.9 Image Annotation ............................................................................................................ 27

3.9.1 Character Annotation.......................................................................................... 27
3.9.2 Arrow Indicator ................................................................................................... 29
3.9.3 Body Pattern ....................................................................................................... 29

3.10 Cine Mode........................................................................................................................ 30

3.11 Zoom function.................................................................................................................. 31

3.12 Multiple display formats .................................................................................................. 31

3.13 2D Image size change ....................................................................................................... 33

3.14 Environment .................................................................................................................... 33


4.1 Beginning a New Patient .................................................................................................. 35

4.1.1 General data section ........................................................................................... 37
4.1.2 Application data information section ................................................................. 37

4.2 Archive ............................................................................................................................. 39

4.2.1 Initial Archive Menu ............................................................................................ 40
4.2.2 New Examination from Archive menu ................................................................ 41
4.2.3 Export patient or examination data .................................................................... 42
4.2.4 Import patient or examination data.................................................................... 42
4.2.5 Report ................................................................................................................. 43
4.2.6 Bluetooth ............................................................................................................ 45
4.2.7 Email ................................................................................................................... 45
4.2.8 View menu .......................................................................................................... 46
4.2.9 Worklist ............................................................................................................... 47

5 2D B MODE, M MODE ....................................................................................... 48

5.1 2D Mode .......................................................................................................................... 48
5.1.1 Main B mode menu ............................................................................................ 48
5.1.2 Additional B mode menu .................................................................................... 49
5.1.3 Freeze mode........................................................................................................ 51

5.2 Operation ......................................................................................................................... 53

5.2.1 General operation ............................................................................................... 53
5.2.2 Trapezoid View ................................................................................................... 55
5.2.3 PView .................................................................................................................. 56
5.2.4 Map ..................................................................................................................... 57

5.3 M Mode ........................................................................................................................... 57

5.3.1 M mode............................................................................................................... 57
5.3.2 Freeze in M mode ............................................................................................... 59


6.1 CF mode operation........................................................................................................... 60

6.1.1 Main menus of CF mode ..................................................................................... 60
6.1.2 CF box position and size ...................................................................................... 63
6.1.3 CF mode gain control .......................................................................................... 64

6.2 Power Doppler (PDI) ........................................................................................................ 64

7 PW AND CW MODE (SPECTRAL DOPPLER MODE) ................................ 65

7.1 PW mode (Pulsed Wave Doppler) .................................................................................... 65

7.1.1 Operation of PW mode (main menu) ................................................................. 65
7.1.2 Operation of PW mode sub menu ...................................................................... 69

7.2 CW mode (Continuous Wave Doppler) ............................................................................. 70

7.3 Freeze in PW/CW ............................................................................................................. 70

8 3D/4D ................................................................................................................... 71

8.1 Static 3D........................................................................................................................... 71

8.1.1 Workflow ............................................................................................................ 71
8.1.2 3D MCut .............................................................................................................. 77
8.1.3 Free View ............................................................................................................ 77
8.1.4 MagicCut ............................................................................................................. 78

8.2 4D (real time) ................................................................................................................... 79

8.2.1 Workflow ............................................................................................................ 79
8.2.2 4D Cine Mode ..................................................................................................... 81
8.2.3 3D MCut of Cine Mode ....................................................................................... 82
8.3 MCut ................................................................................................................................ 84
8.3.1 Workflow ............................................................................................................ 84

9 OTHER MODES ................................................................................................... 86

9.1 Tissue Doppler Imaging (TD) ............................................................................................ 86

9.2 Tissue Velocity Imaging (TVI) ........................................................................................... 86

9.2.1 TVI overview ....................................................................................................... 86
9.2.2 TVI Workflow ...................................................................................................... 86

10 SIMPLE UI ............................................................................................................ 89

11 MEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION .......................................................... 91

11.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 91

11.1.1 Measurement Workflow .................................................................................. 91
11.1.2 Positions of the measurement keys ................................................................. 93
11.1.3 Measurement system setting ........................................................................... 93
11.1.4 Basic introduction in measurement function ................................................... 97
11.1.5 Generic measurement list in each mode ........................................................ 100
11.1.6 Measurement setting in each mode............................................................... 119

11.2 Abdominal measurements ............................................................................................. 127

11.2.1 B mode measurements................................................................................... 127
11.2.2 M mode measurements ................................................................................. 129
11.2.3 PW mode measurements ............................................................................... 129

11.3 Small organ measurements ............................................................................................ 131

11.3.1 B mode measurements................................................................................... 131
11.3.2 M mode measurements ................................................................................. 132
11.3.3 PW mode measurements ............................................................................... 133

11.4 Vessel measurements .................................................................................................... 135

11.4.1 B mode measurements................................................................................... 135
11.4.2 M mode measurements ................................................................................. 139
11.4.3 PW mode measurements ............................................................................... 139

11.5 Gynecology Measurements ............................................................................................ 143

11.5.1 B Mode measurements .................................................................................. 143
11.5.2 PW mode measurements ............................................................................... 144

11.6 Urology Measurements.................................................................................................. 147

11.6.1 B Mode measurements .................................................................................. 147
11.6.2 PW Mode measurements ............................................................................... 152

11.7 Pediatric Measurements ................................................................................................ 153
11.7.1 B Mode measurements .................................................................................. 153
11.7.2 PW mode measurements ............................................................................... 155

11.8 Obstetrics Measurements .............................................................................................. 157

11.8.1 B Mode measurements .................................................................................. 158
11.8.2 M Mode measurements ................................................................................. 180
11.8.3 PW mode measurements ............................................................................... 180

11.9 Cardiac Measurements .................................................................................................. 182

12 PROBES AND BIOPSY ..................................................................................... 222

12.1 Probe overview .............................................................................................................. 222

12.2 Probes ............................................................................................................................ 222

12.3 Probe connection and disconnection ............................................................................. 225

12.4 Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 225

12.4.1 Inspecting the probe:...................................................................................... 225
12.4.2 Special handling instructions: ......................................................................... 226

12.5 Probe Safety .................................................................................................................. 229

12.6 Biopsy ............................................................................................................................ 229

13 SYSTEM SETTING ............................................................................................ 230

13.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 230

13.2 LCD Tests........................................................................................................................ 232

13.3 Measurement ................................................................................................................ 232

13.4 Extended key ................................................................................................................. 236

13.5 Network ......................................................................................................................... 238

13.5.1 General ........................................................................................................... 238
13.5.2 File Server ....................................................................................................... 238
13.5.3 Email Setting ................................................................................................... 238
13.5.4 FTP .................................................................................................................. 239

13.6 DICOM ........................................................................................................................... 239

13.6.1 General ........................................................................................................... 239
13.6.2 Storage ............................................................................................................ 239
13.6.3 Worklist ........................................................................................................... 240

13.6.4 Print ................................................................................................................ 240

13.7 Service Tool.................................................................................................................... 240

13.7.1 Demo mode .................................................................................................... 240
13.7.2 Electrical parts auto diagnostic tools .............................................................. 240
13.7.3 Display Backlight Config .................................................................................. 241
13.7.4 S-Video Output ............................................................................................... 241
13.7.5 Software log file download ............................................................................. 241
13.7.6 Export/Import UserDefine Configuration ....................................................... 241
13.7.7 System Upgrade.............................................................................................. 242

13.8 Features ......................................................................................................................... 242

13.9 User Management.......................................................................................................... 242

13.10 About ............................................................................................................................. 243

14 ACCESSORIES AND PERIPHERALS ............................................................. 244

14.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 244

14.2 Printing .......................................................................................................................... 244

14.3 Approved printers .......................................................................................................... 245

15 OPERATOR MAINTENANCE AND TECHNICAL DATA ........................... 246

15.1 System maintenance ...................................................................................................... 246

15.1.1 Inspecting this device ..................................................................................... 246
15.1.2 Virus protection .............................................................................................. 247
15.1.3 Cleaning this device ........................................................................................ 247

15.2 Technical Data ............................................................................................................... 248

15.2.1 General ........................................................................................................... 248
15.2.2 Power supply .................................................................................................. 250
15.2.3 Operator panel ............................................................................................... 250
15.2.4 Console Design................................................................................................ 251
15.2.5 Transmitter ..................................................................................................... 251
15.2.6 Receiver .......................................................................................................... 251
15.2.7 Scan Converter................................................................................................ 251
15.2.8 Cine Loop ........................................................................................................ 252
15.2.9 Basic Measurement Accuracy ......................................................................... 252
15.2.10 Basic Performance Specification................................................................... 253

1 General

1.1 Introduction

VINNO E20 (hereinafter referred to as "this device") is a professional digital color

ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus. It transmits ultrasound waves into the body
tissues and displays the echo images of the tissues and blood flow accordingly.

1.2 Contact Information

This device is developed and manufactured by VINNO Technology (Suzhou) Co.,

Ltd, China. Contact information is as follows:
Telephone: +86 512 62873806
Fax: + 86 512 62873801
Address: 4F-5F, C8 Building, No.218 Xinghu Rd, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu
215123 China

Authorized European Representative:

Wellkang Ltd (
Address: 29 Harley St., London W1G 9QR, UK
Tel: +44 (20)30869438, 32876300
Fax: +44(20)76811874

1.3 About this document

 Before attempting to use this device, read and fully understand all contents
in the document to properly operate this device, paying particular attention
to all: Warnings, Cautions, Notes, and Notices. Due to space limitations, this
manual does not make perfect, any problem please contact VINNO technical
 In order to use the device correctly, keep this manual with the device at all
 This manual accompanies the VINNO E20 only.
 The most extensive configuration is described within this manual, including
the maximum number of the options and the accessories. Not every
function, option or accessory described may have been purchased or
licensed on your device.
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 This manual forms part of the accompanying documentation for this product.
The remaining documents in the set are listed: Advanced Technical Manual,
Service Manual.

1.4 Product description

This device is a professional, premium performance real-time scanning system.

The various probes make many applications possible.
This device provides the following diagnostic possibilities:
 B mode, M mode

 CF and PDI mode

 Spectral Doppler: pulsed wave and continuous wave (PW and CW)

 Tissue Doppler (TD)

 Tissue Velocity imaging (TVI)

 Volume mode: 3D and 4D (real time 3D)

Intended use:
This device is intended for use by a qualified physician for the following
ultrasound evaluation clinical applications.
 Abdomen

 Obstetrics/Fetal

 Gynecology

 Small parts (including thyroid, breast, testes, etc.)

 Cardiac (Adult and pediatric)

 Vascular

 Urology (including prostate)

 TCD Intraoperative

 Pediatrics

 Small Joints

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1.5 Mechanical system

1.5.1 System layout

1. Monitor
2. Control panel
3. Touch panel
4. Probe holder
5. Speaker
6. Place for printer
7. Probe ports

1.5.2 Mechanical adjustment

The control panel allows to adjust to different heights. A switch allows the
adjusting of the height.
The image screen panel allows to move forward and backward and tilted to
different degrees. It can also be laid down into a flat position in order to be
convenient and protected during transportation.
There are caster breaks in all casters.

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1.5.3 Keyboard Touch panel

Except for the functions triggered by the control panel, the touch panel
represents the main operator interface for operation.
The touch panel is highly sensitive and consists of a flat monitor. It is easy to
operate even under dim light conditions and allows for comfortable access to the
control menu.

This touch panel can be blocked by a strong magnetic field. Avoid magnetic field
interference. The touch panel may be impacted by any foreign body lying on it.
To guarantee maximum performance, it is recommended to clean the touch
panel regularly. Control Panel

(1) Power key: switches the device on and off.

(2) Print: the function of this key can be defined during system set-up .
By default it is set as the print function. However, it can also be set to save to
USB or save to HDD.
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(3) Save to USB: the function of this key can be defined during system set-up. By
default set to store images to the U disk through the USB port.
(4) Save to HDD: the function of this key can be defined during system set-up
session. By default set to store images on the clipboard to the Hard disk. After
this key is pressed before the image is frozen (by pressing “Freeze” key), it will
store the cine loop from the most recent session (the cine loop time can be
changed in the system settings). After the image is frozen, it will store the last
frame single image.
(5) Freeze: freezing and unfreezing scanning.
(6) Depth/Zoom: changes scanning depth. To zoom the image in the selected
area after the key is pressed (the LED light is blue).
(7) Rotation/Steer: in 3D/4D mode, this key allows operator to rotate the
rendering images. In 2D mode, this key can steer an interest box such as the
color interest box and the 2D linear image.
(8) Left: this key can generate a dual image display. The left image is the active
one and the right image is the static one.
(9) Right: this key can generate a dual image display. The right image is the
active one and the left image is the static one.
(10) Enter: to confirm the action identified by an arrow.
(11) Clear: to erase the annotation, body pattern or measurement result on the
display. Pushed once, it will erase the last one. If held for a longer period
(minimum 2 seconds), it will erase all results.
(12) Measure: to view the image measurements. The measurement items can be
selected in the measurement menu.
(13) Auto: automatically optimizes the relevant image such as B mode image,
color and pulse wave.
(14) ROI size: ROI stands for range of interest. Pushing this key allows the
operator to change the size of ROI by operating the trackball - up or down
movement allows to enlarge or reduce the ROI size vertically, right or left
movement to enlarge or reduce the ROI size horizontally).
(15) M/D line: push this key to display the desired line in M mode or PW mode.
Moving the trackball can change the line position.
(16) Cursor: once pressing this key, the cursor will be displayed on the screen. It
can be moved using the trackball.
(17) M: press this key to enter M mode.
(18) PW: press this key to enter PW mode.
(19) CF: press this key to enter CF mode.
(20) B: press this key to enter B mode.
(21) HAR: press this key to enter Harmonic imaging.
(22) PDI: press this key to enter PDI mode.
(23) CW: press this key to enter CW mode.
(24) 4D: press this key to enter 3D/4D mode.
(25) TD: press this key to enter TD mode.
(26) TVI: press this key to enter TVI mode.

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(27) Body Pattern: press this key to enter “Body Pattern”, rotate it to change the
direction of the added body pattern.
(28) Up/down keys: these keys’ function will be shown by the respective
indicators at the bottom of the touch panel. They increase or decrease the value
of the relevant parameters.
(29) TGC: these 8 section slides can adjust TGC (Time Gain Control) in 8 different
(30) Trackball: operator can use the trackball to move the cursor, or the line, or
the ROI box, etc.
(31) Gel holder.

1.6 Optional peripheral devices

Black/white video printer (USB)

Digital color printer (USB)
LAN printer / Wireless printer

1.7 Display annotation

(1) VINNO: manufacturer’s trade mark.

(2) Hospital Name: it can be modified by the operator to enter a particular
name. The default is empty.
(3) Depth: indicates how deep the scan image is reaching.
(4) MI, TI: indicate the size of Acoustic Mechanical and Thermal Index.
(5) Probe and application: show what the current probe and application are
selected and used.
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(6) Clip board images: this field displays the batch of the temporarily stored
images, which are stored in HDD.
(7) This field indicates some of the parameters such as digital gain, frequency,
frame rate, acoustic output power. The displayed parameters are different in
different modes.
(8) Image area: it is the field where the image is displayed, including all mode
images such as B, CF/PDI, M, and PW.
(9) Date, Time: this field indicates the current date and time.
This date and time can be modified in the system setting menu.
(10) Perf. Physician: this field shows the performing physician’s name.
(11) Patient information: this field shows the current patient name and ID. If
there is some information of OB input when new the patient, display “GA” too.
(12) USB/Network status: If one USB device is plugged in, the left icon appears. If
connect with the network, the right icon appears. If connect with one server, the
middle icon appears.

1.7.1 Parameter term explanation

All parameters in the parameter field are abbreviated and stand for the following

AP: Acoustic Power

DG: Digital Gain
Fq: Frequency
WF: Wall Filter
DR: Dynamic Range
FR: Frame Rate
SD: Sample Depth

1.8 On line manual

In the system setting menu of the touch panel, there is a “Show Manual” key. By
selecting this key, the operator manual will be displayed for operator to refer to.

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2 Safety

2.1 Introduction

This device is designed for the safety of the patient and operator. Before
operating the device, read this chapter thoroughly with care please. The
manufacturer guarantees the safety and reliability of the device only if all
cautions and warnings are followed. Strictly observe all Warnings, Cautions,
Notes and Safety markings within this document and on the machine.

Intended use:
This device is intended for use by a qualified physician for the following
ultrasound evaluation clinical applications.
 Abdomen

 Obstetrics/Fetal

 Gynecology

 Small parts (including thyroid, breast, testes, etc.)

 Cardiac (Adult and pediatric)

 Vascular

 Urology (including prostate)

 TCD Intraoperative

 Pediatrics

 Small Joints

Icon description:
Several levels of safety precautions may be found in this manual. Different levels
of concern are identified by one of the following icons with signal words.

Indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, could result in death or

serious injury.

Indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, could result in

moderate or minor injury and property damage.

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2.2 Owner responsibility

Notice against operator modification:

Never modify this device, including the system components, the

software, the cables and any other device components or accessories. A safety
hazard may occur resulting from unauthorized modification. Do not attempt to
disassemble the device if you are not trained and authorized by the

The operator must familiarize themselves with these safety measures and avoid
situations that can result in injury or damage.

2.3 Regulatory Notice

This device has been tested to meet all applicable requirements.

According to 93/42 EEC, it is a class IIa medical device.

Conformity to Standards:
The following standards have been used and the product is therefore certified in
compliance with:
IEC 60601-1 E3:2005+Corr1:2006+Corr2:2007 Medical electrical equipment
- Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
IEC 60601-1-2:2007 Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements and
IEC 60601-1-6:2010 Usability
IEC 60601-2-37:2007 Medical electrical equipment - Particular requirements
for the safety of ultrasonic medical diagnostic and monitoring equipment
IEC 61157:2007 Declaration of acoustic output parameters
ISO 10993-1:2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices
IEC 62304:2006 Medical device software –Software life cycle processes
IEC 62366:2007 Medical devices - Application of usability engineering
to medical devices Council Directive 93/42/EEC on Medical Device
Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

2.4 Label Icon description

Label Description Location

9 / 257
This is the indicator for company address. Rear of unit

This is the indicator for part number. Rear of unit

This is the serial number indicator. Rear of unit

This indicates manufacture time. Rear of unit

General Warning Sign. Rear of unit

MUST read the document accompanying the

Rear of unit
This is type BF equipment, in which protection
against the electric shock does not rely on the
basic insulation only. (The operator shall)
Provide additional safety precautions such as Rear of unit
double insulation or reinforced insulation for
protective earthing or reliance upon installation
Equipment Type CF, indicates the equipment
which has a floating applied part, possessing a
Rear of unit
degree of protection suitable for direct cardiac
This symbol indicates that the waste of electrical
and the electronic equipment must not be
disposed as unsorted municipal waste and must
be collected separately. Contact an authorized Rear of unit
representative of the manufacturer for
information concerning the decommissioning of
your equipment.
On/off button
Warning: system shutdown using the “On/off”
button does not disconnect the ultrasound unit
from the main voltage. To disconnect the Control panel
ultrasound unit from the main voltage after the
system shutdown, set the circuit breaker close
to the main inlet to OFF as described in 3.3.
Warning: dangerous voltage.
This is a warning mark for an electric shock
Rear of unit
hazard to indicate there is a potential electric
shock risk.

This is the mark for no-line bound during

Rear of LCD

10 / 257
This is the warning mark indicating risk of hand
Rear of console

This is the warning mark for no swivel when

Rear of LCD
monitor is in flat position.
This is the warning mark to remind the operator
to move the device only after having the locked Rear of LCD
monitor and the control panel.
This is the equipotential connection mark. The
operator needs to connect the equipotential
Rear of unit
points of the device in order to reach the same
This is the protective earthing mark to indicate
Inside of unit
which device or part is protected by earthing.
This is the transportation position warning mark.
During the long distance device transportation
or movement on an incline, more than two Rear of unit
persons are required to move the device along,
with the device facing front and rear direction.
Authorized European Representative Address.
CAUTION: Do not push this device sideways
Top console
when casters are in the brake position, as the
(both side)
device will become unstable.
Indicates the presence of hazardous
substance(s) above the maximum concentration
value. The maximum concentration values for
electronic information products are set by the
People’s Republic of China Electronic Industry
Standard SJ/T11364-2006, including the
hazardous substances such as lead, mercury,
hexavalent chromium, cadmium, poly Probe connector
brominated biphenyl (PBB), and poly
brominated diphenyl ether (PBDE). “10”
indicates the number of years during which the
hazardous substance(s) will not leak or mutate
so that the use of this product will not result in
any severe environment pollution, personal
injury, or damage to any assets.(Only for China)

11 / 257
Indicates the presence of the hazardous
substance(s) above the maximum concentration
value. The maximum concentration values for
electronic information products are set by the
People’s Republic of China Electronic Industry
Standard SJ/T11364-2006, including the
hazardous substances such as lead, mercury,
hexavalent chromium, cadmium, poly Rear of unit
brominated biphenyl (PBB), and poly
brominated diphenyl ether (PBDE). “20”
indicates the number of years during which the
hazardous substance(s) will not leak or mutate
so that the use of this product will not result in
any severe environmental pollution, personal
injury, or damage to any assets.(Only for China)
This product carries the CE Mark. 0197 for
Rear of unit

GOST Symbol. Russia Regulatory Country

Rear of unit

2.5 Safety and Warning notices

2.5.1 Acoustic output

Definition of the acoustic output parameters:

Thermal Index: TI is an estimate of the temperature increase of the soft tissue or
bone. There are three thermal index categories:

• TIS: soft tissue thermal index, the main TI category. Used for the
applications that does not image (or visualize) bones.

• TIB: bone thermal index (bone located in a focal region). Used for the
fetal application.

• TIC: cranial bone thermal index (bone located close to the surface). Used
for the transcranial application.

Mechanical Index: MI is the estimated likelihood of tissue damage due to the


Safety statement:

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Although no harmful biological effects have been demonstrated
for ultrasound frequencies, intensities and exposure times, we recommend the
operator to use the lowest acoustic output settings producing acceptable
diagnostic information.

System controls affecting acoustic output:

The TI and MI show the highest possible acoustic intensity for a given mode,
obtainable only when the combination of control settings that results in
maximum output is selected. Most settings result in a much lower output.

There are several notes as follows:

• The duration of an ultrasound examination is as important as the
acoustic output, since the patient exposure to output is directly relevant
to the ultrasound scanning time.
• The better image quality can accelerate the clinical result, reducing the
overall duration of an examination. Therefore, any image quality
improvement can help to reduce patient exposure.

Probe selection:
As long as the appropriate application is available, any probe of this device can
be used and meet the limitation of the acoustic output requirement.

Application selection:
Selecting the probe and application will provide the acoustic output within the
limitation of the acoustic output requirement.

Changing imaging modes:

Acoustic output depends on the imaging mode selected. The choice of mode will
greatly affect the energy absorbed by the tissue. After a combined mode is
completed, such as 2D and CF mode, the total acoustic output comprises
contributions from each individual mode.

Concerning surrounding fetal exposure:

Always be aware of the acoustic output level by observing the acoustic output
display. The operator is recommended to become familiar with this device’s
controls affecting the acoustic output.

OB examination:

Prior to an ultrasound examination, the patient should be

informed of the clinical applications which include specific benefits, potential

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risks and alternatives. In addition, if the patient requires information about the
exposure time and intensity, they should be provided. An ultrasound
examination should not be performed to satisfy the family’s desire to know the
fetal sex: according to several countries’ laws, which include China, using an
ultrasound examination to detecting the fetal sex (gender) is prohibited.

2.5.2 Patient Safety

The concerns listed in this section can seriously affect the safety
of the patient undergoing a diagnostic ultrasound examination.

Patient Identification:
Always include proper identification with all patient data and verify the accuracy
of the patient’s name and/or the identity number after entering the data. Ensure
all recorded data has the correct patient ID. Identification errors can result in an
incorrect diagnosis.

Diagnostic Information:
The images and calculations provided by this device are intended for use by the
competent the operator, as a diagnostic tool. They are explicitly not to be
regarded as the sole basis for the clinical diagnosis. The operator is encouraged
to study the literature and reach their own professional conclusions regarding
the clinical utility of this device.

Special care is required to ensure the maximum privacy of the

patient information.

2.5.3 Probe Safety

Mechanical hazards:

Damaged probes or the improper use of probes may result in

injury or increased the risk of infection. The operator needs to frequently inspect
the probe for damage, in particular looking for sharp or rough surface damage.

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Never use intensive force when manipulating the intra cavity
probes. The operator is required to be familiar with all instructions and
precautions provided with probes.

Electrical Hazard:

Probes are powered by electricity and can injure the patient or

operator when exposed to contact with the conductive solution. A damaged
probe may increase the risk of electric shock. Inspect probes frequently for
cracks or openings in the housing and holes in and around the acoustic lens, or
other damage.

2.5.4 Personnel and equipment safety

Explosion hazard:

Never operate this device in the presence of flammable or

explosive liquids, vapors or gases. The operator should be aware of the points
to prevent such explosion hazards as follows:
• If flammable substances are detected in the environment, do not plug in
or turn on this device. In addition, do not unplug or turn the device off if
it has been turned on before.
• If flammable substances are detected, evacuate and ventilate the area
before turning off this device.

Electrical Hazard:

• Internal circuits of this device use high voltages, capable of causing

serious injury or death by the electric shock.
• The OPERATOR MUST NOT touch accessible LIVE parts of USB, DVI,
Audio ports and the PATIENT simultaneously.
• USB, DVI and Audio ports: ONLY connect the PARTS or DEVICES which
DO NOT have the external electrical hazard risk.

Any configurations by such connection must comply with the requirements of

the IEC60601-1. It is the responsibility of the person who connects the parts or
devices and configures a medical system to verify that this device complies with
the requirements of the IEC60601-1. If you have any questions, contact your
service representative for information.

To avoid injury:
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• Do not remove this device's protective covers. No operator-serviceable
parts are inside. If servicing is required, contact a qualified technician.
• Connect the attachment plug to a hospital-grade earthing socket to
ensure adequate earthing.
• To avoid the risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be
connected to a supply main with protective earth.
• Never use any adaptor or converter of a three-prong-to two-prong type
to connect with a main power plug. The protective earth connection will
be lost.
• Do not place liquids on or above this device. Conductive fluids seeping
into the active circuit components may cause a short circuit, which can
result in an electrical fire.
• An electrical hazard may exist if any light, monitor or visual indicator
remains on after this device is turned off.

Do not use this device if a safety problem is known to exist. This

device needs to be verified by qualified service personnel before returning to

Biological hazard:

Beware of biological hazards after performing trans-vaginal

procedures. To avoid the risk of disease transmission:
• Use protective barriers such as probe glove and follow sterilization
procedures as required.
• Thoroughly clean the probes after each patient examination and
disinfect or sterilize as needed.
• Follow all in-house infection control policies as they apply to the
personnel and equipment.

Pacemaker hazard:

The possibility of this device interfering with pacemakers is

minimal. However, as this device generates high frequency electrical signals, the
operator should be aware of the potential hazard.

LCD Monitor:

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• DO NOT place a finger, hand or any object on the joint of the monitor or
monitor arm to avoid injury after moving the monitor and monitor arm.
• To avoid injuries or system damage, NEVER place any object or liquid on
the monitor.
• DO NOT place any object on the ventilation slots on the upper rear side
of the monitor. Blocking the ventilation slots obstructs proper airflow
and may result in fire, electric shock, or equipment damage.
• DO NOT scratch or press on the panel with any sharp objects, such as a
pencil or pen, as this may result in damage to the monitor.

2.5.5 Electrical Safety

Internally connected peripheral devices:

This device, together with the internal connected peripheral

devices, such as the printers or the DVDRW, meets all the standards listed in
chapter 2.1. This statement is applicable only when tested peripherals listed in
chapter 13 are plugged into the AC outlets provided in this device.

External connection of other peripheral devices:

Other external devices, such as laser cameras, printers and

external monitors, usually exceed the medical standard allowable current
leakage. If they are plugged into separate AC outlets and then connected to this
device, it represents a violation of patient safety standards. Suitable electrical
isolation of such external AC outlets may be required to meet the electrical
leakage limit requirement.

Device movement:

When moving this device, rotate the control panel to be in the

middle from the left and right view, and also push the control panel as far back
as possible then move it to the lowest position.

Defibrillator Use:

Do not use this device with a defibrillator.

Use of Electrosurgical unit:

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Keep the Electrosurgical unit away from ECG leads to avoid the
potential interference to the ECG wave.

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC):

This device can produce and use the radiation RF energy.
All types of electronic equipment may characteristically cause the
electromagnetic interference with other equipment, either transmitted through
air or connecting cables. The term EMC indicates the capability of this device to
curb the electromagnetic influence from other equipment and at the same time
not affect other equipment with the similar electromagnetic radiation from

This product is designed to fully comply with the EN60601-1-2 (IEC60601-1-2),

Class A, in medical electric equipment EMC regulations.
Proper installation following the service manual is required in order to achieve
the full EMC performance of the product.
In the event of issues relevant to EMC, (turning on/off this device is able to
evaluate whether an EMC-relevant problem has occurred), the operator (or
qualified service personnel) should try the measures (one or more) to address
and solve the problem as follows:
• Determine the identity of the affected equipment and replace the
affected equipment (one or more).
• Relocate this device or the affected equipment to increase the distance
in between.
• Use a different power supply source from the affected equipment for
this device’s power supply.
• Call your service personnel for more advice please.

General Information
1. Products equipped with a power source plug should be plugged into a fixed
power socket that features the protective earthing conductor. Never use any
adaptor or converter to connect with a power source plug (i.e. three
prong–to–two prong converter).
2. Locate this device as far away as possible from other electronic equipment.
3. Be sure to use only the cables provided by or designated by VINNO company.
Connect these cables following the installation procedures (i.e. wire power
cables separately from signal cables).
4. For designation of the Peripheral Equipment Connectable to this Product,
refer to the operator manual. These Peripherals can be connected to the product
without compromising its EMC performance.
5. Avoid using equipment not designated for this device. Failure to comply with
this instruction may result in poor EMC performance of the product.

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6. Notice against Operator Modification:
Never modify this product. Unilateral operator modification may cause the
degradation in EMC performance and may lead to the serious hazards for the
patient and the operator.
Modification of the product includes:
a. Changes in the cables (length, material, wiring etc.)
b. Changes in the system insulation/layout.
c. Changes in the system configuration/components.
d. Changes in the securing system parts (cover open/close).
7. Operate this device with all covers closed. If a cover is opened for any reason,
ensure that is shut before starting/resuming operation.

NOTE: Operating this device with any cover open may affect EMC performance.

Do not use the following devices near this VINNO Ultrasonic

system: Devices which transmit radio waves such as cellular phones, radio
transceivers, mobile radio transmitter, radio–controlled toy, etc. Use of these
devices can cause this VINNO Ultrasonic system to perform outside the certified
specifications. Keep these devices powered off when kept near this device.
Medical staff in charge of this device is required to instruct technicians, patients
and other people who may be around this device to fully comply with the above

Electromagnetic immunity:
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
This device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below.
The customer or the operator of this device should ensure that it is used in such an
Immunity test IEC 60601 Compliance level Electromagnetic
test level environment

Electrostatic ±6 kV contact ±6 kV contact Floors should be wood, concrete or

discharge (ESD) ±8 kV air ±8 kV air ceramic tile. If floors are covered
IEC 61000-4-2 with synthetic material, the relative
humidity should be at least 30 %.
Electrical fast ±1 kV for power ±1 kV for power Mains power supply quality should
transient/burst supply lines supply lines be that of a typical commercial or
IEC 61000-4-4 hospital environment.
Surge ±1 kV line(s) and ±1 kV line(s) and neutral Mains power supply quality should
IEC 61000-4-5 neutral be that of a typical commercial or
hospital environment.
Voltage dips, <5 % UT <5 % UT Mains power supply quality should
short (>95 % dip in UT) (>95 % dip in UT) be that of a typical commercial or
interruptions and for 0,5 cycle for 0,5 cycle hospital environment. If a dip or an

19 / 257
voltage variations 40 % UT 40 % UT interruption of mains power supply
on power supply (60 % dip in UT) (60 % dip in UT) occurs, the current of this device
input lines for 5 cycles for 5 cycles may drop from the normal level,
IEC 61000-4-11 70 % UT 70 % UT and it may be necessary to use
(30 % dip in UT) (30 % dip in UT) uninterruptible power supply
for 25 cycles for 25 cycles) (UPS).
<5 % UT <5 % UT
(>95 % dip in UT) (>95 % dip in UT) for 5s
for 5s
Power frequency 3 A/m Not applicable Not applicable
(50/60 Hz)
magnetic field
IEC 61000-4-8
NOTE UT is the a.c. main voltage prior to application of the test level.

Electromagnetic immunity:
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
This device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The
customer or the operator of this device should ensure that it is used in such an
Immunity IEC 60601 Compliance Electromagnetic environment – guidance
test test level level

Portable and mobile RF communications equipment

Conducted RF 3 Vrms 3 Vrms should be used no closer to any part of this device,
IEC 61000-4-6 150 kHz to including cables, than the recommended separation
80 MHz distance calculated from the equation applicable to
the frequency of the transmitter.
Recommended separation distance:

Radiated RF 3 V/m 3 V/m

IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to
2.5 GHz

where P is the maximum output power rating of the

transmitter in watts (W) according to the
transmitter manufacturer and d is the
recommended separation
Distance in meters (m).
Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as
determined by an electro-magnetic site survey,
should be less than the compliance level in each
frequency range.
Interference may occur in the proximity of
equipment marked with the following symbol:

NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is

20 / 257
affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.
a. Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio
(cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio
broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess
the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site
survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which this
device is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, this device should be
observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional
measures may be necessary, such as re-orienting or relocating this device
b. Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3

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Recommended separation distances:
Recommended separation distances between
portable and mobile RF communications equipment and this device
This device is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF
disturbances are controlled. The customer or the operator of this device can help
prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between
portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and this device as
recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communications

Rated maximum Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter

output power m
of transmitter
150 kHz to 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz

0.01 0.12 0.12 0.23

0.1 0.38 0.38 0.73
1 1.2 1.2 2.3
10 3.8 3.8 7.3
100 12 12 23
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended
separation distanced in meters (m) can be estimated using the equation for the
frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the
transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency
range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is
affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.

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3 Start the system

3.1 General

The first installation must only be performed by authorized personnel. The

system has a default setting which is applicable for most cases. Experienced
operator can change the default setting and store it as an operator-defined

3.2 Safety warnings

When this device is moved from a cold environment such as the

stock room into a warm room, it is necessary to wait several hours for the
machine to dehumidify before starting the machine due to the temperature
change of the environment.

3.3 Power on / Boot up

1. Connect the power cable to the rear of this device.

2. Plug the power cable into a hospital grade power socket with the proper rated
3. Switch on the main switch at the rear of this device.

4. Push the “ON/OFF” switch on the control panel. After the system is switched
on and booted up for a couple of minutes, the 2D image for the previously
selected transducer is displayed. If no probe is connected in the previous
selected transducer, the “Probe & App” menu will appear the touch panel screen
so that select probes operator. All peripherals which are connected to the outlets
of this device can be switched on only after the system is switched on.

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3.4 Power off / Shutdown

To avoid loss of the current patient data as well as all the

measurement data, it is necessary to save the data to one patient in any mode
menu of the touch panel screen before switching off this device. If not saved,
this device will display a warning after re-booting.

1. Push the “ON/OFF” switch on the control panel.

2. If want to switch off electrical power, the operator needs to turn this device
“OFF” in the rear panel of this device.

3.5 Probe and application selection

3.5.1 Plug probe connector into this device

The probe plug process is as follows:

1. Plug the probe connector into an available probe slot.
2. Push the lock on the top of the probe connector to lock the connector.

3.5.2 Probe and application selection

Select “Probe & App” on the touch panel of the main scan mode page to go to
the second menu as shown below in the picture below or can also select the
probe and application in the new patient page.

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After entering the “Probe & App” menu, the system will go to the frozen mode.
Select probes, but the system will not switch probe right away until the system
enters real time scan mode. Select any application button or press “Freeze” to go
back to real time scan mode.

Probe window:
This window will show all the connected probes, with the active one highlighted.
If want to select a different active window, the corresponding button can be

Application window:
This window will show all the available applications in the selected probe. The
current activated application is highlighted. If there is no previously activated
application, the default application is the factory default. Select anyone by
selecting the corresponding button. After the application button is selected, the
system will load the initial setting in that the application and go to scan mode

Operator defined setting:

After the parameter adjustments is finished, go to “Probe & App”. Then select
“Edit” to go into the edit menu. After entering “Edit” menu, the current
activated application is highlighted. If the current application’s parameters want
to be changed, then select “Save” to save current parameter settings into the
application. Alternatively, select “Save & Exit” to save and exit back to scan
mode. After that, the previous scan mode is displayed back to the touch panel

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Select “Rename” to change the name of the operator-defined application. The
operator should first select the application he/she wants to change. Once the
application name is selected, the alphanumeric keyboard will appear in a
convenient field for inputting character. Select “Save” to save the name only or
select “Save & Exit” or “Exit” to exit this status.

Select “Reset” to restore the factory settings in the changed presets. After this
button is selected, a dialogue box pops out to ask the operator for a selection.
Simply select “Yes” and the system will start processing.

Select “B” or “HAR” in “Default startup mode”, save and exit, then load this
application at the next time, the system will enter B or HAR mode according to
the setting.
The application edit menu is as shown below.

3.6 Image Storage

Select “Store to HDD” to save VRD, DICOM or AVI image to the system hardisk,
select “Store to USB” to save VRD, DICOM or AVI image to the connected USB
device. In system setting, the image format can be changed, please refer 13.4. In
3D/4D mode, the operation of image storage is similar.
The image saved in the hardisk will be displayed in the clipboard. The operator
can select the saved images after enable “Cursor” to replay. Save the image

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during scanning, it will be cine. Save the image after freeze the system, it will be
one frame. When replay one cine image saved in 3D/4D mode, the operator
needs to select “Auto Rotate” or “Auto Cine”.

Please use the specified USB device.

3.7 Freeze image

Select “Freeze” on the bottom right of the control panel enables the system to
switch from the scan mode to the frozen mode. When the key is orange backlit,
it is in frozen mode which means the image is static. When the key is green
backlit, it is real scan mode in which the scan image is in real time.
Select “New Patient”, “Archive”, “Probe & App”, “Sys Setting” or “Body Pattern”,
the system will switch to frozen mode.

3.8 Patient data

Normally the operator needs to input a new patient’s information before

scanning the new patient. Alternatively, pull up an old patient’s data from the
archive for a new examination of the old patient. Read chapter 4 for reference.

3.9 Image Annotation

3.9.1 Character Annotation

In the main touch panel screen, there is a “Comments” button. This button is for

27 / 257
After the “Comments” is selected, the touch screen will display as above. On the
left side there are some frequent terms to be selectable in order to quickly add
those comments to the image screen by dragging those terms. Those words will
be different based on different applications and probes.

Select and hold a certain section of the image area, and after that an
alphanumeric keyboard will appear for adding annotations. By selecting and
holding the previous comment, it can be edited, with the back blank of the edit
field turned grey. After the other field is selected, the previous annotation will
become a confirmed annotation.

The operator can add their own terms in the first open box. After entering the
words, select “Enter” key on the alphanumeric keyboard and the terms will be

After the “Delete” is selected, this button will be highlighted and there will be a
delete sign appearing beside each comment, the comment can be deleted by
selecting the delete sign. After the “Delete” is selected again, this key will return
to normal and the delete sign for each comment will disappear.

Select “Delete All” to delete all the comments.

Alphanumeric keyboard shown as shown below

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1. Select “CapsLock”, operator can input capitals.
2. Select “ ”, operator can input symbols.

3. Select , the alphanumeric keyboard will be closed.

3.9.2 Arrow Indicator

Drag arrow indicators on the comment screen to move them to the image area
to indicate the nidus. Arrow can be rotated after it is selected.

3.9.3 Body Pattern

After the “Body Pattern” in any mode touch panel UI is selected, all body
patterns will display on the touch panel for the operator to select. After one of
those patterns is selected, the body pattern box will turn green and the body
pattern will appear on the bottom-right side of the image screen for reference.
Now, rotate “Rotation/Steer” key on the control panel to change the probe
indicator’s orientation in the body pattern. Use the trackball to move the probe
indicator in the different position of the body pattern symbol. The touch panel
will go back to the previous menu by selecting “Exit”. Note that after returning to
the basic UI, the body pattern and probe indicator cannot be changed. By
selecting “Body Pattern” again, the probe indicator’s direction and position can
be changed.

The touch panel screen after entering the body pattern status is as shown below:

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Select different applications can show different body patterns.

Select “Import” to import body patterns from a USB memory stick. After the
“Import” key is selected, the operator can follow the procedure to import body
patterns. In this case, the operator has to copy a body pattern from his own PC in
JPEG format.

In system setting, the size of body pattern can be adjusted, please refer 13.1.
If enable “Use BodyPattern key” in system setting, the operator can enter “Body
Pattern” by pressing “Zoom” key. Rotate “Zoom” key to rotate probe icon even
after exit Body Pattern, move the trackball to change the icon’s position. Enable
“Cursor” key, and put the cursor on the body pattern, then move the trackball to
change the body pattern’s position. Press “Enter” to fix the body pattern’s

3.10 Cine Mode

While scanning a certain number of frames, the most recent examination images
sequence will be stored in the cineloop memory after “Freeze” key is pressed.
The sequence will be replayed continuously. By moving the trackball horizontally
the sequence can be reviewed frame by frame. The length of the cine can be
more than 1 min in the standard setting. This length depends on the number of
the scan lines, the scan depth and other parameters.

In freeze mode, the touch panel UI is as shown below.

Adjusting the parameters on the touch panel UI can manage the image.
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1. Cine/Single: can switch the display image from the cine mode to the single
image mode. Highlighted button means cine mode and non-highlighted button
means single mode.
2. Start Frame, End Frame: control which frame to start from and which to end
in order to display continuously as a loop.
3. Speed: controls cine speed as 400%, 200%, 100%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 20%.

3.11 Zoom function

After “Zoom” is pressed on the control panel, the system will enter zoom mode.
In zoom mode, there are two image displays. The normal image with ROI is on
the left. The zoomed image is on the right. Use the trackball to move the ROI
position. Rotating the “Zoom” key can make the amplification smaller or larger.
Clockwise makes the ROI size smaller, but a larger amplification can be achieved.
Alternatively, a counterclockwise rotation makes the ROI larger, but the
amplification is smaller.

If enable “Use BodyPattern key” in system setting, the operator can enter zoom
mode by pressing “Depth” key. Rotate “Depth” key to zoom in/out.

3.12 Multiple display formats

This operation which described hereby is only for B mode, CF/PDI mode, PW
31 / 257
mode and M mode. 3D and 4D mode operations are different from these
operations; the operator can refer to the 3D and 4D chapters accordingly.

There are two approaches to have multiple display formats. One is to press “L”
and “R” keys. The other is to select buttons on the touch panel (“Dual”, “Quad”,
and “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”).

“Left” and “Right” key to be dual display:

If the initial format is single image display, after “Left” on the control panel is
pressed, the system will display two images. The left side image is real time and
the right side image is the last frame static image at the same mode. By pressing
“Left” again, the system returns to the single image display. Pressing “Right”, the
right side image will be real time and the left side image will be the last frame
static image.

If the initial format is single image display, after “Right “on the control panel is
pressed, the system will display two images. The right side image will be real
time and the left side image will be the last frame static image at the same
mode. If “Right” is pressed again, the system will go back to the single image
display. If “Left” is pressed, the left side image will be real time and the right side
image will be the last frame static image.

Use “Dual” button on the touch panel to go into dual display format:

(The first button is single display, the second is dual and the third one is quarter.)

After “Dual” on the touch panel is selected, the system will have dual image
display. “A” position image will be real time and “A” button will be highlighted
by default. “B” position image will be last frame static image at the same mode.

Select “B” button to active the “B” position image. The “B” button will be

Selecting the single display format button will go back to the normal one image

Use “Quad” button on the touch panel to go into quarter display format:

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(The first button is single display, the second is dual and the third one is quarter.)

“A”, “B”, “C” and “D” button are as shown below:

After “Quarter” on the touch panel is selected, the system will have quarter
image display. “A” position image will be real time and “A” button will be
highlighted by default, and the “A” button is highlighted. The “B”, “C” and “D”
are the last frame static image.

Select the “B”, “C” or “D” button to activate “B”, “C” or “D” position image. Only
one image can be activated at one time.

3.13 2D Image size change

In B mode, slide the touch panel to the left. There is a parameter “Image Angle”.
These parameters are used to adjust the image size.

3.14 Environment

This device must be in the proper environment. This applies to in the operation,
storage and transport. Requirements of the environments are listed as shown
Requirement Temperature Humidity Air pressure
Transport/shipping -10 - 50°C 0 - 90% 700 - 1060 hPa
Storage -10 – 50°C 0 - 90% 700 - 1060 hPa
Operation 10 - 40°C 30 - 75% 700 - 1060 hPa

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34 / 257
4 Prepare for an examination and Patient data archive

Before starting an examination, it is recommended to enter a new patient’s

information before begin to scan. The patient information can also be entered
while scanning, but the operator has to determine whether the corresponding
image belongs to the patient or not before storing. The operator can pull out the
patient’s information from the archive and start a new examination. The patient
information is the same as before.

For new patient information, the recommendations are as follows:

1. Patient ID.
2. Patient name.
3. Birth date/age, gender.
This is stored together with the patient’s images and will be transferred with the
images of the corresponding patient to the archive.
The information and application data below may differ in different examinations
and we recommend that it should also be entered.
1. Physician, operator.
2. Basic data in relevant application category.

4.1 Beginning a New Patient

After “New Patient” on the touch panel is selected, the system will be in frozen
status and the “Freeze” key on the control panel is highlighted to show this. The
patient screen will be displayed as shown below. Press “Freeze” on the control
panel or select “Exit” on the touch panel to go back to the main menu without
saving the information. If the operator inputs some information on this page,
and select “Save&Exit” the system will create a “new patient” record and store
this information to start scanning.
When enter “New Patient” page, there will be an auto ID in “Patient ID”, the
operator can use this ID or input her/his own one. There is prefix for ID if it is
inputted in system setting.

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1. BSA is body’s surface area, and will be automatically calculated when the data
above (weight and height) is filled in.
2. The empty box is the data input field. After the relevant place is selected, the
alphanumeric keyboard will appear and the alphanumeric keyboard can be
selected to input data or characters.
3. Either birth date or age needs to be keyed in, the other one will be
automatically calculated based on the time of the system. For this reason it is
very important that the system time be correct. There are three gender options:
N/A, male or female.
4. If the inputted ID is the same with the exited one, the system will give one
warning message: There're some patient records match the creating patient, do
you want to view details? The operator selects different options to continue:
“Yes, review and select exist record”, “No, create new record”, “Go back new

If there is no patient ID or name, select “Save & Exit” on the touch panel and the
system will display a message for three options to select from. The options are:
“Exit without new patient”, “New patient with auto ID’’ and “Go back to patient
page”. Select “New patient with auto ID” and the system will automatically give a
number for new patient ID. Select “Exit without new patient” and the system will
go back to real scan mode without patient ID. If “Go back to patient page” is
selected, the system will go back to the new patient page.

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4.1.1 General data section

Patient ID: ID number, max 30 characters.

Second ID: ID number, max 15 characters.
Family Name: patient’s family name, max 20 characters.
Middle Name: patient’s last name, max 20 characters.
First Name: patient’s first name, max 20 characters.
Birth Day: patient’s date of birth.
Age: patient’s age (the age is calculated and displayed automatically after
entering birth date).
Sex: N/A, female, male (pull down menu).
Perf. Physician: Name of the performing physician, max 30 characters.
Ref. Physician: Name of the referring physician, max 30 characters.
Operator: Name of the operator, max input is 30 characters.

4.1.2 Application data information section

General: This category has the basic patient information for many applications
which include Abdomen, Cardiology, Vascular, Neurology, Small parts, Pediatrics
and Orthopedics. In this section, enter height and weight, and then BSA (body
surface area) will be calculated automatically.
OB: patient information for obstetrics.
GYN: patient information for gynecology.
UR: patient information for urology.

The OB application patient information section is as shown below:

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1. LMP: last menstrual period, enter the first day of the last menstrual period.
2. BBT: basal body temperature, enter the date of the most recently recorded
basal body temperature before the last menstrual period. Data cannot be
entered in this field if LMP data was entered before.
It is possible to enter data for either LMP or BBT. Then the EDD and GA will be
calculated based on the LMP or BBT.
3. EDD: Physician should either enter the estimated date of delivery, or this can
be automatically calculated after entering the LMP or BBT. If “EDD” is entered,
the “LMP” and “GA” can be calculated.
4. GA: gestational age, automatically calculated after entering the LMP or BBT.
5. Gravida: enter the patient’s history of pregnancies.
6. Para: enter the patient’s history of live births.
7. AB: enter the patient’s history of abortions.
8. Ectopic: enter the patient’s history of ectopic pregnancies.
9. Fetus: select the number of fetus(es) (1 to 4).

GYN application patient information section is as shown below:

UR application patient information field is as shown below:

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1. PSA: prostate specific antigen, enter the value of it.
2. PPSA Coefficient: enter the value of the predicted PSA coefficient.

If the operator does not want to enter all the data, the examination can be
started by selecting “B” or “Freeze” on the control panel or selecting “Save &
Exit” on the touch panel.

If there is a temporary measurement and the image without entering any
patient’s information and without storage, after a new patient is created, an
information dialog for option will appear. If select “OK”, the current image and
the measurement will be stored in the new patient’s archive. If select “Cancel”,
the image and the measurement will be deleted.

4.2 Archive

After “Archive” on the touch panel is selected, the system will go to the “Archive”
mode. The touch panel UI will be as shown below and the image screen is in the
frozen status. Pressing “Freeze” at any time in this mode, the system will go back
to the scan mode and the touch panel UI will go to the relevant scan mode

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4.2.1 Initial Archive Menu

1. After “New Exam” in “Archive” menu is selected, the probe and application
screen will appear (see 4.2.2), and then select probe and application. After the
application is selected, select “Exit” to go to the normal scan UI.
2. After “End Exam” in main menu is selected, the current patient’s
examination will cease the progress, at this moment there is no any patient is
selected. The report of this examination cannot be stored, but can be printed,
the information of this exam can’t be edited in Archive, and the button “Edit” in
worksheet will be gone. New exam can be added in “Archive”, or new a patient
to do examination.
3. Select “View/Edit”, all patient information can be edited if the selected exam
is not ended and the patient is added in 24 hours. But only relevant application
category’s data can be edited if the patient is added 24 hours ago.
4. After selecting one file name, it means it is selected. If selecting more files,
select other files for selection. If want to remove the selection, select that file
5. In the initial entering, the latest patient’s information will be displayed. In
order to search certain files, input the information in the search input field, and
then select “Search” on alphanumeric keyboard to search according to the input
data. Touch “Patient ID”, “Name”, “Last Scan” or other tabs, all patients in the list

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will be ordered as ascending or descending.
6. “Easy Compare”: During live scanning or select one image on the clipboard,
enter “Archive”, select one image of one patient, select “Easy Compare”, the
system exit “Archive” and enter dual display format: on the right display live
scanning image or the image selected on the clipboard, on the left display the
image selected in “Archive”.
1. After save to “USB” or “DVD” on the touch panel is selected, the selected file
will be stored to those media directly. After save to “Server” on the touch panel
is selected, the selected files will be stored to the relevant servers. If the server
IP hasn’t been set, the server setting dialogue will appear to ask the operator to
set the server IP and folder. Then press the “Enter” key to store directly.
2. Delete the selected patient file or files by selecting “Delete Patient” on the
touch panel.
3. Delete the selected examination file or files by selecting “Delete Examination”
on the touch panel.

4.2.2 New Examination from Archive menu

After “New Exam” in “Archive” menu is selected, the touch panel UI will be
shown as shown below.

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1. After “Back” is selected, the system will go back to the “Archive” menu.
2. After the application is selected (select the detail application button) and then
“Exit” is selected, the system will go back to the normal scan screen. The system
will start the scanning mode using the selected probe and application.
3. At any time after “Freeze” on the control panel is pressed, the system will go
to the scan mode in the original examination (not the new examination).
4. The previous information about the “Examination Physician”, the “Ref
Physician” and the “Operator” data will display in the relevant areas by default.
The operator can also change it by selecting this field. After this field is selected,
the alphanumeric keyboard will appear for data input.

4.2.3 Export patient or examination data

If this device is connected to a USB, DVD device, or a server, the relevant button
will be highlighted. Select one or more patients’ files in the “Archive”, and then
select the USB, DVD or Server button. Then the data will be stored to the
selected device. The button “VRD”, “DICOM” or “AVI” needs to be selected if the
operator wants to export the images of relevant format.
After the operator want to save the data of some examinations, select the
examination, and select “View”, then select a device to save. There are 3
different formats for saving the data: VRD, DICOM and Image.

4.2.4 Import patient or examination data

After “Import” in the” Archive” is selected, the system changes to be the menu
shown as below. The operator can import the data and the information of the
patients from the outside media. The operator can adjust that data once they are
imported to the system.

Selecting the importing media (USB, DVD or Server) and can also use the search
function to find the specific information about the corresponding patient in the
importing media. By selecting the file name, select the file, or by selecting
“Select All” on the touch panel to select all files. Pressing “Start Import” to starts
the import process.

Go back to the “Archive” menu by selecting “Back” and can go back to the scan

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mode by selecting “Exit”.

Touch the arrow on the right side of the touch panel to obtain the examination
file list. Then import one particular examination file from this menu.

4.2.5 Report

After “Report” in “Archive” is selected, or select “Report” on main menu, the

touch panel screen goes to the menu as shown below.

1. The measurement worksheet will be generated automatically without

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operator’s operation.
2. The patient and the physician information will come from the database
automatically. The information revised manually. After the relevant blank box is
selected, the alphanumeric keyboard will appear in the bottom right to input the
data. After edit the patient data, select “Preview”, the updated data will display
in the report.
3. In “Image Zone”, select one or more images, select “Preview”, the selected
images will appear in the report.
4. In “OB Graph”, select “Save” to save the current graph, and this graph will
appear in “OB Graph” in Report. Select “Preview”, the graph will appear in the
5. In “Worksheet” select one probe/application, all results will be displayed.
Select “Preview”, the results will appear in the report.
If the current patient’s fetus number is 2 or more, and do some measurements
with every fetus, then enable “Fetus Compare”, all measurement results in every
fetus will be listed in column.
6. In “Comments”, the operator can input some comments here. Select
“Preview”, the comments will appear in the report.
7. In “Template”, the operator can select “General”, “OB” template, or different
formats for multi images. Select “OB” template, in report there is some
information of GA and EDD if do the related measurements. Also the operator
can input “Print copies”.

8. Select “Store”, this report can be saved.

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9. Select “Store to USB”, save the report to one USB device.
10. Printer can be selected on the top left corner.

4.2.6 Bluetooth

Plug in one Bluetooth dongle, select one patient in “Archive”, touch “Bluetooth
Send” button to enter Bluetooth page.

After scanning, list all nearby Bluetooth devices. Select one device, and select
one or more images, touch “Send” to send the images to the selected device.
Before send the images, the system will pair with the remote device first.
If power saving mode of the system is on, the operator need to restart the

4.2.7 Email

Before use Email, the operator need to enable the network and set email
settings in “Sys Setting”.
Select one patient in “Archive”, touch “Email Send” button to enter Email page.
Input one or more addressees, then select images, touch “Send” to send the
images by email.

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After send successfully, the addressee(s) will be saved in the list.

4.2.8 View menu

After “View” in the “Archive” is selected, the system goes to the view function
and menu as shown below.

1. After entering the view mode, select the images, and then select “Single”, or
“Dual”, or “Quad” to display the images in the different formats. Select the other
images and the different view modes to be displayed. “Single” means that the
image screen will display the first selected image. “Dual” means that the image
screen will display the last two selected images as the dual image display format.
“Quad” means that the image screen will display the last four selected images as
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the quarter image display format.
Only VRD images can be displayed in dual or quad formats
2. After small images are selected, the image box will be highlighted. If “Multi
selection” is enabled, the first select in the relevant image means selection, the
second select means un-selection.
3. Select button “More” to enter “More” page, the operator can send images via
Bluetooth/Email or save images to DVD. Touch these buttons to enter relevant
4. By selecting “Back”, go back to the “Archive”.
5. By selecting “Exit” on the touch panel or pressing “Freeze” on the control
panel, go back to the previous scan mode.

4.2.9 Worklist

After enable “Worklist” in system setting, there is a “Worklist” tab in “Archive”.

And there is another tab “Local Data”, display all patients created on the local
The system get the patients from worklist server automatically when enter
“Archive”. Choose one patient, select “Select Current” to start the exam. If
capture some images, do some measurements or add some comments, the
current patient will be saved to local data.
Choose the start and end date, then select “Search” to load all patients in this
period. If select “Reset”, only load the patients of the day. If input patient ID or
name then select “Search”, download the searched patient(s) from the worklist

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5 2D B mode, M mode

5.1 2D Mode

5.1.1 Main B mode menu

Pressing “B” on the control panel will change from any mode to the “B” mode
display, except HAR mode. The “B” mode menu on the touch panel is as shown
below. In this menu, “New Patient”, “Archive”, “Comments”, “Sys Setting” and
“Body Pattern” screens can be entered. Also can end the examination and select
the “Full Screen”, “Display Format” and “Map”. The parameters can also be
adjusted, such as “Frequency”, “Focus Position”, “Focus Number”, “Dynamic
Range”, “Line Density”, “VSharpen”, level of “VSpeckle” and level of “VFusion”.

1. All the scanning operations should be performed through the control panel,
while all the image optimizing operations such as the image adjustment,
annotation, settings, and data base management should be performed through
the touch panel.
2. The numbers indicate the adjustable parameter. The default number depends
on the application setting.
3. Enable “TView”, the image will be wider in the bottom than the top to obtain
a wider vision.
4. “L/R” means to fold image from the left to the right or the right to the left.

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U/D means to fold image from the up to the down or the down to the up.
5. “Full Screen” can make the image to be zoomed as full screen size in order to
enlarge the image. The image size is from the top to the bottom of the screen
and the width is enlarged accordingly.
6. “VTissue” can automatically calculate the best acoustic velocity in tissue on
the basis of the scanning data to improve the image quality. After this button is
selected, it will be highlighted to show this function is active. Touch it again to
remove this function and the echo speed will return to pre-set one.
7. The operation of HAR is similar to B. No “VTissue” in HAR mode.

The up/down key parameters are as follows:

By regulating this parameter, the operator can strike a balance between
resolution and penetration. High frequency generally means a better resolution
at the cost of a worse penetration.

Focus Position:
It is to select the depth of current focus or foci. The focus position is indicated on
the right hand side.

Focus #:
This allows the operator to select the number of foci. The number of foci
depends on the probe selected.

Dynamic Range:
This allows the operator to enhance the grayscale to make the image easier to

Line density:
This helps to keep a balance between the image resolution and the frame rate. A
higher line density means a better resolution, but a slower frame rate.

By this function, the edge of the image can be more easily observed with the
naked eye. The higher the level of VSharpen, the better the edge of the image
can be.

5.1.2 Additional B mode menu

When the operator want to adjust the image quality by more parameters, slide
the touch panel to the left, then the touch panel UI will display more parameters.
The system goes back to the main “B” mode menu by sliding the touch panel to
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the right.

Image Angle:
This function can be used to change the scanning angle. A small angle can
provide a faster frame rate, but the scanning area is smaller.

Frame averaging can eliminate the image speckle of the 2D images. Several
frame averaging levels can be set in this menu.

Gray Filter:
Certain echo signals can be filtered by this function to avoid noise.

This smoothens out the image by reducing the number of pixels.

Focus Width:
Using this key changes the focus zone width.

Acoustic Power:
This allows the operator to change the transmitted acoustic power.

After this button is selected, the biopsy guide line will display on the image
screen. Some biopsies have different angles to be selected. If this is the case, the
system will display the selectable angles for the operator to select from.
Different probes feature different biopsy guide lines.

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VNear: In the 2D touch panel menu, use the arrow in the “VNear” key to
increase or decrease or switch off the level of compounding. When the level is 0,
this function is switched off. When the level is 1, 2, 3, one more focus will be
added if the position of the current focus(es) is >5 cm. If there are the most
focuses, this function doesn’t work.

EdgeEnhance: Improving image quality and contrast by enhancing its edge and
detail information and decreasing noise to improve SNR by diffusion filter.

NeedleEnhance: Only works with linear probes. To enhance the needle image
when do biopsy. When this function is enabled, a red boundary line will be
displayed to show the effective border which should not be crossed, rotating key
“Rotation/Steer” changes its angle to match the needle, make sure the angle
between the red line and the needle is 90°. Pressing key “Rotation/Steer”
changes the direction.

SGC (Scanline gain compensation): Gain compensation for tissue image scan

5.1.3 Freeze mode

In freeze mode, the touch panel UI appears as shown below. The stored image
can be optimized by adjusting the parameters or changing the maps when

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1. In Freeze mode, no adjustment is available for the “Frequency”, “Focus
Position”, “Focus #”, “Line Density”, “VSharpen”, unlike the live B image.
2. Cine/Single: allows images to be switched to display as either cine mode or
single-image mode. The highlighted button means the cine mode and
non-highlighted button means the single-image mode.
3. Start Frame, End Frame: controls which frame to start from and which to end
in order to display continuously as a loop.
4. Speed: controls the cine speed as 400%, 200%, 100%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 20%.
5. In freeze mode, switch to CF/PDI or PW freeze mode (if available) for
adjustment by selecting mode buttons on the upper section of the screen.

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5.2 Operation

5.2.1 General operation

Gain: With rotation of the “B” key on the control panel, the overall
brightness of 2D image is adjusted. All incoming echoes are amplified with
the same digital gain value regardless of the depth. Turning “Gain” control
clockwise makes the entire image brighter, and counterclockwise makes the
image less bright. The digital gain value is displayed on the screen.

Depth: Rotating “Depth” on the control panel can move the different depth
of the image. This change can only be in real time scan mode. When turned
clockwise, the depth range of the 2D image is enlarged and the display size of
the image is reduced to display the entire depth range. When turned
counterclockwise, the depth range of the image is reduced and the display
size of the image is magnified.
Note: 1. Maximum and minimum depth varies according to the different
probes used.
2. Actual depth is displayed in the information header.

TGC slides controls: Using the “TGC” slides control keys on the control panel
can vary the gain in the certain depth of the 2D image. Sliding to the left
decreases the gain in the corresponding specific 2D depth. Sliding to the right
increases the gain in the corresponding specific 2D depth.

B Steer: “Rotation/Steer” key on the control panel can steer the B image
right direction, center (no steer), left direction. Clockwise movement of it is
right steer when in the center status or center steer when in the left status.
Counterclockwise is center when in the right steer status or left steer when
in the center status. The drawing below is shown as reference. B steer only
exists in the linear probes.

2D Automatic Optimization: The “Auto” key on the control panel can

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optimize the contrast resolution according to the histogram of the scan area.
After “Auto” is pressed, this causes the automatic optimization of the gray
scale to enhance the contrast. After “Auto” is pressed again, the automatic
optimization function is switched off. When the auto function is active, the
key is highlighted.

Harmonic Imaging: The harmonic imaging reflects the harmonic of the

nominal transmitted frequency, such as double, threefold and fourfold. It
gives the better grayscale contrast compared to the standard ultrasound
imaging. Pressing “HAR” leads harmonic imaging. After switched on, this key
is highlighted. If not, it means that the selected probe does not support this

Frequency: This is an indicator and a non-touchable key on the touch panel

UI. It can be adjusted by the corresponding up/down key which is located
below the indicator. The “Frequency” is receiver frequency. The range allows
for the fast adjustment of the resolution and the penetration. The high
frequency has better resolution, but less penetration. Different probes have
different ranges of frequencies.

Focus Position: The focus zone improves the depth range of the optimized
sharpness of ultrasound beam. It helps resolution of the depth image. Using
the up/down key on the control panel with corresponding position, the focus
position can be changed.

Focus #: Using Focus # up/down key to select the number of focal zones. The
max of the focal number is 8. The more level of focal zones, the lower the
frame rate is.

VFusion: This function enhances the contrast resolution with better tissue
differentiation and clear organ borders. In the 2D touch panel menu, use the
arrow in the “VFusion” key to increase or decrease or switch off the level of
compounding. When the level is 0, this function is switched off.

VSpeckle: This function reduces the speckle noise in the ultrasound image. In
the 2D touch panel menu, use the arrow in the “VSpeckle” key to increase or
decrease or switch off the level of speckle noise reduction.
Notes: This process smoothes the image, so potentially some structures can
be smeared out.

Dynamic Range: It enhances a part of the grayscale and makes it easier to

display pathology.

Line Density: More line density will have better resolution, but will impact

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the frame rate.

VSharpen: This allows the operator to sharpen or smooth the image edge

L/R and U/D: They allow the operator to fold the image from left to right or
right to left and up to down or down to up as shown below for reference.
Indicator of orientation



5.2.2 Trapezoid View

Trapezoid view will enlarge the scanning area in order to let the operator see
more. For example, the linear probe scanning image is a rectangle, but after this
function works, the scanning image will change to a trapezoid which has a larger
scanning view in the bottom.

After “TView” on “B” mode menu is selected, this button will be highlighted and
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the scanning image will be trapezoid shape to have a wider view in the bottom.

5.2.3 PView

Panoramic view function provides the ability to construct and view a static 2D
image which is wider than the field of view of the selected probe. It constructs
an extended image from the individual image frames as the operator moves the
probe along the surface of the skin. Operation

1. Select “PView” on the touch panel to enter “PView” mode.

2. To start acquiring the image, select “Start” on the control panel. Then move
the probe slowly, steadily and in uniform motion lengthwise. Make sure that the
probe stays in one plane throughout the scan. The image is stored as you
perform the scan and can be monitored during acquisition.

3. To complete the scan, select “Stop”.

4. Press “Reacquisition” to clear the extended image and return to the normal
image, and the operator can start again. Selecting the “Exit” on the touch panel
goes back to the normal image scan.

The quality and usefulness of the extended images is impacted by

the probe motion. The incorrect technique can generate a defective image. A
good quality extended image is characterized by the smooth edges and a clear
direction. All structures visible in properly scanned 2D images can be easily
A poor quality extended image can be recognized by its rough and curved edges.
Also, it may contain sections showing noise and defects next to sections of clear
If any poor quality extended image has been generated, the scan has to be
repeated and the poor image considered as useless. Any measurement based on
a poor image is to be considered not correct.
Note that the accuracy of measurement in the extended images is limited and
can be lower than measurement on the B images. It is not recommended to use
this measurement: be aware that any diagnostic conclusion must not be made
based on panoramic image alone and needs to be checked with other diagnostic

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Precaution for uniform motions as follows:
 Make sure that there is enough gel along the scan path.
 Move the probe slowly and steadily.
 It must be ensured that the probe during the acquisition of the
extended image always remains in contact with the skin.
 Keep the motion within the same scan plane and do not change the
direction of movement during the scan.
 Deeper scanning needs slower motion of the probe due to more data
acquisition needed.

5.2.4 Map

The gray map determines the displayed brightness of an echo. With a different
gray map, a harder or softer image can be obtained. Image gray can be adjusted
both in the freeze and scan mode. After a gray map is selected, the relevant
button is highlighted.

Select “……” to enter configuration page, all maps are displayed here. Select one
map, the operator can delete it from map list, or added it to the map list. 8 maps
can be added at most.

5.3 M Mode

The “M” mode imaging provides the echo information of motion with change of
time derived from a stationary ultrasound beam. “M” mode is used along with a
2D image, with one line through the 2D image which is called the “M” cursor.
This cursor identifies the position of the ultrasound beam. The motion of the
echo information at this position over time is to display “M” mode.

5.3.1 M mode

Activation of M mode: By pressing “M” on the control panel, the system goes to
“M” mode. Use the trackball to move the “M” cursor left or right by moving the
trackball left or right. 2D and “M” mode stopped by pressing “Freeze” on the
control panel. The main menu on the touch panel is as shown below:

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Display format: Operator can change the display format by selecting it on the to
uch panel. In format, there are two kinds of display. One is side by side, while th
e other one is up and down. In each type of the format, different splits between
”B” and ”M” traces displays can be selected. In side by side format, there are thr
ee kinds: “H 1/2”, “H3/4” and “Full”. In up and down, there are three kinds:
“V2/3”, “V1/2”, and “V1/3”.

Dynamic Range: This allows the operator to enhance the grayscale range to
make it easier to display pathology. Selecting the up/down key can change the
different dynamic control curves.

Acoustic Power: This can adjust the transmit power by selecting the up/down

Sweep Speed: This can adjust the different sweep speeds by selecting the
up/down key on the control panel which matches the relevant touch panel

Gray Filter: It determines the threshold above which the ultrasound echoes are
displayed on the screen in order to suppress the smaller echoes. The Gray Filter
value is displayed in the relevant information area on the touch panel.

VSharpen: This allows the existing information easily visible through the digitally

Gain: This can adjust the overall brightness of the “M” mode trace. The
adjustment of the “Gain” control determines the amplified amount which

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applied to the received echoes. “M” gain function only influences the M trace.
With clockwise, the entire image becomes brighter. With counterclockwise, the
entire image becomes less bright.

5.3.2 Freeze in M mode

After “Freeze” on the control panel is pressed, the image will be in the single
frame display status. The operator can move the trackball horizontally to recall
the stored M sequence. By selecting “Single/Cine” on the touch panel can be
changed to the Cine mode. After this button is selected, this button will be
highlighted. The 2D image will be automatically replayed. The start frame and
end one can be changed in the “B” menu. By moving the trackball, the 2D image
can be reviewed frame by frame. After “Enter” on the control panel is pressed,
the “M” mode will be active, and then the operator can move the trackball
horizontally to recall the stored M sequence. Pressing “Enter” again, the system
will go to 2D mode control.

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6 CF (Color Flow Mode) / PDI (Power-Doppler Mode)

The Color Flow imaging and Power Doppler imaging uses the Doppler principle
to build the image. It gives the information about blood flow velocity, direction,
quality and timing. This information is used to overlay a color image onto the 2D
grayscale scan image.

6.1 CF mode operation

6.1.1 Main menus of CF mode

The activation of CF mode: Pressing “CF” on the control panel will activate the
“CF” mode. Then, the “CF” box appears in the active 2D image. “Gain” is
controlled by rotation of this key. After this key is pressed, the menu appears on
the touch panel (scan mode) as shown below.

1. All main functions for scanning operations will come from the control panel.
The touch panel function keys are mainly focused on the image adjustment,
annotation, setting, and database management.
2. The “B” button is for the operator to switch to “B” mode parameter change. If

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“PW” is on, the “PW” button on the touch panel can let the operator switch to
“PW” screen for parameter change.
3. The “PDI” mode does not have an “Invert” button.
4. Slide the touch panel to the left to obtain more parameters.

Frequency: This setting controls the transmit frequency. With a higher

frequency, the lower flow velocities are displayed better at the given PRF, but
the penetration depth is reduced. With a lower frequency, the sensitivity in
depth will be increased.

PRF: The Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) governs the displayed velocity range.
Increasing the PRF will increase the range of velocity. High PRF will avoid aliasing
of blood. However, higher PRF will have a loss of sensitivity to low flow

Wall Filter: Wall motion filters are used to eliminate the vessel wall motion and
the cardiac motion noise that is low in the velocity and high in the intensity.

Packet Size: It controls the number of samples gathered for a single color flow
vector. This allows the operator to improve the color sensitivity and accuracy of
color averaging if increasing the packet size or increase the frame rate if
decreasing the packet size.

Color Level: This function eliminates the small color noise or motion artifact

L/R: After this button is selected, the image will be folded from left to right and
right to left.

U/D: After this button is selected, the image will be folded from up to down and
down to up.

Invert: This function inverts the color display in relation to the direction of the
flow. Normally the red color represents flow to the probe and the blue color
represents away from the probe. After inverting, the color will represent

Color map: Those allow the operator to select different color-coding for blood
flow display (similar to the post-processing curves with gray scale of B image).
Select “……” to enter configuration page, all maps are displayed here. Select one
map, the operator can delete it from map list, or added it to the map list. 8 maps
can be added at most.

Line density: It determines the line density within the “CF” box.

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Sync Display: After this button is selected, there will be two images on main
screen, the left one is 2D image, the right one is 2D+CF image.

In order to have more parameters to change, slide the touch panel to the left to
enter the more parameter menu as shown below:

Note: Slide the touch panel to the right to go back normal “CF/PDI” mode menu.

Persistence: It smoothes the image by performing a temporal averaging which

improves the appearance of the color image.

Flash Reduction: It reduces movement artifacts in the image.

Line density: Higher line density will improve the resolution and the reduce
frame rate.

Base Line: It can be used to prevent aliasing in one flow direction similar to the
Doppler baseline shift. Shifting baseline will enlarge the velocity range in one

Transparency: Indicates the visibility of background image.

Acoustic Power: It adjusts transmit acoustic power. The higher acoustic power
has better penetration.

Steer: “Rotation/Steer” key on the control panel can steer the CF image right
direction, center (no steer), left direction.

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After “Freeze” on the control panel is pressed, the system enters frozen mode
and the touch panel UI will change to the one below. Using the trackball reviews
the image frame by frame similar to the “B” mode no matter whether it is in the
cine or single mode. The image in the cine mode or single frame mode can be
reviewed by selecting “Cine/Single” on the touch panel. In single mode, the last
frame is displayed in the initial entrance.

1. In Frozen mode, there will be no panoramic view function.
2. Start Frame, End Frame: control which frame to start from and which to end in
order to display continuously as a loop.
3. Speed: control cine speed as 400%, 200%, 100%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 20%.
4. In frozen mode, “B” or “PW” mode (if available) can be switched, for
adjustment by selecting the mode buttons on the top left.

6.1.2 CF box position and size

The ability to change the “CF” mode box size and the position can provide the
flexibility in imaging. After “ROI” highlighted (pressed from the normal status),
trackball movement will change the box size. Right/left movement will
increase/decrease the box size from side by side view. Up/down movement of
the trackball will increase/decrease the box size from up and down view.

When “ROI” on the control panel is not highlighted (default status), the trackball
movement will change the position of the color box.

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6.1.3 CF mode gain control

Rotating “CF” can adjust the “CF” mode digital gain in order to change the
sensitivity. If “CF” gain control is too low, it will be difficult to detect the small
abnormalities in flow and will possibly result in an underestimation of the large
flow disturbances. If “CF” gain control is too high, the noise will be introduced
and disturb normal flow detection. So “CF” gain needs to be adjusted properly
to ensure continuous flow display, and also be set as high as possible unless the
random color speckle appears.

Similar to the other gain key, clockwise increases and counterclockwise

decreases gain.

6.2 Power Doppler (PDI)

Power Doppler is intended to compensate some deficit of the Color Doppler. Its
advantages comparing Color Doppler are less dependent on the incident angle,
no aliasing, less dependent on the direction, and sensitive to slow flow.

After “PDI” on the control panel is pressed, the system will enter “PDI” mode.
The “CF” rotation key will impact gain of “PDI” by clockwise or counterclockwise
rotation. Similar to the other rotators, clockwise increases the gain and
counterclockwise decreases the gain.

The layout is similar with the color mode. However, the color bar will have a
difference; in the color mode, the color bar has two colors to indicate the flow
direction (To probe is red, away from probe is blue). “PDI” color bar does not
have the direction information and it indicates the power of flow. “PDI” menu is
similar with the color mode. However, all velocity-determined functions are not
available in “PDI”; for example, there is no “Invert” button.

The operation of “PDI” is similar to Color Doppler too and can refer to “CF”
mode operation.

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7 PW and CW mode (Spectral Doppler Mode)

The spectral Doppler describes the Doppler shift signal within a sample
volume. It displays scroll from left to right and displays the spectral
distribution of Doppler shift frequency over time. The frequency or velocity
values appear on the vertical axis and time along the horizontal axis. The
strong or weak signal is displayed as varying shades of gray. The strong signals
are displayed as bright while the weaker signals are less bright.

7.1 PW mode (Pulsed Wave Doppler)

A sample volume cursor is located on the “PW” cursor and it indicates where,
along the ultrasound beam, the spectral analysis is being performed.

7.1.1 Operation of PW mode (main menu)

After “PW” on the control panel is pressed, the system will enter “PW” mode.
“PW” rotation key will increase or decrease the gain by clockwise and

The main menu is as shown below:

1. If “CF” or “PDI” mode is inactive, the relevant “CF/PDI” button will not be
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displayed. Only when “CF” or “PDI” is on, “CF/PDI” and “B” buttons on the top
left are in active mode for ready to switch.
2. In three key group buttons ( “Auto Trace”, “Mode”, “Direction”), only one of
the three button keys (such as “Off” or “Frozen” or “Live”, “Off” or “Mean” or
“Max”, “Above” or “Both” or “Below”) can be activated and highlighted.
3. In the “Angle Correct” up/down key, if up or down is held, the angle will be
adjusted by a large amount continuously.

Duplex and Triplex:

When the system is in “2D+ CF + PW” mode, it will have “Duplex” and
“Triplex” scanning mode. “Duplex” mode means that the system only activates
“2D + CF” or “2D + PW”. If “2D+ CF” mode is active and real time scanning, the
“PW” will be a static image. In this time, the touch panel will go to the “CF”
mode. By selecting the top left side mode keys can switch menu mode. If “2D +
PW” mode is active and real time scanning mode, “CF” mode will be a static
image. In this time, the touch panel will go to the “PW” mode. The operator
can press “Enter” on the control panel to switch between one of them.
“Triplex” mode means that the system will have real time scanning for both
“2D+CF” and “PW”. The operator can select “Duplex” or “Triplex” button on
the touch panel to activate the mode accordingly. Only one of “Triplex” and
“Duplex” mode can be activated and highlighted in one time. The default
setting (“Duplex” or “Triplex”) depends on the application.

Sample volume position and width:

In “PW”, a specific area along the ultrasound beam is sampled. This is called
the sample volume, which is located on the ultrasound beam and is displayed
as two lines perpendicular to the beam line. The location and the size of the
volume can be changed.

The location can be adjusted by the trackball. Moving the trackball up, the
sample volume will move up, and moving the trackball down, the sample
volume will move down. Moving the trackball left or right will move the PW
cursor left or right.

Select the up/down arrow in the “Sample Volume” button on the touch panel
to change the sample volume size.

PW automatic optimization:
To perform the auto optimization by pressing “Auto” on the control panel.
After this key is pressed, the system will automatically detect the highest flow
velocity and adjust the velocity scale (PRF) accordingly in order to display the
velocity in full scale properly. At the same time, the baseline will be shifted in
order to display the full spectrum.

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Display format: Operator can change the display format by selecting it on the
touch panel. In format, there are two kinds of display. One is side by side,
while the other one is up and down. In each type of the format, different splits
between “B” and “PW” traces displays can be selected. In side by side format,
there are three kinds: “H 1/2”,”H3/4” and ”Full”. In up and down, there are
three kinds: “V2/3”,”V1/2” and ”V1/3”.

This function inverts the “PW” spectrum display in relation to the direction of
flow. The displayed spectrum is inverted around the baseline. The velocity or
frequency scale changes accordingly. After “Invert” on the touch panel is
selected, this function will work. Spectrum above baseline is the blood flow
towards the transducer and spectrum below baseline is the blood flow away
from the transducer in normal orientation. In invert status, the orientation will
be opposite.

Auto Trace:
After “Live” or “Frozen” on the “Auto Trace” category of the touch panel is
selected, the auto trace function will start to work. The auto trace function can
be switched off by selecting “Off”. Only one of them is available and
highlighted at one time. After auto trace function is switched off, the operator
can trace the curves manually.

Trace Direction:
The operator can also select different trace directions to be “Above”, “Both” or
“Below”. “Above” means that the trace will be the top of the curve of the
spectrum. “Both” means that the trace will be the mean between the top
curve and the bottom curve of the spectrum. “Below” means that the trace
will be along the bottom curve of the spectrum. The corresponding evaluation
is automatically displayed on the monitor and updated in every heart cycle.

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Trace Mode:
Operator can select trace mode to be “Max”, “Mean”, or “Off”.

Trace Sensitivity:
Select the trace sensitivity to balance the sensitivity and artifacts. The high
sensitivity settings may cause artifacts. The low sensitivity may cause
smoothing to some incident events.

Acoustic Power:
By pressing “Acoustic Power” on the touch panel can change the transmit
power. The high acoustic power output has better penetration.

The velocity range on display is controlled by the pulse repetition frequency
(PRF). As the PRF increases, the velocity measurable range is increased too. As
the display scale increases, the maximum Doppler shift information can be
increased. The relevant up/down key increases or reduces PRF. Possible the
maximum sampling frequency can be automatically adapted based on the
sample volume depth.

After the certain level of PRF is exceeded, the system is activated into “HPRF”
(high PRF mode) mode which can increase the maximum measurable flow
velocity further.

The normal maximum measurable flow velocity is determined by the

measuring depth of the sample volume. In order to further increase
measurable flow velocity to reach the normal limitation, one or more
additional sample volumes is added along with the ultrasound beam cursor as
the virtual sample volume. The blood flows recorded by the virtual sample
volume are overlaying the actual Doppler signal of the main sample volume.

The change of “PW” spectrum baseline can enlarge the velocity range in one
direction. The displayed velocities or the frequencies on the upper and lower
edge of the screen show the maximum measuring velocity range. The

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up/down key corresponding to baseline can change it up or down.

Push up/down of key “Steer”, PW line can be steered. Only works with linear

Angle Correct:
To obtain the optimum resolution and the accuracy from the Doppler
measurements, the angle which is between the ultrasound beam and the
blood flow should be maintained between 0 and 20 degrees in order to display
the vessel in longitudinal section and the angle cursor must be positioned
parallel to the vessel axis. Rotating key “Rotation/Steer” the angle changes 1°
at one time, or pressing it the angle changes 15° at one time.

Sweep Speed:
By pushing the relevant up/down key can adjust speed. The faster sweep
speed may be useful to analyze flow curves.

“Frequency” and “Wall Filter” can be adjusted the same as color mode.

7.1.2 Operation of PW mode sub menu

Sliding the touch panel to the left, the submenu will display as shown below:

Audio Volume:
This allows to change the volume of the audio signal for the “PW” spectrum.

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Gray Filter:
In order to eliminate low level echoes caused by noise, the operator can adjust
this value to remove the certain level of echoes before processing.

Dynamic Range:
The “Dynamic range” refers to the compression of the grayscale information
into suitable range for the display. It can enhance a certain grayscale range
which makes it easier to display pathology. When increasing dynamic range,
this will decrease the brightness to more gray shades and less contrast. When
decreasing the dynamic range, it will increase the brightness to be less gray
shades and more contrast.

Spectrum Optimize:
It processes several near-by spectra to optimize spectrum display. The
identified number indicates a number of spectra to be processed.

7.2 CW mode (Continuous Wave Doppler)

“CW” mode operation is same as “PW” mode, which can refer “PW” mode
operation steps. The main difference between “CW” and “PW” is that “CW”
can detect much faster flood shifts.

7.3 Freeze in PW/CW

After “Freeze” on the control panel is pressed, the image will be in single
frame display status. To recall stored “PW/CW” sequence by moving the
trackball horizontally. If selecting “Duplex”, and pressing “Freeze”, both the 2D
and “PW” image will freeze. At this moment, selecting “B” on the top of the
touch panel to switch to B menu, the “B” image loop can be recalled.

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8 3D/4D

8.1 Static 3D

8.1.1 Workflow

 Pressing “4D” on the control panel to enter “3D/4D” mode. In “4D” mode,
select “3D”, “STIC”, “4D”, or “MCut” button to switch different modes.
Entering one mode can adjust the ROI.

Pre3D ROI is blue, and render ROI is green. Move the trackball to change the
position of pre3D ROI and render ROI. Enable “ROI” key, pre3D ROI becomes
dotted line, at this moment, the sizes of both pre3D ROI and render ROI can
be changed by moving the trackball.
Press “Enter” key to fix pre3D ROI, its color becomes yellow, and render ROI
becomes blue. At this moment only render ROI’s position can be changed by
moving the trackball. Press “Enter” key again, the below line of render ROI
becomes dotted line too, and the size of render ROI can be changed by
moving the trackball.

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1. VSpeckle: Speckle noise reduction level.

2. Quality: Resolution level – “high”, “good”, “mid”, “low”, the default setting
is “good”. “Low” means a fast sweep speed and low scan density. High
means a slow sweep speed and a high scan density, with have the best
volume resolution.
3. Threshold: This means the minimum level of gray displayed. The scan echo
which is lower than the threshold will be suppressed in order to make the
volume image cleaner and with less noise.

4. Transparency: This can adjust the transparency in detail during the surface
rendering mode.

5. Volume Angle: This means 4D probe scanning angle in traditional 4D probe;

it will control the overall scan area or thickness; if there is a very small angle
with high quality, then it will have a high contrast volume image.

6. After “Comments” on the touch panel is selected, the touch screen will go
to the “Comments” menu. At this time, the touch panel image format is
same as image screen. After finished, select “Exit” to go back to the previous

7. After “Body pattern” on the touch panel is selected, the touch screen will go
to the “Body Pattern” menu in order for the operator to select the body
pattern and move the probe indicator direction in the body pattern.

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8. Category: Different categories can be selected in the pull-down menu, the
available categories are different with different applications.

9. Curve: Enable “Curve” to change the shape of render ROI by moving the
After data acquisition finished, render ROI’s shape can be changed as the
same. Enable “ROI” key, change the size of render ROI by moving the
trackball. But if “3D” is selected for “Image Reference”, neither render ROI
nor curve ROI can be changed.

10. Fix ROI: Enable it, ROI can’t be edited ROI again, but the center point of the
image can be moved.

11. Flip: The image can be flipped 90,180 or 270 degree.

 The 3D display format can be changed. One is the full screen image display
mode, and the other consists of two or four image displays--- A, B, C plane
and 3D rendering.

 The rendering view angle can be selected, from front to back, or from back
to front, or from right to left, or from left to right, or from up to down, or
from down to up. This selection button will be on the touch panel.

 Select “Start3D” on the touch panel to start 3D data acquisition or press

“4D” on the control panel to start data acquisition. During data acquisition,
the touch panel will show a status bar to indicate the progress of data
acquisition. The image screen will only display the scanned images
continuously at the same speed as the 4D probe sweep. The operator needs
to hold the probe well in order to obtain a good data acquisition.

 Select a gray map by touching the relevant gray map button.

 Select a 3D map by touching the relevant 3D map button.

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 After data acquisition has finished, the 3D image display format is based on
the one which was selected before data acquisition.

1. Movement step: It will impact the rotation angle step in 3D image when
enable “Auto Rotate”. By selecting a high number, the movement will be faster.

2. After the 3D image is activated and highlighted, one of the X, Y and Z

directions will be active, while the others are inactive. The active one is

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highlighted and the “Rotation/Steer” key on the control panel can only rotate
the 3D image in the corresponding direction accordingly (X, Y, or Z direction).
The operator can select X, Y or Z direction by selecting the corresponding key.
After “A”, “B” or “C” plane is activated and highlighted, the “Rotation/Steer” key
can shift “A”, “B”, “C” plane and rotate 3D image.

3. Rotate M, PW, CF keys can also rotate the images, M is corresponding X

direction, PW is corresponding Y direction, CF is corresponding Z direction.

4. The highlighted image position reference key (“A”, “B” or “C” plane, or “3D”)
indicates which image is active for adjustment. Select the image on the main
screen, the image reference on the touch panel will jump to the relevant plane.

5. The “Threshold” and “Transparency” can be changed after 3D data


6. Speed: This controls playback speed; 100 will be same as a real scan, and then
75, 50, 25.

7. Slice position: allows a displacement of the center along the intersection lines
of the sectional planes A, B or C. Rotating “Depth” to adjust slice position.
Reference image A: The sectional plane migrates from the front to the rear
through the volume body.
Reference image B: The sectional plane migrates from the left to the right
through the volume body.
Reference image C: The sectional plane migrates from the top to the bottom
through the volume body.

8. View: These define the rendering orientation from which to view 3D.

9. Auto Rotate: It lets the 3D image continuously rotate along the rotation
direction. After selected, this button will be highlighted. If it is selected again, it
will be inactive. Speeding up/down key will change the rotation speed in order
to give the operator more time to see the images.

10. After data acquisition, the system is in frozen status. After “Freeze” is
pressed at this time, the system will go back to the 3D initial status.

11. There are two render types: Gray and GrayInv. The "Gray" type is rendering
echogenic tissue structure. On the contrary, "GrayInv" rendering type intends to
display hypoecho structures, bladder, uterus tec.
Rendering approaches: In the rendering group keys, there are two different
rendering methods. One is “Surface mode”, the other is “Perspective mode”.
Each method has several approaches. Only one of the approaches can be

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selected at one time. Each approach’s explanation is as follows:
-SurfTexture: Surface rendering mode based on Marc Levoy’s research, which
displays the surface of the object.
-SurfSmooth: Apply smooth filter to the volume date, which displays a smoothed
surface of the object.
-GradLight: Surface rendering with the Phone light model, which displays the
surface of the object with light on it.
-TranspMax: Displays only voxels with high echo response.
-X-ray: Displays all voxels with equal probability.
-TranspMin: Displays only voxels with low echo response.
-Light: Displays the object by its distance to the observer.

12. Gray map: Select a gray map by touching the relevant gray map button.

13. 3D map: Select a 3D map by touching the relevant 3D map button.

14. Rotate Reset: Reset the image if it is rotated.

15. Save Preset: Save current parameter settings into the application.

 The image position can be changed by moving the trackball, the direction is
same as the trackball.
 To change the ROI size the same as other modes by using the “ROI” key on
the control panel and trackball.
 In two or four image display format, there are rotation axes on image “A”,”
B”, “C”.
 In single image display format, only 3D rendering image displays on the
image screen
 Image Reference: After the reference position is touched and highlighted or
in single display format, “Rotation/Steer” key will rotate the 3D image by X,
Y or Z axis. X, Y and Z can be selected on the touch panel.
 There is a direction indicator in each plane image in order to identify the
direction match with probe orientation. In A Plane, one mark indicates the
scan start point against the probe mark.
 In 3D mode, “Comments” and “Body Pattern” can be activated.
 Slide the touch panel to the next page, select “Single” display format, drag
the 3D image, it will rotate along the finger. Touch 3D image once, come out
axis Z guide, drag the 3D image along the circle, it will rotate along Z axis. If
select “Dual” or “Quad”, drag the 2D image, it can be moved, drag the 3D
image, it will rotate as in single mode. The 2D image and 3D image both can
be zoomed in/out by two fingers.

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8.1.2 3D MCut

 Touching “3D MCut” to go to multi-slices display.

 Interval: Adjusts the interval distance between each slice.
 Slice Number: Different slice number can be selected: 4x4, 3x3, 2x2.
 Cut Plane: Smaller image size due to display screen limitation. The operator
can select which plane (A, B or C) is to be cut by “Cut Plane” group keys. The
first displayed image is the selected plane with slice line.
 Rotation direction: “Rotation/Steer” key will rotate the MCut image by X, Y
or Z axis. X, Y and Z can be selected on the touch panel.
 Rotate M, PW, CF keys can also rotate the images, M is corresponding X
direction, PW is corresponding Y direction, CF is corresponding Z direction.
 Pressing “Freeze” on the control panel to go back to the initial 3D mode
status. After data acquisition, the system is in the frozen status as all
operations are based on already acquired data.
 Touching “Exit to B” on the touch panel or pressing “B” on the control panel
to go back to the normal 2D mode.

8.1.3 Free View

 Touching “FreeView” to go to Freeview mode.

 Direction: Adjusts the direction in which Freeview unfolds the slice.
 Route: Different kinds of slice route control.
- Line: straight line pattern, start by mouse click, end by mouse click.
- Polyline: polyline pattern, start by mouse click, end by mouse
- Curve: curve pattern, start by mouse click, end by mouse double-click.
 Clear: Undo the slice route by press “clear” button on keyboard. For Polyline
pattern and Curve Pattern it will undo the last segment of polyline or curve.
 Image Refernece: Change the referece image at the left side of the screen.
- Press “A” will show sagittal plane;
- Press “B” will show coronal plane;
- Press “C” will show transverse plane.
 Slice Thickness: Freeview is not only able to do different regular or irregular
plane, but also able to dissect the volume with variable plane thickness by
adjusting “Slice Thickness”.
 Rotate M, PW, CF keys can also rotate the images, M is corresponding X
direction, PW is corresponding Y direction, CF is corresponding Z direction.
 3D Map: Map configure for plane image at right side.
 Gray Map: Map congure for reference image at left side.
 Pressing “Freeze” on the control panel to go back to the initial 3D mode
status. After data acquisition, the system is in the frozen status as all

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operations are based on already acquired data.
Touching “Exit to B” on the touch panel or pressing “B” on the control panel to
go back to the normal 2D mode.

8.1.4 MagicCut

 Touching “MagicCut” to go to MagicCut mode.

 Erase Mode: Adjusts the way to edit the volume. There are four edit
- Small Circle: small rubber to erase finely.
- Big Circle: big rubber to erase coarsely.
- Inside Lasso: edit volume by Lasso, inside the Lasso will be erased.
- Outside Lasso: edit volume by Lasso, inside the lasso will be kept, while
others will be erased.
 Undo: Undo the last edit operation. Support multiple “Undo” operations
until the whole volume is recovered, no edit left.
 Redo: Retrieve the edit undid by “Undo” operations.
 Reset: Reset the volume to original state.

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8.2 4D (real time)

8.2.1 Workflow

 After “4D” key on the control panel in B is pressed, the system will enter
“3D/4D” mode.
 At the same time the image screen will display one image with the active
“ROI”. The touch panel menu will display as the “4D” touch panel below
(before the scan).

1. Select the 4D setting in this UI before starting the 4D real time scan. Select
the “Display Format”, “Render”, “View”, “Comments”, “Body Pattern” and
other buttons which can refer to the 3D UI description. After selecting finish,
The operator can select “Start 4D” on the touch panel or press “4D” on the
control panel to start the 4D real time scan.

2. During this time, the image screen displays the normal image similar as the
status before selecting the “4D” button. The only difference is that the
image will have an ROI appear in order for the operator to change position
and size.

3. In dual display format, it will be “A” or “B” or “C” plane + 4D image display.

4. In single image display format, only 4D rendering image displays on the

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image screen.

 Select all settings and change the ROI size in this time. To change the ROI
position the same as other modes by using the “ROI” key on the control
panel and trackball.

 The “VSpeckle”, “Quality”, “Threshold”, “Transparency”, “Volume Angle”

can be changed, and plane size. Refer to chapter 8.1.1.

 Selecting “Start 4D” button on the touch panel or pressing “4D” on the
control panel to start 4D real time scan mode. The UI will be changed to
below. The image screen will display the images, depending on what display
format is selected.

1. During the real time scanning, the parameter can also be changed. The 4D
rendering image can be rotated by rotating “Rotation/Steer” on the control
panel (need to select 4D active image reference and which “X”, “Y”, or “Z”
axis). After “A”, “B” or “C” plane is activated and highlighted, the
“Rotation/Steer” key can shift “A”, “B”, “C” plane and rotate 3D image

2. Rotate M, PW, CF keys can also rotate the images, M is corresponding X

direction, PW is corresponding Y direction, CF is corresponding Z direction.

3. At this time, the “Start/End 4D” button is highlighted. If the operator select
this button on the touch panel or press “Freeze” (unfreeze status in this time)
on the control panel, 4D real time scanning will end and the 4D cine mode
will start.

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 Four images and single image formats’ image display are the same as 3D.
 During scanning, All parameters can be changed as same as before scan.
Also The ROI size and position can be changed by pressing “ROI” on the
control panel and moving the trackball. In the meantime, if the 4D reference
image position is active, the 4D image can be rotated by rotating
“Rotation/Steer” on the control panel on “X”, “Y” or “Z” axis, which depends
on which axis is active and highlighted. If other reference image position is
active, all images can be rotated.
 In the four image display format, there are rotation axes on image “A”, “B”,

8.2.2 4D Cine Mode

 After “End 4D” on the touch panel is selected or “Freeze” on the control
panel is pressed, the system will switch automatically to freeze mode/4D
Cine mode. The Cine mode menu is displayed as shown below. The selected
format and last acquired volume will be presented on the image screen.

1. After “Auto Cine” is selected on the touch panel, the image screen will
automatically display volume by volume. The “Speed” can be adjusted to
play back slowly. The available “Speed” is 100, 75, 50 and25. After “Auto
Cine” is selected, this button will be highlighted. Selected again, this will end
the auto cine function. Auto cine sequence will be from start volume to end
volume, and then it starts from the first volume again.

2. Pushing the “Vol by Vol” up/down key, can view the volumes one by one.
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3. When pressing “Freeze” on the control panel or selecting “Start 4D” on the
touch panel, the UI will go back to the 4D touch panel (during scan).

 All images and volumes can be reviewed during this time. This allows the
operator to concentrate 4D data acquisition during real time and afterwards
review all volume in detail: “Vol by Vol”, slice by slice in cine mode. After
“Auto Cine” is selected on the touch panel, the system will play back

8.2.3 3D MCut of Cine Mode

Go to multi-slice cut in Cine mode by selecting “3D MCut” on the touch panel.
Then the touch panel will go to UI as shown below in order for the operator to
see slices.

1. Vol by Vol: View the volume one by one, the default setting is the last
2. Speed: Defines what speed cine will be. They are 100, 75, 50 and 25. It is
only active after the “Auto Cine” key is highlighted.
3. Interval: Adjusts the interval distance between each slice.
4. Slice Number: Different slice number can be selected: 4x4, 3x3, 2x2.
5. Cut Plane: Smaller image size due to display screen limitation. The operator
can select which plane (A, B or C) is to be cut by “Cut Plane” group keys. The
first displayed image is the selected plane with slice line.
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6. Rotation direction: “Rotation/Steer” key will rotate the MCut image by X, Y
or Z axis. X, Y and Z can be selected on the touch panel.
7. Rotate M, PW, CF keys can also rotate the images, M is corresponding X
direction, PW is corresponding Y direction, CF is corresponding Z direction.
8. Select “Auto Cine” for play back.
9. In all modes, by selecting the top buttons such as “3D”, “4D” or “MCut”, the
system will return to the beginning of that mode.

 Select “Back to 2D” on the touch panel or press “B” on the control panel to
return to normal 2D mode.

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8.3 MCut

8.3.1 Workflow

 After “4D” on the touch panel is selected, the system goes into “4D” mode.
Select “MCut” on the top to enter 4D multi-cut mode.
1. In the “Cut Plane” group, if the operator selects “A” that means the cut plane
is A plane. In this time, the initial image and the first image of the multi display is
the B plane image in order to show the slice position, and the slice line is vertical.
If “B” is selected, the cut plane is B plane. In this time, the initial image and the
first image of the multi display is the A plane image in order to show the slice
position, and the slice line is vertical. If “C”, is selected, the cut plane is C plane.
In this time, the initial image and the first image of the multi display is the A
plane image in order to show the slice position, and the slice line is horizontal.

 Before starting 4D data acquisition, the initial image display will only be a 2D
image. The “View Slice”, “Slice Number”, Cut Plane” (“A”, “B” or “C”) and
other parameter can be adjusted as UI indicated.

 Select “Start MCut” on the touch panel to start real time data acquisition.
Real time data acquisition and the display will stop after “End MCut” is
selected. The image displays real time slices image. How many slices are
displayed depends on how many slice numbers are selected on the touch
1. Slice Number: Smaller image size. Different slice numbers can be selected:
4x4, 3x3, 2x2.
2. In real time 4D and play back of “MCut” mode, all slices are live and active.
In 3D multi cut, slices are single frame, not live display.

 During real time parameters on the touch panel can be adjusted. Also the
“Slice Number” and “Cut Plane” can be changed.

 Touch “End MCut” on the touch panel or press “Freeze” on the control
panel to go into frozen mode and the following touch panel UI appears.
Image screen displays the last frame before frozen.
1. Vol by Vol: To view the volume one by one; the default is the last volume.
2. Speed: To define what speed cine will be. They are 100, 75, 50 and 25. It is
84 / 257
only active after the “Auto Cine” button is highlighted.
3. Select “Auto Cine” for play back. The default is “Auto Cine”.

 Pressing “Freeze” on the control panel or selecting “Start MCut” on the

touch panel, the system will go to 4D multi-cut real time again to be initial
status. If go to “3D”, “4D” “MCut” mode, those buttons on the top of the
touch panel can be selected.

 Anytime during “3D” or “4D” mode, press “B” and the system will go back to
2D mode.

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9 Other Modes

9.1 Tissue Doppler Imaging (TD)

Tissue Doppler Imaging uses the Doppler principle to provide information about
tissue motion direction and velocity. The motion will be shown as a wave profile.

Select the “TD” on the control panel, and the system goes into Tissue Doppler
mode. Image display format and the touch panel menu will be similar to “PW”.
But the “PW” key changes to “TD” key. The operation workflow is similar to
“PW”. Refer to “PW” session for operation please.

9.2 Tissue Velocity Imaging (TVI)

9.2.1 TVI overview

TVI calculates and color codes velocities in tissue. The velocity information is
acquired by the sampling of tissue Doppler velocity values.

9.2.2 TVI Workflow

TVI function is only available in cardiac application of the sector probe. If the
right application and probe is not selected before entering this mode, the
system gives a warning to remind the operator to change accordingly. The ECG
needs to be connected before proceeding with the TVI procedure.

1. Select the “TVI” on the control panel and the system will enter “TVI” mode. In
the “TVI” mode, new operator menu displays on the touch panel as shown
2. TVI’s ROI size and position can be changed by pressing “ROI” on the control
panel and moving the trackball combination. The operation is the same as the
other ROI adjustment (such as color ROI).
3. Adjust parameters on the touch panel menu.

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The parameters corresponding to up/down keys are described as follows:

Frequency: It enables the adjustment of the transmission frequency to control

the sensitivity or the level of penetration.

Line Density: Controlling line density will impact the frame rate, and the
trade-off between the spatial and the temporal resolution.

PRF: It adjusts the repetition rate of Doppler pulses transmitted to acquire the
data for color mapping. This adjustment influences the Nyquist limit, which is the
ability to detect the maximal velocity without color-aliasing.

Color Level: It controls the level of color threshold. Over threshold setting
number will not be displayed.

The keys’ functions on the touch panel menu are described as follows:

Invert: It is able to invert the color scheme between the positive and negative
tissue velocities.

Baseline: Adjusts the color map either toward or away from the probe to
highlight the tissue motion dynamic range.

Transparency: Indicates the visibility of background image.

Image display is as shown below in TVI.

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10 Simple UI

Enable “Simple Touch UI” in “System Setting”, after reboot the system setting, the
system enters “Simple UI”.

In simple UI, the operator can select different probe or application on the first page
of the menu. Slide to the left to get more parameters.

After the parameter adjustments is finished, go to the second page of the main menu,
select “Save Preset”, the adjustments can be save to the selected application. Or
enter “Probe&App”, select “Save” or “Save&Exit” to save the changes.

Select “Probe&App”, the menu is as below:

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The operator can rename the application, set one application as default, and reset all
changes. And also add one user-defined application, or delete one user-defined

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11 Measurement and calculation

The measurement and calculation results from the ultrasound image can be used
to supplement other clinical approaches. Its measurement accuracy depends not
only on the system accuracy, but also on the impact of different medical
approaches. If necessary, indicate the medical approach relevant to the
measurement and calculation. In the meantime, record the details of the
researcher and calculation method and database in the system. Refer to the
relevant original article as some clinical operation approaches are recommended
by researchers.
Note: Before starting an examination, it is normally necessary to input new
patient information. Refer to chapter 4. Any measurement can be repeated as
long as the measurement is selected again.

Note: The following measurement methods are normally carried out by using the
trackball and “enter” button.

All the calculation formulas are listed in the Advanced Technical Manual.

11.1 Introduction

This chapter provides system set-up information relevant with measurement. It

also introduces what generic measurements are possible and how to make those
measurements in each mode. Topics are as follows:

 Measurement workflow

 Position of the measurement key

 Measurement system settings

 General introduction to measurement

 The list of generic measurements in each mode

 How to configure measurement in each mode.

11.1.1 Measurement Workflow

For a patient, the system classifies information according to type of examination,

category and measurement. These terms are defined as follows:
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1. Examination application types which include:

 Abdominal

 Obstetrics

 Gynecology

 Urology

 Pediatrics

 Cardiac

 Vessel

 Small organs (e.g. breast, testes, thyroid)

 Trans-cranial Doppler

2. Category
After an application is selected, the system allows the operator to select a
certain category. For example, the following examination categories can be
selected in the pediatrics application.

 Early

 Mid

 Late

 Fetal heart

3. Measurement
This is measurement and calculation for analysis of anatomy, for example, of
kidney length. Measurement includes several categories of data. For instance, in
order to measure kidney volume, the length, width and height need to be

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11.1.2 Positions of the measurement keys

1. Measure: activates measurement caliper and current measurement and

calculation setting.
2. Clear: during measurement, press this key to clear measured caliper and
relevant results. Holding this key down will clear all annotations, body
pattern, measurement results and cursor.
3. Trackball: use this to move the caliper. By pressing “enter”, the caliper will
remain fixed. Move the trackball again to fix a new point with the caliper
and press “enter”. This enables the operator to measure straight and curved
lines and shapes of many kinds.
4. Enter: confirms the measurement.
5. Cursor key: after this key is pressed, the cursor will appear on the screen.
6. Touch panel: all measurement function can be selected on the panel.

11.1.3 Measurement system setting

On the touch panel, enter “Sys Setting” menu, and select “Measure”, then
display setting items as follows:
Cursor Type: “+” is the default factory setting for cursor type. Other cursor
types can also be selected to replace the factory setting.

Cursor Size: “8x8” is the factory setting. Other size can also be selected for
cursor size.

Cursor Size When Measure: “5x5” is factory setting. Other size can be also
selected for shape cursor size.

Use Arrow Cursor for indication on image: Enable it and enable “Cursor”,
there is an arrow on the image.

Show Result Window: During measurement, results are displayed in the

results window with measurement number, and are updated

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simultaneously until complete. All results are displayed in the measurement
results window. If necessary, this window can be deleted. To delete the
window, select “Show Result Window" again.

Window Position: The position of the measurement result window can be

changed. To move the window, select the option from the list below:
 LT (Left, Top)
 LB (Left, Bottom)
 RT (Right, Top)
 RB (Right, Bottom)

Font Size: To change the font size in the results window, select the size from
the “Font Size” pull-down menu:
 10
 12
 14
 16
 18
 20

Retain measure results after unfreeze: Unfreeze the system in measure,

enter measure again, if select “Retain”, all measurements results of
unfinished items are retained, if select “Clear”, all measurement results are

Show Cursor line: During measurement, the system will display one dotted
line to indicate measurement. After the position is selected when using
touch panel measurement, the system will display measurement line
“Enable” is selected for “Show cursor line”. If “Disable” is selected, the
system will erase the dotted line and only display the caliper with a number.

Hold Measure on Image: During measurement, the system will display one
dotted line to indicate measurement. If “Hold Measure on Image” is
selected and enabled (by pressing “Enable”), all measurement items on the
image will be saved. If “Disable” is pressed, the system will erase the dotted
line of all measurement when replay one image which contains

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Show depth guideline: Display a dotted line when do the measurement of
“Depth”. If the probe is linear and “TView” is disabled, the dotted is not

Show brief annotation: Enable it, display brief annotations when do the

Auto adjust cursor size for tiny distance (px): If the distance is shorter than
10, 20, 30 or 50 pixels, the cursor size will becomes very small. This function
is disabled if select “off”.

Auto snap range setting (px): If the measurement method is “Trace”,

“Polygon” or “Spline”, when the distance between the end point and the
start point is shorter than 10, 20, 30 or 50 pixels, the measurement will
finish automatically, and the last cursor back to the start point. This function
is disabled if select “off”.

Annotation font size: To change the font size of the annotation, select the
size from the “Annotation font size” pull-down menu:
 10
 12
 14
 16
 18
 20
 22

Show result of protocol items in worksheet: If the current measurement is

multi-step (like “Volume-L&W&H”), before finish the measurement, enter
“Worksheet”, this measurement item will be displayed. This function is
disabled if select “off”.

Show comment of measure item: Explain the measurement item in local


Unit for normal distance related measurement: cm, mm. Select different
unit for normal distance measurement.

Show GA(LMP/BBT) on status bar: If there is GA(LMP/BBT) for the current

patient, display it on the status bar.

Show GA after Measure: During measurement, select whether or not to

display the estimated fetal age automatically. If the fetal age is selected to
be displayed in system set-up, the measurement results window will display

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estimated age after a measurement. If not, the estimated age will not be
displayed in the results window.

Add 1 week to EDD Calac: If this item is selected, delivery time will be
increased by 1 additional week.

Show EDD after Measure: During measurement, select whether or not the
estimated delivery time is displayed automatically after measurement. If
estimated delivery time display is selected in the system setting, the
estimated delivery time will appear in the results window after
measurement. If not, estimated delivery time will not appear in the results

Show Percentile after Measure: Enable it, after finish the OB related
measurement, show the percentile according to the OB table.

Auto Select EFW Method: Enable it, the system will select EFW method
automatically when do EFW related measurements.

GA Display Format: To change the display format for “GA” after enable
“Show GA after measure”.

EFW GP Table: According to different areas, different “OB Table Type” ->
“EFW GP Table” (estimated fetal weight table) can be selected. After the
pull down menu is selected, the system displays items for selection as
 Hadlock
 Osaka
 Shinozuka

OB Table Type: According to different area, different “OB Table Type” (Fetal
age and fetal growth table) can be selected. Selecting the “OB Table Type”
pull down menu, the system can display items as follows for global setting:
 ASUM2000
 Chitty
 Hadlock
 Hansmann
 Jeanty
 Merz
 Shinozuka.1

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 Shinozuka.2
 Berkowitz
 Eik-Nes
 Kurtz
 Osaka
 Paris
 Rempen
 Tokyo
 Yarkoni
 ASUM2001
 Nelson
 Robinson
 Mercer
 Hellman
 Mayden
 Bertagnoli
 Eriksen
 Goldstein
 Hill

OB Measure Item GA Table Config: To config GA table for every

measurement item.

Heart Cycle: To set the default value for heart cycle.

11.1.4 Basic introduction in measurement function

Press “Measure”, and the system will enter measurement mode.

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 To stop image acquisition before measurement, press “Freeze”.
 To adjust accuracy of caliper, move the trackball.

 To delete the caliper and measurement data before complete sequence

measurement, press “Clear”.

 To repeat the measurement, select the relevant measurement item on

the touch panel.

Notes: After “Measure” is pressed and it enters the measurement status, the
system will go to the default measurement setting in the relevant application.
For example, in “B”/ “M” mode, the default measurement is “Distance”. Default
measurement is “Velocity” in the PW mode.

Measurement erasing
Measurement results can be deleted from system memory as follows:

 After the image is unfreeze, the system will erase all displayed completed
measurement results, calculation results and result window. However,
measurement and calculation results will be kept in the worksheet.
 After “Clear” is pressed, the system will erase the latest measurement result.
Holding “Clear” will erase all measurement and calculation results.
 If “New Patient” is selected, the system will erase all measurement results,
calculation results, and worksheet.
 To clear the second caliper which is activated and activate the first one,
press “Clear”.

Measurement results worksheet

After the measurement is completed, all effective measurement results will be
entered on the worksheet automatically.
In measure page, touch “Worksheet”, then select the probe/application, the
system will display all measurement results as shown below.

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1/2/3: This is for repeating measurements of the same item. The maximum is 5
times. If the number of repeated measurements exceeds 5, the worksheet will
only save the last 5 measurement results.

Avg: This is for post-processing method of measurement results. The options are:
Average, Minimum, Maximum and Last. The desired method is selected from
the pull-down menu by selecting the relevant position. 1 is for all items, 2 is for
the related item.

Unit: The unit of measurement value and displayed result. The operator can
select different units by touching the uint.

Print: Print the worksheet by the selected printer.

Edit: Button “Edit” is selected, the operator can change the unit and statistics,
and change the method of EFW. If the data is highlighted, it is selected for
calculating Average, Minimum and etc., and it will appear in the report.

The first three items “LMP”, “GA(LMP)” and “EDD(LMP)” are from patient
information, and the rest items are calculated by the measurement results. If
there is more than one fetus, other fetuses’ information will be listed here too.

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11.1.5 Generic measurement list in each mode B mode generic measurement

There are 8 generic measurements in “B” mode

 Depth

 Distance

 Perimeter

 Length and width method

 Ellipse method

 Polygon method

 Spline method

 Tracing method

 Area

 Length and width method

 Ellipse method

 Polygon method

 Spline method

 Tracing method

 Volume

 Single line method

 Dual line method

 Triple line method

 Single ellipse method

 Single ellipse and single line method

 Angle

 Stenosis

 Diameter method

 Squaremeter method

 A and B ratio

 Diameter ratio

 Squaremeter ratio

Note: Press “Measure” and the system will enter frozen mode automatically.

Depth measurement:
The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”: one caliper will be displayed on the image screen.
2. Move the cursor to measurement menu to select “Depth” category.
3. To move the caliper position, use the trackball.
4. After moving the trackball to the position for measurement, press “Enter” for
5. The system will display depth in the measurement results window.
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The notes can help operator for depth measurement as follows:
 To delete current result and start next measurement, press “Clear” once.
 To activate and edit relevant measurement, select relevant items to display
 To delete all measurement results, press and hold down “Clear”.

Distance Measurement:
The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the “Distance” measurement category if current measurement is not.
3. Move caliper to the measurement start point with the trackball.
4. Press “Enter” to confirm start point. The system will fix one caliper and a
second caliper appears.
5. Move the second caliper to the end point with the trackball.
6. Press “ROI” before fix the second point, the first point is re-activated, then
move the caliper if needed.
7. Press “Enter” to complete the distance measurement.
 To delete the current result and start the next measurement, press “Clear”
 To activate and edit relevant measurement after one measurement is
complete, the operator can select relevant items to display submenu.
 To delete all measurement results, press and hold down “Clear”.

Perimeter: Length and width method

Perimeter can be measured by two distances (length and width). The steps are
the process of the measurement as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Perimeter” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “L&W” approach in the perimeter menu. Caliper will display on the
image screen
4. Measure the two distances separately.
5. After the two distance measurements are complete, the system will display
perimeter in the measurement results window.
 To delete the current result and start the next measurement, press “Clear”
 To exit measurement function, press “Measure” again.

Perimeter: Ellipse method

Perimeter can be measured by ellipse. The steps are the process of the
measurement as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.

101 / 257
2. Select “Perimeter” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “Ellipse” approach in the perimeter menu. A caliper will display on the
image screen
4. Position the first point and press “Enter”. The system will fix the first caliper
and display the second caliper.
5. Position the second point and press “Enter” to confirm. The system will
display the third caliper and trace the ellipse shape.
6. Finalize the third caliper and ellipse by moving the trackball. Press “Enter”.
The system will fix the third caliper and ellipse.
7. Measurement results window will display perimeter result.
 Before completing the measurement, press “Clear” and the current
measurement data will be deleted. The system will display the previous caliper
and start the relevant measurement step again.
 To exit measurement before measurement is complete, press “Measure”.

Perimeter: Polygon method

Perimeter can be measured by a polygon. The steps are the process of the
measurement as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Perimeter” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “Polygon” approach in the perimeter menu. Caliper will display on the
image screen
4. Position the first point and press “Enter”. The system will fix first caliper and
display second caliper.
5. Position the second point and press “Enter” to confirm. The system will fix the
second caliper and display the third caliper and trilateral trace.
6. To position third caliper, move trackball and press “Enter” for confirmation.
The system will fix the third caliper and display the fourth caliper and
7. To position the fourth caliper, move the trackball and press “Enter” for
confirmation. The system will fix the fourth caliper and display the fifth caliper
and pentagon.
8. The rest can be done in the same manner in order to complete measurement
in any polygon method. After the measurement is completed by pressing
“Enter” twice, the results window will display the result.
 Before completing the measurement, press “Clear” to delete the current
measurement data. The system will display previous caliper and start relevant
measurement step again.
 To exit measurement before measurement is complete, press “Measure”.

Perimeter: Spline method

Perimeter can be measured by spline. The steps are the process of the

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measurement as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Perimeter” in measurement menu.
3. Select “Spline” approach in the perimeter menu. Caliper will display on the
image screen.
4. To move the first caliper to the start point, move the trackball.
5. Press “Enter” to fix the start point. The first caliper will be fixed and the
second caliper appears in the same position as the first caliper position.
Note: Press “Clear” once to delete the second caliper and the first caliper will be
activated. If “Clear” is pressed again, the first caliper and spline line will
6. To fix the second caliper, move the trackball and press “Enter”. The third
caliper will appear in the same position.
Note: Same function of “Clear” key as above. At least three points are needed to
trace a spline curve. Continuously set the trace point until all required points are
7. Fix the final caliper and press “Enter” in order to finalize spline curve.
Note: Press “Enter” twice to complete trace measurement. Before completing
the measurement, delete the calipers one by one by pressing “Clear”.
8. After measurement is completed by pressing “Enter” twice, the results
window will display the result.

Perimeter: Tracing method

Perimeter can be measured by tracing method. The steps are the process of the
measurement as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Perimeter” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “Tracing” approach in the perimeter menu. Caliper will display on the
image screen
4. To move the first caliper in the start point, move the trackball
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. Tracing caliper will change to an activated
6. The trackball can be used to trace the anatomical structure of the
measurement field. The tracing curve will change to a dotted line.
7. To complete measurement, press “Enter” twice and the results window will
display the perimeter result.
 Before completing the measurement, press “Clear” once to clear a segment
of the trace line.
 To clear the tracing caliper and the current measurement data, press
“Clear” for at least 2 seconds.

Area measurement: Length and width method

Area can be measured by length and width. The steps are as follows:

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1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Area” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “L&W” method in the area measurement menu. The active caliper will
display on the image screen
4. Measure the two distances in sequence: press “Enter” to fix the start point;
then move the trackball and press “Enter” to confirm the second point for
distance measurement.
5. After the two distance measurements is completed, the area result will
display in the result window.
Before completing the area measurement
 To clear the current measurement data, press “Clear” once. The system will
display the original caliper to restart measurement.
 To exit measurement function before completing measurement, press
“Measure” again.

Area measurement: Ellipse method

Area can be measured by ellipse. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Area” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “Ellipse” method in the area measurement menu. The active caliper will
display on the image screen
4. Press “Enter” to fix the start point; then the second caliper is displayed.
5. Move the trackball to the second position and press “Enter” for confirmation.
The system will fix the second point and third caliper and ellipse shape display.
6. To position the third caliper and ellipse, move the trackball and press “Enter”
for confirmation.
7. Results will display in the results window.
Before completing ellipse measurement
 To clear ellipse and the current measurement data, press “Clear” once. The
system will display the original caliper and restart measurement.
 To exit measurement function before completing measurement, press
“Measure” again.

Area measurement: Polygon method

Area can be measured by polygon. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Area” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “polygon” method in the area measurement menu. The active caliper
will display on the image screen
4. Press “Enter” to fix the start point, then the second caliper is displayed.
5. Move the trackball to the second position and press “Enter” for confirmation.
The system will fix the second point and third caliper and triangular shape

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6. To position third caliper, move the trackball and press “Enter”. The system will
fix the third point and the fourth caliper and quadrilateral display
7. To position fourth caliper, move the trackball and press “Enter”. The system
will fix the fourth point and the fourth caliper and pentagon display.
8. The rest can be done in the same manner, and any polygon can be used to
measure area. After measurement is complete, the system will display the
results in the results window.
Before completing ellipse measurement
 To clear ellipse and the current measurement data, press “Clear” once. The
system will display the original caliper and restart measurement.
 To exit measurement function before completing measurement, press
“Measure” again.

Area measurement: Spline method

Area can be measured by spline. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Area” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “Spline” method in the area the measurement menu. The live caliper
will display on the image screen
4. To fix the trackball into the start point after positioned, press “Enter”. After
the first caliper is fixed, the second active caliper is displayed in the same
position as the first caliper.
Notes: Press “Clear” once, the second caliper disappears and the first caliper is
activated. If the “Clear” key is pressed again, the first caliper disappears and the
spline curve is canceled.
5. To position the second caliper, move the trackball and press “Enter” to
confirm. The third active caliper will display in the same position as the second
Notes: The spline curve needs at least 3 points to make it. Continuously set
trace points until all needed points are set.
6. To confirm the last caliper, press “Enter” again in order to confirm the final
spline curve.
Notes: Press “Enter” twice to complete trace measurement. Before completing
the measurement, the points can be erased one by one by pressing “Clear”.
7. After the measurement is completed, the results window will display the

Area measurement: Tracing method

Area can be measured by tracing. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Area” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “Tracing” method in the area measurement menu. The active caliper

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will display on the image screen
4. To move caliper to the start point, move the trackball.
5. Press “Enter” to fix the start point. The active caliper will display in the screen.
6. Trace the measurement dotted line along which the anatomy needs to be
7. After the tracing is completed, and the “Enter” is pressed. Then the result will
display in the results window.
Before complete the tracing measurement:
 Press “Clear” once to clear a segment of the trace line.
 To clear caliper and current measurement data, press “Clear” for at least 2

Volume measurement
Volume can be measured by one of the approaches as follows:
- Single line (L), i.e. single distance method
- Dual line (L&W), i.e. dual distance method
- Triple line (L&W&H), i.e. triple distance method
- Single ellipse
- Single ellipse and single line method
Refer to “Distance” measurement to know how to measure distance for details.
Refer to “Perimeter” and “Area” measurement to know how to measure ellipse
for details.

To measure volume through single or dual distance method, the steps are as
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Volume” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “L” or “L&W” method in the volume measurement menu. The active
caliper will display on the image screen
4. Proceed with single or dual distance measurement.
5. The result will display in the results window.
Notes: Use “Clear” to delete measurement and calculation result.

To measure volume by triple distance method, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Volume” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “L&W&H” method in the volume measurement menu. The active
caliper will display on the image screen
Notes: Triple distance can complete in dual image display format. First
measurement normally is done in midsagittal plane.
4. Proceed with single distance and dual distance measurement.
5. Volume result is displayed in the results window.

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To measure volume by ellipse method, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Volume” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “Ellipse” method in the volume measurement menu. The active caliper
will display on the image screen
4. Proceed with ellipse measurement
5. Volume result is displayed in the results window.

To measure volume by ellipse and single distance method, the steps are as
1. Press “Measure”
2. Select “Volume” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “Ellipse&H” method in the volume measurement menu. The active
caliper will display on the image screen
Note: Single ellipse and distance can be measured in dual display format. The
first measurement normally proceeds in midsagittal plane. The second
measurement proceeds in the axial plane normally. Press “Left “or “Right” to
activate dual display format.
4. Proceed with single distance and ellipse measurement.
5. Volume result is displayed in the results window.

To change parameters during volume measurement, the steps are as follows
before restarting measurement.
1. Check every item’s measurement result in the results window.
2. If data is not accurate or blank, select editing of relevant measurement or
relevant menu in the bottom, then measure and calculate again.

 Result is most accurate in midsagittal plane and axial plane measurement.
 To display midsagittal plane and axial plane simultaneously, use dual display

Angle Measurement
The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Angle” in the measurement menu. The active caliper will display on
the image screen
3. Use the trackball to move the caliper.
4. Press “Enter” to fix the first caliper and the second caliper will display.
5. Use the trackball to move the second caliper to desired position.
6. Press “Enter” to fix the second caliper and third caliper will display.
7. Use the trackball to move the third caliper to the desired position.
8. Press “Enter” to fix the fourth caliper. The result is displayed in results

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Diameter stenosis can be calculated by diameter or area approaches.

Note: After using diameter approach to calculate stenosis, do not measure
distance in vertical angle. It can result in inaccurate estimation of stenosis. It is
better to measure vessel diameter in the cross-sectional perspective.

The steps are to calculate stenosis by diameter approach as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Stenosis” in the measurement menu.
3. In the stenosis measurement menu, after the “Diam” approach is selected, an
active tracing caliper will display on the image screen
4. Measure the inter-vascular distance. The system will display another caliper
for second distance measurement.
5. Measure the distance of exterior vessels.
6. The results window will display each measured distance and stenosis

Refer to the distance measurement to know how to measure distance.

The steps are to calculate stenosis by area approach as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Stenosis” in measurement menu.
3. In “Stenosis” measurement menu, after “Area” approach is selected, an active
tracing caliper will display on the image screen
Notes: Different area measurement approaches can be selected (such as length
& width, ellipse, polygon, spline, and tracing method)
4. Measure the area of inter vascular. The system will display another active
caliper for second area measurement.
5. Measure the area of the exterior vessel.
6. Results window displays two area results and stenosis percentage.

Refer to the area measurement to know how to measure area.

A and B rate
In B mode, A and B ratio can be calculated by diameter or area measurement.

The steps are to calculate A and B ratio by diameter measurement as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.

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2. Select “A/B ratio” in the measurement menu.
3. In the “A/B ratio” measurement menu, select the “Diam” approach and an
active tracing caliper will display on the image screen
4. Measure the first diameter distance. The system displays another caliper for
the second distance measurement.
5. Proceed with the second distance measurement.
6. The system will display two distance measurement results, A and B ratio. First
diameter is A and second diameter is B.
Refer to the distance measurement for details on the distance measurement

The steps are to calculate A and B ratio by area measurement as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “A/B ratio” in the measurement menu.
3. In the “A/B ratio” measurement menu, select the “Area” approach and an
active caliper will display on the image screen
Note: Here, different area measurement methods (length & width, ellipse,
polygon, spline, and tracing method) can be selected.
4. Proceed with area A measurement. The system will display another active
caliper for second area measurement.
5. Proceed with area B measurement.
6. The system will display two area measurement results and the A/B ratio in
result window.
Refer to the area measurement section for details on the area measurement
approach. M mode measurement

There are 7 generic measurements in “M” mode:

 Depth
 Distance
 Time
 Speed
 Heart rate
 Stenosis
 A and B ratio
- Diameter ratio
- Time ratio
- Speed ratio

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There are the following assumptions before proceeding with measurement:
1. The image screen is displaying anatomy to be measured.
2. System is in M mode. (If not, enter M mode).
3. The system is in “Frozen" state. (If not, press “Freeze”).

Anatomic depth measurement

M mode anatomic depth measurement is the same as B mode. It measures the
depth between the measured point and the top of image, the steps are as
1. Press “Measure” once: A vertical and horizontal dotted line and an active
tracing caliper will display on the image.
2. Use the trackball to position the depth to be measured.
3. Use the “Enter” to finalize the position.
4. The depth result will be displayed in the results window.

Distance measurement
The same as “B” mode in distance measurement. It measures the distance
between two calipers. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Distance” in the measurement menu. A vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. Use the trackball to move the caliper in measurement start point.
4. Press “Enter” to finalize the start point. The system will display the second
active caliper.
5. Use the trackball to position the second measurement point.
6. Press “Enter” to complete measurement.
7. The distance result will be displayed in the results window.

Time interval measurement

M mode time interval measurement is to measure horizontal interval between
two calipers. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Time” in the measurement menu. A vertical and horizontal dotted line
and an active caliper will display on the image screen
3. Use the trackball to move caliper in the measurement start point.
4. Press “Enter” to finalize start point. The system will display a second active
5. Use trackball to position the second measurement point.
6. Press “Enter” to complete measurement. The time interval result will be
displayed in the results window.

Speed measurement
In “M” mode, use the slope between two points to gain the speed of the two
points. The steps are as follows:

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1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Slope” in the measurement menu. A vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active caliper will display on the image screen
3. Use the trackball to move the caliper in measurement start point.
4. Press “Enter” to finalize the start point. The system will display a second
active caliper.
5. Use the trackball to position the second measurement point.
6. Press “Enter” to complete measurement. The system will display the speed
between the two points.

Heart Rate measurement

Heart rate can be calculated in “M” mode. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure” in the desired image.
2. Select “HR” in the measurement menu. A vertical and horizontal dotted line
and an active caliper will display on the image screen
3. Position one identifiable point in one heart cycle by moving the trackball.
4. Press “Enter” to fix the first point. The system will display the second caliper.
5. Move the trackball to the same position as the first one in the second cycle.
- The number of measured cycles can be selected in the HR menu, from 1 to
- The number of required measurement cycles is displayed in the information
bar at the bottom of the screen.
6. Press “Enter” to complete measurement and transfer the calculation into the
worksheet. The system will display heart rate in the results window.

Stenosis measurement
The stenosis measurement in “M” mode is the same as diameter measurement
method in “B” mode. It measures the percentage between two distances. The
steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Stenosis” in the measurement menu. A vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active caliper will display on the image screen
3. Measure the distance in the inter-vessel area. The system will display another
active caliper.
4. Proceed with the distance in the exterior vessel area.
5. The system will display each distance and stenosis percentage in the results

Refer to the distance measurement for details.

A and B ratio
In “M” mode, A and B ratio can be measured through diameter, time and speed

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Calculate A and B ratio through diameter approach, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “A/B ratio” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “Diam” measurement approach in the A/B ratio menu. A vertical and
horizontal dotted line and an active caliper will display on the image screen
4. Proceed with the first distance measurement. The system will display another
vertical and horizontal dotted line caliper for second measurement.
5. Proceed with the second distance measurement
6. The system will display each distance, and the A/B ratio.
Note: The first distance is A and the second distance is B.

Refer to the distance measurement for details.

Calculate A and B ratio through time, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “A/B ratio” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “Time” measurement approach in A/B ratio menu. A vertical and
horizontal dotted line and an active caliper will display on the image screen
4. Move the trackball to position the caliper in point A.
5. Press “Enter” to fix the measurement point. The system will display the
second caliper.
6. Move the trackball to position the point B.
7. Press “Enter” to complete measurement. The system will display two
measured time results, A and B ratio.

The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “A/B ratio” in the measurement menu.
3. Select “Velocity” measurement approach in A/B ratio menu. A vertical and
horizontal dotted line and an active caliper will display on the image screen
4. Move the trackball to position the caliper in A point.
5. Press “Enter” to fix measurement point. The system will display the second
6. Move the trackball to position point B.
7. Press “Enter” to complete measurement. The system will display two
measured time results, A and B ratio.

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8000080 PW mode measurement

There are 19 types of measurement in “PW” mode:

- Speed (include PV (Peak Velocity))
- Time (include AT (Accelerate Time))
- Acceleration
- PS (Peak Speed in systole period)
- ED (The speed in the end of diastole period)
- MD (Minimum speed in diastole period)
- TAMAX (maximum speed in time average)
- TAMEAN (mean speed in time average)
- TAMIN (minimum speed in time average)
- PI (Pulsatility Index)
- RI (Resistance Index)
- PS and ED ratio
- ED and PS ratio
- A and B ratio (A/B ratio)
 Speed ratio
 Time ratio
 Acceleration ratio
- FLOWVOL (Flow Volume)
- MaxPG ( maximum pressure gradient)
- MeanPG (Mean pressure gradient)
- SV ( Stroke Volume)
 Each volume diameter cardiac
 Time mean speed in each stroke volume
 Cardiac output
- Heart rate

To carry out this operation:
1. Scan vessel to be measured in B or B plus CF mode.
2. Turn to “PW” image.
3. Press “Freeze” key.

Speed, Time Interval and Acceleration Measurement

Speed (cm/s or m/s)

In PW mode, the steps of proceeds with speed measurement are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Velocity” in the measurement menu. A vertical and horizontal dotted
line and a caliper will display on the image screen
3. Move the trackball to position the speed measurement point
4. Once position is fixed, press “Enter”.
113 / 257
5. The result will be displayed in the results window.

Time interval
The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Time” in the measurement menu. A vertical and horizontal dotted line
as and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen
3. Move trackball to position the first measurement point.
4. After position is fixed, press “Enter”. The system will display the second
5. Move the trackball to position the second measurement point.
6. Press “Enter” to complete the measurement. The system will display time
interval between two calipers in the results window.

Acceleration (m/s2)
The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Acceleration” in the measurement menu. A vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active caliper will display on the image screen
3. Move the trackball to position the first measurement point.
4. Once position is fixed, press “Enter”. The system will display the second
5. Move the trackball to position the second measurement point.
6. Press “Enter” to complete the measurement. The system will display the
acceleration between two points and the time interval result in the results

PS (Peak speed in systole period), ED (The speed in the end of diastole period)
and MD (Minimum speed in diastole period) measurement
The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select PS, ED or MD in the measurement menu. A vertical and horizontal
dotted line as an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. Move the trackball to position the measurement point
4. Press “Enter” to complete measurement. The system will display peak speed
in systole period, the speed in the end of diastole period and the minimum
speed in diastole period.

TAMAX, TAMEAN and TAMIN measurement

The steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select TAMAX, TAMEAN or TAMIN in the measurement menu. A live tracing
caliper will display on the image screen.

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3. Move the trackball to position the start measurement point.
4. Press “Enter” to fix the start point.
5. Move the trackball to trace spectrum in maximum, mean or minimum.
6. Press “Enter” to complete the measurement. The result will be displayed in
the results window.
Note: To remove trace line during tracing, press the “Clear” or “Freeze” key.

PI (Pulsatility Index) measurement

The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “PI” in the measurement menu. A vertical and horizontal dotted line as
an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. Move the trackball to position the start measurement point.
4. Press “Enter” key to fix the start point. The second caliper will display in the
5. Move the trackball to trace the whole wave.
6. Press “Enter” to complete the measurement. The system will display results of
peak speed in systole period, minimum speed of diastole period, the speed of
the end of diastole period, TAMAX and PI in results window.

Resistance index (RI) measurement

In “PW” mode, PI can be calculated by ED or MD measurement.

By ED measurement
The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “RI” in the measurement menu.
3. In the “RI” setting menu, select “ED” method. A vertical and horizontal dotted
line as an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen
4. Move the trackball to position the start measurement point in peak speed of
systole period.
5. Press “Enter” to fix the start point. Second caliper will display in the system.
6. Move the trackball to position the second caliper in the speed of the end of
diastole period.
7. Press “Enter” to complete the measurement. The system will display PS, ED
and RI in the results window.

Through MD measurement
The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “RI” in the measurement menu.
3. In the “RI” setting menu, select “MD” method. A vertical and horizontal
dotted line as an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
4. Move the trackball to position the start measurement point in peak speed of

115 / 257
systole period.
5. Press “Enter” to fix the start point. Second caliper will display in the system.
6. Move trackball to position the second caliper in the minimum diastole speed.
7. Press “Enter” to complete the measurement. The system will display PS, ED
and RI in the results window.

PS and ED or ED and PS ratio

To calculate PS and ED or ED and PS ratio, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “PS/ED” or “ED/PS” in the measurement menu. A vertical and
horizontal dotted line as an active tracing caliper will display on the image
3. Move the trackball to position the caliper in systole peak speed (PS) or
diastole end speed (ED).
4. Press “Enter” to fix point. Second caliper will display.
5. Move the trackball to position the second caliper in diastole end speed (ED) or
systole peak speed (PS).
6. Press “Enter” to complete the measurement. The system will display PS, ED
and PS/ED or ED/PS ratio in results window.

A and B ratio
In PW mode, A and B ratio can be measured through speed, time or

Calculate A and B ratio through speed, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “A/B ratio” in measurement menu.
3. In the “A/B ratio” setting menu, select “Velocity” method. A vertical and
horizontal dotted line as an active tracing caliper will display on the image
4. Move trackball to position the caliper in speed A.
5. Press “Enter” to fix the measurement point. Second caliper will display in the
6. Move the trackball to position the second caliper in B speed.
7. Press “Enter” to complete the measurement. The system will display two
speed results and A/B ratio in the results window.

Calculate A and B ratio through time, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “A/B ratio” in the measurement menu.
3. In the “A/B ratio” setting menu, select “Time” method. A vertical and
horizontal dotted line as an active tracing caliper will display on the image

116 / 257
4. Move the caliper to position A.
5. Press “Enter” to fix the measurement point. Second caliper will display in the
6. Move the caliper to position B.
7. Press “Enter” to complete the measurement. The system will display two time
results and A/B ratio in the results window.

Calculate A and B ratio through acceleration, the steps are as follows
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “A/B ratio" in the measurement menu.
3. In the “A/B ratio” setting menu, select “Acceleration" method. A vertical and
horizontal dotted line as an active tracing caliper will display on the image
4. Proceed with the position A acceleration measurement:
 Move the trackball to position the caliper in start point.
 Press “Enter” to fix the start point. The second caliper will display.
 Move the trackball to position the caliper in end point.
 Press “Enter” to complete the measurement.
The system will display acceleration in the results window and second
acceleration caliper will display.
5. Proceed with B acceleration measurement using the same as above steps. The
system will display two acceleration results and A/B ratio in the results window.

FLOW VOL (Flow volume)

The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. In the normal Doppler measurement menu, select “FLOWVOL”.

Max PG (maximum pressure gradient)

The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. In the normal Doppler measurement menu, select “Max PG”.

Mean PG (mean pressure gradient)

The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. In the normal Doppler measurement menu, select “Mean PG”.

SV Diam( Stroke volume diameter)

The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. In the normal Doppler measurement menu, select “SV”.

117 / 257
3. Select “SV Diam” in the SV menu.

SV TAMEAN (stroke volume TAMEAN)

The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. In the normal Doppler measurement menu, select “SV”.
3. Select “SV TAMEAN” in the SV menu.

CO (Cardiac output)
The steps are as follows:
1. In the normal Doppler measurement menu, select “SV”.
2. Proceed SV measurement first.
3. Select “CO HR” to measure the heart rate.

Heart rate measurement

In PW mode, heart rate can be calculated, the steps are as follows
1. Press “Measure” after gain image.
2. Select “HR” in the measurement menu. A vertical and horizontal dotted line
and an active tracing caliper will display on the image.
3. Move the trackball to position an identifiable point in the first heart cycle.
4. Press “Enter” to fix the first caliper. The system will display the second caliper.
5. Move the second caliper to be the same position as the first one in the second
heart cycle.
- Set required heart cycles for measurement in the “HR” menu. Heart cycle
range from 1 to 5.
- In the bottom information bar of the image screen, the system will display
the number of heart rate which needs to be measured.
6. Press “Enter” to complete measurement and transfer to worksheet in the
meantime. The system will display “HR” in the result window. 3D/4D mode measurement

After 3D data acquisition, press Measure key to enter measurement, but only
support 3 measurements: Distance, Perimeter and Area. In 4D/MCut mode, after
select “Start 4D/MCut”, press Measure key, stop scanning and enter
measurement, only support 3 measurements: Distance, Perimeter and Area.

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11.1.6 Measurement setting in each mode B mode measurement setting

In B mode, there are 8 generic and relevant specific measurements. The relevant
measurement settings can be made in the setting menu.
Select “Config” on the touch panel to enter setting menu.

 Config Folders: Display all folders, different applications or modes have

different folders. Select one or more folders, select “Save&Exit”, the
selected folders will added to measurement menu. Unselect one or more
folders, they will be removed from measurement menu. There is only one
folder in some applications, it will be “General”.

119 / 257
 Config Items: Select one item, if it has more than one method, the system
will enter change method page, the operator can select different methods
or target items here. Selected methods will be used after back to
measurement menu, and selected target items will display in the result
window. Select and hold on one item, move it to the first position, then this
item is set to be the default one.

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 Add/Remove: Select the desired measurement items, select “Save” or
“Save&Exit”, the system returns to the measurement menu and all selected
items are displayed. The unselected items will be removed.

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“Distance” is default setting in “B” mode. Different examination application has
factory default setting in “B” mode measurement. The operator can enter the
setting menu to change.

Perimeter setting in B mode

The steps are as follows:
1. Select “Perimeter” button in configuration page. The system will display all
approaches of perimeter measurement: length and width, ellipse, polygon,
spline and trace.
2. Select the required measurement item. After settings are finished, select
“Save” on the touch panel.
Different applications have factory default settings in “B” mode measurement.
The operator can enter the setting menu to change.

Area setting in B mode

The steps are as follows:
1. Select “Area” button in configuration page. The system will display all
approaches of area measurement: length and width, ellipse, polygon, spline and
2. Select the required measurement item. After settings are finished, select
“Save” on the touch panel.

Volume setting in B mode

The steps are as follows:
1. Select “Volume” button in configuration page. The system will display all
approaches of area measurement: single line, double line, triple line, single

122 / 257
ellipse, single ellipse and single line.
2. Select the required measurement item. After settings are finished, select
“Save” on the touch panel.

Stenosis setting in B mode

The steps are as follows:
1. Select “Stenosis” button in configuration page. The system will display all
approaches of area measurement: diameter and area.
2. Select the required measurement item. After settings are finished, select
“Save” on the touch panel.

A and B ratio setting in B mode

The steps are as follows:
1. Select “A/B ratio” button in configuration page. The system will display all
approaches of area measurement: diameter and area approaches.
2. Select the required measurement item. After settings are finished, select
“Save” on the touch panel. M mode measurement setting

In “M” mode there are 7 types of generic measurements and specific

measurements relevant with application. All measurements can be set in the
setting menu.

Select “Config” on the touch panel to enter setting menu. Please refer to,
the configuration operation is the same as it in B mode.

A and B ratio measurement setting

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The steps are as follows:
1. Select “A/B ratio” button in configuration page. The system will display all
measurement methods: Diameter, time and acceleration methods.
2. Select the desired measurement method on the touch panel. After settings
are finished, select “Save” on the touch panel. PW mode measurement setting

General measurement folder setting in PW mode

In the general measurement folder, there are 19 types of generic measurements
and specific measurements with relevant applications. The system will display
the measurement options as shown below:

Please refer to, the configuration operation is the same as it in B mode.

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Resistance index setting in PW mode
The steps are as follows:
1. Select “RI” button in configuration page. The system displays all measurement
methods for “RI” measurement: ED (diastole end speed) and MD (minimum
systole speed).
2. Select the desired measurement method on the touch panel. After settings
are finished, select “Save” on the touch panel.

A and B ratio measurement setting in PW mode

The steps are as follows:
1. Select “A/B ratio” button in configuration page. The system will display all
measurement methods for A/B ratio measurement: speed, time and
acceleration methods.
2. Select the desired measurement method on the touch panel. After settings
are finished, select “Save” on the touch panel.

Flow volume measurement setting in PW mode

The steps are as follows:
1. Select “FLOW VOL” button in configuration page. The system will display all
measurement methods for FLOW VOL measurement: TAMEAN and TAMAX
2. Select the desired measurement method on the touch panel. After settings
are finished, select “Save” on the touch panel.

If TAMAX measurement method is selected, the final calculation result is

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considered one compensation factor between 0.5 and 1.0.

Other measurement setting folder in PW mode

Other measurement setting folders use the same approach as the “General”
measurement setting. Refer to the “General” measurement folder setting.

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11.2 Abdominal measurements

Brief introduction:
Based on different applications, abdominal measurement provides several
different types of measurement options:
 General abdomen
 Difficult abdomen
 Kidney
 Renal vessel
 Abdominal trauma

11.2.1 B mode measurements

The measurement menu in the “Abdominal” application includes generic

measurement and specific measurement, such as aorta diameter, renal length,
and renal volume.
In “B” mode, generic measurement in abdominal application covers the
following criteria:
 Depth
 Distance
 Volume
 Angle
 Stenosis
 A and B ratio
Refer to the “General” measurement for more detail on those measurements.
In “B” mode, specific measurements in the abdominal application include the
following items:

Aorta diameter
Aorta diameter can be measured by single distance measurement. The steps are
as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Aorta Diameter”, then a caliper will display on the image screen
3. Move the trackball to position the caliper in the start point.
4. Press “Enter” to fix the start point. The second active caliper will display.
5. Move the trackball to position the second caliper in the end point.
6. Press “Enter” to complete the measurement. The system will display the aorta
diameter result in the results window.

Renal Length

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Renal length can be measured by single distance measurement. The steps are as
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select certain direction of Renal Length (left or right), then a caliper will
display on the image screen
3. Move the trackball to position the caliper in start point.
4. Press “Enter” to fix the start point. The second active caliper will display.
5. Move the trackball to position the second caliper in the end point.
6. Press “Enter” to complete the measurement. The system will display the renal
length result in the results window.

Renal Volume
Renal volume is normally measured by the three-distance method. The steps are
as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select a certain direction of Renal Volume (left or right), and then a caliper
will display on the image screen
Note: Three distances can be measured in the dual image display format. The
first measurement can be processed in the midsagittal plane, and the second
measurement can be processed in the axial plane. To use dual image display
format, press “Left” or “Right”.
3. Proceed with the single and dual distance measurement.
4. The system will display three distances and the renal volume result in the
results window.

Spleen volume
Spleen volume is normally measured by the three distance method. The steps
are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Three distances can be measured in the dual image display format. The first
measurement can be processed in the midsagittal plane, and the second
measurement can be processed in the axial plane. To use the dual image display
format, press “Left” or “Right”.
3. Proceed with the single and dual distance measurement.
4. The system will display three distances and the spleen volume result in the
results window.

Bladder volume
Spleen volume is normally measured by the three distance method. The steps
are as follows:
1. Press “Measure” key.
2. Select “Bladder Volume”, and then a caliper will display on the image screen
Note: Three distances can be measured in the dual image display format. The
first measurement can be processed in the midsagittal plane, and the second

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measurement can be processed in the axial plane. To use the dual image display
format, press “Left” or “Right”.
3. Proceed with the single and dual distance measurement.
4. The system will display three distances and the bladder volume result in the
results window.

Prostate volume
Prostate volume is normally measured by the three distance method. The steps
are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select Prostate, and then a caliper will display on the image screen.
Note: Three distances can be measured in dual image display format. The first
measurement can be processed in the midsagittal plane, and the second
measurement can be the processed in axial plane. To use the dual image display
format, press “Left” or “Right”.
3. Proceed with the single and dual distance measurement.
4. The system will display three distances and the prostate volume result in the
results window.

The number of measurement items in “B” mode can be added to or reduced

based on each operator’s measurement requirements. Refer to the
measurement setting for how to set measurements in detail.

11.2.2 M mode measurements

In “M” mode, the measurement menu includes these measurement items:

 Stenosis
 A and B ratio
 Heart Rate

Refer to the Generic measurement in detail for those measurements.

Measurement items in the measurement setting menu can be added to or

reduced based the operator’s requirements. Refer to “M” mode measurement
setting information in detail.

11.2.3 PW mode measurements

In “PW” mode, the measurement menu includes these measurement folders:

 Generic measurement folder
 Aorta measurement folder

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 Common hepatic artery measurement folder
 Renal artery measurement folder
 Renal vein measurement folder
 Postcava measurement folder
 Superior mesentery artery measurement folder

Increase or reduce measurement items in the measurement setting menu based

on their own requirement. Refer to “PW” mode measurement setting
information in detail.

Generic measurement folder

In “PW” mode, the generic measurement folder includes items as follows:
 Velocity
 PS (systole peak speed)
 ED (diastole end speed)
 MD (Minimum speed in diastole period)
 TAMAX (maximum speed in time average)
 PI (Pulsatility index)
 RI (resistance index)
 A/B ratio
 Velocity

 Time

 Acceleration

 HR

Refer to the Generic measurement in detail for those measurements.

Increase or reduce measurement items in the measurement setting menu based

on their own requirement. Refer to “M” mode measurement setting information
in detail.

Measurement folder for other anatomic structure

In “PW” mode, other measurement folders based on an atomic structure include
measurement items as follows:
 Velocity
 PS (systole peak speed)
 ED (Diastole end speed)
 PI (Pulsatility index)
 RI (Resistance index)
Increase or reduce measurement items in the measurement setting menu based
on requirements. Refer to “PW” mode measurement setting information in

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11.3 Small organ measurements

Brief introduction
Based on different applications, small organ measurement provides several
different measurement options:
 Thyroid
 Breast
 Testis
 Musculoskeletal
 Upper and lower extremity joint
 Nerve block

11.3.1 B mode measurements

The small organ application measurement menu includes generic measurement

and specific measurement, such as length of thyroid isthmus, thyroid, volume,
testis volume, etc.
In “B” mode, generic measurement in small part application includes
measurement items as follows:
 Distance
 Volume
 Stenosis
Refer to the generic measurement for more details.

In “B” mode, the specific measurement in small part application includes

measurement items as follows:

Length of thyroid isthmus

Length of thyroid isthmus can be measured by a single distance. The steps are as
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “AP” (Length of thyroid isthmus), and an active tracing caliper will
display on the image screen.
3. Move the trackball to position the caliper at the start point.
4. Press “Enter” to fix the start point. The second caliper will display on the
image screen.
5. Move the trackball to position the end point. If it has a relevant system
measurement preset, a dotted line connects the two measurement points.
6. Press “Enter” to complete the measurement. The system will display length of
thyroid isthmus in the results window.

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Thyroid volume
Thyroid volume is normally measured by the three distances method. The steps
are as follows
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select proper direction (left or right) Thyroid Volume. An active tracing caliper
will display on the image screen
Note: The three distances can be measured in the dual image display format.
First measurement can be processed in the midsagittal plane, and the second
measurement can be processed in axial plane. To use dual image display format,
press “Left” or “Right” .
3. Proceed with the single and dual distance measurement.
4. The system will display distance and thyroid volume in the results window.

Testicle Volume
Testicle volume is normally measured by the three distances method. The steps
are as follows
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select proper direction (left or right) Testicle Volume. An active tracing caliper
will display on the image screen
Note: The three distances can be measured in dual image display format. First
measurement can proceed in the midsagittal plane, and the second
measurement can proceed in axial plane. To use dual image display format,
press “Left” or “Right”
3. Proceed with the single and dual distance measurement.
4. The system will display distance and thyroid volume in the results window.

Increase or reduce measurement items in the measurement setting menu based

on their own requirements. Refer to “B” mode measurement setting
information in detail.

11.3.2 M mode measurements

In “M” mode, the measurement menu includes these measurement items:

 Depth
 Distance

Refer to the Generic measurement in detail for those measurements.

Increase or reduce measurement items in the measurement setting menu based

on their own requirements. Refer to “M” mode measurement setting
information in detail.
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11.3.3 PW mode measurements

In PW mode, measurements include these measurement folders:

 Generic measurement folder

 Vessel measurement folder

Increase or reduce measurement items in the measurement setting menu based

on their own requirement. Refer to “PW” mode measurement setting
information in detail.

Generic measurement folder

In “PW” mode, the general measurement folder includes these measurement
 Velocity
 PS (systole peak speed)
 ED (diastole end speed)
 MD (Minimum speed in diastole period)
 TAMAX (maximum speed in time average)
 PI (Pulsatility index)
 RI (resistance index)
 A/B ratio
 Velocity
 Time
 Acceleration
 FLOWVOL (flow volume)
 Max PG (Maximum pressure gradient)
 Mean PG (Mean pressure gradient)
 SV-D (Stroke Volume)
 SV Diam (stroke volume diameter)
 SVTAMAX (stroke volume maximum speed in time average)
 CO (caridac output)

Refer to the Generic measurement in detail for “PW” measurements.

Vessel measurement folder

In “PW” mode, the vessel measurement folder normally includes these items:
 Velocity
 PS (systole peak speed)
 ED (diastole end speed)
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 MD (Minimum speed in diastole period)
 TAMAX (maximum speed in time average)
 PI (Pulsatility index)
 RI (resistance index)

Increase or reduce measurement items in the measurement setting menu based

on their own requirements. Refer to the “PW” mode measurement setting
information in detail.

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11.4 Vessel measurements

Brief introduction
Based on different applications, vessel measurement provides several different
measurement items:
 Carotid artery
 Upper artery
 Upper vein
 Lower artery
 Lower vein
 Vessel puncture
 Trans-cranial Doppler

11.4.1 B mode measurements

In the vascular application measurement menu includes generic measurement

and specific measurements, such as vessel wall intima-media thickness etc.

In “B” mode, generic measurements in the vessel application include

measurements as follows:
 Depth
 Distance
 Stenosis
 A and B ratio

In “B” mode, specific measurements in the vessel application include

measurement items as follows:

IMT (intima-media thickness) measurement

Intima-media average thickness can be measured to be the index of
Note: Due to the character of the ultrasound image principle, the rear wall IMT
measurement is more accurate than antetheca.

Manual IMT measurement

The steps are as follows
1. Scan the carotid artery to gain relevant good image quality and press
2. Press “Zoom” once, to amplify the image in order to identify vessel intima,

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media, and extima.
3. Press “Measure”.
4. Select the proper direction (left or right and rear wall or antetheca) “CCAIMT”.
5. Select “CCAIMT” (carotid artery intima-media thickness) setting menu.
6. Select “Manual” measurement approach. An active tracing caliper will display
on the image screen
7. Use the trackball to move caliper and trace extima inter-side of carotid artery.
Press “Enter” to fix the first caliper and the system display another operating
8. Use the trackball to move the caliper and trace intima inter-side of carotid
9. Press “Enter” to complete the measurement. The system will automatically
calculate vessel wall intima-media average thickness for tracing part.

Auto IMT measurement

Auto IMT measurement means to measure the intima thickness of far field and
near field vessel wall. Intima thickness of near field means the distance between
extima and intima. Intima thickness of far field means the distance between
extima and intima in far field.

The steps are as follows:

1. Scan carotid artery to gain relevant good image quality and press “Freeze”.
2. Press “Zoom” once, to amplify the image in order to identify the vessel intima,
media, and extima.
3. Press “Measure”.
4. Select the proper direction (left or right and rear wall or antetheca) CCAIMT.
5. Select “CCAIMT” (carotid artery intima-media thickness) setting menu.
6. Select “Auto” measurement approach. An active tracing caliper displays on
the image screen
7. Move the trackball to draw one line inside the vessel which is parallel with the
vessel wall in order to set the measurement length.
Note: To erase painted line and activate the active caliper, press “Clear”.
8. Press “Enter”. Another caliper will display on the image screen
9. Move the trackball to draw one line outside the vessel which is parallel with
the vessel wall in order to set the measurement length.
Note: To erase the painted line and activate an active tracing caliper, press
10. Press “Enter” to complete the measurement. The system will display the
measurement result about intima-media thickness as follows:
 Average
 Max
 Min
 Standard Deviation
 Successful Points

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 P value

Vas Plaque (Vascular sclerosis atheromatous plaque grade)

The steps are as follows:
1. Scan carotid artery to gain a good image quality and then press “Freeze”.
2. Press “Zoom” once, to amplify the image in order to identify vessel intima,
media, and extima.
3. Press “Measure”.
4. Select “Vas Plaque”.
5. Input and select Vas Plaque measurement parameter:
 Change the assigned area number and vascular wall limited thickness.
Factory default setting is 3 and limited thickness is 1.0 cm
 Select displayed measurement result parameter in configuration page:
 Maximum value in each area
 Average value in each area
 Variance yield in each area
 Maximum value in all measurements
 Average value in all measurements
 Variance yield in all measurements

6. After complete the setting, press “Back” to return to the measurement menu.
The system will display a horizontal line and several vertical lines. The number of
vertical lines is determined by assigned areas. The interval line divides the whole
image area equally.

7. Use the trackball and “Rotation/Steer” key to adjust the horizontal line in
order to be parallel with vascular wall. Press “Enter” to complete the adjustment.
The system will display another caliper.

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8. Use the trackball to move the caliper and press “Enter” in order to measure
the thickness in any place as required.

9. The system displays the following measurement and calculation results:

 All measurement results
 Display all parameters which are set in setting menu
 Maximum value in each area
 Average value in each area
 Variance yield in each area
 Maximum value in all measurements
 Average value in all measurements
 Variance yield in all measurements
The number of all measurement points which exceed vascular wall limitation
and the number of all areas which exceed vascular wall limitation.

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11.4.2 M mode measurements

In “M” mode, measurement menu includes measurement items as follows:

 Depth
 Distance
 Stenosis
 A and B ratio
 Heart rate

Refer to the Generic measurement in detail for those measurements.

Increase or reduce measurement items in the measurement setting menu based
on their own requirements. Refer to “M” mode measurement setting
information in detail.

11.4.3 PW mode measurements

In “PW” mode, measurement menu include measurement folders as follows:

 Generic measurement folder
 Arteria carotid communis measurement folder
 Internal carotid measurement folder
 External carotid measurement folder
 VA measurement folder
 BULB measurement folder
 BIF measurement folder
 STA measurement folder
 InnomA measurement folder
 Middle cerebral artery measurement folder
 Posterior cerebral artery measurement folder

Increase or reduce measurement items in the measurement setting menu based

on their own requirements. Refer to “PW” mode measurement setting
information in detail.

Generic measurement folder

In “PW” mode, the general measurement folder includes items as follows:
 Velocity
 Time
 Acceleration
 PS (systole peak speed)
 ED (diastole end speed)
 MD (Minimum speed in diastole period)
 TAMAX (maximum speed in time average)

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 TAMEAN (mean speed in time average)
 PI (Pulsatility index)
 RI (resistance index)
 A/B ratio
 Velocity
 Time
 Acceleration
 FLOWVOL (flow volume)
 HR

Other vascular measurement folder:

In “PW” mode, the vascular measurement folder includes measurement items
as follows:
 Velocity
 Time
 Acceleration
 PS (systole peak speed)
 ED (diastole end speed)
 MD (Minimum speed in diastole period)
 TAMAX (maximum speed in time average)
 TAMEAN (mean speed in time average)
 PI (Pulsatility index)
 RI (resistance index)
 A/B ratio
 Velocity
 Time
 Acceleration
 FLOWVOL (flow volume)
 HR

Increase or reduce measurement items in the measurement setting menu based

on their own requirement. Refer to the “PW” mode measurement setting
information in detail.

Vessel automatically tracing and measurement

The vessel auto tracing and measurement function can automatically detect and
identify the heart cycles. For artery flow, it can automatically identify the “PS”
(peak speed in systole period), “MD” (minimum speed in diastole) and “ED” (end
speed in diastole), and then automatically calculate the “PI” (pulsatility index)
and “RI” (resistance index). For vein flow, it can automatically detect the peak

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velocity (PV).

Activate vessel auto tracing and measurement

The system supports auto tracing and measurement during live scanning, freeze
and cine loop.
To activate auto tracing and measurement function, select the Live option in the
“Auto Trace” menu of the touch panel in “PW” mode (automatically display auto
tracing and measurement in real scanning image) or the “Frozen” option
(automatically display auto tracing and measurement in frozen image). To stop
vascular auto tracing and measurement, select “Off”.

Auto tracing menu on the touch panel:

Set vascular auto tracing and measurement parameter

 Select vascular auto tracing method.
 Select maximum or average speed continuous trace.
 Select Max or Mean in “Trace Method” menu on the touch panel
 Select tracing direction.
 Tracing detection can be used in above baseline, below baseline or
combination (above, below) peak velocity data. Select “Above”, “Below” or
“Both” in the “Trace Direction” menu in order to set peak velocity data.

Set vascular auto tracing and measurement result

After selecting the Dynamic or Static option in the “Auto trace” menu in “PW”
mode, the operator can set which measurement and calculation results will be
displayed in the vascular auto tracing and measurement result window. The
following parameters can be selected: PS, MW, TAMAX, TAMEAN, TAMIN, PI, RI,
PS/ED, ED/PS, PV and HR.
Note: PV is to detect peak velocity in vein flow. So it is mutually exclusive from
other measurements. In other words, if PV is selected, other measurements will
be isolated.

The following steps are to execute auto tracing and measurement

1. Reboot system.
2. Proceed with scanning.
3. Activate the auto vascular tracing and measurement function (Dynamic or
Static). The system will automatically execute tracing, measurement and

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Note: Select in real time which measurement and calculation will be displayed in
the auto vascular tracing and measurement result window through vascular
auto tracing and measurement setting menu. Selectable parameters are PS, ED,
MD, TAMAX, TAMEAN, TAMIN, PI, RI, PS/ED, ED/PS, PV and HR. PV is to detect
peak velocity of vein flow. It is mutually exclusive of other measurements; that is,
once PV is selected, other measurements are automatically isolated.
4. Press “Freeze”, all vascular measurement and calculation results will display in
the results window.

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11.5 Gynecology Measurements

Gynecology measurements provide several types of measurement items:
 Uterus and Pelvis
 Follicle

11.5.1 B Mode measurements

For Gynecology measurements, it includes general measurement items and

some typical measurement items, such as Uterus Volume (Uterus), Ovary
Volume(OV), Follicle Volume and Endometriosis Thickness(En.). For general
measurements of 2D mode, it mainly includes “Depth” and “Distance”
measurement items. Refer to chapter “General Measurements” in detail.
 Depth
 Distance

The typical measurement items of Gynecology application are as follows:

UT(Uterus Volume)
To calculate Uterus Volume, make three distance measurements. The steps are
as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select UT, and an active tracing caliper displays.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
4. Repeat Step 3 to make the second and third distance measurement.
Note: Make three distance measurements in the dual display format by pressing
the “Left”/ “Right” on the control panel.
5. After the third distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
uterus volume in the results window.

OV(Ovary Volume)
To calculate Ovary Volume, make three distance measurements as normal. The
steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select OV(L) or OV(R), and an active tracing caliper displays.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
4. Repeat Step 3 to make the second and third distance measurement.
Note: Three distance measurements can be made in the dual display format by

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pressing “Left”/ “Right” on the control panel.
5. After the third distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
ovary volume in the results window.

Follicle (Follicle Volume)

To measure Follicle Volume, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Follicle (L)” or “Follicle(R)”.
3. Select the measurement method as shown below menu or use the default
one and an active tracing caliper displays.
4. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
5. Repeat Step 3 to make the second and third distance measurement.
Refer to chapter “General Measurements” for the single distance, dual distance
and three distance measurement methods. As for “Mean” measurement
method, three distance measurements are needed to calculate the follicle
volume. Three distance measurements can be made in the dual display format
by pressing “Left”/ “Right” on the control panel.
6. After the third distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
follicle volume in the results window.

En.(Endometriosis Thickness)
To measure Endometriosis Thickness, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “En.", and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the
endometriosis thickness in the results window.

The measurement menu of Gynecology application can be configured by adding

or removing the measurement items in “B” mode. Refer to “Measurement
Menu Configuration” in the chapter “General Measurements” for how to
configure of the measurement menu.

11.5.2 PW mode measurements

In “PW” mode of Gynecology application, it includes measurement folders as

 General Measurement Folder
 Ao (Aorta) Measurement Folder
 Desc. Aorta Measurement Folder
 Umbilical Measurement Folder
 Placenta Measurement Folder
 Uterus Measurement Folder
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 Follicle Measurement Folder
 MCA Measurement Folder

Configure the measurement menu of Gynecology application by adding or

removing the measurement folders in “PW” mode. Refer to the “Measurement
Menu Configuration” in the chapter “General Measurements” for how to make
the configuration of the measurement menu.

General Measurement Folder

In the General Measurement Folder, it includes measurement items as follows:
 Velocity
 PS
 ED
 MD
 PI
 RI
 A/B Ratio
 Velocity
 Time
 Acceleration
 HR

Other Measurement Folders

In the other Measurement Folders, they include the measurement items as
follows. It might have minor differences depending on the different factory
 Velocity
 PS
 ED
 MD
 PI
 RI
 A/B Ratio
 Velocity
 Time
 Acceleration
 HR

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Configure the measurement menu of all measurement folders by adding or
removing the measurement items in the measurement folders. Refer to the
“Measurement Menu Configuration” in the chapter “General Measurements”
for how to make the configuration of the measurement menu.

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11.6 Urology Measurements

Urology measurements provide several types of measurement items:
 Bladder
 Prostate
 Renal
 Kidney and ureter
 Pelvic Floor dysfunction

11.6.1 B Mode measurements

Urology measurements include general measurement items and some typical

measurement items, such as Bladder Volume, Renal Length, Renal Volume and
Prostate Volume. General measurements in 2D mode include measurement
items as follows. Refer to the chapter “General Measurements” in detail.
 Depth
 Distance
 Volume
 Angle
 Stenosis
 A/B Ratio

The typical measurement items of Urology application are as follows:

Bladder Volume
To calculate Bladder Volume, make three distance measurements. The steps are
as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Bladder”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
4. Repeat Step 3 to make the second and third distance measurement.
Note: Three distance measurements can be made in the dual display format by
pressing “Left”/ “Right” on the control panel.
5. After the third distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
bladder volume in the results window.

Renal Length

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To measure Renal Length, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Renal Len.(L)” or “Renal Len.(R)”, and an active tracing caliper displays.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the renal
length in the results window.

Renal Volume
To calculate Renal Volume, make three distance measurements. The steps are as
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Renal Vol.(L)” or “Renal Vol.(R)”, and an active tracing caliper displays.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
4. Repeat Step 3 to make the second and third distance measurement.
Note: Three distance measurements can be made in the dual display format by
pressing “Left”/ “Right”.
5. After the third distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
renal volume in the results window.

Prostate Volume
To calculate Prostate Volume, make three distance measurements. The steps
are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Prostate Vol.”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
4. Repeat Step 3 to make the second and third distance measurement.
Note: Three distance measurements can be made in the dual display format by
pressing “Left” / “Right”.
5. After the third distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
prostate volume in the results window.

PSAD and PPSA Measurement

“PSAD” and “PPSA” measurements can be made after Prostate Volume
measurement. The definition of PSAD and PPSA is as follows.
PSAD: Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA) Density – defined as: PSAD = PSA/Volume
PPSA: Predicted Prostate Specific Antigen – defined as:
PPSA= Volume x PPSA Coefficient

To measure PSAD and PPSA, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Measure “Prostate Volume”.
3. Select “PSA” and “PPSA Coefficient”, edit the coefficients:

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4. Enter the value of “PSA” and “PPSA Coefficient” in the above coefficient
Note: The value of “PSA” and “PPSA Coefficient” can be entered at the urology
patient screen also.
5. PSAD and PPSA are automatically calculated, and the system displays the
value in the results window.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Measurement

BNR (Bladder Neck Rest) Measurement

To take the Bladder Neck Rest Measurement, the steps are as follows:
1. Acquire the bladder image when the patient is in the rest status and press
2. Press “Measure”.
3. Select “BNR”, and a horizontal baseline displays on the image screen
4. Move the trackball to adjust the position of the baseline at the trailing edge of
the symphysisosslum pubis, and press “Enter”.
Note: It shows positive values below the baseline and negative values above the
5. When the baseline is fixed, an active tracing caliper displays on the image
screen. Move the trackball to position the caliper at the leading edge of the
bladder neck.
6. Perform a standard distance measurement, and the system displays the value
in the results window.

BNS (Bladder Neck Stress) Measurement

To take the Bladder Neck Stress Measurement, the steps are as follows:
1. Acquire the bladder image after the patient finishes the “Valsalva” and press
2. Press “Measure”.
3. Select “BNS”, and a horizontal baseline displays on the image screen
4. Move the trackball to adjust the position of the baseline at the trailing edge of
the symphysisosslum pubis, and press “Enter”.
Note: It shows positive values below the baseline and negative values above the
5. When the baseline is fixed, an active tracing caliper displays. Move the
trackball to put the caliper at the leading edge of the bladder neck.
6. Perform standard distance measurement, and the system displays the value in
the results window.

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BND (Bladder Neck Down) Measurement
To take the Bladder Neck Down Measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Measure “BNR” and “BNS”.
2. Select “BND”, and the system displays the BND value in the results window.
Note: BND = BNR – BNS

DWT (Detrusor Wall Thickness) Measurement

To measure Detrusor Wall Thickness, make three distance measurements on the
wall of the bladder. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “DWT”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
4. Repeat Step 3 to make the second and third distance measurement.
5. After the third distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
average detrusor wall thickness in the results window.

RUV(Residual Urine) Measurement

To calculate Residual Urine, make two distance measurements. The steps are as
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “RUV”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
4. Repeat Step 3 to make the second distance measurement.
5. When the second distance measurement is completed, the system calculates
the residual urine automatically and displays the value in the Results Window.
Note: RUV(ml) = D1(cm) x D2(cm) x 5.9 – 14.9.

UTDMAX(Maximum Uterine Down Position) Measurement

To measure the maximum position of uterine down. The steps are as follows:
1. Acquire the uterine image when the patient is on the stress status and click
the Freeze button.
2. Press “Measure”.
3. Select “UTDMAX”, and a horizontal baseline displays on the image screen
4. Move the trackball to adjust the position of the baseline at the trailing edge of
the symphysisosslum pubis, and press “Enter”.
Note: Positive values are shown below the baseline and negative values above
the baseline.
5. When the baseline is fixed, an active tracing caliper displays. Move the
trackball to put the caliper at the bottom position of the uterus.
6. Perform a standard distance measurement, and the system displays the value

150 / 257
in the results window.

RADMAX (Maximum Ampulla Recti Down Position) Measurement

To measure the maximum position of ampulla recti down, the steps are as
1. Acquire the image of ampulla recti when the patient is in the stress status and
press “Freeze”.
2. Press “Measure”.
3. Select “RADMAX”, and a horizontal baseline displays on the image screen.
4. Move the trackball to adjust the position of the baseline at the trailing edge of
the symphysisosslum pubis, and press “Enter”.
Note: Positive values are shown below the baseline and negative values above
the baseline.
5. When the baseline is fixed, an active tracing caliper displays. Move the
trackball to position the caliper at the bottom of the ampulla recti.
6. Perform a standard distance measurement, and the system displays the value
in the results window.

Rectocele Depth and Width Measurement

To measure Rectocele Depth and Width, make two distance measurements. The
steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Rectocele”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform one standard distance measurement, and the system displays the
rectocele depth in the results window.
4. Perform another standard distance measurement, and the system displays
the rectocele width in the results window.

Levator Hiatus Stress Measurement

To measure Lavator Hiatus Stress, make two distance measurements and the
system calculates the area automatically. The steps are as follows
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Levator Hiatus Stress”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the
image screen
3. Perform the first standard distance measurement.
4. Perform the second standard distance measurement.
5. Calculate the area of levator hiatus automatically, and the system displays the
values in the results window.

The measurement menu of Urology application can be configured by adding or

removing the measurement items in “B” mode. Refer to the “Measurement
Menu Configuration” in the chapter “General Measurements” for how to make
the configuration of the measurement menu.

151 / 257
11.6.2 PW Mode measurements

The “PW” mode of Gynecology application includes the following measurement

 General Measurement Folder

General Measurement Folder

The General Measurement Folder includes the following measurement items:
 Velocity
 PS
 ED
 MD
 PI
 RI

The measurement menu of Urology application can be configured by adding or

removing the measurement items in “PW” mode. Refer to “Measurement Menu
Configuration” in the chapter “General Measurements” for how to make the
configuration of the measurement menu.

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11.7 Pediatric Measurements

Pediatric measurements provide several types of measurement items:
 Neonatal Head
 Neonatal Abdomen
 Pediatric Abdomen
 Pediatric Hip

11.7.1 B Mode measurements

Pediatric measurements include general measurement items and some typical

measurement items, such as HIP(α), HIP(αβ), and acetabular cartilage thickness.
General measurements of 2D mode mainly consist of the following
measurement items. Refer to the chapter “General Measurements” for more
detailed information.
 Distance
 Area
 Volume
 Angle
 Stenosis
 A/B Ratio

The typical measurement items of Pediatric application are as follows:

Pediatric Hip Dysplasia Measurement

It is helpful to evaluate children’s hip dysplasia by calculating the HIP(α) and
HIP(αβ). To calculate HIP(α) and HIP(αβ), three lines are defined as follows:
1. Baseline, a line connected acetabular convexity and the cross point among
the joint capsule, perichondrium and ilium.
2. Acetabular roof line (Lineα), a line connected acetabular convexity and
inferior to hip.
3. Inclination line (Lineβ), a line connected acetabular convexity and
acetabular labrum.
Angle α is the angle between baseline and line α, and angle β is the angle
between baseline and line β.

153 / 257
a /b: IIlium
c: Acetabular labrum
d: Many strands of top
e: Acetabular roof
f: Caput Femoris

α line

To measure HIP(α). The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “HIP(α)(L)” or “HIP(α)(R)”, and a horizontal line displays on the image
3. Adjust the baseline to align with the acetabular convexity using the
4. Adjust the inclination of the baseline by the “Rotation/Steer” key.
5. Fix the baseline with the Enter key, and the system displays the line.
6. Adjust the inclination of the lineα by the “Rotation/Steer” key.
7. Fix the lineα with the “Enter” key, and the system displays the angleα in the
results window.

To measure HIP(αβ). The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “HIP(αβ)(L)” or “HIP(αβ)(R)”, and a horizontal line displays on the
image screen
3. Adjust the baseline to align with the acetabular convexity by the trackball.
4. Adjust the inclination of the baseline by the “Rotation/Steer” key.
5. Fix the baseline with the “Enter” key, and the system displays the lineα.
6. Adjust the inclination of the lineα by the “Rotation/Steer” key.
7. Fix the lineα with the “Enter” key, and the system displays the lineβ.
8. Adjust the inclination of the lineβ by the “Rotation/Steer” key.
9. Fix the lineβ with the “Enter” key, and the system displays the angleα and
angleβ in the results window.

Measurement configuration of HIP(αβ)

The steps are as follows:
1. Select the configuration menu of “HIP(αβ)” measurement, and the system
shows its measurement method as shown below:
2. Select the measurement method “Group” or “Ungroup” to complete the
measurement setting.

154 / 257
Note: Baseline, lineα and lineβ always intersect at the acetabular convexity.
Therefore, the operator should keep the three lines intersect at one point when
using either the Group method or Ungroup method.

Pediatric Hip Dysplasia Classification on the HIP(αβ) measurements

The steps are as follows:
1. Select “Hip Growth Type Definition” after the “HIP(αβ)” measurements, and
the system shows the pediatric hip dysplasia classification as shown below:

2. The pediatric hip dysplasia type can be rated based on the result of the HIP(αβ)

Acetabular Cartilage Thickness

To measure Acetabular Cartilage Thickness, make a single distance
The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “ACT”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform one standard distance measurement, and the system displays the
acetabular cartilage thickness in the results window.

11.7.2 PW mode measurements

The “PW” mode of Pediatric application includes the following measurement folder:
• General Measurement Folder
• Anterior cerebral artery measurement folder
• Middle cerebral artery measurement folder
• Posterior cerebral artery measurement folder
155 / 257
Configure the measurement menu of Pediatric application by adding or removing the
measurement folders in “PW” mode. Refer to the “Measurement Menu Configuration” in
the chapter “General Measurements” for how to make the configuration of the
measurement menu.

General Measurement Folder

In the General Measurement Folder, it includes measurement items as follows:
• Velocity
• PS
• ED
• MD
• PI
• RI
• Flow VOL
The measurement menu of Urology application can be configured by adding or removing the
measurement items in “PW” mode. Refer to “Measurement Menu Configuration” in the
chapter “General Measurements” for how to make the configuration of the measurement

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11.8 Obstetrics Measurements

Examination Preparation:
Prior to an ultrasound examination, the patient should be informed of the
clinical indication, specific benefits, potential risks, and alternatives, if any. In
addition, if the patient requests information about the exposure time and
intensity, it should be provided. Patient access to educational materials
regarding ultrasound is strongly encouraged to supplement the information
communicated directly to the patient. Furthermore, these examinations should
be conducted in a manner and take place in a setting which assures patient
dignity and privacy.
- Prior material knowledge and approval of the presence of nonessential
personnel with the number of such personnel kept to a minimum.
- An intent to share the information obtained with the parents per the
physician’s judgment, either during the examination or shortly thereafter.
- An offer of choice about viewing the fetus.
- An offer of choice about learning the sex of the fetus, if such information
becomes available. However, an ultrasound examination should not be carried
out for the sole purpose of identifying the sex of the fetus.
- Ultrasound examination performed solely to satisfy the family's desire to
know the sex of the fetus, to view the fetus, or to obtain a picture of the fetus
should be discouraged.

Acoustic Output Considerations

General warning
This device is a multi-use device which is capable of exceeding FDA
pre-enactment acoustic output (spatial peak temporal average) intensity limits
for fetal applications.

It is prudent to conduct an examination with the minimum amount and duration
of acoustic output necessary to optimize the image's diagnostic value.

Concerns surrounding fetal exposure

Always be aware of the acoustic output level by observing the Acoustic Output
Display. In addition, become thoroughly familiar with the Acoustic Output
Display and equipment controls affecting output.

It is recommended that all operators receive proper training in fetal Doppler
applications before performing them in a clinical setting. Contact a local sales
representative for training assistance please.
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Obstetrics measurements provide several types of measurement items:
 OB Early
 OB Mid
 OB Late
 Fetal Heart

11.8.1 B Mode measurements

Obstetrics measurements include general measurement items and some typical

measurement items, such as GS, CRL, NT, OB Ratio, Estimated Fetal Weight, OB
Curve and OB Table. General measurements of 2D mode mainly consist of the
measurement items below. Refer to the chapter “General Measurements” for
more detailed information.
 Depth
 Distance
 A/B Ratio

The typical measurement items of Obstetrics application are as shown below:

Gestational Sac (GS)

To measure the size of gestational sac, the method of measurement can be
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “GS” with the measurement method “Max”, and an active tracing
caliper displays.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement, and the system displays the
maximum diameter of the gestational sac in the results window.
To calculate the size of gestational sac with the “Mean” measurement method,
make three distance measurements. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “GS” with the measurement method “Mean”, and an active tracing
caliper displays on the image screen.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
4. Repeat Step 3 to make the second and third distance measurement.
Note: Three distance measurements can be made in the dual display format by
pressing “Left” / “Right”.
5. After the third distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
average diameter of the gestational sac in the results window.

Yolk Sac (YS)

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To measure the size of Yolk Sac, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “YS”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the size of
yolk sac in the results window.

Crown-rump Length (CRL)

To measure the Crown-rump Length, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “CRL”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the
crown-rump length in the results window.

Nuchal Translucency Thickness

To measure the Nuchal Translucency Thickness, if select the method “Manual”,
the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “NT”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the nuchal
translucency thickness in the results window.

If select the method “Auto”, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “NT”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen.
4. Fix one dotted box in the interest area, the system will provide the
measurement value automatically.

Uterus Volume (UT)

To calculate Uterus Volume, make three distance measurements. The steps are
as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “UT”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
4. Repeat Step 3 to make the second and third distance measurement.
Note: Three distance measurements can be made in the dual display format by
pressing “Left” / “Right”.
5. After the third distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
uterus volume in the results window.

Endometriosis Thickness (En.)

To measure Endometriosis Thickness, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “En.”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen

159 / 257
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the
endometriosis thickness in the results window.

Ovary Volume (OV)

To calculate Ovary Volume, make three distance measurements normally. The
steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “OV (L)” or “OV(R)”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
4. Repeat Step 3 to make the second and third distance measurement.
Note: Three distance measurements can be made in the dual display format by
pressing “Left” / “Right”.
5. After the third distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
ovary volume in the results window.

Biparietal Diameter (BPD)

To measure Biparietal Diameter, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “BPD”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the biparietal
diameter in the results window.

Occipito-frontal Diameter (OFD)

To measure Occipito-frontal Diameter, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “OFD”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the
occipito-frontal diameter in the results window.

Head Circumference (HC)

To calculate Head Circumference, there are five measurement methods:
BPD&OFD, Ellipse, Polygon, Spine and Trace. Ellipse and BPD&OFD method are
the most common settings.

To measure Head Circumference with the “BPD&OFD” method, make two

distance measurements. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “HC”.
3. Select the measurement method “BPD&OFD” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.

160 / 257
5. Repeat Step 3 to make the second distance measurement.
6. After the second distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
head circumference in the results window.

To measure Head Circumference with the “Ellipse” method, make an ellipse

measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “HC”.
3. Select the measurement method “Ellipse” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active ellipse displays on the image screen
4. To position the active caliper of the ellipse, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.
7. Adjust the “Ellipse” control and an ellipse with an initial circle shape displays.
Note: To position the ellipse and to size the measured axes (move the calipers),
move trackball.
8. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the head
circumference in the results window.

To measure Head Circumference with the “Polygon” method, make a polygon

trace measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “HC”.
3. Select the measurement method “Polygon” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. To position the active caliper of the polygon, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.
7. To fix the second point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the second caliper and
displays a third active caliper.
8. To position the third caliper, move the trackball.
9. To fix the third point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the third caliper and
displays a next active caliper.
Note: At least three calipers are needed to form a polygon.
10. Repeat Steps 8-9 to add more caliper of the polygon.
11. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the head
circumference in the results window.
Before completing the polygon measurement,
 To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press
“Clear” once;
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”

161 / 257
for at least 2 seconds.

To measure Head Circumference with the “Spline” method, make a spline trace
measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “HC”.
3. Select the measurement method “Spline” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. To position the active caliper of the spline, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.
7. To fix the second point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the second caliper and
displays a third active caliper.
8. To position the third caliper, move the trackball.
9. To fix the third point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the third caliper and
displays a next active caliper.
Note: At least three calipers are needed to form a spline.
10. Repeat Steps 8-9 to add more calipers to the spline.
11. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the head
circumference in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement,
 To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press
“Clear” once;
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”
for at least 2 seconds.

To measure Head Circumference with the “Trace” method, the steps are as
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “HC”.
3. Select the measurement method “Trace” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. To position the trace caliper, move the trackball.
5. To fix the trace start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
the trace caliper changes to an active tracing caliper.
6. To trace the measurement area, move the trackball around the anatomy.
7. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the head
circumference in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement,
 To erase the line (Before completing little by little) back from its current
point, press “Clear” k once;

162 / 257
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”
for at least 2 seconds.

Cerebellar Diameter (CD)

To measure Cerebellar Diameter, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “CD”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the cerebellar
diameter in the results window.

Transverse Cerebellar Diameter (TCD)

To measure Transverse Cerebellar Diameter, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “TCD”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the
transverse cerebellar diameter in the results window.

Binocular Diameter (BD)

To measure Binocular Diameter, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “BD”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the binocular
diameter in the results window.

Outer Orbital Diameter (OOD)

To measure Outer Orbital Diameter, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “OOD”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the outer
orbital diameter in the results window.

Inter Orbital Diameter (IOD)

To measure Inter Orbital Diameter, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “IOD”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the
inter-orbital diameter in the results window.

Humerus Length (HL)

To measure Humerus Length, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “HL”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the humerus
length in the results window.

163 / 257
Anter-posterior Abdominal Diameter (APAD)
To measure Anter-posterior Abdominal Diameter, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “APAD”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the
anter-posterior abdominal diameter in the results window.

Transverse Abdominal Diameter

To measure Transverse Abdominal Diameter, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “TAD”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the
transverse abdominal diameter in the results window.

Abdominal Circumference
To calculate Abdominal Circumference, there are five measurement methods:
APAD&TAD, Ellipse, Polygon, Spine and Trace. Ellipse and APAD&TAD method
are the default settings.

To measure Abdominal Circumference with the “APAD&TAD” method, make

two distance measurements. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “AC”.
3. Select the measurement method “APAD&TAD” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
5. Repeat Step 3 to make the second distance measurement.
6. After the second distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
abdominal circumference in the results window.

To measure Abdominal Circumference with the “Ellipse” method, make an

ellipse measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “AC”.
3. Select the measurement method “Ellipse” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active ellipse displays on the image screen
4. To position the active caliper of the ellipse, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.
7. Adjust the “Ellipse” control and an ellipse with an initial circle shape displays.
Note: To position the ellipse and to size the measured axes (move the calipers),

164 / 257
move the trackball.
8. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
abdominal circumference in the results window.

To measure Abdominal Circumference with the “Polygon” method, make a

polygon trace measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “AC”.
3. Select the measurement method “Polygon” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. To position the active caliper of the polygon, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.
7. To fix the second point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the second caliper and
displays a third active caliper.
8. To position the third caliper, move the trackball.
9. To fix the third point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the third caliper and
displays a next active caliper.
Note: At least three calipers are needed to form a polygon.
10. Repeat Steps 8-9 to add more calipers to the polygon.
11. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
abdominal circumference in the results window.
Before completing the polygon measurement,
 To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press
“Clear” once;
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”
for at least 2 seconds.

To measure Abdominal Circumference with the “Spline” method, make a spline

trace measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “AC”.
3. Select the measurement method “Spline” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. To position the active caliper of the spline, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.
7. To fix the second point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the second caliper and
displays a third active caliper.
8. To position the third caliper, move the trackball.
9. To fix the third point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the third caliper and

165 / 257
displays a next active caliper.
Note: At least three calipers are needed to form a spline.
10. Repeat Steps 8-9 to add more caliper of the spline.
11. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
abdominal circumference in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement,
 To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press
“Clear” key once;
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”
for at least 2 seconds.

To measure Abdominal Circumference with the “Trace” method, the steps are as
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “AC”.
3. Select the measurement method “Trace” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. To position the trace caliper, move the trackball.
5. To fix the trace start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
the trace caliper changes to an active tracing caliper.
6. To trace the measurement area, move the trackball around the anatomy.
7. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
abdominal circumference in the results window.
Note: Before completing the spline measurement,
 To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press
“Clear” key once;
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”
for at least 2 seconds.

Anter-posterior Trunk Diameter (APTD)

To measure Anter-posterior Trunk Diameter, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select APTD, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the
anter-posterior trunk diameter in the results window.

Transverse Trunk Diameter

To measure Transverse Trunk Diameter:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “TTD”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the
transverse trunk diameter in the results window.

166 / 257
Trunk Cross-sectional Area (AxT)
To calculate Trunk Cross-sectional Area, there are five measurement methods:
APAD&TAD, Ellipse, Polygon, Spine and Trace. Ellipse and APTD&TTD method
are the most common settings.

To measure Trunk Cross-sectional Area with the “APTD&TTD” method, make

two distance measurements.
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “AxT”.
3. Select the measurement method “APTD&TTD” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
5. Repeat Step 3 to make the second distance measurement.
6. After the second distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
trunk cross-sectional area in the results window.

To measure Trunk Cross-sectional Area with the Ellipse method, make an ellipse
measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “AxT”.
3. Select the measurement method “Ellipse” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active ellipse displays on the image screen
4. To position the active caliper of the ellipse, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.
7. Adjust the “Ellipse” control and an ellipse with an initial circle shape displays.
To position the ellipse and to size the measured axes (move the calipers), move
the trackball.
8. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the trunk
cross-sectional area in the results window.

To measure Trunk Cross-sectional Area with the “Polygon” method, make a

polygon trace measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “AxT”.
3. Select the measurement method “Polygon” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. To position the active caliper of the polygon, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.

167 / 257
7. To fix the second point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the second caliper and
displays a third active caliper.
8. To position the third caliper, move the trackball.
9. To fix the third point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the third caliper and
displays a next active caliper.
Note: At least three calipers are needed to form a polygon.
10. Repeat Steps 8-9 to add more calipers to the polygon.
11. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the trunk
cross-sectional area in the results window.
Before completing the polygon measurement,
 To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press
“Clear” key once;
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”
for at least 2 seconds.

To measure Trunk Cross-sectional Area with the “Spline” method, make a spline
trace measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “AxT”.
3. Select the measurement method “Spline” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. To position the active caliper of the spline, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.
7. To fix the second point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the second caliper and
displays a third active caliper.
8. To position the third caliper, move the trackball.
9. To fix the third point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the third caliper and
displays a next active caliper.
Note: At least three calipers are needed to form a spline.
10. Repeat Steps 8-9 to add more caliper of the spline.
11. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the trunk
cross-sectional area in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement,
 To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press
“Clear” once;
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”
for at least 2 seconds.

To measure Trunk Cross-sectional Area with the “Trace” method, the steps are
as follows:

168 / 257
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “AxT”.
3. Select the measurement method Trace as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. To position the trace caliper, move the trackball.
5. To fix the trace start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
the trace caliper changes to an active tracing caliper.
6. To trace the measurement area, move the trackball around the anatomy.
7. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the trunk
cross-sectional area in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement,
 To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press
“Clear” key once.
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”
for at least 2 seconds.

Fetal Trunk Area (FTA)

To calculate Fetal Trunk Area, there are five measurement methods: LTD&TTD,
Ellipse, Polygon, Spine and Trace. Ellipse and LTD&TTD method are the most
default settings.

To measure Fetal Trunk Area with the LTD&TTD method, make two distance
measurements. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “FTA”.
3. Select the measurement method “LTD&TTD” as the default setting from the
configuration menu and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
5. Repeat Step 3 to make the second distance measurement.
6. After the second distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
fetal trunk area in the results window.

To measure Fetal Trunk Area with the Ellipse method, make an ellipse
measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “FTA”.
3. Select the measurement method “Ellipse” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active ellipse displays.
4. To position the active caliper of the ellipse, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.

169 / 257
7. Adjust the “Ellipse” control and an ellipse with an initial circle shape displays.
To position the ellipse and to size the measured axes (move the calipers), move
the trackball.
8. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the fetal
trunk area in the results window.

To measure Fetal Trunk Area with the “Polygon” method, make a polygon trace
measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. .Press “Measure”
2. Select “FTA”.
3. Select the measurement method “Polygon” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. To position the active caliper of the polygon, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.
7. To fix the second point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the second caliper and
displays a third active caliper.
8. To position the third caliper, move the trackball.
9. To fix the third point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the third caliper and
displays a next active caliper.
Note: At least three calipers are needed to form a polygon.
10. Repeat Steps 8-9 to add more caliper of the polygon.
11. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the fetal
trunk area in the results window.
Before completing the polygon measurement,
 To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press
“Clear” once;
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”
for at least 2 seconds.

To measure Fetal Trunk Area with the “Spline” method, make a spline trace
measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “FTA”.
3. Select the measurement method “Spline” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. To position the active caliper of the spline, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.
7. To fix the second point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the second caliper and

170 / 257
displays a third active caliper.
8. To position the third caliper, move the trackball.
9. To fix the third point, press the Enter key. The system fixes the third caliper
and displays a next active caliper.
Note: At least three calipers are needed to form a spline.
10. Repeat Steps 8-9 to add more caliper of the spline.
11. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the fetal
trunk area in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement,
 To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press
“Clear” key once;
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”
for at least 2 seconds.

To measure Fetal Trunk Area with the “Trace” method, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “FTA”.
3. Select the measurement method “Trace” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. To position the trace caliper, move the trackball.
5. To fix the trace start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
the trace caliper changes to an active tracing caliper.
6. To trace the measurement area, move the trackball around the anatomy.
7. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the fetal
trunk area in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement,
 To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press
“Clear” key once;
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”
for at least 2 seconds

Transverse Thorax Diameter (THD)

To measure Transverse Thorax Diameter, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “THD”, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the
transverse thorax diameter in the results window.

Thorax Circumference (ThC)

To calculate Thorax Circumference, there are five measurement methods: L&W,
Ellipse, Polygon, Spine and Trace. Ellipse and L&W method are the most default

171 / 257
To measure Thorax Circumference with the L&W method, make two distance
measurements. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “THC”.
3. Select the measurement method “L&W” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays on the image screen
4. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
5. Repeat Step 3 to make the second distance measurement.
6. After the second distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
thorax circumference in the results window.

To measure Thorax Circumference with the Ellipse method, make an ellipse

measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “THC”.
3. Select the measurement method “Ellipse” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active ellipse displays on the image screen
4. To position the active caliper of the ellipse, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.
7. Adjust the “Ellipse” control and an ellipse with an initial circle shape displays.
To position the ellipse and to size the measured axes(move the calipers), move
the trackball.
8. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the thorax
circumference in the results window.

To measure Thorax Circumference with the Polygon method, make a polygon

trace measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “THC”.
3. Select the measurement method Polygon as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays.
4. To position the active caliper of the polygon, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.
7. To fix the second point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the second caliper and
displays a third active caliper.
8. To position the third caliper, move the trackball.
9. To fix the third point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the third caliper and

172 / 257
displays a next active caliper.
Note: At least three calipers are needed to form a polygon.
10. Repeat Steps 8-9 to add more calipers to the polygon.
11. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
thorax circumference in the Results Window.
Before completing the polygon measurement,
 To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press
“Clear” key once;
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”
for at least 2 seconds.

To measure Thorax Circumference with the Spline method, make a spline trace
measurement. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “THC”.
3. Select the measurement method Spline as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays.
4. To position the active caliper of the spline, move the trackball.
5. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
6. To position the second caliper, move the trackball.
7. To fix the second point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the second caliper and
displays a third active caliper.
8. To position the third caliper, move the trackball.
9. To fix the third point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the third caliper and
displays a next active caliper.
Note: At least three calipers are needed to form a spline.
10. Repeat Steps 8-9 to add more caliper of the spline.
11. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
thorax circumference in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement,
 To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press
“Clear” key once;
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”
for at least 2 seconds.

To measure Thorax Circumference with the Trace method, the steps are as
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “THC”.
3. Select the measurement method Trace as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays.

173 / 257
4. To position the trace caliper, move the trackball.
5. To fix the trace start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
the trace caliper changes to an active tracing caliper.
6. To trace the measurement area, move the Trackball around the anatomy.
7. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the thorax
circumference in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement,
 To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press
“Clear” key once;
 To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear”
for at least 2 seconds.

Fetal Cardiac Thorax Diameter Ratio (CTDR)

To measure Fetal Cardiac Thorax Diameter Ratio, make two distance
measurements. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “CTDR”, and an active tracing caliper display.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the distance
value in the results window.
4. Repeat Step 3 to make the second distance measurement.
5. After the second distance measurement is completed, the system displays the
cardiac thorax diameter ratio in the results window.

Fetal Cardiac Thorax Area Ratio (CTAR)

To measure Fetal Cardiac Thorax Area Ratio, make two area measurements. The
steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “CTAR”, and an active tracing caliper displays.
3. Perform a standard area measurement with the default measurement
method. The system displays the area value in the results window.
4. Repeat Step 3 to make the second area measurement.
5. After the second area measurement is completed, the system displays the
cardiac thorax area ratio in the results window.

Spinal Length (SL)

To measure Spinal Length, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “SL”, and an active tracing caliper displays.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the spinal
length in the results window.

Femur Length (FL)

To measure Femur Length, the steps are as follows:

174 / 257
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “FL”, and an active tracing caliper displays.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the femur
length in the results window.

Ulnar Length (ULNA)

To measure Ulnar Length, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “ULNA”, and an active tracing caliper displays.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the ulnar
length in the results window.

Radius Length (RAD)

To measure Radius Length, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “RAD”, and an active tracing caliper displays.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the radius
length in the results window.

Tibial Length (TIB)

To measure Tibial Length, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “TIB”, and an active tracing caliper displays.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the tibial
length in the results window.

Fibular Length (FIB)

To measure Fibular Length, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “FIB”, and an active tracing caliper displays.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the fibular
length in the results window.

Foot Length
To measure Foot Length, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Ft”, and an active tracing caliper displays.
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the foot
length in the results window.

Placenta Thickness (PT)

To measure Placenta Thickness, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “PT”, and an active tracing caliper displays.

175 / 257
3. Perform a standard distance measurement. The system displays the placenta
thickness in the results window.

Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI)

To calculate the Amniotic Fluid Index, make measurements of the four
quadrants of the uterine cavity. The system adds these four measurements
together to calculate the Amniotic Fluid Index. The steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “AFI”. The first distance measurement, AFI-Q1, is already selected.
3. Make a standard distance measurement for the first quadrant:
a. To position the active caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
b. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
c. To position the second active caliper at the end point, move the trackball. A
dotted line connects the measurement points.
d. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
distance value in the results window.
4. When the measurement of the first quadrant is completed, unfreeze the
image and move to the second quadrant.
5. After the image is obtained, then “Freeze” and “Measure” are pressed. The
system prompts to continue with the AFI measurements. Make sure that the
next quadrant has been selected.
6. Perform a standard distance measurement for the second, third and fourth
Quadrants, repeat step 2.
7. When all four quadrants have been measured, the system calculates the AFI
total and displays it in the results window.

OB Ratio:
To get the ratio result need to finish the two sub-items.

GA(LMP): Gestational age that is calculated based on the date of Last Menstrual

GA(GA):Gestational age(GA) is to show from the zona-binding count that day to
birth. The normal maturity is 38 weeks (266 days) for the fetus. Because of
zona-binding the time cannot be precisely calculated. It can only be estimated,

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and the average time could be reduced by 2 weeks according to the menstrual
age calculation. When in the patient information, input the date of the last
menstruation, and the system will automatically calculate the gestational age GA.
Another method is to measure the results calculated according to some
gestational age.

EDDbyLMP: Estimated delivery date that is calculated from the time of Last
Menstrual Period. When in the patient information, input the end time period of
time, the system will automatically calculate the estimated delivery date by LMP

EDDbyGA: When the system obtains the gestational age(GA), the system will
automatically calculate the delivery date gestational age estimates (EDDbyGA).

Multiple Fetus Measurement

The system allows to measure and report multiple fetus development. If more
than one fetus is imaged during the examination, enter the number of fetuses in
the patient information window, and there will be “ABCD” in measurement
menu (take 4 fetuses for example):
 A, B, C, D is the specific fetus, and 4 is the fetal quantity.
 Switch among A/4, B/4, C/4 and D/4 to take the measurement on the
specific fetus.

Estimated Fetal Weight (EFW)

Estimated Fetal Weight measurement is applied for OB Mid and OB Late
application only.

If “Auto Select EFW Method” is enabled in system setting, after do one or more
OB related measurements, like BPD, FL, HC, AC, the system will select one
method to calculate EFW automatically.
If it is disabled, select one method, the do the related measurements, the
system will calculate EFW.

EFW methods are depended on the selected EFW table in the system setting.

OB Curve Graph
OB Graphs allow to assess fetal growth compared to a normal growth curve.
When a patient has completed two or more ultrasound examinations, the
graphs can be used to look at fetal trending. For multi-gestational patients can
plot all fetuses and compare the growth on the graphs.

The system provides the following two basic types of graphs:

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• Fetal Growth Curve Graph – show one measurement per graph. These
graphs show the normal growth curve, positive and negative standard deviations
or applicable percentiles, and ultrasound age of the fetus using the current
measurement. For multi-gestational pregnancies can view all fetuses. If previous
examination data is available, the graph can show fetal trending.
• Fetal Growth Bar Graph – shows the ultrasound age and the gestational age
based on patient data. Plot all measurements on one graph.

To view OB graphs. The steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.

2. Select “OB Graph” (only for OB application), select “Graph Type”.

3. The system provides 5 types of display format on Fetal Growth Curve Graph:
Single, Dual, Quad, Multi-fetal Compare and Multi-fetal Parallel (these 2 types
only work when there are 2 or more fetuses).

3.1 Single display format displays a fetal growth curve graph of any a maternity
measuring parameter.Dual display format displays two fetal growth curve
graphs of any two maternity measuring parameters parallel. Quad display
format displays four fetal growth curve graphs of any four maternity measuring
parameters together.

3.2 Multi-fetal Compare and Multi-fetal Parallel are for the fetal growth curve
graph of multiple fetuses. Multi-fetal Compare displays the fetal growth curve
graph of the comparison among all fetuses. Multi-fetal Parallel displays the fetal
growth curve graphs of all fetuses parallel in the separate graph.

4. The system provides two types of display format on Fetal Growth Bar Graph:
Single and Multi-fetal Parallel (only work when there are 2 or more fetuses).
4.1 Single display format displays a fetal growth bar graph.
4.2 Multi-fetal Parallel displays the fetal growth curve graphs of all fetuses
parallel in the separate graph.

Fetal Growth Curve Graph

• The horizontal axis shows the fetal age in weeks. The system determines
this age from the data on the patient information window.

• The vertical axis shows one of the following:

- For measurements, mm or cm
- For ratios, percent
- For fetal weight, grams

• The Fetal Growth Curve Graph shows the information for the selected

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measurement as follows:
- The normal growth curve
- The standard deviations or relevant percentiles
- The gestational age of the fetus, using patient data (vertical dotted line)
- Using the current ultrasound measurement data, where the fetus is on
the growth curve

• The legend at the bottom of the graph shows the symbols and colors that
indicate data for fetal trending (Past and Present), and multiple gestation (Fetus)
in the Multi-fetal Compare Display format.

• To select which measurement want to display on the Fetal Growth Curve

a. On the graph display, the system displays a list of measurements.
b. Select the desired measurement. The system displays the Fetal Growth
Curve Graph for the selected measurement.

Fetal Growth Bar Graph

• The fetal growth bar graph shows current examination measurements and
the normal growth range based on the gestational age. It shows all
measurements on one graph.
- The horizontal axis shows the gestational weeks.
- The red vertical shows GA by LMP or EDD.
- The white “X” shows the ultrasound average age using the current
- The green rectangle shows the normal age range for the measurement.

• To add a new measurement to be displayed on the Fetal Growth Bar Graph,

do one of the following:
a. On the graph display, the system displays a list of measurements.
b. Select the desired measurement. The system displays the new selected
measurement on the Fetal Growth Bar Graph.

To Edit Patient Data on the Fetal Growth Graph

When working with graphs can change or enter the patient data as follows.
Note: Select the field to be changed or entered. The system allows to input the
patient data.
• LMP: the time of last menstrual period of the patient.
• BBT: the time of basal body temperature of the patient.
• GA: this field is computed using the LMP/BBT/Avg.US date on the Patient
information Window. Or show the data inputted.
• EDD: this field is computed using GA.

To change GA:

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a. Select the field.
b. Type the correct weeks or days.
The system makes the following changes:
-GA (LMP/BBT) is now GA(GA) and shows the age entered.
-In the Patient Data section, the GA changes.
-In the Patient Data section, the EDD shows an updated date, using the GA
• Fetus Position: type information about the fetus position.
• Placenta: type information about the placenta.

If there is one connected printer, select “Print” to print the OB graph.

11.8.2 M Mode measurements

In “M” mode of Obstetrics application, it includes measurement items as

• Depth
• Distance
• HR
• A/B Ratio

11.8.3 PW mode measurements

In “PW” mode of Obstetrics application, it includes measurement folders as

• General
• Aorta
• Desc.Aorta
• Umbilical
• Placenta
• Uterus
• Follicle

General Measurement Folder:

• Velocity
• PS
• ED
• MD
• PI

180 / 257
• RI
• HR

Other Measurement Folders:

• Velocity
• PS
• ED
• PI
• RI
• HR

Configure the measurement menu of all Measurement Folders by adding or
removing the measurement items in the Measurement Folders. Refer to the
“Measurement Menu Configuration” in the chapter “General Measurements”
for how to make the configuration of the measurement menu.

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11.9 Cardiac Measurements

Based on the application of different subjects, age and weight, Cardiac
measurement provides the different measurement options of each chamber and
the corresponding valve in diastolic and systolic period:
• General
• LV
• MV
• Ao
• AV
• LA
• RV
• TV
• PV
• RA
• System

Cardiac measurements provides the main measurement folders: General, LV, MV,
Ao, AV, LA, RV, TV, PV, RA, and System, on the B/M、CF、PW/ TD mode of this

Measurement Configuration of Measuring Option Folders

To configure the measurement folder options:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the configuration menu of the measurement folder options.
Note: Measurement folder option may not be same in the different mode.
3. Choose the measurement folder option which to have, or uncheck the
measurement folder option which does not need but has been chosen.
4. After finishing the configuration, press “Back” to return to the previous menu,
and the system shows the measurement folder list which has chosen.

To add the new measurement folder option:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the configuration menu of the measurement folder options.
Note: Measurement folder option may not be same in the different mode.
3. Select “Add”, and the system shows as the following window to add the new
measurement folder.
4. Input the name of the new added measurement folder, move the trackball
and press “OK”, or press “Cancel” to return to the previous menu.
5. The system returns to the measurement menu, and shows “Add” button in
182 / 257
the new added measurement folder. Choose this button to add the
measurement item for this measurement folder.
• For how to add measurement items in the measurement folder, refer to
“Measurement Customization” in the General Measurements.
• The following Cardiac Measurements are organized in accordance with the
measurement folder firstly, secondly according to the mode, and finally based
on the type of the measurement.
• Configure the measurement item, and refer to the corresponding section in
the General Measurements.
• Measurement of the last letter d general said diastolic, the letter s general
said systolic.

In “B” mode of Cardiac examination, the General Measurement Folder includes

measurements as follows:
• Depth
• Distance
• Circumference or Perimeter
• Area
• Volume
• Volume d
• Volume s
• %Stenosis
 Diam
 Area
• A/B Ratio
 Diam
 Area

In “M” mode of Cardiac examination, the General Measurement Folder includes

measurements as follows:
• Distance
• Time
• Slope or Velocity
• A/B Ratio
• HR

In the PW mode of Cardiac examination, the General Measurement Folder

includes measurements as follows:
• Velocity
• Time
• Acceleration

183 / 257
• A/B Ratio
 Velocity
 Time
 Acceleration
• Max PG
• Mean PG
• SV
 SV Diam
• HR

Note: Refer to the chapter “General Measurements” for how to execute and
configure the above measurements.

Cardiac Left Ventricular(LV) Measurement Folder

In “B” mode of Cardiac examination, the LV Measurement Folder includes
measurements as follows:
Single distance measurement:
• LVd Major
• LVd Minor
• LVs Major
• LVs Minor
• LVOT Diam

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, and an active tracing caliper
3. To position the active caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second active caliper at the end point, move the trackball. A
dotted line connects the measurement points, if preset accordingly.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
distance value in the results window.

Multiple distance measurement:

• LV Study

184 / 257
- IVSd
- IVSs
• LV Study (Simple)

To complete the LV Study or LV Study (Simple) measurement, perform six or two

standard distance measurements continuously.

To configure the measurement setting of LV Study, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Config” then selects “LV Study” button, and a menu displays.
a. Select Cube or Teichholz as the calculation formula.
b. Choose the parameters that need to be calculated and displayed in the results
LVEDV, LVESV, SV, EF, CO, SI, CI, LVIDd Index, LVd Mass, LVd Mass Index, LVd
Mass(ASE), LVd Mass Index(ASE), LVIDs Index, LVs Mass, LVs Mass Index, LVs
Mass(ASE), LVs Mass Index(ASE), %FS, %IVS, and %LVPW.
Note: The calculation of some parameters need to use HR and BSA, where HR
can be gotten from ECG device, and BSA can be calculated through the patient’s
height and weight.
Area Measurement, and the measurement method option can be Polygon,
Spline and Trace, where Trace method is the default setting.
• 2C LVAd
• 2C LVAs
• 4C LVAd
• 4C LVAs
• S LVAd
• S LVAs
• Endo LVAd
• Endo LVAs
• EpiLVAd
• Epi LVAs
• LVOT Area

To execute the area measurement by Trace method, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the area measurement to be executed.
3. Select the measurement method Trace as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays.

185 / 257
4. To position the trace caliper, move the trackball.
5. To fix the trace start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
the trace caliper changes to an active tracing caliper.
6. To trace the measurement area, move the Trackball around the anatomy.
7. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measured area value in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement,
• To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press “Clear”
key once;
• To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear” for
at least 2 seconds.

Single Trace combined with Single Distance Measurement:

• Diastolic Period: A2C LVEDV, A4C LVEDV
• Systolic Period: A2C LVESV, A4C LVESV

When the single plane area-length method is applied, area of cross-section of

the left ventricle (A), and length of the long axis of the left ventricle (L) are
measured, and length of the short axis of the left ventricle (D) is calculated from
these data using the following formula on the assumption that the left ventricle
is a spheroid:
• A2C A-L
- LVAd
- LVLd
- LVAs
- LVLs
• A4C A-L
- LVAd
- LVLd
- LVAs
- LVLs
• Bi-plane A2C&A4C A-L
- A2C LVAd
- LVLd
- A2C LVAs
- LVLs
- A4C LVAd
- A4C LVAs
To execute the multiple area and multiple distance measurements, the steps are
as below:
1. Enter “Measure”, select the measurement item.
2. Press Enter key to start the measurement.
3. Fix the area with the relevant method.

186 / 257
4. Fix the distance.
5. Repeat step 3-4 for twice or three times to complete the measurement.

When the Single-plane/Enter Simpson Disc method is used, the long axes (L) of
apical two-chamber or four-chamber views is divided equally into 20, and the
inside diameters of the short axes (ai and bi) of 20 disks in directions
perpendicular to the long axes are obtained. Left ventricular volume is
calculated from the total sum of the cross-sectional areas of the 20 discs. The
areas of the left ventricular cavity are obtained on the assumption that each disc
is oval:
• A2C-Enter Simpson Disc Method
• A4C-Enter Simpson Disc Method
• Modified Simpson Disc Method
To execute the multiple area and multiple distance measurements, the steps are
as below:
1. Enter “Measure”, select the measurement item.
2. Press Enter key to start the measurement.
3. Fix the trace.
4. Fix the vertex.
5. Repeat step 3-4 for twice or more times to complete the measurement.

In “M” mode of Cardiac examination, the “LV” measurement folder includes

measurements as follows:
Single Distance Measurement:

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the active caliper at the most anterior point to be measured,
move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and

187 / 257
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the most posterior point to be measured,
move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the vertical
distance between the two points in the results window.

Multiple Distance Measurements:

• LV Study
- IVSd
- IVSs
• LV Study (Simple)

To complete the LV Study or LV Study (Simple) measurement, perform six or two

standard distance measurements continuously.

To configure the measurement setting of LV Study, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Config” then selects “LV Study” button, and a menu displays.
a. Select “Cube” or “Teichholz” as the calculation formula.
b. Choose the parameters that need to be calculated and displayed in the results
LVEDV, LVESV, SV, EF, CO, SI, CI, LVIDd Index, LVd Mass, LVd Mass Index, LVd
Mass(ASE), LVd Mass Index(ASE), LVIDs Index, LVs Mass, LVs Mass Index, LVs
Mass(ASE), LVs Mass Index(ASE), %FS, %IVS, and %LVPW.
Note: The calculation of some parameters need to use HR and BSA, where HR
can be gotten from ECG device, and BSA can be calculated through the patient’s
height and weight.

Single Time Interval Measurement:

• MVcf
• HR(R-R)

To execute the time interval measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the time measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.

188 / 257
3. To position the caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the first caliper, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
horizontal time interval between the two calipers in the results window.

In “PW” mode of Cardiac examination, the LV Measurement Folder includes the

following measurements:
• Single Velocity Measurement:
• LVOT Vmax

To execute the velocity measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen..
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the Trackball.
4. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
velocity measurement in the results window.

Double Velocity Measurement:

 Vmax1
 Vmax2

To execute the two velocity measurements, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the double velocity measurement which to be execute, a vertical and
horizontal dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the Trackball.
4. To complete the first velocity measurement, press “Enter”. The system
displays the first velocity measurement in the Results Window, and a second
active caliper with a vertical and horizontal dotted line displays.
5. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the Trackball.
6. To complete the second velocity measurement, press “Enter”. The system
displays the second velocity measurement and Max PG in the results window.

Single Time Interval Measurement:


To execute the time interval measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.

189 / 257
2. Select the time measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen..
3. To position the caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the first caliper, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
horizontal time interval between the two calipers in the results window.

Single Trace Measurement:

• LVOT Trace

To execute the trace measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the trace measurement to be executed, an active trace caliper displays.
3. To fix the start point, press “Enter”.
4. To trace the velocities of the desired portion of the spectrum, move the
Note: To re-edit the existing trace line, press “Clear” once and move the
trackball again.
5. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measurement values in the results window.

To configure the trace measurement:

Configure the single trace measurement to define the parameter that needs to
be calculated and displayed in the Results Window.
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Config”, then select "LVOT Trace”, and a menu displays.
3. Choose the measurement to be executed.

Single Trace combined with Single Distance Measurement:

• SV (Stroke Volume)
 SV Diam
- SI
- CI

To measure SV, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “SV”.
3. Select “SV Diam”, and perform the single distance measurement.
4. Select “SV TAMEAN”, and perform the single trace measurement.
5. The system displays “SV” and “SI” measurement values in the results window.

190 / 257
To measure CO, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “SV”.
3. Execute “SV” measurement first.
4. Select “CO HR”, and perform the measurement on HR.
5. The system displays “CO” and “CI” measurement values in the results

To execute “Semiauto Trace”, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select item “Semiauto Trace”.
3. Fix the start and end point on PW image.
4. The system will provide the results automatically. In config page, the operator
can select target items to display in the result window.

Cardiac Mitral Valve(MV) Measurement Folder

In “B” mode of Cardiac examination, the MV Measurement Folder includes
measurements as follows:
Single Distance Measurement:
• MV Ann Diam
• MR Radius(only available in the CFI mode)

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, and an active tracing caliper
3. To position the active caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second active caliper at the end point, move the trackball. A
dotted line connects the measurement points, if preset accordingly.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
distance value in the results window.

Area Measurement, and the measurement method option can be Polygon,

Spline and Trace, where Trace method is the default setting.
• MVA by PHT

To execute the area measurement by “Trace” method, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the area measurement to be executed.

191 / 257
3. Select the measurement method “Trace” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays.
4. To position the trace caliper, move the trackball.
5. To fix the trace start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
the trace caliper changes to an active tracing caliper.
6. To trace the measurement area, move the Trackball around the anatomy.
7. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measured area value in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement:
• To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press “Clear”
• To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear” for
at least 2 seconds.

In “M” mode of Cardiac examination, the MV Measurement Folder includes

measurements as follows:
Single Distance Measurement:

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the active caliper at the most anterior point to be measured,
move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the most posterior point to be measured,
move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the vertical
distance between the two points in the results window.

Single Slope Measurement:

• D-E Excursion
• D-E Slope
• E-F Slope

To execute the slope measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the slope measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the active caliper at the start point to be measured, move the

192 / 257
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point to be measured, move the
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the slope,
vertical distance and horizontal time interval between the two points in the
results window.

• A/B Ratio(Slope)
• MVE/A Ratio
 MV Vel A
 MV Vel E

To measure A/B Ratio(Slope), the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select MV E/A Ratio, a vertical and horizontal dotted line and an active tracing
caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the velocity A, move the trackball.
4. To fix the velocity A, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the velocity A, move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter” to fix the velocity B. The system
displays the velocity A, velocity B and velocity A/velocity B ratio in the results

In the PW mode of Cardiac examination, the MV Measurement Folder includes

the following measurements:
Single Velocity Measurement:
• MR Vmax
• MV Vmax

To execute the velocity measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
4. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
velocity measurement in the results window.

Double Velocity Measurement:

• MR Max PG
 Vmax1
 Vmax2
• MV Max PG

193 / 257
 Vmax1
 Vmax2
• MV E/A Ratio
 MV Vel A
• MV Vel E

To execute the two velocity measurements, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the double velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and
horizontal dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
4. To complete the first velocity measurement, press “Enter”. The system
displays the first velocity measurement in the results window, and a second
active caliper with a vertical and horizontal dotted line displays.
5. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the second velocity measurement, press “Enter” . The system
displays the second velocity measurement and Max PG or velocity ratio in the
results window.

Single Time Interval Measurement:

• MV Acc Time
• MV Dec Time
• MV A Dur

To execute the time interval measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the time measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the first caliper, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
horizontal time interval between the two calipers in the results window.

Single Slope Measurement:

• MR Acc
• MV Acc
• MV Dec
• MPA by PHT

194 / 257
To execute the slope measurement, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the slope measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the active caliper at the start point to be measured, move the
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point to be measured, move the
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the slope,
two velocities and horizontal time interval between the two points in the results

Single Trace Measurement:

• MR Trace
• MV Trace

To execute the trace measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the trace measurement to be executed, an active trace caliper displays.
3. To fix the start point, press “Enter”.
4. To trace the velocities of the desired portion of the spectrum, move the
Note: To re-edit the existing trace line, press “Clear” once and move the
trackball again.
5. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measurement values in the results window.

To configure the trace measurement:

Configure the single trace measurement to define the parameter that needs to
be calculated and displayed in the Results Window.
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Config” then select “MR Trace or MV Trace” button, and a menu
3. Choose the measurement to be executed.

Multiple Time Interval Measurement:

LV TEI Index
 MV C-O dur
To execute the time interval measurement, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.

195 / 257
2. Select “LV TEI Index” to be executed, a vertical and horizontal dotted line and
an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the first caliper, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
horizontal time interval between the two calipers in the results window.

Cardiac Aortic Measurement Folder

In “B” mode of Cardiac examination, the “Ao” Measurement Folder includes
measurements as follows:
Single Distance Measurement:
• AoDiam
• Ao Arch Diam
• AoAscDiam
• AoDescDiam
• Ao Isthmus
• Ao ST Junct

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, and an active tracing caliper
displays on the image screen
3. To position the active caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second active caliper at the end point, move the Trackball. A
dotted line connects the measurement points, if preset accordingly.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
distance value in the results window.

In “M” mode of Cardiac examination, the “Ao” Measurement Folder includes the
following measurements:
Single Distance Measurement:
• AoDiam

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the active caliper at the most anterior point to be measured,
move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and

196 / 257
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the most posterior point to be measured,
move the Trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the vertical
distance between the two points in the results window.

In “PW” mode of Cardiac examination, the “Ao” Measurement Folder includes

measurements as follows:
Single Velocity Measurement:
• AR Vmax
• AREndVmax
• Coarc Pre-Dust
• Coarc Post-Dust

To execute the velocity measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
4. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
velocity measurement in the results window.

Double Velocity Measurement:

• AR Max PG
 Vmax1
 Vmax2

To execute the two velocity measurements, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the double velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and
horizontal dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the Trackball.
4. To complete the first velocity measurement, press “Enter”. The system
displays the first velocity measurement in the results window, and a second
active caliper with a vertical and horizontal dotted line displays.
5. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the second velocity measurement, press “Enter”. The system
displays the second velocity measurement and Max PG in the results window.

Single Slope Measurement:


To execute the slope measurement, the steps are as follows:

197 / 257
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the slope measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the active caliper at the start point to be measured, move the
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point to be measured, move the
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the slope,
two velocities and horizontal time interval between the two points in the results

Single Trace Measurement:

• AR Trace

To execute the trace measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the trace measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To fix the start point, press “Enter”.
4. To trace the velocities of the desired portion of the spectrum, move the
Note: To re-edit the existing trace line, press Clear once and move the trackball
5. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measurement values in the results window.

To configure the trace measurement:

Configure the single trace measurement to define the parameter that needs to
be calculated and displayed in the Results Window.
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Config” then select “AR Trace” button, and a menu displays.
3. Choose the measurement to be executed.

Cardiac Aortic Valve(AV) Measurement Folder

In the B mode of Cardiac examination, the AV Measurement Folder includes the
following measurements:
Single Distance Measurement:
• AV Diam
• AV Cusp
• AR Radius(only available in the CFI mode)

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

198 / 257
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the active caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second active caliper at the end point, move the Trackball. A
dotted line connects the measurement points, if preset accordingly.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
distance value in the results window.

Area Measurement, and the measurement method option can be Polygon,

Spline and Trace, where Trace method is the default setting.
• AV–A
• Trans AVAd
• Trans AVAs

To execute the area measurement by Trace method, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the area measurement to be executed.
3. Select the measurement method Trace as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays.
4. To position the trace caliper, move the trackball.
5. To fix the trace start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
the trace caliper changes to an active tracing caliper.
6. To trace the measurement area, move the trackball around the anatomy.
7. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measured area value in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement:
• To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press “Clear”
• To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear” for
at least 2 seconds.

In the M mode of Cardiac examination, the AV Measurement Folder includes the

following measurements:
Single Distance Measurement:
• AV Cusp

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal

199 / 257
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the active caliper at the most anterior point to be measured,
move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the most posterior point to be measured,
move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the vertical
distance between the two points in the results window.

In “PW” mode of Cardiac examination, the AV Measurement Folder includes

measurements as follows:
Single Velocity Measurement:
• AV Vmax

To execute the velocity measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
4. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
velocity measurement in the results window.

Double Velocity Measurement:

• AV Max PG
 Vmax1
 Vmax2

To execute the two velocity measurements, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the double velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and
horizontal dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
4. To complete the first velocity measurement, press “Enter”. The system
displays the first velocity measurement in the Results Window, and a second
active caliper with a vertical and horizontal dotted line displays.
5. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the second velocity measurement, press “Enter”. The system
displays the second velocity measurement and Max PG in the results window.

Single Time Interval Measurement:

• AV Acc Time
• AV Dec Time

200 / 257

To execute the time interval measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the time measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the start point, move the Trackball.
4. To fix the first caliper, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
horizontal time interval between the two calipers in the Results Window.

A/B Ratio(Time)Measurement:
• AV Ratio
• AV Acc Time

To measure AV Ratio, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “AV Ratio”, a vertical and horizontal dotted line and an active tracing
caliper will display on the image screen.
3. Perform two standard time interval measurements on AV Acc Time and AVET.
4. The system displays AV Acc Time, AVET and AV Acc Time/AVET Ratio in the
results window.

Single Slope Measurement:

• AV Acc
• AV Dec
• AVA by PHT

To execute the slope measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the slope measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the active caliper at the start point to be measured, move the
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point to be measured, move the
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the slope,
two velocities and horizontal time interval between the two points in the results

201 / 257

Single Trace Measurement:

• AV Trace

To execute the trace measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the trace measurement to be executed, an active trace caliper displays.
3. To fix the start point, press “Enter”.
4. To trace the velocities of the desired portion of the spectrum, move the
Note: To re-edit the existing trace line, press Clear once and move the trackball
5. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measurement values in the results window.

To configure the trace measurement:

Configure the single trace measurement to define the parameter that needs to
be calculated and displayed in the results window.
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Config” then select “AV Trace” button, and a menu displays.
3. Choose the measurement to be executed.

Cardiac Left Atrium(LA) Measurement Folder

In the B mode of Cardiac examination, the LA Measurement Folder includes the
following measurements:
Single Distance Measurement:
• LA Diam
• LAd Major
• LAd Minor
• LAs Major
• LAs Minor

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, and an active tracing caliper
3. To position the active caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second active caliper at the end point, move the Trackball. A
dotted line connects the measurement points, if preset accordingly.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
distance value in the results window.

202 / 257
Area Measurement, and the measurement method option can be Polygon,
Spline and Trace, where Trace method is the default setting.
• LAAd
• LAAs

To execute the area measurement by Trace method, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the area measurement to be executed.
3. Select the measurement method Trace as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays.
4. To position the trace caliper, move the trackball.
5. To fix the trace start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
the trace caliper changes to an active tracing caliper.
6. To trace the measurement area, move the trackball around the anatomy.
7. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measured area value in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement:
• To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press “Clear”
• To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear” for
at least 2 seconds.

Single Trace combined with Single Distance Measurement:

• Diastolic Period: A2C LAEDV, A4C LAEDV
• Systolic Period: A2C LAESV, A4C LAESV

In the M mode of Cardiac examination, the LA Measurement Folder includes the

following measurements:
Single Distance Measurement:
• LA Diam

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the active caliper at the most anterior point to be measured,
move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the most posterior point to be measured,
move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the vertical

203 / 257
distance between the two points in the results window.

A/B Ratio(Diam) Measurement:

• LA/Ao
• LA Diam
• AoDiam

To measure LA/Ao, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “LA/Ao”, a vertical and horizontal dotted line and an active tracing
caliper will display on the image screen.
3. Perform two standard distance measurements on LA Diam and Ao Diam.
4. The system displays LA Diam, AoDiam and LA Diam/AoDiam Ration in the
results window.
Cardiac Right Ventricular(RV) Measurement Folder
In the B mode of Cardiac examination, the RV Measurement Folder includes the
following measurements:
Single Distance Measurement:
• RVd Major
• RVd Minor
• RVs Major
• RVs Minor
• RVOT Diam
• LPA Diam
• RPA Diam
• MPA Diam

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, and an active tracing caliper
3. To position the active caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second active caliper at the end point, move the trackball. A
dotted line connects the measurement points, if preset accordingly.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
distance value in the results window.

Area Measurement, and the measurement method option can be Polygon,

204 / 257
Spline and Trace, where Trace method is the default setting.
• RVAd
• RVAs

To execute the area measurement by Trace method, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the area measurement to be executed.
3. Select the measurement method “Trace” as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays.
4. To position the trace caliper, move the trackball.
5. To fix the trace start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
the trace caliper changes to an active tracing caliper.
6. To trace the measurement area, move the Trackball around the anatomy.
7. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measured area value in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement:
• To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press “Clear”
• To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear” for
at least 2 seconds.

In the M mode of Cardiac examination, the RV Measurement Folder includes the

following measurements:
Single Distance Measurement:

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the active caliper at the most anterior point to be measured,
move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the most posterior point to be measured,
move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the vertical
distance between the two points in the results window.

205 / 257
Double Distance Measurement:
• RV Study
To complete the RV Study measurement, perform the two standard distance
measurements continuously.

Single Time Interval Measurement:


To execute the time interval measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the time measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the first caliper, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
horizontal time interval between the two calipers in the results window.

In the PW mode of Cardiac examination, the RV Measurement Folder includes

the following measurements:
Single Velocity Measurement:
• RVOT Vmax

To execute the velocity measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
4. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
velocity measurement in the results window.

Double Velocity Measurement:

 Vmax1
 Vmax2

To execute the two velocity measurements, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the double velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and

206 / 257
horizontal dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
4. To complete the first velocity measurement, press “Enter”. The system
displays the first velocity measurement in the results window, and a second
active caliper with a vertical and horizontal dotted line displays.
5. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the second velocity measurement, press “Enter”. The system
displays the second velocity measurement and Max PG in the results window.

Single Time Interval Measurement:


To execute the time interval measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the time measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the start point, move the Trackball.
4. To fix the first caliper, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
horizontal time interval between the two calipers in the results window.

Single Trace Measurement:

• RVOT Trace

To execute the trace measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the trace measurement to be executed, an active trace caliper displays.
3. To fix the start point, press “Enter”.
4. To trace the velocities of the desired portion of the spectrum, move the
Note: To re-edit the existing trace line, press “Clear” once and move the
trackball again.
5. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measurement values in the results window.

To configure the trace measurement:

Configure the single trace measurement to define the parameter that needs to
be calculated and displayed in the Results Window.
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Config” then select “RVOT Trace” button, and a menu displays.
3. Choose the measurement to be executed.

207 / 257
Single Trace combined with Single Distance Measurement:
• SV (Stroke Volume)
 SV Diam
- SI
- CI

To measure SV, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “SV”.
3. Select “SV Diam”, and perform the single distance measurement.
4. Select “SV TAMEAN”, and perform the single trace measurement.
5. The system displays “SV” and “SI” measurement values in the results window.

To measure CO, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “SV”.
3. Execute “SV” measurement first.
4. Select “CO HR”, and perform the measurement on “HR”.
5. The system displays CO and CI measurement values in the results window.

Cardiac Tricuspid Valve(TV) Measurement Folder

In the B mode of Cardiac examination, the TV Measurement Folder includes the
following measurements:
Single Distance Measurement:
TV Ann Diam
• TR Radius(only available in CFI mode)

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, and an active tracing caliper
3. To position the active caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second active caliper at the end point, move the Trackball. A
dotted line connects the measurement points, if preset accordingly.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
distance value in the results window.

Area Measurement

208 / 257
The measurement method options are Polygon, Spline and Trace. Trace method
is the default setting.

To execute the area measurement by Trace method, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the area measurement to be executed.
3. Select the measurement method Trace as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays.
4. To position the trace caliper, move the trackball.
5. To fix the trace start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
the trace caliper changes to an active tracing caliper.
6. To trace the measurement area, move the trackball around the anatomy.
7. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measured area value in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement,
• To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press “Clear”
• To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear” for
at least 2 seconds.

In the M mode of Cardiac examination, the TV Measurement Folder includes the

following measurements:
Single Time Interval Measurement:
• Q-to-TV close

To execute the time interval measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the time measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the first caliper, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
horizontal time interval between the two calipers in the results window.

In the PW mode of Cardiac examination, the TV Measurement Folder includes

the following measurements:
Single Velocity Measurement:
• TR Vmax
• TV Vmax

209 / 257
To execute the velocity measurement, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
4. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
velocity measurement in the results window.

Double Velocity Measurement:

• TR Max PG
 Vmax1
 Vmax2
• TV Max PG
 Vmax1
 Vmax2
• TV E/A Ratio
 MV Vel A
 MV Vel E

To execute the two velocity measurements, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the double velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and
horizontal dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
4. To complete the first velocity measurement, press “Enter”. The system
displays the first velocity measurement in the results window, and a second
active caliper with a vertical and horizontal dotted line displays.
5. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the second velocity measurement, press “Enter”. The system
displays the second velocity measurement and Max PG or TV E/A Ratio in the
results window.

Single Time Interval Measurement:

• TV A Dur
• Q-to-TV close

To execute the time interval measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the time measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the start point, move the trackball.

210 / 257
4. To fix the first caliper, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
horizontal time interval between the two calipers in the results window.

Multiple Time Interval Measurement:

RV TEI Index
 TV C-O dur
To execute the time interval measurement, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “RV TEI Index” to be executed, a vertical and horizontal dotted line and
an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the first caliper, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
horizontal time interval between the two calipers in the results window.

Single Slope Measurement:

• TR Acc

To execute the slope measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the slope measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the active caliper at the start point to be measured, move the
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point to be measured, move the
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the slope,
two velocities and horizontal time interval between the two points in the results

Single Trace Measurement:

• TR Trace
• TV Trace

To execute the trace measurement, the steps are as follows:

211 / 257
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the trace measurement to be executed, an active trace caliper displays.
3. To fix the start point, press “Enter”.
4. To trace the velocities of the desired portion of the spectrum, move the
Note: To re-edit the existing trace line, press Clear once and move the trackball
5. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measurement values in the results window.

To configure the trace measurement:

Configure the single trace measurement to define the parameter that needs to
be calculated and displayed in the results window.
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Config” then select “TR Trace” or “TV Trace” button, and a menu
3. Choose the measurement to be executed.

Single Trace combined with Single Distance Measurement:

• SV (Stroke Volume)
 SV Diam
- SI
- CI

To measure SV, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “SV”.
3. Select “SV Diam”, and perform the single distance measurement.
4. Select “SV TAMEAN”, and perform the single trace measurement.
5. The system displays “SV” and “SI” measurement values in the results window.

To measure CO, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “SV”.
3. Execute SV measurement first.
4. Select “CO HR”, and perform the measurement on HR.
5. The system displays CO and CI measurement values in the results window.
Cardiac Pulmonary Valve(PV) Measurement Folder
In the B mode of Cardiac examination, the PV Measurement Folder includes the
following measurements:
Single Distance Measurement:

212 / 257
• Pulmonic Diam
• PV Ann Diam
• PR Radius(only available in the CFI mode)

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, and an active tracing caliper
3. To position the active caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second active caliper at the end point, move the trackball. A
dotted line connects the measurement points, if preset accordingly.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
distance value in the results window.

Area Measurement
The measurement method options are Polygon, Spline and Trace, where Trace
method is the default setting.
• PV-A

To execute the area measurement by Trace method, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the area measurement to be executed.
3. Select the measurement method Trace as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays.
4. To position the trace caliper, move the trackball.
5. To fix the trace start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
the trace caliper changes to an active tracing caliper.
6. To trace the measurement area, move the trackball around the anatomy.
7. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measured area value in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement:
• To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press “Clear”
• To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear” for
at least 2 seconds.

In the M mode of Cardiac examination, the PV Measurement Folder includes the

following measurements:
Single Time Interval Measurement:
• Q-to-PV close

213 / 257
To execute the time interval measurement, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the time measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the first caliper, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
horizontal time interval between the two calipers in the results window.

In the PW mode of Cardiac examination, the PV Measurement Folder includes

the following measurements:
Single Velocity Measurement:
• PR Vmax
• PREnd Vmax
• PV Vmax

To execute the velocity measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
4. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
velocity measurement in the results window.

Double Velocity Measurement:

• PR Max PG
 Vmax1
 Vmax2
• PREnd Max PG
 Vmax1
 Vmax2
• PV Max PG
 Vmax1
 Vmax2

To execute the two velocity measurements, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the double velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and
horizontal dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.

214 / 257
4. To complete the first velocity measurement, press “Enter”. The system
displays the first velocity measurement in the results window, and a second
active caliper with a vertical and horizontal dotted line displays.
5. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the second velocity measurement, press “Enter”. The system
displays the second velocity measurement and Max PG in the results window.

Single Time Interval Measurement:

• PV Acc Time
• PV Dec Time
• Q-to-PV close

To execute the time interval measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the time measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the first caliper, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
horizontal time interval between the two calipers in the results window.

A/B Ratio(Time)Measurement:
• PV Ratio
• PV Acc Time

To measure PV Ratio, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “PV Ratio”, a vertical and horizontal dotted line and an active tracing
caliper will display on the image screen.
3. Perform two standard time interval measurements on PV Acc Time and PVET.
4. The system displays PV Acc Time, PVET and PV Acc Time/PVET Ratio in the
results window.

Single Slope Measurement:

• PR Acc
• PV Acc

To execute the slope measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.

215 / 257
2. Select the slope measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the active caliper at the start point to be measured, move the
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point to be measured, move the
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the slope,
two velocities and horizontal time interval between the two points in the results

Single Trace Measurement:

• PR Trace
• PV Trace

To execute the trace measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the trace measurement to be executed, an active trace caliper displays.
3. To fix the start point, press “Enter”.
4. To trace the velocities of the desired portion of the spectrum, move the
Note: To re-edit the existing trace line, press Clear once and move the trackball
5. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measurement values in the results window.

To configure the trace measurement:

Configure the single trace measurement to define the parameter that needs to
be calculated and displayed in the results window.
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select “Config” then select “PR Trace” or “PV Trace” button, and a menu
3. Choose the measurement to be executed.

Cardiac Right Atrium(RA) Measurement Folder

In the B mode of Cardiac examination, the RA Measurement Folder includes the
following measurements:
Single Distance Measurement:
• RAd Major
• RAd Minor
• RAs Major
• RAs Minor

216 / 257
To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, and an active tracing caliper
3. To position the active caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second active caliper at the end point, move the trackball. A
dotted line connects the measurement points, if preset accordingly.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
distance value in the results window.

Area Measurement, and the measurement method option can be Polygon,

Spline and Trace, where Trace method is the default setting.
• RAAd
• RAAs

To execute the area measurement by Trace method, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the area measurement to be executed.
3. Select the measurement method Trace as the default setting from the
configuration menu, and an active tracing caliper displays.
4. To position the trace caliper, move the trackball.
5. To fix the trace start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
the trace caliper changes to an active tracing caliper.
6. To trace the measurement area, move the trackball around the anatomy.
7. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
measured area value in the results window.
Before completing the spline measurement:
• To erase the line (little by little) back from its current point, press “Clear”
• To clear the trace caliper and the current data measured, press “Clear” for
at least 2 seconds.

Cardiac System Measurement Folder

In the B mode of Cardiac examination, the System Measurement Folder includes
the following measurements:
Single Distance Measurement:
• IVC Diam
• Systemic Vein Diam
• PDA Diam
• PFO Diam

217 / 257
• VSD Diam
• ASD Diam
• PEd

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, and an active tracing caliper
3. To position the active caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second active caliper at the end point, move the trackball. A
dotted line connects the measurement points, if preset accordingly.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
distance value in the results window.

Multiple Distance Measurement:

• %IVS
 IVSd
 IVSs

To complete the %IVS and RV/LV measurement, perform the multiple standard
distance measurements continuously.

In the M mode of Cardiac examination, the System Measurement Folder

includes the following measurements:
Single Distance Measurement:
• PEd

To execute the single distance measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the distance measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the active caliper at the most anterior point to be measured,
move the trackball.
4. To fix the start point, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the most posterior point to be measured,
move the trackball.

218 / 257
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the vertical
distance between the two points in the results window.

Multiple Distance Measurement:

• %IVS
 IVSd
• IVSs

To complete the %IVS and RV/LV measurement, perform the multiple standard
distance measurements continuously.

In the PW mode of Cardiac examination, the System Measurement Folder

includes the following measurements:
Single Velocity Measurement:
• PVeinVel A
• PVeinVel S
• PVeinVel D
• PVeinVd
• PVeinVs
• Systemic Vein Vd
• Systemic Vein Vs
• VSD Vmax
• ASD Vmax

To execute the velocity measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal
dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
4. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
velocity measurement in the results window.

Double Velocity Measurement:

• VSD Max PG
 Vmax1
 Vmax2
• PVein S/D Ratio
 PVeinVel S
 PVeinVel D

219 / 257
To execute the two velocity measurements, the steps are as follows:
1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the double velocity measurement to be executed, a vertical and
horizontal dotted line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image
3. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
4. To complete the first velocity measurement, press the Enter key. The system
displays the first velocity measurement in the results window, and a second
active caliper with a vertical and horizontal dotted line displays.
5. To position the caliper at the desired measurement point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the second velocity measurement, press “Enter”. The system
displays the second velocity measurement and VSD Max PG or PVein S/D Ratio
in the results window.

Single Time Interval Measurement:

• PVein A Dur

To execute the time interval measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the time measurement to be executed, a vertical and horizontal dotted
line and an active tracing caliper will display on the image screen.
3. To position the caliper at the start point, move the trackball.
4. To fix the first caliper, press “Enter”. The system fixes the first caliper and
displays a second active caliper.
5. To position the second caliper at the end point, move the trackball.
6. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the
horizontal time interval between the two calipers in the results window.

Single Trace Measurement:

• Systemic Vein VTI

To execute the trace measurement, the steps are as follows:

1. Press “Measure”.
2. Select the trace measurement to be executed, an active trace caliper displays.
3. To fix the start point, press “Enter”.
4. To trace the velocities of the desired portion of the spectrum, move the
Note: To re-edit the existing trace line, press “Clear” once and move the
trackball again.
5. To complete the measurement, press “Enter”. The system displays the

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measurement values in the results window.

Double Trace Measurement:

• Qp/Qs

To complete the Qp/Qs measurement, perform the two standard single trace

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12 Probes and Biopsy

12.1 Probe overview

This device supports following types of probes

• Curved array (Convex)
• Linear array
• Phase array
• 4D probe
• Endocavity
• Intra-operative

12.2 Probes

F2-5C (convex)
Center frequency: 4MHz
Frequency range: 2-5.5MHz
Grade of waterproof: Transducer IPX7, housing to cable IPX4

(The grade of waterproof for all convex probes,

linear probes and phased array probes can refer this picture.)

G4-9E (Endocavity)
Center frequency: 6.5MHz
Frequency range: 5-10MHz
Grade of waterproof: Transducer IPX7, housing to cable IPX4

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(The grade of waterproof for all endocavity probes can
refer this picture.)

F4-9E (Endocavity)
Center frequency: 6.5MHz
Frequency range: 5-10MHz
Grade of waterproof: Transducer IPX7, housing to cable IPX4

G4-9M (Micro convex)

Center frequency: 6.5MHz
Frequency range: 5-10MHz
Grade of waterproof: Transducer IPX7, housing to cable IPX4

X4-12L (linear):
Center frequency: 7.3MHz
Frequency range: 6-12MHz
Grade of waterproof: Transducer IPX7, housing to cable IPX4

F4-12L (linear)
Center frequency: 7.3MHz
Frequency range: 6-12MHz
Grade of waterproof: Transducer IPX7, housing to cable IPX4

D3-6C (4D convex)

Center frequency: 4.5MHz
Frequency range: 3-6MHz
Grade of waterproof: Transducer IPX7, housing to cable IPX4

D3-6CE (4D convex)

Center frequency: 4.5MHz
Frequency range: 3-6MHz
Grade of waterproof: Transducer IPX7, housing to cable IPX4

G1-4P (Phased Array)

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Center frequency: 2.75MHz
Frequency range: 2-3.5MHz
Grade of waterproof: Transducer IPX7, housing to cable IPX4

Probe orientation:
Each probe has one mark in one side of the probe head. This mark indicates the
start point of scanning.

Probe Labeling:
Each probe is labeled with the following information:
• Name of manufacture
• Model name
• Probe serial number
• Year of manufacture
• Regulatory marks

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12.3 Probe connection and disconnection

Only approved probes can be connected with this device. The probe can be
connected or disconnected from the probe port at any time. When the probe is
connected to this device, it is automatically detected.

After inserting the probe connector into this device, the operator needs to lock
the probe by pressing the locker into the probe connector.

To disconnect the probe, the operator can push the locker and let the locker pop
up for un-locking. Then pull the probe connector straight out of the probe port.
The operator can switch active probe by “Probe & App” button on the touch

12.4 Maintenance

Improper handling can lead to early probe failure and electric

shock hazards. Only follow the specific cleaning and disinfection procedures
provided in this chapter and the germicide manufacturer’s instructions.

Improper cleaning and disinfection procedures will result in probe failure which
will void probe warranty.

12.4.1 Inspecting the probe:

After each use, needs to inspect the probe, clean the probe and disinfect the
probe if required. Inspect the probe before each use and an approved.

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If any damages are found, DO NOT uses the probe until it has
been inspected and released for further use by VINNO qualified person.

After each use, inspect the lens, the probe housing and the cable as shown
below figure. Check whether there is damage area that might allow the liquid
into the probe.


Probe orientation


Cable Strain relief

Before each use, inspect the lens, the probe housing and the cable. Check
whether there is damaged area that might allow liquid into the probe. When
connected to this device, needs to test the functionality of the probe.
Only qualified ultrasound gel is approved for use.

12.4.2 Special handling instructions:

Using protective sheaths:

Protective barrier may be required to minimize disease

Use of legally marketed, sterile probe sheath is strongly recommended for intro
cavity and intra operative procedures.

Each probe sheath kit consists of a flexible and elastic sheath which can cover
the probe and cable.

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DO NOT use an expired sheath. Before using probe sheaths,
verify whether the term of validity has expired. Also read sheath document
careful to avoid allergic reaction in sensitive individuals.

Probe handling and infection control:

Ultrasound system utilizes ultrasound energy that must be coupled to the
patient by direct physical contact. Depending on the type of examination, this
contact can be different ranging from intact skin in a normal examination to
re-circulation blood in surgical procedure. The level of risk of infection varies
greatly with the type of contact.

Single use or disposable device may be one of the most effective ways to prevent
transmission between patients, but ultrasound probes are complex and
expensive devices that have to be reused. Therefore, using protective sheaths
and following the proper hygienic process between patients is extremely
important in order to minimize the risk of a disease .

Adequate cleaning and disinfection are necessary to prevent

disease transmission. It is the responsibility of this device operator to verify and
maintain the effectiveness of the infection control procedures in use. Always use
sterile, legally marketed probe sheaths for intra-cavity and intro-operative

Cleaning and disinfecting probes

Probes must be disconnected from this device during

cleaning/disinfecting operations. Failure to do so can damage this device.

Cleaning procedure
• Disconnect the probe from this device
• Remove the coupling gel by wiping the probe lens with soft cloth
• Wipe the probe and cable with a soft cloth moisten in a warm soap and
water solution (<27°C)
• Wipe the probe and cable with a soft cloth moisten in clean water (<27°C)
until all soap is removed
• Wipe dry with a soft towel

To minimize the risk of infection from blood, the probe and all
227 / 257
disposable which have contacted blood or other potential infection material
must be handled in accordance with infection control procedures. Operator must
wear protective gloves when handling potentially infectious materials.

Disinfecting probes
Although representing a necessary step in protecting patients and employees
from disease transmission, liquid chemical germicides must also be selected to
minimize potential damage to the transducer. It is important to use germicides
of probe recommended by VINNO company.

Below is the list of germicides for each probe:

• Alkazyme
• Klenzyne
• Steranios 2%
• Cidex OPA

Low-level disinfection
After cleaning, the probe and cable may be wiped with a tissue sprayed with a
recommended disinfectant. When decontaminating an infected probe, use
additional precautions such as gloves and gown.

High-level disinfection
High-level disinfection destroys vegetative bacteria. This is required for
endocavity probe after contact with mucosal membrane.

High-level disinfection procedure

• Prepare the germicide solution according to the manufacturer’s
• Place the cleaned dried probe in contact with germicide for the time
duration specified by the manufacturer.
• Rinse the part of the probe which was in contact with the germicide
according to the germicide manufacturer’s instructions.
• Wipe dry with a soft towel or air dry the probe.

We do not recommend that the operator use colored ultrasound gel. Long-term
use may cause discoloration of the probe housing, although the discoloration
does not affect the performance and functionality of the probe.

Returning/shipping probes and repair parts

When return a probe or part for service, needs to clean and disinfect the probe
or part prior to packing and shipping this device. Ensure that the follow probe
cleaning and disinfection instruction. This ensures that the employees in the
transportation industry as well as the people who receive the package are

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protected from any risk.

12.5 Probe Safety

Ultrasound probes are highly sensitive medical devices that can

easily be damaged by improper handling. DO NOT use a damaged or defective
probe. Failure to follow these precautions can result in serious injury and
equipment damage.

12.6 Biopsy

The data in the following list is the depth which is the distance between the
surfaces with the cross point. The cross point is between the biopsy angle line
and the center line for probes in this device. Cross point depth H can be
referred the diagram as an example as shown below.

Unit: cm
Probes for Biopsies Multiple Angles
X4-12L 2.0 4.0 6.0
G1-4P 4.0 5.5 8.0
G4-9E(Steel, reusable) Infinite

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13 System Setting

13.1 General

After “Sys Setting” in “B” mode main menu is selected, the system will enter the
system settings menu. The default first entrance is “General”. In the display menu,
the following items can be changed.

• Change hospital name, department and address.

• Select time format by 12 hours or 24 hours, date format by Month-Day-Year,
Year-Month-Day or Day-Month-Year.
• Select Date, Time Zone and Time. But the selected Time Zone is only
effective after rebooting.
• Select which language will be used in the general. But the selected language
is only effective after rebooting.
• Time Span for VRD/AVI/DICOM image can be set in this menu. Clicking
up/down arrow can increase or decrease time span by 5 seconds, dragging
the sliding block can increase or decrease time span too. And the Max cine
loop time can be set up to 1500 seconds for VRD, 30 seconds for DICOM and
Take 10 seconds time span for example to explain how it works:
 If the operator press “Store to HDD” while scanning to store the cine
loop, a 10-second VRD cine will be saved. However If the real time scan
time is less than 10 second, the length of the cine is the scanning time.
 If the operator press “Freeze” while scanning to scroll, the time interval
from start frame to end frame will be 10 seconds as set. If the operator
wants to save it, touch “Cine/Single” to enable cine play, and then press
“Store to HDD” to save.
• Select thermal index display which is one of TIS, TIB and TIC. TIS is the Soft
Tissue Thermal Index. TIB is Bone Thermal index. TIC is Cranial Bone
Thermal Index.
• Auto Level: The level is low, medium, high.
• Auto Frequency: Change the frequency of modes automatically.
• Auto Invert when steering on flow or Doppler.
• Auto Freeze after a period of idle time (minutes): Never, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60.
15 is the factory setting, if the system run 15 minutes with no operation, it
will be frozen.
• Counterclockwise rotate to increase depth: Enable it, the depth will be
increased when rotate “Depth” key counterclockwise.
• Simple Touch UI: Enable it, enter simple UI.
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• Default state of SyncDisplay: If selecting “Enable”, when enter CF mode, it
has two images on main screen, the left one is 2D image, the right one is
2D+CF image. If selecting “Disable”, when enter CF mode, it only has 2D+CF
• Automatically refresh tissue image when Doppler MDLine is moved: In PW
TD mode, move MDLine, tissue image will be activate automatically for a
• Replay Doppler Audio: Play doppler audio for replayed doppler images if it is
• C3D/C4D use ContrastGain: Adjust contrast gain of C3D/C4D image when
rotate Gain key after enable this function.
• 3D/4D use Depth Mapping: There is “Depth Mapping” in 3D/4D menu after
enable this function. And the operator can enable/disable “Depth
• Show RFdata control panel: Enable it for exporting RF data.
 In “RF Data” page, select “Enable” to active this function, then select
“Start” to acquire the data.
 After acquire the data, select one item or select all to export to one USB
device or delete.
• Contrast Dynamic Rang: Adjust contrast of the image automatically to
improve the image quality if it is enabled.
• The Contrast Bubble type: default, typeA, typeB, typeC.
• Biopsy
 Biopsy line type: Guide line, Parallel Region, Guideline And Tolerance
 If select “Parallel Region”, user can select Biopsy Parallel Line Distance:
0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1, 1.5.
• UI Theme: there are two options, Ocean blue, Simple Dark. After reboot the
system, the selected theme will be effective.
• Comments fontsize: Set different fontsize for comments.
• Show Login Window: Enable it, the login window will appear when boot the
system. Disable it, the system starts to scan at once when boot it.
• Body Pattern size: Adjust the size of body pattern displayed on the image.
• Use bodyPattern key: Enable this key, pressing “Zoom” key enters Body
Pattern, pressing “Depth” key enters zoom mode.
• Full Screen: Enable it, set “Full Screen” as default.
• Caps Lock as default: Set “Caps” as default for Alphanumeric keyboard.
• Patient ID prefix: Add prefix for patient ID.
• There is one button for the online operator manual. After “Show Manual” is
selected, the operator manual will appear.

After changing settings, select “Save” or “Save & Exit” on the touch panel to save
the information. If selecting the “Save”, it will save current page information only
without changing menu page. If selecting “Save & Exit”, it will save current page

231 / 257
information and exit out from system setting menu. Select “Exit” to exit from the
system setting menu without saving any information.

13.2 LCD Tests

Select “LCD Tests” on the top left side of the system setting menu to enter LCD
testing menu. In this LCD tests menu, select the test pattern on the screen in
order to test LCD quality, such as “Gradient-H”, “Color Bands”, “Response Time
Ref”, “Sub Pixel Font”, “White”, “Inversion All”, “Response”, “Sharpness D”,
“Black”. Select “Exit Test” to exit LCD test, or 10 seconds later, it exits
automatically. Select “Exit” to exit system setting menu or switch to other menu
within the system setting group by selecting the other setting key.

13.3 Measurement

On the touch panel, enter “Sys Setting” menu, and select “Measure”, then
display setting items as follows:
Cursor Type: “+” is the default factory setting for cursor type. Other cursor
types can also be selected to replace the factory setting.

Cursor Size: “8x8” is the factory setting. Other size can also be selected for
cursor size.

Cursor Size When Measure: “5x5” is factory setting. Other size can be also
selected for shape cursor size.

Use Arrow Cursor for indication on image: Enable it and enable “Cursor”,
there is an arrow on the image.

Show Result Window: During measurement, results are displayed in the

results window with measurement number, and are updated
simultaneously until complete. All results are displayed in the measurement
results window. If necessary, this window can be deleted. To delete the
window, select “Show Result Window" again.

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Window Position: The position of the measurement result window can be
changed. To move the window, select the option from the list below:
 LT (Left, Top)
 LB (Left, Bottom)
 RT (Right, Top)
 RB (Right, Bottom)

Font Size: To change the font size in the results window, select the size from
the “Font Size” pull-down menu:
 10
 12
 14
 16
 18
 20

Retain measure results after unfreeze: Unfreeze the system in measure,

enter measure again, if select “Retain”, all measurements results of
unfinished items are retained, if select “Clear”, all measurement results are

Show Cursor line: During measurement, the system will display one dotted
line to indicate measurement. After the position is selected when using
touch panel measurement, the system will display measurement line
“Enable” is selected for “Show cursor line”. If “Disable” is selected, the
system will erase the dotted line and only display the caliper with a number.

Hold Measure on Image: During measurement, the system will display one
dotted line to indicate measurement. If “Hold Measure on Image” is
selected and enabled (by pressing “Enable”), all measurement items on the
image will be saved. If “Disable” is pressed, the system will erase the dotted
line of all measurement when replay one image which contains

Show depth guideline: Display a dotted line when do the measurement of

“Depth”. If the probe is linear and “TView” is disabled, the dotted is not

Show brief annotation: Enable it, display brief annotations when do the

Auto adjust cursor size for tiny distance (px): If the distance is shorter than
10, 20, 30 or 50 pixels, the cursor size will becomes very small. This function
is disabled if select “off”.

233 / 257
Auto snap range setting (px): If the measurement method is “Trace”,
“Polygon” or “Spline”, when the distance between the end point and the
start point is shorter than 10, 20, 30 or 50 pixels, the measurement will
finish automatically, and the last cursor back to the start point. This function
is disabled if select “off”.

Annotation font size: To change the font size of the annotation, select the
size from the “Annotation font size” pull-down menu:
 10
 12
 14
 16
 18
 20
 22

Show result of protocol items in worksheet: If the current measurement is

multi-step (like “Volume-L&W&H”), before finish the measurement, enter
“Worksheet”, this measurement item will be displayed. This function is
disabled if select “off”.

Show comment of measure item: Explain the measurement item in local


Unit for normal distance related measurement: cm, mm. Select different
unit for normal distance measurement.

Show GA(LMP/BBT) on status bar: If there is GA(LMP/BBT) for the current

patient, display it on the status bar.

Show GA after Measure: During measurement, select whether or not to

display the estimated fetal age automatically. If the fetal age is selected to
be displayed in system set-up, the measurement results window will display
estimated age after a measurement. If not, the estimated age will not be
displayed in the results window.

Add 1 week to EDD Calac: If this item is selected, delivery time will be
increased by 1 additional week.

Show EDD after Measure: During measurement, select whether or not the
estimated delivery time is displayed automatically after measurement. If
estimated delivery time display is selected in the system setting, the
estimated delivery time will appear in the results window after

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measurement. If not, estimated delivery time will not appear in the results

Show Percentile after Measure: Enable it, after finish the OB related
measurement, show the percentile according to the OB table.

Auto Select EFW Method: Enable it, the system will select EFW method
automatically when do EFW related measurements.

GA Display Format: To change the display format for “GA” after enable
“Show GA after measure”.

EFW GP Table: According to different areas, different “OB Table Type” ->
“EFW GP Table” (estimated fetal weight table) can be selected. After the
pull down menu is selected, the system displays items for selection as
 Hadlock
 Osaka
 Shinozuka

OB Table Type: According to different area, different “OB Table Type” (Fetal
age and fetal growth table) can be selected. Selecting the “OB Table Type”
pull down menu, the system can display items as follows for global setting:
 ASUM2000
 Chitty
 Hadlock
 Hansmann
 Jeanty
 Merz
 Shinozuka.1
 Shinozuka.2
 Berkowitz
 Eik-Nes
 Kurtz
 Osaka
 Paris
 Rempen
 Tokyo
 Yarkoni
 ASUM2001

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 Nelson
 Robinson
 Mercer
 Hellman
 Mayden
 Bertagnoli
 Eriksen
 Goldstein
 Hill

OB Measure Item GA Table Config: To config GA table for every

measurement item.

Heart Cycle: To set the default value for heart cycle.

13.4 Extended key

Printing and Save Keys in Control panel:

There are three keys on the right side of the control panel to start printing and
saving functions. They are “Print”, “Store to HDD” and “Store to USB” which are
marked on the control panel. Here the HDD means the system’s HDD which
stores OS, application software, system setting and patient data. This section
can configure those keys for following usage.
And “Foot Switch” can be configured too.

The operator must make sure that USB memory stick is virus-free
before connecting it with this device. Run a virus scan for USB memory stick in
your computer before using.
The following functions can be configured into those three keys, and 2 external
foot switches.
 Print
Select “Details” to choose different printers.
 Printer connected by USB (thermal printer or normal printer)
 Printer connected by network: connect the network first, then add one
network printer.
 DICOM printer: connect the network first, then connect one DICOM
Also “Display format” can be changed in “Details”. Select the different
display formats in pull-down menu.
If “Draw background” is enabled, draw black background when print
“Page size” and “Orientation” can be changed.
 Store
236 / 257
Select “Details” to select different destinations and file formats.
 Destination:
File Server (need to connect one file server first)
DICOM Storage Server (need to connect one DICOM storage server
FTP Server (need to connect one FTP server first)
 File Format:
AVI or Image
 Freeze/Unfreeze
 Do nothing

1. If store file format is VRD or DICOM, there is an option “Store single frame
image”, after it is enabled one single frame image is stored even when the
system is in live scan mode.
2. If “Including patient information on snapshot” is enabled, preview the
stored image in Report, there are patient ID and name on the image.
3. If store destination is USB, DICOM Storage Server, File Server or FTP Server,
there is an option “Backup stored file in Local Machine”, after it is enabled, the
image will be stored to the server and HDD.
4. If store destination is DICOM Storage Server or FTP Server, there is an
option “Auto image data transfer after end exam”. If it is enabled, the image will
be stored to the server after the exam is ended. If it is disabled, the image will
be stored to the server immediately.

Factory default configuration as below:

 “Print” key: SONY UP-X898MD

 “Store to HDD” key: Save VRD to HDD.

 “Store to USB” key: Save image to USB.

 “Built-in Foot Switch”: Do nothing.

 “External Foot Switch 1”: Do nothing.

 “External Foot Switch 2”: Do nothing.

Config Network Printer

Select “Search” to find network printers, display all available printers. If the
printer is installed, it can be used directly. Otherwise, “Install” should be selected
to install the printer’s driver. Also, installed printers can be uninstalled.

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13.5 Network

Please ONLY use the hospital’s LAN.

13.5.1 General

This configuration category enables the operator to set the network for the syste
m and connected remote archive.

If one network cable is plugged in, the operator can do the following settings to
connect the network:
 If enable “Auto config IP address”, the system will connect to the

network automatically.
 If disable “Auto config IP address”, the operator needs to input IPv4,

Subnet mask and Default gateway.

If one wireless network adaptor is plugged in, the operator can do the following
settings to connect the network:
 Reboot the system after plug in the adaptor,

 Select one network, input the password, then touch “Enter”;

 Or select “Other”, input the network name and password, then touch


13.5.2 File Server

If the operator wants to connect one server:

 Input the server address in “Server Path”, and touch “Confirm”.

 If the server needs authentication, enable “User Authentication” then

input username and password.

After all settings are ready, select the “Save” or “Save & Exit” key to save all
setting in the system.

13.5.3 Email Setting

 Email Account: Input the email account here for sending emails.
 Email Password: Email account’s password.
 SMTP Server: Input SMTP server here.
 SMTP Port: Input SMTP port here.
 Secure Mode: There are 2 secure modes, “Normal” and “SSL”.
 Email Subject and Email Body: There is default template of email subject and
email body, the operator can edit them.

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 Addressee: Input one addressee here and select “Test” to test the email
account setting.

13.5.4 FTP

 FTP server address: Input FTP server address.

 FTP server port: Input FTP server port.
 FPT sub folder: Input the store path on the server.
 FTP account: Input FTP account.
 FTP password: Input FTP password.
 Enable FTP storage: Enable it to connect FTP server.
During uploading, there is an icon showing the number of the uploading images. If
the file upload to server failed, there will be an error icon on the right bottom
corner of the main screen. Click the icon, popup the file list of fail uploaded. Select
“Retry” to upload again, or select “Delete” to delete the file.
Images of all formats can be uploaded to FTP server, but only DICOM images can
be downloaded and viewed.

13.6 DICOM

13.6.1 General

DICOM file format:

Lossless bitmap
Lossless compressed jpeg
Lossy compressed jpeg.
Local setting:
 Local AET: input service class user’s application entity title
 Local Address: input service class user’s address
 Local port: input service class user’s port

13.6.2 Storage

 Storage SCP AET: input service class provider’s application entity title
 Storage SCP address: input service class provider’s IP address
 Storage SCP port: input service class provider’s port
 Enable storage: enable it, save DICOM image to PACS server. Please select “ Save
DICOM to HDD and DICOM server” in “Extended key”.
Only DICOM image can be uploaded to DICOM Storage Server. During uploading,
there is an icon showing the number of the uploading images.
If the file upload to server failed, there will be an error icon on the right bottom
corner of the main screen. Click the icon, popup the file list of fail uploaded. Select

239 / 257
“Retry” to upload again, or select “Delete” to delete the file.

13.6.3 Worklist

 Worklist SCP AET: input service class provider’s application entity title
 Worklist SCP address: input service class provider’s IP address
 Worklist SCP port: input service class provider’s port
 Enable Worklist: enable it to get patient list from server.

Worklist Special Config:

 Specify Local AET: Only list the patient(s) whose AET is the same with the local
AET set in General if it is enabled.
 Force Date Format: Only start date can be selected when filter the patients if
it is enabled, the end data is the current data.
 Auto Load Worklist: Get the patient list from worklist server automatically if it
is enabled.
 Convert patient name to Double-byte for querying.
 End query when end of sequence.
 Patient Name Format: Family name at the first, or first name at the first.

13.6.4 Print

 Print SCP AET: input service class provider’s application entity title
 Print SCP Address: input service class provider’s IP address
 Print SCP port: input service class provider’s port
 Enable print: Enable it to connect the DICOM printer.

13.7 Service Tool

This menu includes auto diagnostic functions for each electrical part and catches
software log files in order for engineers to identify the root cause.

13.7.1 Demo mode

Enable this function, loop playback the images in the clipboard.

13.7.2 Electrical parts auto diagnostic tools

There are several following automatic diagnostic tools for different electrical
 Keyboard

240 / 257
 Select “Diagnostic” to detect if there are some keys stuck.
 Press the keys on the keyboard, the related button on the touch
panel will be highlighted.
 Touch panel
 Test: Touch every point on the touch panel to check if all points
work well.
 Calibration: Do calibration for the touch panel.
 Reset: Reset calibration data to default.
 LCD Monitor
 Probe Board
 Transport
Save the information of PCIE status to one log file, and it can be
downloaded. Please refer “Software log file download”.
 Acceptor
 Mainboard
 DCDC board

13.7.3 Display Backlight Config

The display backlight of main screen can be adjusted and reset.

13.7.4 S-Video Output

Select different resolution for video output: SVGA(880X600), PAL(720X576),


13.7.5 Software log file download

There is one “Report” button to send this issue to service engineer.

 Report Current Issue: input some words to descript the issue.

 Report: Copy the description words to the log

 Download log file: Download all log files to one connected USB device.

13.7.6 Export/Import UserDefine Configuration

 Export to USB: Export all user defined data to one USB device, include data
of “Application&Parameters”, “Measurements”, “Comments” and “System
Setting”. Select “Export” to start.
 Import from USB: Select “Import”, come out one dialog for the operator to
select which item is needed to import. If there is no user defined data, “Empty
UserDefine config” will be displayed.
241 / 257
 Delete UserDefine Configuration: After select “Delete”, the system need to
restart. Then all userdefine configurations are cleared, all settings are reset as
factory default.

13.7.7 System Upgrade

There is one “Check” button to check the system upgrade.

 Plug in USB memory stick

 Select “Check” button

 The system will check the available new version software from the USB

memory stick. If the USB memory stick has valid upgrade, select “OK”, the
system start upgrade.

13.8 Features

 Installed Features: List all features can be used at the current moment,
including standard features and optional features that already got license.
 Available Features: List all features those are optional but no license.

13.9 User Management

This section defines the operator’s ID, the operator’ authority and login procedure

When enter the system as a certain user, the operator can select “User
Management” in “System Settings”. Once enter the system as a certain user, the
status will be shown in the left bottom of the LCD monitor. Please refer 1.7

Auto Login
There is one “Auto Login” button.
1. If enabled, a check mark will indicate auto login feature is active. The system
will then automatically login as what you set it to be next time you start the
2. If disabled, System will not log in automatically. Then user can either log in
as a certain authorized user or select the cancel button to enter without

Authority levels:
1. Administrator: can new, modify and delete a user, and use “Auto Login”
2. User: can only use “Auto Login” feature.
3. No authority (select “Cancel” to login): cannot enter user management
242 / 257
The following steps show how to manage users.
Add New User:
 Input “User Name”, “Password”.

 Select “Admin” (administration) or “User” authority.

 Select “Enter” button to confirm adding action

The factory default Administrator account is as below:

Name: admin
Password: admin

Modify User:
 Select the user in user list

 Select the user icon to modify the password.

Remove operator:
 Select the user to be removed in user list

 Press “X” button to delete this user

13.10 About

The list displays “Software Version”, “Hardware Version”, “DongleId”, “System

Version”, “License”, “CopyRight”.

243 / 257
14 Accessories and Peripherals

14.1 Introduction

This chapter provides information on peripherals that can operate with this
device as follows:
 Color thermal printer
 Black & White thermal printer

Only use VINNO approved equipment as internal peripherals.

External peripheral equipment must be CE marked and in compliance with

relevant standards (EN 60601-1 or EN 60950). Anyone who uses this device with
external peripheral equipment that are powered from a separated wall
receptacle is considered to be configuring a medical system, is therefore
responsible to verify that the system complies with EN 60601-1.

All devices meeting IEC60950 must be kept outside the patient environment as
defined in IEC60601-1:2005, unless equipped with additional earth or extra
isolating transformer. Commercial devices such as laser printers, VCRs and
external monitors, usually exceed allowable leakage current limits and, when
plugged into separate AC outlets, are in violation of patient safety standards.
Suitable electrical isolation of such external AC outlets, or providing the device
with extra protective earth, will be required in order to meet UL2601-1 and
IEC60601-1 standards for electrical leakage.

When using the peripheral devices, observe all warnings and

cautions given in the peripheral operator manuals please.

14.2 Printing

Do not connect printer power cable to other devices except the

244 / 257
approved printer.
This device can support a color and a black & white thermal printer. The printer
devices are controlled from “Print” key on the control panel. “Store to HDD” or
“Store to USB” keys can be also configured as printing key. Alternatively, the
“Print” key can be also configured as storage function. Refer to system set-up

When pressing “Print” key on the control panel, the image displayed on the
screen is printed on B&W or Color Printer, which depends on the key
assignment configuration.

14.3 Approved printers

The following printers are approved as printing peripherals.

 B&W thermal video printer: Sony UP-D897MD
 B&W thermal video printer: Sony UP-D898MD
 Color thermal video printer: Sony UP-D25MD

Refer to the document accompanying those peripherals to be familiar with

Please DON’T connect other devices to the printer’s port.
If the operator wants to install the driver of the third party printer, please
contact VINNO.

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15 Operator maintenance and technical data

15.1 System maintenance

As there are no components with short working lives, periodic maintenance

inspection is not mandatory. However, some customer quality assurance
programs may require the additional inspections at periods of frequency
different from those listed in this manual.

The operator must ensure that safety inspections are performed

at least every 12 months according to the requirements of the patient safety
standard IEC 60601-1. Only trained person are allowed to perform the safety
inspections mentioned above.

To ensure maintaining good operating conditions of this device, we recommend

the customer internal maintenance plan includes the following procedures.

15.1.1 Inspecting this device

If any defect is observed, DO NOT operate this device and inform

a qualified service person.

Inspect the following parts on a monthly basis:

 Connectors on cables, for any mechanical defects
 Entire length of electrical and power cables, for cuts or abrasions
 Equipment, for loose or missing hardware
 Control panel and touch panel defects
 Caster brakes

To avoid electric shock hazard, DO NOT remove panels or covers

from this device.

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15.1.2 Virus protection

To minimize virus vulnerability this device is configured with a minimal set of

open ports and all network services not active used. This significantly reduces
the risk of a virus attack. VINNO Company is continuously assessing the need for
additional actions to reduce vulnerability of equipment; this includes
vulnerability scanning of our products and evaluation of new security patches
for the third party technology used.

This device should only be used with an internal Local Area

Network (LAN).

15.1.3 Cleaning this device

Frequent and diligent cleaning of this device will reduce the risk of spreading
infection from person to person, and also help maintain a clean working

When performing cleaning procedures, to prevent the risk of system damage,

always observe following precautions:
 Use only recommended cleaning materials and solutions
 Do not spray any liquid directly onto this device’s covers, LCD
display, touch panel and control panel
 Do not allow any liquid to drip or seep into this device.
 Prior to cleaning, turn OFF power of this device

System cabinet cleaning:

 On a weekly basis, moisten a soft, non-abrasive folded cloth or

sponge with a mild, general purpose, non-abrasive soap and water
solution. DO NOT use any solution containing abrasive powder or
strong chemicals such as acid or alkaline. Squeeze excess liquid from
the cloth/sponge, and then wipe down the top, front, back and both
sides of this device.
 Rinse the cloth/sponge with clean running water and wipe this
device surfaces again.
 Use a dry, soft, line-free cloth to dry this device surfaces.
 Wait for this device surfaces to dry completely before turn on the

Note: If disinfection is required, wipe with a soft, dust‐free cloth and a small

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quantity of isopropyl alcohol.

LCD Display cleaning:

On a weekly basis, gently wipe the LCD display with a dry, soft, lint-free
non-abrasive folded cloth. Wipe or dust the stain gently with a soft, dry cloth. If
the stain remains, moisten a soft, lint-free cloth with water or a 50/50 mixture
of isopropyl alcohol and water. Wring the cloth to remove as much liquid as
possible then wipe the LCD display again.

Control panel cleaning:

DO NOT spray any liquid directly onto the control panel!

 On a weekly basis, moisten a soft, non-abrasive folded cloth or sponge with

a mild, general purpose, non-abrasive soap and water solution or general
purpose disinfectant. DO NOT use any solution containing abrasive powder or
strong chemicals such as acid or alkaline.
 Squeeze excess liquid from the cloth/sponge, and then wipe down the
control panel.
 Rinse the cloth/sponge with clean running water and wipe this device
surfaces again.
 Use a dry, soft, line-free cloth to dry this device’s surfaces.
 Wait for this device surfaces to dry completely before turning on the

Clean the peripherals in accordance with the respective manufacturer’s

15.2 Technical Data

15.2.1 General

Model: VINNO E20

Serial number: marked in identification plate on the rear side of this device

Identification plate:

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Electro-magnetic influence: In the working frequency range of the ultrasound
system from 1 to 18MHz can be visible in the range from 200 to 500mV/m
influence depending on the probe connected.

Safety classification:
a) Type: Class I
b) Type BF applied part: Ultrasound probe
c) No defibrillation-proof applied part
d) Waterproof level: IPX0, except transducer lens is IPX7, probe housing to
cable is IPX4 but intra operative probe housing to cable is IPX7.

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e) NOT category AP equipment or category APG equipment

Ambient temperature: 10°C to 40°C or 50°F to 104°F of operational

Relative Humidity: 30% to 75% in operation.
Stock and transportation temperature: -10°C to 50°C or 14°F to 122°F.
Stock and transportation humidity: less than 90% RH, no condensation.

Barometric Pressure: 700 to 1060 hPa

Humidity: 30% to 85% no condensation when operating. And in stock and

transport conditions it should be less than 90%RH no condensation.

Dimension: Width: 520mm.

Depth: 835mm
Height: 1350mm
Keyboard: Adjustable: +120mm
LCD monitor: Adjustable: +150mm
Weight: Basic unit without accessories approx.: 55kg

15.2.2 Power supply

Power requirement: 220V – 240VAC. 50Hz or 60Hz

Power consumption: Nominal <= 470VA.

Main outlets: It is the sockets for accessories. All outlets are co-switched by the
system switch via built-in isolation transformer.

Output voltage is 220V. Max power of all connected accessories must not
exceed 160 VA

15.2.3 Operator panel

Control panel: Ergonomic designed control panel with interactive back-lighting.

+60°to – 60°horizontal swivel together with touch panel and LCD.

Touch panel: 10.1”projected capacitive touch panel in high resolution and color.
And it is the operator-defined and configurable layout UI.

LCD monitor: 18.5” high resolution monitor with wide view angle. +178° to –

250 / 257
178° horizontal swivel and 110°vertical swivel.

15.2.4 Console Design

 3 active probe ports

 KBD/Monitor up-down mechanism 250mm adjustable
 On-board Black/White printer storage
 Bottom probe cable hook for cable management
 3 probe holder, removable for cleaning and washing
 125mm diameter and flexible rotating wheels with front locking mechanism

15.2.5 Transmitter

Frequency range: Broadband system 1 to 18MHz, automated adaptation to the

probe used.

Control of acoustic output: 10% -100%

Focusing: selectable transmit focal width and focal depth

15.2.6 Receiver

Frequency range: Broadband system 1 to 18MHz, automated adaptation to the

probe used.

Focusing: Digital dynamic focusing system, accuracy of focus: +/- 5ns.

Sample-rate: 50MHz.

15.2.7 Scan Converter

Image resolution: 1366 x 768

Image Lines: max 1024

Scan angle: max 360°

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15.2.8 Cine Loop

Call back sequence: manually frame by frame. Call back automatically from 20%
to 100% of real time rate with selectable start and end point.

15.2.9 Basic Measurement Accuracy

The table below lists the basic measurement accuracy of this device, in order to
guide the operator to use this instrument for clinical diagnosis when the number
of changes or measurement error may arise. The error may be due to the
limitations of the instrument itself or inappropriate operation of the operator. If
a operator regulates the operation according to the operational guidelines, can
make the potential measurement error reduced to a minimum.

Measurement Unit Accuracy Conditions

Distance Lateral mm ±5%
Axial mm ±5%
Depth mm ±5%
Perimeter L&W
Trace mm ±10%
B Harmonic
Area L&W
Trace mm^2 ±10%
Volume L&W&H mm^3 ±30%
Angle deg ±5%
Time s ±5% M,PW,TD
Slope Velocity mm/s ±10% M
Acceleration mm/s^2 ±10% PW
SV Depth mm ±2mm PW,TD
Velocity cm/s 0-100cm/s:±10%
100-130cm/s:±5% PW, CW
50%(only for
reference) CF
Angle cm/s 0-60deg:±5%
Correction 60-80deg:±12% PW

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15.2.10 Basic Performance Specification

The table below lists this device basic performance specification of B mode,
including the penetration, lateral resolution, axial resolution, dead area, slice
thickness, lateral geometry distance precision and axial geometric distance

Basic Performance Specification in B mode

Specification F2-5C (R=60)

Frequency(M 2 3 4 5 5.5
Penetration( >=140 >=140 >=80 >=80 >=80
Lateral <=3(Depth<=80) <=3(Depth<=80) <=2(Depth< <=2(Depth< <=2(Depth<
Resoultion(m <=4(80<Depth< <=4(80<Depth< =40) =40) =40)
m) =130) =130)

Axial <=2(Depth<=80) <=2(Depth<=80) <=1(Depth< <=1(Depth< <=1(Depth<

Resolution(m =40) =40) =40)

Dead <=7 <=7 <=5 <=5 <=5

Slice <=7 <=5 <=5 <=5 <=5
Lateral <=20 <=20 <=20 <=20 <=20
Axial <=10 <=10 <=10 <=10 <=10
Precision (%)

Specification G4-9E (R=11.5)

Frequency(MHz) 5 6.5 8 10
Penetration(mm) >=80 >=40 >=40 >=30
<=2(Depth<=40) <=2(Depth<=30) <=2(Depth<=30) <=1(Depth<=30)
<=1(Depth<=40) <=1(Depth<=40) <=1(Depth<=40) <=0.5(Depth<=30)
Dead Area(mm) <=5 <=4 <=4 <=3
<=3 <=4 <=4 <=4
Lateral Distance
<=20 <=10 <=10 <=5
Axial Distance
<=10 <=5 <=5 <=5
Precision (%)
253 / 257
Specification F4-9E (R=11.5 convex)
Frequency(MHz) 5 6.5 8 10
Penetration(mm) >=80 >=40 >=40 >=30
Lateral <=2(Depth<=40) <=2(Depth<=30) <=2(Depth<=30) <=1(Depth<=30)
Axial <=1(Depth<=40) <=1(Depth<=40) <=1(Depth<=40) <=0.5(Depth<=30)
Dead Area(mm) <=5 <=4 <=4 <=3
Slice <=5 <=5 <=5 <=4
Lateral Distance <=20 <=10 <=10 <=5
Axial Distance <=10 <=5 <=5 <=5
Precision (%)

Specification G4-9M (R=11.5)

Frequency(MHz) 5 6.5 8 10
Penetration(mm) >=80 >=40 >=40 >=30
Lateral Resoultion(mm) <=2(Depth<=4 <=2(Depth<=3 <=2(Depth<=3 <=1(Depth<=30)
0) 0) 0)
Axial Resolution(mm) <=1(Depth<=4 <=1(Depth<=4 <=1(Depth<=4 <=0.5(Depth<=3
0) 0) 0) 0)
Dead Area(mm) <=5 <=4 <=4 <=3
Slice Thickness(mm) <=5 <=3 <=3 <=4
LateralDistancePrecision( <=20 <=10 <=10 <=5
Axial Distance Precision <=10 <=5 <=5 <=5

Specification X4-12L(Linear)
Frequency(M 6 7.3 8.5 10 12
Penetration( >=50 >=50 >=50 >=30 >=30
Lateral <=2(Depth<= <=2(Depth<= <=2(Depth<= <=1(Depth<=3 <=1(Depth<=3
Resolution(m 40) 40) 40) 0) 0)
Axial <=1(Depth<= <=1(Depth<= <=1(Depth<= <=0.5(Depth<= <=0.5(Depth<=
Resolution(m 50) 50) 50) 30) 30)
Dead <=3 <=3 <=3 <=2 <=2
Slice 2.2(d/3) 1.1(d/3) 1.2(d/3) 0.9(d/3) 0.6(d/3)
Thickness(m 3.1(d/2) 2.9(d/2) 2.2(d/2) 1.4(d/2) 0.7(d/2)
m) 3.4(2d/3) 3.2(2d/3) 2.9(2d/3) 2.3(2d/3) 0.8(2d/3)

254 / 257
Lateral <=10 <=10 <=10 <=5 <=5
Axial Distance <=5 <=5 <=5 <=5 <=5
Precision (%)

Specification F4-12L (Linear)

Frequency(M 6 7.3 8.5 10 12
Penetration( >=50 >=50 >=50 >=30 >=30
Lateral <=2(Depth<= <=2(Depth<= <=2(Depth<= <=1(Depth<=3 <=1(Depth<=3
Resolution 40) 40) 40) 0) 0)
Axial <=1(Depth<= <=1(Depth<= <=1(Depth<= <=0.5(Depth<= <=0.5(Depth<=
Resolution(m 50) 50) 50) 30) 30)
Dead <=3 <=3 <=3 <=2 <=2
Slice 2.2(d/3) 1.1(d/3) 1.2(d/3) 0.9(d/3) 0.6(d/3)
Thickness(m 3.1(d/2) 2.9(d/2) 2.2(d/2) 1.4(d/2) 0.7(d/2)
m) 3.4(2d/3) 3.2(2d/3) 2.9(2d/3) 2.3(2d/3) 0.8(2d/3)

Lateral <=10 <=10 <=10 <=5 <=5

Axial Distance <=5 <=5 <=5 <=5 <=5
Precision (%)

Specification D3-6CE (R=40, convex)

Frequency(MHz) 3 4 5.5
Penetration(mm) >=140 >=80 >=40
Lateral <=3(Depth<=80) <=2(Depth<=40) <=2(Depth
Resolution(mm) <=4(80<Depth<=130) <=30)
Axial Resolution(mm) <=2(Depth<=80) <=1(Depth<=40) <=1(Depth
Dead Area(mm) <=7 <=5 <=4
Slice Thickness(mm) 2.7(d/3) 2.2(d/3) 3.7(d/3)
5.0(d/2) 3.5(d/2) 2.6(d/2)
5.2(2d/3) 4.6(2d/3) 3.2(2d/3)
Lateral Distance <=20 <=20 <=10
Axial Distance <=10 <=10 <=5
Precision (%)

Specification D3-6C (R=40)

Frequency(MHz) 3 4 5 5.5

255 / 257
Penetration(mm >=140 >=80 >=40 >=40
Lateral <=3(Depth<=80) <=2(Depth<=40 <=2(Depth<=30 <=2(Depth<=30
Resolution(mm) <=4(80<Depth<=130 ) ) )
Axial <=2(Depth<=80) <=1(Depth<=40 <=1(Depth<=40 <=1(Depth<=40
Resolution(mm) ) ) )
Dead Area(mm) <=7 <=5 <=4 <=4
Slice <=7 <=5 <=8 <=7
Lateral Distance <=20 <=20 <=10 <=10
Axial Distance <=10 <=10 <=5 <=5
Precision (%)

Specification G1-4P(Phased Array)

Frequency(MHz) 2 2.75 3.5

Penetration(mm) >=140 >=140 >=140

Lateral <=3(Depth<=80) <=3(Depth<=80) <=3(Depth<=80)

Resolution(mm) <=4(80<Depth<=130) <=4(80<Depth<=130) <=4(80<Depth<=130)
Axial <=2(Depth<=80) <=2(Depth<=80) <=2(Depth<=80)
Dead Area(mm) <=7 <=7 <=7
Slice <=8 <=7 <=7
Lateral Distance <=20 <=20 <=20
Axial Distance <=10 <=10 <=10
Precision (%)

Note: The degree of uncertainty of slice thickness measurement is +/-20%.

The table below lists this device’s basic performance in terms of penetration in
CF mode, PDI mode, PW mode and CW mode.

2.5MHz >120mm >120mm >120mm
F2-5C 3.3MHz >110mm >110mm >110mm
4.0MHz >100mm >100mm >100mm
4.0MHz >70mm >70mm >65mm
5.0MHz >60mm >60mm >55mm
4.0MHz >70mm >70mm >65mm
5.0MHz >60mm >60mm >55mm

256 / 257
4.0MHz >70mm >70mm >65mm
5.0MHz >60mm >60mm >55mm
4.0MHz >75mm >75mm >70mm
X4-12L 5.0MHz >70mm >70mm >65mm
6.3MHz >55mm >55mm >55mm
4.0MHz >75mm >75mm >70mm
F4-12L 5.0MHz >70mm >70mm >65mm
6.3MHz >55mm >55mm >55mm
3.1MHz >110mm >110mm >100mm
D3-6C 4.0MHz >95mm >95mm >90mm
5.0MHz >75mm >75mm >80mm
2.5MHz >120mm >120mm >120mm
D3-6CE 3.3MHz >110mm >120mm >110mm
4MHz >100mm >100mm >100mm
1.7MHz >120mm >120mm >120mm
2.0MHz >120mm >120mm >120mm
2.5MHz >120mm >120mm >120mm
3.3MHz >110mm >110mm >110mm

Probe CW
2.0MHz >120mm
G1-4P 2.5MHz >120mm
3.3MHz >110mm

257 / 257

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