Lesson Plat Format

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Cotabato
Amas, Kidapawan City


School: ilustre high school Subject: mathematics 7
PRE-SERVICE Teacher: ANGEL GRACE O. DATE: 02/16/2024
TIME: 7-flores/1:00-2:00

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of

Geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric relationships.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to create models of plan figures and
formulate and solve accurately authentic problems involving
sides and angles of a polygon
C. Learning Competencies/ M7GE-III h-i-1
Cognitive: Construct triangle using straightedge, compass, and
Psychomotor Apply the given steps and measurement in construction.
Affective Show value accumulated knowledge.

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages N/A

2. Learner’s Material pages N/A
3. Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from Learning MATH7-Q3-MODULE6%20(4).pdf
Resource Portal
B. Other Learning Resources

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminaries (5 minutes)
1. Prayer
 May I ask everybody to stand for a

2. Greetings
 Good afternoon class! Good afternoon, ma’am!
 Before you sit down kindly arrange your chairs
and pick up pieces of paper on the floor.
 You may now take your seats.

3. Energizer
 Today we will have an energizer.

4. Checking of Attendance
 Before we start, let me ask your class monitor
first if who are the students that absent today.

5. Setting of Classroom Standards

 Let us review our classroom rules,

B. Lesson Proper
1. Review

Let us start this module by refreshing our memories

on circle and terms related to it.
statement is correct and FALSE if wrong.
1. Circle is the set of all points that are the same 1. TRUE
distance from a fixed point.
2. Fixed point is the center of the circle. 2. TRUE
3. A radius is a segment that connects any two 3. FALSE
points of a circle.
4. A circle is named by any point. 4. FALSE
5. A diameter is a chord that passes through the 5. TRUE
center of a circle.

2. Motivation (5 minutes)

In this part, you will see terms that are essential in

our lesson, which is the basic geometric construction
of regular polygon.

Arrange the jumbled letters to form a word that is

best described in column B.

1. SSAOCMP A device that allows you to 1.COMPASS
create a circle with a given
2. RTEAGNIL A closed, 2-dimensional 2. TRIANGLE
shape with 3 sides, 3 angles,
and 3 vertices.
3. It means that all sides of a
RALEQUITELA polygon have the same 3. EQUILATERAL
4. ULERR A strip of wood, metal, or 4. RULER
other material, having
straight edges graduated
usually in millimeters or
inches, used for measuring
and drawing straight lines.

3. Presentation of the New Lesson

From the activity that we have done what do you
think is our lesson for today? Anyone?

Yes? Constructing a Triangle

Brilliant idea, so our topic for today is all about

constructing a triangle.

3. Discussion (20 minutes)

In today’s lesson we are going to discuss the

construction of triangles. Let us first determine what
is construction.

 Construction is a step-by-step procedure

used to create precise geometric figures. To
create a construction by hand, there are a
few tools that you can use:
1. Compass: A device that allows you to create
a circle. It can also help you copy distances.
2. Straightedge or ruler: Anything that
produces a straight line. You can also use a
ruler as a straightedge if you only use it to
draw straight lines and not to measure.
3. Paper: When a geometric figure is on a piece
of paper, the paper itself can be folded to
construct new lines.
After that, we’re going to watch a video.

4. Activity (5 minutes)
“To further enhance your knowledge, let’s do some
more examples.”

1. Find the given 3 sides: 7cm, 5cm and 3cm

4. Application (10 minutes)

Before we proceed to our next activity, can you sight
any experience of yours on how circles are used in
our daily lives?

Very good! Anyone who has another idea to share?

Very Good class. You really understand our lesson
for this afternoon.

At this very moment, you are going to apply what

you have learned to real-life situations. We will have
another activity. I’m going to divide you into three
groups. Please count 1 to 3 starting from you.

Group 1 stays here, Group 2 stay there, and Group 3

stay on that side. Transfer silently class and don’t
disarrange the chairs.

 I have a problem here: The dwarf

queen wants to construct a
triangle ABC in which BC = 6 cm,
CA = 5 cm and AB = 4 cm.

5. Abstraction (3 minutes)
So, now who will give the recap of the things that we Students share their insights.
have discussed today?

So, you already know how to construct a triangle?

Students share their insights.
Why do you think triangles are important in our
daily life?
Yes ma’am.
Are you now ready for a test?

IV. Assessment (10 minutes)

1. Construct a right triangle ABC in which ∠C = 90°

and ∠B = 45°, CB = 5 cm.

V. Assignment
Study in advance about the construction of

Prepared by: ANGEL GRACE O. DIOLASO Date: ___________________

Pre-service Teacher

Checked by: DONNALD JAY F. PELAYO Date: ___________________

Cooperating Teacher

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