ST6047CEM Cyber Security Project CW2 - Thesis

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Softwarica College of IT & E-Commerce

Cyber Security Project

Assignment Brief 2023

Module Title: Ind/Group: Cohort: Module Code:

Cyber Security Project Individual Sept 2023- Regular ST6047CEM
Coursework Title: CW2- Final Report Handout Date:
Lecturer: Manoj Tamang Due Date:
Estimated Time (hrs.) Coursework Type: % Of Module Mark:
Word Limit 12000 (+/- Assignment 83% (25 credits)

Submission online via School Works Pro:

The video containing the steps of reproduction must be submitted on School Works Pro (if any).

File types and method of recording: Any

Mark and Feedback date: 3 weeks after submission.
Mark and Feedback method: Written feedback using School Works Pro.
Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:
2. Conduct a substantial piece of primary research work (including, but not limited to, an
application development, a model or simulation, a business case, or observational or interactional
method) in order to address the initial research question.
3. Conduct such secondary research as to establish the context, need, scope and audience for
the project.
4. Reflect and account for the management of the project, showing consideration for the social,
legal, professional and ethical dimensions of the work undertaken.
5. Present findings of the research in the form of a project report, utilizing appropriate academic
methods of reporting and citation.
Task and Mark distribution:

Individual Coursework (100)

In this assignment, you will be required to submit your cyber security project. The project should
include the following sections:

Title Page
• Title of the project displaying relevant technology and author's name including CUID.

Conceptual Diagram
• A visual representation of the project's architecture and components

• A section to acknowledge the people or organizations who supported the project.

• A summary of the research objectives, methodology, and findings (not more than half a
• List of relevant keywords that describe the topic of the project.

Table of Contents
• Provide a list of the different sections in your project.

List of Figures and Tables

• If any figures, tables, or diagrams are included in the project, list them here.

• Background and Context: Provide an overview of the problem area and the context in
which it exists.
• Problem Statement: Define the problem and the research question(s) that the project
seeks to answer.
• Aim and Objectives: Provide a clear and concise statement of the purpose of the project
and the specific goals to be achieved.
• Justification: Explain the significance of the research and how it will contribute to the field
of cyber security.

• Define the boundaries of the project, including any limitations or exclusions.

Research Methodology
• Provide an overview of the research methodology and approach.

Literature Review
• Cyber Security: Provide an overview of the current state of cyber security, including key
concepts and frameworks.
• Existing Research: Provide a summary of existing research in the field of cyber security,
including at least five case studies or examples of successful cyber security projects.
• Gaps and Areas for Further Research: Identify any gaps or areas for further research in
the field of cyber security.

• Research Design: Explain the research design, including the research approach, data col-
lection methods, and data analysis techniques.
• Proposed Solution: Describe the proposed solution, including software, hardware, and
other tools.
• Project Management: Explain how the project will be managed, including timelines, mile-
stones, and deliverables.
• Risk Management: Identify potential risks to the project and describe how they will be mit-
• Ethical Considerations: Identify any ethical considerations related to the project, such as
data privacy, security, and confidentiality.
• Legal and Regulatory Issues: Outline any potential legal or regulatory issues that may
• Compliance: Describe how the project will comply with relevant regulations, standards,
and best practices, such as ISO 27001, HIPAA, GDPR, or others. Explain how compliance
will be ensured throughout the project, including regular assessments, audits, and compli-
ance checks.

Results/ Findings
• Data Collection and Analysis: Describe the data collection and analysis process, including
any challenges faced and how they were addressed.
• Findings: Present the findings of the research, including any statistical analyses or data

Future Recommendation:
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the solution and identify any additional areas for improve-
ment or refinement.
• Consider integrating the solution with existing cybersecurity tools and systems to enhance
their capabilities and effectiveness.

Discussion and Conclusions

• Interpretation of Findings: Provide an interpretation of the findings considering the re-
search questions and objectives.
• Implications for Cyber Security: Discuss the implications of the research for cyber security,
including how the proposed solution addresses existing gaps in the field.
• Contributions to the Field: Discuss the contributions of the research to the field of cyber
security and any implications for future research.
• Limitations: Discuss any limitations of the research, including any limitations in the pro-
posed solution or methodology.
• Conclusion: Summarize the project and reiterate the importance of the research.

• List at least 50 references, including academic journals, books, and other sources.

• Technical specifications: Include technical specifications of the hardware and software
used in the study.
• Code snippets: Include relevant code snippets that demonstrate the implementation of the
proposed solution.
• SWOT analysis: Include a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analy-
sis that outlines the internal and external factors that may impact the success of the pro-
• Glossary: Include a glossary of technical terms used in the project. This can help readers
to better understand technical concepts and terminology used in the research.
• Other relevant information: Include any other relevant information that supports the pro-
ject, such as charts, graphs, diagrams, or other visual aids that help to illustrate key con-
cepts or findings.

Additional Requirements:
• Clear timeline for the project, including milestones and deadlines.
• Definition of roles and responsibilities involved in the project.
• Clear budget and cost estimate for the project.
• Description of how the success of the project will be evaluated and impact measured.


1. You are expected to use the APA 7 referencing format. For support and advice on how
this student can contact Centre for Academic Writing (CAW).

2. Please notify your registry course support team and module leader for disability support.
3. Any student requiring an extension or deferral should follow the university process as
outlined here.

4. The University cannot take responsibility for any coursework lost or corrupted on disks,
laptops or personal computers. Students should therefore regularly back up any work and are
advised to save it in the University system.

5. If there are technical or performance issues that prevent students submitting coursework
through the online coursework submission system on the day of a coursework deadline, an
appropriate extension to the coursework submission deadline will be agreed
[Rubric may change according to subject and question]

First The project is clear, The research questions The methodology is clear, The project demonstrates a The project is written in
comprehensive, and well- and objectives are clearly appropriate, and well- high level of technical clear and concise language,
≥70 organized. It effectively stated and well-defined. supported, and the competence and relevance with a logical flow of ideas
communicates the research They are directly related proposed solution is well- to the field of cybersecurity. and well-structured
question, objectives, and to the problem statement described and justified. The project shows evidence paragraphs. The writing is
findings. and address important The project management of a deep understanding of free of errors in grammar,
gaps in the field of cyber plan is feasible and well- the topic, and the prototype punctuation, and spelling.
security. defined, and risks, ethicalis well-designed, functional, The project is presented in
considerations, and legal and secure. The project a professional manner, with
and regulatory issues are makes use of appropriate appropriate formatting,
identified and addressed tools and techniques, and citation style, and
appropriately. the code is well- referencing. The student
documented and presents their project in a
commented on. The project clear and confident manner
is relevant to the student's during the defense,
prior learning and demonstrating a deep
experience in their understanding of the
bachelor's program. research and its
Upper The project is mostly clear, The research questions The methodology is The project demonstrates a The project is generally
Second comprehensive, and well- and objectives are stated generally clear and reasonable level of well-written, with a coherent
organized. It effectively but could be more clearly appropriate, but there technical competence and structure and logical
60-69 communicates the research defined or lack a direct may be some gaps in the relevance to the field of progression of ideas. There
question, objectives, and connection to the problem data collection or analysis cybersecurity. The project may be some errors in
findings with minor issues. statement. They address techniques. The proposed shows evidence of a good grammar, punctuation, or
some gaps in the field of solution is described but understanding of the topic, spelling, but they do not
cyber security. may not be fully justified. and the prototype is significantly detract from the
The project management functional and secure. The overall quality of the work.
plan is the most feasible project makes use of The project is presented in
and well-defined, but appropriate tools and an acceptable manner, with
some timelines or techniques, and the code is mostly correct formatting,
milestones may be adequately documented citation style, and
unclear. Risks, ethical and commented on. The referencing. The student
considerations, and legal project is somewhat presents their project in a
and regulatory issues are relevant to the student's mostly clear and confident
identified but may not be prior learning and manner during the defense,
fully addressed. experience in their demonstrating a good
bachelor's program. understanding of the
research and its
Lower The project is somewhat The research questions The methodology is The project demonstrates The project is somewhat
Second clear, comprehensive, and and objectives are somewhat unclear or not some technical competence difficult to read due to
organized. It effectively somewhat unclear or fully appropriate, and the and relevance to the field of unclear writing or poor
50-59 communicates the research poorly defined. They may proposed solution is not cybersecurity. The project organization. There may be
question, objectives, and not be directly related to well-described or justified. shows evidence of a basic several errors in grammar,
findings but with some issues. the problem statement or The project management understanding of the topic, punctuation, or spelling that
may not address plan is not fully feasible or and the prototype is detract from the overall
important gaps in the field well-defined, and functional but may have quality of the work. The
of cyber security. timelines, milestones, or some security project is presented in an
deliverables may be vulnerabilities. The project inconsistent manner, with
unclear or unrealistic. makes use of some some errors in formatting,
Risks, ethical appropriate tools and citation style, or
considerations, and legal techniques, and the code is referencing. The student
and regulatory issues are minimally documented and presents their project in an
identified but not fully commented on. The project uncertain manner during
addressed. is loosely relevant to the the defense, demonstrating
student's prior learning and some understanding of the
experience in their research and its
bachelor's program. implications.
Third The project is unclear, The research questions The methodology is The project demonstrates The project is poorly written
incomplete, or poorly and objectives are unclear or inappropriate, limited technical and difficult to follow, with
40-49 organized. It does not unclear, poorly defined, or and the proposed solution competence and relevance no clear structure or logical
effectively communicate the not relevant to the is not described or to the field of cybersecurity. progression of ideas. There
research question, objectives, problem statement. They justified. The project The project shows evidence are numerous errors in
and findings. do not address important management plan is not of a limited understanding grammar, punctuation, or
gaps in the field of cyber feasible or well-defined, of the topic, and the spelling that significantly
security. and timelines, milestones, prototype is incomplete or detract from the quality of
or deliverables are not functional. The project the work. The project is
unrealistic or missing. makes use of inappropriate presented in an
Risks, ethical or inadequate tools and unprofessional manner, with
considerations, and legal techniques, and the code is inconsistent or incorrect
and regulatory issues are poorly documented and formatting, citation style, or
not fully identified or commented on. The project referencing. The student
addressed. is not relevant to the presents their project in a
student's prior learning and confusing and unclear
experience in their manner during the defense,
bachelor's program. demonstrating a lack of
understanding of the
research and its
Fail The project is significantly The research questions The methodology, The project is incomplete or The project is unacceptable
unclear, incomplete, or poorly and objectives are proposed solution, project non-functional, and/or the in terms of writing quality
<40 organized. It does not missing or not addressed management plan, and/or project demonstrates a lack and presentation, with
effectively communicate the in the proposal. identification of risks, of technical competence numerous errors in
research question, objectives, ethical considerations, and relevance to the field of grammar, punctuation, or
and findings. and legal and regulatory cybersecurity. The project spelling that make it difficult
issues are not present or makes use of inappropriate to read and understand.
are seriously deficient. or inadequate tools and The structure and
techniques, and the code is organization are unclear,
poorly documented and and the project is poorly
commented on. The project presented with many
is not relevant to the formatting, citation style, or
student's prior learning and referencing errors. The
experience in their student fails to present their
bachelor's program. project in a clear and
confident manner during the
defense, demonstrating a
lack of understanding of the
research and its
Late 0 0 0 0 0

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