SZC Pathfinder Manual

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South Zimbabwe Conference of

Seventh-day Adventist Church

Youth Ministries Department

Pathfinder Club
Fair Games Manual 2023



Welcome Remarks
SZC Youth Director

Fair Games
01 Inspection
02 The Unit Guidon
03 Drill & Marching
05 First Aid
07 Trust my knot
08 Dumbbells
09 Craft
11 Flag pole raising
12 Compass board relay
13 Memory gem
15 Credits Page

Welcome Remarks CLUB

I welcome you and thank you This manual will help with
all for accepting to serve in the necessary information as far as
Lord`s vineyard working with Pathfinder fair games are
and for the young people. You concerned, I strongly advice
have come to leadership at a leaders to study it careful
time of great opportunities and and abide with the standard.
also of great challenges.
May the Lord Bless you as you
As we will be participating in serve Him in your various
the Pathfinder fair, I pray that capacities.
we embrace the spirit of
togetherness and fellowship You are Special!!!
since we are competing against
time and standard. I also want
to acknowledge how the Lord
has led us in previous during the
Covid- 19 pandemic. We
believe God will guide through
as he has done it in the past.

It is my sincere plea and desire

that as youth leaders in various
capacities, you ensure that all
the pathfinders are registered Pastor .G. Ngulube
and that they are actively SZC Youth Director
involved in all youth and church
related programs.

Inspection CLUB

The club is to stand ready for inspection by the Judges.

1. When the Judges arrives the Club Marshall shall call the club to stand
at Attention and get ready for inspection.
2. No club members is to move from Parade Area because they do not
have uniform/full uniform.
3. The director, deputy director and Marshall should stand in front of
the club; any other office with the rest of the club`s staff parading at
the back.
4. The flags are to be in first row, followed by the banner.
5. The Guidons are to be carried by captains within the clubs who should
have badges showing their positions in the club.
6. Other pathfinder staff within the club should have badges showing
their positions in the club and the director is to present the club to the
Judge stating the positions they hold.
7. All clubs are to remain on the parade area until dismissed.Those clubs
that have been inspected can allow the entire club to sit down in files.
8.The following will be inspected: Ceremonial Uniform, Cleanliness,
Grooming ( No flying lint) Combed Hair, Finger Nails,Teeth, Polished
Shoes, Flags( Pathfinder flag, National flag, Guidons , Banner & First aid


The Unit Guidon CLUB

The guidon tapers from the pole side to

the other side and has a “V” cut into
the end. The Pathfinder emblem is placed
over the join of the blue & white
fields. The emblem is larger than the
uniform emblem and is 10cm in height.
The unit emblem, to match the unit name,
is centred in the white area and can be
painted, embroidered, stencilled or
sewn on.

The dimensions of the guidon staff or pole are:

Height 1.7m
Diameter 2cm

The dimensions of the guidon are:

Height at pole side 35cm

Height at other side 28cm
Width 55cm
Depth of V at edge 20cm
Width of blue margin 10cm
Distance from top edge of the guidon to top of Pathfinder Triangle 7.5cm

EQUIPMENT: Bring your own

SCORE: 100points


Drill and Marching CLUB

Drill and Marching [5minutes]

PARTICIPANTS: 3/4 of the Club
Upon order by the Judge the marshal shall march to the Judge and present the
club ready to commence. The judge must give permission.
The club shall be expected to show teamwork on their marching by keeping
straight files and rows, swing arms (shoulder height), and the standard pace on the
quick march.
No dancing kind of march will be accepted.
Standard paces for quick, slow and double march are mandatory.
Each executed tasks awards respective marks to the club.
Sashes should be secured so that they do not disturb the Pathfinders during
The Marshal`s command should be loud and clear.
The Marshal shall be judged separately.
The Marshal should position him/herself either to the left or to the right of the
judge before commencing the drill.
All clubs should dismiss inside the area of marching.
Drills will be categorized as: Guidon drill, Basic drill and Freestyle

Guidon drill [20 marks] (A squad of 6 pathfinders)

Upon instruction, the guidon bearers will march in with guidons.
They will perform the following drills on the halt before marching out (they can
join the rest of the drill team).
1. Right turn
2. Left turn
3. About turn
4. Present arms
5. Order arms

Basic drills [50 marks]
On the march
1. Left turn
2. Right turn
3. About turn
4. Slow march
5. Left wheel
6. Right wheel
7. Salute to the left
8. Salute to the right
On the halt
1. Left incline
2. Right incline
3. About turn
4. Salute to the front
5. Present arms
6. Automatic drill
7. Open order
8. Close order
9. 1 pace to the front
10. 1 pace to the back

Freestyle/ Fancy drill [20marks]

The fancy drill should not include any forms of dancing.
It should be one creative piece rather than small unrelated pieces.
Inclusion of guidons in this drill is greatly encouraged.

The marshal [10 marks]

The marshal should be the club`s drill instructor and a member of staff.
Pathfinders will be allowed to drill the club only for the fancy drill

The Marshal(s) shall be judged on the following:

1. Posture
2. Uniform
3. Permission request
4. Voice projection
5. Command

Total Marks - 100


First Aid CLUB


TOPIC: First aid management for neck spinal and lower limb injury {Conscious

- To revive first aid trauma management skills in pathfinders and promote team work
in an emergency.
- To promote the importance of supporting the head all the time when neck and
spinal injury is suspected.
- To revive proper lifting techniques and teamwork when rendering first aid.
- To call the ambulance while rendering first aid {narrator must verbalise this that in
this case}


8 pathfinders -boys and girls {one to act as a patient preferably a boy}

Fully furnished first aid kid, 2 blankets or towels to be rolled up to support the neck,
splint,4 triangular bandages.

CAUTION: As per principles a spine board be used for this scenario; for the purposes
of this drill we will use the blanket lift method club instructors must highlight the
importance of the spine board it may be availed to the team on the fair day.

Bathandwa has sustained neck, spinal and right lower limb injury {closed fracture}
after being hit by flying debris during a disaster he is in a dangerous scene and has to
be moved 5 metres away to POINT B safe place while awaiting help.

PATHFINDER 1{ Narrator }: Will safely run to the patient POINT A 10 metres away
with the first aid kit introduce the team to the judge and verbalise that her team
will ensure self,scene,casualty and bystanders` safety and call for help. She must
introduce herself to the casualty advise him to keep still as her team will help then
signals pathfinder number 2 to come over.

PATHFINDER 2{team leader}: Will safely run to the casualty kneel behind the
casualty's head and grasp the sides of the casualty's head with his hands over the
ears and support it in neutral position in which the head and neck is aligned then
signals pathfinder 3,4 {image 1}

PATHFINDER 3,4: Will support the injured leg by splinting it to the uninjured and
also use a wooden splint, bring the uninjured limb alongside the injured, slide
bandages under both legs 4 triangular bandages must be utilised then signals
pathfinder 5 and 6,7 image2

Narrator states that the team leader PF 2 will now take charge of the log roll
technique she shouts ''Team leader take charge i am off''
PATHFINDER 5,6,7: Upon the command of pathfinder number 2 continuously
supporting the head they help to log roll the casualty as a unit to the uninjured side
and also place rolled towels or blankets against the neck then tie them up with two
roller bandages one on the shin and one on the fore head {LOG ROLL TECHNIQUE}
image 3

PATHFINDER 6, 7: Places rolled up blanket or spine board while the casualty is

tilted to the uninjured side the team 3,4,5, spaced evenly along bathandwa's body
log rolling him as a unit.
PATHFINDER NO:2 ''At the count of three we will log roll the casualty to the
uninjured side PF 5,6 you will help to secure rolled up blankets against the
casualty's neck PF 7 you will place a blanket or board when the casualty is log rolled
lets space ourselves evenly along the casualty's body. {Counts}1,2,3 lets roll the
casualty to the uninjured side'’

PATHFINDER 2: lets prepare to move keep your back straight we will lift and move
the casualty to that spot and back at the count of three we will lift up {counts}1,2,3
lets lift {keeps on supporting head while the patient is moved five metres}

TIME: 5 Minutes.
SCORE: 50 points.

Trust my knot CLUB

Participants: 6 Pathfinders
Time: 6 minutes
Scoring: 100 points

Formation: Single file, one behind the other. A blanket is placed thirty
feet in front of the lead Pathfinder in each team.

Equipment: Each team must bring an old blanket or sack, each

member of the team ,with the exception of pathfinder number 5,
will bring four foot clothesline rope.
Procedure at a signal the first pathfinder will run to the Sack, sit
down in the middle of it, tie a Slip knot on to the sack.
When the knot is tied , he raises both hands as a signal to the second
in line to run forward, and tie his rope to that of the Pathfinder No. 1,
using a sheet bend . He then runs back and touches off the third in line,
who ties his rope to that of the second Pathfinder using a Square Knot.
He then runs back touching the No. 4 who ties his rope to that of No. 3
using Fishermen`s knot then touches No. 5 who runs and ties a Sheep
shank shortening the rope of No. 4, No. 5 touches No . 6 who will tie
a bowline using the same rope of No. 4 around his waist and then pulls
Pathfinder No. 1 sitting on the sack across the designated line.
If any Knot comes loose it must be retied by the Pathfinder who tied it.

Equipment: Each team must bring an old blanket or sack, each

member of the team, with the exception of adventurer number 5,
will bring four foot clothesline rope.


Dumbbells CLUB

DUMB BELLS (50 points)

Maximum time : 5 minutes
EQUIPMENT : DUMBBELLS( make your own design or use
Common type), uniform (own choice).

1. The team stands on the starting line.
2. The team captain is called to ask for permission to present the team, after
receiving permission, goes back to join the team.
3. At the starting signal, the team marches, walks, in and start their display.
4. Starting from base 2, 4, 6, 8 and freestyle.
5. Upon completion of all skills, the team captain walks to judge and confirms
the end of their presentation, salutes and leads the team out.

BASE 2 -Over under front back, over under front back, then turn to your left.
BASE4 -Over under, over under front back, then turn again to your left.
BASE6 -Over and under*6 times, hold front back, then turn.
BASE8 -Sing lo la lo lalo, singabantwana be SDA, do the skill and make turns to
the left.

FREE STYLE -Show your creativity, no dancing. At the end of every BASE, do a
transition to mark the end of the base and start of the next base, (own skill,


Craft CLUB

Theme - Science and Technology

Each club is to construct craft that is:

Operational - it has to "do something" (movement, sound etc)

Made not bought (parts may be bought but not the whole craft)

Points will be awarded for:

- PF participation [40] (evidence in the form of either hard or soft copy
pictures of pathfinders construction should be provided)
- Functionality [60] - The craft should at least do part of what its
intended to do. Eg a model helicopter having rotating blades or a mode
car with motorized wheels.
- Application [10] - Extra points will be given to crafts that are fully
functional. Eg an alarm system that goes off when tripped.

1. Clubs can have as many crafts as they wish but 1 flagship (main) craft.
2. Pathfinders should be able to explain how it was constructed, works
and application.

Art and craft will have a total of 300 points. This is because it is to
represent the whole club activity during the year. It paints a picture on
club members' participation.


Construction - Can be made using any materials eg wood, bamboo,

metal, plastic etc.

It should be able to house/display craft and other work.

Creativity - 10
Functionality - 20
PF involvement - 50
Strength - 10
Aesthetics/Beauty - 10

- Craft done during the year (40)
- Curriculum requirements (60) - (class cards, class work, files, honor


Flag Pole Raising CLUB

PARTICIPANTS: 4 Pathfinders from each club

TIME: 3minutes

EQUIPMENT: 4poles 1,6 & 1,8 meters long, 1 pathfinder guidon

6 x 2meters ropes, 3 x 6meters ropes, 3 x 1 pegs and hammer.

Description: On Signal; Pathfinder lash the 4 poles together to form

a flag pole. Attach the guidon and the 3 x 6meter lengths. Raise the
pole and stake the guidelines using intact knot.When finished,
pathfinders line up and salute within the stipulated 3minutes.

Scoring: Rope lashing techniques

Knots to be used
(a) square knot to the guidon to pole
(b) two half hitches to the guidelines to pole
( c) lashing without frapping shear

1. correct beginning
2. correct lashing
3. correct ending
4. pole to be straight & stable
5. 1 point will be deducted for every 10 seconds
Over 3 minutes

Compass Board Relay CLUB

PARTICIPANTS: 8 Pathfinders from each club

EQUIPMENT: The pie-shaped compass board is cut up into sixteen

sections of the compass.

Description: This are turned upside down scrambled. Participants

must turn them right side up and put them in place. Only one piece
can be turned at a time and it must be used as it is turned. Only
North will be marked.

Nb at the starting signal
1st participant runs and peak the piece and puts it in place. And return
to his/her team members.2nd participants do the same until all
participants had placed 16 sections of the compass.

1st PLACE TIME 3min. 0-1 POINTS 14-16
2nd PLACE TIME 3½min. 0-2 POINTS 11-13
3rd PLACE TIME 4min. 0-3 POINTS 8-10
Entry TIME Over 4min. 0-8

Note: If pathfinders performed the relay in time allocated but have more
errors than allow, they will receive the next lower place.

Memory Gem CLUB

1. Upon arrival at the station the pathfinders will stand in a queue and be given an
envelope each with 5 verses.The envelope will have either words of a verse written
in it requiring the book, chapter and verse or a verse requiring the words.

2. Once the whistle is blown, Participant 1 opens the envelope and state the verse
(loud and clear up to the end) if given the words or recite the words if given the
verse. There is no need to repeat what' s given on the cards, just show the judge and
give the appropriate response. After your response, the judges will take the card.

3. After completing or if stuck, Participant 2 tags Participant 1 who then moves to the
back of the queue. Participant 3 tags Participant 2 and Participant 4 tags Participant 3.
This will help them to be time conscious.

4. When one Participant fails to recite any of the verses, he/she will have to wait for
other Participants to complete their task and they may help him/her at the end if there
is still time.

Procedure of Assisting Your Fellow Participant

NB: At this point, the participants are now back to their original places and they
are carrying only verses they failed to recite.

1. The Participants exchange their verses such that they remain with the verses
they are able to recite.

2. Participant 1 recites and moves to the back of the queue followed by Participant
2 up to Participant 4. For verses, they still do not know, the participant gives the one
behind him/ her .

1. Director, Councilor or any club member not aloud to shout out
the answers to the participants.
2. Judges takes the answer as said no giving out hints.
3.When it's time up the participants are requested to stop.

4 Envelopes with 5 verses in each envelope.

TIME: 4 minutes
SCORE: 40 points
ENTRY 10 points

Ephesians 1:7
Ephesians 2:8
Ephesians 2:9
Ephesians 3:21
Ephesians 4:4
Ephesians 4:25

1 Timothy 1:8
1 Timothy 2:5
1 Timothy 4:7
1 Timothy 5:1
1 Timothy 6:8

Amos 3:7
Amos 5:4
Amos 5:24
Amos 8:11

Leviticus 11:2
Leviticus 17:14
Leviticus 19:28
Leviticus 22:20

South Zimbabwe Conference Youth Director
South Zimbabwe Conference AY Full House
South Zimbabwe Conference Junior Youth House
Fair Games Committee
Lawrence Msipa - Design & Print



SZC Pathfinder Fair Games Manual 2023

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