5 Symbolic Frame Worksheet-1
5 Symbolic Frame Worksheet-1
5 Symbolic Frame Worksheet-1
Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.
I have chosen twitch as my organization. This is the largest organization for streaming all
things from video games to cooking or even just chatting. I am looking into it as a
external role looking into the organization. The situation I have chosen to look into is the
creator fees and requirements set by the company for their streamers have to agree to and
run to make a profit. It is within this situation I want to know if it is in fact profitable to
the either party.
When we talk about symbols and how easily something is recognizable we rely on
companies branding and ability to deliver what the consumers are looking for. With
Twitch they have a great logo, color scheme, and customizable site that gives the creators
to make stuff and screens that fit their personalities but even with the customizable
options if you see the screen you can tell where and how it was done just by how
recognizable the system is. They offer this to make it easy for new viewers to find their
favorite streamer but also creating a common community of tradition and streaming
quality for all to enjoy no matter the category whether it is cooking, politics, or my
personal favorite Video Games.
When looking in as an outsider from the organization and what we have learned this
week it is easy to see why the company made the decisions with acronyms and logos. If
you watch streamers or stream everyone knows what TTV means and the what the logo
looks like when scrolling through your phone or apps on a computer.
3) Recommend how you would use organizational symbols for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.
Baed on the symbolic frame and using a companies symbols to alter change. From their
current path I would recommend using it in larger campaigns to grow the brand and
expand the online community and bring more together. The online community all knows
what Twitch offers but to grow the profits and make more change they need to be able to
grab more viewers from people who may not have experienced the streaming community.
This will increase viewers and chances for more to subscribe and offer more profits for
the creators and the twitch company as a whole.
4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.
Based on what I learned this frame I think the biggest thing to keep in mind is not
changing the branding and methods to drastically. I understand that when companies
struggle they re market and make changes to the brands itself but this can backfire. When
you look at twitch the branding and style is so easily recognizable that removing or
changing would be a step in the wrong direction. I think when it comes to the symbols of
a company change needs to be added to existing instead of overriding what is currently
Reference or References
Twitch CEO Dan Clancy Announces Layoff As Business Is Not Profitable. (2024). Nasdaq.com.