Elliptical Lobe Shape Gerotor Pump Design To Minimize Wear: Research Article
Elliptical Lobe Shape Gerotor Pump Design To Minimize Wear: Research Article
Elliptical Lobe Shape Gerotor Pump Design To Minimize Wear: Research Article
Abstract The gerotor pumps are the most important method for pin tooth’s maximum contact point. Hwang
parts of mechanical equipment that have a vast number of and Hsieh [3] illustrated the use of the envelope theorem
applications in industries and automobiles. Because the for the geometric design of a gerotor pump. They also
gerotor pumps cannot be adjusted for wear so it is proposed a mathematical model of the internal cycloidal
important to reduce the wear as much as possible. In this gear with tooth difference is created by the theory of
paper first mathematical equations for elliptical lobe shape gearing and determined surface singularities by using the
rotors profile and curvature of them have been derived and model [4]. Ivanović and Josifović [5] studied specific
then Specific flow and wear rate proportional factor sliding of trochoidal gearing profile in the gerotor pumps
(WRPF) have been formulated. To reach the minimum as an element of the wear intensity of the tooth profiles.
wear in rotors teeth, the ellipse shape factor is changed for Chang et al. [6] developed an integrated system for the
each value of number of outer rotor teeth in a feasible range automated design of a gerotor oil pump. They calculated
and wear rate proportional factor has been resulted. Also in flow rate and flow ripple irregularity too. Soon Kwon et al.
order to have better comparison specific flow has been [7] proposed an analytical wear model of a gerotor pump
presented. The obtained results have been compared with without hydraulic effects namely wear rate proportional
circular pumps with similar geometrical parameters and factor (WRPF). Gamez-Montero et al. [8] developed an
show the significant improvement in wear of the rotors innovative tool to design a trochoidal-gear pump which
with negligible changes in the specific flow. able to calculate and plot volumetric and kinematic
characteristics of the pump. Demenego et al. [9] modified
Keywords gerotor pump, elliptical lobe shape pump, the geometry of rotor profiles of a cycloidal pump which
wear rate proportional factor (WRPF), specific flow provides only one pair of teeth is in mesh at every instant.
It causes to avoid tooth interference and rapid wearing that
occur in the case of a conventional pump. Gamez-Montero
1 Introduction et al. [10] characterize contact stress of a trochoidal-gear
set when it works as part of the hydraulic machine. They
An oil pump is an essential part of a hydraulic system. verified their model with finite element and prototype
Because of small fluctuation, good performance, high model. Kim et al. [11] optimized flow ripple and specific
accuracy, compactness and simplicity the gerotor pumps is sliding under pressure angle limitation. Inaguma [12]
widely used in the automotive industry for fuel lift, engine presented theoretical torque (ideal torque) and theoretical
oil and transmission systems. displacement in an internal gear pump such as gerotor
The relevant research on circular lobe shape gerotor pump. Maiti and Sinha [13] carried out a kinematic to
pumps includes: Vecchiato et al. [1] developed the investigate the pattern of rolling and sliding at the load
geometry of rotor conjugated profiles by using the theory transmitting (active) contact regions for various type of
of envelopes to a family of parametric curves and analysis epitrochoid. Shung and Pennock [14] presented a com-
of profile meshing. They also determined singularities of bined analytical and finite element model for calculating
the rotor profiles. Chen et al. [2] developed the correct contact forces of a trochoidal machine when friction and
meshing condition, contact line, contact ratio, calculating deformation at the contact points are neglected. Beard et al.
[15] studied the effects of the generating pin size and
Received January 11, 2011; accepted August 20, 2011 placement on the curvature and displacement of epitro-
choidal gerotors. Mimmi and Pennacchi [16] analyzed
Mohammad Reza KARAMOOZ RAVARI ( ) ✉ internal involute gear pumps and internal lobe pumps that
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University Of Technol-
ogy, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran have similar operations but different performances.
E-mail: [email protected] Despite of lots of studies carried out on circular lobe
430 Front. Mech. Eng. 2011, 6(4): 429–434
2 Geometric design
2.1 Inner rotor profile
2 3
cosðφ2 – φ1 Þ – sinðφ2 – φ1 Þ – esinφ 1 2 r2
6 7 qi ðαÞ ¼ H ðjO1 Ai j – jO1 Bi j Þ – ðjO2 Ai j – jO2 Bi j Þ ω2 ,
2 2 2
¼ 0: (7)
Equations (4) and (7) considered simultaneously
determine the generated tooth profile of the inner rotor.
where PH is Hertzian contact stress and Vs is the where T is the input torque, n = (N + 1)/N and li is as
sliding velocity. Figure 4 shows needed geometrical follow:
parameters for calculating sliding velocity and Hertzian 8 *
contact stress. < eNdi
sinα*i , 0£αi <π,
The sliding velocity formula is li ¼ mi
mi – R 0, π£αi <2π:
Vs ¼ ω2 , (14)
where mi ¼ d 2 þ ðeN Þ2 – 2deN cosαi and i determine 5 Numerical results
tooth number.
When inner and outer rotors are made of the same The main goal of the present paper is perusing the
material the Hertzian contact stress formula is influence of ellipse shape factor on wear rate proportional
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi factor and specific flow. To reach it, all geometrical
Fi E * parameters including d, R and e have been fixed and the
PH ¼ , (15) specific flow and maximum value of wear rate proportional
factor have been calculated for several values of N and k. in
where E * ¼ , R* ¼ ð1=i þ 1=o Þ – 1 , E is elastic other words for each value of N, ellipse shape factor has
1 – v2 been increased while the undercutting condition observe.
module, ν is poison ratio, ρi and ρo is the curvature Notice that E* = 1 and T = 1 have been used to generalize
radius of inner and outer rotor respectively in the ith the rotors material and input torque.
contact point which is can be calculated by using Eq. (8). Two commercial pumps with circular lobe shape have
Fi is the contact force in the ith contact point which is been used for comparison. Table 1 shows the geometrical
formulated as parameters of these pumps.
Table 1 Geometrical parameter of two commercial pumps
d R e H
Case 1 [7] 40.725 10.85 2.85 9.25
Case 2 (PZ9e19) [8] 22.4 4.55 1.9 8.895
Table 2 Improvement in WRPF value of elliptical lobe shape than circular one
N=5 N=6 N=7 N=8 N=9 N = 10
Case 1 kbest 2.1 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.6
Improvement/% 25.3136 9.2988 3.8603 0.2169 1.8692 14.4050
Case 2 kbest 2.4 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.2
Improvement/% 32.04 14.55 8.35 3.48 0.91
Fig. 5 WRPF vs. ellipse shape factor for several values of N. (a) Fig. 6 Specific flow vs. ellipse shape factor for several values of
Case 1; (b) case 2 N. (a) Case 1; (b) case 2
of circular one only by changing the ellipse shape factor of the rotors calculated and non-undercutting condition
not other geometrical parameters. explained. Wear rate proportional factor used to model
wear in the rotors teeth and calculated for several values
of ellipse shape factor in the feasible range. The
6 Summary and conclusions obtained results compared with the circular pumps with
similar parameters and show significant improvement
Rotors profile equation of elliptical lobe shape pump in the wear of the rotors teeth with negligible changes in
derived by using envelope theory and then the curvature the specific flow. So it is possible to reduce wear of
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