English Reviewer

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Literature - written works done artistically to express life,

thoughts, and beauty

4 types of literature:

poetry- is known to have meter and rhyme, uses rhythmic

language to evoke emotional response

Drama - (si harlan na toh) intended to be acted on stage,

presented in dialogues and may be a series or situations having
emotional scenes

Fiction - literary work from imagination

Non-fiction - based on facts and/or the author's thoughts and


Elements of a short story


Characterization (refers to the description of the characters, their

traits, and attributes.)
Types of characterization:
● Direct (Straightforward description)
● Indirect (readers need to understand/analyze to understand,
the writer reveals information by actions, thoughts, and
Setting - refers to the time and place where the story takes place
and happens.
Types of settings
A. Realistic - when the main character lives in a place where it
could also exist in real life
B. Historical - it took place in the past
C. Fantasy - It has its own imaginary world
D. Science fiction - advancement in technology and more on
the future
E. Isolated setting - for example, an island, stuck in a certain

How to determine the setting

Things the character has

Plot - sequence/arrangement of events that happen in a story

Exposition (introduction) -
● introduction of the story.
● Exposes the beginning of the story

Rising action
● It is where the conflict is introduced
● Events that lead conflict to the climax
It is where the most intense/interesting part of the story happens

Falling action
To bring the climax to the last part which is the resolution

Ending of a story
The action of solving a problem

CONFLICT- a struggle, problem, or tension between opposing

forces that drive the plot forward. Any story needs conflict to
provide necessary suspense. It is frequently employed to highlight
the motivation, morals, and flaws of people while also illuminating
a story's underlying significance.

-struggle within the mind of a character. It can be emotionally or

- a struggle that occurs between a character and outside forces of
1 Character us Self
2 Character us Character
3 Character vs Nature
4 Character vs Supernatural
5 Character vs Technology
6 Character vs Society

Point of view (POV) - refers to the narrator's position in a story,

determining the perspective from which the events are presented.

1st POV - the narrator is a character within a story telling the

events from their own perspective using pronouns like "I" and

2nd POV - the narrator addresses the reader directly using the
pronoun "you"

3rd POV- the story is told by a narrator who is not a character in

the story. This narrator uses third-person pronouns like "he," she,"
or "they"

Poetry is a written work of art; an expression of

-Overflowing thoughts/emotions with rhythm, meter - rhythmic /
beats /musicality and sound. - stanza - rhyme - Syllables
-Figurative language

Forms of poetry

1. Sonnet- is a fourteen-line poem with a set dame scheme, often

divided into quatrains, octaves, and sestets
2. Ode is a formal lyric poem written in a celebration or dedication
or dedication of something with specific intent.
3. Lyric- a personal piece of poetry that tends to be shorter,
melodies, and contemplative.
4. Elegy- is a mournful prem, especially a lament For the dead.
5. Limerick - is a humorous piece of poetry that consists of five
lines with the same rhythm:
6. Haiku- is a form of unrhymed Japanese poetry containing three
sections (8-7-5) with a total of 17 syllables.

Elements of Poetry
1. Rhythm - is the music made by the statement of the Deem of
the poem that is created by the use of words with stressed and
unstressed syllables

2. Meter - is the basic structural makeup of the poem. It is the

pattern of beats in a line of poetry.

3. Stanza is a smaller unit or group of lines or a paragraph in

prose. A particular stanza has a specific meter, rhyme, scheme,
a Couplet = 2 lines
b: Tercet - 3 lines
c. Quatrain - 4 lines
d Cinquain - 5 lines
e. Sestet - 6 lines
f. Septet - 7 lines
g. Octave - 8 lines

4. Rhyme- are words having the same sounds. Free verse - not
employing same-sounding words

5. Rhyme Scheme: - is the pattern of rhyme. It is indicated by the

use of the alphabet. ex aabb, ab ab, abba.
6. Theme - is the central idea the poem wants to convey.

7. Figurative language - is the use of figures of speech to

stimulate a reader's imagination.

Figures of speech
1. Simile - is a stated comparison of entirely different objects that
is indicated by the use of "like" and " as"

ex. Oh my love is like a red, red rose that's newly sprung in June.
2. Metaphor - is an implied comparison between things essentially
different but having one quality. in common. which the comparison
is built.
ex. You're an angel from above
You've captured all my love

3. Personification - is giving human qualities to things or

inanimate objects.
ex. The moon smiled at the lovers in the garden.

4. Apostrophe - addresses an object as if it were a real person,

the absent as if he/she were present, and dead as if alive.
ex Oh death, where is thy victory?
Oh grave, where is thy sling?

5. Synecdoche - a part of something or someone is used to

represent the whole thing or the whole person ex. Fifty sails
entered the harbor.
6. Metonymy - one object may recall another which closely
suggests ex. Have you read Shakespeare

7. Hyperbole: Is an exaggerated statement

8. Irony - one thing is said when the opposite is meant

9: Oxymoron/ paradox is employing juxtaposition of two words

that are normally contradicting
Ex. Inflicting physical punishment to a child is cruel kindness
Parting is really sweet sorrow

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