This document provides an air system sizing summary for the TF-Administration zone in the OCC Building in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The air system serving this single zone is a split-system cooling terminal unit with a peak cooling load of 14.6 kW and required airflow of 1240 L/s. The peak heating load is 4.6 kW with a required minimum airflow of 1240 L/s as well. The zone has a floor area of 102 square meters and requires an airflow of 12.16 L/s per square meter for both cooling and heating.
This document provides an air system sizing summary for the TF-Administration zone in the OCC Building in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The air system serving this single zone is a split-system cooling terminal unit with a peak cooling load of 14.6 kW and required airflow of 1240 L/s. The peak heating load is 4.6 kW with a required minimum airflow of 1240 L/s as well. The zone has a floor area of 102 square meters and requires an airflow of 12.16 L/s per square meter for both cooling and heating.
This document provides an air system sizing summary for the TF-Administration zone in the OCC Building in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The air system serving this single zone is a split-system cooling terminal unit with a peak cooling load of 14.6 kW and required airflow of 1240 L/s. The peak heating load is 4.6 kW with a required minimum airflow of 1240 L/s as well. The zone has a floor area of 102 square meters and requires an airflow of 12.16 L/s per square meter for both cooling and heating.
This document provides an air system sizing summary for the TF-Administration zone in the OCC Building in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The air system serving this single zone is a split-system cooling terminal unit with a peak cooling load of 14.6 kW and required airflow of 1240 L/s. The peak heating load is 4.6 kW with a required minimum airflow of 1240 L/s as well. The zone has a floor area of 102 square meters and requires an airflow of 12.16 L/s per square meter for both cooling and heating.
Air System Name TF- Adminstration Number of zones 1 Equipment Class TERM Floor Area 102.0 m² Air System Type SPLT-FC Location Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Sizing Calculation Information
Calculation Months Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing Peak zone sensible load Sizing Data Calculated Space L/s Sizing Individual peak space loads
Hourly Analysis Program v4.90 Page 1 of 2
Zone Sizing Summary for TF- Adminstration Project Name: OCC Building 01/27/2024 Prepared by: SEDA 11:33PM
Air System Information
Air System Name TF- Adminstration Number of zones 1 Equipment Class TERM Floor Area 102.0 m² Air System Type SPLT-FC Location Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Sizing Calculation Information
Calculation Months Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing Peak zone sensible load Sizing Data Calculated Space L/s Sizing Individual peak space loads
Zone Sizing Data
Maximum Maximum Zone
Cooling Design Minimum Heating Floor Sensible Airflow Airflow Time of Load Area Zone Zone Name (kW) (L/s) (L/s) Peak Load (kW) (m²) L/(s-m²) Zone 1 14.6 1240 1240 Jul 1700 4.6 102.0 12.16
Terminal Unit Sizing Data - Cooling
Total Sens Coil Coil Water Time
Coil Coil Entering Leaving Flow of Load Load DB / WB DB / WB @ 5.6 °K Peak Zone Name (kW) (kW) (°C) (°C) (L/s) Load Zone 1 20.2 16.7 26.4 / 18.6 14.9 / 13.8 - Jun 1600
Terminal Unit Sizing Data - Heating, Fan, Ventilation
Heating Htg Coil
Heating Coil Water Fan OA Vent Coil Ent/Lvg Flow Design Fan Fan Design Load DB @11.1 °K Airflow Motor Motor Airflow Zone Name (kW) (°C) (L/s) (L/s) (BHP) (kW) (L/s) Zone 1 5.4 20.3 / 24.0 - 1240 0.938 0.744 81
Space Loads and Airflows
Cooling Time Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible of Flow Load Area Space Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(s-m²) Zone 1 TF- Adminstration 1 14.6 Jul 1700 1240 4.6 102.0 12.16