2023 Autumn Algebra Qual

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Algebraic Qualifying Exam, Fall 2023


Write your solutions to each problem on one or more sheet of paper. You may write on
the back side of a page, of course. Be sure to write your name on the solution. Use
separate pages for separate problems. If you use more than one page for a problem
please staple them together. (A stapler is provided.) Put each solution in the corresponding
envelope to be graded.

Problem 1. Consider the symmetric group Sp with p prime.

(i) (3 pts) Prove that every p-group in Sp is cyclic.
(ii) (4 pts) Prove the number of Sylow p-subgroups in Sp is (p − 2)!.
(iii) (3 pts) Use (b) and one of the Sylow theorems to deduce Wilson’s theorem, that (p−1)! ≡
−1 (mod p).

Problem 2. Let G be a finite group with exponent N (i.e., g N = 1 for all g ∈ G). Let
ρ : G → GL(V ) be a finite-dimensional C-linear representation of G, and χρ : G → C the
associated character.

(i) (3 pts) Explain how the dual space V ∗ is naturally made into a G-representation, and
show its character χρ∗ is given by χρ∗ (g) = χρ (g −1 ).

(ii) (3 pts) Show χρ (g) belongs to the cyclotomic field Q(ζN ), and that χρ∗ (g) = χρ (g).

(iii) (4 pts) Assume that for all g ∈ G and integers r coprime to N , g r is conjugate to g.
(This holds for G a symmetric group.) Show χρ (g) ∈ Q for all g ∈ G. (Hint: naturally
Gal(Q(ζN )/Q) ⊂ (Z/N Z)× . This is even an equality, but that isn’t needed.)

Problem 3. (i) (3√ pts) For K = Q( −31), show that the integral closure R of Z in K is
Z[α] for α = (1 + −31)/2, and prove that Z[t]/(t2 − t + 8) ≃ R as rings.

(ii) (3 pts) Define Dedekind domain, and state the unique factorization theorem for nonzero
proper ideals J in a Dedekind domain A. Deduce that J is a product of distinct maximal
ideals if and only if the ring A/J has no nonzero nilpotent elements.

(iii) (4 pts) By studying the ring R/2R, show that 2R is contained in two distinct maximal
ideals of R, given by m = (2, α) and m′ = (2, α + 1), and that these maximal ideals are
swapped by complex conjugation. Using (i) show that 2R = mm′ , and deduce that m is not
principal. (Hint: show NK/Q (x + yα) = x2 + xy + 8y 2 for x, y ∈ Q and deduce R× = {±1}.)
Problem 4. If G is a group, let G′ be its derived group, generated by commutators [a, b] =
aba−1 b−1 for a, b ∈ G. Then Gab = G/G′ is an abelian quotient of G. The group G is called
a 2-step nilpotent group if G′ is contained in the center Z(G).

(i) (5 pts) Let G be a 2-step nilpotent group. If x ∈ G let x be its image in Gab . Define a
map β : Gab × Gab −→ Z(G) by β (x, y) = [x, y]. Prove that β is well-defined. Show that β
is bilinear in that

β(x1 x2 , y) = β(x1 , y)β(x2 , y), β(x, y1 y 2 ) = β(x, y1 )β(x, y 2 ),

and skew-symmetric in that

β(y, x) = β(x, y)−1 .

(ii) (5 pts) Let G and H groups. Assume that H is a 2-step nilpotent group. Let ϕ : G −→ H
a homomorphism such that the induced homomorphism ϕ : Gab −→ H ab is surjective. Prove
that ϕ(G′ ) = H ′ and deduce that ϕ is surjective.

Note: Part (ii) does not necessarily require Part (i) for its solution.

Problem 5. (i) (8 pts) Let D be an integral domain, f, g ∈ D two nonzero elements, and
R = D/(f g). For the quotient R-algebra A = R/f R = D/(f ), if a denotes the image of g
in A then show 
 j=0
Torj (A, A) = A/aA, j odd
 a
ker(A → A), j even and positive

(the kernel expression means the kernel of a-multiplication on A).

(ii) (2 pts) For R = Z[x]/(xn − 1) for an integer n > 1. Identifying R/(x − 1)R with Z (via
x 7→ 1), compute that

 j=0
Torj (Z, Z) = Z/nZ, j odd

0, j even and positive

Algebraic Qualifying Exam, Fall 2023

Write your solutions to each problem on one or more sheet of paper. You may write on
the back side of a page, of course. Be sure to write your name on the solution. Use
separate pages for separate problems. If you use more than one page for a problem
please staple them together. (A stapler is provided.) Put each solution in the corresponding
envelope to be graded.

Problem 6. Let α be a non-zero complex number such that α + α−1 is contained in a

quadratic number field.
(i) (3 pts) Show that α is algebraic over Q.
(ii) (7 pts) Let L be the normal closure of Q(α). Then [L : Q] | 8.

Problem 7. Suppose R is a ring (commutative, with unit), and

0 → M ′ → M → M ′′ → 0

is an exact sequence of R-modules.

(i) (5 pts) If two of the three of {M ′ , M, M ′′ } are finitely generated, is it necessarily true
that the third is? If yes, give a proof; if no, give a counterexample with proof. (There are
three cases to consider.)

(ii) (5 pts) What if furthermore R is Noetherian?

Problem 8. Let k be an algebraically closed field.

(i) (3 pts) Prove that the maximal irreducible proper closed subsets in k n are exactly the
zero loci of irreducible polynomials h ∈ k[t1 , . . . , tn ], and that these have dimension n − 1.

(ii) (3 pts) For distinct irreducible closed subsets Z ⊂ Z ′ in k n such that there is no irreducible
closed subset strictly between them, prove dim Z ′ = 1 + dim Z. (Hint: use (i) and Noether

(iii) (4 pts) For irreducible closed subsets X ⊂ Y ⊂ k n and the prime ideal p ⊂ k[Y ]
corresponding to X, prove that dim k[Y ]p = dim Y − dim X and that this is the maximal
integer c for which there are distinct irreducible closed subsets

X = Z0 ⊂ Z1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Zc = Y .
Problem 9. Let G be a finite group, and θ : G −→ G an automorphism. Let π : G −→
GL(V ) be an irreducible complex representation. Let β : V × V −→ C be a nonzero bilinear
form such that
β(π(g)x, π(θ(g))y) = β(x, y), g ∈ G, x, y ∈ V.

Note: It is possible that no such nonzero bilinear form exists.

Hint for parts (i) and (ii): think about V ∗ .

(i) (4 pts) Prove that β is nondegenerate.

(ii) (4 pts) Prove that β is unique up to scalar multiple.

(iii) (2 pts) Assume the automorphism θ has order 2. Prove that β(x, y) = εβ(y, x) where ε
is independent of x and y and equals ±1.

Problem 10. Let F be a field. If

f (x) = xn + an−1 xn−1 + . . . + a0 ∈ F [x]

is a monic polynomial, the corresponding rational canonical form is the matrix

 
0 1 0 ··· 0
 0
 0 1 ··· 0 

 .. .
. .
. . . .
cn (f ) =  . .

. . . .
 
 0 0 0 ··· 1 
−a0 −a1 −a2 −an−1

It is easy to see that its characteristic polynomial is f (x).

(i) (3 pts) Let M ∈ Matn (F ). Let R = F [x] be the polynomial ring in one variable. Define a
module VM to be the vector space F n with the R-module structure f · v = f (M )v for f ∈ R
and v ∈ V . Show that if M = cn (f ) then VM ∼= F [x]/(f ).

(ii) (4 pts) Let M1 and M2 ∈ Matn (F ). Show that M1 and M2 are similar matrices if and
only if VM1 ∼= VM2 as F [x]-modules.

(iii) (3 pts) Let f1 and f2 be two polynomials of degrees n and m. Prove that cn+m (f1 f2 ) is
similar in Matn+m (F ) to
cn (f1 )
cn (f1 ) ⊕ cm (f2 ) :=
cm (f2 )

if and only if f1 and f2 are coprime.

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