Arson Investigation

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Building Plan Evaluation – is an activity by the for the grant of Certificate of Occupancy,

Bureau of Fire Business Permit, Certificate of Annual

Inspection from PEZA and other licenses and
Protection wherein a building plan is reviewed
permits being issued by other government
by its Building
agencies upon determining that the required
Plan Evaluators to determine whether the same fire safety construction are in place, and fire
complies with the protective and/ or warning systems are properly
installed in accordance with the approved plans
requirements of RA 9514 and its IRR. This and specifications and in compliance with RA
likewise covers the 9514 and its RIRR.
issuance of FSEC as a pre-requisite for the Fire Safety Maintenance Report (FSMR). A
issuance of Building written report prepared by the building owner,
Permit by the Building Official. his/her fire safety practitioner or authorized
Pre-construction Phase – refers to the stage
where a proposed Fire Safety Practitioner. Any qualified person,
recognized by the BFP, engaged in, but not
building to be constructed is applying for a limited to, the design, construction, installation,
building permit and repair and maintenance, assessment, and
construction is yet to start. rehabilitation of fire safety construction,
suppression and control systems, protective and
Building Plan Evaluator / Fire Safety Inspector warning systems and life safety related services,
(FSI) – conducts an ocular inspection during the or employed as a safety officer of public and
construction phase. private establishments/companies.
Construction Phase – refers to the stage where a Fire Volunteer Organization (FVO). An organized
building is being erected or constructed. group of private firefighters recognized by the
BFP, who have voluntarily formed themselves to
Post-Construction Phase – refers to the stage
perform fire-related activities. Fire Volunteer. A
where a building under construction has been
person who voluntarily enters into firefighting
completed and is ready for occupancy.
service through a Fire Volunteer Organization
ISSUANCE OF FSIC FOR BUSINESS PERMIT - This (FVO) and undergoes the same discipline as that
covers the procedure in the conduct of fire of BFP firefight
safety inspection necessary in the issuance of
Hose Reel- A cylindrical device turning on an
Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) as a pre-
axis around which a fire hose is wound and
requisite for the issuance of Business or Mayor’s
Permit, Permit to Operate, PHILHEALTH
Accreditation for Hospitals, DOH License to Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC). A
Operate, and other Permits and licenses being document issued by the BFP as a prerequisite
issued by other government agencies valid for for the grant of Building Permit by the Office of
one (1) year from the date of issuance unless Building Official having jurisdiction upon
revoked / cancelled. determination that the evaluated plans are
compliant with RA 9514 and its RIRR.
Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC). A
document issued by the BFP as a prerequisite
A. The Plan Evaluator shall undertake the
necessary evaluation and review of the plans in A. After construction/renovation/modification
accordance with the guidelines issued by the or alteration and prior to the issuance of the
Chief, BFP for this purpose, indicating whether Certificate of Occupancy by the Building Official,
or not such plans conform to the fire safety and the C/MFM having jurisdiction shall designate a
life safety requirements of RA 9514 and its RIRR. Fire Safety Inspector (FSI) who shall inspect the
For this purpose, a Fire Safety Checklist shall be building, structure or facility. The FSI shall
used to facilitate the checking of building plan. recommend in his/her After Inspection Report
The evaluated plans and the corresponding Fire (AIR) the issuance of necessary Fire Safety
Safety Checklist shall then be submitted to the Inspection Certificate (FSIC) upon determination
Chief, FSES/U for review and recommendation that the required fire safety construction is in
to the C/MFM having jurisdiction. place, and fire protective and/or warning
systems are properly installed in accordance
B. The C/MFM having jurisdiction upon
with the approved plans and specifications.
evaluation of the recommendation will either
issue FSEC or Notice of Disapproval (NOD), as B. The C, FSES/U shall review the findings of the
the case may be, and upon payment by the FSI and recommend to the C/MFM having
owner/authorized representative of Fire Code jurisdiction the issuance of FSIC for Occupancy
Construction Tax and other appropriate Fire or NOD. The C/MFM having jurisdiction will
Code Fees. either issue the FSIC or NOD, as the case may
be, upon payment of appropriate Fire Code
C. No building plan shall be evaluated without
Fees. However, if it appears during inspection
the submission of Fire Safety Compliance Report
that the subject establishment is already
(FSCR) in accordance with Division 3 of this Rule
occupied or operating, a Notice to Comply (NTC)
and the pertinent documents required under
shall be issued to the owner/administrator/
the BFP Citizen’s Charter.
occupant and the procedure under Rule 13 of
D. The procedure for securing FSEC shall be in this Code shall be observed.
accordance with the BFP Citizen’s Charter.
C. Testing and commissioning of fire protective
SECTION INSPECTION DURING and warning system of the building shall be
CONSTRUCTION conducted by the installer/contractor during
inspection to be witnessed by the FSI. No FSIC
During construction, renovation, modification or for Occupancy shall be issued without
alteration, the C/MFM having jurisdiction, on submission of Fire Safety Compliance and
the basis of issued FSEC, shall inspect the Commissioning Report (FSCCR) in accordance
premises to determine whether the plans, and with Division 3 of this Rule and other pertinent
specifications are being followed and fire safety documents required under the BFP Citizen’s
precautions are being observed. He/ She shall Charter.
cause the correction of any defects/deficiencies
noted, when necessary. D. The procedure for securing FSIC for
Occupancy shall be in accordance with the BFP
Citizen’s Charter.
SECTION BUSINESS AND 1. The C/MFM having jurisdiction, shall cause
ROUTINE/ANNUAL INSPECTION the conduct of routine or periodic fire safety
inspection, re-inspection, or inspection arising
A. Inspection for the purpose of
from complaint, of any building, structure,
Business/Mayor’s Permit and other Permits or
facility or premises not falling under para “A” of
Licenses Application
this Section, for the purpose of determining
1. The C/MFM having jurisdiction shall cause the compliance with RA 9514 and its RIRR. For this
inspection of premises of any industrial, purpose, Inspection Order (IO) shall be issued
commercial or business operations, and issue by the C/MFM having jurisdiction. The building
the necessary FSIC, as a prerequisite for the owner or administrator shall make available to
grant of Business/Mayor’s Permit or Certificate the FSI, if necessary, copies of all plans, design
of Annual Inspection from Philippine Economic calculations and specifications of the building as
Zone Authority (PEZA), upon determination that it was actually built/constructed, or in the
fire safety measures for use, handling, or absence of the same, copies of all plans, design
storage of explosives or combustible, calculations and specifications of the building as
flammable, toxic and other hazardous 25 it is at the time of the inspection and FSMR, if
materials, as well as hazardous operations or applicable, in accordance with Division 3 of this
processes, have been complied, and upon Rule. The FSI shall prepare an AIR and
payment of appropriate Fire Code Fees. recommend to the C/MFM having jurisdiction
appropriate administrative courses of action
2. The designated FSI shall conduct final provided under Rule 13 of this Code in case of
inspection in the establishment; prepare an any violation of RA 9514 and its RIRR.
After Inspection Report (AIR) using the
prescribed format; and recommend the 2. Inspection procedure shall be in accordance
issuance of either FSIC or appropriate Notice in with the BFP Citizen’s Charter.
accordance with Rule 13. The Chief, FSES/U
Fire Safety Inspector (FSI). A uniformed/non-
reviews the findings and recommends to the
uniformed personnel of the BFP responsible for
C/MFM having jurisdiction for approval or
fire safety inspection and assessment of fire
disapproval. The C/MFM having jurisdiction will
hazards, and whose function, duties and
either issue FSIC or NTC in accordance with Rule
responsibilities are defined under Division 1,
13 of this Code.
Chapter 2, Rule 8 of this RIRR.
3. No FSIC shall be issued without the
submission of Fire Safety and Maintenance
Report (FSMR), if applicable, in accordance with
Division 3 of this Rule and payment of
appropriate Fire Code Fees.

4. The procedure for securing FSIC shall be in

accordance with the BFP Citizen’s Charter.

B. Routine/Annual Fire Safety Inspection on

Existing Buildings, Structures and Facilities other
than for Business/Mayor’s Permit and other
Permits or Licenses Application

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