LDM1M3 LDMReadines Assessment Result
LDM1M3 LDMReadines Assessment Result
LDM1M3 LDMReadines Assessment Result
Department of Education
Palo, Leyte
TOOL for RATING/VALIDATION of LDM1-MODULE 3(Choosing the Appropriate Learning Delivery Modalities for your Division & Schools)
OUTPUT: LDM Readiness Assessment Results + LDM Readiness Action Plan (20%) SCHOOL HEAD: _______________________SCHOOL: _________________________
GUIDE QUESTIONS: a. Did the school coordinate and collaborate with the stakeholders to complete the document? b. Was the proper mapping of resources done? Were proper
consultations done in choosing the Learning Delivery Modalities? c. Were there data collected? Were these valid and reliable?
(3) (2) (1)
RUBRIC of (4)
DEMONSTRATION The outputs demonstrate clear The outputs The outputs The outputs The outputs have
& complete understanding of
of Understanding of the concepts, principles and demonstrate clear demonstrate some demonstrate more than 3 serious
the LDM Training tasks. understanding of understanding of minimal errors that reflect
The outputs must also meet the
Materials/Inputs following indicators:
the concepts, the concepts and understanding of misunderstanding
(50%) a. Convey excellent
principles, and tasks principles with one concepts and of the concepts,
understanding of key major principles with 2-3 principles, and tasks
concepts & The outputs meet misunderstanding major
processes in each
three of the four of the concepts, misunderstandings None of the
b. Show integration of indicators principles and tasks. of the concepts, indicators was met.
the LDM inputs principles and tasks.
through evidence-
based outputs The outputs meet The outputs meet
c. Demonstrate novel two of the four one of the four
indicators. indicators.
erspectives on the
The information required from
each output is complete and
concisely presented
The outputs The outputs The outputs The outputs The outputs do not
demonstrate a clear demonstrate clear demonstrate fair demonstrate show any attempt
understanding of understanding of understanding of minimal to use data, i.e., no
school and community school and school and understanding of consultation was
context through community context community context school and made to understand
careful analysis and with reference to with reference to community context; the school and
Understanding of
utilization of data in data in many parts data in some parts reference to data is community context
One’s Context vis-à-
most parts of the of the output/s, i.e., of the output, i.e., also minimal, i.e., in relation to LDM
vis LDM
output, i.e., all only teaching & only the teaching & only teaching and implementation
stakeholders (teaching nonteaching non-teaching nonteaching
& non-teaching personnel, parents, personnel along personnel were
personnel, parents, and learners were with the learners consulted.
community leaders and consulted. were consulted.
learners) were
The ideas are The ideas are The ideas are The ideas are The ideas are
expressed in clear, expressed in clear expressed well but expressed using rumbled and
LANGUAGE & coherent, and language with very with incoherence in very basic words difficult to
OVERALL appropriately- worded minimal errors in some areas as well and structure with understand; Errors
PRESENTATION of language with no structure and/or as a few errors in incoherence in in Structure and
the OUTPUT errors in structure writing conventions. structure and/or many areas and writing conventions
(15%) and/or writing writing conventions. several errors in are almost
conventions. structure and/or everywhere in the
writing conventions. output.
The output/s is/are The output/s is/are The output/s is/are The output/s is/are The output/s is/are
submitted more than 3 submitted 1-2 days submitted on the submitted 1-3 days submitted more
days ahead of the before the deadline. deadline. after the deadline. than 3 days after
deadline. the deadline.
Shaded in yellow are time slots for Tacloban City Division interim
Shaded in green are PRTV12 programs
Week 1 (oct. 5-9) - Grade 5; week 2 – Grade 4; week 3 – grade 6, and the cycle continues