Aspirations of A Good Leader
Aspirations of A Good Leader
Aspirations of A Good Leader
Year & Section: 2nd Year Subject/Day finished:
AB- Political Science PA12/ March 8,2023
Every leader must first aspire to become a leader. They must have a dream
of a better future and a desire to make impact. Aspiration is the start of
great leadership. There are four aspirations that every leader should aspire
to master during their time in leadership.
Today’s tasks are tomorrow’s achievements. Find the essential task that is
waiting for you this day. In the essential task you will find amazing rewards.
Never forget that it is a worthwhile task to change your organization and
yourself. Worthwhile tasks are not the mundane tasks that are put before
us, but rather these are the tasks that make an impact. These are the tasks
that only the leader can perform.
Issue exact deadlines. Setting deadlines is essential for the group to have a
sense of achievement. Set reminders for your employees and ask them to
work actively over the project, which has strict deadlines.
Excellent representatives They know very well which team is suitable for
which task; therefore, they are great at proper delegations. They drive
productivity levels higher by identifying the strengths of their employees.
Apply a reward system: After their teams have achieved key results and
objectives, apply systems to continually reward and motivate. For example,
set a reward, bonus, time off or other factors specific to individual’s diverse
sets of motivation at the end of the month to increase productivity and
make a disciplined work environment.
Attain favorable outcomes: This leadership style achieves the best results by
directing team strengths and setting strategies. They understand their
responsibilities well and work effectively.
by taking steps of faith. Author Michael Harrington once wrote that, “It
takes a certain level of aspiration before one can take advantage of
opportunities that are clearly offered.” Great leaders aspire to take a chance
or risk when the right opportunity presents itself.
Taking opportunities allows you to learn something new. You may not be
familiar with taking on a certain opportunity, but if it’s the right one for you
then go for it.
We can’t learn in comfort zones, taking opportunities will help you grow and
evolve as a person which is key to success.
Opportunities can come in the form of taking a new job, going back to
school, or meeting someone who has connections.
These opportunities will allow you to follow certain paths which lead
towards achieving your dreams and goals. If we want what’s best for our
careers then taking an opportunity is necessary.
Success doesn’t come easy, taking on opportunities will help you get there
chance then who knows if someone will ever create another one for you?
Opportunities allow us to explore our options and follow certain paths
which allows us to meet new people along the way.
People are everywhere, taking opportunities will help you meet new
individuals that can be beneficial for your future!
We all have different interests, taking opportunities in life and business will
help us explore what we are passionate about. You can’t be successful doing
something that doesn’t excite you.
Passion is key to success, taking opportunities will help you discover what
makes your heart tick.
If we want to achieve our goals and dreams then taking opportunities is key.
Opportunities can take many forms, but taking this chance allows us to
move forward in life.
Sometimes taking an opportunity means taking that leap of faith which may
seem scary at first, but it’s necessary in order for us to grow as individuals.
If you want to move forward then taking opportunities will allow you to do
just that.
If you want it, taking opportunities means taking chances which leads to
achieving those dreams and goals.
Being a leader takes courage, taking an opportunity will help you step
outside of your comfort zone and show others the way.
There is nothing wrong with taking risks! As long as we are taking the
necessary precautions than taking opportunities in life and business will
help us become successful.
Sometimes we are afraid to take risks, taking an opportunity will help you
get out of your comfort zone and face those fears. We all need to take some
risks from time to time, taking the necessary precautions ensures that
everything will be okay.
Imagine you take an opportunity and it completely changes your life. What a
story that will be to tell!
Opportunities come in many forms and we all have the potential to create
our own success stories.
Your mind too fast. Try to capture them before it is too late.
Analyzing your day. Consider what things you managed to. Do well and
what mistakes you made.
Be a leader that is remembered. Have deep convictions and core values that
shape every decision. Care deeply about causes and the people that you
lead. Be a person of passion. Be an example. Blaze a path so that others can
follow and lead to a place of significance not just a place of success.
A leader worth following leads with ethics. True leaders are proof you can do
well by doing right. Their ethics are not conveniently molded to fit a
particular situation but indelibly etched in their very being, as natural
impulses that never go stale or out of style.
A leader worth following leads by example. True leaders don’t expect others
to do anything they aren’t willing to do themselves. Their leadership comes
from their actions, not simply their words. They hold themselves equally
responsible as those they are leading.
Name: Rienald Earl F. Riñon Name of Prof: Anastacio B. Aquino
Year & Section: 2nd Year Subject/Day finished:
AB- Political Science PA12/ March 8,2023
A leader worth following leads with fairness. True leaders treat everyone
fairly. It’s a necessity. They understand that fairness is the ability to rise
above their own prejudices and treat everyone equally.
A leader worth following leads with humility. True leaders know that
humility is concerned with what is right, that it leads to strength and not to
weakness—that it is the equilibrium of power. It is the highest form of self-
respect to lead from the stance of humility.
A leader worth following leads brings out the best in others. True leaders
guide and support others in their success, ensuring that everyone is
performing at their best, doing the work they are meant to do, and doing it
with excellence.
A leader worth following leads with trust. True leaders are competent and
reliable and consistent, and in return they get people who are loyal and
show them great respect. They lead with trust, not power or control.
A leader worth following leads with confidence. True leaders have great
confidence and courage. They look fear in the face and defy it, they know
that wherever their heart is, there lies their confidence.
Most of all, a leader worth following embraces the concept that leadership
is, above all, a privilege and recognizes that the things they think, say, and
do have a significant impact on those around them.
Name: Rienald Earl F. Riñon Name of Prof: Anastacio B. Aquino
Year & Section: 2nd Year Subject/Day finished:
AB- Political Science PA12/ March 8,2023