Review XAVIER SABATIER. Les Formes Du Realisme Mathematique
Review XAVIER SABATIER. Les Formes Du Realisme Mathematique
Review XAVIER SABATIER. Les Formes Du Realisme Mathematique
importance of Netz’s analysis but rather calls for more research. When
stylistic features of other periods of mathematical creativity, such as the
Renaissance or the seventeenth century, are better understood, it will be
possible to answer the question: to what degree have the aspects identified
by Netz to do with style and to what degree are they more general features
of mathematical creativity?
A further problem is Netz’s terminology. He likes rich, expressive
doi: 10.1093/phimat/nkq025
The book under review discusses the most standard forms of mathemati-
cal realism, a.k.a. ‘Platonism’, elaborated in the mainstream of twentieth-
century philosophy of mathematics. Its purpose is therefore to introduce
franco phone readers to an important set of ideas that have been, for the
most part, cultivated by analytic philosophers. It originates from a doc-
toral dissertation at Université Paris 1. It comprises 287 pages of text
1 See the remarkable book by Verity Harte, Plato on Parts and Wholes: The Metaphysics
of Structure. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002.
Sabatier’s book is best understood as being structured by a set of basic
distinctions. In ontological matters, things revolve about the opposition
between apriorism and naturalism, and also around the acceptance, or the
rejection, of logical universalism, the latter being closely connected with
what the author calls ‘l’univocité de la notion d’existence’. The epistemo-
logical question seems exhausted by the triad intuition, grasp, and pos-
tulation, while the indispensability/dispensability alternative apparently
dominates the applicability problem.
(a) Ontology (la profusion des objets mathématiques)
Our sense of the word ‘object’ is acquired through our daily dealings with
various types of spatio-temporal objects. According to Ockham’s razor,
one needs very good reasons to extend our basic ontology to include
‘objects’ that apparently do not belong to space-time. But common sense
may not be our best guide in scientific matters. According to the author,
Quine has convincingly shown that the gap between our beliefs in the exis-
tence of spatio-temporal items and our beliefs in the existence of some
mathematical items can actually be bridged, and that those beliefs are in
fact situated on a continuum, a hierarchy which also contains beliefs in the
above in the access problem: how can physical objects interact with math-
ematical objects, since the latter are causally inert? The problem seems
especially urgent for logical platonism (p. 12), with its double emphasis
on generality and reference to logical objects: Mathematics applies in prin-
ciple to everything, but its basic items, such as numbers, form a realm of
their own. So, is mathematics really ‘general’ or trans-generic, or is it a sci-
ence in the Aristotelian sense, a discipline concerned with a distinct genus
This completes my review of some of the themes Sabatier discusses in
his fine book. By way of critique, let me point out that this writer seems
to think (pp. 167, 286, and also 247), along with some of the authors he
discusses, that an intuition of (or reference to) the cumulative hierarchy can
be used to explain how mathematics applies so well to the empirical realm.
I would rather think that this explains too much and, in another sense,
too little. Indeed, on the one hand it is hard to accept that the amazing
efficiency of mathematics in quantum field theory, for instance, can be
attributed to the fact that empirical objects can be included as basic items in
the cumulative hierarchy! It just does not seem appropriate. From another
perspective, this idea explains too much, since it does not account for the
relative inefficiency of mathematics in most of the non-physical sciences.
To quote René Thom:
2 See René Thom, ‘The role of mathematics in present-day science’, in L.J. Cohen,
J. Los, H. Pfeiffer, and K.-P. Podewski, eds, Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
VI, pp. 3–13. Amsterdam and Warsaw: North-Holland and Polish Scientific Publishers,
Sabatier’s approach does not address the fact that a lot of mathematics
is not, and might never be, applied or even applicable. This is why I regard
the explanations given on this problem as rather weak and much too gen-
eral to be really convincing.3 The really surprising fact that demands an
explanation is not so much that mathematics can ‘hook on to the world’
and describe it — natural languages can do it too, and very well indeed —
but the fact that those mathematical descriptions can be used to make
3 See the sensible remarks by Patras in the final chapter of Fréderic Patras, La pensée
mathématique contemporaine. Paris: P.U.F., 2001.
have been up to. Hopefully, Sabatier will complement his excellent sur-
vey by a volume on mathematical realism devoted to the less orthodox
doi: 10.1093/phimat/nkq026
doi: 10.1093/phimat/nkq022