Integration of Protection and Control For Railway Power Systems

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T Einarsson *) M M Saha *) L Henning * * )

*' ABB Automation Products AB, SWEDEN

**) Balfour Beatty Rail, SWEDEN

INTRODUCTION carried out by separate equipment and systems

involving different personnel. The main functions are:
The technology in intelligent terminals enables
communication from the process level to the SCS, 1 Control of switching devices
substation, SCADAEMS, and the network levels. Any
function and parameter can be programmed and ..
1 Protection of high voltage equipment
Monitoring of primary and secondary equipment
changed remotely. Automatic sequences can be
included on bay and substation levels utilising the SCS.
In addition, with serial communication, binary inputs,
. Measuring and metering
Automatic sequential control

and user programming, it is possible to adapt for These fiinctions can be designed and operated with
extemal criteria in real time. In total this allows for various high voltage equipment and control equipment.
adaptive functions on all levels in "The Intelligent Together we can today describe all these functions as
Substation". Network Management, which can be divided into the
followin,g systems:
The paper describes the evolution of conventional
control, monitoring and protection equipment for
railway power system applications into "The intelligent
substation", fully utilising Information Technology,
8 SAS Substation Automation System
SMS Substation Monitoringhlanagement System
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
IT. Traditionally there were separate islands with System
various stand-alone equipment such as protection relays,
event recorders, disturbance recorders, measuring
devices, alarm systems, Remote Terminal Units and
. EMS Energy Management System
DMS Distribution Management System

control panels built up . with conventional EMBEDBy co-ordinating these products and systems
electromechanical relays and switches. The paper the design, operation and maintenance of the power
discusses the advantages, and the concems, of an system can be done more efficient and economic. This
integrated approach for Substation Automation, based does not include only the conventional functions
on modem microprocessor-, software-, and mentioned above but new ways of utilising the
communication technology. information in the complete process. Figure 1 shows an
example of the Intelligent Substation
As one example of the new technology, the paper
presents the "intelligent one buy terminal '' designed
for protection, monitoring, supervision and control of a
complete power system bay. The designation "terminal"
is used instead of relay or protection, since with modem
equipment many additional functions as well as remote
communication can be included to give a total technical
and economical solution. This gives greatly improved
functionality, especially with reference to information
processing, information storage, and information I 1
I i 162/3Hr
transfer. The philosophy is "one signal - one input",
which means that when one signal is measured, e.g. a I

current or a status indication, this signal is re-used 132kV ! 15kV

three-phase ' single phase
throughout the protection, control and monitoring
process for different functions. Catenaly

Power supply Converter

2x65 kV

Operation of the railway power system includes today a

large number of functions, which more or less are Figure 1 : The Intelligent Substation

114 Developments in Power System Protection, Conference Publication No.479 0 IEE: 2001.

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POSSIBILITIES AND EXPERIENCE OF THE Energy Planning uses forecasts for scheduling power
NEW TECHNOLOGY plant operation in an optimal way. A vertical integration
allows rapid collection of all data from the power
Microprocessor technology has been used for 15 years: system as well as a possibility to remotely control all
for designing protection and control with very good devices.
experience as was reported by Berglund et al (l),
Wikstrom et al (2), Ohlen et a1 (3) and Odmansson et al Distribution Automation includes distribution network
(4). The first generation products with 8 bits general monitoring functions combined with geographical
purpose microprocessors increased the flexibility and mapping, for enhanced presentation. It integrates
gave more compact solutions. The second generation of network operation with field work management, outage
fully numerical design was utilising high sampling management, analysis and restoration. Fault location
technique and Digital Signal Processors. The third and remote control of disconnectors in the distribution
generation is utilising a hardware and software platform, network improves the availability. It also integrates
which gives the user the possibility to design his own Load Management and can through intelligent meters
product or system. in the future be integrated with Home Automation.

With this modern technology, higher quality

information as sampled wave forms allows improved THE SUBSTATION LEVEL
accuracy and the use of more complex and adaptive
algorithms. Furthermore, serial communication of data The full benefits of the new technology will be further
over fibre optic cables can be used to provide obtained in the fully automated substation. In order to
commands and information to/from Substation simplify the description the designation REL, REB,
Monitoring Systems(SMS), Substation Control Systems RET and REC are used to designate line, bus and
(SCS and SCADM Energy Management Systems breaker, transformer and control terminals. The
(EMS). combined control and protection terminal for railway
systems is designated REO. These terminals are built on
One of the new possibilities with this new technology is a standard multiprocessor platform with parallel DSPs
the implementation of adaptive functions, in which the and a 32 bit Micro Controller.
information from one part of the process is used to
influence e.g. another process. Adaptive control
functions have been used for a long time within process ~ ~ ~ cDA
,SCA ! f ~

automation. With this new design concept the word Substation

"adaptive" is used in a wider sense, including both Control
adaptive protection and adaptive control. (SCS)
Asvno nrotocols

A modem Energy management System (EMS)

combines versatile power applications packages with a
comprehensive SCADA functionality. In this
environment, power applications can be used for real Figure 2: Substation Automation
time control or for study-mode planning, using a
multiple database concept. Even if all this functionality From a large software library of control, protection,
not is used in the railway application they are decribed monitoring and measurement functions, it is possible to
below. configure the terminals to suit a specific application. To
gain the full benefit of Substation Automation, as in
Power System Control functions keep system Figure 2, it is necessary with a Local Area Network
frequency and tie-line interchanges constant, (LAN), which can handle both protection, control and
irrespective of the actual loading conditions. They monitoring (Disturbance recording). Such protocols are
control production units according to schedules and available as open and published protocols. With
operational constraints. Substation Automation including SCS and SMS it is
possible to supervise the complete primary and
Network Monitoring functions provide the operator secondary processes on line
with the best possible picture of the system. The
security level of the actual power system, or a planned
configuration, is analysed by the Security Assessment OPEN DESIGN CONCEPT
One important concem in the integration of many
Operation Enhancement provides the operator with devices and systems is the inter- operability.
recommendations on how to improve reliability and Manufacturers of utility protection, control and
economy of power system operation. communication equipment should attempt to design


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with so called "open concept design". This includes all Earlier rotating converters were used but today static
levels in the "Intelligent" Power Network. Open system converters are mostly used. In Sweden an additional
requirement has three aspects: two-phase 130 kV feeder system is also used to
reinforce the power supply along long, heavy loaded
= Open to interface with other manufacturers of railway:;.
similar technology When a! new converter station was to be built it was
decided to use an integrated protection and control
Open to interface with older generation equipment
system based on REO-terminals to get a cheaper and
= Open to accept a customer specific design more re:liable solution. A schematic diagram over the
installation is found in Figure 3.
The advanced EMS/SCADA constitutes the kernel for
horizontal integration, when connecting centralised The inslallation consists of a connection to a 132 kV, 50
computing resources. It also facilitates the vertical Hz public power network. The power is fed to the
integration, by connecting plant computing resources primary side of two converters via two converter
in power stations and substations to a central position. transformers. The secondary side of the converters is
The concept of open systems architecture inherently connected to one section each of a two-section 15 kV,
offers an increased control system availability and 16'/3 I-tz single-phase busbar. To the busbars are
improved upgrade ability. connected five outgoing lines for the catenary system of
the railway together with the low voltage side of two
lY(2X65) kV transformers. The high voltage side of the
INTELLIGENT POWER SYSTEM transformers is connected to 130kV feeder networks.
All bay;$(15kV outgoing lines, converters, transformers
With the described technology in the new intelligent and 130kV feeders) are equipped with integrated
terminals it is possible to communicate in both protection and control terminals that not only protect but
directions from the lowest level close to the process up are also used for control of apparatuses and monitoring
to the SCS and substation level and further to the of voltaige, current and power to the bays. For some
SCADAEMS and the network level. functions, e.g. transformer differential protection and
backup overcurrent protection for outgoing lines and
Any function and parameter can be programmed and 130kV-:feeders,conventional protective relays are used.
changed remotely. Automatic sequences can be
included on bay and substation levels utilising the SCS. All terminals are connected to a LON bus for
With serial communication or binary inputs in addition communication with a local SCADA system and over a
to possibility to user programming it is therefore gateway to a remotely located Regional Control Centre
possible to adapt for extemal criteria in real time. In for power system operational purpose. The LON bus is
total this allows for adaptive functions on all levels in also handling interlocking between the different
"The Intelligent Substation". apparatus. The terminals are also connected over a SPA
bus and via a modem to a remote Substation
The above described terminals are examples of a Monitoring System for supervision of the protection and
compact,' safe and "adaptive" way to utilise the control terminals and also for disturbance evaluation.
advantages of micro-processor technology and remote
communication. Basically, with the exception of some
visual and injection testing functions, everything which CONCLUSION
can be done in the station, can be done remotely.
The paper describes the evolution of conventional
With self-monitoring and post-fault analysis, the
control, monitoring and protection equipment for
reliability and availability can be significantly
railway power system applications into "The intelligent
improved. The terminal can be used stand alone a:j
substation", fully utilising Information Technology, IT
conventional protection, but also be part of a SCS or iI
SMS System.
As one example of the new technology, the paper
presents the "intelligent one bay terminal " designed
for protection, monitoring, supervision and control of a
AN EXAMPLE OF AN INTELLIGENT complete power system bay. This gives greatly
SUBSTATION AUTOMATION INSTALLATION improved functionality, especially with reference to
information processing, information storage, and
In Sweden (as well as in Germany, Norway, Austria and
information transfer.
Switzerland) the railways are powered at 162/3Hz. This
means that they can not be directly powered from the
The paper discusses the advantages, and the concerns,
normal power network of the countries that uses 50 Hz. of an integrated approach for Substation Automation,
Instead converters are used for converting the 50 Hz based on modem microprocessor-, software-, and
three-phase system into 162/3Hz single-phase system. communication technology.


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Control Centre

Feeder network

1) 132 kV, 50 Hz, three-phase
public network

15 kV, 16 213 Hz, single-phase catenary network

Figure 3: Example of an Intelligent Substation Automation for railway application

3. Ohlen C, Esztergalyos J, Nimmersjo G and Saha

MM, 1995, EMTP used for real time simulation of a
complex transmission network for development of an
1. Berglund L, Holst S, Werner-Erichsen 0 and
adaptive protection system, C&&, Stockholm
Lundqvist B, 1989, A coordinated digital protection and
control system for transmission. substations. C i a & 34-
4. Odmansson E and Ohlen C, 1995, Integrated
07, Bournemouth, UK
information systems; protection, substation control,
network management - Available solutions on the
2. Wikstrom K, Kuras K, Ohlen C and Janez Zakonjsek
IEEE Powertech Conference, Stockholm
J 1995, A new approach to a line protection terminal.
with adaptive features, C&
k-r Stockholm


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