Dias Et Al., 2022
Dias Et Al., 2022
Dias Et Al., 2022
Advance access publication 3 September 2022
Ruminant Nutrition
Two experiments were designed to evaluate the effects of different probiotic combinations on rumen fermentation characteristics, performance,
and carcass characteristics of feedlot Bos indicus beef bulls offered a high-concentrate diet. In experiment 1, 30 rumen-fistulated Nellore steers
were blocked by initial body weight (BW = 350 ± 35.0 kg) and within blocks (n = 10), animals were randomly assigned to receive: 1) high-con-
centrate diet without probiotic supplementation (n = 10; CONT), 2) CONT plus 1 g per head of a probiotic mixture containing three strains of
Enterococcus faecium and one strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (3.5 × 109 CFU/g; n = 10; EFSC), and 3) CONT plus 2 g per head of a probiotic
mixture containing Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis (3.2 × 109 CFU/g; n = 10; BLBS). The experimental period lasted 35 d, being 28
d of adaptation and 7 d of sampling. From day 34 to day 35 of the experimental period, ruminal fluid and fecal samples were collected every
3 h, starting immediately before feeding (0 h) for rumen fermentation characteristics and apparent nutrient digestibility analysis, respectively.
In experiment 2, 240 Nellore bulls were ranked by initial shrunk BW (375 ± 35.1 kg), assigned to pens (n = 4 bulls per pen), and pens randomly
assigned to receive the same treatments as in experiment 1 (n = 20 pens per treatment). Regardless of treatment, all bulls received the same
step-up and finishing diets throughout the experimental period, which lasted 115 d. In both experiments, data were analyzed as orthogonal
contrasts to partition-specific treatment effects: 1) probiotic effect: CONT vs. PROB and 2) probiotic type: EFSC vs. BLBS (SAS Software Inc.).
In experiment 1, no contrast effects were observed on nutrient intake, overall nutrient digestibility, and rumen fermentation analyses (P ≥ 0.13).
Nonetheless, supplementation of probiotics, regardless of type (P = 0.59), reduced mean acetate:propionate ratio and rumen ammonia-N con-
centration vs. CONT (P ≤ 0.05). In experiment 2, no significant effects were observed for final BW and dry matter intake (P ≥ 0.12), but average
daily gain and feed efficiency tended to improve (P ≤ 0.10) when probiotics were offered to the animals. Probiotic supplementation or type of
probiotic did not affect carcass traits (P ≥ 0.22). In summary, supplementation of probiotics containing a mixture of E. faecium and S. cerevisiae
or a mixture of B. licheniformis and B. subtilis reduced rumen acetate:propionate ratio and rumen ammonia-N levels and tended to improve the
performance of feedlot cattle offered a high-concentrate diet.
Lay Summary
Two experiments were designed to evaluate the effects of different probiotic combinations on rumen fermentation characteristics, performance,
and carcass characteristics of feedlot Bos indicus beef bulls offered a high-concentrate diet. The two probiotics consisted of a mixture containing
three strains of Enterococcus faecium and one strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae or a mixture of Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis.
Supplementation of probiotics, regardless of type, reduced acetate:propionate ratio, and mean rumen ammonia-N concentration and tended to
improve the performance of feedlot cattle offered a high-concentrate diet, demonstrating the potential of this technology to be used as a feed
additive for beef cattle.
Key words: Bacillus, Bos indicus, Enterococcus faecium, feedlot, metabolism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Abbreviations: Ac:Pr, acetate:propionate ratio; ADF, acid detergent fiber; ADG, average daily gain; AIC, Akaike Information Criterion; aNDF, ash-corrected NDF;
BFT, backfat thickness; BW, body weight; CP, crude protein; DDBS, dry distiller’s bran with solubles; DE, digestible energy; DM, dry matter; DMI, dry matter
intake; DP, dressing percent; EE, ether extract; EG, energy gain; G:F, feed efficiency; GIT, gastrointestinal tract; HCW, hot carcass weight; ME, metabolizable
energy; N, nitrogen; NDF, neutral detergent fiber; NEg, net energy for gain; NEm, net energy for maintenance; REA, ribeye area; TDN, total digestible nutrients;
VFA, volatile fatty acids
Finishing feedlot cattle are often fed high-concentrate and Table 1. Nutritional profile of the diets offered during experiments 1 and 2
high-starch diets for an extended period (>100 d; Samuelson
et al., 2016; Silvestre and Millen, 2021) so that the mainte- Item Diets1
nance of rumen health is imperative to meet a desirable per- ADAP-1 ADAP-2 ADAP-3 FIN
formance during finishing. Furthermore, flint corn cultivars in
Brazil have a high proportion of vitreous endosperm (Correa Inclusion,2 % DM
et al., 2002) and when fed as whole or ground dry corn, the Corn silage 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0
resulting flow of starch to the large intestine (Gouvêa et al., Ground corn 15.0 25.0 30.0 33.0
2016; Marques et al., 2016) may challenge its health. Differ- Dried distiller bran 33.0 33.0 38.0 45.0
ent probiotic strains, such as Enterococcus faecium, Bacillus plus solubles
Table 2. Corn grain particle size distribution for experiments 1 and 2 according to procedures described by Van Soest et al.
(1991), using a sodium sulfite for all samples and heat-stable
Pores in the sieve % of total alpha-amylase for corn samples. Following NDF determina-
tion, acid detergent fiber (ADF) was evaluated according to
>6.0 mm 0.0
procedures described by Goering and Van Soest (1970) in an
≤6.00 and >3.5 mm 0.7
Ankom-200 (Ankom Tech. Corp.). Apparent digestibility was
≤3.50 and >2.0 mm 30.8 calculated according to the formula: TTAD (%) = {[(DMI ×
≤2.00 and >1.25 mm 51.0 NCDM) − (FDM × NCFM)] × 100}/(DMI × NCDM), where
≤1.25 mm 17.6 TTAD is the total tract apparent digestibility, DMI is the dry
Mean particle size of corn, mm1 1.84 matter intake, NCDM is the nutrient content of the DMI (%),
the same step-up and finishing diets throughout the experi- dietary NEm and NEg were predicted as reported in experi-
mental period, which lasted 115 d. The adaptation diet was ment 1.
offered for 15 d and consisted of three step-up diets (5 d each) On day 113 of the experimental period, all bulls were
ranging from 50:50 to 30:70 roughage:concentrate ratio in subjected to ultrasound evaluations (Aloka SSD-500V with
step-up diets 1 and 3, respectively, whereas the finishing diet a 17.2 cm/3.50 MHz convex probe; Hitachi Healthcare
had a 20:80 roughage:concentrate ratio. The treatments were Americas, Twinsburg, OH), performed by the same trained
included in EFSC and BLBS diets since the adaptation period, technician (DGT Brasil, Presidente Prudente, SP, Brazil). Eval-
comprising the entire experimental period. The CONT diet uations were conducted according to procedures described by
was the same as the aforementioned (experiment 1) and was the Ultrasound Guidelines Council (UGC, 2014) and mea-
formulated using NASEM (2016) to provide an average daily surements of the ribeye area, marbling, and backfat thickness
and the covariance structure was autoregressive 1, which pro- Table 3. Nutrient intake and digestibility in B. indicus beef steers
vided the best fit for these analyses according to the smallest receiving a high-concentrate diet (CONT; n = 10) with the addition of a
probiotic containing E. faecium and S. cerevisiae (1 g per head per d;
EFSC; n = 10) or a mixture of B. licheniformis and B. subtilis (2 g per
head per d; BLBS; n = 10) in experiment 11
Item Treatments SEM Contrasts2
Experiment 1
No contrast effects were observed on any of the nutrient CONT EFSC BLBS 1 2
intake and digestibility analyses reported herein (P ≥ 0.18; Nutrient intake, kg/d 3
Table 4. Rumen volatile fatty acids (VFA; mmol and proportion), pH, Table 6. Energy intake of B. indicus beef bulls receiving a high-
and ammonia concentration of B. indicus beef steers receiving a concentrate diet (CONT; n = 20) with the addition of a probiotic
high-concentrate diet (CONT; n = 10) with the addition of a probiotic containing E. faecium and S. cerevisiae (1 g per head per d; EFSC; n =
containing E. faecium and S. cerevisiae (1 g per head per d; EFSC; n = 20) or a mixture of B. licheniformis and B. subtilis (2 g per head per d;
10) or a mixture of B. licheniformis and B. subtilis (2 g per head per d; BLBS; n = 20) in experiment 21
BLBS; n = 10) in experiment 11
Item Treatments SEM Contrasts2
Item Treatments SEM Contrasts2
NEg intake, Mcal/d 13.7 14.3 14.2 0.27 0.13 0.84
VFA, mmol/100 mol Expected3
DMI in the metabolism trial may not have challenged the et al., 2014). On the other hand, Bacillus spp. are known
ruminal environment to the experimental cattle. Nonetheless, to produce a different set of enzymes, including cellulases,
the acetate:propionate ratio was lower for probiotic-supple- expansin-like proteins, and amylases (Rojo et al., 2005;
mented animals, suggesting an improved energetic efficiency Pech-Cervantes et al., 2019; da Silva et al., 2021; Luise
by feeding probiotics. et al., 2022). Recently, Pan et al. (2022) reported overall
On the other hand, Bacillus spp. are classified as improvement on in vitro DM, NDF, and starch digestibil-
Gram-positive, catalase-positive, spore-forming, aerobic, ity of different forage sources (high- and low-quality) and
and facultative anaerobic bacteria (Luise et al., 2022). To high-starch substrates inoculated with BLBS. Therefore, it
the best of our knowledge, few experiments evaluated the would be logical to speculate that the probiotics fed to feed-
effects of Bacillus spp. on lactate production. Other authors lot beef steers would positively impact nutrient digestibility.
reported the production of d- and l-lactate by B. subtilis However, no differences were observed when probiotics and
in aerobic and anaerobic culture (Ohara and Yahata, 1996; type of probiotics were fed in any nutrient digestibility eval-
Gao et al., 2012; Awasthi et al., 2018), but no such info uated in experiment 1. Similarly, Souza et al. (2017) also did
has been reported in beef or dairy animals and/or rumen not report improvement on nutrient digestibility of lactating
fluid with more acidic conditions (pH ≤ 6.5). In calves, sup- dairy cows offered a corn silage-based diet. One cannot dis-
plementation of B. subtilis promoted rumen development regard that those differences between grain types (flint vs.
mainly due to an altered rumen fermentation pattern (Sun et dent), processing, type, and amount of the fiber included in
al., 2011). Molar proportions of propionate increased and the diet might also lead to differences on nutrient digest-
NDF digestibility was lower when lactating dairy cows were ibility and rumen fermentation characteristics (Owens et
fed B. subtilis in a 50% roughage diet (Sun et al., 2013). al., 1997, 2016; Marques et al., 2016). On the other hand,
Altogether, these data suggest a positive effect of B. subtilis despite the fact that both experimental probiotics did not
strains on rumen metabolism, but it is worth mentioning contribute to the decrease in the load of dietary starch into
that the experiments above used higher dosages of B. sub- the large intestine, they may have acted positively protecting
tilis (1 × 1010, 5 × 1010, and 1 × 1011 CFU per head per d; the large intestinal epithelium in a challenging high-starch
Sun et al., 2011, 2013) than the dose fed herein in combina- environment. Although probiotic supplementation has not
tion with B. licheniformis (6.4 × 109 CFU per head per d). impacted rumen ammonia in previous reports (Ghorbani
As observed with EFSC feeding, cattle fed BLBS had lower et al., 2002; Chiquette et al., 2012), mean rumen ammonia
acetate:propionate ratio, indicating an improved energetic concentration was lower in probiotic-fed steers, a decrease
efficiency of probiotic-fed cattle and a likely reduction in that was mainly observed in the initial 6 h post-feeding,
methane emission (NASEM, 2016). which is concomitant to the greater numerical rumen pH
Probiotics are also known to improve post-ruminal values observed in EFSC and BLBS (data not shown), likely
metabolism, including alteration of gut microbial popula- suggesting a greater growth of cellulolytic bacteria in the
tions, improvement on nutrient digestibility, and improved rumen (Qadis et al., 2014).
immunity (Seo et al., 2010; McAllister et al., 2011). As an Although no changes were observed on rumen individual
example, total tract starch digestibility was improved when proportion of VFA and nutrient digestibility, probiotic sup-
the same EFSC mixture was fed to dairy cows receiving an plementation, regardless of type, tended to improve ADG
18% and 22% starch diet pre- and post-partum, respec- and FE of B. indicus feedlot bulls. This potential improve-
tively, without further effects on fiber digestibility (AlZahal ment on performance could be explained by the reduced
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