Hit List Paper 1

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“Predicted the unpredictable 100%

for the 14th time in a row (2009-2022)”

SHORT NOTES (10 markers)
1. ‘Enlightenment’ and emergence of sociology
2. Sociology and common sense
3. Multidisciplinary : Sociology’s relation with other social sciences
4. Scope of sociology today in understanding various social issues in a globalized world
5. Sociology as interpretative science
6. Problems of objectivity.
7. Difference between objectivity and value neutrality
8. Research designs in social science-The explanatory and exploratory designs
9. Ethnography
10. Techniques of data collection- Participant observation, Questionaries, Probability and Non
probability sampling techniques, focus group Discussion, Content analysis, Biographies
and Interviews.
11. The issues of Reliability and validity in non-positivism
12. Good hypothesis
13. Class in itself and Class for itself
14. Commodity fetishism
15. AGIL
16. Pattern variables and social change
17. Society as moving equilibrium
18. Cybernetic hierarchy of Parsons
19. Cultural lag
20. Difference between 'unanticipated consequences' and 'latent functions'
21. Reference groups and Relative deprivation/Sanskritisation
22. Social stratification- Class, Status, Gender, Ethnicity and Race as dimensions
23. Hierarchy and exclusion leads to underdevelopment
24. Hierarchy replaced by differentiations today due to social mobility
25. Ethnocentrism and Ethnic discrimination / conflict
26. Status inconsistency in Modern societies
27. Globalisation: Growing Poverty, inequality, and social Exclusion
28. Voluntary and involuntary social exclusion
29. Sociology of work (Durkheim’s DOL)
30. Social organization of work in feudal/ capitalist and post industrial society.
31. Asiatic modes of production
32. Social determinants of Economic development
33. Globalisation and informalization of work
Chennai: No.97, AF Block, Shanthi Colony, 12th Main Road, Anna Nagar West, Chennai 40.
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34. Feminisation of work
35. Women as Reserve Army of Labor
36. Legitimate Authority, and Dysfunction of Bureaucracy( Iron cage rationality )-Max Weber
37. Role of civil society/pressure groups in democracy – Protests/Policy making
38. Circulation of elites
39. Power Elite
40. Community power/societal power
41. Democracy as a social order
42. Indicators of power in industrial/postindustrial society
43. Globalization and Citizenship
44. The prerequisites/structure of social movements
45. Role of media in protests/movements today
46. Globalization and New Social movements
47. Religious beliefs in premodern societies
48. Religion and gender inequality/patriarchy
49. Sects and cults. Why it is proliferating today?
50. Gender roles in changing structure of family
51. Sex Vs Gender / The problem of gender
52. LGBT
53. Privatization of higher education
54. Education and social mobility/social continuity
55. The role of Science and technology in solving social problems
56. The social responsibility of science
57. Is ideology inevitable for social movement/social change?
58. Sociological imagination

LONG ANSWERS (20 markers)

1. Modernity and emergence of sociology
2. Sociology as a science: Positivism Vs Non positivism
3. Quantitative and Qualitative techniques
4. Religion : Durkheim Vs Weber
5. Division of Labor : Durkheim Vs Karl Marx
6. Social fact (Durkheim) Vs Social Action (Max Weber)
7. Comparison of Alienation(Karl Marx), Anomie (Durkheim) and Rationalization (Weber)
8. Mode of production (Karl Marx)
9. Class struggle (Karl Marx Vs Weber )
10. Protestant ethics and spirit of capitalism(Weber)
11. Social Action (Weber and Parsons)
12. Social System and Equilibrium (Parsons)
13. Social structure and Anomie/Deviance (R.K. Merton and Durkheim )
14. Compare Parsons’ Grand theory with Merton’s Middle Range theories
15. G.H.Mead on Self and identity/Gender identity
16. Davis and Moore theory of social stratification

Chennai: No.97, AF Block, Shanthi Colony, 12th Main Road, Anna Nagar West, Chennai 40.
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Trichy: 9751500300, 9786500300 Nellai:9626252500. www.sivarajavelias.com
17. Melvin Tumin’s criticism of functional theories of social stratification.
18. Social stratification: Karl Marx Vs Weber
19. Open Vs Closed societies debate
20. Poverty/inequality and Covid 19
21. Threats to Nationalism Today (Globalization Perspective)
22. Globalization and power of the nation State
23. Democracy and Identity Politics
24. Secularization and Cultural Nationalism/pluralism
25. Globalization and religious revivalism/ fundamentalism.
26. Religion and science as compatibles
27. Religion as a conservative force or change agent
28. Changing family and marriage today /Threats/Non Normative families-Homosexuality
/Live in relations
29. Patriarchy and sexual division of labor/Feminist movements/Patriarchal bargain
30. Development and dependency/Development of under development
31. UN/WTO/World Bank/IMF and other global institutions as agents of developed countries
against developing and poor countries during Covid 19
32. Compare Marxian and Weberian theories of social change
33. Compare Marxian and Parsonian views on social change
34. Tradition and Modernity in social change/Structural constraints to social change

Chennai: No.97, AF Block, Shanthi Colony, 12th Main Road, Anna Nagar West, Chennai 40.
Page 3 Ph:9626364444
Trichy: 9751500300, 9786500300 Nellai:9626252500. www.sivarajavelias.com

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