Data Modelling and Analytics Project - Final
Data Modelling and Analytics Project - Final
Data Modelling and Analytics Project - Final
• Complete and submit via Moodle, Parts A, B, and C.
This Continuous Assessment (CA) Project is worth 60% of the marks awarded for this module
for this semester. This project requires the use of Visual Paradigm (or other data modelling
software), MySQL, MS Word, etc. The various elements of the CA must be submitted in full using
Moodle. No other method of submission will be accepted. Late submissions cannot be accepted
by any lecturer to meet the deadlines for the submission of grades for examination boards. The
highest possible mark for any late submission will be 60% of the CA grade being awarded.
Participation by all students in submissions is mandatory. All aspects of this CA need to be
attempted to achieve the maximum result. To fully maximize your academic performance, it is
imperative that you undertake every facet of this CA project with dedication and thoroughness.
The primary objective of this CA is to enhance and optimize each student's practical learning
experience. Additionally, students are expected to present their completed projects to the module
lecturer for evaluation and discussion.
Students are asked to develop a database system for a business or based on a business scenario, it
is important that the scenario is broad detailing a business’s real or invented activities and it meets
all the assessment criteria.
Project 1: A database for a Travel Insurance system for a company such as Laya Insurance
Project 2: A database for a Life Insurance system for a company such as Irish Life -
Project 3: A database for a Health Insurance system for a company such as VHI -
Project 4: A database for a Vehicle Insurance system for a company such as Aviva -
Project 5: A database for a Home Insurance system for a company such as FBD -
The onus is on the student to develop their own style of project documentation but learning can
be applied to this task from the other modules on the programme. The project documentation
serves as the design and implementation plan for your database system. You need to model your
database and provide the associated documentation.
1. Research the system. This should include a description of the business, along with its major
functions or a description of the business scenario if relevant.
2. Create a Conceptual Data Model identifying the entity types and the degree of the
3. The data model should include different types of relationships/associations (e.g. 1..1, 1..M,
M..M) and at least one type of supertype/subtype relationship.
4. Explain the assumptions/decisions/ business rules underlying the CDM.
1. Review the design of the CDM, modifying the LDM if considered necessary.
2. Select primary and foreign keys.
3. Identify attributes for your entity types.
4. Identify data types.
5. Establish rules.
6. Engage in normalisation (3NF sufficient).
1. In this component, the student is expected to use all the documentation above to
implement the actual database in the MySQL environment.
2. Review the design of the Physical Database Models modifying the CDM/LDM if
considered necessary.
3. Create and test the Database code including a sufficient number of insert statements to
validate each table (entity type).
4. Submit at least two scripts: one that creates the database, users and tables as well as
populates the database. Another script contains the list of frequently used queries for that
5. The script should contain all the necessary SQL commands to create, populate and query
including but not limited to:
a. Using an appropriate technique, demonstrate concatenation using any table.
b. Using an appropriate technique, to update a piece of data in the database.
c. Using an appropriate technique, delete a row from any table in the database.
d. Using an appropriate technique, demonstrate the use of different search conditions
e. Using any of the tables in the database, write a selection of queries to demonstrate
the use of the following:
i. Aggregate Functions
ii. Nested Subqueries
iii. Joins
The Student should provide an explanation for the frequently used queries as well as problems
encountered. This is a 10-credit level 9 module as such marks will be allocated according to
the complexity of the SQL provided in the script.
All documentation, models, and databases must be submitted using the following notations. All
reports must be properly formatted using styles (Heading 1; Heading 2, Heading 3, Normal, etc.).
All reports must contain a TOC, page numbers, etc. All reports must record the names/student
numbers on the cover page. Marks will be deducted for poorly formatted documents or missing
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