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5 What do you think an organization’s duty or responsibility to protect the privacy of its
customers’ personal information should be? Why?

9.4 Accountants often need to print financial statements with the words “CONFIDENTIAL” or
DRAFT” appearing in light type in the background.

a. Create a watermark with the word “CONFIDENTIAL” in a Word document. Print out a
document that displays that watermark.

b. Create the same watermark in Excel, and print out a spreadsheet page that displays that

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c. Can you make your watermark “invisible” so that it can be used to detect whether a document
containing sensitive information has been copied to an unauthorized location? How? How could

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you use that “invisible” watermark to detect violation of copying policy?

Yes, save the watermark text color as white. To detect violation, change the page color to

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black to see the white watermark.

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10.6 Why do you think that surveys continue to find that a sizable percentage of organizations
either do not have formal disaster recovery and business continuity plans or have not tested and

revised those plans for more than a year?

10.2 Excel Problem. Enter the data below into a spreadsheet, and then perform the following tasks:

a. Calculate examples of these batch totals: Separate attachment

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• A hash total
• A financial total
• A record count

b. Assume the following rules govern normal data: Separate attachment

• Employee numbers are five digits in length and range from 10000 through 99999.
• Maximum pay rate is $25, and minimum is $9.
• Hours worked should never exceed 40.
• Deductions should never exceed 40% of gross pay.

Give a specific example of an error or probable error in the data set that each of the following controls
would detect:

• Field check
• Limit check

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• Reasonableness test
• Cross-footing balance test

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c. Create a control procedure that would prevent, or at least detect, each of the errors in the data set.

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Data Validation checks included on spreadsheet Separate attachment
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