Introduction To The Mechanical Design Process: Key Questions
Introduction To The Mechanical Design Process: Key Questions
Introduction To The Mechanical Design Process: Key Questions
1A P T E R
■ What are the stages of a product’s life cycle?
■ What are the important phases of the design stage?
■ How are design problems different from analysis problems?
■ Why is it that during design, the more you know, the less design freedom you
■ Why are design problems characterized by information that is uncertain,
incomplete, and conflicting?
■ What are the four basic actions of decision making?
■ What are best practices and why are they important?
Beginning with the simple potter’s wheel and evolving to complex consumer
products and transportation systems, humans have been designing mechanical
objects for nearly 5000 years. Each of these objects is the end result of a long
and often difficult design process. This book is about that process. Regardless of
whether we are designing gearboxes, heat exchangers, satellites, or doorknobs,
certain techniques can be used during the design process to help ensure successful
results. Since this book is about the process of mechanical design, it focuses not
on the design of any one type of object but on techniques that apply to the design
of all types of mechanical objects.
If people have been designing for 5000 years and there are literally millions
of mechanical objects that work and work well, why study the design process?
The answer, simply put, is that there is a continuous need for new, cost-effective,
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high-quality products. Today’s products have become so complex that most re-
quire a team of people from diverse areas of expertise to develop an idea into
hardware. The more people involved in a project, the greater is the need for
assistance in communication and structure to ensure nothing important is over-
looked and customers will be satisfied. In addition, the global marketplace has
fostered the need to develop new products at a rapid and accelerating pace. To
compete in this market, a company must be very efficient in the design of its
products. It is the process that will be studied here that determines the effi-
ciency of new product development. Finally, it has been estimated that 85%
of the problems with new products not working as they should, taking too
long to bring to market, or costing too much are the result of a poor design
During design activities, ideas are developed into hardware that is usable as
a product. Whether this piece of hardware is a bookshelf or a space station, it
is the result of a process that combines people and their knowledge, tools, and
skills to develop a new creation. This task requires their time and costs money,
and if the people are good at what they do and the environment they work in
is well structured, they can do it efficiently. Further, if they are skilled, the final
product will be well liked by those who use it and work with it—the customers
will see it as a quality product. The design process, then, is the organization and
management of people and the information they develop in the evolution of a
product. Throughout the remainder of the book, the term product will be used to
describe any physical device that is being designed, whether it is a one-off fixture
used in an experiment, a device that is mass produced and sold to thousands, a
shelf to hold your books, or a Mars Rover suspension.
In simpler times, one person could design and manufacture an entire
product. Even for a large project such as the design of a ship or a bridge,
one person had sufficient knowledge of the physics, materials, and manufac-
turing processes to manage all aspects of the design and construction of the
By the middle of the twentieth century, products and manufacturing processes
had become so complex that one person no longer had sufficient knowledge or
time to focus on all the aspects of the evolving product. This division of labor
forced the formalization of design process and the evolution of methods that help
each step along the way. These methods are referred to as best practices. A best
practice is a professional method that is accepted or prescribed as being most
effective. This book is really a compendium of best practices that can help you
design quality products.
The three main goals of this book are to:
1. Give you the knowledge about best practices used in industry to develop and
refine products.
2. Give you the tools to string these best practices together to develop an efficient
design process regardless of the product being developed.
3. Make you aware of new challenges and opportunities in the mechanical design
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Design Use End of Life
and Delivery
The design process not only gives birth to a product but is also
responsible for its life and death.
When the design work is completed, the product is released for production,
and except for engineering changes, the designers have no further direct involve-
ment with it. However, these first four phases all have a great effect on what will
happen to the product and its success for the remainder of its lifetime.
The four production and delivery phases, shown in Fig 1.3, are:
1. Manufacture. Most products need unique components formed from raw
materials and thus require some manufacturing. Design decisions directly
determine the materials used and their impact on the environment during
manufacture; the manufacturing processes that can be used and the resulting
cost to make the parts; and their subsequent reuse or recycling.
2. Assembly. The ease of product assembly is a major consideration during
product design.
3. Distribution. Although distribution may not seem like a concern for the
design engineer, each product must be delivered to the customer in a safe
and cost-effective manner. Additionally, design requirements may include
the need for the product to be shipped in a container designed by marketing
or in some standard box.
4. Installation. Some products require installation before the customer can use
them. This is especially true for manufacturing equipment and building in-
dustry products. Additionally, concern for installation can also mean concern
for how customers will react to the statement, “Some assembly required.”
The goal of product development, production, and delivery is the use of the
product. The three “use” phases, shown in Fig. 1.4, are:
1. Operate. Products may have many different operating sequences that describe
their use. Consider as an example a common hammer that can be used to put
Operate in Maintain
Sequence 1 (Diagnose
Clean Test
Operate in
Sequence N
in nails or take them out. Each use involves a different sequence of operations,
and all must be considered during the design of a hammer.
2. Clean. Another aspect of a product’s use is keeping it clean. This can range
from frequent need (e.g., public bathroom fixtures) to never. Every consumer
has experienced the frustration of not being able to easily clean a product.
This inability is seldom designed into the product on purpose; rather, it is
usually simply the result of not considering cleanablity during the design
3. Maintain. Many of today’s products are throwaways. When it fails, you
throw it away and buy a new one. Concern for sustainability may force this to
change, to go back to being able to diagnose, where the diagnosis may require
tests, and then to repair the product. Whether a product is a throwaway or is
repairable is a function of the design of the product.
Finally, every product has a finite life and thus, end-of-life concerns, as shown
in Fig 1.5. The end-of-life phases used to not be of much concern to designers.
End of Life
Reuse or
Retirement Disassembly
But with the increased emphasis on sustainability, the impact of design on the
environment has become increasingly clear.
The three end-of-life phases are:
1. Retirement. The final phase in a product’s life is its retirement. In past years
designers did not worry about a product beyond its use. However, during
the 1980s increased concern for the environment forced designers to be-
gin considering the entire life of their products. In the 1990s the European
Union enacted legislation that makes the original manufacturer responsible
for collecting and reusing or recycling its products when their usefulness is
2. Disassembly. Before the 1970s, consumer products could be easily disas-
sembled for repair, but now we live in a “throwaway” society, where disas-
sembly of consumer goods is difficult and often impossible. However, due to
legislation requiring us to recycle or reuse products, the need to design for
disassembling a product is returning.
3. Reuse or recycle. After a product has been disassembled, its parts can either
be reused in other products or recycled—reduced to a more basic form and
used again (e.g., metals can be melted, paper reduced to pulp again).
The phases introduced here give some idea about how important the product
design is throughout the life of a product. A majority of this book will be spent
on addressing best practices to accomplish design with an eye on all the other
concerns introduced here.
Chapter 1—Introduction to the Mechanical 24. Generate concepts using prior patents.
Design Process 25. Generate concepts using contradictions.
1. Develop mechanical, electronic, and other 26. Generate concepts using TRIZ.
systems concurrently. 27. Generate concepts using morphologies.
28. Develop product architectures using design
Chapter 2—Understanding Mechanical Design structure matrices.
2. Benchmark existing products to understand 29. Complete provisional patent applications.
how they are made, assembled, and function.
Chapter 8—Concept Evaluation and Selection
Chapter 3—Designers and Design Teams 30. Use a design-test-build sequence when
3. Assemble product design teams with possible.
diverse, specific expertise. 31. Know each system’s technology readiness.
4. Make positive use of team members’ 32. Use decision matrices to evaluate concepts
problem-solving behaviors. and support decision making.
Chapter 4—The Design Process 33. Understand the product, project, and decision
5. Recognize that the design process is a risks.
series of decisions. 34. Make robust decisions—decisions insensitive
6. Document all concepts and decisions for to noise.
reuse, patent application and defense, Chapter 9—Product Generation
and regulatory requirements. 35. Use bills of materials to manage the evolution
7. Build product and project history with a of products.
PDM/PLM system. 36. Develop products from constraints to configuration
Chapter 5—Project Definition to connections to components.
8. Ensure you have good reasons for beginning Chapter 10—Product Evaluation for Performance and
a project. the Effects of Variation
9. Make rational product portfolio decisions. 37. Use P-diagrams to manage product performance
10. Have a clear design process reflected in the evaluation.
project plan. 38. Use factor of safety as a design variable.
11. Use models and prototypes as learning 39. Develop tolerances consistent with needed
opportunities. function, fit, and manufacturing methods.
12. Plan tasks around deliverables. 40. Support trade-offs with sensitivity analysis.
Chapter 6—Product Definition 41. Test products using design of experiments/robust
13. Identify product customers. design methods.
14. Capture customers’ requirements. Chapter 11—Product Evaluation: Design for Cost,
15. Determine what is important to customers. Manufacture, Assembly, and Other Matters
16. Generate clear and measurable engineering 42. Design for cost.
specifications. 43. Design for manufacture.
17. Determine how the engineering specifications 44. Design for assembly.
relate to the customers’ requirements. 45. Design for reliability.
18. Establish targets, thresholds, and inter-dependence 46. Access and manage risks.
of engineering specifications. 47. Design for test and maintenance.
Chapter 7—Concept Generation 48. Design for sustainability.
19. Generate multiple concepts. Chapter 12—Wrapping up the Design Process and
20. Reverse engineer to understand function. Supporting the Product
21. Build functional models as a basis for form 49. Manage post-release engineering changes.
generation. 50. Apply for design and utility patents as good design
22. Generate concepts using brain storming. and business practice.
23. Generate concepts using analogies with nature
and devices in other fields.
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Company B
Start production
Actual project
Company A
Ideal effort
In this problem the need is very clear, and if we know the methods for analyzing
shear stress in bolts, the problem is easily understood. There is no necessity to
design the joint because a design solution is already given, namely, a grade 5
bolt, with one parameter to be determined—its diameter. The product evaluation
is straight from textbook formulas, and the only decision made is in determining
whether we did the problem correctly.
In comparison, consider this, only slightly different, problem:
Design a joint to fasten together two pieces of 1045 sheet steel, each 4 mm thick and 6 cm
wide, which are lapped over each other and loaded with 100 N.
The only difference between these problems is in their opening clauses (shown in
italics) and a period replacing the question mark (you might want to think about
this change in punctuation). The second problem is even easier to understand than
the first; we do not need to know how to design for shear failure in bolted joints.
However, there is much more latitude in generating ideas for potential concepts
here. It may be possible to use a bolted joint, a glued joint, a joint in which the
two pieces are folded over each other, a welded joint, a joint held by magnets, a
Velcro joint, or a bubble-gum joint. Which one is best depends on other, unstated
factors. This problem is not as well defined as the first one. To evaluate proposed
concepts, more information about the joint is needed. In other words, the problem
is not really understood at all. Some questions still need to be answered: Will the
joint require disassembly? Will it be used at high temperatures? What tools are
available to make the joint? What skill levels do the joint manufacturers have?
The first problem statement describes an analysis problem. To solve it we
need to find the correct formula and plug in the right values. The second statement
describes a design problem, which is ill-defined in that the problem statement does
not give all the information needed to find the solution. The potential solutions
are not given and the constraints on the solution are incomplete. This problem
requires us to fill in missing information to understand it fully.
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Design process
Many ideas,
Design decisions and
need dead ends
Materials Electric
science motors
Engineering Thermodynamics
Welding economics
Pumps Domain
creates a paradox. A designer must develop a device that, by definition, has the
capabilities to meet some need that is not fully defined.
Knowledge about
80 the design problem
20 freedom
Time into design process
A design paradox: The more you learn the less freedom you have
to use what you know.
Understand Evaluate
the Issue Alternatives
Decide What
to do Next
This is a well-defined issue, but many are less so, such as “design a propulsion
system for lunar rover.”
The second action is to develop measures. How will you know if you have
a solution for the issue? You can only tell if you have a good lap joint if you
know “measures” like joint strength, thickness, corrosion resistance, etc. You
only know which propulsion system is best for the lunar rover if you know how
fast it should propel the rover and for how long. Developing measures is a big
part of understanding a design problem, as will be discussed in Chapter 6.
The third action is to generate alternatives that can possibly resolve the issue
or answer the question. If you only have one alternative, you don’t have a decision
to make. For some problems the alternatives are evident, and there are only two or
three realistic options. But, for most design problems, the search for alternatives
is a major part of the effort. For the lap joint, the alternatives are bolts, welds, glue,
etc. For the lunar rover, the options are wheels of many different configurations,
treads, rocket packs, and many others, depending on problem boundaries realized
during issue understanding.
The fourth action is to evaluate the alternatives relative to what is learned
during understanding. For the lap joint, there are analysis methods learned in
mechanical components courses, or through vendor handbooks, that can be com-
pared to goals discovered during issue understanding to provide information for
decision making. But not all evaluation relies on analysis, as some information is
hard to quantify, especially during conceptual design. Finally, all evaluations are
uncertain, most are incomplete, and some are conflicting. Part of any best practice
is to reduce the effect of these on the decision, or at a minimum make their effect
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The best practices in this book try to ensure that the walls are broken down by
improving communication, ensuring the right people are involved in the decision-
making process and that the best possible information is used each step of the
Best Practice:
way. This requires a systems view of product development. This view is that Develop mechanical,
many functions in a product can be fulfilled mechanically, electronically, or in electronic, and other
software; and that many products have all three interacting to make the best prod- systems concurrently.
uct. To develop these systems requires concurrent development of the hardware,
electronics, and software, leading to our first best practice.
In many ways this book is a systems design book. Although titled The
Mechanical Design Process the methods and best practices apply across the
entire product develop process.
1. The ability for anybody to easily and rapidly make components. This has
two major implications. Anybody who can make a solid model of a component
can print it at home. This means that anyone can design components and
realize them almost instantly. While this opens the way for a total change
in how products are realized, there is little stopping poor, even dangerous
2. The ability to make parts not previously possible. In the past, one of the
signs of a poor designer was creating components that were hard or even
impossible to manufacture. With additive manufacturing, this is no longer
true—if you can draw it, you can make it.
3. The ability to change materials in a single component. In the past a com-
ponent had to be made of a single material. The best you could do to change
material properties in a part was a surface treatment (e.g., heat-treating met-
als) or using a multistep process (co-extrude plastics with the inner extrusion
of one material and the outer layer another material). With additive manufac-
turing, the material properties can be altered throughout the component. For
example, a toothbrush could be printed as a single item with a rigid handle,
flexible yet stiff bristles, and a soft gum massager.
4. The ability to combine functions in ways not previously possible. The pre-
vious two capabilities allow product functions to be combined in ways never
before possible. As will be developed in the next chapter, mechanical design
is very much a function-driven exercise. The effect of additive manufacturing
on the design of function is still evolving.
5. The ability to make custom products. Each item printed can be slightly
different from the other, leading to mass customization. For example, glasses
frames could be printed for each individual based on a scan of head shape
and color desires. The glasses could be made in the store where the frames
were purchased, at a mobile site, or even on the kitchen table.
This technology may alter who does design, how much of the process is automated,
and what will appear in later editions of this book.
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1.8 Sources 19
descriptions of how some of the best practices in this book were used by a com-
pany to improve or develop new products. Each case study was written by a
working design engineer describing best practices used. These case studies can
be downloaded from the McGraw-Hill or the author’s website as noted at the end
of each relevant chapter.
Also supporting the best practices are templates. These Word or Excel files
enable many best practices in a fill-in-the-blanks format. They too can be down-
loaded from the McGraw-Hill or the author’s website as noted at the end of each
relevant chapter.
■ The design process is the organization and management of people and the
information they develop in the evolution of a product—any physical device.
■ The process described in this book integrates all the stakeholders from the
beginning of the design process through production and delivery, use, and
end of life.
■ The design process includes project definition, product definition, conceptual
design, and product development.
■ Design is made hard because:
■ Design problems have multiple possible answers.
■ As knowledge is gained design freedom is lost.
■ Decisions must be made throughout the design process based on uncertain,
incomplete, and conflicting information.
■ It is easy to “silo” mechanical design.
■ The information flow in making a decision is: understand, generate, evaluate,
and decide what to do next.
■ Three influences will change the design process.
■ Design for sustainability, which is well described in the Hanover Princi-
■ Additive manufacturing.
■ Design in the connected world.
Two sources for the Hanover Principles:
Hanover Principles: Design for sustainability,
McDonough, W., and M. Braungart: Cradle to Cradle, North Point Press is N.Y. N.Y.
Kenly A., and B. Poston: Social media and product innovation, Kalypso white paper, 2011. Social Media and Product Innovation
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1.1 From the Key Questions at the beginning of the chapter:
a. What are the stages of a product’s life cycle?
b. What are the important phases of the design stage?
c. How are design problems different from analysis problems?
d. Why is it that during design, the more you know, the less design freedom you have?
e. Why are design problems characterized by information that is uncertain, incomplete,
and conflicting?
f. What are the four basic actions in decision making?
g. What are best practices and why are they important?
1.2. Change a problem from one of your engineering science classes into a design problem.
Try changing as few words as possible.
1.3. How well do the following products meet the Hannover Principles?
a. Your cell phone
b. The packaging your cell phone came in
c. Your car
d. A newspaper
1.4. To experience the limitations of the over-the-wall design method try this. With a group
of four to six people, have one person write down the description of some object that
is not familiar to the others. This description should contain at least six different nouns
that describe different features of the object. Without showing the description to the
others, the first person describes the object to one other person in such a manner that
the others can’t hear. This can be done by whispering or leaving the room. Limit the
description to what was written down. The second person now conveys the information
to the third person, and so on until the last person re-describes the object to the whole
group and compares it to the original written description. The modification that occurs
is magnified with more complex objects and poorer communication. Try this by word
of mouth only and also taking notes. (Professor Mark Costello of Georgia Institute of
Technology originated this problem.)