10 1108 - Itse 04 2023 0061
10 1108 - Itse 04 2023 0061
10 1108 - Itse 04 2023 0061
Adoption and
What drives students toward usage of
ChatGPT? An investigation of the ChatGPT
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors determining students’ attitude toward using
newly emerged artificial intelligence (AI) tool, Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT), for
educational and learning purpose based on technology acceptance model.
Design/methodology/approach – The recommended model was empirically tested with partial least
squares structural equation modeling using 375 student survey responses.
Findings – The study revealed that students have a favorable view of the instructional use of
ChatGPT. Usefulness, social presence and legitimacy of the tool, as well as enjoyment and motivation,
contribute to a favorable attitude toward using this tool in a learning environment. However, perceived
ease of use was not found to be a significant determinant in the adoption and utilization of ChatGPT by
the students.
Practical implications – This research is intended to benefit enterprises, academic institutions and
the global community by offering light on how students perceive the ChatGPT service in an educational
setting. Furthermore, the application enhances confidence and interest among learners, leading to
improved literacy and general awareness. Eventually, the outcome of this research will help AI
developers to improve their product and service delivery, as well as benefit regulators in regulating the
usage of AI-based bots.
Originality/value – Due to its novelty, the current research on AI-based ChatGPT usage in the
education sector is rather restricted. This study provides the adoption aspects of ChatGPT, a new AI-
based technology for students, thereby contributing significantly to the existing research on the
adoption of advanced education technologies. In addition, the literature lacks research on the adoption
of ChatGPT by students for educational purposes; this study addresses this gap by identifying adoption
determinants of ChatGPT in education.
Keywords ChatGPT, Technology acceptance model, Adoption, Education, Hedonic motivation,
Perceived social presence
Paper type Research paper Interactive Technology and Smart
© Emerald Publishing Limited
Disclosure statement: No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s). DOI 10.1108/ITSE-04-2023-0061
ITSE 1. Introduction
Artificial intelligence (AI) appeared to have a transformative effect on business, health and
society as an emerging field of computer science (Çelik, 2023; Ooge et al., 2022; Vrbka and
Rowland, 2020). The origin of technologies like AI and Chatbots can be traced back to the
1950s, when scientists began exploring the concept of AI (King and ChatGPT, 2023; Oravec,
2019). The term “artificial intelligence” is defined as the capability of a system to correctly
interpret external data, to learn from such data and to apply such learnings to achieve
specific goals and tasks through flexible adaptation (Haenlein et al., 2019). AI is used to
describe computers and processes that mimic human intelligence (Tlili et al., 2023). With the
proliferation of AI technology, its applications in education have increased, with the
potential to supply personalized learning, dynamic assessments and meaningful
interactions in blended learning environments (Zhang and Aslan, 2021). However, it has
been argued that as AI becomes more and more advanced, it will ruin education and dull
down the population as more and more people rely on computers for information and
research. Researchers have further suggested that AI solutions could serve as viable
replacements for crucial faculty, staff and administrative roles (Zawacki-Richter et al., 2019;
Keiper et al., 2023). In addition, E-learning resources such as video conferencing, learning
management systems, gamification, virtual reality, AI-driven adaptive platforms,
collaboration tools and mobile apps provided a variety of educational advantages (Sankey
and Marshall, 2023) but also has drawbacks like connectivity issues, the potential for
distraction, a lack of in-person dynamics and high costs (Ali et al., 2023). By adapting
content to user needs and delivering data-driven insights, AI integration improves
personalization and efficiency. To guarantee a balanced and successful educational
experience, human engagement, teacher preparation and ethical considerations are still
essential. AI’s influence is anticipated to increase as technology develops, necessitating
ongoing efforts to solve privacy issues and preserve educators’ primary role (Nguyen et al.,
2023). An AI language model called Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT)
has shown improvements in natural language processing (NLP) and offered individualized
educational support, but it also has drawbacks including occasionally producing inaccurate
responses and being sensitive to input phrasing (Hariri, 2023). Future advancements might
have made e-learning tools easier to use and more integrated with AI, all the while
addressing bias and data privacy issues with AI model constraints.
ChatGPT, a recently released AI tool for public testing, is generating buzz for its ability
to generate creative jokes and explain scientific topics. ChatGPT is the only one example of a
new sort of AI that has the potential to become the next significant general-purpose
technology. ChatGPT is a type of conversational interaction between GPT users introduced
by Open AI in November 2022. Due to the dialogue structure, ChatGPT can respond to next
questions, admit its mistakes, debate erroneous premises and deny inappropriate requests.
It is programmed to reply to user input in a conversational situation with human-sounding
text. The interface was created using a GPT-3.5 series model that completed its training at
the beginning of the year 2022. ChatGPT and GPT 3.5 were both taught using the AI
supercomputing capacity of Microsoft Azure. The ChatGPT model derives from the
InstructGPT model which is configured to follow an instruction and supply further
information in response to a prompt (ChatGPT, 2022; Cotton et al., 2023). According to
OpenAI (2022), ChatGPT system has been trained on a massive data set of human
conversations and can generate responses to a wide range of topics and cues. It is capable of
accurate text translation, producing marketing copy, summarizing reports and news, and
coding, among the other things. It can comprehend the meaning of lengthy texts and
producing accurate responses (Elbanna and Armstrong, 2023; Lee, 2023). The Chatbot can
be used for a variety of functions, including customer service, content development and Adoption and
language translation, creating responses in a range of languages (Keiper et al., 2023). The usage of
ChatGPT is accessible via the OpenAI Application Programming Interface, which also
enables developers to integrate the Chatbot into their own applications and systems (Open
AI, 2022).
Since its inception, in a short span of time ChatGPT has garnered immense attention
from corporations and academics in the internet world. The folks around the world are using
this revolutionary technology majorly in education and research. The community is seeking
answer to the queries raised in medical science (Sharma and Thakur, 2023; Jahanshahi et al.,
2022) as well as in engineering (Qadir, 2022). One of the most widely discussed advancement
of ChatGPT is accessibility. Anyone can use the tool for learning and problem-solving.
However, being accessible to everyone can even present a threat as the tool can be used to
seek answer to support malicious intentions in the society. Furthermore, the tool is not up to
date and could not answer the questions concerning recent trends post-2021. Nevertheless,
the challenges highlighted here, ChatGPT is useful for education and learning (Dwivedi
et al., 2023; Lee, 2023). Due to its novelty, the current research on AI-based ChatGPT usage
in the education sector is rather restricted. This study provides the adoption aspects of
ChatGPT, a new AI-based technology for students, thereby contributing significantly to the
existing research on the adoption of advanced education technologies. In addition, the
literature lacks research on the adoption of ChatGPT by students for educational purposes;
this study addresses this gap by identifying adoption determinants of ChatGPT in
H1. Perceived usefulness has a positive influence on the attitude of students to use
ChatGPT for educational purposes.
H2. Perceived ease of use has a positive influence on the attitude of students to use
ChatGPT for educational purposes.
H3. Perceived credibility has a positive influence on the attitude of students to use
ChatGPT for educational purposes.
H4. Perceived social presence has a positive influence on the attitude of students to use
ChatGPT for educational purposes.
H5. Hedonic motivation has a positive influence on the attitude of students to use
ChatGPT for educational purposes.
Figure 1.
Research model for
the present study
ITSE Demographic variables Frequency Percentage
Under 18 81 21.6
18–22 90 24
23–27 76 20.27
28–32 83 22.13
Above 32 45 12
Total 375 100
Male 174 46.4
Female 201 53.6
Total 375 100
Omani 322 85.87
Non-Omani 53 14.13
Total 375 100
Education level
High School/Senior Secondary 56 14.93
Diploma 79 21.07
Advance Diploma 93 24.81
Bachelor 85 22.67
Master 34 9.67
PhD 05 1.33
Others 23 6.13
Total 375 100
Business 113 30.13
Engineering 84 22.4
Information technology 72 19.2
Applied sciences 51 13.6
Humanities 35 9.33
Others 20 5.33
Table 1. Total 375 100
Description of the
respondents Source: Primary data
video link was provided to respondents (2019). These are the YouTube videos that demonstrate
how to use ChatGPT. The respondents were invited to complete the questions after viewing the
films. The purpose of the video is to explain to respondents how ChatGPT operates. Students
attending various public and private institutions and colleges in Oman were the intended
respondents. The poll was built using Google Documents, and connections to the site were
placed on the social media accounts of many universities so that students could access it from
January through February 2023, the beginning of the second semester of the academic year
Based on the data provided by most of the management and social science studies, the
majority of academics believe that a sample size of 200–500 respondents is sufficient
(Siddiqui, 2013). The sample size can also be decided by the number of questions in the
questionnaire; for each question, 5–10 replies are acceptable (Henseler et al., 2015; Bhat et al.,
2022). Upon the completion of the survey, 375 questionnaires were collected. Thirty-five of
the surveys were excluded from the final analysis because respondents did not complete the Adoption and
questionnaires in full. All completed survey questionnaires were examined for any missing usage of
information. The items were evaluated using a five-point Likert scale, with 1 signifying
strong disagreement and 5 denoting strong agreement.
1 Perceived Degree to which a person believes the use Useful in education Davis (1989), Shen
usefulness of a technology improves his/ her Enhances the quality et al. (2022),
performance of learning Venkatesh et al.
Accomplishes tasks (2012)
more quickly
Enhances learning
2 Perceived ease Degree to which a person believes that Easy to use Davis (1989), Shen
of use the usage of a particular technology is Easy to master et al. (2022)
easy and without effort Uncomplicated and
less mental efforts
Interaction is clear
and understandable
3 Perceived The perception that there is personal, Feeling of being Gefen and Straub
social sociable and sensitive human contact in involved with a (2004)
presence the medium person
Feeling of
communicating with
an intelligent agent
Feeling accompanied
by an intelligent
Sense of human
4 Perceived The perception of dealing with a reliable, Trustworthy Gong and Nass
credibility trustworthy, secure and confidential Reliable (2007)
agent Safe
5 Hedonic The fun or pleasure derived from using Enjoyable Shen et al. (2022),
motivation technology Entertaining Venkatesh et al.
Fun (2012)
6 Attitude An individual’s positive or negative Positive attitude Davis et al. (1989),
toward feelings (evaluative affect) about toward usage Shen et al. (2022)
ChatGPT performing the target behavior Makes learning
Positive attitude
toward learning
Positive general
7 Behavioral Measure of the strength of one’s intention Intention to use in Davis et al. (1989),
intention to to perform a specified behavior future Shen et al. (2022)
use ChatGPT Predicting to use for
learning experience
Frequent use
Attempt to use for
Table 2.
Research instrument Source: Developed by authors based on literature
Adoption and
usage of
Figure 2.
Measurement model
term used to describe the features’ consistency and stability (Shaked et al., 2020; Khan et al.,
2020). In constructs with CR more than 0.70 and Cronbach’s alpha greater than 0.60, internal
consistency is substantially more common (Clayson, 2020). In addition, this confirms that all
structures have attained the required consistency (Table 3). Furthermore, the convergent
validity was examined using the factor loadings and the average variance extracted (AVE).
Table 3 demonstrates that all variable items’ factor loadings are more than 0.60, except for
one item related to perceived social presence, which was removed from further research.
According to Henseler et al. ((2016) and Shrestha (2021), all the AVE values for each variable
are more than 0.5, demonstrating that the variables’ convergent validity has been met.
Fornell and Larcker (1981) introduced the criterion for measuring discriminant validity,
while Franke and Sarstedt (2019) argued that the square root of AVE should be higher than
the correlation between the two components in the model. This study’s latent variables all
fulfilled that requirement, proving discriminant validity. Table 4 shows that all the AVEs
for the construct are greater than the squared interconstruct correlations and the Cronbach’s
alpha values, showing that the measurement scale is legitimate. The high level of validity of
the measurement scale is shown by a high Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. This outcome
demonstrates that discriminant validity was achieved.
A PLS-based SEM program was used to assess the study’s hypotheses. To assess the
statistical significance of the weights of the subconstructs and path coefficients, a
bootstrapping approach of 3,000 iterations was used (Ali et al., 2017). PLS does not produce
measures of overall quality of fit. To evaluate the model fit, Tenenhaus et al. ((2005)
ITSE Factor Cronbach’s Composite Average variance
Construct Items loading alpha reliability (CR) extracted (AVE) R2
Intention Perceived
Perceived Hedonic to adopt Perceived Perceived social
Construct usefulness Attitude motivation ChatGPT credibility ease of use presence
introduced a diagnostic tool called the goodness-of-fit (GoF) index. The geometric mean of
the typical communality and the typical R2 are used to calculate the GoF (for endogenous
constructs). The following cutoff values were published by Hoffmann and Birnbrich (2012)
for evaluating the outcomes of the GoF analysis: GoFmedium ¼ 0.25, GoFlarge ¼ 0.36 and
GoFsmall ¼ 0.1. As demonstrated in Table 3, the model used in this investigation produced Adoption and
a GoF value of 0.568, indicating a very strong model fit. To identify the problem of usage of
multicollinearity, we also look at the variance inflation factor (VIF). The findings showed
that all the constructs’ VIF values, which ranged between 1.751 and 3.941, did not go above
the permitted level of 5.0 (Liang and Shiau, 2018; Bhat and Tariq, 2022) (see Table 5). This
suggested that multicollinearity was not a major issue for this investigation.
The relationships inferred from the structural model’s postulated relationships were
tested after the measurement model and GoF. The findings of the analysis are shown in
Figure 2. The explanatory strength of the predictor variable(s) on the corresponding
construct is indicated by the corrected R2 values in Figure 2. The two dependent constructs,
attitude toward ChatGPT (R2 ¼ 0.629) and intention to adopt ChatGPT (R2 ¼ 0.421), both
reach the necessary threshold, as shown in Table 3. Based on the R2 values of 0.67, 0.33 or
0.19 respectively, Chin et al. (2008) categorized the endogenous latent variables as
considerable, moderate or weak in terms of model validity. Our findings indicate that
ChatGPT attitudes and adoption intentions can both be classified as moderate (R2 ¼ 0.629
and 0.421, respectively). In addition, the predictive relevance (Q2) and effect size (F2) of the
predicting constructs were examined to measure the model’s predictive validity (Peng and
Lai, 2012). All five of the predicting (exogenous) components have highly significant
impacts, as shown in Table 5. The predictive sample reuse method (Q2) was also used (Chin
et al., 2008). All Q2 values are positive (shown in Table 5), demonstrating the model’s
appropriate predictive relevance (Peng and Lai, 2012). Finally, the impact of the independent
constructs on the dependent variables was examined using a standardized path
examination to evaluate the hypothesized associations. Five hypotheses, i.e. H1 and H3–H6,
had positive route coefficients and were significant at the p ¼ 0.001 level, according to the
results (shown in Table 6 and Figure 2). These hypotheses are therefore supported.
However, H2 (Perceived ease of use > Attitude) was not supported.
5. Discussion
This research investigated the influence of adoption and usage of recently introduced AI-
based tool called ChatGPT among students for education based on TAM. We included the
factors, namely, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived credibility, perceived
social pressure, hedonic motivation along with attitude and intention to use ChatGPT by the
student community. The results of our quantitative survey supported the proposed model.
H1, perceived usefulness, was found to have positive impact on the attitude of the
students using ChatGPT. This was further supported by studies involving the use of AI-
based learning tools in the previous literature (Pillai et al., 2023; Shen et al., 2022; Chocarro
et al., 2021). The students found the tool useful in education as it enhances the quality of
their learning. This even assists them in accomplishing the academic task quickly and
effectively. The students from varied background could seek answers to different queries
from the AI tool to enhance their knowledge on different matters. This will make them more
informed about the concepts and developments in the field of their interest.
However, our proposed hypothesis H2 perceived ease of use and attitude was found to be
insignificant among students for learning and education. This finding is in line with Abdul-
Halim et al. ((2022) and Abbasi et al. ((2022). Students are finding it difficult to use, and they
have doubts about the tool making them skillful. Sometimes the users found the tool to be
complex and involving a lot of mental effort. This could be due to challenges faced by the
students like heavy traffic on the website while raising queries as experienced in the past
few months. As the tool is the latest technological breakthrough in information science, most
of the users are excited to explore the use causing heaving traffic to the Open AI server.
Furthermore, the responses provided by the ChatGPT are not clear and understandable by
the user often. This may demotivate some students to use those who look for a quick fix to a
problem. Nevertheless, the developer of the tool has taken note of this issue and thereby
strengthening the user interface (Open AI, 2022).
The study further revealed that attitude to use ChatGPT was found to be significant and
positively influenced by perceived creditability (H3) (Kim et al., 2022; Kabra et al., 2023).
Students find it trustworthy and reliable tool for learning and education. They resort to the
tool for different questions and solve problems. They further consider the tool is safe to use
and found that the responses provided shall be confidential. This denotes that the data
provided, or questions asked to the bot will be confidential and at the same time students
can trust the answers given to be genuine and confidential. Students are found to be
involved with ChatGPT as they were communicating with an intelligent agent. This is
evident through our findings supporting H4 where perceived social presence is a significant
factor positively influencing attitude of students toward ChatGPT, as same results were
found by Chang et al. (2022) and Kim et al. (2023). The feeling of being accompanied by an
intelligent being makes the user’s attitude positive. Furthermore, it has been observed that
the tool has a sense of human sensitivity promoting students’ engagement with the bot.
In yet another finding, hedonic motivation has played a major role in developing positive
attitude among students’ user for ChatGPT, as similar was found by Sehabuddin and
Oktarina (2022), Mishra et al. (2022) and Chang et al. (2023). The respondents find the tools Adoption and
quite simulative and entertaining. They found the responses provided by the tool to be usage of
entertaining. Nevertheless, the technology has taken everyone as a storm as there exists a
game element present for the users where you feel excited while receiving the answers from
an artificial brain. Among the respondents, the overall attitude is found to be positive and
significant. The student community welcomes this innovation with a quite robust outlook.
They are confident of using ChatGPT for learning and education and found the tool quite
interesting and informative. This could be the positive sign for the education technology
companies where their robust innovation can really bring results for the intended users.
Finally, when it came to measuring the behavioral intention to use the learning-based AI
tool, the student respondents shown positive intent stating that they will use ChatGPT for
studies in the future (Kabra et al., 2023; Adu-Gyamfi et al., 2022; Sahoo et al., 2022). They
have decided to use the bot frequently to enhance their learning experience in the times to
come. This favors that the tool will certainly have a bright future and will be the
revolutionary innovation for the students studying in schools and colleges.
Overall, the study observed the positive attitude among students for adoption of
ChatGPT for education and learning. The usefulness, social presence, credibility of the tool
along with the fun and motivation are variables creating the positive behavioral intention to
use this tool in education and learning environment.
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