CE HPGE 2023 Definition of Terms Unlocked

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HPGE - Definition of Terms

Hydraulics and Principles of Geotechnical Engineering


1. The weight per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure is called _________
Specific Weight Specific Gravity
Mass Density None of the above
2. In Civil Engineering, soil is ________
Found in Earth's Crust It is all plants grow
Uncemented Aggregate All of these
3. Specific Weight of liquid ________
Remains constant at every place Does not remain constant at every place
Does not vary on any other planet Varies from place to place on the earth
4. Negative Skin Friction on Piles ________
Caused by soft clay Decreases the pile capacity
Is caused due to relative settlement of soil All of the above
5. The metacentric height is the distance between the ________
Center of gravity of the floating body and the Center of the gravity of the floating body and the
center of buoyancy metacenter
Metacenter and the center of buoyancy Original center of buoyancy and new center of
6. When the metacenter of a floating body is lower than the center of gravity, then the body will be in
Unstable equilibrium Stable equilibrium
Neutral equilibrium None of the above
7. The intensity of vertical stress at a depth due to a point load acting on the surface of a semi infinite elastic
soil mass is ________
Directly proportional to the depth Inversely proportional to the depth
Directly proportional to the square of depth Inversely proportional to the square of depth.
8. The shear strength of a cohesionless soil is ________
Proportional to the angle of the shearing Inversely proportional to the angle of shearing
resistance resistance
Proportional to the tangent of the angle of None of the above
shearing resistance

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
9. If the volume of voids is equal to the volume of solids, what is the porosity and void ratio equal to
respectively ?
0.5 and 1.0 0 and 0.5
0 and 1 1 and 0.5
10. Where is the metacenter for stable equilibrium ?
Above the center of gravity At the center of gravity
Below the center of gravity One half of the total draft
11. Molecules of liquid gets attracted to ________
Cohesion Adhesion
Capillary Action Surface Tension

Cohesion Angle of Friction

Both Cohesion and Angle of Friction None of the above
13. In AASHTO, soil greater than 75 mm is classified as ________
Cobbles Boulders
Gravel Clays
14. Ratio of weight of water to the weight of solid particles
Water Content Porosity
Void Ratio Degree of Saturation
15. What test is NOT performed in laboratory ?
Direct Shear Test Triaxial Shear Test
Unconfined compression test Vane Test
16. In what plane is the additional stress (deviator stress) can affect the shear stress ?
Horizontal Plane Vertical Plane
Both Vertical and Horizontal Plane Inclined Plane
17. Triaxial Shear Test acts on what axis ?
X-axis Y-axis
Both Axis All plane axis except x and y axis

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
18. The Shear Strength of a soil ________
Is proportional to the cohesion of the soil Is proportional to the tangent of the angle of
internal friction
Increases with increase in normal stress Decreases with decrease in normal stress
CE NOV 2022

19. _____ is a device used to determine the undrained shear strength of the soil which consists of four equal-
sized thin steel plates welded to a steel torque rod. The vane is pushed into the soil and torque ( T ) is
applied at the top of the torque rod to rotate the vane at a uniform speed to cause failure.
Shear Bane Shear Cane
Shear Vane Shear Dane
20. _____ is the most used property used in soil properties
Porosity Water Content
Void Ratio Degree of Saturation
21. _____ is a branch of hydraulics which deals with the study of forces ( including velocity and acceleration )
exerted by or upon liquids in motion.
Hydraulic Gradient Hydrodynamics
Hydraulic Jump Hydrology
22. _____ is an abrupt rise in water surface which results from retarding water flowing at lower stage
Hydraulic Gradient Hydrodynamics
Hydraulic Jump Hydrology
CE MAY 2022

23. It occurs in soils of saturated cohesionless particles such as sand and causes a sudden drop in shear
strength and its bearing capacity. In effect, the soil turns into a liquid, allowing everything it previously
supported to sink.
Consolidation Plasticity
Settlement Liquefaction
24. A cohesive soil deposit is considered soft if the unconfined compression strength in kPa is between :
0 to 24 48 to 96
96 to 192 24 to 48
25. Section 302.2.2 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines provides that the slope of Cut surfaces
shall be no steeper than is safe for intended use and shall be no steeper than _____
1 to 2 1 to 1
1 to 3 1 to 1.5
CE NOV 2021

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
26. What would happen if the ground water table will be at the ground level ?
Increase in Vertical Pressure Decrease in the Vertical Pressure
Vertical Pressure does not change None of the Above
27. If the ground water table in a soil formation rises as a resulting of flooding, the bearing capacity of the soil
Increase Unaffected
Decrease Depends on the footing
28. One of the following foundation conditions does not affect the bearing capacity of the supporting soil.
Unit weight of the soil Depth of founding of Footings
Load imposed onto the soil Position of ground water table
29. A line joining the points of highest elevation of water In a series of vertical open pipes rising from a
pipeline in which water flows under pressure is referred to as :
Hydraulic Gradient Hydraulic Head
Hydraulic Loss Hydraulic Jump
30. A Pressure Surge or Wave caused when a fluid in motion is forced to stop or change direction suddenly
(momentum change) is referred to in Hydraulics as
Water Hammer Potential Head
Hydraulic Jump Hydrodynamics
CE NOV 2019

31. When at any instant, the number of particles passing every section of the stream are always equal, the flow
is said to be ________
Continuous Steady Flow
Turbulent Flow Laminar Flow
CE NOV 2018

32. A granular soil deposit is considered medium if the blow count of a standard penetration is between
4 - 10 10 - 30
30 - 50 Over 50
CE MAY 2018

33. One of the following is not Characteristic of cohesionless soils :

Easy to compact High Shear Strength
Practically Impermeable Prone to Settlement under vibratory load

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
34. Prone to Settlement under vibratory load
60 30
50 40
35. A granular soil deposit is considered medium if the blow count of a standard penetration is between
4 - 10 10 - 30
30 - 50 Over 50
CE MAY 2017

36. The fraction of soils passing which sieve number is used for Atterberg Limits tests of soils?
60 30
50 40
37. The ratio between the volume of the water and the volume of the voids in a soil mass is referred to as :
Porosity Water Content
Void Ratio Degree of Saturation
38. The ratio between the volume of voids and the total volume of the soil mass is referred to as :
Porosity Water Content
Void Ratio Degree of Saturation
39. Section 302.2.2 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP C101-10) provides that the slope of
Cut surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for intended use and shall be no steeper than _____
1 to 2 1 to 1
1 to 3 1 to 1.5
CE NOV 2016

40. Water has a maximum unit weight at a temperature of _____

0℃ 4℃
100 ℃ 32 ℃
41. The pressure exerted onto a liquid is transmitted undiminished to all portions of the liquid. The principle of
mechanics is attributed to:
Bernoulli Archimedes
Pascal Boyle
42. In any stream flowing steadily without friction, the total energy contained is the same at every point in its
path of low. This principle is attributed to :
Bernoulli Archimedes
Pascal Boyle

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
43. The largest grain size that passes a no. 200 sieve in millimeters is _____
0.0740 mm 0.0200 mm
0.0640 mm 0.0054 mm
CE MAY 2016

44. When the path lines of the individual particles of a flowing liquid are irregular curves and continually cross
each other and form a complicated network, the flow is called :
Turbulent Continuous
Laminar Uniform
45. A Pressure Surge or Wave caused when a fluid in motion is forced to stop or change direction suddenly
(momentum change) is referred to in Hydraulics as
Water Hammer Potential Head
Hydraulic Jump Hydrodynamics
46. A line joining the points of highest elevation of water In a series of vertical open pipes rising from a
pipeline in which water flows under pressure is referred to as :
Hydraulic Gradient Hydraulic Head
Hydraulic Loss Hydraulic Jump
47. A cohesive soil deposit is considered soft if the unconfined compression strength in kPa is between :
0 to 24 48 to 96
96 to 192 24 to 48
CE NOV 2015


0.50 0.25
0.33 1.0
49. According to USCS soil classification of a soil particle whose size is greater than 75 mm is called _____
Cobbles Gravel
Rock Sand
50. Section 302.4.5 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines (C101-10) provides that slope of fill
surface shall be no steeper than is safe for its intended use and shall not be steeper than _____
1:1 1:2
1:5:2 1:3

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
51. Soil derives its strength from its capacity to resist _____
Shear Torsion
Tension Compression
52. Which of the following is not a component of the soil mass?
Gas Organic Matter
Minerals None in the list
53. The component of Shear strength of a rock or soil that interparticle friction is called _____
Plasticity Skin Friction
Adhesion Cohesion
54. Section 302.2.2 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines provides that the slope of Cut surfaces
shall be no steeper than is safe for intended use and shall be no steeper than _____
1 to 2 1 to 1
1 to 3 1 to 1.5
55. In accordance with the Unified Soils Classification of Soils, which are considered coarse grained if the
passing thru No. 200 sieve is less than _____
30 40
50 60
56. One of the following foundation conditions does not affect foundation settlement.
Plasticity of the soil Depth of founding footings
Position of ground water table None of the other choices
57. A process by which water-saturated soil sediment temporarily loss strength and acts as a fluid
Consolidation Plasticity
Settlement Liquefaction
58. A body placed in a liquid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the displaced liquid. This principle
of buoyancy was attributed to :
Pascal Bernoulli
Boyle Archimedes
59. If with steady flow in any length or reach of a stream, the average velocity at every cross-section is the
same in that reach, the flow is said to be :
Continuous Steady
Laminar Uniform

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
60. A ship floating in seawater is stable if the metacentric height is :
Below the center of gravity Above the center of gravity
Coincides with the center of gravity The draft of the ship causes a buoyant force
equal to the weight of the ship and its cargo
61. The volume of liquid passing a cross-section of a stream
Discharge Permeability
Flow Capillary
62. If the discharge passing a given cross-section of a stress is constant with time, the flow at that section is
called _____
Uniform Continuous
Steady Laminar
CE MAY 2015

63. The surface tension phenomenon is one of the reasons that small insects can walk on water. Determine the
value of surface tension at normal room temperature
0.064 N/m 0.075 N/m
0.086 N/m 0.092 N/m
64. Determine the force why small insects can walk on the water
Surface Tension Water Pressure
Lateral Pressure of Water Buoyant Force
65. It is a soil whose present effective over burn pressure is less than that which the soil experienced in the
Over Consolidated Normally Consolidated
Unconsolidated Soil None of the Above
66. What happens when there is a lowering of water table ?
There is a decrease of lateral pressure There is an increase of lateral pressure
The same lateral pressure is produced None of the Above
67. What is the ratio of the weight of water to the weight of solids in a given volume of soil ?
Void Ratio Porosity
Degree of Saturation Water Content
68. What is the ratio of the volume of water to the volume of voids ?
Void Ratio Porosity
Degree of Saturation Water Content

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
69. What is the ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume ?
Void Ratio Porosity
Degree of Saturation Water Content
70. What is the ratio of the volume of voids to the volume of solids ?
Void Ratio Porosity
Degree of Saturation Water Content
CE MAY 2014

71. The ground water table is located at a certain depth below the ground surface. This will cause an upward
seepage. What would be the resulting effective stress at a certain point below the ground water table due
to the upward seepage.
This will cause the increase of the effective This will cause nothing in the effective stress at
stress at that point that point
This will cause the decrease of the effective None of the above
stress at that point
CE MAY 2012

72. The ground water table is located at a certain depth below the ground surface. This will cause an upward
seepage. What would be the resulting effective stress at a certain point below the ground water table due
to the upward seepage.
This will cause the increase of the effective This will cause nothing in the effective stress at
stress at that point that point
This will cause the decrease of the effective None of the above
stress at that point
73. If we increase the compaction energy, what will happen to the max. dry density ( MDD ) ?
The dry unit weight of soil will decrease The dry unit weight of soil will increase
The dry unit weight of soil will remain None of the above

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HPGE - Definition of Terms
Hydraulics and Principles of Geotechnical Engineering

1. The weight per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure is called _________
Specific Weight Specific Gravity
Mass Density None of the above
2. In Civil Engineering, soil is ________
Found in Earth's Crust It is all plants grow
Uncemented Aggregate All of these
3. Specific Weight of liquid ________
Remains constant at every place Does not remain constant at every place
Does not vary on any other planet Varies from place to place on the earth
4. Negative Skin Friction on Piles ________
Caused by soft clay Decreases the pile capacity
Is caused due to relative settlement of soil All of the above
5. The metacentric height is the distance between the ________
Center of gravity of the floating body and the Center of the gravity of the floating body and the
center of buoyancy metacenter
Metacenter and the center of buoyancy Original center of buoyancy and new center of
6. When the metacenter of a floating body is lower than the center of gravity, then the body will be in
Unstable equilibrium Stable equilibrium
Neutral equilibrium None of the above
7. The intensity of vertical stress at a depth due to a point load acting on the surface of a semi infinite elastic
soil mass is ________
Directly proportional to the depth Inversely proportional to the depth
Directly proportional to the square of depth Inversely proportional to the square of depth.
8. The shear strength of a cohesionless soil is ________
Proportional to the angle of the shearing Inversely proportional to the angle of shearing
resistance resistance
Proportional to the tangent of the angle of None of the above
shearing resistance

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
9. If the volume of voids is equal to the volume of solids, what is the porosity and void ratio equal to
respectively ?
0.5 and 1.0 0 and 0.5
0 and 1 1 and 0.5
10. Where is the metacenter for stable equilibrium ?
Above the center of gravity At the center of gravity
Below the center of gravity One half of the total draft
11. Molecules of liquid gets attracted to ________
Cohesion Adhesion
Capillary Action Surface Tension

Cohesion Angle of Friction

Both Cohesion and Angle of Friction None of the above
13. In AASHTO, soil greater than 75 mm is classified as ________
Cobbles Boulders
Gravel Clays
14. Ratio of weight of water to the weight of solid particles
Water Content Porosity
Void Ratio Degree of Saturation
15. What test is NOT performed in laboratory ?
Direct Shear Test Triaxial Shear Test
Unconfined compression test Vane Test
16. In what plane is the additional stress (deviator stress) can affect the shear stress ?
Horizontal Plane Vertical Plane
Both Vertical and Horizontal Plane Inclined Plane
17. Triaxial Shear Test acts on what axis ?
X-axis Y-axis
Both Axis All plane axis except x and y axis

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
18. The Shear Strength of a soil ________
Is proportional to the cohesion of the soil Is proportional to the tangent of the angle of
internal friction
Increases with increase in normal stress Decreases with decrease in normal stress
CE NOV 2022

19. _____ is a device used to determine the undrained shear strength of the soil which consists of four equal-
sized thin steel plates welded to a steel torque rod. The vane is pushed into the soil and torque ( T ) is
applied at the top of the torque rod to rotate the vane at a uniform speed to cause failure.
Shear Bane Shear Cane
Shear Vane Shear Dane
20. _____ is the most used property used in soil properties
Porosity Water Content
Void Ratio Degree of Saturation
21. _____ is a branch of hydraulics which deals with the study of forces ( including velocity and acceleration )
exerted by or upon liquids in motion.
Hydraulic Gradient Hydrodynamics
Hydraulic Jump Hydrology
22. _____ is an abrupt rise in water surface which results from retarding water flowing at lower stage
Hydraulic Gradient Hydrodynamics
Hydraulic Jump Hydrology
CE MAY 2022

23. It occurs in soils of saturated cohesionless particles such as sand and causes a sudden drop in shear
strength and its bearing capacity. In effect, the soil turns into a liquid, allowing everything it previously
supported to sink.
Consolidation Plasticity
Settlement Liquefaction
24. A cohesive soil deposit is considered soft if the unconfined compression strength in kPa is between :
0 to 24 48 to 96
96 to 192 24 to 48
25. Section 302.2.2 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines provides that the slope of Cut surfaces
shall be no steeper than is safe for intended use and shall be no steeper than _____
1 to 2 1 to 1
1 to 3 1 to 1.5
CE NOV 2021

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
26. What would happen if the ground water table will be at the ground level ?
Increase in Vertical Pressure Decrease in the Vertical Pressure
Vertical Pressure does not change None of the Above
27. If the ground water table in a soil formation rises as a resulting of flooding, the bearing capacity of the soil
Increase Unaffected
Decrease Depends on the footing
28. One of the following foundation conditions does not affect the bearing capacity of the supporting soil.
Unit weight of the soil Depth of founding of Footings
Load imposed onto the soil Position of ground water table
29. A line joining the points of highest elevation of water In a series of vertical open pipes rising from a
pipeline in which water flows under pressure is referred to as :
Hydraulic Gradient Hydraulic Head
Hydraulic Loss Hydraulic Jump
30. A Pressure Surge or Wave caused when a fluid in motion is forced to stop or change direction suddenly
(momentum change) is referred to in Hydraulics as
Water Hammer Potential Head
Hydraulic Jump Hydrodynamics
CE NOV 2019

31. When at any instant, the number of particles passing every section of the stream are always equal, the flow
is said to be ________
Continuous Steady Flow
Turbulent Flow Laminar Flow
CE NOV 2018

32. A granular soil deposit is considered medium if the blow count of a standard penetration is between
4 - 10 10 - 30
30 - 50 Over 50
CE MAY 2018

33. One of the following is not Characteristic of cohesionless soils :

Easy to compact High Shear Strength
Practically Impermeable Prone to Settlement under vibratory load

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
34. Prone to Settlement under vibratory load
60 30
50 40
35. A granular soil deposit is considered medium if the blow count of a standard penetration is between
4 - 10 10 - 30
30 - 50 Over 50
CE MAY 2017

36. The fraction of soils passing which sieve number is used for Atterberg Limits tests of soils?
60 30
50 40
37. The ratio between the volume of the water and the volume of the voids in a soil mass is referred to as :
Porosity Water Content
Void Ratio Degree of Saturation
38. The ratio between the volume of voids and the total volume of the soil mass is referred to as :
Porosity Water Content
Void Ratio Degree of Saturation
39. Section 302.2.2 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP C101-10) provides that the slope of
Cut surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for intended use and shall be no steeper than _____
1 to 2 1 to 1
1 to 3 1 to 1.5
CE NOV 2016

40. Water has a maximum unit weight at a temperature of _____

0℃ 4℃
100 ℃ 32 ℃
41. The pressure exerted onto a liquid is transmitted undiminished to all portions of the liquid. The principle of
mechanics is attributed to:
Bernoulli Archimedes
Pascal Boyle
42. In any stream flowing steadily without friction, the total energy contained is the same at every point in its
path of low. This principle is attributed to :
Bernoulli Archimedes
Pascal Boyle

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
43. The largest grain size that passes a no. 200 sieve in millimeters is _____
0.0740 mm 0.0200 mm
0.0640 mm 0.0054 mm
CE MAY 2016

44. When the path lines of the individual particles of a flowing liquid are irregular curves and continually cross
each other and form a complicated network, the flow is called :
Turbulent Continuous
Laminar Uniform
45. A Pressure Surge or Wave caused when a fluid in motion is forced to stop or change direction suddenly
(momentum change) is referred to in Hydraulics as
Water Hammer Potential Head
Hydraulic Jump Hydrodynamics
46. A line joining the points of highest elevation of water In a series of vertical open pipes rising from a
pipeline in which water flows under pressure is referred to as :
Hydraulic Gradient Hydraulic Head
Hydraulic Loss Hydraulic Jump
47. A cohesive soil deposit is considered soft if the unconfined compression strength in kPa is between :
0 to 24 48 to 96
96 to 192 24 to 48
CE NOV 2015


0.50 0.25
0.33 1.0
49. According to USCS soil classification of a soil particle whose size is greater than 75 mm is called _____
Cobbles Gravel
Rock Sand
50. Section 302.4.5 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines (C101-10) provides that slope of fill
surface shall be no steeper than is safe for its intended use and shall not be steeper than _____
1:1 1:2
1:5:2 1:3

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
51. Soil derives its strength from its capacity to resist _____
Shear Torsion
Tension Compression
52. Which of the following is not a component of the soil mass?
Gas Organic Matter
Minerals None in the list
53. The component of Shear strength of a rock or soil that interparticle friction is called _____
Plasticity Skin Friction
Adhesion Cohesion
54. Section 302.2.2 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines provides that the slope of Cut surfaces
shall be no steeper than is safe for intended use and shall be no steeper than _____
1 to 2 1 to 1
1 to 3 1 to 1.5
55. In accordance with the Unified Soils Classification of Soils, which are considered coarse grained if the
passing thru No. 200 sieve is less than _____
30 40
50 60
56. One of the following foundation conditions does not affect foundation settlement.
Plasticity of the soil Depth of founding footings
Position of ground water table None of the other choices
57. A process by which water-saturated soil sediment temporarily loss strength and acts as a fluid
Consolidation Plasticity
Settlement Liquefaction
58. A body placed in a liquid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the displaced liquid. This principle
of buoyancy was attributed to :
Pascal Bernoulli
Boyle Archimedes
59. If with steady flow in any length or reach of a stream, the average velocity at every cross-section is the
same in that reach, the flow is said to be :
Continuous Steady
Laminar Uniform

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
60. A ship floating in seawater is stable if the metacentric height is :
Below the center of gravity Above the center of gravity
Coincides with the center of gravity The draft of the ship causes a buoyant force
equal to the weight of the ship and its cargo
61. The volume of liquid passing a cross-section of a stream
Discharge Permeability
Flow Capillary
62. If the discharge passing a given cross-section of a stress is constant with time, the flow at that section is
called _____
Uniform Continuous
Steady Laminar
CE MAY 2015

63. The surface tension phenomenon is one of the reasons that small insects can walk on water. Determine the
value of surface tension at normal room temperature
0.064 N/m 0.075 N/m
0.086 N/m 0.092 N/m
64. Determine the force why small insects can walk on the water
Surface Tension Water Pressure
Lateral Pressure of Water Buoyant Force
65. It is a soil whose present effective over burn pressure is less than that which the soil experienced in the
Over Consolidated Normally Consolidated
Unconsolidated Soil None of the Above
66. What happens when there is a lowering of water table ?
There is a decrease of lateral pressure There is an increase of lateral pressure
The same lateral pressure is produced None of the Above
67. What is the ratio of the weight of water to the weight of solids in a given volume of soil ?
Void Ratio Porosity
Degree of Saturation Water Content
68. What is the ratio of the volume of water to the volume of voids ?
Void Ratio Porosity
Degree of Saturation Water Content

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Civil Engineering Past Board Exam Problems (Definition of Terms) HPGE
69. What is the ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume ?
Void Ratio Porosity
Degree of Saturation Water Content
70. What is the ratio of the volume of voids to the volume of solids ?
Void Ratio Porosity
Degree of Saturation Water Content
CE MAY 2014

71. The ground water table is located at a certain depth below the ground surface. This will cause an upward
seepage. What would be the resulting effective stress at a certain point below the ground water table due
to the upward seepage.
This will cause the increase of the effective This will cause nothing in the effective stress at
stress at that point that point
This will cause the decrease of the effective None of the above
stress at that point
CE MAY 2012

72. The ground water table is located at a certain depth below the ground surface. This will cause an upward
seepage. What would be the resulting effective stress at a certain point below the ground water table due
to the upward seepage.
This will cause the increase of the effective This will cause nothing in the effective stress at
stress at that point that point
This will cause the decrease of the effective None of the above
stress at that point
73. If we increase the compaction energy, what will happen to the max. dry density ( MDD ) ?
The dry unit weight of soil will decrease The dry unit weight of soil will increase
The dry unit weight of soil will remain None of the above

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