Mathematics Refresher (Oct. 11,2021)
Mathematics Refresher (Oct. 11,2021)
Mathematics Refresher (Oct. 11,2021)
Materials Specific Gravity Percent by Coefficient of friction between the road 0.15
Weight pavement and the tires
A compacted test specimen weighing 11.18 N in air was 11. Determine the elevation of highest point on curve.
found to weigh 5.33 N when suspended in water. A. 39.67 m C. 40.96 m
B. 34.48 m D. 43.74 m
4. Determine the specific gravity of asphalt mixture. SITUATION: A highway with a design speed of 100 km/hr
A. 2.54 C. 2.26 is designed with a sag curve connecting a descending
B. 1.91 D. 2.74 gradient of 3% with an ascending gradient of 5%. If
comfort is the primary design criterion, determine the
5. Determine the bulk specific gravity. following:
A. 2.54 C. 2.26
B. 1.91 D. 2.74 12. Length of the sag curve.
A. 202.53 m C. 225.47 m
6. Determine the porosity of compacted specimen. B. 264.38 m D. 301.93 m
A. 15.49% C. 13.71%
B. 17.34% D. 16.92% 13. Sight distance.
A. 115.38 m C. 139.38 m
B. 151.83 m D. 138.39 m
2ND Floor, Cartimar Building, C.M. Recto Avenue, Sampaloc, Manila
14. A highway curve has a radius of 80 m and a station A. Distance between two stations A and B
length of 90 m. If the required sight distance is is 60 m.
60m, how far off the center of the curve could you A. 40.152 C. 41.395
allow the bushes to grow? B. 43.215 D. 42.256
A. 3.545 m C. 2.925 m
B. 6.255 m D. 5.625 m SITUATION: A single summit mass diagram from station
0+100 to 0+800 of a proposed extension of Santander
15. Compute the value of x from the cross section Highway has the following technical date:
notes shown if the width of roadway is 9 m with
side slope of 1:1. Mass ordinate of the initial limit of +600 cu.m.
free haul distance
SITUATION: From the given cross-section of the Mass ordinate of sta. 0+800 -130 cum.
proposed municipal road, determine the following:
21. Determine the overhaul volume in cu.m.
A. 350 C. 450
B. 400 D. 500
6:30 – 6:40 80 80 6
Before: (Partial)
Total Crashes = 15 (accident rate)
A. 22 C. 31
B. 27 D. 35