Mathematics Refresher (Oct. 11,2021)

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2ND Floor, Cartimar Building, C.M. Recto Avenue, Sampaloc, Manila
PM at the parking lot of Ayala, Makati.
PREPARED BY: *** 10% parked for 2 hours
30% parked for 4 hours
1. What is the stiffness factor of a pavement if its
60% parked for 10 hours
modulus of elasticity is 180 MPa and whose
10% of parking bays are vacant throughout the day and
subgrade modulus of 40 MPa?
the efficiency factor of 0.86.
A. 0.606 C. 0.503
B. 0.417 D. 0.705
7. Determine the total space-hours demand.
A. 2690 C. 2960
2. An undisturbed sample of material taken from a
B. 3562 D. 3256
borrow pit has a void ratio of 0.70. Results of the
Proctor Compaction Test indicate that the
8. Determine the number of parking bays in the
material as compacted on the roadway will have
parking lot.
a void ratio of 0.48. Determine the shrinkage
A. 265 C. 397
B. 379 D. 256
A. 13.07% C. 11.36%
B. 15.25% D. 12.94%
SITUATION: A 5% grade intersects a -3.4% at sta. 1+990
of elevation 42.30 m. Design a vertical summit curve
3. Compute the edge load stress (in kg/cm^2) for a
connecting the two tangent grades to conform with the
concrete pavement if the allowable flexural stress
following safe stopping sight distance specifications.
of concrete is 40 kg/cm^2, warping stress at the
edge is 21.8 kg/cm^2 and a factor of safety of
Design velocity 60 kph
A. 14.52 C. 16.83 Height of driver’s eye from the road 1.37 m
B. 17.01 D. 17.62 pavement
Height of an object over the pavement 100 mm
SITUATION: An asphaltic concrete is made up of the ahead
following materials proportion by weight as shown: Perception-reaction time 0.75 sec.

Materials Specific Gravity Percent by Coefficient of friction between the road 0.15
Weight pavement and the tires

Asphalt Cement 1.0 10.4 9. Determine the stopping sight distance.

A. 85.27 m C. 83.29 m
Limestone Dust 2.8 12.2
B. 89.45 m D. 87.46 m
Sand 2.6 28.8
10. Determine the length of curve.
Crushed Gravel 2.65 48.6 A. 125.63 m C. 152.36 m
B. 131.82 m D. 113.28 m

A compacted test specimen weighing 11.18 N in air was 11. Determine the elevation of highest point on curve.
found to weigh 5.33 N when suspended in water. A. 39.67 m C. 40.96 m
B. 34.48 m D. 43.74 m

4. Determine the specific gravity of asphalt mixture. SITUATION: A highway with a design speed of 100 km/hr
A. 2.54 C. 2.26 is designed with a sag curve connecting a descending
B. 1.91 D. 2.74 gradient of 3% with an ascending gradient of 5%. If
comfort is the primary design criterion, determine the
5. Determine the bulk specific gravity. following:
A. 2.54 C. 2.26
B. 1.91 D. 2.74 12. Length of the sag curve.
A. 202.53 m C. 225.47 m
6. Determine the porosity of compacted specimen. B. 264.38 m D. 301.93 m
A. 15.49% C. 13.71%
B. 17.34% D. 16.92% 13. Sight distance.
A. 115.38 m C. 139.38 m
B. 151.83 m D. 138.39 m
2ND Floor, Cartimar Building, C.M. Recto Avenue, Sampaloc, Manila
14. A highway curve has a radius of 80 m and a station A. Distance between two stations A and B
length of 90 m. If the required sight distance is is 60 m.
60m, how far off the center of the curve could you A. 40.152 C. 41.395
allow the bushes to grow? B. 43.215 D. 42.256
A. 3.545 m C. 2.925 m
B. 6.255 m D. 5.625 m SITUATION: A single summit mass diagram from station
0+100 to 0+800 of a proposed extension of Santander
15. Compute the value of x from the cross section Highway has the following technical date:
notes shown if the width of roadway is 9 m with
side slope of 1:1. Mass ordinate of the initial limit of +600 cu.m.
free haul distance

Free haul distance 50 m

Initial limit of economic haul +200 cu.m.

Limit of economical haul 450 m

Cost of borrow P 500 per cu.m.

A. 5.10 C. 4.82
B. 5.60 D. 4.95 Mass ordinate of sta. 0+100 -80 cu.m.

SITUATION: From the given cross-section of the Mass ordinate of sta. 0+800 -130 cum.
proposed municipal road, determine the following:
21. Determine the overhaul volume in cu.m.
A. 350 C. 450
B. 400 D. 500

22. Determine volume of waste in cu.m.

A. 230 C. 280
B. 260 D. 310

23. Determine the length of overhaul in meters if the

total cost of hauling is P 105,750.
A. 211.5 C. 231.5
B. 221.5 D. 241.5

24. Determine the total cost of borrow in Pesos.

A. 155,000 C. 175,000
16. Width of the road. B. 165,000 D. 145,000
A. 5 m C. 7 m
B. 6 m D. 8 m SITUATION: Determine the Residual Water Level given
the following data:
17. Side slope of the road way.
A. 1:2 C. 2:3 Elev. of Mean Lower Low Water 0.00 m
B. 2:1 D. 3:2 (MLLW)
Elev. of Highest Water Level (HWL) + 1.26 m
18. Volume of the earthworks by end area method.
A. 229.875 cu.m. C. 222.578 cu.m. Elev. of Lowest Water Level (LWL) - 0.23 m
B. 239.237 cu.m D. 278.025 cu.m.
25. By using Gravity Type method.
19. Volume of the earthworks by prismoidal A. +0.72 C. +0.67
correction. B. +0.27 D. +0.76
A. 237 cu.m. C. 279 cu.m.
B. 273 cu.m. D. 297 cu.m. 26. By using Sheet Pile Type method.
A. +0.72 C. +0.67
20. From station A with center height of 1.4 m in fill, B. +0.27 D. +0.76
the ground has uniform slope of 5% to station B
whose center height is 2.8 m in cut. Assuming
both sections to be level sections having a width
of 14 m and side slope of 2:1 for both cut and fill,
determine the area (in sq.m.) of cut 52 m from
2ND Floor, Cartimar Building, C.M. Recto Avenue, Sampaloc, Manila
SITUATION: Morning peak period starts 6:30 AM up to
7:30 AM in an off ramp meter of TPLEX which allows one
vehicle per cycle to pass the signal. The tabulated data
shows the number of vehicles demanding service on the
ramp during a particular time interval.

Time 10 min Cumulative Meter Cycle

Period .volume Volume (sec.)

6:30 – 6:40 80 80 6

6:40 – 6:50 90 170 10

6:50 – 7:00 100 270 12

7:00 – 7:10 60 330 10

7:10 – 7:20 70 400 6

7:20 – 7:30 50 450 6

27. Determine the maximum number of vehicles in

the ramp queue.
A. 60 veh. C. 80 veh.
B. 70 veh. D. 90 veh.

28. Determine the time the queue clears.

A. 7:00 AM C. 7:20 AM
B. 7:10 AM D. 7:30 AM

29. Determine the total delay in veh-hr.

A. 35 C. 45
B. 40 D. 50

30. A 20-mile section along Route A with partially

controlled access with an average daily traffic
(ADT) of 60,000.

Before: (Partial)
Total Crashes = 15 (accident rate)

After Upgrading: (Full)

Total Crashes = 10 (accident rate)

Find the yearly reduction in crashes by upgrading

to full access control.

A. 22 C. 31
B. 27 D. 35

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