4 Earth-Subsystem
4 Earth-Subsystem
4 Earth-Subsystem
Part 2:
What is a system?
• A system exist in a system environment that is consist of elements,
which stand in a special relationship to each other.
• A closed system is a system in which there is only an exchange of
heat or energy and no exchange of matter. An open system is a
system where both energy and matter flow into and out of the system.
• Earth is a closed system as it receives energy from the sun and
returns some of this to space.
Earth’s Subsystems
• Act together which contributes to the overall operation of the total
• The subsystems (spheres) of Earth are open systems as both
matter and energy can flow across the boundaries between each of
the subsystems.
• The gaseous envelope
that surrounds the Earth
and constitutes the
transition between the
surface of the Earth and
the vacuum of space.
• The present atmosphere
is composed of 78%
nitrogen (N), 21%
oxygen (O2), 0.9%
argon, and trace amount
of other gases.
• One of the most important
processes by which the
heat on the Earth's
surface is redistributed is
through atmospheric
• There is also a constant
exchange of heat and
moisture between the
atmosphere and the
hydrosphere through the
hydrologic cycle.
• It includes all 'water' (H2O) on
Earth in the gaseous state
(water vapor), in the liquid state
(water) and in the frozen state
(The Cryosphere).
• About 70% of the Earth is
covered with liquid water
(hydrosphere) and much of it is
in the form of ocean water.
• Only 3% of Earth's water is
fresh: two-thirds are in the form
of ice, and the remaining one-
third is present in streams,
lakes, and groundwater.
• The lithosphere includes the rocks
of the crust and mantle, the
metallic liquid outer core, and the
solid metallic inner core.
• The Geosphere is the solid Earth
that includes continental and
oceanic crust as well as the various
layers of the Earth's interior. Three
recognised seismic discontinuities,
Mohorovicic, Gutenberg and
Lemann, separate solid Earth into
four distinct layers: CRUST,
• The life zone of the Earth and includes all living organisms, including
humans (The Anthrosphere), and all organic matter that has not yet
• It covers all ecosystems—from the soil to the rainforest, from mangroves
to coral reefs, and from the plankton-rich ocean surface to the deep sea.
• For the majority of life on Earth, the base of the food chain comprises
photosynthetic organisms. During photosynthesis, CO2 is sequestered
from the atmosphere, while oxygen is released as a byproduct. The
biosphere is a CO2 sink, and therefore, an important part of the carbon