Short Film Proposal Sample

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Definition of Culmination Project :

Short film .

I will produce this film to show all the experience that I have learned from City Tech.

Type of Culmination Project Proposed:

Build or create a product that is entertainment Technology related?
o Yes

Are you a technical director, manager or designer?
o Director
o Camera work
o Editing

How many people will be helping me work on this?
o 3 people
▪ 1 - Actor
▪ 1 - Audio
▪ 1- Lighting


1. Expected Abstract of Culmination Project:

The finished project will be a 3- 5 minute film, and it is about a young man who dreams
of his death. In the dream, he dies by a heart attack from living an unhealthy life and he
thinks it might actually happen. Inspired by Roger Federer the legendary athlete and
philanthropist, he decides to change his life around by start exercising and playing
tennis to improve his health so that he will live longer. I hope to present a high quality,
inspirational film to the faculty of the Entertainment of Technology.

Some main issues I am going to be dealing with is weather condition, scheduling, time to
actual shoot this film. The solution I can do to solve all this is try to get this work done
early. Keep up with all my work.

2. Introduction:

In this short film, my job is to be the director. I will also be doing the camera work and
editing, but for this project, my main role is the director. My area of expertise is in video or more
know as production. My passion has always been on filming and shooting. Being a director is a
challenge for me, cause I have never directed scenes or movies. I like to be behind the camera
shooting it. The technical challenge will be to doing the camera operating and also the editing.

3. Project description:
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I’m presenting a short film, about a young man who dreams of his death. In his dream,
he receives a letter telling him to get more healthy or he will die. He thinks it might actually
happen. He decides to change his life around by start exercising and playing tennis to improve
his health an hopes it leads to a better life? My role in the film is director, camera operator, and
editor. After graduating from City Tech, I believe this project will lead me to future career paths.
In the industry I believe because i will be able to present the work as director, camera operator,
and editor.

4. Method

• The footage and audio will be taken separately by not only the camera mic, but my Zoom H1
Handy Portable Digital Recorder

5. Proposed Process Model for


How you plan to carry out your project:
o In a well professional manner, and hope/work correctly.
o Shooting with the camera, getting every shot.
o Editing it step by step to insure it has detail of my storyline

Include a timetable with proposed work:

Dat Task

• Working on proposal, script and storyboard with

Ryoya Terao.
Jan 31 - Feb 20 • Work on time and days of availability of everyone on
the crew and cast

• Working with Crew and shooting all the scene

Feb 21 - March 21 nicely.
• Showing Scenes done to Ryoya Terao

• Work on editing w/ Ryoya Terao & Steve

March 22 - April 27 olswang
• Shoot anything extra.
• Do other work necessary to the film.
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Dates Task

• Work on presentation and be prepared to be able

April 28 - presentation day to show my work to the Faculty
• Practice with Ryoya Terao and prof. Steve


Milestones Problems

Proposal Getting approval for the proposal, so I can

start working on the film.
Filming • schedule around everyone free time
• Weather

Script/Storyboard Setting up appointments with Ryoya Terao.

Budget Cost Total

Camera $0

Audio $0

Lighting $0

Location $0

Food $100

Total $100


• 1 - Cannon T2i Rebel - Camera

• 1 - Iphone 6S - Camera (B-roll Material)
• Screen Play
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• StoryBoard
• 1- tripod
• 1 - Zoom H1 Handy Portable Digital Recorder
• 1 - lighting Equipment

6. Culmination Outcomes:

A set of Professional Goals?
o I’d like my degree, to a professional video camera operator. from either
monitor controlling to camera man of taking footage. i’m hoping to work for a
good company in 5 years. After that I want to become a big name in the
department as a video operator.

Exactly what do you expect to accomplish with your culmination project?
o I expect to accomplish my short film, with all the new techniques I've learned
from city tech. I hope this short film comes out better than my last short film for
my Associate degree.

7. Resources:

The time with faculty advisers will be set about once every two weeks or one week.

The time with Ryoya Terao will not only be in class or school. We will meet in person,

The spare time will be used for editing script and storyboarding.

Production: using my own equipment

Post- production: Using the school Avid software during it’s lab hour
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For this Culmination Project, I will work on a short film. It starts with Nick, a young man
who is leading an unhealthy life. His story starts in a dream, he doesn’t know it yet. He is
walking home to his house, but he is oblivious to everything. He reaches to his house and start
eating junk food and he is flipping through channels and stops on a tennis match. He is eating a
bags of chips, when he finds a folded note in it. He reads the note and tells him. When the clock
hit’s 12 pm , he will have a heart attack, due to his unhealthy life style. The note is from an
unknown being, and the note tells him to change his ways, or he will die. Then he is awoken in
sweat and breathing heavily. Nick is thinking of how he can change those events from
happening? Then he remembers in his dream was of about tennis, so he thinks it could of been a
sign. He decides to do his research. He goes on to learning tennis and getting more fit. After a
few weeks he gets better and earns a healthier life and even some new friends. At the end of the
film, Nick is standing in front of a mirror, motivating himself by saying “You can do this” with a
fade out to the credits.


I would like to produce a high quality, inspirational film. I plan to meet all deadlines as
well. I believe this culmination short film. Will help me to lead into a deeper understanding of
my major and career. Being a director for this culmination project will very default for me
because I have never directed a film myself. I hope to receive positive criticism from my peers
and my professors. Those comments will help me farther my looks on my directing skills. I
believe this film production experience will help me in my future job opportunities as an camera
operator, editor and even an director. After I graduate from City Tech, I wish to work for a good
company and climb up the ranks to be a respected camera operator in the entrainment industry.

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