Reassignment Tools in Funds Management, Which One To Choose

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SAP Knowledge Base Article

1609379 - Reassignment tools in Funds Management, which one to choose?

Component: PSM-FM-UP-AD (Account assignment Determination), Version: 8, Released On: 12.04.2019

• You want to carry out a reassignment of existing documents to a new FM account assignment
• You want to supply an FM account assignment to documents that do not have any
• You know that some tools exist, though you do not know all their features
• You want to know the main differences in order to select the most suitable one

There are several transactions for supplying a new/different account assignment in Funds Management, however you do not know for sure which one among the selection tools
covers your scenario:

Selection (worklist creation):

• FMCN - program RFFMCHAN (Selection for suppl.acct asst)

• FMCB - program RFFMCHAB (Select Documents - Document Reassignment)
• FMCG - program RFFMCHAG (Select Documents - Overall Reassignment)
• FMCG_CHAIN - program RFFMCHAG_CHAIN  (Select Document chains - Total Reassignment) Available as of EhP 604

Display worklist:

• FMCR - program RFFMCHAR

Delete from the worklist:

• FMCD - program RFFMCHAD

Convert worklist :

•  FMCT - program RFFMCHAT

Note: In addition to these tools, reassignment can also be performed during Fiscal Year change.

Data Selection Options:

FMCN is normally intended for initial data upload after activation of Funds Management.

• It uses FMDERIVE as derivation strategy to determine the target FM account assignment.

• If no values are derived, FMCN will use the ‘default’ account assignment entered in the selection screen.
• It can also be used for data correction after changes in FMDERIVE. 
• It can change the external FI document with the limitations described in SAP note 1379542, if you are on a release below EHP5. As of EHP5, reassignment with New GL is
possible in certain scenarios (see the References section in this note)

However, FMCB, FMCG and FMCG_CHAIN (as of EhP 604) reassign documents already posted in FM to a different account assignment. The existing FM data is used for data
selection, therefore, they check for previous existence in FM tables prior to attempt reassignment.

• FMCB reassigns document chains (for example, Funds Reservation > Purchase Requisition > Purchase Order > Goods Receipt > Invoice Receipt > Payment).
◦ The selected document is the ROOT of the chain, hence the chain selection starts with the document entered.
◦ You have to inform the receiver FM account assignment manually, there is no derivation strategy behind.

• FMCG performs an overall selection based on FM account assignment and value type.

◦ The reassignment is done based on the Derivation strategy for reassignment (IMG Path: Public Sector Management>Funds Management Government>Master
Data>Derivation Strategy for Reassignment, or transaction FMYC), instead of FMDERIVE.
◦ It does not select fully reduced documents. If fully reduced documents need to be reassigned, you should use FMCB.
◦ Based on selection criteria, not all of the documents in a chain may be selected.

• FMCG_CHAIN (as of EhP 604)  performs a complete reassignment without document number selection. It processes completed documents in the chain as long as one of the
documents in the chain is still open. If one document in the chain fails, the whole chain fails. Like FMCG, it uses the Derivation strategy for reassignment (IMG Path: Public
Sector Management>Funds Management Government>Master Data>Derivation Strategy for Reassignment, or transaction FMYC),

Data Posting:

• FMCT converts the worklist  created by either FMCN, FMCB or FMCG and does the actual posting

◦ Worklists created by FMCN:  the external documents (Purchase Order, Invoice, etc.) are changed, and subsequent FM reposting is needed (see SAP notes 1038025
and 189761).This FM reposting is done with the FM reconstruction tools
◦ Worklists created by either FMCB or FMCG: the system creates the corresponding reassignment records (lines with amount types 0600/0650) and there is no need to
post subsequently. 
◦   Additional posting controls:
▪ In order to force the reassignment of Payment lines, you can activate badi FMCH, method FMCH_BADI_1-> returning flag E_FLG_REAS_PAYMENTS. When
set to ‘X’, the reassignment of payment lines is done
▪ In order to force the change of the external FI document, you can activate badi FMCH, method FMCH_BADI_2 -> returning flag E_REASSIGN_ORIG_FI_DOC.
When set to ‘X’, the reassignment of original FI doc (bseg, etc) is done. If the worklist was created with FMCN, then the external FI document will be updated by

▪ Take into account the limitations described in SAP note 1379542. Regarding Reassignment when using New General Ledger, see Reassignment with New
General Ledger Accounting

Further notes:

• For maintenance orders, service orders, networks, network activities, production orders, and so on, refer to SAP note 128356
• When executing reassignment, only certain types of PRs will be selected for reassignment. In particular, PRs that have been generated during the MRP process (or Planned
orders that have been converted to PRs) will NOT be selected for reassignment. The purchase requisitions with B (MRP) and U (converted planned order) creation indicators
(EBAN-ESTKZ) are not selected. These PRs must be integrated into FM with the FM_MRP_PR transaction for this purpose
• Reassignment of Service related documents: unlike Service Purchase Orders or Invoices, Service Entry Sheets (SES) cannot be reassigned. This is a missing functionality,
see note 930142
◦ To change the FM account assignment of a SES, you can manually change it in transaction ML81N
◦ If this is not possible, as the follow up documents (e.g. invoices) need to inherit the FM account assignment of your SES after PSM-FM Activation, options are:
▪ If you are NOT using S4HANA, refer to KBA 2204996 
▪ If you are using S4HANA, you will need to adjust FMDERIVE accordingly, to either inherit the FM account assignment from the reference PO, or overwrite it with
a different one. Refer to SAP Note 2303301 and KBA 2491908. 
◦ If you wish to have this functionality implemented as part of the standard, refer to SAP Note number 11 
• Reassignment during Fiscal year change also uses the Derivation strategy for reassignment (transaction FMYC).
• FMCR and FMCD are help tools to review and eventually remove the incorrect or unwanted documents from the worklist.
• FMCN creates groups for the selected documents for performance reasons.
Groups with documents causing errors are rejected.
The incorrect document line is listed with the corresponding error information. All other documents of this group are shown with message "Document not reassigned due to
dependency". (German: Beleg konnte wegen Abhängigkeit nicht umgesetzt werden)

See Also
More information in the technical documentation of each program.

Read also the references section in this note

Reassignment, fiscal year change, FMCN, FMCT, FMCB, FMCG, FMCG_CHAIN, FMCC, FMCD, FMCR, Badi FMCH, KBA



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This document refers to

SAP Note/KBA Title

2491908 FICUSTOM401: FMDERIVE Consistency Check 01 error during WRX RMRP

2204996 Error FI313 or FI311 for MM Service Entry Sheet (SES) documents created before PSM-FM was activated / implemented

930142 Commitments carryforward: reassignment of service

2303301 FMDERIVE - FM Derivation Tool behavior starting on EA-PS 800 for the S/4HANA

Reassignment with New General Ledger Accounting

Funds Management - Reassignment

This document is referenced by

SAP Note/KBA Title
2980995 Error F6285 - Field "Fin.transaction" cannot be changed

2529768 Reassignment Derivation Strategies (FMYCDERIVE) not used During Fund Balance Carryforward (FMVT)

2174531 Error message no F6001 in transaction FMN0

2162501 PSM-FM Roadmap I - Activating Funds Management subsequently on a live system

1666046 Activating Funds Management subsequently: Transferring PRs and POs

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