CAPL Basics
CAPL Basics
CAPL Basics
CAN Access Programming Language
CAPL Programming
The CAN Access Programming Language CAPL is a C-like programming language,
which allows you to program CANoe for individual applications.
Introduction to CAPL
CAPL, the CAN Access Programming Language, allows you to quickly develop code that
makes CANalyzer or CANoe simulations more powerful.
CAPL is a procedural language whereby the execution of program blocks is con-
trolled by events. These program blocks are known as event procedures.
The program code that you define in event procedures is executed when the event occurs.
For example, you can send a message on the bus in response to a key press (on key), track
the occurrence of messages on the bus (on message), or execute certain actions cyclically
(on timer).
Introduction to CAPL
A CAPL program consists of two parts:
1. Declare and define global variables
2. Declare and define user-defined functions and event procedures
CAPL Program Organization
CAPL programs have three distinct parts:
1. Global Variable Declarations
2. Event Procedures
3. User-Defined Functions
CAPL Variables
Data types available for variables include integers (dword, long, word, int, byte, char),
floating point numbers (float and double),
CAN messages (message) and timers (timer or msTimer). Except for the timers, all other
variables can be initial-ized in their declarations.
variables {
int msgCount; // Is set to 0 at measurement start
message 34 sendMsg = { // Declare message with Id 34
dlc = 1, // Set Data Length Code = 1
byte(0) = 1 // Set 1st data byte = 1
CAPL Variables
Variables can be initialized when they are declared, whereby you can use either simple
notation or brackets {}. With the exception of timers, the compiler initializes all variables
with default values (unless otherwise defined: 0).
CAPL permits the declaration of arrays (arrays, vectors, matrices), analogous to their
declaration in the C programming language.
variables {
int vector[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int matrix[2][2] = {{11,12},{21,22}};
char progname[10] = “CANoe“;
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CAPL Variables
Variables of the type timer (based on seconds) or msTimer (based on millisec-onds)
serve to generate time events. Timer variables are not automatically initialized at the
program start, rather they must be "set" explicitly with the function setTimer().
variables {
timer delayTimer; // Declaration of a second timer ...
msTimer cycTimer; // ... and a millisecond timer
setTimer(delayTimer,3); // Set timer to 3 sec
setTimer(cycTimer,100); // Set timer to 100 msec
Declaration of Messages
Messages to be output from the CAPL program are declared with the key word
message. The complete declaration includes the message identifier or - when work-ing with
symbolic databases - the message name. For example, you might write the following to
output messages on the bus that have identifier A (hex) or 100 (dec) or the message
EngineData defined in the database.
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Receipt of a CAN message on message{}
Press of a key on key{}
Initialization of measurement (before meas-urement start)
on preStart{}
Measurement start on start{}
End of measurement on stopMeasurement{}
CAN controller goes to ErrorActive on errorActive{}
CAN controller goes to ErrorPassive on errorPassive{}
CAN controller reaches the warning limit on warningLimit{}
CAN controller goes to Bus Off on busOff{}
Elapse of a timer on timer{}
Occurrence of an error frame on errorFrame{}
Environment variable change on envVar{}
React to Messages
The event procedure type on message is provided to react to the receipt of CAN
messages in the CAPL nodes.
on message 123 React to message 123 (dec),
Receiving chip is not considered
on message 0x123 React to message 123 (hex);
receive chip is not considered
on message EngineData React to message EngineData
on message CAN1.123 React to message 123,
if it is received by chip CAN1
on message * React to all messages
on message CAN2.* React to all messages
that are received by chip CAN2
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on key F1 React to press of F1 key
on key ctrlF12 React to press of Ctrl-F12
on key PageUp React to press of Page Up
on key Home React to press of Home
on key * React to any key press
The code for a key press can either be input as a character, number or a predefined name
for a function key.
Example of React to Keyboard Events
variables {
int counter = 0;
on key 'a' {
write("A total of %d messages 0x1A1 counted",counter);
on message 0x1A1 {
output(this); // Only in the evaluation branch
on message * {
output(this); // Only in the evaluation branch !!!
React to Changes in Values of Environment Variables
The “on envVar” event is caused by the value of an environmental variable changing.
(Note:Remember that environmental variables are only enabled in CANoe.) The “this”
keyword is used in conjunction with the getValue() function to access the value of the
environmental variable. For
on envVar Switch {
int val;
val = getValue(this);
// Read value of Switch into val
React to Time Events
CAPL allows you to create timers for seconds (Timer) or milliseconds (msTimer). After
thesetimers have been set and expire, the corresponding “on timer” event procedure is
Thisfacility can be used to create a cyclic event if you reset the timer at the end of the timer
event procedure. Timers can also be used to respond to an event after a delay.
The setTimer() function takes two parameters, the name of the timer and the length of time
to setthe timer. The length of time parameter has different units depending on what kind of
timer youare using. For a Timer, the units are seconds; for an msTimer, the units are
Themaximum values are 1799 seconds and 65,535 milliseconds, respectively. The
cancelTimer()function can be called on a timer before it has expired to prevent the timer
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event from triggering.Calling the cancelTimer() function has no effect if the timer is not set
or has already expired.
Example for Time Events
msTimer myTimer; // Define millisecond timer
message 100 msg; // Define message to be transmitted
on key 'a' { // React to key press of 'a'...
setTimer(myTimer,20); // ... Set timer to 20 ms
on timer myTimer { // Send message after timer...
output(msg); // ... has elapsed
React to System Events
The preStart, start, and stopMeasurement events are used to perform actions before, at the
start of, and after CANalyzer or CANoe measurements. If they are defined, each is called
once permeasurement. When the “Go” button is pressed in CANalyzer or CANoe, the
preStart event procedure is executed (if one exists). You use this procedure to read data
from files, initializevariables, or write to the Write window. Other actions, such as
outputting a message onto thebus, are not available in the preStart event. Generally,
actions that are invalid in the preStart event procedure can be moved to the start event
After the preStart event procedure has completed executing, the start event procedure is
executed (if one exists). The start event procedure can be used to initialize environmental
variables, set timers, and output messages onto the bus. The measurement is also started at
this time.
React to System Events
When you press the Stop button in CANalyzer or CANoe, the stopMeasurement event
procedure is executed (if one exists). You can use this procedure to print statistics in the
Write window, output messages onto the bus, or write to a log file. After this event has
finished executing, the measurement is stopped.
React to CAN Controller Events
The event procedures on errorActive, on errrorPassive, on warningLimit and on busOff
are called during a state transition or in response to a change in the CAN controller's error
counter. Use these procedures to monitor the error counter (e.g. output a warning), to
terminate the measurement if necessary, or to execute a reset after a transition to the Bus-
Off state.
The CAN controller's error counters can be accessed within the CAN controller's
event procedures using the key word this:
React to CAN Controller Events
on errorPassive {
write("CAN Controller ist in errorPassive")
write(" errorCountTX = %d", this.errorCountTX);
write(" errorCountRX = %d", this.errorCountRX);
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Expressions in CAPL
CAPL syntax is based on the C programming language. The following expressions are
permitted as they are in C:
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on timer timer1
setTimer(timer1,100); // reset timer
msg1.byte(0)=msg1.byte(0)+1; // change the data
output(msg1); // output message
Conditionally Periodic Message Transmission
When information requires transferring on a repetitive basis only when a certain set
of conditions is true, the conditionally periodic message is used.
on timer timerA
if(conditionA == 1) // if condition is still
setTimer(timerA,200); // then continue timer
msgA.byte(0)=msgA.byte(0)-1; // change the data
output(msgA); // output message
Handling of Run-Time Errors
A number of run-time errors are monitored in CAPL:
· Division by zero
· Exceeding upper or lower array limits
· Exceeding upper or lower offsets in the data fields of messages
· Stack overflow when CAPL subroutines are called
If a run-time error is detected, the instrinsic function runError() is called. This out-
puts a message to the Write window containing the name of the CAPL program, the
error type and an error index. The location of the particular CAPL source text which
caused the error is found with the help of the error index. The measurement is termi-
nated after output of the message.
The function runError() can also be called directly by the user to generate asser-
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