A4 (2022) Mechanical and Durability Property Dimensions of Sustainable Bamboo Leaf... - S2.0-S2666790822001884-Main
A4 (2022) Mechanical and Durability Property Dimensions of Sustainable Bamboo Leaf... - S2.0-S2666790822001884-Main
A4 (2022) Mechanical and Durability Property Dimensions of Sustainable Bamboo Leaf... - S2.0-S2666790822001884-Main
Keywords: This research characterises bamboo leaf ash (BLA), which was obtained by calcining dry bamboo leaves at
Bamboo leaf ash approximately 600 ◦ C for 2 h in a laboratory-controlled muffle furnace. To understand the pozzolanic potentials
High-performance concrete of the BLA, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and scanning electron microscope/energy dispersive x-ray (SEM/EDX)
Superabsorbent polymers
techniques were employed. The BLA was then mixed with Portland cement (PC) to produce high-performance
concrete (HPC) at 0, 5, 10, and 15% BLA contents by weight. Fresh HPC samples were evaluated for their
Supplementary cementitious materials
Sustainability workability with slump flow test. After 7, 21, 28, and 60 days of hydration, HPC samples’ mechanical
(compressive, splitting tensile, and flexural) and durability (water absorption, sorptivity, and influence of
aggressive environments) were measured. As determined by XRF, the calcined BLA has pozzolanic properties,
whereas the SEM micrograph exhibits irregular and angular morphologies. The incorporation of BLA into the
HPC matrix enhanced the mechanical and durability qualities of the evaluated samples, primarily at a substi
tution rate of 10% PC. Therefore, it can be stated that 10% BLA can substitute cement in an HPC subjected to
standard environmental conditions.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (D.O. Nduka).
Received 27 May 2022; Received in revised form 9 October 2022; Accepted 1 November 2022
Available online 5 November 2022
2666-7908/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
D.O. Nduka et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 11 (2022) 100583
cementitious properties (Silva et al., 2021). SCMs may be in the form of calcined at a controlled temperature in the foundry workshop of Cove
natural (pumice, perlite, volcanic ash and diatomaceous earth) (Kasa nant University in Ota, Ogun state, using a muffle furnace. Following
niya et al., 2021), agricultural (sugar cane bagasse ash, rice husk ash, calcination at 600 ◦ C for approximately 2 h, the ash was air-cooled and
sorghum husk ash, coconut shell ash, and bamboo leaf ash) (Mo et al., further sieved according to Silva et al.’s (2021) BLA thermal treatment
2016) and industrial origins (silica fume, fly ash, granulated blast methodology. According to Moraes et al. (2019), BLA calcined between
furnace slag (Chinnu et al., 2021; Kasaniya et al., 2021). Irrespective of 500 ◦ C and 600 ◦ C demonstrated significantly more pozzolanic reac
the SCM sources, their later-age strength characteristics have the po tivity than ash thermally treated at 900 ◦ C. From their experiment, ash
tential to improve the mechanical, durability and microstructural per passing a 90 μm standard sieve facilitated filler and nucleation site effect
formances of mortar and concrete. in the cementitious matrix. To improve the workability of the HPC
Recent attention has been paid to bamboo leaf ash (BLA) as an specimens, a Masterglenium Sky 504 – a polycarboxylic ether (PCE)
agricultural waste with pozzolanic reactivity. Bamboo is a renewable polymer-based superplasticiser supplied by BASF, Lagos, West Africa
resource that may thrive in various environments, particularly in trop Limited was sourced and dispensed at a quantity of 2% by weight of
ical and subtropical nations (Mo et al., 2016). Annual bamboo use by the binder (bwob) under the manufactures’ details. A thermoset polymer and
food, brewing, construction, agricultural, fibre, paper, and board in strictly covalently cross-linked polymer of acrylic acid and
dustries is estimated at 20 million tonnes (Kolawole et al., 2021). These acrylamide-based superabsorbent polymers, SAP (“FLOSET 27CC” ≤
industries generate huge amounts of bamboo waste for which alterna 300 μm), obtained from bulk solution polymerisation and neutralised by
tive applications have not been fully exploited. Frequently, the waste is alkaline hydroxide was added to the HPC mixtures as a curing agent.
burned in an open location, resulting in environmental deterioration. Using the sophisticated quantitative techniques of X-ray fluorescence,
Kolawole et al. (2021) calculated that more than 1% of the tropical XRF (Bruker AXS S4, Explorer, Karlsruhe, Germany), and scanning
forest is covered by bamboo. The plantation deposits many dry leaves as electron microscope/energy dispersive X-ray, SEM/EDX, (Phenom ProX,
agricultural waste beneath them. Activating their pozzolanic reactivity PhenomWorld Eindhoven, The Netherlands) the chemical composition
via calcination in a controlled setting is one of the sustainable methods and morphology of the BLA were analysed
for utilising bamboo leaf waste as an SCM. According to Dwivedia et al.
(2006), BLA calcined at a regulated temperature of 600 ◦ C for 2 h will 2.2. Aggregates
exhibit a significant pozzolanic reactivity. Similar claims were made by
Villar-Cociña et al. (2011) and Frías et al. (2012), confirming that This study employed locally sourced river sand as the fine aggregate.
calcined ash obtained from bamboo leaf waste is an effective SCM ma The fine aggregate was properly washed to eliminate harmful substances
terial for producing mortar and concrete. Rodier et al. (2019) investi and then sun-dried. The material’s quality was further enhanced by
gated the pozzolanic activity and compressive strength of BLA mortar removing finer particles that passed through a 300 μm standard sieve. In
mixes. The mixtures produced a pozzolanic reaction between amor testing the sand’s physical properties, the values for fineness modulus,
phous silica and lime, forming a calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H). At 28 (FM = 2.78), coefficient of uniformity, (Cu = 2.00), coefficient of cur
days of curing, the compressive strength behaviour of their evaluated vature, (Cc = 0.20), specific gravity, (SG = 2.65), and water absorption,
samples improved more than the control mix. In addition, Kolawole (0.73%), were determined. The coarse aggregate (granite) larger than
et al.’s (2021) findings on the investigated PC replacement with BLA 12 mm was sieved out and then thoroughly washed with clean water to
revealed that up to 10% BLA content in the cement-based matrix remove fine particles. The coarse aggregate had a specific gravity of
developed over 75% compressive strength as anticipated from a 2.70, a water absorption rate of 0.52%, and a crushing impact value of
pozzolanic cement at 7 and 28 days of hydration period. 23.13%. The aggregates met the requirements of BS EN 12620:2002:
The binary blend of BLA and cement in HPC is underrepresented in +A1: (2008). These results agreed with and supported the practicability
the identified research. Most research on BLA in concrete is centred on of removing finer sand particles with a 300 μm screen and washing
normal-strength concrete with 20-35 MPa compressive strength, which coarse aggregate to lower the dust content (Aitcin, 2004). Fig. 1 displays
is marred by degradation concerns (Oyebisi et al., 2020; Nduka et al., the particle size distribution (PSD) of the fine and coarse aggregates used
2022). Nevertheless, a more recent work by Odeyemi et al. (2022) in this study. Table 1 further summarises the aggregates’ physical at
demonstrated that 5% PC substitution with BLA in the HPC mixture tributes. The figure’s PSD plot illustrates that the fine aggregate sample
improved the evaluated samples’ mechanical and microstructural conformed to Shetty’s (2004) classification of medium sand. The coarse
properties. In Nigeria, the concrete production quality has been identi material is uniformly graded. The aggregate results conform to the
fied as one of the primary causes of the failure and collapse of concrete conditions described in Zeyad et al. (2021a), Zeyad et al. (2021b) and
structures (Kolawole, 2015), with many construction professionals Arulmoly et al. (2021) studies for HPC production.
being unaware of SCM utilisation in mortar and concrete works (Nduka
et al., 2018). Investigating concrete quality by combining PC and BLA in 2.3. Water
HPC production would raise awareness among construction pro
fessionals regarding new alternative materials in building projects. The water utilised for this work adhered to the BS EN 1008 (2002)
Therefore, this study investigates the mechanical and durability prop criteria for concrete mixing water.
erties of BLA-blended HPC to establish their appropriateness for struc
tural element works. 2.4. HPC specimen proportion
2. Materials and method Following the British HPC design technique, the HPC’s control
sample consists of 515 kg/m3 of CEM II, 1013.4 kg/m3 of coarse
2.1. Binders and admixtures aggregate, and 675.6 kg/m3 of fine aggregate, and a total of 155.4 kg/
m3 of water. Based on Olawuyi et al.’s (2021) analysis of the SAP ab
The cement used was Dangote “3X” Portland-limestone cement (PC) sorbency, 12.5 g/g of water was added. The SAP and superplasticiser
with the marking “CEM II B-L, 42.5 N” This Portland cement brand concentrations in the combination were maintained at 0.3% and 1.5%
conforms to BS EN 197-1 (2011) and NIS 444-1 (2018) requirements. bwob, respectively. Other HPC combinations substituted CEM II for BLA
This experiment collected bamboo leaves in Ijo-Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. in proportions of 5, 10, and 15%, respectively. Binders (CEM II and BLA)
The leaves were sun-dried to reduce their moisture content, then and aggregates were weighed separately and mechanically mixed to
calcined in an open drum to an undetermined temperature and allowed produce a homogenous mixture. SAP was added and combined with
to cool to room temperature. The ash was subsequently compressed and sand and binder mixture in a dry state. To improve the workability of the
D.O. Nduka et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 11 (2022) 100583
D.O. Nduka et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 11 (2022) 100583
flexural machine, the flexural strength (also known as the modulus of Open plastic containers were used while the acid, sulphate and chloride
rupture, MR) of 48 HPC prismatic samples measuring 100 × 100 × 500 environments’ pH was checked during the experimenting cycle. After 30
mm were evaluated. In the flexural strength test, the test configuration days, the pH of the solutions was reaffirmed, and the concentration
followed BS EN 12390-5 (2019) with the same variables as detailed in changed. The samples were removed at 7, 21, 28 and 60 days after being
the splitting tensile test. As indicated in Equation (3), flexural strength is exposed to acid, chloride, and sulphate solutions and then rinsed with
represented by the modulus of rupture (MR), as shown in Eq. (3). water. The samples were sun-dried quickly, and the adhering particles
were wiped away using a cotton napkin. The influence of acid, chloride
MR = (3) and sulphate attack was evaluated using the same compressive testing
machine described in section 2.6.3 to measure compressive strength.
MR is the modulus of the rapture of the HPC mixture, MPa; P is the HPC’s cube compressive strength determination followed BS EN
failure load, kN; L is the length of the specimen, mm; b is the specimen’s 12390-3 (2019) specifications.
breath, and d is the depth of the specimen, mm.
2.6.6. Sorptivity test X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF). The chemical compositions
To determine the sorptivity coefficient of the HPC samples, capillary of BLA used for the blended cement in this study are presented in
water absorption (sorptivity) measurements were performed in accor Table 3. The findings show that BLA calcined at a maximum temperature
dance with ASTM C 1585-04 (2007) on 100 Ø x 50 mm discs cured in a of 600 ◦ C contains high silica content of 75.1%, calcium oxide of 4.22%,
water tank for 7, 21, 28, and 60 days. After demoulding, specimens were alumina of 3.55% and ferrite of 1.34%. This result confirms that the
cut from the 100 Ø x 200 mm cylinder using an electric handheld cutting analysed BLA is a pozzolanic material in consonance with ASTM C 618
machine. Three-disc samples were weighed and then placed in an oven (2019) standard provisions. This BLA can be rated under Class F poz
at 110 ± 5 ◦ C for 24 h for each HPC mixture until a steady weight was zolans since the sum of the percentage elemental oxide content of
achieved. The discs were reweighed to establish a uniaxial water flow, SiO2+Al203+Fe2O3 equals 80.03%, and higher than the minimum of
and the circumference was sealed with plastic tape, but the opposing 70% requirements of ASTM C 618 (2019). As stipulated by the standard,
faces were left exposed. The specimen were then stored in a rectangular the XRF result also highlights less than 4% of sulfur trioxide (SO3)
container filled to 30 mm height with water for approximately 7 h. 5, 10, composition (1.69%). The loss on ignition (LOI) of 5.32% found on the
15, 30, 60, 120, and 180 min later, the data were recorded to estimate BLA sample is within the threshold permitted by ASTM C 618 (2019) for
the water absorbed. The samples were then removed and weighed once pozzolanic materials. Thus, this study’s useful oxides (SiO2
more to estimate the water absorbed. Eq. (5) was used to compute the +Al2O3+Fe2O3) and LOI are consistent with the current literature and
results: standards (Olutoge and Oladunmoye, 2017; Kolawole et al., 2021; Silva
et al., 2021; Odeyemi et al., 2022; ASTM C 618, 2019) on BLA
I =S.t0.5 (5)
I is the accumulative ingress of water in mm, S is the sorptivity co
efficient, and t (min) is the sample’s immersion period in the water. The Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis of BLA. The BLA
sample’s water absorption was converted to volume. The volume of morphology and semi-quantitative chemical elements were analysed
water plotted against the square root of time generates a straight line. By using SEM/EDX techniques. Figs. 2 and 3 illustrate the BLA SEM
computing the slope of this straight line, the coefficient of sorptivity was micrograph under 100 μm magnification and EDX peak results. Also,
obtained. The best-fitting line was then determined using a regression Table 4 highlights the atomic and weight concentrations of the same
analysis of the data points for every HPC mixture. This mixture’s ab material. Similar to Silva et al.’s (2021) BLA SEM image of Brazilian
sorption rate corresponded to the slope of the best-fitting line. origin, this sample’s SEM images depict flaky irregular, angular, and
needle-like particles denoted as A, B and C interconnected. Also, the
2.6.7. Resistance to aggressive chemical environment test SEM image revealed very dark and light grey irregular colours with very
This study used 5% hydrochloric acid (HCl) as an acidic curing dark colours in between them. The very dark colours can be inferred as
environment to assess resistance to acid attack. So also, were, 5% cal the air spaces depicting porous materials which ought to enhance easy
cium chloride (CaCl2) and sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) solutions were passages of water for dilution of the cementitious materials and hence
utilised to determine the chloride and sulphate resistances of the HPC improved hydration. The EDX spectra show silica in high content, fol
samples. The 100 mm cubic samples for four mix designs in triplicates lowed by peaks of potassium and calcium. There are aluminium and iron
were deposited in 5% HCl, 5% CaCl2, and Na2SO4 blends for 60 days. in low contents in the investigated BLA sample. Thus, silica enrichment
in the BLA sample is similar to the result of the chemical oxides.
D.O. Nduka et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 11 (2022) 100583
Table 3
Chemical composition of BLA.
Elemental Oxides SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO SO3 Mn2O3 P2O5 TiO2 LOI SiO2+Al203+Fe2O3
Composition (%) 75.10 3.55 1.34 4.22 4.04 1.69 0.22 1.51 0.26 5. 32 80.03
readily and with less friction on each other. In addition, BLA’s ability to
act as a filler enables it to replace the water-filled spaces surrounding
aggregate particles, resulting in increased free water, less friction, and
improved workability. The findings here are at variance with the slump
cone test behaviours of BLA-based concrete investigated by Onikeku
et al. (2019) and Abebaw et al. (2021). Onikeku et al. (2019) and
Abebaw et al. (2021) studies focused on normal-strength concrete using
a slump cone test for workability determination. However, the fluidity
Table 4
EDX atomic and weight concentrations of BLA.
Element Element Element Atomic Weight
Number Symbol Name Conc. Conc.
D.O. Nduka et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 11 (2022) 100583
values in the current study are consistent with the HPC mixtures in the
literature, with a flow range of 400 to 600 mm (Neville, 2012; Nduka
et al., 2021).
D.O. Nduka et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 11 (2022) 100583
3.4. Durability properties varied from 5.10 to 7.10% for 7 days, 5.01 to 7.02% for 21 days, 4.19 to
6.96% for 28 days, and 4.07 to 6.79% for 60 days. The control mixture
3.4.1. Water absorption of HPC without BLA complied with ASTM C 642 (2006) provisions with an
Fig. 9 shows the mean experimental results for the water absorption acceptable range of 2–5% water absorption for HPC mixtures. On the
of BLA-modified HPCs at 7, 21, 28, and 60 days. The water absorption other hand, BLA blended HPCs had water absorption values slightly
D.O. Nduka et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 11 (2022) 100583
higher than that prescribed by the relevant standard. Silva et al. (2021) respectively. ASTM C 1585-04 (2007) guideline stated, “The initial ab
reported increased water absorption when more than 10% of PC was sorption rate cannot be established if the data between 1 min and 6 h do
replaced with BLA in the mortar mixture. Increased water absorption not follow a linear connection (correlation coefficient less than 0.98)
may be attributable to the mesoporous nature of the tested BLA sample, and exhibit a systematic curvature.” Thus, the BLAC-5 correlation co
confirmed by the SEM image. However, the BLAC-10 mixture had the efficient was significant at 21, 28 and 56 days but not at 7 days. BLAC-10
lowest water absorption capacity among the BLA blended HPCs con revealed a significant difference at 28 and 56 days, but BLAC-15 gave
firming the best-improved mixture in the tested mechanical properties differences in the calculated correlation coefficient between 7, 21, 28,
results. For instance, there are 16.90 and 25.05%, 16.42 and 28.72%, and 60 days.
20.63 and 32.94%, and 18.71 and 32.21% water absorption reductions
for BLAC-10 compared to the BLAC-5 and BLAC-15 HPCs at 7, 21, 28 and 3.4.3. Resistance to the aggressive chemical environment
60 days of curing, respectively. The water absorption values obtained in Figs. 14-17 depict the compressive strength at 7, 21, 28, and 60 days
BLAC-10 mixtures are moderately above 5% at 60 days compared with of hardened HPCs with varied PC substitutions by BLA subjected to
28 days, signalling the best-improved mixture among the blends. The various curing media (water, acid, sulphate, and chlorine solutions).
decrease in water absorption may indicate the efficacy of BLA particles According to the data, the compressive strength of the HPCs in aggres
in densifying the cement paste matrix and the interface between the sive environments decreased by 8.40, 27.68, 40.86, and 46.34% (acid);
cement paste and aggregates. Moreover, the creation of calcium silicate 22.63, 38.64, 47.72, and 51.13% (sulphate) and 14.81, 41.45, 52.80,
and calcium silicate aluminate hydrates (C-S-H and C-A-H) via the and 43.46% (chlorine) after 7, 21, 28, and 60 days of curing, respec
pozzolanic activity further fills the pores and enhances the microstruc tively, in comparison to curing in water. The sulphate environment
ture of the BLA-blended HPC. strongly influenced the investigated samples’ compressive strength for
all the mix types. Comparing the plain water curing of HPCs with other
3.4.2. Sorptivity of HPCs chemical environments, the control had the least reduced compressive
The changes in water absorption by capillary pressure as a function strength percentage (30.82%), followed by BLAC-15 (31.49%), while
of time have been illustrated in Fig. 10 through 13. The absorption rate the other mixture’s compressive strength reduction was within 40.14%.
(sorptivity coefficient) plots for BLA-modified HPCs were analysed in In the sulphate solution, BLAC-5 had the least strength reduction
conjunction with the change in mass per unit area relative to the water (37.27%), then control (40.04%), while the other mixture’s strength
unit mass and the period’s square root (min). The effects of blended BLA reduction was 46.90%. Similarly, BLAC-10 has the lowest strength
on the water sorptivity of HPC at 7, 21, 28, and 60 days are depicted in reduction (34.92%), while other HPC mixtures’ strength reduction was
Figs. 10-13. During the seven days of curing, the capillary water activity 45.42%. In general, the control mixture demonstrated superior re
of BLAC-10 (1.87 mm) dropped the most compared to the control (2.75 ductions in compressive strength in the tested chemical conditions.
mm) and other combinations. Also, a 28-day BLAC-10 had the lowest Therefore, it can be inferred that mesoporous BLA particles produced
water capillary ingress of approximately 0.74–4.50 mm over the 180 pores in the HPCs, allowing acid, sulphate, and chloride ions to enter the
min inspection time compared with other mixes. The BLAC-10 mixture matrix. The findings complied with the water absorption and sorptivity
had a mean water sorptivity of 2.12 mm to the control mix (2.62 mm). A results in the HPC matrix water ingress.
related trend was observed at 60 days; the mean water ingress was 2.30
mm for the BLAC-10 modified HPC.
3.5. Statistical analysis
The correlation coefficient of BLA-based HPC at 7, 21, 28 and 60 days
is shown in Table 5. On all curing days of 7, 21, 28, and 60 days, the
Table A in the appendix shows the general linear model – multi
control mixture demonstrated a good correlation between the rate of
variate analysis for the Tests of Between-Subjects Effects obtained by
absorption and the square root of time, with R2 = 0.966 (7 days), 0.979
SPSS v 23 highlighting the effects of BLA content, and curing age on the
(21 days), 0.964 (28 days) and 0.911 (60 days), respectively. These
compressive, splitting tensile and flexural strengths, slump flows, den
results demonstrate the hydration trends of the examined samples as
sity, water absorption, compressive strength in acid, sodium sulphate
curing days progressed. The correlation coefficients for BLAC-5 were R2
and chloride solutions curing environments of BLA-based HPC mixtures.
= 0.997 (7 days), 0.944 (21 days), 0.985 (28 days) and 0.948 (60 days),
The significance is assessed based on P < 0.5 (as shown in the last col
respectively. For BLAC-10, the correlation coefficients recorded were R2
umn of the Table). The results show that each independent variable (BLA
= 0.994 (7 days), 0.990 (21 days), 0.983 (28 days) and 0.980 (60 days),
content and curing age) had a significant effect on all the tested prop
respectively. Lastly, BLAC-15 had correlation coefficients of R2 = 0.987
erties of the HPC mixtures except the slump flow values which were
(7 days), 0.988 (21 days), 0.995 (28 days) and 0.995 (60 days),
purely for an assessment of workability done only at the fresh state of the
D.O. Nduka et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 11 (2022) 100583
concrete. The slump flow value was not influenced by curing age since it content. Generally, both the curing age and BLA content were observed
was determined before the concrete was cast, so the same slump flow to have a very strong influence (with a P value of 0.00) on all the tested
value holds for all curing ages considered. This explains the P value of mechanical and durability properties of the investigated BLA-modified
1.0 gotten as an outcome of the analysis for the single-factor analysis HPC.
with curing age and also, the two-factor analysis (Curing Age combined
with BLA content) affirming the curing age has no significant effect on
slump flow. The variable of influence on the slump flow is the BLA
D.O. Nduka et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 11 (2022) 100583
Table 5 samples while the optimum BLA content for use in HPC is 10% for
Summary of water sorptivity correlation coefficient of BLA-blended HPCs. acceptable mechanical and durability properties. BLA-modified HPC
Mix ID/Sorptivity correlation 7 days 21 days 28 days 60 days should not be used in severe acidic, sulphate and chloride environments.
coefficient 2 2 2 Curing age and BLA content had a significant effect on the tested me
R R R R2
chanical and durability properties of the investigated BLA-modified
Control 0.966 0.979 0.964 0.911 HPC. It is the idea of this paper to be used by researchers and con
BLAC-5 0.997 0.944 0.985 0.948
BLAC-10 0.994 0.990 0.983 0.980
struction professionals as one of the inputs for steering new alternative
BLAC-15 0.987 0.988 0.995 0.995 materials in building projects. It will also serve as a source of informa
tion for the general public. The present study thereby recommends the
adoption of 10% BLA content for the production of HPC exposed to
4. Conclusions normal environmental conditions.
D.O. Nduka et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 11 (2022) 100583
Declaration of competing interest
The authors would like to thank Covenant University for using the
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial laboratory and equipment and sponsoring this paper’s article processing
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence charge (APC). Supplier of Masterglenium Sky 504, BASF, Lagos, West
the work reported in this paper. Africa, facilitated by Mr Adesola Mofikoya, is acknowledged.
Table A
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects of BLA-based HPC on workability, mechanical and durability properties
Source Dependent Variable Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
D.O. Nduka et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 11 (2022) 100583
Table A (continued )
Source Dependent Variable Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
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