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Subject :Computer Grade 1

Q1.Fill in the blanks. (10)

1. A computer is also a _________ .
2. A screen shows on the monitor is called __________.
3. The parts of computer that we can see and touch are called _________.
4. Mouse moves the _______ on monitor screen.
5. Pressing and releasing the left button on the mouse once is called ______.

Q2. Write T for True statement and F for false statement. (10)
1. A computer is a machine.
2. Machines are made by Human beings.
3. A computer can not solve sums.
4. We can draw paint using computer.
5. A computer keeps us cool in hot weather.

Q3. fill in the missing letters. (10)

1. S_ro_l whe_el.
2. L_f_ b_t_on
3. C_i_k.
4. M_u_e.
5. C_r_o_.
6. K_y_o_r_.
7. U_i_.
8. H_r_w_re
9. M_ni_or.
10. P_w_r.

Q4. What is computer? (5)


Q5 Write the names of parts of Computer (5)

Q6. Answer these questions. (15)

Q1.What is located in middle of two buttons of mouse?


Q2.What are parts of computer that we can see and touch?


Q3. What is difference between single-click and double-click?


Q7. Write the names of parts of Mouse (5)


Q8. Dictation (difficult words) (10)


Q9.Reading on book. (5)

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