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GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF PORTS AND SHIPPING (PORTS AND SHIPPING WING) Seen No. 2(1)/97-PEMM-45 Karachi, 02 October 2012 SPECIAL CIRCULAR NO. 01/2012 SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO CONDUCT WATCHKEEPING CERTIFIC: EXAMINATION FOR DECK CADETS. Deck Cadets now may acquire Navigation Watchkeeping Certificate, under the provision of Reg Il/4 of STCW 78 as amended, are required to meet following conditions: 1. have a medical fitness certificate from this directorate approved doctor 2. have passed MMD eye sight and color vision test “3, have approved sea going service on Seaman Book of at least 09 months on. board merchant vessels of 500 GT or more. Six ( 06 ) months remission in sea service may be granted, if he holds Pakistan Marine Academy, Maripur Road, Passing out Certificate and At least 03 months service out of total service required under this para should be associated navigational watch keeping functions involving performance of duties under the direct supervision of Master or Officer in charge of the navigational watch. 4. minimum 3 months of the qualifying sea service must be performed within five ( 5) years preceding the application 5. have at least 20 hours, steering certificate from Master/Company. 6. Seaman book of the cadet will not be endorsed, only certificate will be issued which will befor five (5 ) years and will not be revalidated. valid

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