J Cemconres 2004 11 003
J Cemconres 2004 11 003
J Cemconres 2004 11 003
This paper evaluates the high-strength lightweight self-compacting concrete (HLSCC) manufactured by Nan-Su, of which the main factor
PF of its design mixing method has been modified and improved.
The study analyzes HLSCC performance at its fresh condition as well as its mechanical properties at the hardened condition.
The evaluation of HLSCC fluidity has been conducted per the standard of second class rating of JSCE, by three categories of flowability,
segregation resistance ability and filling ability of fresh concrete.
For the mechanical properties of HLSCC, the study has been conducted as follows: compressive strength with elapsed age, splitting
tensile strength, elastic moduli and density, all at its cured after 28 days.
As a result, HLSCC at its fresh condition has been rated as less than LC 75% and LF 50% for the mix ratio of lightweight aggregate, thus
satisfying the second class standard of JSCE.
The compressive strength of HLSCC at 28 days has come out to more than 40 MPa in all mix except the case with LC 100%, while the
structural efficiency in relation to its density tended to increase proportionally as the mixing ratio of LF increases. The relationship between
the splitting tensile and compressive strength has been calculated as f s=0.076f ck+0.5582. The range of elastic moduli has come out as 24–33
GPa, comparably lower than the control concrete.
Compressive strength and structural efficiency of HLSCC at 28 days from the multiple regression analysis resulted as
f c=0.07619LCA+0.08648LFB+46.714 and f se=0.00436LCA+0.0627LFB+20.257, respectively.
D 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: High-strength lightweight self-compacting concrete (HLSCC); Fresh concrete; Compressive strength; Elastic moduli
Table 1 appropriate for the site application, as well as its use for the
Chemical compositions of OPC and ALA (wt.%) lightweight aggregate.
Components OPC ALA Furthermore, multiple regression analysis was carried
SiO2 21.60 74.20 out to determine and review the compressive strength and
Al2O3 6.00 13.20 structural efficiency per mixed ratio of lightweight
Fe2O3 3.10 1.00
aggregate and to project the estimated equation for a
CaO 61.41 1.00
MgO 3.40 0.10 suggestion.
SO3 2.50 –
2. Experimental outline
numerous studies conducted and are still being held in
recent days [3–6]. 2.1. Materials
Excellent in segregation resistance ability and its
flowability at its fresh condition, self-compacting con- Cement used in the study was the ordinary portland
crete is generally known as the concrete capable of cement (OPC) typically produced in Korea, with density of
filling up the given structure only using its self-weight 3.15 g/cm3 and blaine fineness of 3539 cm2/g, while the
without an additional compaction. It was first developed artificial lightweight aggregate (ALA) was used with its
in Japan during 1986, with further mix design method major ingredients of rhyolite powder. Chemical ingredients
introduced by professor Okamura of Tokyo university in of OPC and ALA are shown in Table 1.
1993 [7,8]. Mix method used for the self-compacting Natural coarse (NC) aggregate of crushed stone with 20
concrete is significantly different from the typical method mm of G max and the same size of lightweight coarse (LC)
as well as its rating standards and testing since the aggregate were used. Natural fine (NF) aggregate used was
design of method needs to consider the two opposite river sand. Physical properties of the aggregates are
properties of flowability and segregation resistance ability measured according to Korean industry standard (KS), as
at the same time to assure the compacting capacity of shown in Table 2.
the concrete. Furthermore, crushing ratio of aggregate was measured
The most popular mix design method used for the by BS 812. For manufacturing of high-strength lightweight
self-compacting concrete is introduced by professor self-compacting concrete (HLSCC), high-range water
Okamura. His method conducts the cement paste and reducing of polycarbonate acid (HRWR) and air entraining
mortar test before moving onto evaluating properties of agent (AEA) were used. Specific gravity of HRWR and
the superplasticizer, cement, fine aggregate and pozzo- AEA are 1.10F0.02 and 1.04F0.01, the amount of HRWR
lanic material for saving the process from the redun- and AEA are about 0.5–2.0% and 0.005% of cement weight,
dancy of unnecessary testing, although its complicated respectively.
procedure makes it difficult to apply to companies which
manufacture the ready-mixed concrete. Overcoming such 2.2. Mixture proportion of concrete
obstacle, Taiwan-based Nan-Su suggested a new mix
design method that is more convenient. Apart from its Concrete mix design in this study has been modified
simplicity, Nan-Su’s new method has some problems and improved from Nan-Su’s method. In other words, PF
with the fluctuating range of PF, which is the most value was obtained through the pretest to solve the
important variable [9,10]. obscurity in assumption of PF value that is a main factor
Therefore, this study introduces a production of HLSCC within Nan-Su’s method. PF revised through this study is
by utilizing PF-modified and improved version of Nan- the percentage of unit weight at the compacted stage from
Su’s mix design method of self-compacting concrete the loosely filled aggregate according to Korean industry
Through a series of test mixes conducted during the study,
the quality of the concrete at its fresh condition has been
evaluated with the second class rating standards of self- Table 2
Physical properties of aggregate
compacting concrete published by JSCE, especially focused
in its flowability, segregation resistance ability and filling Components NF NC LF LC
ability [13]. Density (g/cm3) 2.55 2.72 1.86 1.58
The measurement of the mechanical properties of (1.61)a (1.23)a
Bulk density (kg/m3) 1677 1695 1127 793
concrete, including compressive strength ( f c), splitting Absorption (%) 2.43 0.80 13.71 28.09
tensile strength ( f t) at 28 days, elastic moduli and density, Percentage of solids (%) 62.6 62.3 60.3 50.2
as well as its structural efficiency ( f se) were carried out [14]. Fineness moduous 2.81 6.72 2.64 6.40
Modified and simplified mix design method was applied Crusing value (%) – 15 – 24
to find out whether it could be suitable for the HLSCC, Density under oven-dry condition.
Y.W. Choi et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 36 (2006) 1595–1602 1597
standard, thereby indicating the value obtained by applying coarse aggregate as compared to 1376 kg/m3 at the loose
the added weight per fine aggregate to be added into the stage and 1666 kg/m3 at the compacted stage for the fine
mixed concrete. aggregate. Fine aggregate ratio of 53% was applied to
Determination of appropriate PF value has saved calculate its PF value, which came out to be approximately
significant amount of redundancy in time and efforts during 1.18 as illustrated in Eq. (1).
the pretesting phase, which was designed to obtain the
Unit weight of coarse aggregate ðcompacted stageÞ S
proper concrete mix. PF ¼ 1
Unit weight of coarse aggregate ðloosely filled stageÞ a
Fig. 1 shows the steps of determining the PF value Unit weight of fine aggregate ðcompacted stageÞ S
through measuring the unit weight of fine and coarse þ ð1Þ
Unit weight of fine aggregate ðloosely filled stageÞ a
aggregate as Fig. 2 illustrates application of the determined
PF value to design mix of SCC. S/a—volume ratio of fine aggregates to total aggregates.
After obtaining the PF value through such mix design Table 3 shows the mixture proportion of concrete as its
process followed by mixing the concrete with decision of categories of group A, B, C, D are divided per use of
fine aggregate ratio and amount of SP to review its lightweight fine (LF) and coarse (LC) aggregate.
fluidity. If in case the fluidity appear inappropriate, more
proper PF values from the testing will be taken for the 2.3. Test methods
better mix. The unit weight measured from the compacted
stage compared to the loosely filled stage of the aggregate As for the evaluation of fluidity of HLSCC, the
according to KS have resulted as 1461 kg/m3 at the loose testing for slump flow (mm), time required to reach 500
condition and 1668 kg/m3 at the compacted stage for the mm of slump flow (s), time required to flow through V-
Table 3
Mixture proportions of concrete
Group No. Mix No. PF S/a W/C LC/(LC+NC) LF/(LF+NF) Unit weight (kg/m3)
(%) (%) (%) (%)
A 1 1.18 53 38 0 0 175 460 810 0 861 0
B 2 1.18 53 38 25 0 175 460 608 117 861 0
3 1.18 53 38 50 0 175 460 405 234 861 0
4 1.18 53 38 75 0 175 460 203 352 861 0
5 1.18 53 38 100 0 175 460 0 469 861 0
C 6 1.18 53 38 0 25 175 460 810 0 645 158
7 1.18 53 38 0 50 175 460 810 0 430 316
8 1.18 53 38 0 75 175 460 810 0 215 473
9 1.18 53 38 0 100 175 460 810 0 0 631
D 10 1.18 53 38 75 50 175 460 201 353 433 315
11 1.18 53 38 75 75 175 460 201 353 217 473
funnel (s) and filling height of U-box test (mm) has compared and reviewed along with the combination of
been conducted immediately after the mixing of the LC and LF (group D).
concrete, while its method borrowed from testing
methods for the self-compact concrete published by
JSCE, and its standards are shown in Table 4. 3. Results and discussion
Specimen for concrete testing has been manufactured
as 100200 mm (b) without the compacting. Its mold 3.1. Properties of fresh concrete
was taken out after 24 h followed by standard curing
until the next test. Compressive strength of the concrete Figs. 3, 4 and 5 illustrate the flowability, segregation
was tested at 3rd, 7th and 28th days, while splitting resistance ability and filling ability of HLSCC. As shown in
tensile strength, elastic moduli and density were meas- Fig. 3, the result of slump flow test to rate the fluidity came
ured after 28th days of curing. out as 600–700 mm at all mixes, which satisfied the range of
In addition, multiple regression analysis has been standard capacity of self-compacting concrete per the
carried out by using SPSS, the statistics program used to second class rating of JSCE. Such result seemed to be
determine the characteristics per mix of the lightweight caused by reduced self-weight of the concrete when mixing
aggregates ratio for the hardened concrete. For the the lightweight aggregate, allowing satisfactory level of
analysis, mix ratios of LC (group B) and LF (group flowability, and the increase of water content by prewetting
C) were designated as the independent variable, while [15,16].
the mechanical properties of the hardened concrete, the Fig. 4 illustrates the relationship between the time
compressive strength at the 28th day and structural required to reach 500 mm of slump flow (s) and the time
efficiency were assumed to be the dependent variable. required to flow through V-funnel (s) to determine the
Proposed formula obtained from this analysis was then
Table 4
Specification of SCC proposed by JSCE
Rank 1 2 3
Construction condition
Minimum gap between 30–60 60–200 z200
reinforcement (mm)
Amount of reinforcement z350 100–350 V100
Filling height of U–box z300 z300 z300
test (mm)
Absolute volume of coarse 0.28–0.30 0.30–0.33 0.30–0.36
aggregates per unit volume
of SCC (m3/m3)
Flowability slump flow (mm) 650–750 600–700 500–650
Segregation resistance ability
Time required to flow 10–20 7–20 7–20
through V-funnel (s)
Time required to reach 5–25 3–15 3–15
500 mm of slump flow (s)
Fig. 3. Slump flow.
Y.W. Choi et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 36 (2006) 1595–1602 1599
Table 5
Calculation of structural efficiency
Group Mix Density Compressive Structural
No. No. (kg/m3) strength (MPa) efficiency
(103 MPa m3/kg)
A 1 2306 49 21.2
B 2 2221 46 20.7
3 2135 45 21.1
4 2051 46 22.8
5 1965 34 17.0
C 6 2248 45 20.0
7 2191 46 21.0
8 2133 53 24.8
9 2076 59 28.3
Fig. 7. Structural efficiency. Fig. 9. Relationship of compressive strength and elastic moduli.
Y.W. Choi et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 36 (2006) 1595–1602 1601
Table 6
Relation of between tested and estimated result
Group No. Mix No. Compressive Structural efficiency
strength (MPa) (103 MPa m3/kg)
Tested Estimated Tested Estimated
A 1 49 47 21.2 20.3
B 2 46 45 20.7 20.1
3 45 43 21.1 20.0
4 46 41 22.8 19.9
5 34 39 17.0 19.8
C 6 45 49 20.0 21.8
7 46 51 21.0 23.4
8 53 53 24.8 25.0
9 59 55 28.3 26.5
Table 7
Relation of between tested and estimated result
Items Mix No. 8 Mix No. 9
Tested Estimated Tested Estimated
Compressive 44 45 43 47
Strength (MPa)
Fig. 11. Relationship of structural efficiency between tested and estimated Structural efficiency 23.8 23.1 24.0 24.6
values. (103 MPa m3/kg)
1602 Y.W. Choi et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 36 (2006) 1595–1602
4. Conclusions Acknowledgements
(1) Although the tests of slump flow (for measuring of This work was sponsored and funded by the Ministry of
flowability) and time required to reach 500 mm of Construction and Transportation in Korea through the
slump flow (s) (for measuring of segregation project: the development of construction system and high
resistance ability) of HLSCC satisfied the expected strength–low weight precast concrete deck with new low-
capacity level in all mixes, time required to flow weight aggregate by Ecological Technology (2002. 12–
through V-funnel (s) (for measuring of segregation 2005. 12).
resistance ability) only satisfied the level in most of
the LC mixed concrete (Mix No. 2–4) and one of LF
mixed concrete (Mix No. 6).
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