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Upgrading from Version

10.2.1 (10.5)
Informatica Upgrading from Version 10.2.1 (10.5)
March 2021
© Copyright Informatica LLC 2006, 2021

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Publication Date: 2021-06-04

Table of Contents
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Informatica Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Informatica Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Informatica Knowledge Base. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Informatica Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Informatica Product Availability Matrices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Informatica Velocity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Informatica Marketplace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Informatica Global Customer Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Chapter 1: Upgrade Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Informatica Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Upgrade Paths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Upgrade Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Chapter 2: Before You Upgrade the Domain on Linux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Read the Release Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Verify System Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Verify the Domain Upgrade Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Verify Temporary Disk Space and Permissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Verify the Distributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Review Patch Requirements on Linux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Review the Environment Variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Update the /etc/sudoers File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Extract the Installer Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Run the Informatica Upgrade Advisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Back Up the Configuration Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Chapter 3: Prepare for the Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Back Up the Data Transformation Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Back Up the Model Repository. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Prepare the Data Integration Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Prepare the Reference Data Directories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Back Up Databases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Prepare the Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Shut Down the Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Back Up the Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Chapter 4: Upgrade the Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Upgrade the Informatica Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Table of Contents 3
Upgrading in Console Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Upgrading in Silent Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Encrypting Passwords in the Properties File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Creating the Properties File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Running the Silent Installer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Troubleshooting the Domain Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Chapter 5: Upgrade the Domain with Changes to Node Configuration. . . . . . . . . 29

Upgrade the Domain with Changes to Node Configuration Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Migrating to a Different Database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Migrating the Installation to a Different Machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Copy the Installation Directories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Determine Port Availability on Windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Step 3. Create a System User Account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Step 4. Configure Native Connectivity on Service Machines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Step 5. Install Database Client Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Step 6. Configure Database Client Environment Variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Upgrading in Console Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Upgrading in Silent Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Complete Changing the Node Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Clear the Browser Cache. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Configure Locale Environment Variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Configure Library Path Environment Variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Verify the Range of Dynamic Port Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Verify the Node Backup Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Configure PowerExchange Adapters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Chapter 6: Application Service Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Application Service Upgrade Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Privileges to Upgrade Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Service Upgrade from Previous Versions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Upgrade the Model Repository Service, Data Integration Service, and the Content Management
Service Using the Service Upgrade Wizard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Verify the Model Repository Service Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Object Dependency Graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Advanced Properties for the Model Repository Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Chapter 7: Informatica Client Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Informatica Client Upgrade Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Informatica Client Upgrade Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Upgrading in Silent Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Creating the Properties File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4 Table of Contents
Running the Silent Installer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Appendix A: Upgrade Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Upgrade Checklist Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Before You Upgrade the Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Domain Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Before You Upgrade the Application Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Application Service Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Informatica Client Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
After You Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Table of Contents 5
Follow the instructions in this upgrade guide to upgrade the product.

Review the upgrade guide to upgrade the services and clients for the Informatica domain. Verify the database
requirements and set up the databases for the domain. You can verify the distributions for the supported
products in the native and non-native environments. Verify that your environment meets the minimum system
requirements for the installation process, temporary disk space, port availability, databases, and application
service hardware.

You can upgrade the product services and clients on one or more machines. Run the server installer to
upgrade on all nodes. After you upgrade the domain, you must log into the Administrator tool and upgrade
the application services. You can then upgrade the Informatica clients on all machines.

Informatica Resources
Informatica provides you with a range of product resources through the Informatica Network and other online
portals. Use the resources to get the most from your Informatica products and solutions and to learn from
other Informatica users and subject matter experts.

Informatica Network
The Informatica Network is the gateway to many resources, including the Informatica Knowledge Base and
Informatica Global Customer Support. To enter the Informatica Network, visit

As an Informatica Network member, you have the following options:

• Search the Knowledge Base for product resources.

• View product availability information.
• Create and review your support cases.
• Find your local Informatica User Group Network and collaborate with your peers.

Informatica Knowledge Base

Use the Informatica Knowledge Base to find product resources such as how-to articles, best practices, video
tutorials, and answers to frequently asked questions.

To search the Knowledge Base, visit If you have questions, comments, or
ideas about the Knowledge Base, contact the Informatica Knowledge Base team at
[email protected].

Informatica Documentation
Use the Informatica Documentation Portal to explore an extensive library of documentation for current and
recent product releases. To explore the Documentation Portal, visit

If you have questions, comments, or ideas about the product documentation, contact the Informatica
Documentation team at [email protected].

Informatica Product Availability Matrices

Product Availability Matrices (PAMs) indicate the versions of the operating systems, databases, and types of
data sources and targets that a product release supports. You can browse the Informatica PAMs at

Informatica Velocity
Informatica Velocity is a collection of tips and best practices developed by Informatica Professional Services
and based on real-world experiences from hundreds of data management projects. Informatica Velocity
represents the collective knowledge of Informatica consultants who work with organizations around the
world to plan, develop, deploy, and maintain successful data management solutions.

You can find Informatica Velocity resources at If you have questions,
comments, or ideas about Informatica Velocity, contact Informatica Professional Services at
[email protected].

Informatica Marketplace
The Informatica Marketplace is a forum where you can find solutions that extend and enhance your
Informatica implementations. Leverage any of the hundreds of solutions from Informatica developers and
partners on the Marketplace to improve your productivity and speed up time to implementation on your
projects. You can find the Informatica Marketplace at

Informatica Global Customer Support

You can contact a Global Support Center by telephone or through the Informatica Network.

To find your local Informatica Global Customer Support telephone number, visit the Informatica website at
the following link:

To find online support resources on the Informatica Network, visit and
select the eSupport option.

Preface 7
Chapter 1

Upgrade Overview
This chapter includes the following topics:

• Informatica Upgrade, 8
• Upgrade Paths, 9
• Upgrade Process, 10

Informatica Upgrade
The Informatica platform consists of a server component and one or more client components. Informatica
provides separate installers to upgrade the Informatica services and clients.

When you upgrade each node in the domain, you can choose to change the node configuration to allow
changes to the node host name, port numbers, or domain configuration repository database.

Upgrade Paths
The upgrade paths that you take depend on the products that you upgrade. If you are on a version that does
not support a direct upgrade, you must first upgrade to a supported version.

The following table lists the upgrade paths for each product that the installer supports.

Product Versions

PowerCenter You can upgrade to version 10.5 from the following versions including any hotfix and service
- 10.1.1
- 10.2
- 10.4
- 10.4.1

Informatica Data You can upgrade to version 10.5 from the following versions including any hotfix and service
Quality pack:
- 10.1.1
- 10.2
- 10.4
- 10.4.1

Data Engineering You can upgrade to version 10.5 from the following versions including any hotfix and service
Integration pack:
Data Engineering - 10.1.1
Quality - 10.2
- 10.2.1
- 10.2.2
- 10.4
- 10.4.1
Important: If Data Engineering is in the same domain as any other product supported by the
Informatica installer, verify that all products are upgraded to the same supported upgrade
version before you upgrade to 10.5.

Data Engineering You can upgrade to version 10.5 from the following versions including any hotfix and service
Streaming pack:
- 10.2.2
- 10.4
- 10.4.1

Data Privacy You can upgrade to version 10.5 from the following versions including any service packs:
Management - 10.4
- 10.4.1
Important: If Data Engineering, Enterprise Data Catalog, Data Privacy Managementand are in
the same domain of a version earlier than 10.4, upgrade them all to version 10.4 before you
upgrade to 10.5.

Enterprise Data You can upgrade to version 10.5 from the following versions including any service packs:
Catalog - 10.4
- 10.4.1
Important: If Enterprise Data Catalog and Data Engineering are in the same domain of a version
earlier than 10.4, upgrade them both to version 10.4 or 10.4.1 before you upgrade to 10.5.

Upgrade Paths 9
Product Versions

Enterprise Data You can upgrade to version 10.5 from the following versions including any service packs:
Preparation - 10.4
- 10.4.1
Important: If Data Engineering, Enterprise Data Catalog, and Enterprise Data Preparation are in
the same domain of a version earlier than 10.4, upgrade them all to version 10.4 or 10.4.1
before you upgrade to 10.5.

Test Data You can upgrade to version 10.5 from the following versions:
Management - 10.2.0 Hotfix 2
- 10.4 and all service packs
- 10.4.1 and all service packs

Upgrade Process
The upgrade of the Informatica services and Informatica clients consists of multiple phases.

The upgrade consists of the following phases:

1. Complete the pre-upgrade tasks for the domain to ensure that you can successfully run the installer.
2. Upgrade the domain. To upgrade the domain, run the Informatica server installer and select the upgrade
option. The domain upgrade wizard installs the server files and configures the domain. If the domain has
multiple nodes, you must upgrade all nodes. When you upgrade each node in the domain, you can
choose to change the node configuration to allow changes to the node host name, port numbers, or
domain configuration repository database.
The following table describes the actions that the installer performs when you upgrade the domain:

Tasks Description

Runs Informatica Upgrade Installer runs the pre-upgrade to validate the services and checks for obsolete
Advisor. services, supported database, and supported operating system in the domain.
Resolve the conflicts before you proceed with the upgrade.

Installs Informatica. Installs Informatica directories and files into the new directory.

Copies infa_shared directory. Copies the contents of the infa_shared directory from the existing installation
directory into the new installation directory.

Copies the encryption key file. Copies the domain encryption key file from the existing installation directory
into the directory that you specify when you upgrade.

If the existing domain uses Copies the Kerberos configuration file from the existing installation directory
Kerberos authentication, copies into the new installation directory. Copies the keytab files from the existing
the Kerberos configuration file installation directory into the encryption key directory that you specify when
and keytab files. you upgrade.

10 Chapter 1: Upgrade Overview

Tasks Description

Upgrades the domain. The upgrade retains the user and administrator accounts in the domain.

Starts Informatica Services. Starts Informatica Services on the node.

3. Upgrade the application services. After you upgrade the domain, log in to the Administrator tool and
upgrade the application services. The service upgrade wizard provides a list of all application services
that must be upgraded. It upgrades the services based on the order required by the dependent objects.
4. Upgrade Informatica Developer on all machines.
Note: You cannot connect to the Informatica domain using the Developer tool from a previous version.
To upgrade Informatica clients, run the Informatica client installer and select the upgrade option. If the
clients are installed on multiple machines, upgrade the clients on all machines.
5. Perform the post-upgrade tasks.
Note: If you upgrade the Informatica installation on more than one machine, complete the first upgrade
with the detailed instructions in this guide. You can use the upgrade checklist in the appendix to perform
subsequent upgrades.

Upgrade Process 11
Chapter 2

Before You Upgrade the Domain

on Linux
This chapter includes the following topics:

• Read the Release Notes, 12

• Verify System Requirements, 12
• Update the /etc/sudoers File, 16
• Extract the Installer Files, 16
• Run the Informatica Upgrade Advisor, 17
• Back Up the Configuration Files, 18

Read the Release Notes

Read the Release Notes for updates to the installation and upgrade process. You can also find information
about known and fixed issues for the release.

Find the Release Notes on the Informatica documentation portal.

Verify System Requirements

Verify that your environment meets the minimum system requirements for the installation process, temporary
disk space, port availability, databases, and application service hardware.

For more information about product requirements and supported platforms, see the Product Availability
Matrix on Informatica Network:

Verify the Domain Upgrade Requirements

Verify that your machine meets the minimum system requirements to upgrade the Informatica domain.

Ensure that you have a minimum disk space of 50 GB and a RAM of 6 GB to upgrade the Informatica domain.

Note: When you upgrade, the installer requires an additional disk space used by the existing infa_shared

Effective in version 10.5, Informatica increased the site key size from 128 bit to 256 bit. When you run the
Informatica installer, you also need to back up the site key generated since you cannot recover the generated
site key. You also do not need to provide the keyword and domain name when you generate the encryption
key. The generated site key should be copied to each node or should be placed at shared location, which is
accessible by each node. You must upgrade with the older site key when you run the upgrade installer.
Ensure that you migrate the site key after domain upgrade.

For more information about product requirements and supported platforms, see the Product Availability
Matrix on Informatica Network:

Verify Temporary Disk Space and Permissions

Verify that your environment meets the minimum system requirements for the temporary disk space,
permissions for the temporary files, and the Informatica client tools.

Disk space for the temporary files

The installer writes temporary files to the hard disk. Verify that you have 1 GB disk space on the machine
to support the installation. When the installation completes, the installer deletes the temporary files and
releases the disk space.

The following table describes the minimum disk space and memory requirements for PowerCenter or
Data Engineering product installation:

Options Minimum Requirements

Temporary disk space to run the 1 GB disk space


Install with application services for 50 GB disk space, 8 GB RAM, and 8 cores. Out of the 50 GB, 25 GB is for
Data Engineering products the product installation binaries.

Install with application services for 50 GB disk space, 6 GB RAM, and 6 cores, Out of the 50 GB, 25 GB is for
PowerCenter the product installation binaries.

Permissions for the temporary files

Verify that you have read, write, and execute permissions on the /tmp directory.

For more information about product requirements and supported platforms, see the Product Availability
Matrix on Informatica Network:

Verify the Distributions

Verify the distributions for the non-native environments.

In each release, Informatica can add, defer, and drop support for the non-native distributions and distribution
versions. Informatica might reinstate support for deferred versions in a future release. To see a list of the
latest supported versions, see the Product Availability Matrix on the Informatica Customer Portal:

Verify System Requirements 13

Review Patch Requirements on Linux
Before you install the Informatica services, verify that the machine has the required operating system
patches and libraries.

PowerCenter on Linux
The following table lists the patches and libraries that the Informatica services require for PowerCenter on

Platform Operating System Operating System Patch

AWS Linux Linux 2 - 2.0.20210126 All of the following packages:

- e2fsprogs-libs-1.42.9-19.amzn2.x86_64
- keyutils-libs-1.5.8-3.amzn2.0.2.x86_64
- libsepol-2.5-8.1.amzn2.0.2.x86_64
- libselinux-2.5-12.amzn2.0.2.x86_64

Ubuntu 20.04.1 All of the following packages:

- e2fsprogs/focal,now 1.45.5-2ubuntu1 amd64 [installed]
- libkeyutils1/focal,now 1.6-6ubuntu1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
- libselinux1/focal,now 3.0-1build2 amd64 [installed,automatic]
- libsepol1/focal,now 3.0-1 amd64 [installed,automatic]

Linux-x64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux All of the following packages, where <version> is any version of the
7.3 package:
- e2fsprogs-libs-<version>.el7
- keyutils-libs-<version>.el7
- libselinux-<version>.el7
- libsepol-<version>.el7

Linux-x64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 All of the following packages, where <version> is any version of the
- e2fsprogs-libs-<version>.el8
- keyutils-libs-<version>.el8
- libselinux-<version>.el8
- libsepol-<version>.el8

Linux-x64 SUSE Linux Enterprise Service Pack 2

Server 12

Linux-x64 SUSE Linux Enterprise Service Pack 0 and Service Pack 1.

Server 15

14 Chapter 2: Before You Upgrade the Domain on Linux

Data Engineering on Linux
The following table lists the patches and libraries that the Informatica services require on Linux:

Platform Operating System Operating System Patch

AWS Linux Linux 2 - 2.0.20210126 All of the following packages:

- e2fsprogs-libs-1.42.9-12.amzn2.0.2.x86_64
- keyutils-libs-1.5.8-3.amzn2.0.2.x86_64
- libselinux-2.5-12.amzn2.0.2.x86_64
- libsepol-2.5-8.1.amzn2.0.2.x86_64

Ubuntu 20.04.1 All of the following packages:

- e2fsprogs/focal,now 1.45.5-2ubuntu1 amd64 [installed]
- libkeyutils1/focal,now 1.6-6ubuntu1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
- libselinux1/focal,now 3.0-1build2 amd64 [installed,automatic]
- libsepol1/focal,now 3.0-1 amd64 [installed,automatic]

Linux-x64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux All of the following packages, where <version> is any version of the
6.7 package:
- e2fsprogs-libs-<version>.el6
- keyutils-libs-<version>.el6
- libselinux-<version>.el6
- libsepol-<version>.el6

Linux-x64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux All of the following packages, where <version> is any version of the
7.3 package:
- e2fsprogs-libs-<version>.el7
- keyutils-libs-<version>.el7
- libselinux-<version>.el7
- libsepol-<version>.el7

Linux-x64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux All of the following packages, where <version> is any version of the
8 package:
- e2fsprogs-libs-<version>.el8
- keyutils-libs-<version>.el8
- libselinux-<version>.el8
- libsepol-<version>.el8

Linux-x64 SUSE Linux Enterprise Service Pack 2

Server 12

Linux-x64 SUSE Linux Enterprise Service Pack 0 and Service Pack 1.

Server 15

Review the Environment Variables

Configure the environment variables to work with the Informatica installation.

Verify System Requirements 15

The following table describes the environment variables to review:

Variable Description

IATEMPDIR Location of the temporary files created during installation. Informatica

requires 1 GB disk space for temporary files.
Configure the environment variable if you do not want to create temporary files
in the /tmp directory.

INFA_DOMAINS_FILE Contains the location of the domains.infa file. Clear this variable before you
start the upgrade.

INFA_HOME Contains the location of the Informatica installation directory. Clear this
variable before you start the upgrade.

LANG and LC_ALL Change the locale to set the appropriate character encoding for the terminal
session. For example, set the encoding to Latin1 or ISO-8859-1 for French,
EUC-JP or Shift JIS for Japanese, or UTF-8 for Chinese or Korean. The
character encoding determines the types of characters that appear in the UNIX

DISPLAY Unset the DISPLAY environment before you run the installer. Installation might
fail if the DISPLAY environment variable has some value.

Library path Verify that the library path environment variables do not contain earlier
versions of Informatica.

PATH Verify that the PATH environment variables do not contain earlier versions of

Update the /etc/sudoers File

Before you install or upgrade on UNIX or Linux, update the NOPASSWD entry in the /etc/sudoers file based on
the user that runs the installer. You can run the installer as an operating system user or as a user that
belongs to the wheel group.

If you are an operating system user, set the following NOPASSWD entry:

<Operating system user> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

If you belong to the wheel group, set the following NOPASSWD entry:


Extract the Installer Files

The installer files are compressed and distributed as a compressed file.

You can get the installation file from the FTP link contained in your fulfillment email. Download the
Informatica installation tar file from the Informatica Electronic Software Download site to a directory on your
machine and then extract the installer files.

16 Chapter 2: Before You Upgrade the Domain on Linux

Extract the installer files to a directory on your machine. The user that runs the installer must have read and
write permissions on the installer files directory and execute permissions on the executable file.

Note: Make sure that you download the file to a local directory or a shared network drive that is mapped on
your machine. You can then extract the installer files. However, you cannot run the installer from a mapped
file. Copy the extracted files to a local drive and then run the installer.

Run the Informatica Upgrade Advisor

Before you perform an upgrade, run the Informatica Upgrade Advisor to validate the services and check for
obsolete services, supported database, and supported operating system in the domain.

Note: If you do not change the node configuration, you can run the Informatica Upgrade Advisor before you
upgrade. If you run Informatica Upgrade Advisor before you migrate to a node with a different configuration,
you might notice some database or node configuration failures that you can ignore.

Before you upgrade with changes to the domain configuration repository database, run i10Pi from the
Informatica installer to review the installation support for the new database type, database version, operating
system, or machine. For more information about the i10Pi configuration, see the Informatica Installation

1. Log in to the machine with a system user account.

2. Verify that the domain and the services are running before you run the Informatica Upgrade Advisor.
3. On a shell command line, run the file from the root directory.
The installer displays the message to verify that the locale environment variables are set.
4. If the environment variables are not set, press n to exit the installer and set them as required.
If the environment variables are set, press y to continue.
5. Press 2 to Upgrade Informatica.
6. Press 1 to run the Informatica Upgrade Advisor.
The Welcome section appears.
7. Press Enter.
The Installation Directory section appears.
8. Enter the current installation directory.
9. Press Enter.
The Domain and Node Configuration section appears.
10. Enter the following domain information:

Property Description

Domain name Name of the domain. The default domain name is Domain_<MachineName>. The name must
not exceed 128 characters and must be 7-bit ASCII only. It cannot contain a space or any of
the following characters: ` % * + ; " ? , < > \ /

Gateway node Host name of the machine that hosts the gateway node for the domain.
host name

Run the Informatica Upgrade Advisor 17

Property Description

Gateway node Port number of the gateway node.

port name

Domain user User name for the domain administrator. You can use this user name to initially log in to
name Informatica Administrator. Use the following guidelines:
The name is not case sensitive and cannot exceed 128 characters.
The name cannot include a tab, newline character, or the following special characters: % *
+ / ? ; < >-
The name can include an ASCII space character except for the first and last character. Other
space characters are not allowed.

Domain Password for the domain administrator. The password must be more than 2 characters and
password must not exceed 16 characters.
Not available if you configure the Informatica domain to run on a network with Kerberos

11. Press Enter.

The Infomatica Upgrade Advisor Summary section appears.
12. Review the results of the advisor in the following log file: Summary_<timestamp>.log
13. Press Enter to close the Informatica Upgrade Advisor.

Back Up the Configuration Files

If any of the configuration files contain customization, updated, or new properties, back up the installation
configuration files.

18 Chapter 2: Before You Upgrade the Domain on Linux

Chapter 3

Prepare for the Upgrade

This chapter includes the following topics:

• Back Up the Data Transformation Files, 19

• Back Up the Model Repository, 20
• Prepare the Data Integration Service, 20
• Prepare the Reference Data Directories, 20
• Back Up Databases, 20
• Prepare the Domain, 20

Back Up the Data Transformation Files

Before you upgrade, you must back up the Data Transformation files that were created under previous
versions. After you complete the upgrade, copy the files to the new installation directories to get the same
custom global components as in the previous version.

The following table lists the files or directories that you must back up:

File or Directory Default Location

Repository <Informatica installation directory>\DataTransformation\ServiceDB

Custom Global <Informatica installation directory>\DataTransformation\autoInclude\user

Components directory
(TGP files)

Custom Global <Informatica installation directory>\DataTransformation\externLibs\user

Components directory
(DLL and JAR files)

Configuration file <Informatica installation directory>\DataTransformation\CMConfig.xml

License file <Informatica installation directory>\DataTransformation\CDELicense.cfg

Do not copy the Data Transformation Library files. Instead, install the Data Transformation Libraries again.

Back Up the Model Repository
Back up the Model repository.

To back up each Model repository, select the Model Repository Service in the Administrator tool. Then, on the
Domain Actions menu, click Repository Contents > Backup.

Prepare the Data Integration Service

Before you upgrade the domain, verify that all the running jobs are complete. The Data Integration Service
cannot recover a workflow that you interrupt during the upgrade process.

Prepare the Reference Data Directories

If you install or copy any reference data file to a non-default directory, back up the directory before you

If you install or copy any reference data file to a directory outside the installation directory structure, you do
not need to back up the directory.

By default, the upgrade operation preserves the contents of the following reference data directories:

• <Informatica installation directory>/services/DQContent/INFA_Content/dictionaries/

Parent directory for the reference dictionary files.
• <Informatica installation directory>/services/DQContent/INFA_Content/av/
Parent directory for the address reference data files.
• <Informatica installation directory>/services/DQContent/INFA_Content/identity/
Parent directory for the identity population data files.
Record the directory location, so that you can restore the directory to the directory structure after you

Back Up Databases
Before you upgrade the domain, back up the profiling warehouse, reference data warehouse, and workflow

Prepare the Domain

Before you upgrade the domain, complete the steps to prepare the domain.

20 Chapter 3: Prepare for the Upgrade

Shut Down the Domain
You can stop all the application services before you shut down the domain.You must shut down the domain
before you back up domain and then upgrade the domain.

To shut down the domain, stop the Informatica service process on each node in the domain.

You can stop the Informatica service process on each node using one of the following methods based on the
supported environment:

• To stop the Informatica from the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Informatica[Version] > Server >
Stop Informatica Services.
• To stop Informatica on UNIX, you use the infaservice command. By default, the infaservice executable file
is installed in the following directory:
<Informatica installation directory>/tomcat/bin
Enter the following command to stop the daemon:
infaservice shutdown
You can also stop the Informatica service from the Windows control panel or from the Administrator tool
based on the supported environment.

Back Up the Domain

Before you upgrade the domain, you must back up the configuration metadata for the domain.

Complete the following steps to back up the domain:

• Run the infasetup BackupDomain command to back up the domain configuration database tables to a file.
• Back up the metadata configuration files to any directory accessible by the machines where you install

Informatica infasetup includes command line programs to back up and restore the domain. infasetup is
located in the following directory:
<Informatica installation directory>/isp/bin
To back up the domain with infasetup, use the following syntax:
<<-DatabaseAddress|-da> database_hostname:database_port|

<-DatabaseConnectionString|-cs> database_connection_string>

<-DatabaseUserName|-du> database_user_name

<-DatabasePassword|-dp> database_password

<-DatabaseType|-dt> database_type

[<-DatabaseServiceName|-ds> database_service_name]

<-BackupFile|-bf> backup_file_name


<-DomainName|-dn> domain_name

[<-Tablespace|-ts> tablespace_name (used for IBM DB2 only)]

[<-SchemaName|-sc> schema_name (used for Microsoft SQL Server only)]

[<-DatabaseTlsEnabled|-dbtls> database_tls_enabled]

[<-DatabaseTruststorePassword|-dbtp> database_truststore_password]

Prepare the Domain 21

[<-TrustedConnection|-tc> trusted_connection (used for Microsoft SQL Server only)]

[<-EncryptionKeyLocation|-kl> encryption_key_location]
Back up the metadata configuration files to any directory accessible by the machines where you install
Informatica. The following table describes the metadata files and the locations where you can find them:

Metadata File Description Location

nodemeta.xml Contains metadata Stored in the isp/config directory on each node in the domain.
for a node. If you use the same backup directory name on all the nodes, rename
nodemeta.xml before copying it to the backup location. For example, you back
up nodemeta.xml to the /nodebak directory on nodeA and nodeB. Rename the
configuration files so that on nodeA the file is backed up to /nodebak/
nodemeta_A.xml, and on nodeB the file is backed up to /nodebak/

domains.infa Contains Stored in one of the following locations:

connectivity - The Informatica installation directory on the client and server machines.
information for the - The location configured through the INFA_DOMAINS_FILE environment
gateway nodes. variable.

22 Chapter 3: Prepare for the Upgrade

Chapter 4

Upgrade the Domain

This chapter includes the following topics:

• Upgrade the Informatica Domain , 23

• Upgrading in Console Mode, 23
• Upgrading in Silent Mode, 25
• Troubleshooting the Domain Upgrade, 28

Upgrade the Informatica Domain

The upgrade wizard reads the domain information from files in the previous version and uses the same
settings to configure the domain and server files for the upgrade. It upgrades the tables of the domain
configuration repository in the same database as the previous version.

Complete the pre-upgrade tasks before you start the upgrade. Run the installer on all machines that host
previous versions of Informatica that you want to upgrade.

Note: In a multi-node domain, upgrade a gateway node before you upgrade other nodes.

You can perform the upgrade from the directory where you downloaded where you download the installation

After you upgrade the domain, upgrade the Informatica client tool to the same Informatica version.

Upgrading in Console Mode

You can upgrade in console mode to upgrade the domain on the same machine and on the same domain
configuration repository database. You can upgrade the domain in console mode.

When you run the installer in console mode, the words quit, back, and help are reserved words. Do not use
them as input text.

1. Log in to the machine with the same user account that you used to install the previous version.
2. Stop all processes that access the directory and subdirectories of the Informatica product to upgrade,
including command prompts and tail logs.
3. On a shell command line, run the install file.
The installer displays the message to verify that the locale environment variables are set.

4. If the environment variables are not set, press n to exit the installer and set them as required.
If the environment variables are set, press y to continue.
5. Press 2 to upgrade Informatica.
6. Run the Informatica Upgrade Advisor.
Informatica provides utilities to facilitate the Informatica services installation process. You can run the
utility before you upgrade Informatica services. The Informatica Upgrade Advisor helps to validate the
services and checks for obsolete services in the domain before you perform an upgrade.
The installer displays a warning to shut down the Informatica domain that you want to upgrade before
you continue the upgrade.
7. Read the terms and conditions of Informatica product usage toolkit and press 2 to continue the upgrade.
Subject to your opt-out rights described below, the software will automatically transmit to Informatica in
the USA information about the computing and network environment in which the Software is deployed
and the data usage and system statistics of the deployment. This transmission is deemed part of the
Services under the Informatica privacy policy and Informatica will use and otherwise process this
information in accordance with the Informatica privacy policy available at You may disable usage collection in Administrator
8. The Upgrade Prerequisites page displays the upgrade system requirements.
Verify the requirements before you continue the upgrade.
9. Review the upgrade information and press Enter to continue.
The Upgrade Directory panel appears.
10. At the prompt, enter the directory of the Informatica version you want to upgrade and the directory in
which you want to upgrade to Informatica 10.5.
The following table describes the directories you must specify:

Directory Description

Directory of the Informatica Directory that contains the version of Informatica services that you want to
product to upgrade upgrade.

Directory for Informatica Directory in which to install Informatica 10.5.

10.5 Enter the absolute path for the installation directory. The directory cannot be the
same as the directory that contains the previous version of Informatica
services.The directory names in the path must not contain spaces or the
following special characters: @|* $ # ! % ( ) { } [ ] , ; '
Note: If you use a special character such as á or €, unexpected results might
occur at run time.

11. From the following installation options, select the upgrade environment based on your requirement:
• Sandbox. Used for proof of concepts or as a sandbox with minimal users.
• Development. Used for a design environment.
• Test. Used for high-volume processing environment that resembles a production environment.
• Production. Used for production environments with high-volume processing and high levels of
concurrency meant for end users.

24 Chapter 4: Upgrade the Domain

12. Select if you want to change the node host name, port numbers, or domain configuration repository.
Press 1 to use the same node configuration as the previous version. Press 2 to change the node
The Component Selection panel appears.
13. Press 1 to upgrade Informatica services.
The Domain Security Encryption Key panel appears.
14. Enter the user name and password for the Informatica domain.
The Pre-installation Summary page appears.
15. Review the upgrade information and press Enter to continue.
After the domain upgrade completes, the Domain Configuration Repository panel appears.
16. Press Enter to continue the upgrade.
The installer copies the server files to the Informatica 10.5 installation directory.
The installer displays the database and user account information for the domain configuration repository
to upgrade. It displays the database connection string for the domain configuration repository based on
how the connection string of the previous version was created at installation:
• If the previous version used a JDBC URL at installation, the installer displays the JDBC connection
properties, including the database address and service name.
• If the previous version used a custom JDBC connection string at installation, the installer displays the
custom connection string.
17. If you use a JDBC URL, you can specify additional parameters to include in the connection string.
If you use a custom connection string, you cannot specify additional parameters.
18. Review the information and press Enter.
The upgrade completes and the Post-installation Summary panel appears.
19. Press Enter to complete the installation procedure and exit the installer.
Review the upgrade.log file to get more information about the tasks performed by the upgrade wizard and to
view the configuration of installed components.

Upgrading in Silent Mode

You can upgrade in silent mode to upgrade the domain on the same machine and on the same domain
configuration repository database.

To upgrade the Informatica domain services without user interaction, upgrade in silent mode. Use a
properties file to specify the upgrade options. The installer reads the file to determine the upgrade options.
You can use silent mode upgrade to upgrade the Informatica domain services on multiple machines on the
network or to standardize the upgrade process across machines.

Copy the Informatica installation files to the machine that hosts the Informatica instance you plan to

To upgrade in silent mode, complete the following tasks:

1. Create the upgrade properties file and specify the upgrade options.
2. Run the installer with the upgrade properties file.
3. Secure the passwords in the upgrade properties file.

Upgrading in Silent Mode 25

Encrypting Passwords in the Properties File
The installer includes a utility that you can use to encrypt passwords you set in the properties file you use to
specify options when you run the installer in silent mode. Informatica uses AES encryption with multiple 128-
bit keys to encrypt passwords.

You run the utility for each password you want to encrypt. When you run the utility, you specify the value of
the password in plain text at the command prompt. The utility generates the password in encrypted format as
output. The output includes the following prefix: =INSTALLER:CIPHER:AES:128=

Copy the complete output string, including the prefix, and then paste it into the properties file as the value for
the password property. When you run the installer in silent mode, the installation framework decrypts the

1. Go to the utility directory:

<Installer directory>/properties/utils/passwd_encryption
2. Run the utility. Specify the plain text password you want to encrypt as the value for <password>.
• On Linux and UNIX, run the following command:
sh <password>
• On Windows, run the following command:
install.bat <password>
3. Copy the encrypted password string from the output, and then paste the string into the .properties file as
the value for the corresponding password.
The following example shows the encrypted password set as the value for the DOMAIN_PSSWD

Creating the Properties File

Informatica provides two versions of the properties file. Use either file to specify options for your installation.
Silent input upgrade new config properties file

Use the silent input upgrade new configuration properties file to upgrade Informatica domain services
with changes to the node configuration and without user interaction.
The silent input upgrade new configuration properties file contains the configuration properties required
to upgrade the Informatica domain services in silent mode. Use the file if you want to consider the
appropriate value to set for each property in the file.

Default silent input upgrade properties file

Use the silent input upgrade properties file to upgrade Informatica domain services without user

The default silent input properties file contains default values for many configuration properties. Use the
file if you plan to upgrade the Informatica domain services using the default property values.

Informatica provides a sample properties file that includes the upgrade parameters that are required by the
installer. You can customize the sample properties file to specify the options for your upgrade.

The sample upgrade properties file is named and is located in the installer
download location. After you customize the file, save it with the file name

1. Go to the root of the directory that contains the installation files.

2. Find the file named

26 Chapter 4: Upgrade the Domain

Back up the file before you modify it.
3. Use a text editor to open the file and modify the values of the upgrade parameters.
The following table describes the upgrade parameters that you can modify:

Property Name Description

INSTALL_TYPE Indicates whether to install or upgrade Informatica.

If the value is 0, the installer performs a fresh installation of Informatica. If the
value is 1, the installer upgrades a previous version of Informatica.

USER_INSTALL_DIR Directory in which to install the new version of Informatica services. The
directory cannot be the same as the directory that contains the previous version
of Informatica services.

UPG_BACKUP_DIR Directory that contains the previous version of Informatica services that you
want to upgrade.

KEY_DEST_LOCATION Directory in which to store the encryption key for the node created during the

DOMAIN_USER User name for the Informatica domain.

DOMAIN_PSSWD Password for the Informatica domain.

ENABLE_USAGE_COLLECTION Enables Informatica DiscoveryIQ, a product usage tool that sends routine
reports on data usage and system statistics to Informatica. Informatica
DiscoveryIQ uploads data to Informatica 15 minutes after you install and
configure Informatica domain. Thereafter, the domain sends the data every 30
days. You can choose to not send any usage statistics to Informatica. For more
information on how to disable sending usage statistics, see the Informatica
Administrator Guide.
You must set the value to 1 to upgrade.

4. Save the properties file with the name

Running the Silent Installer

After you create the properties file, open a command prompt to start the silent upgrade.

1. Open a command prompt.

2. Go to the root of the server installer directory.
3. Verify that the directory contains the file with the upgrade options.
4. Run the silentInstall executable.
The silent upgrade runs in the background. The process can take a while. The silent upgrade process is
complete when the Informatica_<Version>_Services_InstallLog<timestamp>.log is created in the installation

The silent upgrade fails if you incorrectly configure the properties file or if the installation directory is not
accessible. If the upgrade fails, view the silent upgrade log file and correct the errors. Then run the silent
installer again. The silent upgrade log file name is silentErrorLog.log.

The installer creates the log file in the user home directory.

Upgrading in Silent Mode 27

Troubleshooting the Domain Upgrade
Consider the following troubleshooting tips when you face any issue during or after the domain upgrade:

The domain upgrade fails.

If the upgrade does not complete successfully, review log files to determine the cause of the failure. The
upgrade log files are in the root of the directory where the new version of Informatica is installed. Review the
following log file: Informatica_<Version>_Services_Upgrade.log.

If the upgrade continues to fail, restore the domain configuration repository database from the backup and
run the installer again.

404 error message appears when you access the Administrator tool.
If the Administrator tool is configured for secure communication, you might receive a 404 Not Found
message when you access the Administrator tool. This issue occurs when the machine that runs the gateway
node cannot access the keystore file used for the HTTPS connection to the Administrator tool. Copy the file
to an accessible location, and then shut down the domain. Run the infasetup UpdateGatewayNode command
to update the gateway node with the location of the keystore file. You must run the command on each
gateway node in the domain.

The domain crashes during or after the upgrade.

If the domain crashes during or after the upgrade, restore the siteKey file from the domain backup or
generate the encryption key using the same keyword and domain name that you specified while generating
the sitekey in the previous version of the domain.

In a multi-node configuration, errors might occur when you use a different site key than the
master node.
If you have a multi-node configuration and when you use a different site key, you might run into the following
021-03-03 12:51:44,795 FATAL [Domain Monitor] [DOM_10061] Cannot register node
with the domain because the master gateway node is not running or is not connected to the
domain. Verify that all gateway nodes are running on the domain.

com.informatica.isp.corecommon.exceptions.ISPException: [CCM_10342] The following

occurred: [[FrameworkUtils_0018] The encryption key for the node is different from the
encryption for the domain. All the nodes in a domain must use the same encryption key. To
change the encryption key for the domain, run the infasetup migrateEncryptionKey command
all nodes in the domain.].)
To resolve this issue, ensure that you use the same site key as in the master node.

28 Chapter 4: Upgrade the Domain

Chapter 5

Upgrade the Domain with

Changes to Node Configuration
This chapter includes the following topics:

• Upgrade the Domain with Changes to Node Configuration Overview, 29

• Migrating to a Different Database, 30
• Migrating the Installation to a Different Machine, 30
• Upgrading in Console Mode, 34
• Upgrading in Silent Mode, 39
• Complete Changing the Node Configuration, 40

Upgrade the Domain with Changes to Node

Configuration Overview
Before you upgrade the domain with changes to the node configuration, you must perform steps to prepare
for the upgrade. The steps that you perform depend on the kind of change that you plan to make to the node
configuration. You can migrate the domain configuration repository to a different database. Or, you can
migrate the Informatica services installation to a different machine.

When you upgrade the domain, you can choose to change the node configuration to allow changes to the
node host name, port numbers, or domain configuration repository database.

If you migrated an Informatica services installation to a different machine, choose to change the node
configuration to upgrade the domain and configure the node on the new machine. If you migrated the domain
configuration repository to a different database, choose to change the node configuration to upgrade the
domain and configure the new database.

Complete the pre-upgrade tasks before you run the installer.

Before you upgrade with changes to the domain configuration repository database, run i10Pi from the
Informatica installer to review the installation support for the new database type, database version, operating
system, or machine. For more information about the i10Pi configuration, see the Informatica Installation

You can run the installer in console or silent mode.

Migrating to a Different Database
If the domain configuration repository database type or version is no longer supported, you must migrate the
repository to a different database. Migrate the repository in the previous Informatica instance before you
upgrade the domain.

Note: If you do not change the node configuration, you can run the Informatica Upgrade Advisor before you
upgrade. If you run Informatica Upgrade Advisor before you migrate to a node with a different configuration,
you might notice some database or node configuration failures that you can ignore.

If you want to migrate to a different database, run i10Pi available from the Informatica installer to test the
installation support of the new database type or version. For more information about the i10Pi configuration,
see the Informatica Installation Guide.

Suppose you have the domain configuration repository on a Microsoft SQL Server database but wish to
upgrade to the newly support PostgreSQL database. Run the i10Pi available from the Informatica installer to
verify the supported upgrade validation for a different database before you can migrate the repository to the
PostgreSQL database.

For more information about product requirements and supported platforms, see the Product Availability
Matrix on Informatica Network:

1. Shut down the domain.

2. Verify that you have backed up the domain configuration database tables to a file with the infasetup
BackupDomain command.
3. Create a database schema and a user account in a supported database.
4. Run the i10Pi available from the Informatica installer with the database user account created to test the
installation supported for a different database. Ensure that i10pi shows the database users as supported
for the version in which you are about to upgrade.
5. Restore the domain configuration in the backup file to the specified database schema with the infasetup
RestoreDomain command.
6. Run the upgrade installer.
7. When you upgrade a gateway node, select the Allow changes to the node host name and port number
option. When you select this option, you can configure the gateway node to connect to the new domain
configuration repository database. All gateway nodes must have a connection to the domain
configuration repository to retrieve and update domain configuration. When you upgrade a worker node,
clear the Allow changes to the node host name and port number option.

Migrating the Installation to a Different Machine

If the Informatica services are installed on a machine with an operating system that is no longer supported,
you must migrate the installation to a different machine before you upgrade the domain.

For more information about product requirements and supported platforms, see the Product Availability
Matrix on Informatica Network:

30 Chapter 5: Upgrade the Domain with Changes to Node Configuration

Before you upgrade the domain, complete the following steps on the machine where you want the new
version of Informatica to run:

1. Run the i10Pi available from the Informatica installer to test the installation support of the new machine.
2. Copy the installation directory with all the installation binaries from the previous machine to the new
3. Verify port requirements.
4. Create a system user account.
5. Configure native connectivity for all services that require access to databases.
6. Run the upgrade installer in the new supported machine.

When you upgrade the migrated node, select the Allow changes to the node host name and port number
option. When you select this option, you can update the configuration of the node on the new machine. When
you upgrade other nodes in the domain that you did not migrate to different machines, clear the Allow
changes to the node host name and port number option.

Step 1. Copy the Installation Directory

Copy the directory of the previous version of Informatica to the machine where you want the new version of
Informatica to run.

For example, if the previous version of Informatica is installed in C:\Informatica\<version>, copy the C:
\Informatica\<version> directory and subdirectories to the new machine.

When you run the upgrade installer, specify the Informatica installation directory on the new machine as the
one that you want to upgrade.

Step 2. Verify Port Requirements

The installer sets up the ports for components in the Informatica domain, and it designates a range of
dynamic ports to use for some application services.

You can specify the port numbers to use for the components and a range of dynamic port numbers to use for
the application services. Or you can use the default port numbers provided by the installer. Verify that the
port numbers are available on the machines where you install the Informatica services.

The following table describes the ports that you can set:

Port Description

Service Manager port Port number used by the Service Manager on the node. The Service Manager listens
for incoming connection requests on this port. Client applications use this port to
communicate with the services in the domain. The Informatica command line
programs use this port to communicate to the domain. This is also the port for the
SQL data service JDBC/ODBC driver. Default is 6006.

Service Manager Shutdown Port number that controls server shutdown for the domain Service Manager. The
port Service Manager listens for shutdown commands on this port. Default is 6007.

Informatica Administrator Port number used by Informatica Administrator. Default is 6008.


Informatica Administrator No default port. Enter the required port number when you create the service. Setting
HTTPS port this port to 0 disables an HTTPS connection to the Administrator tool.

Migrating the Installation to a Different Machine 31

Port Description

Informatica Administrator Port number that controls server shutdown for Informatica Administrator. Informatica
shutdown port Administrator listens for shutdown commands on this port. Default is 6009.

Minimum port number Lowest port number in the range of dynamic port numbers that can be assigned to the
application service processes that run on this node. Default is 6014.

Maximum port number Highest port number in the range of dynamic port numbers that can be assigned to
the application service processes that run on this node. Default is 6114.

Note: Services and nodes can fail to start if there is a port conflict. You can update the range of ports for
application services after you upgrade.

Step 3. Create a System User Account

Create a user account specifically to run the Informatica background process.

Verify that the user account you use to install Informatica has write permission on the installation directory.

Step 4. Configure Native Connectivity on Service Machines

To establish native connectivity between an application service and a database, install the database client
software for the database that you want to access.

Native drivers are packaged with the database server and client software. Configure connectivity on the
machines that need to access the databases. To ensure compatibility between the application service and
the database, install a client software that is compatible with the database version and use the appropriate
database client libraries.

The Data Integration Service uses native database drivers to connect to the following databases:

• Source and target databases. Reads data from source databases and writes data to target databases.
• Data object cache database. Stores the data object cache.
• Profiling source databases. Reads from relational source databases to run profiles against the sources.
• Profiling warehouse. Writes the profiling results to the profiling warehouse.
• Reference tables. Runs mappings to transfer data between the reference tables and the external data

When the Data Integration Service runs on a single node or on primary and back-up nodes, install database
client software and configure connectivity on the machines where the Data Integration Service runs.

When the Data Integration Service runs on a grid, install database client software and configure connectivity
on each machine that represents a node with the compute role or a node with both the service and compute

Step 5. Install Database Client Software

You must install the database clients on the required machines based on the types of databases that the
application services access.

To ensure compatibility between the application service and the database, use the appropriate database
client libraries and install a client software that is compatible with the database version.

32 Chapter 5: Upgrade the Domain with Changes to Node Configuration

When you upgrade Informatica services, ensure that you install the appropriate database client on the
machine that runs the Data Integration Service.

Install the following database client software based on the type of database that the application service

IBM DB2 Client Application Enabler (CAE)

Configure connectivity on the required machines by logging in to the machine as the user who starts
Informatica services.

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Native Client

You must install the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Native Client for the existing mappings to work.

Download the client from the following Microsoft website:

Oracle client

Install compatible versions of the Oracle client and Oracle database server. You must also install the
same version of the Oracle client on all machines that require it. To verify compatibility, contact Oracle.

Sybase Open Client (OCS)

Install an Open Client version that is compatible with the Sybase ASE database server. You must also
install the same version of Open Client on the machines hosting the Sybase ASE database and
Informatica. To verify compatibility, contact Sybase.

Step 6. Configure Database Client Environment Variables

Configure database client environment variables on the machines that run the Data Integration Service

After you configure the database environment variables, you can test the connection to the database from
the database client.

The following table lists the database environment variables you need to set:

Database Environment Variable Database Value

Name Utility

Oracle ORACLE_HOME sqlplus Set to: <DatabasePath>

PATH Add: <DatabasePath>/bin

IBM DB2 DB2DIR db2connect Set to: <DatabasePath>

DB2INSTANCE Set to: <DB2InstanceName>
PATH Add: <DatabasePath>/bin

Sybase ASE SYBASE15 isql Set to: <DatabasePath>/sybase<version>

SYBASE_ASE Set to: ${SYBASE15}/ASE-<version>
SYBASE_OCS Set to: ${SYBASE15}/OCS-<version>

Migrating the Installation to a Different Machine 33

Upgrading in Console Mode
When you upgrade in console mode, you can change the node configuration to upgrade the domain to a
different machine or to a different domain configuration repository database. You can upgrade the domain in
console mode on Linux or UNIX.

When you run the installer in console mode, the words Quit and Back are reserved words. Do not use them as
input text.

1. On a shell command line, run the file from the root directory.
The installer displays the message to verify that the locale environment variables are set.
2. If the environment variables are not set, press n to exit the installer and set them as required.
If the environment variables are set, press y to continue.
3. Press 2 to upgrade Informatica.
Informatica provides utilities to facilitate the Informatica services installation process. You can run the
following utility before you upgrade Informatica services:
Informatica Upgrade Advisor.

Validates the services and checks for obsolete services in the domain before you perform an

The installer displays a warning to shut down the Informatica domain that you want to upgrade before
you continue the upgrade.
4. Press 2 to upgrade to Informatica 10.5.
5. Read the terms and conditions of Informatica product usage toolkit and press 2 to continue the upgrade.
Subject to your opt-out rights described below, the software will automatically transmit to Informatica in
the USA information about the computing and network environment in which the Software is deployed
and the data usage and system statistics of the deployment. This transmission is deemed part of the
Services under the Informatica privacy policy and Informatica will use and otherwise process this
information in accordance with the Informatica privacy policy available at You can disable usage collection in the
Administrator tool.
6. The Upgrade Prerequisites page displays the upgrade system requirements.
Verify the requirements before you continue the upgrade.
7. At the prompt, enter the directory of the Informatica version you want to upgrade and the directory in
which you want to install Informatica 10.5.

34 Chapter 5: Upgrade the Domain with Changes to Node Configuration

The following table describes the directories you must specify:

Directory Description

Directory of the Informatica Directory that contains the version of Informatica services that you want to
product to upgrade upgrade.

Directory for Informatica Directory in which to install Informatica 10.5.

10.5 Enter the absolute path for the installation directory. The directory cannot be the
same as the directory that contains the previous version of Informatica
services.The directory names in the path must not contain spaces or the
following special characters: @|* $ # ! % ( ) { } [ ] , ; '
Note: Informatica recommends using alphanumeric characters in the installation
directory path. If you use a special character such as á or €, unexpected results
might occur at run time.
On Windows, the installation directory must be on the current machine.

8. Enter 2 to allow changes to the node host name and port number.
Use this option to change the configuration of the Informatica installation that you upgrade. If you are
upgrading to a different machine, change the node configuration to match the configuration of the new
machine. If you are upgrading to a different domain configuration repository database, change the node
configuration to match the configuration of the new database.
9. Enter the directory for the encryption key for the informatica domain.
Informatica uses an encryption key to secure sensitive data, such as passwords, that are stored in the
Informatica domain. When you upgrade, you must enter the directory in which to store the encryption key
on the node that you are upgrading.
Note: All nodes in an Informatica domain use the same keyword and encryption key. You must keep the
name of the domain, the keyword for the encryption key, and the encryption key file in a secure location.
The encryption key is required when you change the encryption key of the domain or move a repository
to another domain.

Property Description

Encryption key Directory in which to store the encryption key for the domain. By default, the encryption
directory key is created in the following directory: <Informatica installation

10. Enter the user name and password for the informatica domain.
11. Review the upgrade information and press Enter to continue.
The installer copies the server files to the Informatica 10.5 installation directory.
The installer displays a warning to shut down the Informatica domain that you want to upgrade before
you continue the upgrade.
12. Press Enter.
13. If you are upgrading a gateway node, select the database to use for the domain configuration repository.
If you are upgrading a worker node, the domain configuration repository information does not appear.
You cannot modify the database connection information. Skip to step 16.

Upgrading in Console Mode 35

The following table lists the databases you can use for the domain configuration repository:

Prompt Description

Database type Type of database for the domain configuration repository. Select from the following
1 - Oracle
2 - Microsoft SQL Server
3 - IBM DB2
4 - Sybase ASE
5 - PostgreSQL

14. Enter the properties for the database user account.

The following table lists the properties for the database user account:

Property Description

Database user ID Name for the domain configuration database user account.

User password Password for the domain configuration database user account.

15. Enter the parameters for the database. If you do not create a secure domain configuration repository,
enter the parameters for the database.
a. If you select IBM DB2, select whether to configure a tablespace and enter the tablespace name.
The following table describes the properties that you must configure for the IBM DB2 database:

Property Description

Configure tablespace Select whether to specify a tablespace:

1 - No
2 - Yes
In a single-partition database, if you select No, the installer creates the tables
in the default tablespace. In a multi-partition database, you must select Yes.

Tablespace Name of the tablespace in which to create the tables. Specify a tablespace
that meets the pageSize requirement of 32768 bytes.
In a single-partition database, if you select Yes to configure the tablespace,
enter the name of the tablespace in which to create the tables.
In a multi-partition database, specify the name of the tablespace that resides
in the catalog partition of the database.

b. If you select Microsoft SQL Server, enter the schema name for the database.

36 Chapter 5: Upgrade the Domain with Changes to Node Configuration

The following table describes the properties that you must configure for the Microsoft SQL Server

Property Description

Schema name Name of the schema that will contain domain configuration tables. If this
parameter is blank, the installer creates the tables in the default schema.

c. To enter the JDBC connection information using the JDBC URL information, press 1. To enter the
JDBC connection information using a custom JDBC connection string, press 2.
d. Enter the JDBC connection information.
• To enter the connection information using the JDBC URL information, specify the JDBC URL
The following table describes the database connection information:

Prompt Description

Database host name Host name for the database.

Database port number Port number for the database.

Database service Service or database name:

name - Oracle: Enter the service name.
- Microsoft SQL Server: Enter the database name.
- IBM DB2: Enter the service name.
- Sybase ASE: Enter the database name.
- PostgreSQL: Enter the database name.

Configure JDBC Select whether to add additional JDBC parameters to the connection string:
Parameters 1 - Yes
2 - No
If you select Yes, enter the parameters or press Enter to accept the default. If
you select No, the installer creates the JDBC connection string without

• To enter the connection information using a custom JDBC connection string, type the connection
Use the following syntax in the JDBC connection string:
jdbc:Informatica:db2://<host name>:<port number>;DatabaseName=

jdbc:Informatica:oracle://<host name>:<port number>;ServiceName=

Use the following connection string to connect to the Oracle database through the Oracle
Connection Manager:
jdbc:Informatica:oracle:TNSNamesFile=<fully qualified path to the tnsnames.ora
file>;TNSServerName=<TNS name>;

Upgrading in Console Mode 37

Microsoft SQL Server
jdbc:Informatica:sqlserver://<host name>:<port

Microsoft Azure SQL

jdbc:Informatica:sqlserver://<host name>:<port

jdbc:Informatica:postgresql://<host name>:<port number>;DatabaseName=

jdbc:Informatica:sybase://<host name>:<port number>;DatabaseName=

Verify that the connection string contains all the connection parameters required by your
database system.

16. Modify the node host name and port number to match the configuration of the new version of
The following table describes the domain and node properties that you can specify:

Property Description

Domain name Name of the domain. The default domain name is Domain_<MachineName>. The
name must not exceed 128 characters and must be 7-bit ASCII only. It cannot
contain a space or any of the following characters: ` % * + ; " ? , < > \ /

Node name Name of the node that you are upgrading.

Node host name Host name of the machine that hosts the node you are upgrading. If the machine
has a single network name, use the default host name. If the machine has
multiple network names, you can modify the default host name to use an alternate
network name. Optionally, you can use the IP address.
Note: Do not use localhost. The host name must explicitly identify the machine.

Custom keystore password Plain text password for the custom keystore file. Enter the custom keystore
password if you are securing the Informatica Administrator with a custom
keystore file and you are upgrading to a different gateway node configuration.

Custom keystore file Path and file name of the custom keystore file. Enter the custom keystore file if
you are securing the Informatica Administrator with a custom keystore file and
you are upgrading to a different gateway node configuration.
If you leave this field blank, the installer looks for the keystore file in the
following directory:
<Informatica installation directory>\tomcat\conf\

Node port number Port number for the node you are upgrading. The default port number for the node
is 6005.

38 Chapter 5: Upgrade the Domain with Changes to Node Configuration

Property Description

Gateway node host name Host name of the machine that hosts the gateway node for the domain.
Available if you upgrade a worker node.

Gateway node port number Port number of the gateway node.

Available if you upgrade a worker node.

17. The installer displays the port numbers assigned the domain components.
You can specify new port numbers or use the default port numbers.
The following table describes the ports that you can specify:

Port Description

Service Manager port Port number used by the Service Manager in the node. Client applications and the
Informatica command line programs use this port to communicate to the services
in the domain.

Service Manager Shutdown Port number that controls server shutdown for the domain Service Manager. The
port Service Manager listens for shutdown commands on this port.

Informatica Administrator Port number used by the Administrator tool.

port Available if you upgrade a gateway node.

Informatica Administrator Port number used by the Administrator tool to listen for shut down commands.
shutdown port Available if you upgrade a gateway node.

The Post-Installation Summary window indicates whether the upgrade completed successfully. It also shows
the status of the installed components and their configuration.

You can view the upgrade log files to get more information about the upgrade tasks performed by the
installer and to view the configuration properties for the installed components.

Upgrading in Silent Mode

When you upgrade in silent mode, you can change the node configuration to upgrade the domain to a
different machine or to a different domain configuration repository database.

To upgrade the Informatica services without user interaction, upgrade in silent mode. Use a properties file to
specify the upgrade options. The installer reads the file to determine the upgrade options. You can use silent
mode upgrade to upgrade the Informatica services on multiple machines on the network or to standardize
the upgrade process across machines.

Copy the Informatica installation files to the machine that hosts the Informatica instance you plan to

To upgrade in silent mode, complete the following tasks:

1. Create the upgrade properties file and specify the upgrade options.
2. Run the installer with the upgrade properties file.
3. Secure the passwords in the upgrade properties file.

Upgrading in Silent Mode 39

Complete Changing the Node Configuration
If you chose to change the node configuration during the domain upgrade because you migrated the
Informatica services installation to a different machine, you must perform additional tasks before you
upgrade the application services.

Note: If you chose to change the node configuration during the domain upgrade because you migrated the
domain configuration repository to a different database, you do not need to perform additional tasks.

You must perform the following additional tasks:

1. Configure the environment variables.

2. Verify the range of dynamic port numbers.
3. Verify the location of the node backup directory.
4. Configure PowerExchange® adapters.

Clear the Browser Cache

Before you access the Administrator tool, clear the browser cache.

On Windows Internet Explorer, delete the browsing history, including temporary files, cookies, and history.

If you do not clear the browser cache, the previous Administrator tool URL is not redirected to the latest URL
and some menu options may not appear.

Configure Locale Environment Variables

Use LANG, LC_CTYPE, or LC_ALL to set the UNIX code page.

Different UNIX operating systems require different values for the same locale. The value for the locale
variable is case sensitive.

Use the following command to verify that the value for the locale environment variable is compatible with the
language settings for the machine and the type of code page you want to use for the repository:
locale -a
The command returns the languages installed on the UNIX operating system and the existing locale settings.

Locale on Linux

All UNIX operating systems except Linux have a unique value for each locale. Linux allows different
values to represent the same locale. For example, “utf8,” “UTF-8,” “UTF8,” and “utf-8” represent the same
locale on a Linux machine. Informatica requires that you use a specific value for each locale on a Linux
machine. Make sure that you set the LANG environment variable appropriately for all Linux machines.

Locale for Oracle database clients

For Oracle database clients, set NLS_LANG to the locale that you want the database client and server to
use with the login. A locale setting consists of the language, territory, and character set. The value of
NLS_LANG depends on the configuration.

For example, if the value is american_america.UTF8, set the variable in a C shell with the following
setenv NLS_LANG american_america.UTF8

40 Chapter 5: Upgrade the Domain with Changes to Node Configuration

To read multibyte characters from the database, set the variable with the following command:
setenv NLS_LANG=american_america.AL32UTF8
You must set the correct variable on the Data Integration Service machine so that the Data Integration
Service can read the Oracle data correctly.

Configure Library Path Environment Variables

Configure library path environment variables on the machines that run the Data Integration Service
processes. The variable name and requirements depend on the platform and database.

Configure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

The following table describes the values that you set for the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the different databases:

Database Value

Oracle <Database path>/lib

IBM DB2 <Database path>/lib


Teradata <Database path>/lib



Verify the Range of Dynamic Port Numbers

When you upgrade a migrated node, the upgrade wizard assigns a default range of port numbers that can be
dynamically assigned to application service processes that run on the node.

The default range of dynamic port numbers is 6013 to 6113. Verify that the default range of port numbers are
available on the machine that runs the new version of Informatica. If the range of port numbers are not
available, use the Administrator tool to update the range. Configure the minimum and maximum dynamic port
numbers for service processes in the Advanced Properties section of the node Properties view.

Verify the Node Backup Directory

Verify that the backup directory for the node is accessible by the machine that runs the new version of
Informatica. In the Administrator tool, view the Backup Directory property in the Advanced Properties section
of the node Properties view.

Configure PowerExchange Adapters

If your previous installation included PowerExchange adapters, configure the PowerExchange adapters on
the machine that runs the upgraded version of Informatica. If the PowerExchange adapter has an installer, re-
install the PowerExchange adapter.

Complete Changing the Node Configuration 41

Chapter 6

Application Service Upgrade

This chapter includes the following topics:

• Application Service Upgrade Overview, 42

• Upgrade the Model Repository Service, Data Integration Service, and the Content Management Service
Using the Service Upgrade Wizard, 43
• Verify the Model Repository Service Upgrade, 44

Application Service Upgrade Overview

Informatica services version that you upgrade from determines the application service upgrade process.

Informatica services versions require that you upgrade the application services. When you upgrade an
application service, you must also upgrade the dependent services. When you upgrade an application service,
the upgrade process upgrades the database contents of the databases associated with the service.

Use the service upgrade wizard, the actions menu of each service, or the command line to upgrade
application services. The service upgrade wizard upgrades multiple services in the appropriate order and
checks for dependencies. If you use the actions menu of each service or the command line to upgrade
application services, you must upgrade the application services in the correct order and verify that you
upgrade dependent services.

The privileges required to upgrade application services depend on the service.

Privileges to Upgrade Services

The privileges required to upgrade application services depend on the application service.

A user with the Administrator role on the domain can access the service upgrade wizard.

A user must have these roles, privileges, and permissions to upgrade the following application services:

Model Repository Service

To upgrade the Model Repository Service using the service upgrade wizard, a user must have the
following credentials:

• Administrator role on the domain.

• Create, Edit, and Delete Projects privilege for the Model Repository Service and write permission on

To upgrade the Model Repository Service from the Actions menu or from the command line, a user must
have the following credentials:

• Manage Services privilege for the domain and permission on the Model Repository Service.
• Create, Edit, and Delete Projects privilege for the Model Repository Service and write permission on

Data Integration Service

To upgrade the Data Integration Service, a user must have the Administrator role on the Data Integration

Content Management Service

To upgrade the Content Management Service, a user must have the Administrator role on the Content
Management Service.

Service Upgrade from Previous Versions

When you upgrade from a previous version, some application services require an upgrade. Upgrade the
application services that you used in the previous version.

Verify that all application services are enabled.

To upgrade application services, upgrade the following services and associated databases in this order:

1. Model Repository Service

2. Data Integration Service
3. Profiling warehouse for the Data Integration Service

Note: When you upgrade all other application services, the upgrade process upgrades the database contents
of the databases associated with the service.

Upgrade the Model Repository Service, Data

Integration Service, and the Content Management
Service Using the Service Upgrade Wizard
Use the service upgrade wizard to upgrade application services and the database contents of the databases
associated with the services. The service upgrade wizard displays upgraded services in a list along with
services and associated databases that require an upgrade. You can also save the current or previous
upgrade report.

1. In the Informatica Administrator header area click Manage > Upgrade.

2. Select the application services and associated databases to upgrade.
3. Optionally, specify if you want to Automatically recycle services after upgrade.
If you choose to automatically recycle application services after the upgrade, the upgrade wizard
restarts the services after they have been upgraded.
4. Click Next.
5. If dependency errors exist, the Dependency Errors dialog box appears. Review the dependency errors
and click OK. Then, resolve dependency errors and click Next.

Upgrade the Model Repository Service, Data Integration Service, and the Content Management Service Using the Service Upgrade
Wizard 43
6. Enter the repository login information.
7. Click Next.
The service upgrade wizard upgrades each application service and associated database and displays the
status and processing details.
8. When the upgrade completes, the Summary section displays the list of application services and their
upgrade status. Click each service to view the upgrade details in the Service Details section.
9. Optionally, click Save Report to save the upgrade details to a file.
If you choose not to save the report, you can click Save Previous Report the next time you launch the
service upgrade wizard.
10. Click Close.
11. If you did not choose to automatically recycle application services after the upgrade, restart the
upgraded services.
You can view the upgrade report and save the upgrade report. The second time you run the service upgrade
wizard, the Save Previous Report option appears in the service upgrade wizard. If you did not save the
upgrade report after upgrading services, you can select this option to view or save the previous upgrade

Verify the Model Repository Service Upgrade

After you upgrade the Model Repository Service, check the Model Repository Service log to verify that the
upgrade completed successfully.

Object Dependency Graph

When you upgrade a Model Repository Service, the upgrade process upgrades the contents of the Model
repository and rebuilds the object dependency graph.

If the upgrade process encounters a fatal error while upgrading the Model repository contents, then the
service upgrade fails. The Administrator tool or the command line program informs you that you must
perform the upgrade again.

If the upgrade process encounters a fatal error while rebuilding the object dependency graph, then the
upgrade of the service succeeds. You cannot view object dependencies in the Developer tool until you rebuild
the object dependency graph.

After you upgrade the Model Repository Service, verify that the Model Repository Service log includes the
following message:
MRS_50431 "Finished rebuilding the object dependency graph for project group '<project
If the message does not exist in the log, run the infacmd mrs rebuildDependencyGraph command to rebuild
the object dependency graph. Users must not access Model repository objects until the rebuild process
completes, or the object dependency graph might not be accurate. Ask the users to log out of the Model
Repository Service before service upgrade.

The infacmd mrs rebuildDependencyGraph command uses the following syntax:

<-DomainName|-dn> domain_name
[<-SecurityDomain|-sdn> security_domain]

44 Chapter 6: Application Service Upgrade

<-UserName|-un> user_name
<-Password|-pd> password
<-ServiceName|-sn> service_name
[<-ResilienceTimeout|-re> timeout_period_in_seconds]

Advanced Properties for the Model Repository Service

You can configure the Maximum Heap Size and MaxMetaspaceSize values after Model Repository Service
upgrade. Set the -Xss value before you upgrade the service. You need to reset the -Xss value after you
upgrade the service.

Configure the following advanced properties for the Model Repository Service:

Maximum Heap Size

Before the upgrade process, you can configure the Maximum Heap Size property value for the Model
Repository Service to 4GB if the property value is lower than 4GB. After the upgrade, reset the property
value to the previous value before the upgrade or to a value that Global Customer Support recommends
for your environment.

JVM Command Line Options

Configure the -Xss JVM command line option. Configure the -Xss value to 1m before you upgrade the
Model Repository Service upgrade. After the upgrade, reset the -Xss option back to the value before
upgrade. The default value is 512k.

To configure the advanced properties for a Model Repository Service, navigate to Manage > Services and
Nodes, select a Model Repository Service, and edit the Properties > Advanced Properties section.

Verify the Model Repository Service Upgrade 45

Chapter 7

Informatica Client Upgrade

This chapter includes the following topics:

• Informatica Client Upgrade Overview, 46

• Informatica Client Upgrade Options, 47
• Profiles, 47
• Upgrading in Silent Mode, 47

Informatica Client Upgrade Overview

Use the client installer to upgrade a previous version of Informatica Developer. Informatica Developer is
installed on the installation directory you specify. The client installer configures the newly installed
Informatica Developer with the same settings as the previous version. The client installer does not modify the
files of the previous version of the client tools.

Complete the pre-upgrade tasks before you start the upgrade. Run the installer on all machines that host
previous versions of Informatica Developer that you want to upgrade. You can upgrade the Informatica
clients in graphical or silent mode.

When you upgrade the Informatica client tools, the following components are also upgraded:

• DataDirect ODBC drivers

• Java Runtime Environment libraries
You can perform the upgrade from the root of the directory where you download the installation files.

Informatica Developer
Informatica Developer is a client application that you use to create and run mappings, data objects, and
virtual databases. Objects created in Informatica Developer are stored in a Model repository and are run by a
Data Integration Service. If you upgrade Informatica Developer, verify that the Informatica version, including
the hotfix version, matches the version of the domain upgrade.

When you run the client installer, you can upgrade Informatica Developer.

The following entries describe the minimum system requirements to run the Informatica Developer:

Requires at least 1 CPU.


Requires at least 1 GB.

Disk Space

Requires at least 8.505 GB.

If you upgrade Informatica Developer, verify that the Informatica version exactly matches the version of the
domain upgrade.

Informatica Client Upgrade Options

You can upgrade the Informatica client tools in one of the following ways:

• Upgrade in graphical mode. Upgrades the Informatica client tools in graphical mode. The installer guides
you through the upgrade process.
• Upgrade in silent mode. Upgrades the Informatica client tools using a properties file that contains the
upgrade options.

After you upgrade, import the data domains for the profiles.

To add predefined data domain groups and related data domains to the data domain glossary, import the
Informatica_IDE_DataDomain.xml file into the Developer tool using the Windows > Preferences >
Informatica > Data Domain Glossary > Import menu option.
To view and make changes to rules associated with data domains, import the
Informatica_IDE_DataDomainRule.xml file using the File > Import menu option in the Developer tool.

Upgrading in Silent Mode

To upgrade the Informatica client tools without user interaction, upgrade in silent mode. Use a properties file
to specify the upgrade options. The installer reads the file to determine the upgrade options. You can use
silent mode upgrade to upgrade the Informatica client tools on multiple machines on the network or to
standardize the upgrade process across machines.

Copy the Informatica installation files to the hard disk on the machine that hosts the Informatica client you
plan to upgrade.

To upgrade in silent mode, complete the following tasks:

1. Create the upgrade properties file and specify the upgrade options.
2. Run the installer with the upgrade properties file.

Creating the Properties File

Informatica provides a sample properties file that includes the upgrade parameters that are required by the
installer. You can customize the sample properties file to specify the options for your upgrade.

Informatica Client Upgrade Options 47

The sample properties file is named and is located in the root of the client installer

1. Go to the root of the directory that contains the client installation files.
2. Locate the file named
Back up the file before you modify it.
3. Use a text editor to open the file and modify the values of the upgrade parameters.
The following table describes the upgrade parameters you can modify:

Property Name Description

INSTALL_TYPE Indicates whether to install or upgrade the Informatica client tools.

To upgrade from a previous version of Informatica, set the value to 1.

USER_INSTALL_DIR Directory in which to install the new version of the Informatica client tools.

UPG_BACKUP_DIR Directory of the previous version of the Informatica tools that you want to upgrade.

4. Save the properties file.

Running the Silent Installer

After you create the properties file, open a command prompt to start the silent upgrade.

1. Open a command prompt.

2. Go to root of the client installer directory.
3. Verify that the directory contains the file with the upgrade options.
4. To start the silent upgrade process, run silentInstall.bat.
The silent upgrade runs in the background. The process can take a while. The silent upgrade process is
complete when the Informatica_<Version>_Client_InstallLog.log is created in the installation directory.
The silent upgrade fails if you incorrectly configure the properties file or if the installation directory is not
accessible. If the upgrade fails, view the installation log files and correct the errors. Then run the silent
installer again.
5. After you complete an upgrade of Informatica Developer, log off the Windows machine and then log back
on to complete the system configurations.

48 Chapter 7: Informatica Client Upgrade

Appendix A

Upgrade Checklist
This appendix includes the following topics:

• Upgrade Checklist Overview, 49

• Before You Upgrade the Domain, 49
• Domain Upgrade, 50
• Before You Upgrade the Application Services, 50
• Application Service Upgrade, 51
• Informatica Client Upgrade, 51
• After You Upgrade, 52

Upgrade Checklist Overview

The upgrade checklist summarizes the tasks that you must perform to complete an upgrade. If you upgrade
the Informatica product on more than one machine, complete the first upgrade using the detailed instructions
in this guide. You can use this checklist to perform subsequent upgrades.

Before You Upgrade the Domain

Before you upgrade the domain, perform the following pre-upgrade tasks:

 Read the Informatica Release Notes.

 Perform the following tasks to set up the machine to meet the operating system requirements:
• Verify that the machine has the required operating system patches and libraries.
• Verify that the machine meets the minimum system requirements to upgrade the domain.
• Verify that the machine meets the hardware requirements to upgrade the application services.
• Verify the distributions for the non-native environments.
• Review the environment variables.
• Review the maximum heap size setting.
• Extract the installer files.
• Run the Informatica Upgrade Advisor.

• Back up the configuration files.

 Back up the Data Transformation Files.

 Disable the Analyst Service through Administrator tool or through infacmd DisableService.

 Perform the following tasks to prepare the Model repository:

• Back up the Model repository.
• Verify the user account requirements for the Model repository database.

 Perform the following tasks to prepare the Data Integration Service:

• Record the execution options for each Data Integration Service process.
• Verify that all workflows are complete.

 Perform the following tasks to prepare the Reference Data Directories:

• Back up the reference data directory.
• Record the directory location.

 Use the native database back-up option to back up profiling warehouse, reference data warehouse, and
workflow database.

 Perform the following tasks to prepare the domain:

• Verify database user account requirements.
• Shutdown the domain. To shut down the domain, stop the Informatica service process on each node in
the domain.
• Back up the domain.

 Prepare to change the node configuration.

Perform the additional pre-upgrade tasks if you choose to change the node configuration.

Domain Upgrade
Use the server installer to upgrade the domain. The server installer provides a domain upgrade wizard to
guide you through the upgrade process.

The upgrade wizard installs the Informatica files in the installation directory that you specify. It does not
modify the files in the directory of the previous version.

When you run the upgrade wizard, select the option to change the node configuration if you upgrade the
domain to a different machine or to a different domain configuration repository database.

Before You Upgrade the Application Services

Before you upgrade application services, perform the following pre-upgrade tasks:

 Configure locale environment variables.

Verify that the locale setting is compatible with the code page for the repository.

50 Appendix A: Upgrade Checklist

 Clear the browser cache.

 If you chose the option to change the node configuration to migrate the Informatica installation to a
different machine, perform the following tasks:
• Configure the environment variables.
• Configure Library Path Environment Variables.
• Verifythe range of port numbers that can be dynamically assigned to application service processes that
run on the node.
• Verify that the backup directory for the node is accessible by the node.
• Configure
PowerExchange adapters. If the PowerExchange adapter has an installer, re-install the
PowerExchange adapter.

Application Service Upgrade

Service versions require a service upgrade. You can use the service upgrade wizard to upgrade services.

 Verify the privileges required to upgrade for the following application services:
• Model Repository Service
• Data Integration Service
• Content Management Service
• Scheduler Service
• Analyst Service

 Upgrade the following services and associated databases:

• Model Repository Service
• Data Integration Service
• Profiling warehouse for the Data Integration Service
• Scheduler Service
• Analyst Service

 Run the Service Upgrade Wizard to upgrade application services and the database contents of the
databases associated with the services.

 Verify the Model Repository Service upgrade.

• Object dependency graph.
• Maximum heap size

Informatica Client Upgrade

Use the client installer to upgrade the client tools. The client tools are installed in the installation directory
you specify. The client installer configures the newly installed client tools with the same settings as the
previous version.

Application Service Upgrade 51

After You Upgrade
After you upgrade the domain, application services, and client files, perform the following post-upgrade

 Perform the following tasks for profiles and scorecards:

• Importdata domain groups and related data domains to the data domain glossary. If you want to add
predefined data domain groups and their related data domains to the data domain glossary, import the
Informatica_IDE_DataDomain.xml file.
• Runinfacmd ps restoreProfilesAndScorecards command to restore the profiles and scorecards from a
previous version to the current version.
• Runthe scorecards to view the statistics in the Cumulative Metrics Trend pane for the scorecards that
you had created.

 Upgrade all your Microsoft SQL Server connections to use the ODBC provider type.

 Upgrade the Informatica drivers for SQL data service.

 Copy the Data Transformation files from the previous installation directories to the new installation
directories, to get the same workspace, repository, and custom global components as in the previous

 Read Informatica What's New and Changed to view the list of new functionality that you might want to
implement or new options that you might want to enable.

52 Appendix A: Upgrade Checklist


A Informatica process
user accounts 32
application service upgrade Informatica services
privileges 42 upgrading in console mode 23
application services upgrading in console mode with changes to node 34
ports 31 upgrading in silent mode 25
backing up files before 19

B installation requirements
environment variables 15
back up files minimum system requirements 12
before installing 19 port requirements 31
before upgrading 19 isql
testing database connections 33

environment variables on UNIX 41 JRE_HOME
console mode environment variables 15
upgrading Informatica services 23, 34

database clients locale environment variables 15
configuring 33 LC_ALL
environment variables 33 locale environment variables 15
IBM DB2 client application enabler 32 library paths
Microsoft SQL Server native clients 32 environment variables 15
Oracle clients 32 Linux
Sybase open clients 32 database client environment variables 33
testing connections 33
dbs2 connect
testing database connections 33
dependency graph Model Repository Service
rebuilding 44 upgrade error 44
ports 31
E node
migrating during upgrade 40
environment variables node configuration
configuring on UNIX 41 completing the change process 40
database clients 33
installation 15
library paths on UNIX 41
UNIX database clients 33
object dependency graph
rebuilding 44

I operating system
dropped support 30
environment variables 15

P sqlplus
testing database connections 33
patch requirements system requirements
installation 14 minimum 12, 13
PATH minimum installation requirements 12
environment variables 15
port requirements
installation requirements 31
application services 31 UNIX
domains 31 database client environment variables 33
requirements 31 database client variables 33
library paths 41
upgrading in console mode with changes to node 34

R upgrading Informatica services in console mode 23

upgrade error
repositories Model Repository Service 44
installing database clients 32 upgrades
backing up files before 19
user accounts

S Informatica process 32

silent mode
upgrading Informatica services 25

54 Index

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