Treatment of Gonarthrosis by Total Knee Arthroplas
Treatment of Gonarthrosis by Total Knee Arthroplas
Treatment of Gonarthrosis by Total Knee Arthroplas
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Gonarthrosis is a progressive chronic arthropatic disease of the knee which includes de-
generative changes of the knee cartilage and hypertrophic changes of the bone tissue
around of the articulare surface. The onset of the disease is insidious and vague. As the
condition progresses, clinical signs became more significant like weakness of musculus
quadriceps, flexion contracture of the knee joint, and valgus or varus deformity of the
knee. Radiological changes of the osteoarthritic knee are narrowing of the joint space,
sclerosis of the subhondral bone, osteophyte formation and in the terminal stadium cystic
degeneration of the subhondral bone. In period from the 30.08.1999 to30.08.2004 year at
the Clinic of the Orthopaedics and Traumatologicy of Clinical Center of the Nis were
treated 10 patients with gonarthrosis by total replacement artrhoplasty of knee joint. In all
patients implant was produced by the company Jonhson-Johnson. After undergone
replacement surgery of the knee joint, patients were relieved from the continous pain, and
had stabile and secure gait with optimal movement of the replace knee joint in all
direction. Excellent and very good results in the treatment of the osteoarthritic knee by
total replacement artrhoplasty were reported in nine patients, and there were
postoperatively infection of the wound only in one patient.
Introduction or valgus position and in the advanced
Gonarthrosis is a progressive chronic ar- stage knee extension and flexion also ap-
thropatic knee disease characterized by pears (2). Pain dominates and also rigidity
knee cartilage degenerative changes and of knee joint in the clinical picture of the
hypertrophic changes of bone tissue around patient with gonarthrosis. Because of its
articular surface. Among all the big joints, mass appearance, sickness duration and
arthropatic changes mostly appear at knee invalidity gonarthrosis therapy is always
joints. Autopsy examinations have showed topic for discussion (3,4).
arthrotic changes of knee in 75% of the In gonarthosis treatment, beside hygienic
cases and of hip in 33% (1). and diet measures, physical therapy, non-
Pathoanatomic changes are first knee steroid anti-rheumatics significant place is left
cartilage degenerative changes and then for surgical treatment and implanting of total
parallel development appear of regressive replacement artrhoplasty of knee joint (5).
and reactive cartilage and bones changes .
Disproportional loss of knee cartilage from Materials and Methods
medial or lateral condil leads to the appea- The aim-objective of our work is to show
rance of secondary deformations in varus the treatment results of ten gonarthrosis
Fig. 1. Fig. 2.
three patients got per two units of washed dure was done, including reposition and
erythrocytes (2*350 ml) and also three pa- osteosynthesis of fracture. During post op-
tients received plasma expander (Haemacel erative procedure, physical therapy had
500 ml). Control hematocrites were in the been implemented and after the union of
range between 0,24 to 0,40 (in average fractur osteosythesis material was removed.
0,35). Ten years after the injury and post opera-
From early post-operative complications tive treatment of the patient there was an
in the patients we registered tromboflebitis incidence of pain and limit of moving ac-
of lower leg which was successfully solved tivities in the right knee joint. In the made x
by transferring from low molecular heparin -ray pictures one can see the narrowing of
(Fraxarin) to oral anticoagulans (Sintrom) joint space, border osteofits, come to head
with the value control of INR. intracondial eminence and border sclerosis
We registered post-operative wound in- (Fig. 1).
fection in one of the patients. With regular After the complete post-operative prepa-
strangulation and antibiotic therapy it came ration, surgical action of implantation of
to subsidence state. total endoprotesis of right knee joint was
In all the patients we registered excellent made. In the x-ray pictures of knee joint we
and good results in the treatment of os- can see the state after the endoprotesis im-
teoarthritis of the knee by total arthroplasty plantation (Fig. 2).
replacement. Knee joint is very often in the process of
Patient description: A patient, 58, ten gonarthrosis after the 4th decade of human
years ago got hard intra-articular trans- life. Causal factor of gonarthrosis appea-
condylar femur fracture.Operative proce- rance can be general or local. From local