Annexure H

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A candidate must be medically fit to undergo the professional course applied for. The
medical fitness must be certified by a Registered Medical Practitioner in the prescribed
proforma, as given below on a Letterhead or on this format with original seal and signature.


This is to certify that I have conducted clinical examination of Mr./Ms
.................................................................................... who is desirous of admission to
Health Science Courses.
He/she has not given any personal history of any disease incapacitating him/her to
undergo the professional course. Also, on clinical examination it has been found that he/she
is medically fit to undergo the professional course.
Certified that he/she fulfills the following criteria.
(1) Absence of any incapacitating and /or progressive systemic disease/disorder/condition,
(2) Absence of any disability of upper limb/s.
(3) Absence of any major visual/ auditory disability.
(4) Absence of psychosis/neurosis/mental retardation,
(5) Ability to maintain erect posture,
(6) Reasonable manual dexterity.
Though, following deviations have been revealed, in my opinion, these are not
impediments to pursue a career as a Medical / Dental / Ayurved / Homeopathy / Unani /
Occupational Therapy / Physiotherapy / Audiology & Speech, Language Pathology /
Prosthetics & Orthotics / BSc Nursing. (Strike, which is not applicable):
1. ............................................................................................................................................
2. ............................................................................................................................................
3. ............................................................................................................................................

Address of the Registered Medical Signature


Registration No.

Seal of Registered Medical Practitioner

Date :

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