Employee Enrollment Form: To Be Completed by Employer
Employee Enrollment Form: To Be Completed by Employer
Employee Enrollment Form: To Be Completed by Employer
To BeName
Completed by Employer Requested Effective Date of Coverage/Date of Change / /
Group Name/Policy Number
A. Employee Information If you are waiving all coverage, please complete sections A and G.
Last Name First Name MI Social Security Number Home/Cell Phone
Work Phone
Address Apt # City State Zip Code Language preference, if not English
Date of Birth Sex Height Weight Used tobacco in the last Email Address
/ / M F 12 months? Yes No
Marital Status Physician* (First & Last Name)/ ID # Primary Care Dentist** (First & Last Name)/ ID #
Single Married
Divorced Widowed
B. Family Information List All Enrolling (Attach sheet if necessary)
Last Name First Name MI Sex Relationship*** Physician* (Name/ID#) Tobacco
Birthdate Height Weight
Social Security Number Primary Care Dentist** (Name/ID#) Used
M Spouse Yes
F Partner] No
M Yes
F No
M Yes
F No
M Yes
F No
M Yes
F No
*Important: For UnitedHealthcare Navigate, Select, Select Plus, and other products requiring you to choose a Primary Care Physician, you
must use the UnitedHealthcare directory of providers to choose a Primary Care Physician for yourself and each of your covered dependents.
**Please see employer representative as some dental plans require a Primary Care Dentist (PCD) selection. ***For court ordered dependent,
legal documentation must be attached. If dependent does not reside with eligible employee, please provide address on a separate sheet.
D. Prior Medical Insurance Information This section must be completed to receive credit for prior medical coverage.
Within the last 12 months, have you, your spouse, or your dependents had any other medical coverage?
NO YES (if yes, please complete this section.)
Prior medical carrier name ____________________________________________________ Effective date ___/___/___ End date ___/___/___
Prior coverage type: Employee Spouse Child(ren) Family
E. Other Medical Coverage Information This section must be completed. (Attach sheet if necessary.)
On the day this coverage begins, will you, your spouse or any of your dependents be covered under any other medical health plan or policy,
including another UnitedHealthcare plan or Medicare? YES (continue completing this section) NO (skip the rest of this section)
Name of other carrier ______________________________________________________
Other Group Medical Coverage Information Type Effective Date End Date Name and date of birth of policyholder
(only list those covered by other plan) (B/S/F)* MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY for other coverage
Spouse Name:
Dependent Name:
Dependent Name:
Dependent Name:
*B. Enter ‘B’ when this dependent is covered under both you and your spouse’s insurance plan (married)
S. Enter ‘S’ if you are the parent awarded custody of this dependent and no other individual is required to pay for this dependent’s medical expenses.
F. Enter ‘F’ if this dependent is covered by another individual (not a member of your household) required to pay for this dependent’s medical expenses.
Medicare – Employee Information: If enrolled in Medicare, please attach a copy of your Medicare ID card.
Enrolled in Part A: Effective Date _____________ Ineligible for Part A* Not Enrolled in Part A (chose not to enroll)**
Enrolled in Part B: Effective Date _____________ Ineligible for Part B* Not Enrolled in Part B (chose not to enroll)**
Enrolled in Part D: Effective Date _____________ Ineligible for Part D* Not Enrolled in Part D (chose not to enroll)**
Reason for Medicare eligibility: Over 65 Kidney Disease Disabled Disabled but actively at work
Are you receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)? YES NO Start Date ___ /___ /___
Medicare – Spouse/Dependent Name: ____________________________________________
Enrolled in Part A: Effective Date _____________ Ineligible for Part A* Not Enrolled in Part A (chose not to enroll)**
Enrolled in Part B: Effective Date _____________ Ineligible for Part B* Not Enrolled in Part B (chose not to enroll)**
Enrolled in Part D: Effective Date _____________ Ineligible for Part D* Not Enrolled in Part D (chose not to enroll)**
Reason for Medicare eligibility: Over 65 Kidney Disease Disabled Disabled but actively at work
*Only check “Ineligible” if you have received documentation from your Social Security benefits that indicate that you are not eligible for Medicare.
** If you are eligible for Medicare on a primary basis (Medicare pays before benefits under the group policy), you should enroll in and maintain
coverage under Medicare Part A, Part B, and/or Part D as applicable.
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F. Medical History
Employee Name ____________________________ SSN _____________________ Group Name __________________________________
Has anyone on this application consulted with or been examined or treated by any health care professional during the last 5 years for any
illness, injury, or health condition in any of the categories listed below? If yes, please check the box that most appropriately describes the
problem and explain fully below. Please note that, if you leave out or misrepresent information, we may terminate or not renew your
coverage, or we may change your premium retroactive to the date your policy became effective. UnitedHealthcare is only seeking to collect
information about the current health status of those persons listed on the application. In answering these questions, you should not include
any genetic information. Please do not include any family medical history information or any information related to genetic services or genetic
diseases for which you believe you or your dependents may be at risk.
1 Cancer Breast Colon Leukemia Lymphoma Liver Lung Melanoma Other ___________________
Yes No Testicular Brain Ovarian Cervical Prostate Stage _____
2 Heart/Circulatory Aneurysm Bypass Angioplasty/Stent Congestive Heart Failure Elevated Cholesterol/Triglycerides
Yes No Heart Disease High Blood Pressure Stroke Angina Hemophilia Blood Clots Pacemaker
Blood Disorder Sickle Cell Anemia MI Other ______________________________________________
3 Reproductive Current Pregnancy (due date___________ ) Multiples (#___ ) Pregnancy Complications Fibroids
Yes No Menstrual Disorders Breast Disorders Endometriosis Infertility Other _______________________
4 Intestinal/Endocrine Chronic Pancreatitis Colon Disorder Crohn’s Ulcerative Colitis Diabetes Cirrhosis IBS
Yes No Hepatitis B/C Reflux Liver Disorder Ulcer Growth Hormones Other_______________________
5 Brain/Nervous Alzheimer’s Disease Cerebral Palsy Migraines Multiple Sclerosis Paralysis Seizures/Epilepsy
Yes No Parkinson’s Disease Tumor Head Injury Cyst Other ____________________________________
6 Immune Scleroderma ALS Rheumatoid Arthritis Psoriasis AIDS HIV+ Lupus Immuno Deficiency
Yes No Other ____________________________________________________________________________________
7 Lung/Respiratory Allergies Asthma Cystic Fibrosis COPD/Emphysema Sarcoidosis Lung Disorders
Yes No Tuberculosis Sleep Apnea Other __________________________________________________________
8 Eyes/Ears/Nose/Throat Acoustic Neuroma Cataracts Cleft Lip/Palate
Yes No Deviated Septum Glaucoma Retinopathy Other____________________________________________
9 Urinary/Kidney Chronic Kidney Stones Kidney Disorders Bladder Disorders Polycystic Kidney Disease
Yes No Prostate Disorder Renal Failure Dialysis Other ___________________________________________
10 Bones/Muscles Osteoarthritis Bulging/Herniated Disc Joint injury Fibromyalgia/CFS Shoulder Disorder
Yes No Knee Disorder Spina Bifida Back Disorder Neck Disorder Other ___________________________
11 Behavioral Health Anxiety/Depression ADHD Bipolar/Manic Depression Schizophrenia Autism Eating Disorder
Yes No Suicide Attempt Inpat ETOH/Drug Inpat MH Hosp Other ____________________________________
12 Transplant Bone Marrow Organ Stem Cell Discussed Possible Future Transplant
Yes No Transplant Complications Year _____ Other __________________________________________________
13 Rare Diseases Gaucher disease Fabry disease Enzyme Deficiency Metabolic disorder Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Yes No Marfan Syndrome Other __________________________________________________
14 Medication Current Medications Please List Meds__________________________________________________________
Yes No Medications Taken Within The Past Year Please List Meds __________________________________________
15 Other Abnormal Test Or Physical Results Condition Not Mentioned Above
Yes No Treatment Or Surgery Discussed Or Advised Pending Test Results Inpat Hosp/Surg in Past Yr.
Pending w/c claim Tests Advised or Recommended Refer to Specialist Disability
Please give details below (If additional space is required, please attach a separate sheet and be sure to date and sign that sheet)
Question # Person Condition/Diagnosis Treatment Current Meds Physician’s Name Dates Treated Prognosis
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G. Waiver of Coverage Declining coverage due to existence of other coverage: I understand that by waiving coverage at this time, I will
I decline all coverage for: Spouse’s Employer’s Plan Individual Plan not be allowed to participate unless I qualify at a special
Myself Covered by Medicare Medicaid enrollment period or as a late enrollee, if applicable, or at
Spouse COBRA from Prior Employer VA Eligibility the next open enrollment period. I also understand that
Dependent Children Tri-Care pre-existing limitations may apply as explained in the
Myself and all dependents I (we) have no other coverage at this time
Rights and Responsibilities brochure which I have
Other ____________________________________
received with this form.
Date Employee Signature if waiving coverage
H. Signature I authorize UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company and its affiliates ("UnitedHealthcare and Affiliates") to obtain,
use and disclose my medical, claim or benefit records, including any individually identifiable health information contained in these records. I
understand these records may contain information created by other persons or entities (including health care providers) as well as information
regarding the use of drug, alcohol, HIV/AIDS, mental health (other than psychotherapy notes), sexually transmitted disease and reproductive
health services. I authorize any health care provider, pharmacy benefit manager, other insurer or reinsurer, hospital, clinic or other medical
facility, health care clearinghouse, and any of their affiliates, representatives or business associates, to disclose my information to
UnitedHealthcare and Affiliates. I understand the purpose of the disclosure and use of my information is to allow UnitedHealthcare and
Affiliates to make decisions regarding eligibility, enrollment, underwriting and premium risk rating. I understand this authorization is voluntary
and I may refuse to sign the authorization. My refusal may, however, affect my ability to enroll in the health plan or receive benefits, if
permitted by law. I understand I may revoke this authorization at any time by notifying my UnitedHealthcare and Affiliates representative in
writing, except to the extent that action has already been taken in reliance on this authorization. As required by HIPAA, UnitedHealthcare and
Affiliates also request that I acknowledge the following, which I do: I understand that information I authorize a person or entity to obtain and
use may be re-disclosed and no longer protected by federal privacy regulations. This authorization, unless revoked earlier, expires 30 months
after the date it is signed.
I understand that I am completing a joint life and health application and that each response must be complete and accurate. I (we) request the
indicated group medical coverage for myself and, if the plan provides, for my dependents. I authorize any required premium contributions to
be deducted from earnings. I (we) have not given the agent or any other persons any health information not included on the application. I (we)
understand that UnitedHealthcare and Affiliates is not bound by any statements I (we) have made to any agent or to any other persons, if
those statements are not written or printed on this application and any attachments. I have a continuing obligation to report changes in health
status (e.g. received medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment) after I sign the enrollment form and before receipt of my identification card.
Please maintain a copy of this authorization for your records.
Date Employee Signature for all applying Spouse Signature (if applying for coverage)
NOTE: Responding to this question is optional and is not required. Data collected in this section will be used only to help communicate with
enrollees and inform them of specific programs to enhance their well-being. This information will not be used in the eligibility process.
1. Race, check all that apply: White Black, African-American American Indian/Alaska Native Asian
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Other Race, please specify_______________________
2. Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin? Yes No
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