Case Study - Bakery House App

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UX Research Study — Bakery House app

● Title: Creating Bakery House App

● Author: Jasveen , Ux researcher , [email protected]

● Stakeholders: Bakery House customers

● Date: 9/5/2022
● Project background: We are creating a bakery house app , so one can order
bakery items and also customers can skip the in-store lines. Also through this app ,
one can check the ingredients available in each product.

● Research goals: Ordering from this app is rally helping customers , and if the app
easy to use for public at large?

● How long does it takes to a person to order list of items for their home?
● How we can make app more easy and more efficient for the customers.

● Time on task,
Key Performance
● Use of navigation
● User error rates
● Conversion rates .

● Unmediated usability study

● Location: India , remote
Methodology ● Date: Sessions will take place on 10th and 11th may.
● Each session will be of 45 minutes and that will include an introduction , a list of
tasks and a questionnaire.

● These are the people who order from the bakery , one or two times in a month.
Some of them are working and others are students.
● 2 male , 2 female , 1 non- binary , all aged between 20-65.
● 1 user of assistive technology (keyboard, screen reader)

Script ● Before we begin , do I have your consent to take both audio or video recordings?
● I want to you know this isn’t a test and none of your answers would be considered
● If you have any questions , please don’t hesitate to ask.
● This data is being collected to make an app easier ,so that one can order bakery
items without any difficulty.
● Basic questions:-
Where do you live and how many bakery shops are there near you ?
How many times do you order or go to store to buy bakery products’?
Are all the bakery items are available near your house?
Can you talk me through a normal day in your life?
Prompt 1- Open up the baker house app and order items you would like to buy .
Follow up question – Was it easy or it was challenging.

Prompt 2 – Open up the app and modify the existing order and add two and three
items more in it.
Follow up- How do you feel about the process of modifying the existing order.
Find it difficult or easy?

Prompt 3 – Read about the nutrient description of some items and give your
opinion on that?
Follow up- Does reading about certain items helped you in buying items without
any hesitation.

Prompt4- Checkout and complete the order

Follow up – how do you feel about paying . was it easy or hard.

Prompt5- How did you feel about the app overall ? What did you like and dislike
about it?

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