Groundwater Potential PDF
Groundwater Potential PDF
Groundwater Potential PDF
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1 author:
Deepak Lal
Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences
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Research paper
Keywords: This study aims to delineate groundwater potential zones using an integrated approach of remote sensing,
Groundwater potential zones geographical information system (GIS) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method in Dumka district,
AHP Jharkhand, India. Multiple data as lithology, lineament density, geomorphology, slope, soil, rainfall, drainage
GIS density and land use/land cover were considered for delineating the groundwater potential zones. Spatially
Dumka district
distributed maps/thematic layers of all the aforementioned parameters were created using remotely sensed as
well as ground data in a GIS environment. These thematic layers were assigned suitable weights on the Saaty’s
scale according to their relative importance in groundwater occurrence in the study area. The assigned weights
of the thematic layers and their features were then normalized by using the AHP technique. Ultimately, all
thematic layers were integrated by a weighted linear combination method in a GIS environment to produce a
groundwater potential zones map. The delineated groundwater potential zones in the study area, were cate-
gorized as ‘very good’, ‘good’, ‘moderate’, and ‘poor’ respectively. The results showed that area along the
Mayurakshi River (Rajmahal, Pipra, Lathipahar, Phitkoria, Jhajhapur, etc.) which is approximately 11%
(404.96 km2) of the total study area was delineated as an area having ‘very good’ potential for groundwater. The
‘good zone’ delineated encompassed approximately 38% (1,389.61 km2) of the study area and was found in the
pediment-pediplain complex zone. The ‘moderate zones encompassed approximately 44% (1,602.07 km2) of the
area. The ‘poor zones’ encompassed approximately 7% (260.58 km2) of the area which included Raneshwar,
Asanbani, Chichro, Sarni and certain parts of Musna. The groundwater potential zone map was compared with
the actual discharge data from various wells within the study area and was found reasonable. Overall, this study
provides a convenient approach of delineating the potential of groundwater availability which ultimately will
aid in better planning and managing of groundwater resources.
1. Introduction development, and changing climate, the demand for fresh water re-
source has increased rapidly over the years which have led to water
Groundwater is one of the most precious natural resources which scarcity in many parts of the world (Selvam et al., 2015; Jasrotia et al.,
constitute about 34% of fresh water resources of the globe (Shekhar and 2016). In a highly populated country (e.g., India), groundwater re-
Pandey, 2015). In India, 90% of rural and 50% of the urban population source is becoming extremely important (Bhuiyan et al., 2009). Al-
depends on groundwater for domestic water use. About 70% of though India is one of the most populous country, it comprises 18% of
groundwater in India used for agriculture sector (GEC, 2015). the world’s population, but has only 4% of world’s renewable water
Groundwater, a dynamic resource, depends on several factors such as resources (National Water Policy, 2012). India is the highest consumer
geomorphology, lithology, topography, slope, precipitation, soil, drai- of groundwater in the world with annual extractions of 230 km (Biswas
nage pattern, land use/land cover (LULC), and hydrological conditions et al., 2013). During the past two decades, the water level has been
of an area (Pradhan, 2009; Avtar et al., 2010; Singh et al., 2011a; Singh falling rapidly in several parts of the country (Jasrotia et al., 2016).
et al., 2009: Acharya, 2017). Due to rapid population growth, uneven According to NITI Aayog (2018) report 0.6 million people in India is
spatio-temporal distribution of water resources, economic facing high to extremely high water stress due to mismanagement and
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (P. Murmu), [email protected] (M. Kumar), [email protected] (D. Lal),
[email protected] (I. Sonker), [email protected] (S.K. Singh).
Received 15 October 2018; Received in revised form 4 May 2019; Accepted 9 June 2019
Available online 11 June 2019
2352-801X/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
P. Murmu, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100239
inadequate availability of fresh water. About three-fourth of the and movement of groundwater (Oh et al., 2011). In recent years,
households in the country (India) do not have access to potable water at techniques such as remote sensing (RS) and geographical information
their premises. Therefore, it has become essential to identify new system (GIS) play an important role in understanding the complex
groundwater potential zones in cost effective way to cater the need of problem of groundwater exploration (Arkoprovo et al., 2012; Biswas
fresh water demand and also develop proper methods for groundwater et al., 2013) by providing systematic, synoptic, rapid and excellent
management. Delineation of new of the groundwater potential recharge configuration to handle large and complex spatial data (Krishnamurthy
zones will help to conserve this valuable resource. et al., 1996; Singh et al., 2010; Jha et al., 2007; Machiwal et al., 2011;
Traditionally, groundwater explorations through drilling, hydro- Shekhar and Pandey, 2015).
geological, geological, and geophysical techniques is very common and In the past, number of studies have been performed throughout the
these techniques are extremely costly and time-consuming (Jha et al., world to identify the groundwater potential zone using remote sensing
2010; Razandi et al., 2015). In addition, these methods of surveys do and GIS techniques with successful results (Krishnamurthy et al., 1996;
not always account for the diverse factors that control the occurrence Gogu et al., 2001; Jaiswal et al., 2003; Sener et al., 2005; Tweed et al.,
P. Murmu, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100239
P. Murmu, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100239
2007; Jha et al., 2010; Muralitharan and Palanivel, 2015; Ghosh et al., Table 2
2016; Gnanachandrasamy et al., 2018; Golla et al., 2018). In afore- Random inconsistency values.
mentioned studies most widely used thematic layers included lithology, n 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
geomorphology, geology, soil, lineament density, drainage pattern, and
topographic slope. Few researchers have also integrated RS, GIS and RI 0 0.52 0.9 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.4
geoelectrical techniques to delineate groundwater potential zones
(Murthy, 2000; Shahid and Nath, 2002; Sreedevi et al., 2005; Srivastava
and Bhattacharya, 2006; Asoka et al., 2018; Mukherjee et al., 2018) and Table 3
Pair-wise comparison matrix of eight thematic layers.
morphometric analysis (Singh et al., 2013a; Yadav et al., 2014; Yadav
et al., 2016; Choudhari et al., 2018; Kumar et al., 2018). Mukherjee LI LD GE SL SO RF DD LULC
et al. (2007) used vertical electrical sounding (VES) to obtain additional
LI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
thematic layers of subsurface parameters such as aquifer resistivity, LD 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
aquifer thickness, the thickness of the top layer or depth to bedrocks. GE 0.33 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6
Extensive hydrological studies have been carried out to delineate SL 0.25 0.33 0.5 1 2 3 4 5
groundwater potential zone in hard rock terrain (Srivastava and SO 0.2 0.25 0.33 0.5 1 2 3 4
RF 0.17 0.2 0.25 0.33 0.5 1 2 3
Bhattacharya, 2006).
DD 0.14 0.17 0.2 0.25 0.33 0.5 1 2
Many studies have applied index models (Krishnamurthy et al., LULC 0.13 0.14 0.17 0.2 0.25 0.33 0.5 1
1996; Jaiswal et al., 2003; Madrucci et al., 2008; Prasad et al., 2008; TOTAL 2.72 4.59 7.45 11.28 16.08 21.83 28.5 36
Dar et al., 2010) for assessing groundwater potential mapping. The
analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method is one of the most widely
used multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model (Arulbalaji et al., Table 4
2019) has potential to identify the groundwater prospect zone. In some Normalized pair-wise matrix and normalized weight of each thematic layer.
studies probabilistic models such as frequency ratio (FR) (Oh et al., LI LD GE SL SO RF DD LULC Normalized Weight
2011; Manap et al., 2014), certainty factor (CF) (Razandi et al., 2015),
weights-of-evidence (WOE) (Tahmassebipoor et al., 2016), weighted LI 0.37 0.44 0.4 0.35 0.31 0.27 0.25 0.22 0.33
LD 0.18 0.22 0.27 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.23
overlay analysis (Magesh et al., 2012), fuzzy logic (Shadid et al., 2000),
GE 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.18 0.19 0.18 0.16 0.17 0.16
multi–influencing factor (MIF) (Acharya, 2017) and AHP (Machiwal SL 0.1 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.11
et al., 2011; Adiat et al., 2012; Shekhar and Pandey, 2015) have been SO 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.11 0.07
used for groundwater potential analysis. Machiwal and Singh (2015) RF 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.05
DD 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.03
used RS, GIS, AHP, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) and Boo-
LULC 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02
lean logic modeling (BLM) based approach to delineate groundwater
recharge zones.
In last two decades, many researchers have found that MCDM is bounded by Godda and Banka district to the north, Pakur to the east,
analysis is an effective tool for water management by adding structure, West Bengal to the south and Jamtara and Deoghar to the west.
auditability, transparency and rigor to decisions (Jha et al., 2010). It covers a total geographical area of 3,716.02 km2 and elevation
Shekhar and Pandey (2015) found the use of AHP through GIS is an varies from 27 to 491 m, above mean sea level (amsl). The district is
efficient and effective technique for spatial data management. Many mainly drained by the Brahmani, the Baslo, the Mayurakshi, and their
researchers have used AHP technique to determine the weights of tributaries. These rivers are ephemeral in nature, and most of these are
various thematic layers and their classes for identifying the ground- structurally controlled. The district is highly dissected with rivers of
water potential zone (Srivastava and Bhattacharya, 2006; Gupta and varying magnitude. Most of the tributaries carry the drainage to the
Srivastava, 2010; Machiwal et al., 2011; Agarwal et al., 2013; Kaliraj western part of the district which finally meets the Bhagirathi River
et al., 2014; Manap et al., 2014; Rahmati et al., 2015; Shekhar and below Murshidabad, West Bengal. All the tributaries have rapid surface
Pandey, 2015; Agarwal and Garg, 2016; Singh et al., 2018a). The main runoff and surface flow hence most of the rivers dries up during
objective of the work was to delineate and map the groundwater po- summer. However, there is sub-surface flow for a considerable part of
tential zones using integrated approach. The study will help in sus- the year, which indicates the affluent nature of the rivers (CGWB 2013).
tainable water resource development, planning and management. Climatologically, the study area falls under a humid subtropical climate
with warm, wet summers and mild winters. The average annual rainfall
of the district is 1,391 mm, whereas July is the month which receives
2. Study area
the highest rainfall. December and January are the coldest while May
and June are the hottest months. During winter the mercury drops to
The study area (Fig. 1), Dumka district is located in the north
4 °C and during summer it shoots up to 46 °C.
eastern part of the Jharkhand state which lies between north latitude
The Dumka district has a predominantly undulating terrain with
23°47’20” and 24°38’57” and east longitude 86°28’25” and 86°42’16”. It
hard rocks under the ground. The entire district has upland topography
with high ridges running from north to south and valleys bounded by
Table 1
mountains and rivers. There are several hill ranges like Rajmahal hill,
Scale for the pair-wise comparison.
Ramgarh hill and Lagwa hill with several small hillocks. The average
Intensity of importance Definitions elevation of the hill ranges between 150 and 300 m, amsl. Geologically,
the area has gneiss, basaltic trap, and sedimentary beds. Schist and
1 Equal importance
2 Equal to moderate importance boulder beds are found in some places. Rajmahal Trap is the major rock
3 Moderate importance type in the district. The other geological formations of the district are
4 Moderate to strong importance alluvium, laterite, and Gondwana. Sandy loam to clay loam are the
5 Strong importance
dominant soil type in the district.
6 Strong to very strong importance
7 Very strong importance
Due to topographical features, the study area lacks inadequate
8 Very to extremely strong importance water resources as most of the surface and groundwater flows outside
9 Extreme importance the district. During peak summer, wells and tube wells become dry.
P. Murmu, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100239
According to the CGWB report of September 2013, generally, dug wells Model (DEM) data (30 m resolution) was downloaded from Bhuvan
in the study area are of 2 m diameter and 8–15 m deep, depending on portal of NRSC/ISRO ( and used to generate
the thickness of the weathered zone, tapping the shallow groundwater slope and drainage pattern of the study area. Drainage pattern was
in the weathered zone and an uppermost slice of the basement. A large extracted using ArcSWAT and lineament density and drainage density
number of dug wells used for drinking water are under private own- maps were prepared using the line density tool in ArcGIS. Soil map was
ership. Pre and post-monsoon depth to water level during the year 2012 acquired in vector format from the digital soil map of the world site
was recorded as between 4.45 and 12.3 m below ground level (mbgl) ( The lithology map was digitized and
and 2 to 5 mbgl (CGWB 2013). prepared using the geological map obtained from the Geological Survey
of India. The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) rainfall data
3. Materials and methods was used to estimate the average total annual rainfall based on 12 years
(2001–2012) data of 18 point locations to create rainfall distribution
3.1. Preparation of thematic layers map by Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) spatial interpolation tech-
nique in ArcGIS. This technique uses the spatial correlation of variables
For the assessment of groundwater potential zones, eight different and predicts the values of variables at unobserved locations based on
thematic layers such as lithology, geomorphology, lineament density, those of observed locations (Singh et al., 2013b). This method has po-
slope, soil, rainfall, drainage density, and LULC were generated using tential if there are enough sample points with a suitable dispersion in
remote sensing and conventional/existing data with the help of ERDAS local scale levels. The main factor affecting the accuracy of inverse
imagine and ArcGIS software. distance interpolator is the value of the power parameter p (Burrough
The geomorphological features and lineaments were identified and McDonnell, 1998). In addition, the size of the neighborhood and
using Landsat 8 (30-m resolution) imagery, which was downloaded the number of neighbors are also relevant to the accuracy of the results.
from the Earth Explorer, U.S. Geological Survey website (www. All the thematic layers were prepared and converted into raster The false color composite (FCC) image was format and were projected to UTM Projection, Zone 45, Datum WGS 84
visually interpreted with image interpretation keys such as shape, size, with 30-m spatial resolution. The overall methodology adopted in the
tone, texture, pattern, and association for identifying the geomorpho- present study is depicted in Fig. 2.
logical landforms and lineaments. The Landsat 8 OLI data was used to
prepare LULC map using maximum likelihood classification algorithm 3.2. Assignments of weight and weights normalization using AHP
and the ground verification was performed using 490 ground control
points. Indian Remote Sensing Satellite Cartosat-1 Digital Elevation Assignment of weight of each class is the most important in
P. Murmu, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100239
integrated analysis, as the output is largely dependent on the assign- respective features, where value ‘1’ denotes “equal importance” be-
ment of appropriate weight (Muralitharan and Palanivel, 2015). Several tween the two themes, and the value ‘9’ denotes the “extreme im-
methods have been adopted for calculating weight in order to delineate portance” of one theme compared to other (Saaty, 1980) asshown in
groundwater potential zone such as index models, frequency ratio (FR), Table 1.
certainty factor (CF), weights-of-evidence (WOE), fuzzy logic, multi–- The following steps were used to compute the final weights of all the
influencing factor (MIF) etc. Among these techniques, analytical hier- thematic layers (Muralitharan and Palanivel, 2015):
archy process (AHP) is becoming a pioneer technique in groundwater
prediction modeling which may provide rapid, precise and cost-effec- 1. Adding the values in each column of the pair wise matrix using the
tive results. An AHP technique can be described as a pair-wise matrix formula (Table 3).
analytical method which is used to calculate the geometric mean and n
normalized weight of an individual parameter (Chowdhury et al., 2009; Lj = Cij
Jha et al., 2010; Kaliraj et al., 2014). It generates relative ratio scales of i, j = 1 (1)
paired comparison (Saaty, 1990).
In the present study, AHP method was used and this method was where Lj = the total values in each column of the pair-wise matrix and
developed by Saaty (1980, 1990). It is used as a decision-solving Cij = the number assigned to each criteria at ith row and jth column.
method to finalize the weights assigned to different thematic layers and
their respective features. First steps involved in the AHP technique is 2. Divide each element in the matrix by its column total to generate a
used to breakdown the problem into a hierarchy by defining objective normalized pair-wise matrix (Table 4).
and identifying criteria and sub-criteria according to their relative im- Cij
portance in groundwater occurrence (Muralitharan and Palanivel, Xij =
Lj (2)
2015). The advantage of hierarchy is that it allows us to focus judgment
on each of several properties separately which are essential for making where Xij = the value at ith row and jth column in the normalized pair-
a strong decision (Saaty, 1990). Paired comparisons were made to wise matrix.
compare all factors against each other in a matrix format which is 3. Divide the sum of the normalized row of the matrix by the
useful in deriving measurement. A standard Saaty’s 1-9 scale was used number of criteria used (N) to generate standard weights using the
to determine the relative importance values for all themes and their following formula,
P. Murmu, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100239
P. Murmu, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100239
quantity which helps in delineation of groundwater potential zones in 4. Results and discussions
an area (Kumar and Krishna, 2018). The weighted linear combination
method was applied to identify groundwater potential zones. The 4.1. Hydrologic thematic layers
weight of the thematic layers were multiplied by the weights of features
in each thematic layer and added the products of all the attributes and The occurrence and movement of groundwater depends on various
obtained the Total Scores (TS) (Muralitharan and Palanivel, 2015) factors such as geological structure, topography, slope, precipitation,
using the following formula: soil, secondary porosity, drainage pattern, LULC, hydrological condi-
tions of a region and the inter-relationships among these factors
TS = W× R (7) (Pradhan, 2009; Oh et al., 2011; Singh et al., 2011b; Acharya, 2017). In
the study, eight influencing factors, such as lithology (LI), lineament
where, TS = Total Score, W, and R are the weights of the thematic
density (LD), geomorphology (GE), slope (SL), rainfall (RF), soil (SO),
layers and the weights of the features in thematic layers respectively.
drainage density (DD) and LULC have been identified in order to de-
AHP generates an overall ranking of the solutions using the com-
lineate groundwater potential zones of the study area.
parison matrix among the alternatives and the information on the
ranking of the criteria. The alternative with the highest value is con-
4.1.1. Lithology
sidered to be the first choice (Muralitharan and Palanivel, 2015).
The lithology is one of the significant factor for the detection of
groundwater prospective zones. It directly influences both the porosity
3.4. Validation of groundwater potential zone and permeability of aquifer rocks (Rahmati et al., 2015). However,
some authors neglect this factor once they use the lineament and
The groundwater potential zone map was delineated in the present drainage characters as a function of primary and secondary porosity
study and verified using the available well discharge data of 18 dug (Muralitharan and Palanivel, 2015). Moreover, others incorporate the
wells. The dug well data was collected from Central Ground Water lithology factor due to its strong influence on water percolation
Board, Ranchi. The well's discharge points were overlaid on the final (Mukherjee et al., 2012; Singh et al., 2013a). Lithology map was digi-
groundwater prospect map to check the accuracy of the present work in tized and prepared using the geology map obtained from the Geological
the various groundwater prospective zones. Survey of India. The area mainly covered by eight types of lithological
P. Murmu, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100239
units namely, basalt, schist, granite, gneiss, granulite, sandstone, 3*0.02 + 4*0.02 = 0.5.
boulder beds and laterite rocks (Fig. 3). The gneiss is dominant 0.17*0.27 + 0.2*0.23 + 0.25*0.18 + 0.33*0.14 + 0.5*0.09 +
(2,766.91 km2; 73.6%) followed by basalt (320.19 km2; 8.5%) and 1*0.05 + 2*0.02 + 3*0.02 = 0.37.
granulite (284.1 km2; 7.5%). Other classes of lithology are laterite, 0.14*0.25 + 0.17*0.21 + 0.2*0.16 + 0.25*0.14 + 0.33*0.12 +
sandstone, boulder beds, schist and granite, which occupied areas 0.5*0.07 + 1*0.04 + 2*0.02 = 0.29.
204.54(5.4%), 109.28(3%), 30.77(0.8%), 29.81(0.7%) and 15.4(0.4%) 0.13*0.22 + 0.14*0.19 + 0.17*0.17 + 0.2*0.14 + 0.25*0.11 +
km2 respectively. Rank has been assigned to different features based on 0.33*0.08 + 0.5*0.06 + 1*0.03 = 0.22.
the available porosity. Sedimentary rocks such as sandstone typically Here, the value of consistency vector (λ) is calculated as 7.82.
have much higher porosity; hence have higher groundwater prospect. Further using equation [5] and [6] consistency ratio was calculated as
Granulite rock is hard rock and has compact structure, hence given the (−0.01) and found acceptable.
lowest rank. Rocks have classified based on available porosity as
sandstone, boulder beds, laterite, basalt, schist, gneiss, granite, and 4.1.2. Lineament and lineament density
granulite where sandstone represents high porosity. Whereas rocks like Lineament features such as joints, fractures and faults are hydro-
granite and granulite represent very less to nil porosity. Weights as- geologically very important as it acts as a conduit for groundwater
signed to various thematic layers and derivation of the normalized movement which results in increased porosity and therefore, serves as a
weights using AHP techniques are shown in Tables 3 and 4 groundwater prospect zone (Obi Reddy et al., 2000; Mukherjee et al.,
Consistency Analysis: 2012). The occurrence and movement of groundwater in hard rock
terrain are mainly controlled by secondary porosity, i.e., the presence of
1*0.37 + 2*0.18 + 3*0.12 + 4*0.1 + 5*0.07 + 6*0.06 + 7*0.05 + lineaments and fractures (Bagyaraj et al., 2013; Kumar and Krishna,
8*0.05 = 2.95. 2018). Areas around the lineaments and their intersection point are
0.5*0.44 + 1*0.22 + 2*0.12 + 3*0.07 + 4*0.05 + 5*0.04 + considered to be favorable sites for groundwater storage due to high
6*0.04 + 7*0.03 = 1.74. infiltration rate (Gupta and Srivastava, 2010; Mukherjee et al., 2012).
0.33*0.4 + 0.5*0.27 + 1*0.13 + 2*0.07 + 3*0.04 + 4*0.03 + The lineament density (Ld) is a measurable quantity derived from the
5*0.03 + 6*0.02 = 1.05. lineament map. In satellite imagery, lineaments are interpreted using
interpretation key which was identified mainly based on their linear
0.25*0.35 + 0.33*0.27 + 0.5*0.18 + 1*0.09 + 2*0.04 + 3*0.03 + nature, the presence of moisture, alignment of vegetation, alignment of
4*0.02 + 5*0.02 = 0.7. ponds, straight stream segments, and the linearity of soil tone. The
lineament orientation of the study area is predominantly along NE-SW
0.2*0.31 + 0.25*0.25 + 0.33*0.19 + 0.5*0.12 + 1*0.06 + 2*0.03 + and NW-SE directions which are represented by a rose diagram (Fig. 5).
P. Murmu, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100239
Harinarayana et al. (2000) found that the normalized transmissivity 3,232 km2 (85.9%). Denudational origin with pediment-pediplain
near the lineaments is high and excellent relationship exists between complex comprises gently undulating plains covered with weathered
higher fracture densities and higher well yields. Therefore, areas having material that are favorable for groundwater recharge. Denudational
higher lineament density have more impact on groundwater prospect origin with low dissected hills and valleys (28 km2; 5.9%) mainly
zones. The map was then classified into five classes viz. very high, high, comprises of hard rocks which act as runoff zone; hence characterized
medium, low and very low varies from 0 to 0.88 km/km2 (Fig. 4). The as moderate. Denudational origins with moderate dissected hills
final weights, of the lineament density feature, are shown in Table 5. (162 km2; 4.3%) are characterized by highly sloping topography and
high surface runoff and categorized as a poor zone. Structural origins
4.1.3. Geomorphology with moderate dissected hills (223 km2; 5.9%) are constituted by
Geomorphological studies together with hydrogeology and struc- massive sandstones, basalt, and laterite. This feature has poor to nil
tures/lineaments had proven to be very effective to locate groundwater groundwater prospect because most of rain water which falls over them
potential zones (Bahuguna et al., 2003; Jagadeeswara Rao et al., 2004; flows down-slope as runoff. The final weight of geomorphological fea-
Muralitharan and Palanivel, 2015). Geomorphology of an area reflects tures are shown in Table 5.
various landforms and structural features which plays an important role
in assessing the groundwater potential and prospect as it controls the 4.1.4. Slope
subsurface movement of groundwater (Kumar et al., 2008; Prasad et al., The slope is also a crucial parameter for the occurrence and re-
2008; Machiwal et al., 2011; Muralitharan and Palanivel, 2015; Kumar charging conditions of groundwater in a particular area (Bagyaraj et al.,
and Krishna, 2018). Various geomorphic features of the study area were 2013). Slope gradient/steepness directly influences the infiltration of
identified using Landsat 8 satellite imagery. The geomorphological rainfall; hence an indicator for the suitability for groundwater prospect.
feature in the study area could be categorized into six units namely Steeper slope areas generate less recharge because of high surface
river/water bodies, denudational origin (pediment-pediplain complex), runoff, providing insufficient time to infiltrate the surface and recharge
denudational origin (moderate dissected hills and valleys), denuda- the saturated zone (Magesh et al., 2012; Gumma and Pavelic, 2013;
tional origin (low dissected hills and valleys), inselberg and structural Selvam et al., 2015; Ghosh et al., 2016). The steeper slope generates
origin (moderate dissected hills and valleys) (Fig. 6). The spatial extent rapid runoff and increase erosion rate with small potential recharge
of the surface water bodies/river is 104 km2 covering 2.76% of the (Magesh et al., 2012). The slope is one of the factor that controls in-
study area, which act as recharge zone enhancing the groundwater filtration of surface water into subsurface; hence an indicator of
potential in the region. The study area is dominated by denudational groundwater prospect. In the area with mild/gentle slope, the surface
origin (pediment-pediplain complex) which covers an area of runoff is slow, hence allowing more time for rainwater to percolate,
P. Murmu, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100239
whereas area with steep slope facilitates high runoff, hence allowing 4.1.6. Rainfall
less time for rainwater to percolate, hence, comparatively less infiltra- Rainfall has a major contribution to recharge groundwater storage.
tion (Prasad et al., 2008; Magesh et al., 2012; Ghosh et al., 2016). Based It determines the amount of water that would be available to infiltrate
on Cartosat-1 DEM data slope has been categorized into five classes as into the groundwater storage system. More rainfall on any particular
very low (0-4%), low (4-10%), moderate (10-20%), high (20-40%) and area means higher possibilities of recharge (Machiwal et al., 2011). The
very high (> 40%) shown in Fig. 7. Most of the study area falls under rainfall availability was considered as a major source of recharge
slope category of 0–4%. Therefore, the maximum area has a favorable (Magesh et al., 2012; Shekhar and Pandey 2015). In this study, 12 years
slope for water retention. The ranks were assigned to different slope TRMM monthly rainfall data were used to prepare a rainfall map of the
classes using the scale of 1–9. Higher rank was assigned to lower per- study area (Fig. 9). The estimates of average total annual rainfall, based
centage of slope classes due to the flat terrain that allow more on 18 point locations, were used to create rainfall map using Inverse
groundwater retention, while lesser rank was assigned to steeper slopes Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation method in ArcGIS. The final
because of more run-off and less infiltration (Nag and Ghosh, 2013; weights of the rainfall are shown in Table 5.
Kumar and Krishna, 2018). The final weights, of the slope features, are
shown in Table 5.
4.1.7. Drainage density
Drainage density is one of the most important indicator of hydro-
4.1.5. Soil geological features because it controls the underlying lithology. It is
Soil texture play an important role in groundwater recharge and defined as the closeness of the spacing of stream channels and is con-
surface run-off. Groundwater recharge depends upon the soil types, the sidered as an inverse function of permeability (Jaiswal et al., 2003;
rate of infiltration, percolation and permeability (Jasrotia et al., 2016). Agarwal and Garg, 2016). It is a measurement of the total length of the
The study area mainly comprises of three types of soil namely sandy streams channels per unit area. Drainage pattern reflects the char-
loam, sandy clay loam and clay loam which covers the area as 1,814 acteristic of surface as well as a subsurface formation (Prasad et al.,
(48.23%), 366 (9.73) and 1,581(42%) km2, respectively. Ranks have 2008). More the drainage density, higher would be the runoff and lesser
been subjective to each soil unit after taking into account the types of the drainage density, higher is the probability of recharge or potential
soil and their infiltration rate. Sandy loam soil has a higher infiltration groundwater zone (Prasad et al., 2008). The drainage density of the
rate hence it has given the highest rank while clay loam soil has a least study area varied from 0 to 2.5 km/km2. Further, it has been divided
infiltration rate assigned to low priority (Fig. 8). The final weights of into five classes viz. very low, low, moderate, high and very high
the soil classes are shown in Table 5. (Fig. 10).
P. Murmu, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100239
4.1.8. Land use/land cover (LULC) recharge in many ways including biological decomposition of the roots
LULC is an important factor of groundwater recharge (Shaban et al., that provides a pathway for water to percolate into the surface by
2006; Kaliraj et al., 2014; Ghosh et al., 2016). Accurate and reliable loosening up the rock and soil. They also concluded that the vegetation
information about the present and future LULC will help in manage- prevents direct evaporation of water from the soil and the roots of a
ment of resoruces (Singh et al., 2014; Singh et al., 2015; Singh et al., plant prevent water loss by absorbing water. LULC of the study area is
2018b). It includes the type of soil deposits, the distribution of re- agriculture, forest, water bodies, built up area, sandy area, scrubland,
sidential areas, and vegetation cover (Yeh et al., 2009). Shaban et al. and rocky area (Fig. 11). Water bodies were given the highest ranking
(2006) have concluded that vegetation cover benefits groundwater over other LULC features because of their continuous recharge to
P. Murmu, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100239
Fig. 13. Groundwater potential zone index map and well discharge point for its validation of the study area.
ground (Srivastava and Bhattacharya, 2006), followed by sandy areas 4.3. Validation of groundwater potential zones
and agricultural lands which are good for groundwater recharge
(Mallick et al., 2015). Rocky areas have poor groundwater potential The delineated groundwater potential map was finally verified
owing to high runoff and thus less recharge capacity. The overall ac- using the available measured discharges of 18 dug wells (Fig. 13) ob-
curacy and overall kappa statistics of the classified map is 93.33% and tained from the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), Ranchi. The
0.91, respectively. The distributions of LULC classes are shown in verification of the groundwater potential map with the well's discharge
Fig. 12. data reveals that two of the three ‘very high discharge’ wells
(48–81 m³/hr) exist in the ‘very good’ zone, whereas one ‘very high
4.2. Assessment of groundwater potential zones discharge’ wells exist in the ‘good’ zones. ‘High discharge’ (33-48 m³/
hr) wells are falls in good zones i.e. two of four and other two falls in
After computing the final normal weights of all the thematic layers moderate zones. The majority of the ‘medium discharge’ (21-33 m³/hr)
and their individual features, all the thematic layers were converted and ‘low discharge’ (1-21 m³/hr) wells (i.e., 3 of 4 ‘medium discharge’
into raster format and added with one another using raster calculator in and three of seven ‘low discharge’ wells) fall in the ‘moderate’ zone. The
ArcGIS software in order to delineate groundwater potential zone. The two ‘low discharge’ (1-21 m³/hr) wells exist in the ‘poor’ zone. Thus, the
total score obtained for the groundwater potential zone (Fig. 13) was mean discharge of the wells falling in the ‘very good’, ‘good’, ‘moderate’
classified into four zones; very good (37-27), good (27-23), moderate and ‘poor’ zones are 73.75, 34.2, 28.8 and 1.2 m³/h, respectively.
(23-19) and poor (19-8). The groundwater potential map was further Further, a linear relationship was found between the well's dis-
processed by applying the majority filter in ArcGIS, to avoid/minimize charge data and the total score obtained from the groundwater poten-
pixel speckling. The result showed that area along the Mayurakshi River tial map for the respective wells. Hence, the map produced by the AHP
has very good groundwater potential zones which cover about 11% method exhibited satisfactory result in predicting the groundwater
(405 km2) of the total study area. It includes area namely Rajmahal, potential in the Dumka districts, Jharkhand state, India. The results
Pipra, Lathipahar, Phitkoria, Jhajhapur etc. The good zone covers 38% obtained in this study showed that the applied methods can be used to
(1,389.61 km2) of the area, found in the pediment-pediplain complex identify groundwater potential zone. Also, the method can be used for
zone; moderate zone covers about 44% (1,602.07 km2) of the area. The cost-effective selection of suitable well sites, efficient planning of scarce
poor zone covers about 7% (261 km2) of the area which includes Ra- groundwater exploitation and to ensure sustainable groundwater re-
neshwar, Asanbani, Chichro, Sarni and some part of Musna. source development.
P. Murmu, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100239
Table 5
Normalized and final weights of different features of eight thematic layers for groundwater potentiality.
S. No. Theme Normalized Class Final
Weight (%) Weight
5. Conclusion constitute 7% of the total area. The results obtained from this model
were validated with well yield/discharge data and found a very good
The increasing demand of fresh water is major concerns, hence correlation with a high coefficient of determination, i.e., R2=0.76,
delineation of new groundwater potential zones using cost effective indicates the successful application of remote sensing, GIS and AHP
manner is required to meet the demands of fresh water. Many re- techniques. The current study revealed that the groundwater condition
searchers have been conducting various methods to evaluate and pre- in the areas including Raneshwar, Asanbani, Chichro, Sarni and some
dict groundwater distribution for land use planning and water resource part of Musna is poor hence, these areas should be concentrated for
management. Groundwater is an important source of water supply in groundwater management and developing activities. Also, in the area,
Dumka district which comes from dug wells and bore wells. Most of the the number of water harvesting structure should be established to
agricultural lands are dependent on irrigation from groundwater. Due preserve surplus runoff. The present model used in the study has some
to geographical structure, the area lacks inadequate water resource as uncertainty since some part of the very good potential zones lie on
most of the surface and groundwater goes outside the district and also granulite rocks which comprise of hard and compact structure.
due to overexploitation of groundwater in the region. During the peak Moreover, it may be due to the presence of high structures such as faults
summer, wells and tube wells go dry due to shallow aquifer. Integrated and fractures.
approach of geospatial techniques and AHP method has been used in The overall results demonstrated that the geospatial technologies
delineation of groundwater potential zone in Dumka district, such as remote sensing, and GIS, and the AHP technique potentially
Jharkhand, India. The final groundwater prospect map was classified provide an excellent platform for studying the groundwater resource
into four zones as very good, good, moderate and poor zone. The result potential zones in hard rock terrains such as Dumka district of
showed that 11% of the total study area falls under very good Jharkhand state and useful to make suitable groundwater exploration
groundwater prospect zone, 38% of the area under good zone and plans for different purposes. The integrated map could be useful for
moderate zone covers 44% of the total area. Areas with poor prospects various developmental activities likes, sustainable developments of
P. Murmu, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100239
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